
No.174 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" June issue

旧長谷川邸の松阪もめん柄コーヒーカップ Matsusaka cotton pattern coffee cup of Former Hasegawa Residence 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 5月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of May 31

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【5月31日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of May 31

国政選挙が公示されると検査は減る Tests are reduced when national elections are announced.


【数字は語る】The numbers tell 5/26三重ふるさと新聞版

上海でのロックダウンは6月1日をもって終了した。 The lockdown in Shanghai ended on June 1. 

【AI機械学習とデジタル修復で甦る鳥羽】Scenery of Toba revived by AI machine learning or digital restoration

【恐ごわの開国】Frightened opening of the country


According to the Jiji Press on June 1, the Japanese government has started mitigation measures centered on reviewing all inspections at the time of entry, and at the same time, has begun consideration for further mitigation.
In Japan, where all tests were completed at the end of May, the countries / regions were classified into three categories, "blue", "yellow", and "red", in ascending order of virus influx risk, and from this month, it decided to make a difference depending on the presence or absence of inspection. "Blue" is in 98 countries / regions such as the United States, China, and South Korea, and is exempt from inspection at the time of entry and waiting for 3 days. "Yellow" omitted the inspection and waiting of the third vaccination inoculator in 99 countries / regions such as India and Egypt.
The Government of Japan says that this measure will create extra capacity for airport quarantine, etc., and plans to further increase the daily immigration limit. From July 1st, there are also "raise plans"for 30,000 people or "upper limit abolition plans".
Just at then, the House of Councilors election is in progress. it is said that inbound does not lead to votes compared to price measures and energy policy. But, the foreign currency earning industry under the depreciation of the yen is "blessed rain after the drought" not only for the regional economy but also for the national finance. I think don't hesitate.

【鳥羽市立海の博物館】Toba Sea-Folk Museum

The Toba Sea-Folk Museum was founded in 1971 to preserve the knowledge and history of Toba’s fishing traditions and culture. We are the only museum inJapan dedicated to understanding the traditions of Toba’s fisher-folk, and the relationship between man and the sea. For over 45 years the museum has collected and preserved the antique fishing equipment of Mie Prefecture’s fishing villages, and researched the traditions and religion of the area’s fisher-folk.
In 1985 the museum was awarded ‘Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties’ by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, for our collection of over six thousand exhibits about Toba’s ancient fishing traditions and antique fishing equipment.The museum was built in Uramura, outside of Toba city, in order to preserve the fishing heritage of this area for future generations.It took over 6 years to plan and build the museum, and it finally opened to the public in 1993.


川口呉川作「九鬼嘉隆と日本丸」松阪市 八千代 蔵 Kawaguchi Gosen's "Kuki Yoshitaka and Nihonmaru" owned by Yachiyo, Matsusaka City 

【2022年4月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for April 2022


On June 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for April. the current account balance is a surplus of 501.1 billion JPY. The trade balance is a deficit of 688.4 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 15.5 billion JPY, by the credit 52.5 billion JPY and the debit 37.0 billion JPY.
The air passenger with restricted from the foreign flights is a surplus of 32 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 300 million JPY. and, the other services have a deficit of 893.6 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is a huge deficit of 965.3 billion JPY.


【いちべ神社参道を彩る花々】Flowers seen on the approach to Ichibe Jinja Shrine

ニオイバンマツリ Brunfelsia latifolia
ブラシノキ Bottlebrush
ブラシの木と西洋キンシバイ Bottlebrush and Aaron's beard
アジサイ シュガーホワイト Hydrangea the sugar white
紫陽花 Hydrangea
亜米利加梯姑 Erythrina crista-galli
夕陽のゼラニウム Geranium in the setting sun
アイビーゼラニウム Ivy geranium
オオバキボウシ Plantain lily
ヒメヒオウギスイセン rocosmia
ノウゼンカズラ Trumpet vine
牡丹 Peony
浜撫子 Dianthus japonicus
ブーゲンビリア Bougainvillea
マツバギク Trailing Ice Plant
ガーデンローズ Garden rose
いちべ神社への入口 Entrance to Ichibe Jinja Shrine

【訪問者のための新しい旅のエチケット 宿泊編と飲食編】New Travel Etiquette for Visitors Accommodation Version and Drinking/Dining Version




【GoTo再開見送り】Go To resumes postponed

 「Go To トラベル」 では個人による直接予約も対象たったが、「県民割」は一部の旅行社やOTAが取り扱いを独占している。参院選を前にして、票田の既得権益は安泰のようである。

The Yomiuri Shimbun on June 9 leaked the discourse of several government officials. In July, the Japanese government coordinating financial support for the prefectural government's "Prefectural Citizen Discount" travel discount campaign, with the aim of expanding the target travel destinations not only to neighboring prefectures but also to the entire country.
This is because the infection situation of the novel corona pandemic is settling down, and it is judged that the focus can be shifted to economic revitalization by stimulating tourism demand. It will be announced later this month, along with the extension of the prefectural discount that end at the end of June.
To recap, the Prefectural Citizens' Discount was introduced in April 2021 as an alternative to the tourism support measure "GoTo Travel", and the government subsidizes up to 7,000 yen per day per traveler to prefectures that implement the prefectural resident discount. From November of the same year, travel from neighboring prefectures, and from February this year, travel within six blocks nationwide, such as Kanto and, has also been added to the scope of support. the resumption of "GoToTravel", which has been interruption since the end of 2020, will remain postponed for a while.
"Go To Travel" also covers direct reservations by individuals, but "Prefectural Discount" is monopolized by some travel agencies and OTAs . on before the House of Councillors election, the vested interests of a constituency seem to be safe.

【6月15日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 15


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 9,095,432, and the number of deaths was 30,978 (Does not include 1,742 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to May 27, this year). the cumulative mortality rate reduced to 0.34%.


There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination, but according to the Washington Post in August 2021, Moderna has been supported $ 24.6 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the Department of Defense for the development of such as mRNA vaccines since 2013, the third year of its founding. In addition, according to Newsweek in November 2020, mRNA was developed with military involvement. the idea is that even "temporarily boosting the immune response only in time for immediate surgery" only, as measures against infectious diseases in the battlefield.

【全国旅行支援の要旨】Summary of "national travel support"

【2021年の三重県の観光施設入込客数】Number of visitors to tourist facilities in Mie Prefecture in 2021

 観光消費額は前年比279億円(8.5%)増の3562億円で、記録が残る平成23年以降で二番目の低さ。居住地別では県内移動が前年比2.2ポイント増の45%を占めた。宿泊客の最多は愛知県からで前年比1.2ポイント増の24.7%。"Go To"が施行されていた前年は大阪からが最も多かった。

At a regular press conference on June 17, the Governor of Mie Prefecture announced the number of visitors to tourist facilities in 2021. The number of tourists and leisure visitors to the Mie prefecture decreased by 6% (1.75,000) from the previous year to 26.82 million, and the lowest since 2005, when the survey became the current method.
Tourism consumption increased by 27.9 billion JPY (8.5%) from the previous year to 356.2 billion JPY. It is the second lowest since 2011 when the record remains. By place of residence, movement within the prefecture accounted for 45%, an increase of 2.2 points from the previous year. The largest number of guests is from Aichi prefecture, up 1.2 points from the previous year to 24.7%. The year before the "Go To Travel" was enforced, it was the most from Osaka.

伊勢神宮参拝者数の推移 Changes in the number of worshipers at Ise Jingu

【アフリカ豚熱(アフリカ豚コレラ)の現状】Current status of African swine fever

ASFは日本未上陸 ASF has not landed in Japan.

【サル痘の現状】Current status of monkeypox

Confirmed cases of monkeypox by WHO region from January 2022 to 15 June 2022, data as of 15 June 2022 17:00 CEST 


The World Health Organization convened an urgent committee of experts to discuss whether it would be an "internationally concerned public health emergency," but on the 25th, it decided that it was not an emergency at this time.

【6月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 30


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 9,333,179, and the number of deaths was 31,297 (Does not include 1,742 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to May 27, this year). the cumulative mortality was further reduced to 0.33%.



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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