
No.175 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" July issue

マリテームから望む夕陽 Sunset seen from Maritheme Kaikouen in Mie 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 6月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of June 30

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【6月30日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of June 30


【マリテームの伊勢海老】Japanese spiny lobster of Maritheme

「ひゃータイガー!」ボンドはあきれていった。「こん畜生は生きてるよ!」(イアン・フレミング著 井上一夫訳「007号は二度死ぬ」より) 
"Good God, Tiger!" Bond said aghast. "The damn thing‘s alive!" (From the novel of Ian Fleming‘s You Only Live Twice) 



中欧クロスボーダー鉄道サービス China-Europe Cross-border railway service 

COVID-19初期の拡散経路(2020年2月27日) COVID-19 early propagation path(February 27 2020) 

On July 5, NATO member states signed the "Membership Protocol" for the accession of Finland and Sweden, which have remained neutral for many years. NATO approved a new "strategic concept" on June 29th. when NATO first mentioned China, NATO notice that "China's ambitions and coercive policies are a challenge to our interests, security and values." Europe and the United States have taken joint steps with China. In addition, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand too have joined this as "AP'4". Japan had connivance the armament augmentation of the CCP by tolerating the "cold political relations but hot economic relations". But in the wake of a war like the civil war between Ukraine and Russia, the conflict between the democratic camp and the tyranny camp has become clearer.
By the way, the Financial Times on June 30 reported that some young people in China could be involved in the Chinese government's espionage without knowing that they wanted to work at the front of an intelligence agency.
FT interviewed 140 public university graduates who were applying for a job offer for English translation work at Hainan Xiandun Technology Co., Ltd. This company is a front company of the hacker group "APT40" with the background of the Chinese government, and under the direction of the Chinese Ministry of National Security "MSS", they are hacking government agencies in Europe, the United States and the Middle East. On July 19, 2021, the US Department of Justice has charged four operatives with the Hainan National Security Agency (HSSD) under MSS, As allegedly repeated cyber attacks on countries including the United States and stole confidential information of companies, government agencies and academic institutions in each country.
According to the interview, recruiters asked one of the applicants not to translation, but to explore the composition of the board of directors of APL, which has technical partnerships with the Pentagon and NASA, the structure of the building, and research contracts with partners. Another applicant was asked to give another applicant FHWA's infrastructure research and development materials and translate them, as a test of technical material translation skills.
Similar cases have been reported in Japan. According to Kyodo News on July 4, the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Department received an arrest warrant for a former Chinese student in December last year, to suspected of being involved in a cyberattack on Japan by the PLA's cyberattack unit "61419 Unit". The server he rented at the request of a military wife was used in a cyberattack targeting confidential information of about 200 institutions in Japan such as JAXA in 2016.
China's National Intelligence Law, which came into force in June 2017, requires citizens and even Chinese businesses to cooperate with state agencies' information activities. Particular attention should be paid to MICE when resuming international tourism.
Incidentally, although I wrote the grounds in [Numbers speak] of No.172, I think it wise to abandon the sweet expectations of Chinese inbound‘s explosive shopping or visits to IR‘s casino. Although the explosive shopping of masks in January 2020 is new to memory, China is basically wary of excessive yuan outflows. The only way for human progress and harmony is to promote cultural tourism.

【マリテームのビフォー・アフター】Before After of Maritime

【文化観光による人類の進歩と調和】The Progress and Harmony for Humanity through Cultural Tourism


The following is a manuscript that I edited in 5000 words in English according to the application guidelines of the Japan Tourism Agency. It was adopted in the poster session of the International Tourism Statistics Forum by the EUROSTAT and OECD held on November 17th and 18th, 2014. The title is "The Progress and Harmony for Humanity through Cultural Tourism". The list of participants in the forum is 217 people including me (excluding the organizer). From the following year, inbound surpassed outbound, and in 2019, we counted the highest number of inbound in the Far East, and it even led to a deterioration in China's balance of payments. 
However, Covid-19, which originated in Wuhan, China, brought everything back to its original state. 

International tourism industry is a kind of trade. this is the same as the export industry. but many Japanese do not understand this thing.
Because, Japan industrial structure is did not allow its development. because the profitability of exports of industrial products was very high.
But it gave birth to serious trade friction. as a result, policies that encourage the visitor had been ignored. in other words, it was not the situation that can be exported. However the situation is different in modern times. Trade balance is a monthly deficit. Japan has become the era that must be chased after many developed countries. Ie it is cultural tourism.

So why culture?
Because there is a scarcity value to the Japanese culture and language.
Some of the region, seems there is also a location where want to attract Casino and Amusement park. however, sustainability is questionable. this is because not rare worldwide. when interest is lost, Visitor will move to another country.
This is the basis of marketing.

Way to go is determined by knowing the current position. marketing also be the same. need to know.

This is the difference between the inbound and outbound of the past 10 years in Japan. as you can see, It is always imbalance.
This imbalance, will cast a shadow on domestic tourism industry.
However, this is like a taboo in the Japanese media. thus most Japanese do not realize. tourism industry in Japan, too. but travel company knows this.
The following data. this is excerpt by UNWTO / APTEC, which is 28 countries and Japan. source is "World Tourism Statistics 2012 Outbound Statistics by Destination". it is a thing that has been issued in spring last year. I graphed it.
By doing so, it will be understood this deflection and gap anyone.
Blank noticeable. this is evidence of the undeveloped trade.
And, only balance equilibrium is just one country. it Taiwan. other countries is the excessive imbalance of outbound. China and United States stands out in particular. is not this the same as the trade imbalance?
The largest international tourism revenue is the United States. it is about 10 trillion JPY / year. about 5 trillion JPY / year, It is Spain, France, and China. Japan is approximately one fifth of the United States. Why are not required Safeguard?
Well, the conclusion can be obtained by knowing the position. that's content discovery and information dissemination in the unit of local government, or Inter-city cooperation. this is the most important.
An example is "Godzilla". this first movie was Mie Prefecture has become a location shooting. James Clavell's "Shogun", too. was popular 20 years ago.
And further, "You Only Live Twice" is the 50th anniversary of publication. one of the main stage to be written there is Mie Prefecture. original author Ian Fleming had visited here. these are written on there, Haicheng, Ama, lse-ebi, Matsusaka beef, Ninja, Ryokan, Kokichi Mikimoto statue, Basho‘s haiku. and, James Bond visiting the Ise-Jingu(Shrine).
However, no one did not perform the transmission of information to the world of this thing.
So do not know about it everyone.

By the way, the Ise-Jingu in Mie Prefecture, is the center of Japanese culture continued from ancient times. its location is the eastern part of the Kii-Peninsula. that is, the adjacent east of Nara Prefecture. Nara, here was the capital of the first in Japan. it was called Yamato.
Ancient culture of this "Yamato" and "Ise", was harmony in Matsusaka. along the way historic.
The evidence that has been excavated, are stored in the "cultural property center" in Matsusaka City. it is a "Hull form terracotta". has the characteristics of both of the early 5th century. this length is 4.6ft, height 3ft. state of preservation is good.
This harmony has brought progress in ancient Japan. I think it's the same thing even worldwide. Disincentive is apathy and ignorance.
Thank you.




 次のデータは、UNWTO/APTECが抜粋した28か国プラス日本です。出典は昨年春に発行された"世界観光統計資料集2012 海外主要国目的地別アウトバウンド旅行者数"です。私はそれをグラフ化しました。

 目立つ空白。これは貿易未開発の証しです。バランス均衡はただ一国、台湾だけ。他の国は不均衡でアウトバウンド過多です。 特に中国、米国は際立っています。これは貿易不均衡と同じではありませんか?


 発掘されたその証拠は、『松阪市文化財センター』に保管されています。5世紀初頭の両方の特徴を備えた『舟形埴輪』です。これは全長4.6 フィート、高さ3フィート。保存状態は良好です。

An event of 712 AD, The "Kojiki" that were compiled in Nara. it is no exaggeration to say that Japan Genesis
. But, it was written in ancient Japanese. After about 1000 years from it. Norinaga Motoori who lived in Matsusaka was translate it in the language of the early modern period, he playd the role of inheriting it to modern peaple, that is the "Kojiki Den".
The essence of Japanese written in ther, is not mutch different from now in both good and evil. So, this is could help you understand the people of Japan. Please search the "Museum Motoori Norinaga".


【2022年5月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for May 2022


On July 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for May. the current account balance is a surplus of only 128.4 billion JPY. The trade balance is a huge deficit of 1951.2 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 15.5 billion JPY, by the credit 56.1 billion JPY and the debit 37.4 billion JPY.
The air passenger with restricted from the foreign flights is a surplus of 32 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 300 million JPY. and, the other services have a deficit of 88.5 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is a deficit of 158.5 billion JPY.


【長谷川家と紀州藩】Hasegawa family and Kishu domain

"Get along with everyone and do great things" May 1918 Kishu Tokugawa family 15th generation Tokugawa Yorimichi 

【7月15日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of July 15


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 10,019,009 and the number of deaths was 31,578 (Does not include 1,770 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to June 24, this year). The denominator reached the 10 million mark and the cumulative mortality rate plummeted to 0.315%. That's 3 for every 1,000 people infected.
Despite that, the Japanese government has postponed the start of "national travel support," which the government was aiming for earlier this month, as the infection with the novel coronavirus is rapidly re-spreading. Regarding tourism support for the time being, it is said that the "prefectural discount", which was supposed to be until the 14th of this month, will be extended to the end of August. in addition, Aichi's stupid governor, who keeps pace with China, has suggested that even the "prefectural discount" may be cancelled. (I think Toyota will eventually become a subsidiary of SAIC Motor.)

【いちべ神社参道を彩る花々 ②】Flowers seen on the approach to Ichibe Jinja Shrine ②

ムクゲ Rose of Sharon
アガパンサス(紫君子蘭) Agapanthus

サルスベリ Crape myrtle
サルスベリ Crape myrtle

【奈良ならレポート2022.0726】Nara nara Report 2022.0726


 4月から私は売却譲渡された鳥羽のホテルの再生に挑んでいるが、61編の私の新聞コラムと共に、MICEを目標に掲げてホテルの平面図も携えてきた。先方からは「世界観光倫理憲章および関連文書」「責任ある旅行者になるためのヒント」「ガストロノミーツーリズム発展のためのガイドライン」そして「ディスティネーション・ブランディング・ハンドブックの要旨」を頂戴した。前者二冊は既刊だが、後者二冊はコロナ禍に訳出されたものである。「ガストロノミーツーリズム発展のためのガイドライン」は、政府、自治体、DMO、その他の利害関係者に、地域のガストロノミーツーリズム開発の企画と運営において、考慮すべき事項や取るべき行動について示し、また、「デスティネーション・ブランディング・ハンドブック 要旨」には、ブランド管理戦略を使用したブランディング・プロセスのステップ・バイ・ステップガイドが記載されている。


シルキア奈良とJR奈良駅 Silkia Nara and JR Nara Station 

On July 26, I visited UNWTO's office in Japan. The purpose is to meet the new deputy representative who was appointed and the new members who have been revamped, and the companions was the Vice President of Matsusaka Rekishi-bunka-sha and the President of Mie Furusato Shimbun. Before the coronavirus epidemic, I visited at a pace of about once every two to three months, but due to the prolonged pandemic, I was estranged along with the inbound. this time is the first visit in two years.
Although, according to the news the day before July 25, 1660 the novel coronavirus infections were announced in Mie Prefecture (no serious cases, but bed usage rate is 42.6%). In Nara Prefecture, 2134 cases were announced (10 were severely ill and the bed usage rate was 43%). Therefore, itineraries and participants, were kept to a minimum to facilitate contact tracing. it is because the coronavirus infection causes more damage to social life than health damage, in Japan. Because even if the virus is already attenuated, Japan remains the idiot Honesty by the strict Designated Infectious Diseases Law.
In Nara Park, deer parents and children were conspicuous, but tourists were sparse. There are no foreign groups. There was no roadside sightseeing bus, and also the shopping street seemed to be vacant. Silkia Nara, where UNWTO / APTEC and the Nara City Tourism Association have offices, is also quiet because it is Tuesday.
At the UNWTO, we met four new members, including a deputy representative, and an old acquaintance, the International Department Project Coordinator. I, introduced the analysis of the balance of payments in my made annual graphs of 2021, and I talked for about an hour, about the international common sense that international tourism is also a trade. this is because the foreign currency earning industry in the 21st century is international tourism.
Matsusaka Rekishi-Bunka-sha talked about the position of Matsusaka, which nurtured a wealthy merchants, as the roots of modern Japan. Mie Furusato Shimbun introduced the use of Takada Honzan Senjuji Temple and Tsu-jo the castle. this is because Nara and Mie have the potential to be introduced to foreigners as successive cultural tourism areas on the Kii Peninsula, but there is little information communication by the main media because the economic areas to which they belong are different even though they are adjacent prefectures.
From the UNWTO invited me to the international symposium of "Gastronomy Tourism" scheduled to be held in December, and also heard the "International Tourism Highlights 2021" which has been suspended, will be released as a merger issue with "2022". the Tourism highlights are valuable guideposts for numerically understanding the world tourism situation. by this, shows that Japan's International tourism receipt in 2019 was the highest in the Far East area overtaking China.
I have been working on the revitalization of a hotel in Toba that was sold and transferred since April, and along with my 61 newspaper columns, I have brought with me also the floor plan of the hotel with the goal of MICE. from the UNWTO provided "Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and related documents", "#STAYHEALTHYTRAVELRESPONSIBLY", "Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism", and "Summary of the Destination on Branding Handbook". The former two books have already been published, but the latter two books have been translated under the pandemics. "Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism" showed the government, local governments, DMOs, and other stakeholders about matters to be considered and actions to be taken in planning and operation for the development of gastronomy tourism in the region. Also, "Handbook on Tourism Destination Branding – Executive Summary, Japanese version" have provides a step-by-step guide to the branding process with a brand management strategy.

Thank you everybody.


[Addition] On the midnight of returning, the linear precipitation zone passed through Ise-Shima skies. The backyard on the 1st floor of the hotel was flooded, and restoration work was done all night, and the publication of this article was delayed by one day.
By the way, the National Governor's Conference has been held in Nara Prefecture since the 28th. there are many opinions that in order to maintain socio-economic activity amid the rapid spread of infection, the existing measures should be changed, including reviewing the treatment of the novel corona under the Infectious Diseases Control Law as the same as seasonal influenza.
The Governor of Kanagawa said, "Forever, ‘category 2 equivalent‘ does not match the actual situation, and Socio-economic activities will stop." and he argues that it should be reviewed to "Category 5", which is the same as seasonal flu. The Governor of Hokkaido pointed out that "it is important to proceed with discussions based on the fact that 99% of Omicron strains are mild." The Governor of Chiba said, "It is necessary to review the" grasping the total number of all of the infected people ". To reduce the burden, we should shift to" grasping the fixed points."
I think it's natural. If the infection spreads as it is, it will be difficult to even issue a negative certificate. It's A matter of course.


【7月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of July 30


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 12,598,551 and the number of deaths was 32,544 (Does not include 1,770 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to June 24, this year). all the people test caused the denominator to spike and the cumulative mortality rate to plummet further to 0.26%. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun that morning, after the "seventh wave" subsides, the government has decided to start reviewing the treatment of coronaviruses as "equivalent to Category 2" under the Infectious Diseases Law. In order to reduce the burden on public health centers and fever outpatient clinics, it is said that they will consider the pros and cons of canceling the grasp of all infected people. The ugliness of a professional idiot is at its peak here, and I have nothing to say.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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