
No.195 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" March issue


【資産価値の向上➂】The improving asset value ➂

【日本は10年遅れている】Japan is 10 years behind


少なくとも7409円分はバブルです At least 7409 JPY is a bubble. 

As the so-called "Big Four" foreign hotel chains, Marriott, Hyatt, Hilton, and IHG are well known. in addition, recently Southeast Asian hotel groups such as Thailand's Centara and Singapore's Capella have also entered the Japanese market. the expansion of foreign hotels is accelerating against the backdrop of the weaker yen. some of them have expanded not only to metropolitan areas but also to regional cities. anyhow, even in Mie Prefecture, which is secondd or third to the bottom of the 47 prefectures in terms of international recognition, American investment fund Blackstone, American management company operator Choice Hotels, and Marriott have expanded into the prefecture. Additionally, an Asian investment company has renovated and opened a hotel in Toba City. Now I belong there. it's just like a Western-style Ryokan that resembles a guesthouse. The bed is also big. And I'm especially happy that there are no rain leaks, which was a big problem at Hotel Maritime.
The reason for foreign capital expansion is quite simple. this is because many foreign hotel operators are expecting long-term growth in accommodation demand. In other words, because the Japanese market has until now been closed and under-developed. They are paying attention to its potential.
Also, Japanese people mistakenly think that tourism = sightseeing and think that it is an entertainment industry that only takes place on weekends, but foreigners understand that tourism = human mobility market, and the Japanese market is highly valued as a base for trade in services. As evidence of this, regional banks with deficits treat hotels and ryokans as non-performing loans and write off their losses (although some hereditary business owners can't help but think so). they have not been able to break away from the 20th century values represented by goods trade. On the other hand, foreign investors see Japan's inbound demand, which is rapidly growing with the development of internet services, as an investment target following Europe. This was already announced as an advanced example in Europe and Oceania at the European Tourism Statistics Forum, which I attended 10 years ago. Japan is 10 years behind.
The unique contract structure of foreign hotels is also a factor in prompting operators to open new hotels. The most common form of opening for foreign hotels is a hotel management contract (HMC). this is similar to the designated manager system for public facilities in Japan. The owner of the hotel establishes a hotel management company and invests in interior furnishings, fixtures, equipment, etc., while the operator sends in personnel with operational know-how to essentially oversee hotel operations. operators are able to reduce the cost burden when opening hotels, and the more opportunities to open hotels, the more fee income they earn, leading to an increase in hotel openings. For example, in the case of Tomamu, the US investment fund Globe sold all of its shares to China's Fosun Group for 18.3 billion JPY, but Hoshino Resorts, with support from the Development Bank of Japan, is currently operating as an operator company.
However, control remains with the owner side. of course it's a sponsor, so it's only natural. If the relationship of trust is damaged or If management is bad, there is a possibility of operator replacement. In that case, depending on whether the business continues, the employee will either continue to employed or fired. Hotel Maritime which was sold by the owner company, although not foreign-owned, was the latter. Although this company that owns the building received a subsidy from the government for a high-value-added project, they were unsure whether to renovate it or resell it. In the end, They gave up on renovating it and decided to sell it. This is because the rule was that if you used the national budget for something and resold it within three years, the money would have to be returned to the national treasury. The purchaser, a major domestic resort company, plans to demolish the building and build a new one. That idea is, that aging reinforced concrete buildings will require the same repair costs as new buildings as they age, including equipment. Those costs cannot be recovered unless customers become more upscale or sell more rooms at lower profits. If that's the case, They believe that scratch-and-build from the beginning is cheaper in terms of long-term planning. This is especially true if you are aiming for an ryokan rather than a hotel. a ryokan is a complex facility that also has the functions of accommodation, restaurants, and bathhouses, and is similar to but different from a hotel. Therefore, because investments in aging boilers, air conditioners, kitchen equipment, water pipes, bathhouse filtration systems, etc. will cost more than the cost of dismantling the tatami banquet hall or renovating the guest rooms. Oedo Onsen Monogatari Hotels & Resorts and Yukai Resort are also affiliated with the American fund Lone Star, but the two companies are currently in the process of integrating their businesses. The purpose is to accelerate rebuilding by improving operational efficiency.
I would like to send a message of encouragement to the challengers from overseas, and at the same time, I hope that Japanese investors who are 10 years behind the curve will also graduate from the 20th century common sense.

【カジノ•ロワイヤルの新訳】The new translation of Casino Royale

驚きのダブルカヴァー Amazing double covers 


【2024年1月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for January 2024

On March 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for January this year. The current account balance is a surplus 438.2 billion JPY only. Trade balance was a deficit of 1442.7 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 415.9 billion JPY, consisting of 573.9 billion JPY in credit and 157.9 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 2,688,100 persons and Japanese Overseas is 838,600 persons. the unit price is 213,496 JPY for the inbound, and 188,290 JPY for the outbound. The impact of the weaker yen is noticeable. In central Tokyo, even business hotels are said to be soaring in price.
Air passengers is a deficit of 5.4 billion JPY, and also Sea passengers is a deficit of 500 million JPY. In addition, Other services had a deficit of 863.6 billion JPY, and the overall service balance was a deficit of 521.1 billion JPY. the digital sector of Japan, has largest deficit in the world.


【度会国御神社の建て替え 2024.0311現在】Rebuilding of the Wataraikunimi Jinja, As of March 11

北緯34度29分19.8秒 東経136度42分7.6秒  Latitude34°29’19.8"N. Longitude136° 42’7.6"E. 

外宮 Geku 

水の神様 下御井神社 Shimonomino Jinja the god of water 

多賀宮 Takanomiya 

笑智号 Emitomo-go 

【まだまだ下がる】It will go down more

日銀のゼロ金利解除とトランプ政権復帰で株安・円高が進む Stock prices decline and yen appreciation are expected to progress as the Bank of Japan lifts zero interest rates and the Trump administration returns 

【ダイヤモンドプリンセス入港 2024.0316】Diamond Princess enters the port March 16 2024


【エウロパ(オイローパ)入港 2024.0325】Europa enters the port March 25 2024


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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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