
No.138『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2019』7月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019"  July Issue


【大宇陀レポート2019.0528】No translation






Translated into English, for a fee if necessary because it may contain confidential information.

【住宅宿泊事業法施行から一年】One year has passed since the Private Lodging Business Law came into effect


As I mentioned at last year's study session, I'm not against 100% private lodging. Where there are no ryokans or hotels from a commercial point of view, the wallets of external visitors are appreciated, as they will put a brake on the decline of the local economy due to the population decline.
The problem, that there are many densely populated areas in Japan. It is essential to ensure safe and secure both in the customer and in the community.
For that purpose, flame retardant specifications and fire protection equipment are essential, and in terms of initial digestion and evacuation guidance, and also in terms of crime deterrence, there can be only a manager's residence type.
Nevertheless, according to the industry newspaper on May 24, the Panasonic Exhibition Center, Osaka, a home exhibition space, proposes that a home that has become vacant be remodeled into a private lodging facility as one of the "Re-Life Story" concepts. This is because the private lodging is attracting attention as inbound demand increases.
According to the report, the company has proposed a reform to an owner-residential private lodging where guests stay at a house where residents live from December 2016 before the Private Lodging Business Law came into force. However, in June 2018, when the new law came into effect, it was proposed to renovate the entire house into a non-resident type that would make it a private lodging facility. It seems that the enforcement of the new law pushed the back.
The company expects guests to be used by a large number of families and young people from abroad. The first floor is LDK where guests gather, and the second floor is the bedroom. the owner can view the inside of the house with the smartphone cooperation camera, and you can communicate by the "Ohanashi Camera", which allows you to talk with guests from outside. So, says that even non-resident type is safe. the safe and secure of the local residents seems to be out of sight.
Panasonic Center, by setting up a concierge desk, it is possible to deal roughly with housing-related matters in five areas: renovation, real estate, financial plans, senior life support, and interior design. and says that regarding the specialized part such as the law and application of private residence, the person in charge will carry out the individual advice service free of charge in cooperation with the JAPA in every Saturday afternoon. that is it possible to do night noise problems, trash problems, fire protection, and even advice on crime prevention?
According to the Asahi Shimbun on May 23, Fukuoka prefectural police arrested a man of Chinese nationality for alleged violations of the Stimulant Control Law, etc. (commercial import) for smuggling stimulants at a receiving place in a private lodge. the prefectural police believe that they have exploited the characteristics of the private lodges where guests are less visible.
Under such circumstances, Osaka City launched an illegal private lodging eradication team in April last year and launched an illegal civilian accommodation instruction force unit consisting of PFOs etc. in June of the same year. before the G20 Summit, which will be held on the 28th and 29th June this year, approximately 4800 private lodging facilities are targeted for investigation, with a focus on the eradication of illegal private lodging.
In addition, in the case of operators living abroad who can not be instructed because the city's authority can not be directed, they ask the state for measures and call on consulates in China and South Korea not to use illegal private lodging.
Thirty-seven countries and international organizations are scheduled to participate in the G20 Summit, and around 30,000 people, including heads of state, government officials and overseas media, will visit Osaka. It is because information transmission of "safety / reliable town Osaka and Kansai" is also a pillar of holding significance.
According to the Osaka City Public Health Center, about 4400 facilities have already been officially licensed or discontinued.
According to the Chunichi Shimbun of June 16, notification of private lodging business in this one year is 17,301 (as of June 7). About half of them tend to be concentrated in urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. the largest is Tokyo it was 5,879. Osaka is 2,789 the half of them. Hokkaido is 2,499. It is says that corporate management has come to account for about half of the management form.
On the other hand, it is reported that 982 private lodgeing have already gone out of business.

【ロシアとの観光交流】Tourism exchange with Russia Туристический обмен с Россией

 そこで、今年の12月には国連世界観光機関とユネスコとの共催で、観光と文化をテーマにした国際会議が京都で開催されるが "映画媒体による知名度向上"をテーマの一つに加えてもらうことはできないだろうか。映画による知名度向上効果は極めて高い。そして、観光収入は文化財保存原資に不可欠だからである。

Although the biennial UNWTO General Assembly will be held in Санкт-Петербург Russia this year, also seems that tourism exchange between Japan and Russia is steadily progressing.
Both are on the rise, due to the opening of the JNTO Moscow office in 2016 and the increasing tendency in regular flights between Japan and Russia. the number of Russian tourists visiting Japan in 2018 was 95,000 people, up 22.7%, and the number of Japanese tourists visiting Russia was 19,000 people, up 16.7%. According to the Kanko-keizai Shimbun on May 28, JNTO President and RUTI chairman signed a memorandum on May 14 concerning cooperation to expand mutual interaction between Japan and Russia through the field of tourism. RUTI stands for Russian Union of Travel Industry, and consists of travel companies and lodging companies in Russia, and has approximately 2,500 companies.
The goal is to reach more than 200,000 people by 2023 in both countries. To promote tourism to Japan, jointly hold workshops and travel seminars in major cities in Russia, and disseminate information by RUTI's portal site for the travel industry. In addition, it is said to strengthen promotion for market development throughout Russia including Siberia and the Far East.
However, Russia's travel balance is still in deficit. The Russian government, which aims to improve the travel balance, which is a service export, also raises the issue of increasing the number of foreign tourists. In May 2018, the Federal Objective Program “Development of Domestic Tourism and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation in 2019-2025” was also adopted.
Russia has classified tourists as business travel or sightseeing travel, according to an email previously received from the editor of Russia NOW. While service exports by travel in Russia are half of business travel and sightseeing travel, service imports are overwhelmingly sightseeing lot. In other words, many Russians go abroad to sightseeing, but half of the foreigners who come to Russia are business. In the "service exports" of the Russian Federation project, which was adopted in November 2018, the concrete goal of increasing the export of travel services which is from only 9 billion USD as of 2017 to 15.5 billion USD by 2024, is also targeted. Apparently, Russia also seems wants to put more emphasis on disseminating information for sightseeing.
By the way, Russia currently has 17 cultural heritage sites and 11 natural heritage sites, for a total of 28 world heritage sites, but honestly, many of them have no image when they ask for their names. Although other than where it was introduced as the main stage on the films. Therefore, an international conference on the theme of tourism and culture will be held in Kyoto jointly with UNWTO and UNESCO in December of this year, but I hope that one of the themes will be a "Improvement of publicity by film media" think. the effect of improving the publicity of films is extremely high. And, it is because tourism income is indispensable for cultural property preservation resources.
Incidentally, I already wrote in No.131, but according to the UNWTO's Tourism Highlights, the International Tourist Arrivals of the Russian Federation is 26,852,000 in 2015, 24,571,000 in 2016, 24,390,000 in 2017 (provisional value). that is decreasing trend, but the International tourism receipts are on the rising trend. It is 8945 million USD (provisional value) in 2017, compared with 8420 million USD in 2015.
Tourism exchanges lead to mutual understanding and profit, but that is not necessarily an increase in the number of people only.

[文化的基準 Cultural criteria]

▽Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments サンクトペテルブルク歴史地区と関連建造物群 - 1990
▽Kizhi Pogost キジー・ポゴスト(キジ島の木造教会建築) - 1990
▽Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow モスクワのクレムリンと赤の広場 - 1990
▽Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings ノヴゴロドと周辺の文化財 - 1992
▽Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands ソロヴェツキー諸島の文化的・歴史的遺産群 - 1992
▽White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal ウラジーミルとスーズダリの白亜の建造物群 - 1992
▽Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad セルギエフ・パサドの至聖三者聖セルギイ大修道院の建造物群 - 1993
▽Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye コローメンスコエの主の昇天教会 - 1994
▽Curonian Spit クルシュー砂州 - 2000
▽Ensemble of the Ferrapontov Monastery フェラポントフ修道院の建造物群 - 2000
▽Historic and Architectural Complex of the Kazan Kremlin カザン・クレムリンの歴史的・建築的複合体 - 2000
▽Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent デルベントのシタデル、古代都市、要塞建築物群 - 2003
▽Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent ノヴォデヴィチ修道院の建造物群 - 2004
▽Historical Centre of the City of Yaroslavl ヤロスラヴリの歴史地区 - 2005
▽Struve Geodetic Arc シュトルーヴェの測地弧 - 2005
▽Bolgar Historical and Archaeological Complex ボルガルの歴史的考古学的遺産群 - 2014
▽Assumption Cathedral and Monastery of the town-island of Sviyazhsk スヴィヤジツクの集落島の生神女就寝大聖堂と修道院 - 2017

[自然的基準 Natural criteria]

▽Virgin Komi Forests コミの原生林 - 1995
▽Lake Baikal バイカル湖 - 1996
▽Volcanoes of Kamchatka カムチャツカの火山群 - 1996、拡大2001
▽Golden Mountains of Altai アルタイの黄金山地 - 1998
▽Western Caucasus 西カフカース - 1999
▽Central Sikhote-Alin シホテアリニ山脈中央部 - 2001、拡大2018 (黒澤明のデルス・ウザーラのロケーション Akira Kurosawa's "Dersu Uzala" location)
▽Uvs Nuur Basin ウヴス・ヌール盆地 - 2003
▽Natural System of Wrangel Island Reserve ウランゲル島保護区の自然体系 - 2004
▽Putorana Plateau プトラナ台地 - 2010
▽Lena Pillars Nature Park レナ石柱自然公園 - 2012
▽Landscapes of Dauria ダウリヤの景観群 - 2017

【フィリピンの規制緩和】Deregulation of the Philippines


 また、日本の首相は2017年1月のフィリピン訪問時に、5年間で1兆円規模の政府と民間による支援を表明したが、駐比大使は 「現時点ですでに1兆円を超えている」と明かし、フィリピン大統領は日本の支援に謝意を示すと「日本の包括的な開発支援は質と合意において模範的な例に他ならない」と述べている。

According to the Chunichi Shimbun newspaper on June 1st, the President of Philippines and Japan's Prime Minister of Japan jointly announced that the Philippine government decided to cancel the import ban measures for Fukushima-produced marine products after the May 31 meeting in a press release.
So I immediately confirmed the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions". But, the last update date is still April 15. In other words, that it there was no change in May. The deregulation proposal at the EU-Japan Business Roundtable held in Brussels on May 15 seems to be merely a lip service. Although the EU-Japan EPA has already been activated.
Well, according to the Japanese MAFF's the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions", the only measures to import ban of marine products in the Philippines are the four species of Yamame, Ikanago, Ugui and Ayu in Fukushima. If anything, there are much more requests for production certificate and radioactive material inspection report.
Therefore, even if the import ban is lifted, there is no change in the requirement for radioactive material inspection reports similar to most fishery products of Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma. and also other prefectures still need a certificate of origin.
Nevertheless, the two leaders confirmed at a meeting that they would steadily promote Japan's support for infrastructure development in the Philippines. and, it is said that they agreed to promote seek peace with Mindanao's ISIL. Are they going to involve Japan?
According to the Manila Newspaper on the same day, the two leaders agreed to aim for a "free, stable and thriving Asian region". and, says that based on the trend of China promoting the military base of South China Sea, it is confirmed that cooperation in the defense field is continued be deepeneding.
Also, at the time of his visit to the Philippines in January 2017, the Japanese prime minister has announced support by the government and the private sector on the order of 1 trillion yen in five years, but the Japanese ambassador in the Philippines, "It has already exceeded 1 trillion JPY at the moment" to said. and the Philippines president thanked Japan for its support, saying, "Japan's comprehensive development support is a good example of quality and agreement."
The Philippines president entered Tokyo on May 28. a memorandum of understanding between the Philippines Ministry of Trade and Industry and JETRO, a total of 26888 billion pesos, 26 business agreements were signed. In addition, there were also discussions about Filipinos working in Japan “specific skills”.

【2019年4月の国際収支】April's Balance of payments 2019


On June 10, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of April. Initially it was scheduled to be released Friday, June 7th, but this day was also accompanied by the deterioration of the economic trend index in April by the Cabinet Office, and the publication of the declining birthrate and aging population by the MHLW. So, it was seems postponed. the balance of payments in April every year is not good except for the travel balance. because there is no need for three bad economic indicators for the current administration. (+0.49%) It is barely.
Well, the balance of payments for this month is 1.7074 trillion JPY. The year-on-year ratio was ▲ 9.4%. As always, the 9 am NHK news was limited to describing only 58 months of consecutive surpluses. It doesn't say an extra fact.
The trade balance is ▲98.2 billion JPY. the exports is 6.3880 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.4862 trillion JPY. the year-on-year is 1.6%.
On the other hand, the travel balance was 256.4 billion JPY. the credit is 452.4 billion JPY, and the debit was 196 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for April was 2,926,700 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,666,500 people (Both preliminary). This month, as 10 consecutive holidays began from the end of month, the number of overseas travel increased.
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 0.1 billion JPY, and the debit is 1.3 billion JPY for ▲1.2 billion JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 31.1 billion JPY and the debit is 67.4 billion JPY for ▲36.3 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.).
The other services, the Credit is 1186.5 billion JPY and the Debit is 1672.9 billion JPY for ▲486.5 billion JPY.
Is it possible to say that the country is prosperous by such a thing?

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【58ヶ月間連続黒字の実態】The actual condition of 58 consecutive months of surplus

【国内最古の世界遺産】Japan's oldest world heritage site

 国際記念物遺跡会議ICOMOSの勧告には、『世界遺産リスト』に記載するのが適切か否かかについて、『記載(登録に適切)』『照会(追加情報を照会する必要がある)』『延期(より詳細な調査および推奨の修正が必要)』『不記載(適切な登録)』 の四つの判断があるが、2017年7月に文化庁文化審議会で世界文化遺産に推薦することを決めた百舌鳥・古市古墳群の現地調査の結果については『登録が適当』だとし、国連教育科学文化機関UNESCOに勧告した。

There are the following four types of judgment as to whether or not it is appropriate to list in the "World Heritage List" in ICOMOS's recommendation. "Inscription" (appropriate to registration), "Referral" (need to refer to additional information), "Deferral" (needs more detailed investigation and revision of recommendation), "Not to Inscribe" (appropriate registration). ICOMOS reported to UNESCO that "Inscription is appropriate" as a result of the field survey of the "Mozu-Furuichi tomb group" which decided to recommend it as a world cultural heritage at the cultural council of Japan's cultural agency in July 2017 did.
As a result, it will be officially decided by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Azerbaijan from June 30 to July 10, and will be registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site.
This group of burial mounds is one of the proofs of politics and culture in the late 4th and late 5th centuries in Japan. There are 23 units "Daisen Kofun" etc. in the Mozu area in contact with Osaka Bay, which was the departure point with the mainland route that is the west side of the Kii Peninsula. and in the Furuichi area, 26 units "Ojin Emperor's Kofun" etc. are scattered and exist.
By the way, in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture, which is on the east side of the Kii Peninsula, there is the Takarazuka tomb, where the Boat-Shaped Haniwa symbolizing the fusion of Yamato culture and Ise culture has been excavated.
The following is an uncut version of “Japanese cultural heritage is still young” that I posted in the eveningpaper Mie on April 15, 2013, and this is from No.64 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2013" May issue.
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 ならば、これが出土した『宝塚古墳』ごとならばどうだろう。国史跡の指定が1932年(昭和7年)だから資格は充分だ。追加指定も合わせると、 26767.4平方メートルはある。

Kinkaku-ji, which was burned down in 1950 and rebuilt five years later, is not itself a national treasure, but UNESCO has been registered in a "World Cultural Heritage " it as "cultural asset of ancient Kyoto".
Speaking of which, "Suzaku-mon" was restored in 1998, and "Heijyokyo Palace Ruins" of "Daigoku-den" restored in 2010 is also a component of "Cultural property of the ancient capital Nara". But, there is no designation as a national treasure.
Then, how about "Boat-Shaped Haniwa" in "Matsusaka City Cultural Property Center" which reached the 10th anniversary of opening the other day. If it is an important cultural property of the country which aims at national treasure, it may be suitable also for the world heritage.
However, speaking from conclusion, it seems that it can not be done. Because world cultural heritage is limited to the thing which can not move. Even with a total length 4.6 feet "Boat-Shaped Haniwa", it is impossible to register this alone.
If so, what about each Takarazuka tomb that was excavated this? Qualification is enough because designation of national historic site is thing of 1932. there are also 26767.4 square meters, if including additional designations for later years.
Or are there many dissenting opinions because it is in the town?
Having said that, in Japan, there is still no registration of world cultural heritage in the case of national historical sites prior to the early 5th century 1600. Even the oldest one is the Heijo-kyo ruins of 1300 years ago.
Therefore, if we objectively consider Japan's world's cultural heritage, which began in 1992, from the perspective of world history and looks like that Japan before that seems like a culturally impoverished land. there are few foreigners also who know the Kojiki.
It is said that the driving force of World Heritage registration is the enthusiasm of the public and private sectors. If it is negative, the same kind of historical sites in other places become world cultural heritage. And, UNESCO also says that similar registrations are not welcome on the same country. If so, I think that we should aim at not only national treasure designation of "Boat-shaped Haniwa" but also higher, for the Japanese.
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However, there is not even designation as national treasure yet.

【JTB総研のレポート2019.0531から】From the report 2019.0531 of JTB Research Institute

 そこでJTB総研は、10連休明けの5/10から5/28にかけて『歴史的な建築物がある集落や町並み (重要伝統的建造物群保存地区)』における、生活者のライフスタイルや価値観が消費行動や旅行に与える影響にについての調査を実施した。

○ 関心のある集落・町並みは「城下町・商家町」、「寺町・門前町」、「近代の洋館」

○ 直近で訪れた「重要伝統的建造物群保存地区」の滞在時間は2時間未満36.7%


○ 訪問経験のある20代男性は「保存への協力」や「中長期滞在」意向が高い

○ 保存地区の管理・運営者の課題は「空き家の活用」と「交通アクセス」の改善


 直近で訪問した地区の滞在時間は、2時間未満が36.7%、2~4時間未満が32.9%で、地区内での宿泊は12.6%である。歴史的な建築物がある集落やまちなみは、その多くが広いエリアではないので、域内で時間をかけて何ができるかが課題だ。結果として、67.9%が日帰訪問となり、 宿泊を伴う旅行での訪問者は全体の32.1%、「歴史的な建造物を利用したカジュアルな宿泊施設」利用が9.4%、 地区外への宿泊が13.6%となる。いわゆる安近短傾向だ。


 レポートは、重要伝統的建築物群保存地区の管理・運営者の取り組みとして、「まちの景観を保存すること」が95.5%、「歴史的な文化を継承すること」が90.9%を是とし、課題は「空き家の活用」65.2%、「交通アクセスの利便性」56.5%だとし、 参考にする地域としては、同じような「重要的建築物群保存地区」ではない他の「観光地」であるとする。

As well as Ouda, many villages and townscapes with historical buildings are now preserved in various parts of Japan, and as of May 2019, in 118 regions in 98 municipalities are Important Traditional Building Group Conservation Area of the country Selected. Among these, there are places where many tourists gather, and places which are quiet as places of life.
So, JTB Research Institute, from May 10 to May 28, 2019, about the influence that lifestyle and values ​​of the consumers have on consumption behavior and travel in "Villages and townscapes with historic buildings" Survey was conducted.
The survey method is 1030 visitors to the important traditional buildings preservation area, such as the movements and visit intentions of the visitors, and Internet questionnaires to organizations and groups involved in managing the district. About selection of investigation object districts such as visited experience, it is 29 areas chosen randomly for every kind of "important traditional building group preservation district". And from the point of view of the possibility of the future, large cities and famous tourist places that many visitors already visit are excluded. from Mie Prefecture, Seki-juku of Kameyama City is extracted.
The conclusions obtained are summarized in the following five points.

○ The villages and townscapes of interest are "Castle town, Merchant's house", "Tera-machi, Monzencho", "Modern Western-style building".
・Younger people are less interested, and 40% of men in their 20s "do not know, do not want to visit".

○ The time spent in the "Important Traditional Building Group Conservation Area" are visited recently was 36.7% for less than 2 hours.
・Most recent lodging experience is 12.6%. the issue, in order to extend the stay time how to spend in a narrow area.

○ “Lunch in the area” is an important factor for expanding consumption such as revisit and stay time.

○ Men in their twenties who have visited there tend to be "cooperation for preservation" and "mid- and long-term stays".

○ Challenges of preservation area administrators and operators are improvement of "utilization of vacant houses" and "traffic access".

The 29 surveyed areas considered to be randomly selected are as follows.Kakunodate, Ohuchijuku, Makabe, Kawagoe, Shukunegi, Kanayamachi, Narai, Togakushi, Tsumagojuku, Gujohachiman-kitamachi, Shirakawago-ogimachi, Sanmachi, Minomachi, Sekijuku, Hachiman, Kawaramachi-serimachi, Ineura, Sasayama, Imaicho, Ohmoriginzan, Yunotsu, Tsuwano, Tomonoura, Horiuchi, Yahiko, Higashiyayamasonochiai, Akizuki, Shiotazu, Hamanakamachi-hachihongishuku, and, Mimitsu.
To be honest, there are not many places where images come to mind. because most of these places are known only within reach of local television stations.

Let's look at this report in more detail.
First, in response to the question whether or not you have visited “villages and townscapes with historic buildings (not limited to important traditional buildings preservation area)”, “Traveled for the purpose of visiting” was 39.4%. "I visited while I was traveling" was 32.6%. As the age of both men and women is younger, the ratio of "I have not visited" and "I do not know" increases.
Next, as a kind of townscape of interest, the castle town and the merchant's town are 51.9%. Tera-machi and Monzen-cho are 44.2%. Modern Western-style buildings are 35.8%. As for the tendency, roughly older people are more interested, and women are more interested than men in modern Western-style buildings.
In addition, when we saw the recognition and the visit experience of 29 survey targets, Shirakawago is a recognition rate of 50.9% and a visit rate of 23.4%, and Kawagoe is a recognition rate of 37.0% and a visit rate of 23.0%, both of which are ranked high. I think it Shirakawago is a World Heritage and should be excluded from the survey, but the name recognition are may only be in the central economic zone. The same is true for Kawagoe, which is near the metropolitan area.
Time spent in recently visited area is less than 2 hours 36.7%, less than 2 to 4 hours 32.9%, and stay in accommodation on the area was only 12.6%. Many villages and towns with historic buildings are not large areas. The challenge is what to do over time in the region. As a result, 67.9% are day trip visits, and staying visitors is 32.1% of the whole. also, 9.4% the "casual accommodation using historical buildings" users. and, staying to outside area are 13.6%.
About companions, "spouse, partner" is majority with 55.6%. female are with "friends" or "parent", and male are proportion relatively high of “traveling alone”.
About consumption expenditure to the area, the expenditure rate is high in the order of 62.9% for "souvenirs", 62.9% for "lunch" and 50.5% for "tea and snacks". The average spending amount is 15,800 JPY for hotel or ryokan, 4,100 JPY for dinner, and 4,000 JPY for souvenirs. food and drink items such as 68.2% for "sweets", 34.6% for "vegetables and fruits", 22.9% for "sake" and 20.7% for "Chinmi" are on the high rank of what you want to purchase as souvenirs, and traditional crafts or local toys are around 10%.

After that, the report of JTB Research Institute says a tendency to be passive as a motivation to visit because "I followed to companion" was the most at 17.8%. and As satisfaction, 48.3% for "harmony with the surrounding nature" and 25.8% for "moderate liveliness" show the importance of the ambience. On the other hand, the dissatisfaction points are 8.7% (90 people) for the number of restaurants and bars, and 7.3% (75 people) for the number of cafes and souvenir shops. and, that based on the result that “I want to contribute indirectly with consumption such as shopping and lodging after visiting” is a majority among all surveyed generations, It proceed to the report of regional currency and smartphone payment, and says that male 20s to 30s is considered as "a troubled place that only cash can be used".
I feel here the intention of the electronic payment of this report.
In fact, 1030 people were included in this survey in this report, but the previous screening survey included 10,000 males and females aged 20-79. the 1030 people who have traveled accommodation several times over the past year, I think that only a few percent of males in their 20s are at least a trivial thing at the moment.

The report affirms that 95.5% of "preserving the town landscape" and 90.9% of "inheriting the historical culture" as the management and operators of the important traditional building group preservation district. The issues are "utilization of vacant houses" 65.2% and "convenience of traffic access" 56.5%. As area to refer to, we assume that it is other "sightseeing spots" not similar "important building group preservation district".
In addition, as a possibility of the future, many people who visited the same place many times say that they ate lunch and tend to visit for a relatively long time. therefore says  "meal" may contribute to the review and extension of the visit. and, says that as a whole "there are many buildings where people live and can enjoy a sense of life" is also related to re-visiting.
However, on the Kawasaki area is in the middle of that gap at now. Although  in 2017 Ise City proposed the establishment of a new regulation in which only buildings with a traditional buildings-like appearance can be built in this area, objections have been raised from some of the residents. As this town is not a commercial town. Also, they are also requesting re-designation to the "Quasi-fire zone" canceled in 2004. In short, it is a conflict of values ​​of development with preservation. this is a universal problem that occurs even in World Heritage classes. the Dresden Elbe Valley was removed from the list in 2009 due to the construction of bridges that undermine the landscape.

【国際ツーリズムも貿易です】International tourism is also a trade

According to the new report issued by the UNWTO in Madrid on June 6, International receipts in 2018 increase by 100 billion USD over the previous year by substantially increasing by 4% reached 1,440 billion USD (adjusting currency movements and price increases). this is consistent with a 6% increase in International tourist arrival in 2018.
Regional international tourism receipts increased by 9% in both Central and Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia.
Asia-Pacific increased by 7%. Europe is up 5%. And the Middle East is up 3%. On the other hand, Africas is 1%, and Americas was 0%.
Including the consumption value of 1.448 trillion USD on the international tourism receipt, and the 256 billion USD international passenger transport service, which is Japan's weakness, the total exports of international tourism in 2018 will be 1.7 trillion USD.
This corresponds to 29% of service exports worldwide, and 7% of total exports of goods and services, which is second only to chemical manufacturing and fuel industry. and it also outperforms food exports and automobile industries exports. Inbound is growing for seven consecutive years, faster than goods exports.
The report shows that tourism is an important source of foreign currency for many destinations, and also says to be a major means of diversifying exports. Executive director of the UNWTO in Madrid, "We need value growth rather than volume. We are pleased to see emerging countries & regions and developed countries & regions around the world benefiting from the growth of tourism receipts." and said that "The receipts from international tourism have reduced the trade deficit by creating a better environment for employment, business, and people and the local economy in many countries." It contributes to the correction of the uneven distribution of wealth.
At the "EUROSTAT and OECD Tourism Statistics Forum", which was held in Japan for the first time in 2013, I appealed in a poster session that the majority of Japanese doesn't consider tourism as a trade, but this month's press release from UNWTO, contained a transition graph showing reversal of the international tourism (the travel balance and the passenger transport) and the goods trade in member countries.
This is exactly the epoch making thing. In Japan, even day-trip "cheap, short distance and time" leisure visitors are considered as "tourists", because doesn't know, but this is at a disadvantage on the international competition. this graph become to one of the official grounds for which a major shift in ideas is required. Tourism is the trump card of the "regional revitalization". Municipalities need to view tourism as a priority industry, not as an service to the community.
At the same time, in order to promote unique regional culture tourism, it is necessary to promote the Cultural Agency and Japan Tourism Agency to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Also, it is necessary to eliminate the involvement of the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry too. it was recommended excessive outbound for goods export. and it tried to raise the trade balance by making tax-free souvenirs into parsonal trade, not to the travel balance. Moreover, it brought HACCP of EU into Japan for the goods trade with EU. Furthermore, it made a lot of mistakes at "Cool-Japan". It because is an obstacle for the development of the Japanese tourism industries in the present circumstances.

【日本の2018年の旅行収支は2兆1362億円】Japan's 2018 travel balance is 2.136 trillion JPY


Although related to the preceding paragraph, this graph shows the credits of the travel balances from January to December 2018, and the total become 4.3440 trillion JPY. however, because the debits is also 2.2078 trillion JPY, the balance is 2.1362 trillion JPY. also doesn't include the transport balance of chronic deficits. According to the Ministry of Finance's glossary, the travel balance on Japan is the receipts and payments of accommodation and eating and drinking expenses, etc. by foreign visitors to Japan or Japanese overseas travelers.
Incidentally, the consumption of 4.5000 trillion or more of foreign tourists reported by the NHK News on the weekend is the year-end March figures which are difficult to compare with other countries.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"