

No.103 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" August issue


【ドーバー海峡波高し】Dover Strait is the high wave

 リーマンショック級の世界経済の危機が、後進国ではなく先進国から来るとは思わなかった。 6/24に英国は、国民投票によってEUからの離脱を決めた。

The world economic crisis of the lehman shock class, did not expect to come from undeveloped country rather than developed country. on June 24, the United Kingdom decided to withdrawal from the EU in the referendum.
This is might annoying of since "A Bridge Too Far" for in European countries. and, it is true for the so-called also global company. the markets in the world became the simultaneous stock prices. 24th stock price was fallen significantly in each country, lost a total of 2.1 trillion dollars (215 trillion JPY) from the markets. the UK Prime Minister announced his resignation. possibility of Scottish independence has been also rekindled. it is not only. the independence movement also to London has propagated. in this vote was a border line which is in the British Empire became apparent. that is cosmopolitan peoples of liberally society and economy in the open. and, it is a conservative and introverted, and those who take a critical stance against immigration. additionally, the United Kingdom, Scotland, is the geographical border line that is along the Northern Ireland border.
The first place, the origin of the idea of ​​the anti-immigrant is the income gap that is a feature of the financial powerhouse, which is the next stage of the trading nation. the voter turnout was 72.2%. support rate of withdrawal is higher in the elderly. it is also in Japan of tomorrow.
The negotiation of the withdrawal with the EU will have two years in principle, but there is also the possibility of extension. all diplomatic rules are rewritten. EU has been encourage the early withdrawal, in order to avoid the appearance of a new withdrawal country. start of the negotiation is going to be after September. the biggest concern of United Kingdom is the immigration and the single market. the public opinion has divided in two.
However, it was decided in the very democratic vote. by a national referendum of the direct democracy. Japan is not yet at that level.
Its in Japan is became the sharp appreciation of the yen. this means that is the raise of hurdle, for inbound. the explosive shopping will celebrate its demise, and Cheap tourist tours will go to other countries. the People's network of June 24, the overseas mail order of Japanese products are also written to be the same thing. We should be seek the tourists of the developed countries price level, than count the number of the visitors. As the policy of the acquisition of foreign currency like in France. it's the most significant industry on the GNP.
However, also even in this time national elections, it was not said to be from any party. because Japan is the era of the Silver democracy that has been tied to still nostalgia of similar to the United Kingdom. one in four people of Japanese is more than 65 age.
On June 28, according to the Chunichi Shimbun, Japanese government seems considering the distribution of travel tickets again. it's as a strong yen measures. incidentally, Swiss franc was also soared, but such a stupid idea doesn't exist in Switzerland.

【三重県の観光実態調査報告書2015から】From the Mie Prefecture's Tourism Survey Report 2015

 そのうち伊勢志摩エリアの構成比は932万5000人で23.8%。最多は、伊勢志摩エリアの二倍近くだった北勢エリアの1819万5000人46.4%である。これは長島リゾートへの訪問者1515万人に負うところが大きい。伊勢神宮の内宮は548万9703人だから、その約三倍である。構成比を見てみよう。三重県への宿泊客は、北勢エリアが23.1%。中南勢エリアが6.9%。伊勢志摩エリアが63.7%。伊賀エリアが15.3%。東紀州エリアが23.9%。半数超えは伊勢志摩エリアだけである。三重県への日帰り客は、 北勢エリアが76.9%。中南勢エリアが93.1%。伊勢志摩エリアが36.3%。伊賀エリアが84.7%。東紀州エリアが76.1%。中南勢エリアは殆どスルー状態だ。


The real numbers estimate of the sightseeing and recreation to the Mie prefecture of 2015, it was about 39,212,000 people, in an increase of 2.5% year-on-year.
In that the Composition ratio of the Ise-Shima area is 23.8% in 9,325,000 people. The most numerous is the Hokusei area of the northern in the prefecture of 46.4%, in 18,195,000 people that was nearby two times of Ise-Shima area. this is a large contribution by the 15,150,000 people of the visitors to Nagashima Resort. Ise Jingu's Naiku is 5,489,703 people, So it is that about three times. let's look at a constitution ratio of areas. The tourists to the Mie Prefecture are Hokusei area 23.1%. Chunansei area 6.9%. Ise-Shima area 63.7%. Iga area 15.3%. and Higashi-Kishu area 23.9%. the more than half is Ise-Shima area that only.
The visitors to the Mie Prefecture are Hokusei area 76.9%. Chunansei area 93.1%. Ise-Shima area 36.3%. Iga area 84.7%. and Higashi-Kishu area 76.1%. Chunansei area has been almost passing through. The receipts of the tourists is Hokusei area 19,113JPY. Chunansei area 18,362JPY. Ise-Shima area 34,280JPY. Iga area 19,514JPY. and Higashi-Kishu area 19,374JPY. the average is 22,128JPY. The receipts of the visitors is Hokusei Area 5,868JPY. Chunansei area 4,689JPY. Ise-Shima area 8,508JPY. Iga area 6,462JPY. and Higashi-Kishu area 6,262JPY. the average is 6,358JPY.
In other words, the tourists will be profit for the regional economy in 3.48 times of the visitors.

By the way, it does not exist items of the inbound in the data book of this Mie Prefecture. it is an introvert still.
Speaking of introverted is the prime example is the "matsuri". because it is not a event for tourists. therefore in here, there is the most number is the number of regional residents.
For example, in the case of Matsusaka there are six "matsuri", that total is 577,470 people, but that majority not be able to think as the visitor or the tourist. according to the Tourism Survey Report, Matsusaka's the sightseeing and recreation of the total 2,419,186 people. the "matsuri" are equivalent to 23.87% of this.

【三重テラス】Mie Terrace

 とはいえ『観光実態調査報告書2015』によると、東京都から三重県への入り込みは、訪問者全体の僅か1.7%のみだった。ちなみに2014年は1.9%、2013 年は2.1%だった。

In the Tokyo currently, there is 55 prefectures's showroom. if that was averaged by simple calculation, in per one showroom is 235,751 people, because Tokyo's population is 12,966,307 people. but, in fact, its share is more severe. because there are also lot of people not born in Tokyo.
"Mie Terrace" is also one of such showrooms. this was opened on September 28 2013 of just-before of "Sengu". since, the visitors number of the shop + restaurant + events is the first year is 275,243 people. fiscal 2014 is 566,521 people. and, fiscal 2015 is 674,256 people. its cumulative is 1,516,020 people.
However, the average unit price is very low as following. wonder if it cannot be helped because is information base?
Although. according to the "Tourism Survey Report 2015", the visitors of from Tokyo to Mie Prefecture was only to just 1.7% of the total visitors. incidentally, 2014 is 1.9%, and 2013 was 2.1%.

        2013年度       2014年度       2015年度
 売店    227,655人     480,839人     569,942人
 食堂     17,033人      34,317人      30,581人
 合計    244,688人     515,156人     600,523人
 売上106,646,000円 200,208,000円 248,764,000円
 平均        435円         388円         414円

【デフレの根本的な要因】The fundamental cause of deflation


The population of Japan is a decrease of nine consecutive years by the "declining birthrate and aging". the definite value of this year's January was 125,891,742 people. The total fertility rate in 2015 is 1.46. the population maintenance level of 2.07 is below still. if leave the status quo, in 2060 it is expected to decrease to 86.74 million people.
Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has reported the results from the data of the preliminary value of last year's census, by estimates to the whole age of about 1% of the extracted all the household, on June 29. According to this, age 65 or more of the population in Japan is 33,422,000 people, the percentage of the total population is 26.7%. This is the result of more than 25 % for the first time in since the start of the survey of 1920. It is a high rate than 22.4% of Italy or 21.2% of Germany. namely, one person in four people is the elderly already in Japan.
This 65-year-old or more population exceed the 15-year-old less population in all Prefectures. according to the June 30 Chunichi Shimbun, Mie Prefecture's 15-year-old less population is 13.1%, and 65-year-old or more population is 27.6%. Incidentally, Matsusaka is 13.03%, 28.35%.
The "declining birthrate and aging" will mean a reduction of the consumption scale in Japan. it is will not sell from expensive commodity such as housing and durable consumer products. therefore, the large companies, decreased investment for the domestic market and comes to seek the way to the low labor costs and market development of the fast-growing countries. as a result, the domestic economic activity stagnated, and to shrink. This is Deflation factor from the supply side.
There is also the Deflation factor from the demand side. it finished the child-rearing and not yet be in the elderly, the definite value of the generations of from 55 to 64 year-old was decreased to 15,943,000 people is that. the percentage of the total population is only 12.55%. If this in generation's people a healthy and has job, relatively disposable income is high. the disposable income of the remaining generations is the very severe than this generation.

【人為的アクシデント】Anthropogenic accident


The Prime Minister Abe is the chairman in the "Tourism Vision Design Council for the supporting the tomorrow of Japan". it has been set goals of the inbound. until 2020 is 40 million people, and until 2030 is 60 million people. however, this numerical goal is that only the number of people. does not be increase profit of the "Travel balance" in the "Service balance" in the "Current account balance". here significance is not the same as the "regional revitalization" necessarily.
For this reason, Japan Tourism Authority has tolerated the outlaws that are rampant in order to earn quickly a number of people.
For example, it is a decoy Commercial Code. Chinese travel agencies will planning tour in unprofitable price, and ordering a trips in Japan to the land operator of Chinese in Japan. then, encourage the purchase of big-ticket items in the duty-free shop of China capital to the tour participant. in this way, they are making a profit in the kickback obtained from the duty-free shop. according to the Chunichi Shimbun of July 3, its kick-back to the Chinese tour operators will become 17%. it is as if greedy JTB rebate.
Because such a tour is originally unprofitable price, the revenue of the bus company and accommodation will be the nearly break-even point. thereby superimposing the load.
So, the traffic safety will be neglected. notwithstanding, the police officers acquiesce to the illegal parking of the tourist bus of front of the duty-free shop. For the driver shortage chronically, the some of the drivers does not get the two to three months holiday, or there is also a driver of the lack of experience. And, in the unannounced audit into the bus company, there is also a case that was put in touch with two days ago. the person in charge of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport said it is by the discretion of the site. also, Japan Tourism Agency is not taking concrete measures, as "We don't know the actual situation".
Apparently, the top priority of regime seems to be to collecting the number of people.
In this a reported of Chunichi Shimbun, there is also a description surprising. . that is about the final report of the ski bus fall accident by the Accident Measures Exploratory Committee. this accident is one that occurred in Karuizawa in January this year, the cause is the inexperience of the driver, sacrificed 15 people young. nevertheless, by inviting a supply shortage of chartered bus by thorough safe operation. it should be enough attention so as not to become a bottleneck of inbound tourism expansion, is that there is a rider with.
I've also record to No.95.5 (http://ohmss700.blogspot.com/2015/11/no955201512.html), but, this issue had been taken up as featured of NHK morning news at November 12 on last year already.
It was in before than the accident in Karuizawa.

【続・今そこにある矛盾】The contradiction that is there now, the sequel

 観光庁は7/6、社会福祉協議会やボランティア団体との協議の上で、旅行業者を介さなくてもいい案を示した。最終調整での方向は、参加者が直接バス会社で費用を支払うことになる場合や、参加者等々顔見知りの場合である。同時に、旅行業者に委託しなくても安全性を確保することができるよう、バス会社の選定方法や団体保険についての指針を示すようである。観光庁幹部は「安全な運行という目的を達成するために現実的な通知を出し直したい」 としている。

It because not to be via the travel agent, the volunteer bus that had dispatched to the affected areas from the local governments is pointed out that in violation of the Travel Agency Law. about this problem, already I've recording in No.102.5 of the last month, but in this problem there has been progress.
On July 6, Japan Tourism Agency showed the proposal to allow without via the travel agent, in the consultation with the Social Welfare Council and voluntary organizations. the direction of the final adjustment, if the participants will be pay the cost in the bus company directly. also, such as the participants is a case of acquaintance with each other. at the same time, even if you are not entrusted to the travel agent, it seems to indicate the guidelines which it is possible to ensure the safety, about the selection method of the bus company and the travel insurance. Executives of the Japan Tourism Agency says that "We want to re-issue a realistic notification in order to achieve the goal of safe operation".
Aw, indistinguishably this important point has been change to "safe operation" from "claims phone". Japan Tourism Agency should had to say, there was a lot of phone that "Do not you're in conflict with Travel Agency Law" about the volunteer bus directed to Kumamoto of the affected areas.
Even so, the wise decision of Japan Tourism Agency of this time would be evaluated. I think the "Minpaku problem" also should be wise.


Its "Minpaku". in the Kyoto, it had increased complaints from local residents by as night time noise and the trash-out. according to the Survey of Kyoto city, the registered Guest houses intermediation site review is 2702 houses. among them, the houses of the authorization on the Hotel Business Law is the 189 houses only. therefore, in Kyoto city, to open "the reported of Minpaku and the point of contact for consultation", to accept the complaints of local residents by phone and e-mail, from July 13.
Its purpose is the elimination of the local residents anxiety, and the administrative guidance. this is the first time in Japan.

【諸外国・地域の規制措置2016.0630】Regulatory measures of other countries and regions 2016.0630


On June 30, the [Regulatory measures of other countries and regions] of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries had been updated surreptitiously. as usual because the newspaper has not written not notice anyone.
The only new movement is the full cancellation of the inspection of from February 26 in India, and from May 13 in Kuwait. but, changed of the items of import ban of 12 countries is not seen at since the record of the No.97.5.
"The overview of Japan-producing food import control measures of Taiwan" is also alive and well. this is unchanged since May 15, 2015.
The first place, the reason of  tighter regulations in Taiwan, is locality impersonation of 283 items that was found in the spring of last year in Taiwan. the trading company that was involved in it in Japan has not been revealed, but as a result regulation became stricter. it must appended the "origin certificate" to all of the food with the exception of alcoholic beverages of from the 47 prefectures. also, the vegetables and fruits, seafood, seaweed, dairy products, drinking water, infant food is all lots inspection, and the Processed food is sample inspection in Taiwan.
Exports of agricultural and marine products and foods are important political measures for Japan. Why it is a wonder how did not go up on the agenda of the G7 Summit.


On July 21, according to the was report of delivered to the world by Greenpeace, radioactive cesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) of the surrounding soil of Minami Soma city's Nida-gawa was maximum 29,800Bq/kg detection. also from the surrounding soil of Ota-gawa is 23,800Bq/kg. furthermore, detected also cesium of maximum 6500 Bq/kg from the banks of the Abukuma-gawa estuary of Miyagi prefecture. the analytical was Citizen Radioactivity Monitoring Center in Tokyo. period of sample collection is from February 21 to March 11.
If compared with the Lake Biwa's four places of the same period of about 310 miles distance from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant, sediment of the South Nagahama is 13 Bq/kg only, and the northern was 7.1Bq/kg. moreover, Takashima and Kusatsu was not detectable. from this thing, this is shows the correlation between the distance and density from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, but at the same time, it is shows that the decontamination of the mountains and the rivers is not progress at all in Tohoku even now.
Perhaps, this would be of a one of the grounds of the embargoed countries.

【5月の経常収支/国際収支】 May's Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments


On July 8, the Ministry of Finance has been released May's "Current account balance" (Balance of payments) as scheduled.
This is being reported in the NHK news of nine o'clock the morning if always. but this month was the web news is only. and does not reported also at noon news. it is because is inconvenient to the stock prices and the election and Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation).
In short, Japan's "Trade balance" is on the verge of a deficit to rapidly, it before of the "Brexit" already. on the other hand, "Travel balance" is a still stable even if finished the season of Sakura. although it is yet 125.4 billion JPY only. the transport of passengers also deficit has continued. according to the provisional value of the JNTO, May's Inbound is 1,893,600 people, and Outbound was 1,250,000 people. the difference is 643,600 people that only.

[経常収支/国際収支 2016]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments 2016

 Jan.  520,800,000,000 JPY
 Feb.2,434,900,000,000 JPY
 Mar.2,980,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.1,878,500,000,000 JPY
 May.1,809,100,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade Balance
 Jan. ▲411,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  425,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  927,200,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  697,100,000,000 JPY
 May.   39,900,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services Balance
 Jan. ▲226,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  159,500,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  242,900,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲401,200,000,000 JPY
 May.  117,400,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income Balance
 Jan.1,331,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.2,045,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.2,131,700,000,000 JPY
 Apr.1,780,500,000,000 JPY
 May.1,898,200,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income Balance
 Jan. ▲172,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb. ▲194,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar. ▲321,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲197,900,000,000 JPY
 May. ▲246,500,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
 Jan.  ▲52,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  ▲43,600,000,000 JPY
 MAr.  ▲52,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  ▲53,900,000,000 JPY
 May.  ▲60,400,000,000 JPY

○トラベル Travel
 Jan.  134,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  123,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  110,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  155,900,000,000 JPY
 May.  125,400,000,000 JPY

○その他サービス Other Services
 Jan. ▲308,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   79,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  184,900,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲503,100,000,000 JPY
 May.   52,500,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
 Jan.     ▲500,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲1,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   ▲1,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲1,100,000,000 JPY
 May.   ▲1,300,000,000 JPY

○海上貨物 Sea Freight
 Jan.   37,400,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   33,000,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   37,200,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   30,500,000,000 JPY
 May.   32,100,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
 Jan.  ▲29,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  ▲24,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  ▲49,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  ▲29,300,000,000 JPY
 May.  ▲34,400,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
 Jan.    5,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    4,400,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    5,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    6,500,000,000 JPY
 May.    6,500,000,000 JPY

【地銀のビジネス】The work of regional banks

 政府は2020年までに、100の日本版DMO(詳細はNo.91.5 http://ohmss700.blogspot.com/2015/07/no9152015_14.html )を育成する方針である。

The Japanese government is a policy to develop the 100 Japan version of the DMO (details No.91.5 http://ohmss700.blogspot.com/2015/07/no9152015_14.html ) to until 2020.
As one of them, on July 1, DMO candidate of Nagano Prefecture has launched the "Nagano Prefecture Tourism Organization". by carrying out the reorganization of such as "Shinshu, Nagano Prefecture Tourism Association" of each municipality and the Prefecture's tourism promotion organizations and the companies. this organization is two stations system that put the marketing station and General Affairs Bureau under the Business Group. In the Marketing stations, put the Domestic Promotion Department, the Inbound Promotion Department, the Planning and Coordination Department. and, a Director-General who came from Hachijuni Bank, will strengthen the marketing function. In the General Affairs Department, put the accounting department and Bussan promotion part.
Originally, the DMO to need a scientific approach of such as collection and analysis of the various types data, the development of strategies, setting of KPI, the establishment of a PDCA cycle. apparently, DMO is seems promising as also an investment destination to regional banks. Speaking of which, they had came in The DMO study sessions Mie Prefecture was held.
I learned at the international statistics forum of EUROSTAT and the OECD, DMO need the data analysis of communication and money. if without it, that is the replacement of a signboard mere.
There is a DMO candidate organization registration of the 88 currently. although, really DMO of some would reach the "Step 3" ?


All is not always smooth sailing, as Nagano Prefecture.
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun of July 3, the Beppu incorporating the establishment of the "Japan version of DMO" in a comprehensive strategy which was formulated in October last year, and asked for cooperation in tourism association side. but, by understanding is not obtained consultation was stagnant. in this thing, the seat of the director from the municipal authorities became vacant at June 29. In addition, also has been emerged until the problem of inappropriate spending of subsidies of 100 million JPY. Beppu mayor said "in a situation where the Association does not show understanding to the DMO, the Beppu tourism can not hold". on the other hand, president of the Association has refuted, "that received an explanation of the DMO is not even once. also, there is no inappropriate spending".
In the study session of the DMO the lecturer had said, the reorganization for the DMO is the battle with the old resistance forces. namely, DMO is that a black ships.


By the way, grasp of consumer trends be essential for the M of DMO. however, the format of the each credit card company is each irregular. So, information analysis as type of business and the location and the department has been difficult. therefore, credit card-related major companies decide to be reflected in the RESAS, by unifying the input format of the member store information, by the initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. the company of participate is Visa, Master Card, Sumitomo Mitsui Card, Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS, UC Card, and Rakuten card.
The unified input information, has been merchant's name, city name, zip code, and industry's code etc, excluding such as the product data. also determines the input format, such as the roman alphabet, and would be develop a data standardization guidelines by the end of the year.

[第一弾登録]The first time registration




[第二弾登録]The second times registration


鳥取・因幡観光ネットワーク協議会(設立予定)(鳥取県鳥取市、岩美町、智頭町、若桜町 八頭町)


[第三弾登録]The third times registration



[第四弾登録]The fourth times registration



【20兆円の経済対策】The economic measures of 20 trillion JPY


July 12, Prime Minister has instructed to develop a comprehensive economic measure to the ministers concerned.
According to the Jiji press, shortening of about eight years of the schedule of the linear Shinkansen of until Osaka, and boost the construction of new Shinkansen lines. The infrastructure development for export-related acceleration for the early achievement of the export value of 1 trillion JPY of agriculture, forestry and fishery products and the foods. The development of port facilities for acceptance of the cruise ship. and, There are such as strengthening of the tourism industry towards the achievement of the inbound 40 million people goal, of such as the renovation and construction support of the local hotels and the ryokans. the business scale is about 20 trillion JPY. the deficit government bonds is that not to issue. it as a result, concrete and rebar would be lot sold. but, there is also such a problem.


The port call number of the cruise ship on Japan in 2015 was 1454. the Inbound passenger number is 1116000 people. Both's largest in past. now in Japan, for port call of large cruise ships of foreign-flagged, has been actively attract from various ports.
However, the large cruise ships of Japan-flagged has been sluggish. at 1989 had attracting 132,000 people by Japan-flagged cruise ships, but 2015 fell down to 98,000 people. on 2015 the "Sea passenger" in the "Transport balance" of the Preliminary aggregate is ▲ 5.8 billion JPY.
One of the reasons is which high-cost structure. Japan cruise ships are an high fare enough to be said to be the world's best. because are restricted by the national legislation, in the case of Japan-flagged. it "Navigators and Engineers is limited to Japanese". "One time in 60 days is duty of cruise abroad"."Consumption tax is cost ". "the same port and the cruising on same route is up to three times a year". and, such as "prohibition of casino".
Moreover, Situation change in the Middle East and Europe is also a serious. As a result, "Asuka II" (NYK) was canceled this year the European cruising. also "pacific venus" (Japan Cruise Line) is the long cruising is limited to Oceania. therefore, this year's Japan-flagged cruise ships was that not perform round-the-world voyage to first time in about 20 years.

【イノベーションなインベーション】 The innovative invasion


According to the Hokkaido Shimbun of July 18, UmiJun Media Group of the movies production company of the private sector largest in China, is under construction a new studio of the area of ​​about 15,000 square meters on China Jiangsu Yixing City. Running start is scheduled within this month.
And, then within five years as the first overseas filming locations seem consider the construction plans of a new studio on Sapporo City or its suburbs.
In the common sense, the world movie companies is not constructed a permanent studio on high labor cost countries than their own country. because is not profitable. it's a surprise.
Apparently, the communist country of quick decision seems noticed. the next of the "world's factory era" is "movie and international tourism era", and also that to be support the AIIB. in addition, it's helpful also to the deepening of the intelligent. because the movies is not only to provide the entertainment.
For example, I don't say that everything is so, but there is often ideology of the exporter country to that movies background. on fact, the role played by foreign movies in the democratization of Japan after the Second World War was great. So to speak, it's a re-education that has received the baptism of McCarthyism. Of course, in the first half in the 70s, there was also the many antithesis movies. but, these also was gave the opportunity to think on their own to the viewer. that was democratic.
However, this is not possible thing with the movies from mainland China.
That next stage would be acquisition of the film distribution network, if the case in the past of the American style. or, it might be ahead.  

【ニューフロンティア】A new frontier


The last year's the average temperature of the world was the hottest year in since 1880 the observation record remains, but according to NASA public relations of July 19, this year is likely to further update the record. it is because the average of the world temperature of up, from January to June has exceeded already 1.3℃ from the end of the 19 century of the industrial revolution progression. the ozone hole of the same causal relationship with the global warming is despite have become restoration since 2000.
This, even though flon and halon could surely reduce, the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide can be understood to be cannot reduced. Already recorded the highest temperature 32.4℃ on July 1 in the Siberian Irkutsk. and in also Alaska Fairbanks rose to 31℃ on July 13-14. and, in Northern Kuwait it was recorded 54 ℃ on July 21.
According to the Reuters of this day, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization has this year's global temperature is expected to be a record high, and the global warming has released that proceeding at a faster pace than expected. because the record of highest temperature has been updated in 14 consecutive months up to until June, as suggests the acceleration of climate change. also the measure of temperature on the northern hemisphere in the first half of this year, and the timing with pace of ice melting on the Arctic, and also from such as the best record update of the carbon dioxide concentration.
WMO has prompted a rapid execution of the "Paris Agreement" that has been adopted at COP21 in December last year. because environmental change due has become a threat for vested rights beneficiaries. that damage is not only coastal areas, also the breadbasket of inland will be serious by drought or fire.
However, the emergence of a new agricultural areas are also expected of the high-latitude county. Also would be accelerate development of Greenland's a rich underground resources. its exploration has begun already. after all, because this vast island warm climate was until the era of Heijokyo of Japan. So that's completely untouched.
There is also a significant advantage for the international tourism. North America and North Europe, and Iceland will be the close distance than conventional into Japan, by Northwest Passage or Northern Sea Route. and, the coastline and the climate will be changing, and the markets by it will also change. the middle of this century, would be in a world where modern people cannot imagine.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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