
No.155 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" November issue

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 10月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of October 30

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan
重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan
死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan



I received an e-mail from APTEC of the UNWTO saying that the Japan Tourism Agency is recruitment "solutions that will contribute to the realization of new tourism exchanges and MICE" towards with corona era. I wrote the following personal opinion about the latter.

"Haifu" Watakanoshima Mie pref.


"The coronavirus pandemic has made it difficult to hold a MICE where all participants meet, and online and hybrid communication has begun to spread.
Meetings by such alternative means are recognized as a merit, especially low cost, and it is said that they will be widely used in the after-corona, such as the opening and closing ceremonies of the Mie National Athletic Meet scheduled on held next fall.
However, I don't think this is in the category of tourism anymore. This is because the economic spillover effect on the venue and the transportation to reach it is incomparably greater than that of online holding. If the Japan Tourism Agency considers MICE to be one of tourism, I think we should discuss how to safely carry members and manage meetings.
For example, by renting almost all of the hotel, you can connect multiple small meeting rooms and rooms online instead of the large conference hall, or use room service or catering from outside the hotel for lunch and break time. Considering the ripple effect on the economy, I think it is not impossible. alternatively, if the climate permits, outdoor holdings in gardens, parks, stadiums, etc. will not deviate from MICE's philosophy.
In addition, with regard to air transport, the risk of infection in airports where an unspecified number of people come and go is higher than that of aircraft with excellent ventilation systems, so refrain from using boarding tubes by boards. and getting on and off by boarding ramp vehicles, and, it is clear that chained infections can be prevented with a high probability if the gates are widely opened and dispersed, and if only taxis are used for city movement.
The only solution required for New Normal is a secretary that can smoothly advise each participant on the process, or an application that has that function.

"Fukujuso" Watakanoshima Mie pref.

(※)観光庁は「Go To トラベル」の方針を変更し、ビジネスや教習などの「サイトシーイング」以外の旅行の取り扱いを止めた。が、これらは世界的には「ツーリズム(観光)」の一つとして認識されており、日本をはじめとする国際観光統計にも反映されている(この「観光」の概念については No.116の【観光とは?】に詳しく書いたし、新聞紙上でも公開したのでここでは割愛する)。実際のところ、観光庁肝いりの"MICE"はビジネス・ツーリズムの最たるもので、企業等の会議(Meeting)、企業等の行う報奨・研修旅行(Incentive Travel)、国際機関・団体、学会等が行う国際会議(Convention)、展示会・見本市、イベント(Exhibition/Event)の事である。

The Japan Tourism Agency has changed the policy of "Go To Travel" to prohibit the handling of travel other than "sightseeing" such as Business or Lessons. But, these are recognized as one of the "tourism" in the world and are reflected in international tourism statistics including Japan too. (about this concept of "Kanko", I wrote to No.116 [What is tourism?], and also it was published in the newspaper, I will omit it here.) As a matter of fact, "MICE" promoted by the Japan Tourism Agency is the best of business tourism. what MICE is an acronym for Meeting, Incentive Travel, Convention, Exhibition/Event.

【11月1日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 1


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 102,780 people, and the number of deaths is 1,789. the mortality rate dropped to 1.74%. It‘s because the number of PCR tests has increased and also the denominator has increased?

【日本のPCR検査件数 11月1日現在】Number of PCR tested in Japan, As of November 1


But, it doesn't look like the number of PCR tests has skyrocketed.

【日本の縮図】A microcosm of Japan

 「Go To トラベル」のおかげで三重県渡鹿野島の旅館も、休日は近隣都市からの家族連れ、平日は全国各地からのツアー客など、大いに活況である。
 だが、どちらかといえば観光業界よりも旅行業界の救済に焦点をあてた「Go To トラベル」は、コロナ禍における一過性の政策である。この賑わいのサスティナビリティには疑問符がつく。現在ストップしている一般向けの海外旅行が再開されれば、国内市場は再び海外市場との競争に晒されることは間違いなく、また、国内観光を支える市場は高齢化の一途であり、旅行に出られる若い市場は少子化も相まって減少の一途だからである。椅子取りゲームの加速は否めないのだ。この人口100人ちょっとの小さな島に、近い将来の日本の縮図をみる思いである。

The ryokans in Watakanoshima, Mie Prefecture are also attracting a lot of people, by "Go To Travel", it by such as on holidays families from neighboring cities and on weekdays tour groups from all over the Japan.
This small heart-shaped island, which retains the remnants of the Showa period, has been hotels withdrawn one after another at the end of the bubble era, and at night the island's shadow melts into the jet-black darkness. Rather for that, the illumination lights of the heart symbol on the wharf shine brightly on the bayside where shuttle ships come and go, welcoming visitors brightly. Now, this island is about to revive with the support by the families and tourist groups.
However, If anything "Go To Travel," which focuses more on the bailout of the travel industry than on the tourism industry, is a transient policy in the coronavirus pandemic. there are doubts about the sustainability of this popularity. It is clear that the domestic market will be exposed to competition from overseas markets again if the currently stopped overseas travel to the general public is resumed. Also, because is the market that supports domestic tourism is aging, and the young market for travel is declining due to the declining birth rate too. the acceleration of the musical chairs game is undeniable. this small island with a population of a little over 100 people seems to me to be the epitome of Japan of the near future.

【2020年9月の国際収支】September's Balance of payments 2020


On November 10, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the September‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 1.6602 trillion JPY.
Trade balance is surplus of 918.4 billion JPY. also travel balance was a surplus of 21.7 billion JPY. Inbound in September is 13,700 people and the credit is 45.2 billion JPY. Outbound in September is 31,600 people and the debit is 24.2 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 3,299,270 JPY, and outbound 74,6835 JPY. Inbound‘s receipts (income) are still unusually high. this is a big mystery.
Air passenger is surplus of 1.2 billion JPY, because outbound exceeding inbound. sea passenger remain in the deficit of 200 million JPY.
Also, other services is deficit of 201.6 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 237.4 billion JPY.

【11月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 10

 47都道府県で確認された感染者数は11万1328人で、死者数が1864人。3,325人が死亡した2018年のインフルエンザによる死亡の56%である(No.147参照)。官房長官は、11月9日までの「Go To トラベル」利用者131人に、新型コロナウイルス感染が確認されたと述べた。が、減り続ける死亡率は1.67%となった。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 111,328 people, and the number of deaths is 1,864. this is 56% of the 2018 influenza deaths which dead 3,325 people. (See No.147) The Chief Cabinet Secretary said that among those who used "Go To Travel", 131 people were confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus by November 9. But, the ever-declining mortality rate became 1.67%.

【利害対立】A conflicting interests

 11月13日のNHKニュースによると、国土交通副大臣は衆議院厚生労働委員会で、「Go Toトラベル」利用者の新型コロナウイルスへの感染が、12日までに138人確認されたことを明らかにした。利用された宿泊施設は31の都道府県で84施設、北海道が12施設、東京が9施設、大阪が7施設だということだ。また、宿泊施設従業員の感染確認は、全国74の施設で133人、東京で21施設、沖縄で8施設、北海道と福岡でそれぞれ6施設になったとのことである。
 しかし、「Go to トラベル」キャンペーンを中止するつもりは国交省にはない。三度目の感染拡大は都道府県の責任であり、感染は自己責任とのスタンスだ。東京五輪の巨額な前受金を海外へと払い戻さなければならないからだろうか?

The scary thing about Corona is that it threatens its social status rather than its virus.
According to NHK News on November 13, the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism revealed at the House of Representatives Welfare and Labor Committee that 138 people were confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus by "Go To Travel" users by the 12th. The accommodations used were 84 in 31 prefectures, 12 in Hokkaido, 9 in Tokyo, and 7 in Osaka. In addition, the number of confirmed infections among accommodation facility employees was 133 at 74 facilities nationwide, 21 at Tokyo, 8 at Okinawa, and 6 at Hokkaido and Fukuoka. However, the MLIT has no intention of canceling the "Go to Travel" campaign. it stance is the spread of the third infection is the responsibility of the prefectures, and the infection is a self-responsibility. Is it because you have to refund the huge prepayment of the Tokyo Olympics to a foreign country?
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Japan Medical Association said, "You can think of it as the third wave." in addition, the chairman of the government subcommittee too, he has pointed out that the campaign should be stopped if it is judged to be in "Stage 3", which indicates the situation where the number of infected people is increasing rapidly. it is naturally. Their job is to stop the deterioration of hospital management. So, they do not mention the low case fatality rate of coronavirus and that immune carriers due to infection do not need a vaccine. media too, which only reports an increase in the number of infected people, does not mention this paradoxical fact.

【太平洋島嶼サミット】Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting

 日本とPICs(太平洋島嶼国)は、太平洋を共有する重要かつ長年のパートナーであり、共通課題に取り組んでいる。このPICsとのパートナーシップをさらに強化するために、日本は1997年から3年ごとに太平洋諸島首脳会議(Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting: PALM)と呼ばれるサミットレベルの会議を日本で主催している。
 首脳陣は、国土が狭く分散している、国際市場から遠い、自然災害や気候変動等の環境変化に脆弱、などの困難について率直な議論を交わすとされ、第9回目は三重県志摩市で来年開催の予定である。が、コロナ禍の現段階において、具体的な日取りや会場については未定である (私は前述の志摩市にあるハート型アイランド渡鹿野島が最適だと思う)。

Japan and Pacific island countries (PICs) are important, longstanding partners, sharing the Pacific Ocean and addressing common challenges. In order to further enhance this partnership with the PICs, Japan has been hosting Summit-level meeting named Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) every three years since 1997 in Japan.
Leaders from seventeen countries including Japan take part in PALM, Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. the first host prefecture is Tokyo, the second is Miyazaki prefecture, the third and fourth are Okinawa prefecture, the fifth is Hokkaido, the sixth is Okinawa prefecture, and the seventh and eighth are Fukushima prefecture.
Leaders openly discuss various issues such as the challenges regarding their small size and land distribution over a wide area, distance from major international markets, and the vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change. The 9th meeting is scheduled to be held next year in Shima City, Mie Prefecture. But, at now stage of the Corona pandemic, the specific dates and venues have not yet been decided. (I think the above-mentioned the heart-shaped island Watakano-shima in Shima City is the best)
After the PALM Ministerial Interim Meeting held online on October 20, at the first meeting of experts held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 2, the basic policy for PALM9 and Climate change, Environment, Disaster prevention were discussed. the members are Professor of the Osaka Gakuin University and the chairman of the Pacific Association, Professor of the Kinki University, Professor of the Kanagawa University, Senior Researcher of the National Institute for Defense Studies, and a Full-time Counselor of the Global Environment Department of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. the content is private. In addition, at the second meeting held on November 16, cooperation in the field of Marine and Fisheries was discussed. the members are Professor of the Osaka Gakuin University and the chairman of the Pacific Association, Professor of the Kinki University, Professor of the Kanagawa University, Senior Researcher of the National Institute for Defense Studies, and Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. this is also privated, but territorial disputes, maritime interests, and security issues may be here. Just, the next day, the Prime Minister of Australia came to Japan on the 17th, and the "Japan-Australia Defense Pact" was signed, and China has been blaming it. In the future, the 3rd meeting will be Trade investment, Tourism, Infrastructure, and Public-private partnership, and In the 4th meeting, Social development (health, education, human resource development, human exchange) will be discussed. the main themes of PALM9 are the above four.

【11月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 20

 それなのに、感染者の急増を受けた日本政府は、11月21日には「Go To」を再検討し、24日には札幌市と大阪市への旅行の一時除外を決め、27日には両市民の出発も除外された。とはいえ、感染者数が最も多いにもかかわらず、東京都は除外されてはいない。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 128,418 people, and the number of deaths is 1,973. The ever-declining mortality rate became 1.54%. the percentage is lower than the flu two years ago.
Nevertheless, Due to the rapid increase in the number of infected people, the Japanese government decided to reconsider "Go To" on November 21, and decided to temporarily exclude travelling to Sapporo City and Osaka City on the 24th. furthermore on the 27th, the departures of both citizens were also excluded. however, Tokyo is not excluded, despite the highest number of infected people.

【非常に少ない死亡者数】Very low death toll

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

【11月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 30

 確かに、伝えない事はファクトチェックとは矛盾しない。しかし、これでは大本営発表と同じで本質を見誤った世論が形成されるとともに、メディアリテラシーの問題にもなる。事実「Go To」の賛否は拮抗しているが、ほとんどの観光地にクラスター感染がないのも事実である。全方位的に唯一の整合性を求めるのならば、感染症法に基づく分類をⅡ類以上からⅤへと下げる以外に方法はない。いみじくもこの事は、安倍元首相も辞任会見の冒頭で言及していた。WHOの意に反し、東京五輪を断念することになるとしてもである。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 149,703 people, and the number of deaths is 2,169. The ever-declining mortality rate became 1.45%. Avoiding a healthcare management crisis or re-restricting regional economic activity? The Japanese government, which has been in conflict between factions over "Go To," seems to be using the media to urge the public to refrain from acting. Only the increase in the number of infected and seriously injured is reported daily, and the overwhelmingly low number of deaths is not mentioned. this is only fuels fear and suspicion.
Certainly, because not telling it doesn't conflict with fact checking. however, this is the same as the announcement of the DAIHONEI (large headquarters), and public opinion that misunderstands the essence will be formed, and also this is a media literacy issue.
In fact, "Go To" for-and-against sides are roughly even. But, it is also true that cluster infections are not found in most tourist destinations. If you want the only consistency in all directions, I think there is no choice but to lower the classification based on the Infectious Diseases Control Law from category II or higher to V. Former Prime Minister Abe also mentioned this at the beginning of the resignation press conference. even if the Tokyo Olympics will be cancelled, as contrary to WHO's will.
That WHO, showed a strange change of view. according to the NHK news on November 28 the person in charge of crisis response at WHO said that the source of the novel coronavirus is still considered to be in China as WHO, and revealed that an international research team will investigate in Wuhan, Hubei Province. WHO has been reluctant to make stimulating statements to China until now, and also the first research team in July was unable to enter Wuhan. this is I recorded in No.152, but is it still possible to say that there is a smoking gun?

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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付録 Appendix


No.154 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" October issue

コロナ安心情報 Relieved informations of the coronavirus
【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 9月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of September 30

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan
重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan
死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan
【日本のPCR検査人数 9月30日現在】Number of people PCR tested in Japan, As of September 30
【観光庁の概算要求】Japan Tourism Agency‘s budget request


According to NHK News on September 30, the budget request for the general account of the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare in FY 2021 is 32,989.5 billion JPY. urgent request costs for dealing with the novel coronavirus infection are not included. The Ministry of Education Culture Sports, Science and Technology is 5,911.8 billion JPY, and the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry is 1,433.5 billion JPY. The Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism announced on September 25 is 5,961.7 billion JPY.
And, Japan Tourism Agency is 16,757 million JPY, which is 0.2% lower than the budget of 17,034 million JPY in FY 2020. It's really small. As an important, 30 million JPY to promote international exchange of youth through educational trips, 268 million JPY to promote the attraction of MICE, 65 million JPY to expand and strengthen the interpreter guide system, 5,620 million JPY for an emergency measure project to improve the environment for accepting foreign tourists to Japan, and, 23 million JPY for the universal tourism promotion project. As a demand for tourism regeneration and new matters, promotion of "new travel styles" such as work and leisure. Transformation of tourism services and creation of tourism demand by promoting digital transformation (DX). Also, it is said that support for new tourism business development in the area centered on accommodation facilities will be considered during the budgeting process, by taking into account future infections and trends in tourism demand. But, the Japan Tourism Agency's DX only provides opportunities for information gathering and consumption of tourist destinations through tours in online space. The content of the budget request will be scrutinized in a future cabinet meeting.
However, it‘s already common knowledge in the world that tourism is one of the "trade of services" instead of "trade of goods". Of the total balance of payments from January to December last year, the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry's "goods trade balance" was 553.6 billion JPY, while the "travel balance" was 2,635 billion JPY. JTA are the tourism policies scattered around each ministry should be consolidated into the "Ministry of Tourism", with an emphasis on international customer attraction promotion, and devotion to foreign currency acquisition. Also, tourism is a person-to-person element, so I think DX should be left to the newly established "Digital Agency".

【欧州感染第2波】Second wave of infection in Europe


According to Reuters on October 1st and 2nd, the second wave of coronavirus infection is spreading in Europe.
In Madrid lockdown will be reintroduced from the night of the 2nd, the capital of Spain, where about 4.8 million people live. The measure is not as strict as the March lockdown, which was banned from going out, but unnecessary and unurgent traffic outside the Madrid metropolitan area is prohibited. Restaurant and bar operations are restricted by 11:00 pm, and the capacity of restaurants, gyms and shops is required to be limited to 50%.
In France, the number of infected people in the Paris metropolitan area has exceeded 250 out of 100,000 in the last 24 hours. It is expected that the corona alert level in the metropolitan area will be raised to the highest level from the 5th of the beginning of the week at the earliest. restaurants and bars are likely to be closed.
In Russia, the number of newly infected people in Moscow has reached about 2000 per day, and the mayor of Moscow has requested employers to work at least 30% of their employees from home from the 5th. He also instructed employees over the age of 65 and those with chronic illnesses to work from home.
In Sweden, the number of newly infected people was 752, the highest level since June 30th. Health officials say the increase in the number of infected people is mostly due to young people and workplace infections, mostly in the capital Stockholm. Sweden does not carry out lockdowns and is reluctant to wear masks, but seems it is not as rapid as in other European countries with serious infections such as Spain and France.
In addition, although not in Europe, it is increasing again in England in the United Kingdom. The release of 007's new film "No Time To Die" too which was scheduled for November, was postponed again to April next year.

【10月2日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 2

 47都道府県で確認された感染者数は8万5372人で、死者数が1597人。死亡率は1.87%である。東京での感染増加が目立つが、東京も昨日から"Go To トラベル"に参加している。首相は都知事に列島拡散の責任を負わせるつもりだろうか?

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 85,372 people. the number of deaths is 1,597 the mortality is 1.87%. Tokyo has been participating too "Go To Travel" since yesterday, although the increase in infection in Tokyo is noticeable. Will the Prime Minister hold to the Governor of Tokyo responsible for domestic proliferation?


 この "ジャーニー" と名付けられた外国人観光客の入国・滞在・出国プロセスは、各段階で具体的な対策を検討し、来年1月には対応策がまとめられ、4月には試行的に外国人観光客の受け入れを再開するものだ。

Due to the global pandemic of the new Corona, the Japanese government is currently denying entry to 159 countries and regions, but according to the newsletter on October 4, the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics have been postponed to next summer, but along with this, a "heat-generating center" dedicated to measures against the new coronavirus was set up, and full-scale examinations were started toward the lifting of the immigration ban for foreign tourists, focusing on thorough health management using smartphone apps.
This named "Journey" Japanese goverment measures will be considered at each stage of the entry, stay, and departure processes of foreign tourists, is countermeasures will be summarized in January next year, and to resume accepting foreign tourists on a trial basis in April.
Specifically, foreign tourists who wish to visit Japan are required to download a health management application when obtaining a visa at the Japanese consulates in each country, and obtain a negative certificate in the pre-departure test. It is obligatory to take out private medical insurance in preparation for the new corona infection after entering Japan, and if a negative test is confirmed at the time of entry, it is allowed to watch the Olympics in Japan. After entering Japan, you will be asked to report your health status for 14 days through the app, and it is a policy to exempt waiting at hotels. For the health management of foreign tourists, it is promising that the government establishes a "fever health consultation support center (tentative name)". This system will remain after the Olympics and aims to help recover tourism demand from overseas.
Currently, the ban on some business traffic is being lifted in Japan, but the resumption of acceptance of foreign tourists will be a major shift in Japan coronavirus border measures. the domestic tourism market is currently at its maximum, But there is no reason for it to increase any further. because, it overseas travel has stopped by pandemics. in after corona for the tourism industry, there is no other way but to attract customers from overseas.

【10月7日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 7


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 87,725 people, and the number of deaths is 1624. the mortality rate is 1.85%, which is further decreasing.

【2020年8月の国際収支】August's Balance of payments 2020


On October 8, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the August‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 2.1028 trillion JPY.
Trade balance is surplus of 413.2 billion JPY. also travel balance was a surplus of 20.6 billion JPY. Inbound in August is 8,700 people and the credit is 44.8 billion JPY. Outbound in August is 37,100 people and the debit is 24.2 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 5,149,425 JPY, and outbound 652,291 JPY. Inbound‘s receipts (income) are still unusually high, despite the country being closed.
Air passenger is surplus of 600 million JPY, because outbound exceeding inbound. regardless of Corona, sea passenger remain in the deficit of 200 million JPY.
Also, other services is deficit of 272.3 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 316.6 billion JPY.

【Go To トラベルの割り当て枠】The allocation quota of the Go To Travel

 10月1日からのGo To トラベル東京発着追加に伴い、新たに10月8日から外資系OTAの Expedia が取り扱いを開始した。一方、楽天トラベル、じゃらん、一休.com などの国内OTAは予約制限に入った。国からの割当枠の予算が残り僅かとなったからである。
 まず、楽天トラベルでは、期間中であれば一人何度でも利用できるのが、10月9日以降からは1会員あたりの利用上限枚数(35%OFFクーポン)が1枚(国内宿泊:1予約1部屋、国内ツアー:1予約)までに制限され、当面の間はGo Toトラベルの予約が1回しかできなくなった。また、じゃらんでは、10月10日の午前2時以降からは予約割引額の上限を一人1泊あたり最大3500円(税込)に変更された。一人1泊あたり1万円以下は35%だが、それ以上の場合は割引率が下がる。そして、一休.comでは、10月10日の午前2時30分以降から、Yahoo!トラベルも10月10日の午前0時以降から、予約割引額の上限を一人1泊あたり最大3500円割引に変更。一人1泊あたり1万円以下は35%になるが、それ以上の場合は割引率が下がる。
 Go Toトラベルの事務局「ツーリズム産業共同提案体」は、日本旅行業協会(JATA)を中心に、JTBやKNT-CTホールディングス、日本旅行、東武トップツアーズなどが名を連ねているが、個人旅行が圧倒的多数を占める為に、リアル旅行会社よりもOTA利用者の方が顕著に増えた。一方、JTBなどの大手の旅行会社では、配分された給付額の予算は売れずに余っており、問題なく今後も35%割引+15%の地域共通クーポンが利用できる見込みだという。コロナ禍だから当然である。
 Go Toトラベルの利用実績は、7月22日から9月15日までの約2ヶ月で少なくとも約1689万人泊の利用者があり、割引支援額は約735億円になる。事務所経費などを差し引いた国民への割引支援額は、月間想定の5分の1程度しか利用されていない。要するに、大手・中小問わずリアル旅行会社が売れていないので、予算配分とコロナ禍の現況との間にミスマッチが起きているのである。

With the addition of departures and arrivals to and from Tokyo to Go To Travel from October 1, Expedia, a foreign-affiliated OTA, has newly started handling from October 8. On the other hand, domestic OTAs such as Rakuten Travel, Jalan, and Ikyu.com have entered the reservation limit. This is because the budget of the allocation quota from the government has already become small.
First, Rakuten Travel allows you to use as many times as you like during the period, but from October 9th onwards, the maximum number of coupons per member (35% OFF coupon) is 1 (domestic accommodation: 1 reservation 1 Room. domestic tour: 1 reservation), and for the time being, Go To Travel can only be booked once. Also, Jaran, from 2:00 am on October 10th, the upper limit of the reservation discount amount has been changed to a maximum of 3500 JPY (tax included) per person per night. 35% is less than 10,000 JPY per person per night, but if it is more than that, the discount rate will decrease. And, Ikyu.com, the maximum reservation discount amount will be changed to a maximum of 3500 JPY per person per night from 2:30 am on October 10th. If it is 10,000 JPY or less per person per night, it will be 35%, but if it is more than that, the discount rate will decrease. The same applies to Yahoo! Travel from 0:00 am on October 10th.
The secretariat of Go To Travel, "Tourism Industry Joint Proposal", is centered on the Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA), and JTB, KNT-CT Holdings, Nihon Travel Agency, Tobu Toptours, etc. are listed, but since individual travel accounts for the overwhelming majority, the number of OTA users has increased significantly compared to real travel agencies. Major travel agencies such as JTB say they have a surplus budget for the assigned perks and are expected to continue to use the 35% discount + 15% regional coupons without any problems. It‘s natural because under the corona pandemic. By the way, GoTo Travel, which is operated by this "Tourism Industry Joint Proposal", has a budget of about 1,125 billion JPY for accommodation and regional common coupons. and the quotas assigned to each company are determined by submitting the results of the previous year and the future sales plan "The handling report of performance and sales plan" etc..
However, the calculation method of budget allocation is unclear, and the budget allocation amount for each reservation site, travel agency, and accommodation facility has not been announced.(OTA does not even disclose the annual transaction amount) Because it uses a huge amount of tax, it should be announced openly, but the MILT says, "I can't mention the specific (previous allocation amount) amount, but it will be newly allocated in the future." This is because the main focus of the institutional design was to support the real travel industry not in the tourism industry.
Go To Travel has been used by at least about 16.89 million people for about two months from July 22nd to September 15th, and the discount support amount is about 73.5 billion JPY. The amount of discount support for the people after deducting office expenses is only about one-fifth of the monthly estimate. In short, real travel agencies, large and small, aren't selling well, so there's a mismatch between budget allocation and the current state in the corona pandemic.
According to the NHK news on October 12, major real travel agencies has stepped up its efforts to provide online advance consultation as well as travel reservations with systems such as video calling. Aaccording to the news on October 13, The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism emphasized at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 13th, "We will strongly maintain the 35% discount." Based on the reservation results of private companies, he said, "I want to create a system for flexible additional allocation." He apologized for this matter, saying, "It caused confusion for the people."

Travel handling status of major Japanese travel agencies in FY 2019 Total annual (OTA has not reported to the Japan Tourism Agency, the annual transaction amount is unknown)

【10月12日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 12


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 90,473 people, and the number of deaths is 1647. the mortality rate is 1.82%, and further decreasing.

【三重国体】Mie National Athletic Meet


In Japan, the "National Athletic Meet" is held every year in 47 prefectures on a rotating basis.
According to the Jiji news on October 15, the Japan Sports Association has approved a proposal to significantly reduce the scale of the National Sports Festival to be held in Mie Prefecture next fall by introducing an online system at the opening and closing ceremonies. Mie Prefecture had already announced on 14th that it will change the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies of the "76th National Athletic Meet" and "21st National Sports Tournament for the Disabled" scheduled to be held in 2021 from Ise City‘s "Sports-no-mori Ise Athletics Stadium" to Tsu City‘s "Prefectural Cultural Center Large Hall". The reason is to assume that the Wuhan virus pandemic is not over and prevent its infection.
However, because of this the number of participants in the opening ceremony, which was supposed to be about 13,000, will be reduced to about 800, and the time will be shortened. and some of the 500 athletes and people involve in the ceremony will participate online at another venue. It is a minus for the tourism economy.
The stupid prefectural governor says that cost reductions such as temporary costs and security costs will lead to compact operation, and for now, it is said that each competition will not be uniformly unattended.
Incidentally, this year it was planned for Kagoshima prefecture, but it was postponed to 2023 due to the Wuhan virus pandemic. I think it a wise decision.

【10月17日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 17

 研究によると、世界中の50歳以上の人々の健康障害の主な原因は、虚血性心疾患、脳卒中、糖尿病である事が分かり、10〜49歳の若い人々は、路上での怪我、HIV / AIDS、腰痛、うつ病が優勢だった。また、慢性疾患の増加は、公衆衛生が予防可能な危険因子に取り組むことができなかったことと相まって、コロナウイルス・パンデミックなどの緊急事態に対し、集団が脆弱なままであることが分かった。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 93,479 people, and the number of deaths is 1681. the mortality rate is 1.79%. It‘s decreasing more and more.
The world is caught in a perfect storm of rising rates of chronic disease, persistent infectious diseases and public health failures that have fuelled deaths in the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a major global study of human health. the emergence and overlap of the coronavirus pandemic with a continued global rise in chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes - with added environmental risks such as air pollution - have exacerbated the coronavirus death toll, it said.
Reuters reported on October 16, this "Global Burden of Disease (GBD)" study is the most comprehensive of its kind. Published in The Lancet medical journal, it analysed 286 causes of death, 369 diseases and injuries and 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories to offer a view on the underlying health of the global population and the impact of COVID-19.
“COVID-19 is an acute-on-chronic health emergency,” said Horton the Lancet’s editor-in-chief. He described the coronavirus pandemic combined with high global rates of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases as a “syndemic”.
According to the study, found that leading causes of ill health in people aged 50 and older worldwide were ischaemic heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In younger people - aged 10 to 49 - road injuries, HIV/AIDS, lower back pain and depressive disorders were dominant. It also found that the rise in chronic diseases, combined with a failure of public health to tackle preventable risk factors, had left populations vulnerable to health emergencies such as the coronavirus pandemic.
Mr. Horton said chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, obesity and high cholesterol suffered by millions around the world had played a critical role in driving the more than 1 million deaths caused by COVID-19 to date.
Paradoxically, this fact is also evidence that many healthy people do not have to be overly afraid of the coronavirus. It may be possible to obtain herd immunity by focusing on protecting risk groups.

【10月22日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 22


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 95,957 people, and the number of deaths is 1711. the mortality rate is 1.78%, steadily declining.
By the way, Former Prime Minister Abe said at the beginning of his resignation greeting at the end of August that the case fatality rate for people in their 40s and younger would be less than 0.1% due to advances in symptom-based treatments such as remdesivir. and he said that more than half of those who died are in their 80s or older.
In addition, the novel coronavirus infection was treated as more than "Category Ⅱ infectious diseases" such as tuberculosis, SARS, and MERS under the Infectious Diseases Control Law, but he said would like to review the operation, including the revision of the Cabinet Order. and he also said that medical institutions and university hospitals that accept corona patients have suffered a significant decrease in sales, and that they are struggling with management. it without a prompter device.
Aside from that, on the night of this day (23rd morning Japan time), a second television debate was held by Republican President Donald Trump (74) and Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden (77). It was also of great interest in Japan and was broadcast by NHK.
Of note was President Trump's health. After all, because he had hospitalized for novel coronavirus earlier this month. but doesn't look like that.
Indeed, the increase in the number of infected people in the United States is a major concern, according to the impression manipulation, which emphasizes only the number of infected people. However, the mortality rate for the total number of infected people is only 2.6%, which is about half of China's 5.4%.
What is the latest situation in Europe?
According to the BBC news on October 24, Friday France recorded more than 40,000 new cases and 298 deaths. Other nations including Russia, Poland, Italy and Switzerland also saw new highs.
Daily infections in Europe have more than doubled in the past 10 days, and says the continent has now seen a total of 7.8m cases and about 247,000 deaths.
So I calculated the number of deaths relative to the total number of infected people. Because no media reports. The numbers are for the 23th of Japan time, and it is number of deaths / total number of infected = mortality rate (The last two digits of the decimal point are rounded off).

 フランス France 34,048 / 957,421 = 3.56%
 スペイン Spain 34,521 / 1,026,281 = 3.36%
 イタリア Italy 36,968 / 4,65,726 = 7.93%
 スイス Switzerland 2,046 / 97,019 = 2.11%
 ポーランド Poland 4,019 / 214,686 = 1.87%
 チェコ Czech 1,845 / 223,065 = 0.83%
 ドイツ Germany 9,960 / 404,745 = 2.46%
 オランダ Netherlands 6,922 / 262,555 = 2.63%
 ポルトガル Portugal 2,245 / 109,541 = 2.0%
 ギリシャ Greece 549 / 28,216 = 1.95%
 スウェーデン Sweden 5,930 / 108,969 = 5.44%
 ロシア Russia 25,072 / 1,453,923 = 1.72%
 英国 UK 44,347 / 810,467 = 5.47%
 米国 US 222,178 / 8,344,791 = 2.66%
 加国 Canada 9,916 / 211,617 = 4.69%
 豪州 Australia 905 / 27,484 = 3.29%
 中国 China 4,739 / 91,073 = 5.2%


Spain's Prime Minister Sanchez announced on the 25th that he will declare a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the seriousness of the re-expansion of the novel coronavirus infection.

【なぜWHOはパンデミックを偽ったのか】Why the WHO Faked a pandemic

 2009年のインフルエンザ・パンデミックは、私が翌年2月にセントレアでプロモーションイベントを開催しようと思い立った直接的な要因だったが、このたびシンガポールの友人がForbesの10年前のオピニオン記事を送ってくれた。タイトルは「なせWHOはパンデミックを偽ったのか」。著者の Michael Fumento は、非営利団体 Independent Journalism Project のディレクターであり、健康と科学の問題を専門としている。これは、私がNo.147に書いた【集団ヒステリーに陥らない事が大事】の裏付けになる。ここに全文転載する。

The 2009 influenza pandemic was a direct factor in my decision to host a promotional event in Centrair in February of the following year, but this time, a friend from Singapore sent me an opinion article Forbes of the 10 years ago. The title is "Why the WHO Faked a pandemic". Michael Fumento the author is the director of the non-profit Independent Journalism Project, specializing in health and science issues. I think this supports the [It is important not to fall into collective hysteria] that I wrote in No.147. I will reprint the full text here.

The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying "The sky is falling!" like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria. "The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible," the agency claims on its Web site. A WHO spokesman declined to specify who or what gave this "description," but the primary accuser is hard to ignore.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."

Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax. "We are witnessing a gigantic misallocation of resources [$18 billion so far] in terms of public health," he said.

They're right. This wasn't merely overcautiousness or simple misjudgment. The pandemic declaration and all the Klaxon-ringing since reflect sheer dishonesty motivated not by medical concerns but political ones.

Unquestionably, swine flu has proved to be vastly milder than ordinary seasonal flu. It kills at a third to a tenth the rate, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Data from other countries like France and Japan indicate it's far tamer than that.

Indeed, judging by what we've seen in New Zealand and Australia (where the epidemics have ended), and by what we're seeing elsewhere in the world, we'll have considerably fewer flu deaths this season than normal. That's because swine flu muscles aside seasonal flu, acting as a sort of inoculation against the far deadlier strain.

Did the WHO have any indicators of this mildness when it declared the pandemic in June?

Absolutely, as I wrote at the time. We were then fully 11 weeks into the outbreak and swine flu had only killed 144 people worldwide--the same number who die of seasonal flu worldwide every few hours. (An estimated 250,000 to 500,000 per year by the WHO's own numbers.) The mildest pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people.

But how could the organization declare a pandemic when its own official definition required "simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness." Severity--that is, the number of deaths--is crucial, because every year flu causes "a global spread of disease."

Easy. In May, in what it admitted was a direct response to the outbreak of swine flu the month before, WHO promulgated a new definition matched to swine flu that simply eliminated severity as a factor. You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths.

Under fire, the organization is boldly lying about the change, to which anybody with an Internet connection can attest. In a mid-January virtual conference WHO swine flu chief Keiji Fukuda stated: "Did WHO change its definition of a pandemic? The answer is no: WHO did not change its definition." Two weeks later at a PACE conference he insisted: "Having severe deaths has never been part of the WHO definition."

They did it; but why?

In part, it was CYA for the WHO. The agency was losing credibility over the refusal of avian flu H5N1 to go pandemic and kill as many as 150 million people worldwide, as its "flu czar" had predicted in 2005.

Around the world nations heeded the warnings and spent vast sums developing vaccines and making other preparations. So when swine flu conveniently trotted in, the WHO essentially crossed out "avian," inserted "swine," and WHO Director-General Margaret Chan arrogantly boasted, "The world can now reap the benefits of investments over the last five years in pandemic preparedness."

But there's more than bureaucratic self-interest at work here. Bizarrely enough, the WHO has also exploited its phony pandemic to push a hard left political agenda.

In a September speech WHO Director-General Chan said "ministers of health" should take advantage of the "devastating impact" swine flu will have on poorer nations to get out the message that "changes in the functioning of the global economy" are needed to "distribute wealth on the basis of" values "like community, solidarity, equity and social justice." She further declared it should be used as a weapon against "international policies and systems that govern financial markets, economies, commerce, trade and foreign affairs."

Chan's dream now lies in tatters. All the WHO has done, says PACE's Wodart, is to destroy "much of the credibility that they should have, which is invaluable to us if there's a future scare that might turn out to be a killer on a large scale."

世界保健機関は突然「この世の終わりだ!」と騒ぎ始めた。 チキンリトルの鳴き声のように、立ち往生した豚のように鳴いている。理由は、機関が新型インフルエンザ・ヒステリーを故意に扇動したとの非難だ。機関は「世界は真のパンデミックを経験している。偽物としての説明は間違っており、無責任だ」とウェブサイトで主張する。WHOのスポークスマンは、誰が、または何がこの「説明」をしたのかを特定することを拒んだが、この重い告発を無視するわけにはいかない。










機関は、インターネットに接続している人なら誰でも証明できる変更について大胆に嘘をついている。 1月中旬のバーチャル会議で、WHOの新型インフルエンザ責任者である福田圭司は次のように述べている。「WHOはパンデミックの定義を変更しましたか?答えはノーです。WHOは定義を変更しませんでした。」 2週間後の欧州評議会議員会議で、彼は次のように主張した。「重度の死亡はWHOの定義の一部ではありませんでした。」

彼らはそれをした; しかし、なぜ?




9月のスピーチで、WHOのチャン事務総長は、「保健大臣」は新型インフルエンザが貧しい国々に与える「壊滅的な影響」を利用して、「世界経済の機能変化」が必要であるというメッセージを引き出すべきだと述べた。「コミュニティ、連帯、公平、社会正義などの価値観に基づいて富を分配するのだ」と。 彼女はさらに、それが「金融市場、経済、商業、貿易および外交を統治する国際的な政策およびシステム」に対する武器として使用されるべきであると宣言していた。


【10月27日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 27


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 98,545 people, and the number of deaths is 1743. the ever-decreasing mortality rate became 1.77%. At this pace, I think it will be less than 1.5 at the end of the year.


Madrid Spain 27 OCT 2020 - Restrictions on travel introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to hit global tourism hard, with the latest data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) showing a 70% fall in international arrivals for the first eight months of 2020.

According to the newest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international arrivals plunged 81% in July and 79% in August, traditionally the two busiest months of the year and the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer season. The drop until August represents 700 million fewer arrivals compared to the same period in 2019 and translates into a loss of US$ 730 billion in export revenues from international tourism. This is more than eight times the loss experienced on the back of the 2009 global economic and financial crisis.

“This unprecedented decline is having dramatic social and economic consequences, and puts millions of jobs and businesses at risk,” warned UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “This underlines the urgent need to safely restart tourism, in a timely and coordinated manner”.

This unprecedented decline is having dramatic social and economic consequences, and puts millions of jobs and businesses at risk

Recovery short-lived

All world regions recorded large declines in arrivals in the first eight months of the year. Asia and the Pacific, the first region to suffer from the impact of COVID-19, saw a 79% decrease in arrivals, followed by Africa and the Middle East (both - 69%), Europe (-68%) and the Americas (-65%).

Following its gradual reopening of international borders, Europe recorded comparatively smaller declines in July and August (-72% and -69%, respectively). The recovery was short-lived however, as travel restrictions and advisories were reintroduced amid an increase in contagions. On the other side of the spectrum, Asia and the Pacific recorded the largest declines with -96% in both months, reflecting the closure of borders in China and other major destinations in the region.

Demand for travel remains largely subdued due to the ongoing uncertainty about the pandemic and low confidence. Based on the latest trends, UNWTO expects an overall drop close to 70% for the whole of 2020.

Rebound in international demand expected by Q3 2021

UNWTO’s Panel of Experts foresees a rebound in international tourism in 2021, mostly in the third quarter of 2021. However, around 20% of experts suggest the rebound could occur only in 2022. Travel restrictions are seen as the main barrier standing in the way of the recovery of international tourism, along with slow virus containment and low consumer confidence. The lack of coordinated response among countries to ensure harmonized protocols and coordinated restrictions, as well as the deteriorating economic environment were also identified by experts as important obstacles for recovery.

スペイン マドリード 2020年10月27日 COVID-19のパンデミックに対応して導入された旅行制限は、世界ツーリズムに大きな打撃を与え続けており、国連世界観光機関(UNWTO)の最新データは、2020年の最初の8ケ月間で海外旅行が70%減少したことを示している。





世界の全地域で、今年の最初の8ケ月間の到着数が大幅に減少した。COVID-19の影響を受けた最初の地域であるアジア太平洋地域では到着が79%減少し、次いでアフリカと中東(いずれも- 69%)、ヨーロッパ(-68%)、南北アメリカ(-65%)が続いた。





【フランス全土で再ロックダウン】Lockdown again across France

its true purpose is to stop demonstrations and terrorism?
son véritable but est d’arrêter les manifestations et le terrorisme?

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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