
No.176 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" August issue

マリテームの夏の夜 Summer night of Maritime 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 7月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of July 31

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【7月31日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of July 31

【ゴジラ 1954 - AI機械学習によるカラー化】Godzilla 1954 - Colorize by AI machine learning

初登場は三重県鳥羽市で撮影 The first appearance was filmed in Toba City, Mie Prefecture.  

河内桃子とゴジラ Momoko Kōchi and Godzilla

特撮は東宝スタジオ The special effects was Toho Studio

伊福部昭指揮「平和への祈り」Akira Ifukube conducting the "Prayer for Peace".

 これらに加え、いろんなモノクロームを200枚ほどカラーライズした。それらの多くはFacebookの Ohmss Imura 等に保存している。明暗だけで構成された画像データに色が備われば、人の琴線を刺激する。白黒では解りづらい些事も明確になる。

ゴジラが撮影された鳥羽の賀多神社 Kata Jinja Shrine in Toba where Godzilla was filmed 

Besides them, I have colorized about 200 various black-and-white photographs. The majority of them are stored on Facebook's Ohmss Imura. It is clear that if color is provided in image data composed only of light and dark, it stimulates human emotions. In some cases, also details that are difficult to distinguish in black and white are clarified.
However, this is still a developing technology. there seems to be a lack of learning data. the surface of the sea is always emerald green, and this don't even know the color of Tokyo Tower. a image modification software is indispensable. Also, when I try to recolorize a color photo, the result may even be the exact opposite. It replaces real with non-real.
I think this fact helps to understand AI machine learning. If you leave everything to AI, it will deviate from reality. It is dangerous to rely on too much.

【夏のいちべ神社】Ichibe Jinja Shrine in summer


【2022年6月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for June 2022


On August 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for June. the current account balance is a deficit of 111.4 billion JPY. The trade balance is a huge deficit of 1951.2 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 8.3 billion JPY, by the credit 51.4 billion JPY and the debit 43.1 billion JPY.
The air passenger with restricted from the foreign flights is a surplus of 4 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 300 million JPY. and, the other services have a deficit of 209.6 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is a deficit of 254.5 billion JPY.

モノ輸出時代の終焉 The end of the era of goods export 

【衛生行政報告例より】From the "Sanitation Administrative Report Examples"


According to the "Sanitation Administrative Report Examples" released by the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare in April this year, it can be confirmed that the number of hotels and ryokans decreased by 301 in FY 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic began. Of these, 118 were bankruptcies.
In addition, according to Hotel Bank's "Current Status of Hotels All Over Japan", as of October 2021, the number of accommodation facilities was 54,772 and the number of rooms was 1,694,230. Compared to that category and January 2020, the number of ryokans was 13,829 facilities / 241,498 rooms, a decrease of 0.97%. Business hotels increased by 8.85% to 8,791 facilities / 820,697 rooms. The number of city hotels increased by 1.38% to 1168 facilities / 194,185 rooms. The number of resort hotels increased by 4.74% to 1,650 facilities / 125,954 rooms. As of January 2020, just before the coronavirus pandemic, the number of facilities was 51,987 / the number of rooms was 1,625,219. therefore, the number of facilities increased by 5.36% at 2,785 facilities, and the number of rooms increased by 4.25% at 69,011 rooms. Only ryokans, which are a purely Japanese business model, seem to decline, but if there is no inbound demand, hotels may also decline due to oversupply.
Since overnight stays have great potential as a foreign currency earning industry, it is necessary to protect and nurture them for economic security. Also, acquisitions by Chinese capital need to be regulated like Australia. This is because money flows back to the home country and becomes missiles.


【奈良ならレポート2022.0726】Nara nara Report 2022.0726 8/11三重ふるさと新聞版

【8月15日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 15


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 15,812,611 and the number of deaths was 35,419 (Does not include 1,770 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to June 24, this year). the cumulative mortality rate was further reduced to 0.22% by denominator spiked in 100% inspection.

【マリテーム・オペレーション】Operations at Maritime

ビフォー・アフター Before After

竹炭結界で猪を忌避 Avoid wild boars with a bamboo charcoal barrier

漏水の堤防と階下への誘導 Leakage barricade and induction to downstairs

【ワクチン・リスク(サンテレビ 2022.0822)】Vaccine risk


As a side note, According to NHK News on July 25, a lump-sum death benefit of up to 44.2 million JPY and 212,000 JPY for funeral expenses will be paid to the bereaved family of a woman in her 90s who died after being vaccinated, the MHLW says that the possibility of death due to vaccination cannot be denied. 850 people have so far been certified for relief due to anaphylaxis after vaccination, but this is the first time that a lump-sum death benefit has been paid.


【ガストロノミー・ツーリズムのSDGs】SDGs of the gastronomy tourism 8/25三重ふるさと新聞版

【8月31日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 31


As of August 31, the cumulative number of confirmed infections in 47 prefectures was 18,967,755, and the number of deaths was 39,955 (Does not include 1,795 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to July 22, this year). Although the denominator spiked with 100% testing, the cumulative mortality rate steadily declined to 0.21%.


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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