
No.164 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" August issue

伊勢 宮川公園 Ise Miyagawa Park 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 7月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of July 31

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【8月1日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of August 1

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

【将軍 1980】Shōgun 1980

 ジェームズ・クラベルの「将軍」は、三浦按針の実話をもとに書かれたベストセラー小説で、 3大ネットワークのNBC、パラマウントTV、東北新社が12時間のミニシリーズとして制作されたものである。出演はリチャード・チェンバレン、三船敏郎、島田陽子、フランキー堺ほか。音楽は巨匠モーリス・ジャールで、製作費は当時の邦価で約30億円。三重県紀北町にオープンセットが造られ撮影された。

James Clavell's "Shōgun" is the best-selling novel written based as on the true story of Anjin Miura. it was produced by the three major network's NBC and Paramount TV and Tohokushinsha as mini-series of the 12 hours. The Cast is Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, Yoko Shimada, Frankie Sakai, etc,. Music is Maurice Jarre of the maestro. Its production cost was about 3 billion JPY. an open set was built and filmed in Kihoku-cho Mie Prefecture.
"Shōgun" marks a high viewing rate of 32.6 % in the United States, won Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award. and, caused a big boom of Japan, the words of the "Shōgun" was recognized in the worldwide.


【内需の減少トレンド】A downward trend in domestic demand


The number of foreigners who moved to Japan decreased by about 55% from the previous year due to immigration restrictions due to the spread of the novel corona virus, but according to the announcement on August 4th by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, as of January 1st this year. The total domestic population of both Japanese and foreigners is 126,654,244.
The number of Japanese is 123,842,701, a decrease of 428,617 (0.34%) from the previous year, the decrease for the 12th consecutive year. The number of foreigners is 2,811,543, accounting for 2.22% of the total population. domestic demand is on a declining trend due to the declining population. This is why inbound is essential. the Special Measures Law, which is a time-limited legislation, will soon expire. Mie Prefecture should also declare it as an international tourism city because there is contents, before the Population Onus grows.

Japanese population and changes in the number of increases / decreases 

コロナ禍以前 Before the coronavirus pandemic 

【米下院外交委員会 マイケル・マッコール筆頭理事(テキサス州・共和党)「COVID-19の起源 武漢ウイルス研究所の調査」83ページ pdf 英語】
Michael McCall, Chief Director of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (Republican Party, Texas) "THE ORIGIN OF COVID-19 : AN INVESTIGATION OF THE WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY" page 83 pdf




最初の感染が起きる2ヶ月半前、研究所では危険廃棄物処理システムや空調システムの改修が行われていた。運営が開始されて2年も経っていなかった新しい施設であるにもかかわらずである。空調システムの修繕代は約606ミリオンドル(6億600万ドル 約668億円)。報告者は、これらのシステムが正常に機能していなかったために、新型コロナウイルスが流出したのではないかとみている。








BSL-2 という低い安全レベルの実験室で、機能獲得実験が行われていたことも隠蔽されていた。このレベルでは、自然由来のウイルスや遺伝子操作されたウイルスが実験室から容易に流出し、市中感染を引き起こす可能性がある。













2020年1月、研究所側は研究所と利害関係がある米研究機関エコアライアンス のダスザック氏に、研究所が新型コロナウイルスの発生源だという陰謀論を抑えるための声明文を出すよう依頼、2月にその声明文が医学誌ランセットに掲載された。


【2021年6月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for June 2021


On August 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for June. The current account balance is a surplus of 905.1 billion JPY.
The trade balance is a surplus of 648.2 billion JPY, and the travel balance is also a surplus of 41.7 billion JPY. According to the JTA, June‘s inbound was 9,300 (preliminary) and outbound was 30,700 (preliminary). credit 41.7 billion JPY and david 24.3 billion JPY. therefore, the unit price per person is 44. 8 million JPY for inbound, and 1.26 million JPY for outbound.
The air passengers is a surplus 600 million JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 200 million JPY. the other services have a deficit of 312.4 billion JPY, and the overall of the service balance is still a huge deficit of 346.4 million JPY.

【日本の国際収支の推移】Transition of Japan's balance of payments

単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY 

【8月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 10


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,055,602, the number of deaths was 15,328 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 919 people, February 17 to July 30), and the mortality rate further decreased to 1.45%. (The world average also dropped slightly to 2.2%).

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 

【B-29による焼夷弾攻撃】Incendiary attacks by B-29


It that clear that Ohuda, Higashi-Kishu, Matsusaka, Shima, and Kameyama, Nara were safe. it‘s the cultural property corridor.

三重県伊勢市 1945年8月 Ujiyamada City, Mie Prefecture August 1945 

【DMOの第3回登録更新】Third registration renewal of the DMO


In April 2020, the Japan Tourism Agency formulated guidelines on the DMO registration system, tightened registration requirements, and introduced a renewal registration system and a registration cancellation system with a period of three years. And, on August 11, for DMOs that have been registered for more than 3 years, the first of FY 2021 registration renewal and confirmation of registration requirements were carried out and announced.


Deregistrations in this time are three. the PDCA cycle does not rotate by relying on subsidies. the independent financial resources require a novel business plan.

【三重四区はセーフゾーン?】Mie 4th District is a safe zone?

【8月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 20



The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,258,327, the number of deaths was 15,591 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 919 people, February 17 to July 30), and the mortality rate further decreased to 1.24%, and the world average also plummeted to 1.5%. Looking only at the number of confirmed infections, including many asymptomatic infections, can lead to misleading.

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

"Formula 1 Honda Japanese Grand Prix" was canceled this year as well. 

"2021 National Sports Festival of Japan" in Mie also been cancelled. 

【コロナ世界大戦後の復興】三重ふるさと新聞版 Reconstruction after the Corona World War, the newspaper version

【日本の医療逼迫の本当の原因】The real cause of the tight medical in Japan

The number of sickbeds in proportion to the population is Japan is the most common 


In the fifth wave, the number of deaths is suppressed against the rapid increase in the number of infected people 


Infected and Mobility/Homestay are not linked


"The Japan Medical Federation" a political organization of the Medical Association, has donated nearly 500 million JPY to the ruling and opposition parties, mainly the Liberal Democratic Party, two years ago. In addition, it is sending two parliamentarians, who are fully supported by the organization to the LDP.

【8月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 30


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,473,654, the number of deaths was 16,017 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,093 people, February 17 to August 20), and the mortality rate further decreased to 1.09%.
Incidentally, the number of deaths after vaccination for 12 days from August 9th to 20th was 91 people, while the number of deaths due to infection was 283, which is about three times as large.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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