
No.133『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2019』2月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019"  February Issue


【造幣局の印刷機はバブル製造機】Mint's printers are bubble manufacturing machine


According to the Chunichi Shimbun on December 29, the purchase price of the ETF in 2018, which the Bank of Japan conducts as monetary easing policy, reached a record high of 6.554 trillion JPY. It has exceeded 6 trillion JPY, which had set as the limit amount of purchase price, due to recent global stock weakness. BOJ purchase ETF 71.1 billion JPY even on December 28, the final day of the transaction, and the Nikkei 225 average price was barely kept at 20,000 JPY. But, in over the past year, it was about 10% higher than the best 5.903 trillion JPY of the previous year. It is just, the unreached zone, a world of different dimensions.
The Bank of Japan purchases mainly TOPIX linked type through trust banks. The buying criteria are unpublished, but it is said that in the market, when the stock price falls by 0.5% in the morning, the Bank of Japan will buy in the afternoon.
This is no longer an investment behavior.Such central bank buying shares has not adopted any major countries. the BOJ's holding of ETF exceeds 23 trillion JPY, and the market price is about 4% of the Japanese market. Corporate value will not be appropriately reflected in the stock price as the number of companies that the Bank of Japan becomes a substantial major shareholder increases too. and, stock prices are safe even with poor performance. moreover, it automatically guide to the depreciation of the yen. President Trump will also know.
ETF is the BOJ's assets unless sold. When the stock price plummets, the Bank of Japan has a risk of excessive debt due to losses included. one member of the former BOJ committee points out that "If the stock price falls by more than 30% from the book value (acquisition price), the Bank of Japan's capital will be almost eliminated. it is like having a bomb at all times." the damage may spread throughout the world.
Japan is Promotion of most underdeveloped of the service trade should be an urgent task.

【日本の旅行業界の起死回生】Resuscitation of the travel industry in Japan

 そして、二階会長の(一社)全国旅行業協会ANTAや、田川JTB会長の(一社)日本旅行業協会JATAの前に、多国籍連合軍の黒船が立ちはだかる事となった。民泊推進のための業界団体(一社)住宅宿泊協会JAVR  "Japan Association of Vacation Rental" が発足するのだ。
 その構成は、Agoda Internationl Japan、Airbnb、Ctrip International Travel Japan、スペースマーケット、途家在線信息技術(北京)、百戦錬磨、Booking.com Japan、HomeAway、楽天 LIFULL STAYの9社となっており、正会員や賛助会員、オブザーバー会員を用意して会員増強もはかる方針だ。代表理事は百戦錬磨の代表取締役社長と、HomeAway の日本支社長である。
 ところで『住宅宿泊』の英訳は、日本の法律では "Private Lodgeing" だが、住宅宿泊協会では "Vacation Rental" だとしている。彼らはその理由として、海外で認知されているのは「バケーションレンタル(貸別荘)」であり、これを英語名に採用することによって海外市場に情報発信するという意味を込めているという。有り難いご託宣である。だが、お客さんは合法的な宿として、日本では日本式住宅宿泊事業法に則っとった "Private Lodgeing" のプレートを掲げた住宅に泊まるのだ。日本の法律に挑むつもりなのだろうか?

It was the same before also in Bon Festival, why will my cancellation of accommodation reservations increase since it also became one week before the New Year?
Private Lodging manager of the regions would had wondered, since legalization in June. Actually, in this is Japan's unique business customs are involved. In a nutshell, Large hotels or ryokans for group guests, a room temporarily reserved based on a contract with a major travel agency came back, so because have cheaply resale it.
No matter how much the travel agencies has stock, there is no risk unlike industrial products. However, the inventory for hotels and ryokans is a matter of life and death. If travel agencies do not sell, you can save 17% commission if you sell directly, and commission fee is around 10% if you offer to net agents. As a result, consumers will cancel the hotel or ryokan that was originally booked, and it will move to a stock plan of such big hotels and ryokans, and earn the right to soak in the hot spring that gave up.
Such a business practice of Japan is a remnant of the era when hotels and ryokans relied on travel agencies.
However, the declining domestic market due to the rapid declining birthrate and aging population made the Japanese travel agencies business model obsolete. There were 28 cases of bankruptcies of travel agencies in 2017, 64 cases of abandoned work and dissolution.
And, before the ANTA of the Nikai chairman and JATA of Tagawa JTB chairman, a multinational coalition's black ship came. "Japan Association of Vacation Rental", a trade association for the spread of the private lodging, will be launched.
According to Tourism Economic Newspaper on New Year's Day, this is a global company where 9 companies inside and outside the country related to the private lodging are gathered, and it is said that it aims to eradicate illegal private lodging and aim for healthy development of related. It is scheduled to be established as a general incorporated corporation in early 2019.
Its structure is composed of nine companies, Agoda Internationl Japan, Airbnb, Ctrip International Travel Japan, Space Market, Home Strength Confidence Technology (Beijing), Hyakusenrenma, Booking.com Japan, HomeAway, Rakuten LIFULL STAY. They are planning to increase membership by preparing regular members, supporting members, observer members. The representative director is Representative Director President of Hyakusenrenma and the head of Japan branch of HomeAway. neither person has little experience and is not a professional.
The activity content is four fields. The first field is public relations activities and educational activities aimed at spreading healthy residential accommodations and vacation rental projects towards general. The second field is education and training activities for hosts, administrators, guests, etc. The third field is activity directed towards intermediary operator. The fourth field is activities for political work such as government, local governments, Diet etc. In the first year, I will focus on the third field and the fourth field.
By the way, "accommodation in housing" in English is "Private Lodgeing" in law of Japan, but in JAVR "Vacation Rental" is adopted. They says that it reason why it is recognized overseas is "vacation rental", which means that it means to disseminate information to overseas markets by adopting it as the English name. Thank you. But, as a legitimate accommodation destination, users stay in a house with a plate of "Private Lodging" in accordance with Japan's private lodging law in Japan. Do they intend to challenge Japanese law?
However, in any case, through the establishment of JAVR, the Japan Travel Agency Association will specialize in its subcontracting industry. Otherwise, due to the declining birthrate and the aging of the population, the decline rate of the domestic market will deteriorate further, which makes it difficult to company management.
The countermeasure is to expand branches to major cities of each country with know-how of travel agencies in Japan, to globalize its unique business model, invite local people to Japan. For example, is it possible to develop local demand mainly at 96 branches and sales offices that JTB currently has in the world to satisfy Japanese travelers demands. So, can not send local customers to Japan?
By doing, it will be reflected not only in travel balance but also in primary income balance. That is, strengthening service trade. The air passenger balance in the deficit will be also improve. Otherwise, Japan's continuous surplus current account balances will end. On December 22, USTR said that the Japan-U.S. FTA is not exceptional in service areas such as telecommunications and finance, as well as clarifying that the BOJ's large-scale monetary easing policy is the target is there.

【インターナショナル安近短】The international inexpensive short distance and short term

 最近、首相が口にしなくなった経済指標GNI。GNIとは国民総所得 Gross National Income の略で、国内総生産に『海外からの所得の純受取』を加えたものである。日本から外国への資本や人材の投資収益は、国内総生産(GDP) には貢献しないが、外国への投資で高い収益を確保できれば国民総所得に対して貢献する。首相は2013年6月の骨太の方針で、一人当たりのGNIが2022年までに150万円上昇すると高らかに謳っていた。

Recently, the economic indicator the Japanese Prime Minister does no says longer is GNI. this is the sum of the gross domestic product plus "net income from overseas". the return on capital and human resources investment from Japan to foreign countries do not contribute in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but on this is contribute to gross national income if it can secure high profits through foreign investment. The Prime Minister said in comprehensive policy June 2013, that GNI per capita will rise by 1.5 million JPY in until 2022.
Per capita GNI is calculated per capita gross national income. The following is the World Bank's per capita GNI in 2017.
Incidentally, I downloaded the data directly from the World Bank. the version is PPP version of 1 July, 2018. the PPP is purchasing power parity, and it is calculated taking into consideration different prices (foreign exchange) for each country. The unit is International dollars, and parentheses are the population of the corresponding year.
By the way, JTA announced that the number of foreigners who visited Japan exceeded 30 million in December 18. But, the majority of them are travelers from countries with low GNI such as Korea and China. So to speak, it is the international inexpensive short distance and short term.
Japanese government aims to break through 40 million people in 2020. however, it is not enough to increase the number of people, and like Western countries, it needs to be aware of it as service trade. because if it is a trade, profitability is important.
The international inexpensive short distance and short term countries will come even if they do not do anything. Matsusaka city is improvement of high profile in high GNI countries is necessary.

1 カタール Qatar 128,060(263.9万人)
2 中国領マカオ Macao SAR, China 96,570(62.26万人)
3 シンガポール Singapore 90,570(561.2万人)
4 ブルネイ Brunei 83,760(42.87万人)
5 クウェート Kuwait 83,310(413.7万人)
6 アラブ首長国連邦 UAE 74,410(940万人)
7 ルクセンブルク Luxembourg 72,640(59.07万人)
8 スイス Switzerland 65,910(842万人)
9 中国領香港 Hong Kong SAR, China 64,100(739.2万人)
10 ノルウェー Norway 63,530(525.8万人)
11 アイルランド Ireland 62,440(478.4万人)
12 アメリカ USA 60,200(3.257億人)
13 サウジアラビア Saudi Arabia 54,770(3294万人)
14 アイスランド Iceland 53,640(33.83万人)
15 オーストリア Austria 52,660(877.3万人)
16 オランダ Netherlands 52,640(1708万人)
17 ドイツ Germany 51,760(8279万人)
18 デンマーク Denmark 51,560(577万人)
19 スウェーデン Sweden 50,840(999.5万人)
20 ベルギー Belgium 47,960(1135万人)
21 オーストラリア Australia 45,780(2460万人)
22 カナダ Canada 45,750(3671万人)
23 フィンランド Finland 45,730(550.3万人)
24 日本 Japan 45,470(1.268億人)
25 フランス France43,720(6712万人)
26 イギリス UK 43,160(6602万人)

31 韓国 Korea, Rep. 38,260(5147万人)

54 ロシア Russian Federation 24,893(1.445億人)

73 タイ Thailand 17,090(6904万人)

77 中国 China 16,760(13.86億人)

【サービス収支の中の"その他サービス"について】About "other services" in service balance of the Japan


Although I record the preliminary figures of Japan's international balance of payments monthly from the Treasury's press releases, the items of "service accounts" are largely divided into "travel", "transportation" and "others" only. the whole picture of "other" was not informed.However, according to the Bank of Japan's "Outline of accounting method by item", the service amount of all the service transactions which do not correspond to "transport" and "travel", that is, the transaction amount of the following items are estimated for "other services" in Japan It is said that it is posted from "Report on receipt of payment or payment". It seems that it is a classification only in Japan.
As you can see, It was also payable to Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, which is three times the market capitalization of TOYOTA. furthermore, the cost of the stationed forces and even the PKO expenses of the SDF are included here.

1.A.b.3.1  委託加工サービス Outsourced processing service

1.A.b.3.2  維持修理サービス Maintenance and repair service

1.A.b.3.3  建設 Constructions

1.A.b.3.4  保険・年金サービス Insurance and pension services
様々な形態の保険や年金を提供するサービスのほか、これに付随するサービスの取引。 保険サービスの対価は、大まかな仕組みとして、契約者が保険会社に支払う保険料から契約者が受け取る保険金を差し引いた、保険会社の取り分。

1.A.b.3.5  金融サービス Financial services
金融仲介およびこれに付随するサービスの取引。例えば、信用状開設、融資枠設定、保証、外国為替等の銀行業務に係る手数料や、証券取引、デリバティブ取引、資産管理に係る手数料。遅延損害金や期限前返済の手数料を含む。 また、以下のような預貸利子や金融商品の売買代金に含まれる利鞘の形で間接的に徴収される手数料についても、金融サービスとして計上。

①  間接的に計測される金融仲介サービス Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured FISIM
銀行等の金融機関は貸付業務や預金業務を通じて資金仲介サービスを提供するが、そのサービス料は、貸付金利や預金金利の利鞘の一部として間接的に徴収される場合が一般的。 わが国の国際収支統計では、預金取扱機関が行う非居住者向けの貸付、および非金融法人等による非居住者金融機関への預金について、FISIMを推計し計上。
②  ディーラー・マージン Dealer margin

1.A.b.3.6  知的財産権等使用料 Intellectual property rights etc. usage fee

1.A.b.3.6.1  産業財産権等使用料 Industrial property rights etc. Rental fee

1.A.b.3.6.2  著作権等使用料 Copyright fee usage fee

1.A.b.3.7  通信・コンピュータ・情報サービス Communications, computers, information service

1.A.b.3.7.1  通信サービス Communication service

1.A.b.3.7.2  コンピュータサービス Computer service

1.A.b.3.7.3  情報サービス Information service

1.A.b.3.8  その他業務サービス Other business services

1.A.b.3.8.1  研究開発サービス Research and development services

1.A.b.3.8.2  専門・経営コンサルティングサービス Specialized, management consulting service

1.A.b.3.8.3  技術・貿易関連・その他業務サービス Technology, trade related, other business services

1.A.b.3.9  個人・文化・娯楽サービス Individual, culture, entertainment service

1.A.b.3.9.1  音響映像・関連サービス Audio visual and related services

1.A.b.3.9.2  その他の個人・文化・娯楽サービス Other personal, culture and entertainment services

1.A.b.3.10  公的サービス等 Public service etc.

補足資料【年末の時価総額トップ10株】Market capitalization at the end of the year Top 10 Stocks[1ドル110円(12/28)換算]


Market capitalization is the price of the company multiplied by the number of outstanding shares, it is an index for evaluating corporate value. Including expectations for future growth as well as performance.

1. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT): $770.7 billion USD, up 17.1%.[84兆7770億円]

2. Amazon.com: 722.7 billion USD, up 24.6%.[79兆4970億円]

3. Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL): $741.4 billion USD, down 8.7%.[81兆5540億円]

4. Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL): $724.6 billion USD, down 0.9%.[79兆7060億円]

5. Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A): $497.2 billion USD, up 1.1%.[54兆6920億円]

6. Visa (NYSE:V): $288.6 billion USD, up 14.5%.[31兆7460億円]

7. Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) (up from 9): $248.3 billion USD, up 18.1%.[27兆3130億円]

8. Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ): $341.3 billion USD, down 9.5%.[37兆5430億円]

9. JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) (down from 8): $322 billion USD, down 10.2%.[35兆4200億円]

10. Facebook (NASDAQ:FB): $382.8 billion USD market cap, down 25.1% over the past year.[42兆1080億円]


Incidentally, Although I wrote already in No. 129, the following are the top ten countries of international tourism receipts of 2017. Spain is twice that of Japan, France is 1.8 times, and the United States is 6.2 times that of Japan.
The increase policy now of service trade, which can be done in Japan is only to further increase this.

 1 U S A    米 国 210,747 million USD(2107億4700万米ドル)
 2 Spain   スペイン 67,964 million USD (679億6400万米ドル) 
 3 France   仏 国 60,681 million USD (606億8100万米ドル)
 4 Thailand  タイ 57,477 million USD (574億7700万米ドル)
 5 U K      英 国 51,211 million USD (512億1100万米ドル)
 6 Italy   イタリア 44,233 million USD (442億3300万米ドル)
 7 Australia豪 州 41,732 million USD (417億3200万米ドル)
 8 Germany  独 国 39,823 million USD (398億2300万米ドル)
 9 Macao    マカオ 35,575 million USD (355億7500万米ドル)
10 Japan    日 本 34,054 million USD (340億5400万米ドル)
参考 China    中 国 32,617 million USD (326億1700万米ドル)
参考 Russia   ロシア   8,945 million USD (89億4500万米ドル)

【10連休】10th consecutive holidays


The holiday of May 1 is a special holiday which was established in the extraordinary Diet last year, so this spring holiday will be 10 consecutive holidays from April 27 to May 6. this is measures only for this year due the change the name of an era.
According to the Nikkei Shimbun on January 6, HIS started airline tickets and hotel reservations to the Europe or other countries from October last year, and in the middle of November the long-distance route is almost sold out. Also JTB says that 13 cruise ships departure departing to domestically or overseas were almost sold out. According to the 2019 travel trend forecast announced at the end of last year by JTB, Japanese people overseas travel is 19.1 million and foreign visitors to Japan are 35.5 million, both of which are anticipated to be the highest. However, such an increase in outbound ratio inevitably results in a reduction in travel balance. That is, the service balance will worsening. in the first place, even if the number of visitors to Japan increases, I can not see whether 8 trillion JPY can be achieved in 2020, which is the government target. The actual result in 2017 is 4.4162 trillion JPY, and the Japanese government intends to attract visiters from Europe
and the United States and Australia with high unit prices, but fact because the visitors from East Asia and the Pacific regions are supporting the whole bottom.
In addition, SMBC Nikko Securities senior economist noted that as a concern of 10 th consecutive holidays, "The impact of a decline in income from irregular employment will come later, there is a possibility that consumption will fall." The impact on stock prices is also unpredictable.

【2018年11月の国際収支】November's Balance of payments 2018


On January 11, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of November. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 757.2 billion JPY. NHK News does not say the disadvantageous truth, but it is ▲ 43.5% in comparison with the previous year. the trade balance is ▲ 559.1 billion JPY. the exports is 6.9180 trillion JPY, and the imports is 7.4772 tillion JPY.
On the other hand, the travel balance was 172.3 billion JPY. the credit is 368.4 billion JPY, and the debit was 196.1 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for November was 2,450,800 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,673,500 people. At this point the cumulative number of the Visitor Arrivals is 28,560,100 people, and Japanese Overseas Travelers is 17,324,700 people. (Both preliminary).Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 100 million JPY, and the debit is 700 million JPY for ▲ 600 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 25.4 billion JPY and the debit is 62.8 billion JPY for ▲ 37.4 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.)
Incidentally, the sea freight is also a deficit of 45.5 billion JPY. This is due to excess import of LNG by foreign ships. for the time being, it will not turn into a black restore. It should also has been a negative impacting on the trade balance.

[経常収支/国際収支]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

         Jan.  6,074
         Feb. 20,760
         Mar. 31,223
         Apr. 18,451
         May  19,383
         Jun. 11.756
         Jul. 20,097
         Aug. 18,384
         Sep. 18,216
         Oct. 13,099
         Nov.  7,572
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
  Feb. 1,887      Feb. 1,227
  Mar.11,907      Mar. 1,931
  Apr. 5,738      Apr.▲5.015
  May ▲3,038      May    423
  Jun. 8.205      Jun.▲1,751
  Jul.   ▲10      Jul.▲1,744
  Aug.▲2,193      Aug.   ▲61
  Sep. 3,233      Sep.  ▲415
  Oct.▲3,217      Oct.▲2,330
  Nov.▲5,591      Nov.   121
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
  Feb.19,481      Feb.▲1,835
  Mar.21,053      Mar.▲3,669
  Apr.19,394      Apr.▲1,666
  May 23,980      May ▲1,982
  Jun. 5,876      Jun.  ▲573
  Jul.23,549      Jul.▲1,698
  Aug.22,891      Aug.▲2,253
  Sep.16,945      Sep.▲1,546
  Oct.20,472      Oct.▲1,827
  Nov.14,388      Nov.▲1,346
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
  Feb.  ▲553      Feb. 1,783
  Mar.  ▲627      Mar. 1,453
  Apr.▲1,097      Apr. 2,272
  May ▲1,267      May  2,113
  Jun.  ▲924      Jun. 1,941
  Jul.▲1,102      Jul. 2,042
  Aug.  ▲954      Aug. 1,230
  Sep.  ▲816      Sep. 1,145
  Oct.  ▲945      Oct. 1,835
  Nov.  ▲790      Nov. 1,723
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Feb.    ▲3
         Mar. 1,105
         May   ▲423
         Aug.  ▲337
         Sep.  ▲744
         Nov.  ▲812

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
  Feb.   ▲21      Feb.   371
  Mar.   ▲10      Mar.   240
  Apr.   ▲10      Apr.  ▲273
  May    ▲15      May   ▲416
  Jun.    ▲8      Jun.  ▲390
  Jul.   ▲11      Jul.  ▲502
  Aug.   ▲15      Aug.  ▲519
  Sep.   ▲24      Sep.  ▲441
  Oct.   ▲11      Oct.  ▲505
  Nov.    ▲6      Nov.  ▲455
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54
  Feb.  ▲380      Feb.    63
  Mar.  ▲353      Mar.    72
  Apr.  ▲346      Apr.    70
  May   ▲509      May     71
  Jun.  ▲425      Jun.    83
  Jul.  ▲644      Jul.    78
  Aug.  ▲449      Aug.    61
  Sep.  ▲389      Sep.    76
  Oct.  ▲457      Oct.    55
  Nov.  ▲374      Nov.    42

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【1000年周期】A millennial cycle


There was news asking the possibility of an earthquake immediately under the capital in a news program of a private broadcaster on New Year's Eve. According to Professor Hiroki Kamada of Kyoto University, when considering applying to the Millennium cycle of a huge earthquake, the earthquake down the capital may occur from 2019 to 2020, says. the Great East Japan Earthquake that recorded magnitude 9.0 in 2011 is said to have been a mega earthquake for the first time in 1000 years on the Japanese archipelago, but because a mega earthquake of the same size and on the same place occurred also in 896.
In the "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" written in 901, the occurrence of the mega earthquake occurring on July 9, 869, and the subsequent damage situation are recorded as follows.

"(貞觀十一年五月)廿六日癸未 陸奧國地大震動 流光如晝隱映 頃之 人民叫呼 伏不能起 或屋仆壓死 或地裂埋殪 馬牛駭奔 或相昇踏 城(郭)倉庫 門櫓墻壁 頽落顛覆 不知其數 海口哮吼 聲似雷霆 驚濤涌潮 泝洄漲長 忽至城下 去海數十百里 浩々不辨其涯諸 原野道路 惣爲滄溟 乘船不遑 登山難及 溺死者千許 資産苗稼 殆無孑遺焉"


"(貞観11年5月)26日癸未(みずのとひつじ)の日。陸奥国(むつのくに)に大地震があった。夜であるにもかかわらず、空中を閃光が流れ、暗闇はまるで昼のように明るくなったりした。しばらくの間、人々は恐怖のあまり叫び声を発し、地面に伏したまま起き上がることもできなかった。ある者は、家屋が倒壊して圧死し、ある者は、大地が裂けて生き埋めになった。 馬や牛は驚いて走り回り、互いを踏みつけ合ったりした。多賀城の城郭、倉庫、門、櫓、垣や壁などは崩れ落ちたり覆(くつがえ)ったりしたが、その数は数え切れないほどであった。河口の海は、雷のような音を立てて吠え狂った。荒れ狂い湧き返る大波は、河を遡(さかのぼ)り膨張して、たちまち城下に達した。海は、数十里乃至(ないし)百里にわたって広々と広がり、どこが地面と海との境だったのか分からない有様であった。原や野や道路は、すべて蒼々とした海に覆われてしまった。船に乗って逃げる暇(いとま)もなく、山に登って避難することもできなかった。溺死する者も千人ほどいた。人々は資産も稲の苗も失い、ほとんど何一つ残るものがなかった。"

"(Jougan 11, May) 26th. There was a big earthquake in Mutsunokuni. Despite being a night, a flash of light flowed through the air, and the darkness became as bright as noon. For a while, people cried out with fear and could not rise while lying on the ground. some people was pressure death by collapsed house, some people was buried alive to the ground crack. horses and cattle surprised and ran around and trampled each other. The castle, warehouse, gate, oar, fence and wall of Taga-jo collapsed and covered, and that number was countless. The ocean of the estuary roared barking with a sound like thunder. The big wave that ragingly rebounded expands backwards from the river and reached the castle immediately. The ocean spread widely over several few ri to one hundred ri, and the boundary between the ground and the ocean had become unknown. The fields and roads were all covered with lush oceans. I had no time to get on the ship and escape. I could not climb the mountain and evacuate. A thousand people drowned. People lost both assets and rice seedlings, and almost none remained."



Nine years after the earthquake in 878, the Sagami-Musashi earthquake of magnitude 7.4 which is estimated as the Isehara fault activity or interplate earthquake of the Sagami trough occurred. this corresponds to the place in the present Kanto region. Furthermore, in the year 9 years after that earthquake, 887 years, the Ninna earthquake of magnitude of 8.5 estimated to be the Nankai Trough mega earthquake occurred.
In fact, it is surely from 2019 to 2020 that it is the ninth year since the Great East Japan Earthquake. however, I can not understand the mechanism of this period of 1000 years. Does it have something to do with the millennium cycle of solar activity that I learned by Svensmark effect?
According to research in recent years, the attraction of the moon is said to affect not only the tidal but also the earthquake and the volcanic activity. However, since each specialized field is different, clear correlation is not generalized. I think it analysis by collective intelligence of the artificial intelligence is required.
In addition, as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, it is necessary to devise a countermeasure scenario with a crown of "once in a thousand years". It is not a good idea to leave it to the hands of politics because it will not lead to votes.
What is essential is the concealed arrangement of LCU in 23 wards of Tokyo, and Yokohama, and the securing of leads to hospital vessels. because the railroad network and the road network will be cut over a long period by fires and by flood caused by the tsunami.
And the most important thing is that we must prepare for reconstruction by supporting the economy of the entire Japan archipelago by revitalizing the western Japan economy. Unfortunately, when the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government at that time attributed overlook the unprecedented appreciation of the yen, causing foreign currency to drain out with the biggest Outbounds policy in history. What to do, it was the opposite. But the regime of the time prioritized JAL's re-listing. the explosion of the nuclear power plant is not the reason.
In other words, it was necessary to disseminate the judgment materials that Hokkaido and the West Japan and Middle Japan are safe and secure, and encourage inbound.

【初詣 2019】The first visit of the year to a shrine 2019

 神宮司庁は、2018年の年間参拝者数は12/31の時点で850万5253人だとし、内宮が562万1645人、外宮が288万3608人だとしている。だが、2014年に伊勢市が調査したGPSデータに基づく両宮来訪率(ダブルカウント)48.8%、片参り率51.2%を当てはめると、[(8,505,253×48.8%)÷2]+[(8,505,253×51.2%)×1] で、年間実数は642万9970人しか来なかった計算になる。これでは昨年11月に開店した、イオンモール津南店の年間利用者目標800万人を下回る数字だ。

According to Chunichi Shimbun on January 9, the number of people visited in the Ise Jingu at the three days in the January of the Heisei final it was 513,112 people. the Naiku is about 332 thousand people, and the Geku is about 181 thousand people. it does not seem to be GPS measurement, but since 2014, it is said that it totaled over 500 thousand after a long absence. I don't know how counted it.
However, this is a number that cannot be said never to be large. Kasuga Taisha of the neighboring prefecture, over 500 thousand is a matter of course in three days. Kashihara Jingu is more than one million people.
According to the Jingu's Agency, says the number of visitors to the year in 2018 is 8,505,253 people as of December 31. Naiku is 5,621,645 people, and Geku is 2,883,608 people. however, the rate of visits by the both shrines based on the GPS data investigated by Ise City in 2014 48.8%, the rate of the one shrine visit 51.2%, but if this is applied, the annual real number become 6,429,970 people only. This is, would be lower than 8 million people the annual user target of AEON MALL Tsu-Minami store opened in November last year.
Furthermore, the number of visitors from foreign countries was 100,446 people per year, which is said to be about three thousand less than the previous year. Even though it has exceeded 30 million people in all over Japan. This thing is, there was absolutely no good impact visited by the G7 leaders at 2016. and, this is also evidence that Ise Jingu is not at least sightseeing contents.
However, I think that it is necessary to have the world know its existence value. because Japanese people are beginning to decline due to current and past regime misgovernment. And, in order to continue the tradition, because it is necessary for the world to understand not only in our country. Otherwise, like the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, it could even invite alteration of identity by anti-democratic country. I refuse the Japanese Autonomous Region. even in terms of preventing it, increasing fans in the world is an important and urgent issue. Notwithstanding, it is foolish act and mistaken to put a banner flag of the "Worship by all Japanese People" in the municipal office or stations in the city. advertisement to the outside including foreign countries is necessary along the history roads such as Matsusaka or Ohuda.

【東京五輪不正】Injustice des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo



According to the AFP on January 11, the French judicial authorities revealed that an official investigation to Takeda the president of JOC, is taking place on bribes involved in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic bid.
This investigation began as a preliminary examination on December 10 last year. Takeda president admitted the hearing on Paris at this day, but denied about the charges. the suspicion is that about paid about 2 million euros (about 250 million JPY) before the vote of the IOC General Assembly deciding the host city of the 2020 Olympics.
As a matter of fact, already I knew by foreign news  last year, that IOC president requested to Senegal formally to cooperate with the French judicial authorities investigating corruption at the core of the international games, but Japanese newspapers pretended not to know. It is because the Senegalese government refuses handover to France of Papa Massata Diack.
However, this time news wrote by many Japanese newspapers. And, including the retribution theory for Nissan CEO arrest ※, Takeda president protection theory or Dentsu's responsibility theory have appeared. It is as if each newspapers is not under the influence of Dentsu which is a major advertising agency. But, It may be due for yourself protection. because seems reminiscent of the Rio Olympics where the COB's president was arrested in exactly the same case. Currently, the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic sponsors list has the names of the following newspapers. as the official partners, Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun have contracts, and as the official supporters, Sankei Shimbun and Hokkaido Shimbun have contracts. That is, stakeholders.
Incidentally, for the case of the Rio Olympics, I am recording it in No. 118, 2017. I re-recording to here. In the case of Brazil it was arrested after the Olympic Games held, but what if it was before the event?
In short, it is that kind of thing.

※ Or rather it is opposite. The hearing to president Takeda conducted on this day when Nissan CEO was re-arrested has already been decided in August.

--再録 Rerecording--

【五輪疑惑の捜査の進展】Investigation Progress of the Olympics Suspicions


As I mentioned before, On October 5, the Brazilian federal police arrested the COB chairman and COO as part of an investigation into alleged suspicion of votes involved in determining the venue for the Rio Olympics. the suspect is that Ramin Diak had a voting right to decide the host city, but about 2 million dollars was transferred to the son's company and son's account, and this is the same situation and amount of money as the case of bid hosting the Tokyo Olympics.
Also, according to the Swiss Info of October 10, the Swiss authorities will also investigate the suspicion that the representative was hiding a gold bullion of 700,000 dollars in Switzerland. also the a former governor of Rio de Janeiro province, which was imprisoned for 14 years imprisonment in June this year, is said to have assets hidden in Switzerland.
In addition, the Swiss info also refers to that the French prosecution authorities are also investigating the Tokyo Olympics bidding activity.
In September of last year (2016), in Japan, a third party committee announced a research report saying already "There was no problem with the bid committee's response". however, according to a statement of the IOC's ethics committee says "If we find out new facts we will consider also temporary measures".

--再録おわり End rerecording --

 だが、 記者会見はたった7分で、記者からの質問には応じなかった。

According to the AFP on January 15, president Takeda held a press conference on 15th, denying any involvement in suspicion.
Regarding payment, he said, "I am not involved in any decision-making process," he said that he insisted innocence when he received circumstances by the authorities in Paris on December 10, payment was not a bribe but a consultant contract he insisted and that "It is due to proper approval procedure." to said.
If it's the case, who involved in the decision-making process?
If so, someone it will be that said, "Because Brazil is also doing so it is reasonable" and it recommended purchasing work. this is a new fact. and, president Takeda is not in a position to live without having been informed of it.
However, the press conference was only 7 minutes, he did not accept the question from the reporters.
he seems dug own grave.

【2018年のインバウンド推計値】Inbound estimated 2018


On January 16, Although it is not a definite value yet, JNTO announced estimates of the annual number of inbounds in 2018.
According to this, January to December of 2018 increased by 8.7% from the previous year to 31,191,900 people, the highest record was updated. however, the growth rate continues to decline since the increase of 47.1% in 2015.
The largest visitors is 8,380,100 people of China has increased 13.4%.
Next, Korea has increased 5.6% to 7,539,000 people. Taiwan has increased 4.2% to 4,757,300 people. Hong Kong has decreased 1.1% to  2,207,900 people. The United States has increased 11.0% to 1,526,500 people. And Thailand has increased by 14.7% to 1,132,100 people. the 7digit countries is this only. The highest rate of increase is Vietnam, increased 26.0% 389,100 people. Next is Russia 94,800 people, has increased of 22.7%. Incidentally, the UK has increased 7.6% to 334,000 people only.
By the way, outbound for the same period increased by 6.0% to 18,954,000 people. this corresponds to import in terms of service trade, but it has increased by more than 1 million over last year's fixed value of 17,889,300 people, has a bad influence on the travel balance of Japan?
How is the situation in Mie prefecture?
According to the MLIT and JTA's Lodging travel statistics survey report (January - December 2017) published in July 2018, the total number of guests in Mie prefecture is 8,319,100 people, ranked 20th among 47 prefectures. The growth rate was the lowest ▲ 10.59% in the whole country. The total number of inbound guests was 334,230 people in 27th place. The growth rate was ▲ 5.01%. According to JNTO, it was about 86 times lower, because Japan's Visitor Arrivals in 2017 is 28,691,073 people.
Incidentally, according to the Nikkei Shimbun on June 7 2018, inbounds that visited Mie prefecture in 2017, the Ise Jingu (Naiku+Geku) exceeds 100,000 people, but Mikimoto Pearl Islands was about 33.000 people, and Iga Ninja Museum was about 29,000 people. how was the result of 2018?
I hope that inbounds enough to contribute to the travel balance of Japan will come to Matsusaka.

【HACCPのワークショップ(勉強会)】HACCP workshop


I was talk for about two hours at the "HACCP Workshop" of the Matsusaka Ryokan Association held on January 22. It is the second time since the last year's private lodging problem. But, unlike the case of private lodging, this theme is related to practice, and it is very difficult to get empathy from general users. Therefore, participants was become only professionals such as Toba, Tsu and Matsusaka City of Ryokan and hotel officials, administrative scrivener, Chamber of Commerce and Industry staff, and the Prefecture's union presidents of ryokans and hotels.
The contents is [Establishment of the HACCP Law] recorded in No. 126, and [Problem of HACCP in Japan] and [The HACCP barrier] recorded in No. 127, and [The origin of HACCP in Japan] from No. 132. in additions it is the new situation of the [Current status of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)], that is, what is known at the present time. Furthermore, I used that it the Asahi Shimbun wrote on June 23 last year "HACCP in the corner of the I can not ask now no longer +", and, the Japan Food Hygiene Association's "Handbook for hygiene management based on the HACCP". the former it as bad news report example, and the latter compiled for small and medium scale restaurant business operators.
Actually, the Handbook on HACCP like this is finely divided into different industries, and there is no handbook for the ryokan or hotel industry until March. it is still being edited in "All Japan Ryokan Hotel Association". Although, I heard that also the ryokans and the hotels complies with this, so I adopted this in this time.
Below "HACCP important management point" and "Seven principles and 12 procedures for introducing HACCP" are re-recording.



































Important management point of HACCP

HACCP is a method of monitoring and recording important management points, and it is assumed that food safety is ensured by removing the following three harmful factors. However, contamination by radioactive substances which is more troublesome than cesium, such as strontium having a long half-life or tritium which can not be separated from hydrogen atoms, is excluded.

[Physical harm]

Physical hazard is the inclusion of foreign matter such as metal, glass, carcasses. It can be prevented by thorough checking and maintenance of facility equipment and review of equipment to be used.

[Chemical hazard]

Chemical factors are pesticides, food additives and so on. It can be prevented by periodically reviewing supplier evaluation and management standards.

[Biological Damage]

Biological hazards are mainly bacteria, viruses, parasites. It is recommended to preserve it by sterilization and quick freezing by appropriate control of food, control by management at the time of accepting raw materials, proper hand washing, preservation at constant temperature, washing and disinfection of facilities and equipment and so on.

Seven principles and 12 procedures for introducing HACCP

HACCP, it is essential to properly implement by throughout the company. therefore, after deciding the introduction of HACCP as a company policy, we will organize the team and proceed according to seven principles and 12 steps. Procedures 1 to 5 are preparations for advancing principles 1 to 7.

[Procedure 1]Collect personnel for HACCP

Collecting personnel from each department, in order to be able to gather the necessary information to make the product. If there is no person with expert knowledge about HACCP, invite external experts or refer to the specialized book.

[Procedure 2]Creating a product manual

Shows characteristics of product safety. If you summarize raw materials and characteristics, it becomes the basic data of hazard analysis. If there is enough content such as recipes and specifications, the form does not matter.

[Procedure 3]Confirm intended use and targeted consumers

Usage is how to use the product such as presence or absence of heating, and the targets is confirms the consumer who provides the product.

[Procedure 4]Creation of a list of manufacturing process

It writes the flow from acceptance to product shipment or food delivery for each process.

[Procedure 5]Confirmation of the manufacturing process list diagram

Once the manufacturing process chart is made, check the movements of persons at the work site, movement of goods, and modify the process chart as necessary.

[Procedure 6 / Principle 1]Conduct hazard analysis

Enumerate hazards that may originate from raw materials or processes during each process, and that decide the management means.

[Procedure 7 / Principle 2]Decide CCP

Determine particularly important processes that should eliminate or reduce harm factors (such as heat sterilization, metal detection).

[Procedure 8 / Principle 3]Setting CL

Set criteria for adequately managing the CCP specified in hazard factor analysis (Such as temperature, time, speed).

[Procedure 9 / Principle 4]Setting monitoring method

Confirm and record whether CCP is correctly managed at an appropriate frequency.

[Procedure 10 / Principle 5]Setting improvement measures

As a result of monitoring, set measures to be taken when CL deviates.

[Procedure 11 / Principle 6]Setting verification method

Consider whether management is being performed according to the HACCP plan and whether modification is necessary.

[Procedure 12 / Principle 7]Setting records and that save method

Records are evidence of implementing HACCP, simultaneously, when a problem arises, it helps pursuit of the cause by going back to the management situation for each process.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"