
No.158 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" February issue

大和宇陀神武天皇御聖跡御図絵 Pictorial of the Sacred Site of Emperor Jinmu in Yamato Uda 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 1月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of January 31

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【木を見て森を見ず】Can't see the forest for the trees


Concerned about the outflow of the CNY due to international tourism receipts, the CCP had gradually restricted spending. But nevertheless, the balance of international tourism in 2019 was still spending 255 billion USD against the revenue of 35,883 million USD, according to the latest UNWTO data sent recently.
The difference of 219.2 billion USD is actually a minus of 23,892.8 billion JPY when converted to an annual average rate of 109 JPY in 2019.
However, such a huge yuan outflow did not occur in the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the gross domestic product (preliminary GDP value) in 2020 was 101,598.6 billion CNY, and the year-on-year growth rate reached 2.3% in real terms, excluding the effects of price fluctuations. Quarterly growth was down 6.8% in the first quarter of January-March, but up 3.2% in the second quarter, up 4.9% in the third quarter and up 6.5% in the fourth quarter. The increase value (value added) by industry is as follows: primary industry up 3% to 7,775.4 billion CNY, secondary industry up 2.6% to 38,425.5 billion CNY, and tertiary industry up 2.1% to 55,397.7 billion CNY.
In addition, according to France's AFP, which is affiliated with the Chinese newspaper, China's food yield in 2020 will be the highest in the world, maintaining more than 650 billion kg for six consecutive years. The added value of the manufacturing industry is also expected to be the highest in the world for 11 consecutive years. The operating distance of the high-speed railway is 38,000 km, the total length of the highway is 155,000 km, and the number of 5G connected terminals exceeds 200 million, both of which are the best in the world. And, on November 15, 2020, RCEP, which had been negotiated for eight years, was launched with the signatures of 15 countries (10 ASEAN countries and China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan), and the population, total economic volume, and trade a huge free trade zone, which accounts for about 30% of the world's volume, has started. The total amount of cargo imports and exports has increased by 1.9% from the previous year. It's while the world is struggling to fight the coronavirus.
The WHO research team is currently in China but, the novel coronavirus leakage into the world, which began from Wuhan, is strangely consistent with the Belt and Road Initiative or international tourist routes and may have been used as an conscious neglect, or a global economic strategy tactics. a one-year-delayed field survey may be necessary too, but the most necessary thing is to verify the initial propagation route. And, not only power sources and water sources, but also the invasion of tourist content, hotels, and restaurants of famous tourism sites by China money should not be overlooked. because the profits obtained from those are returned to the home country as primary income.
2020年の2月2日現在 As of February 2, 2020

中欧クロスボーダー鉄道サービス China-Europe Cross-border Rail Transport Service

(※) 2020年のアジアでの成長率最高は台湾である。台湾行政院主計総処(統計局)によると、台湾の2020年の実質域内総生産(GDP、速報値)成長率は前年比2.98%となり、中国の2.3%を上回った。これは、新型コロナウイルスの早期の抑え込みが功を奏した結果であり、台湾の成長率が中国を上回るのは1991年以来となる。

It should be noted that, highest growth rate 2020 in Asia is Taiwan. According to the Directorate General of Budget (Statistics Bureau) of the Directorate General of Budget, Taiwan, Taiwan's real gross domestic product (GDP, preliminary figures) growth rate in 2020 was 2.98% year-on-year, exceeding China's 2.3% growth. This is the result of the early suppression of the novel coronavirus. Taiwan's growth rate has surpassed that of China for the first time since 1991.

【ホテル旅館経営業者の倒産 2020】Bankruptcy of hotels ryokans operator 2020

【"Go To トラベル"一時停止の継続】Continue suspend "Go To Travel"

 日本政府は2日、新型コロナウイルス特別措置法に基づく緊急事態宣言の延長により、8日以降も「Go To トラベル」全国一時停止の継続を決定した。コロナウイルスで亡くなることは、日本では殆どないにもかかわらずだ。宣言の延長は、東京、神奈川、埼玉、千葉、大阪、京都、兵庫、愛知、岐阜、福岡の10都道府県で、栃木は対象から除外。緊急事態宣言の延長期間は3月7日までとされ、状況が改善された県はそれまでに解除。「Go To」再開については、制度設計見直し中とのことである。

On the 2nd, the Japanese government decided to continue the nationwide suspension of "Go To Travel" after the 8th due to the extension of the state of the declaration of emergency based on the Novel Coronavirus Special Measures Law. Even though very few people die of coronavirus in Japan. the extension of the declaration covers 10 prefectures of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Aichi, Gifu and Fukuoka, and excludes Tochigi. The continue period of the state of emergency will be until March 7. the prefectures where the situation has improved will be canceled by then. Regarding the restart of "GoTo Travel", it is said that the institutional design is being reviewed.

Declaration of emergency as of February 2

【登録DMO】Registered DMO


Last year, the Japan Tourism Agency has strict the registration of tourism community development corporations and changed the name of "Japanese DMO" to "Registered DMO". the purpose is to form a world-class DMO. the following are 5 "Wide Area Cooperation DMOs", 23 "Regional Cooperation DMOs", and 13 "Regional DMOs" that were renewed and registered as of January 7, and, the list of registered DMOs.
Incidentally, for past articles on DMO, see No.91-92 of 2015 [Japan version of DMO], No.95-96 [DMO②] [DMO③], No.97 [The M of the DMO], No.112 [Wide Area cooperation DMO], No.116 [DMO by cultural properties utilization], No.118 [Mie Prefecture's DMO], and No.128 [The essence of DMO]. You can jump by clicking the light blue No.

【旧長谷川邸の雛人形】Former Hasegawa Residence‘s Hina dolls

【旧長谷川邸のビクター真空管ステレオ BR-661FMG オーディオラ (1963)】Former Hasegawa Residence‘s Victor vacuum tube Stereo BR-661FMG Audiora (1963)

【検査数が減れば感染者数も減る】If the number of tests decreases, the number of infected people will decrease too.

【2020年12月の国際収支】December's Balance of payments 2020


On February 8, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the December‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 1.1656 trillion JPY.
Trade balance is surplus of 965.1 billion JPY. also travel balance was surplus of 28.7 billion JPY. in December, which I posted in last month's issue, there were 58,700 inbound (provisional value) and 33,000 outbound (provisional value). credit is 53.1 billion JPY and debit is 24.4 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 904,599 JPY, and outbound 739,393 JPY.
Air passenger was surplus 700 million JPY. sea passenger was deficit 200 million JPY. also other services was deficit 321.5 billion JPY, and the total of the service balances was deficit 343.5 billion JPY.

【2020年(暦年)の国際収支】Balance of payments 2020


The balance of payments for the full year of 2020 will be a surplus of 17,697.6 billion yen, down 13.8% from the previous year. Not only other services with a perpetual deficit, but also a significant decrease in the travel balance narrowed the overall surplus, by the coronavirus pandemic. (For the detailed contents of Other Services, see No.133 [About "other services" in the service balance]).

【2月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of February 10


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 409,861, and the number of deaths was 6,640. the mortality rate increased to 1.62% as the number of tests decreased and the denominator decreased.

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

【三重県の新年度予算案】The draft budget for new fiscal year of Mie Pref.


On February 12, Mie Prefecture announced the draft budget for new fiscal year. the general account is 788.2 billion JPY, the largest ever, an increase of 47.5 billion JPY from the initial budget this year.
The cost of measures against the novel coronavirus is 54.8 billion JPY, of which 30.1 billion JPY will be for securing sickbeds and hotels. the cost of holding the "National Sports Festival Mie" scheduled for September this year is 8.7 billion JPY. about 200 million JPY has been recorded as a countermeasure cost against terrorism of the Mie Prefectural Police for large-scale events such as the National Sports Festival and the PALM 9. 3.7 billion JPY for DX promotion support projects that extend to fields such as tourism, education, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Also, 15 million JPY was included as a project cost for a demonstration experiment in collaboration with the Regional Economy Vitalization Corporation of Japan REVIC and regional banks.

【再び大宇陀へ】Into Ohuda again


On February 14, we visited Ohuda again for the first time in three weeks. This time we met the chief priest of Tenyakuji and a local guide. We asked from the chief priest about the secrets of health and treatment. in addition, The guide taught us the history of the street and showed us the inside of the theater of the process of reconstruction, by the power of young people. the predecessor of this building is the theater hut "Kirakuza" 100 years ago. The unmanned sales of second-hand bookstores based on the belief that human nature is fundamentally good are wonderful idea too.
However, despite being a neighboring prefecture, such topics hardly reaches Mie. because Mie belongs to the Chubu region and Nara belongs to the Kansai region. this town are if you go south on the "Matsuyama Kaido", you will reach the "Kumano kaido" via the "South Road Ise Kaido". Go east and cross Takami to "Wakayama Kaido". Going north, it was an important point of transportation, such as leading to the "Ise Honkaido" via Haibara. In addition to Ise Sangu, these roads played an important role in transporting fish and salt from Ise and Kumano, and Uda paper, kuzu, oil, and medicine from Uda Matsuyama.

天益寺 Tenyakuji
松山西口関門 Matsuyama West Exit Gate
なんの変哲もない外観 An ordinary appearance
が、奥には舞台と銀幕が But, the big hall inside has a stage and a screen
天井桟敷と映写窓 The upper gallery and the projection windows
上映開始のベル Bell to start screening
宍戸錠 Joe Shishido
往年のスターたち Movie stars of yesteryears
無人古書店 The unmanned secondhand bookstore
薬の館 The house of the medicine

"The house of the medicine" was a renovation of the residence of Hosokawa, which is the mother's home of Tomokichi Fujisawa, the founder of Fujisawa Pharmaceutical.

巨大看板 Huge sign board
道標 a signpost
黒川醤油店 Kurokawa Soy Sauce Brewery

福田医院 Fukuda Clinic
万法寺の山門 Manpouji‘s mountain gate


【2月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of February 20

 ちなみに、厚生労働省のHPによると、PCR検査件数の一年間の推移は以下のとおり。これを見ると、「Go To トラベル」急停止の原因となった感染者の増加は検査数の急増によるものであることが分かり、今は逆に減らしていることも分かる。東京都は1月22日、保健所の負担軽減を理由に検査縮小を通知したのだ。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 409,861, and the number of deaths was 6,640. the mortality rate further increased to 1.74%, because the denominator has been further reduced. however, it will not exceed the global average of 2.3. Because it will face a fundamental contradiction.
By the way, according to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of PCR tests for one year is as follows. Looking at this, it can be seen that the increase in the number of infected people who caused the sudden stop of "Go To Travel" is due to the rapid increase in the number of tests. Also, it can be seen also that it is being reduced deliberately now. January 22, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government notified that the tests would be reduced to reduce the burden on the health center.

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 


【東洋のモナコ】Monaco in the Orient(2/25 三重ふるさと新聞 書き下ろし)

The following is a re-edited version of No.155 [A microcosm of Japan] [Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting], and No.156 ["The Thief of Bagdad" and Wadakanoshima][Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting②].


映画本編 https://youtu.be/hv2voOOhAqc

【V-RESASのデータから】From V-RESAS data

【Go To トラベル上限削減案】"Go To Travel" a proposal to reduce of the upper limit

【2月28日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of February 28

 47都道府県で確認された感染者数は43万3116人で、死者数は7889人。死亡率は1.82%へと更に増えた。ちなみに、Go To の中止は検査件数の増加によるものであり、緊急事態宣言解除は検査件数の減少によるものである。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 433,116, and the number of deaths was 7,889. The mortality rate further increased to 1.82%. Incidentally, the stoped of Go To Travel is the result of increase in the number of tests, and the cancellation of the state of emergency is due to the decrease in the number of tests.

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 


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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

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