

No.109 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" February Issue

【シリーズ『民泊』】Series "Minpaku"


On January 23, the "study group of Minpaku"of the ryokan and hotel union was held. speaker is me. Prefecture's health and hygiene official, City's official in charge, and chambers of commerce, representatives of city councilors, representatives of local residents and proprietors of ryokans and such as hotels came to attend. the contents are as follows. this problem is a problem of "safety and security" of the area, not only conflict between industries. this problem is not just a matter of industry, it is a matter"safety and security" of the local community.

①[旅館業法の定義]Definition of the Ryokan Business Law


The Ryokan(Hotel) Business Law defines four types of ryokan business, it the "Hotel business", the "Ryokan business", the "Cheap lodging house business", and the "Boarding business".
Under this law, "Hotel business" is a business that mainly has western style structures and facilities, receives accommodation fee and makes people stay. "Ryokan business" is a business that mainly has Japanese style structures and facilities, receives accommodation fee and makes people stay. And, the "Cheap lodging house business" is a business that mainly has structures and equipment that share common places to stay, receives accommodation fee and makes people stay. "Boarding business" is a business that sets up a facility and takes a period of one month or more as a unit, receives accommodation fee and makes people stay. "Minpaku" is similar to this "Cheap lodging house business", at least on the surface, but it is inherently close to the real estate business.
Incidentally, "Cheap lodging house" is, a facility with Up to 4 rooms or a hierarchical beds such as bunk beds, by "Kichin-yado", or "Capsule Hotel" so on. also, there are cases in which "Minshuku" and "Sports camp" are applicable. so-called "Doya" also included within this category.

民泊のステークホルダー]Stakeholders in Minpaku


(※) これはWeb版には書かれていない。おそらく利害関係を明示したからだろう。ちなみに『など』には損保会社も含まれる。

"Minpaku (Private accommodation)", it was approved in the form of a permission system based on the Ryokan business law since April 2016, as a measure to secure accommodation facilities accompanying an increase in inbound. As a so-called the "Cheap lodging house".
However, it cannot be sold in principle in a residential area, and, regulations such as residents' eyes, refractory standards, evacuation route securing, etc.. therefore fraudulent sales expanded, becoming a lawless zone. about this, according to the Chunithi Shimbun morning paper on December 29, the "Minpaku bill" aiming at establishment of the bill at the next Diet session seems will be decided as a notification system by landlord, and it is business seems acceptable even in residentials. And, it likely that it will be a mechanism that can be controlled, by the municipality side grasping the business persons. for owners who live in the facility, in addition to responding to complaints, obliging minimal sanitation management, registering guest lists, and so on, aiming to eliminate malicious contractors. Prefectural officials, it would be need to work also on weekends and holidays like the police.
Also, in the case of the absence of a landlord, place the facility manager registered with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and assume the same responsibility as the case where the landlord lives together. and, in the case of brokers such as the Internet, they are obligated to explain the contents of contracts to users as a registration system to JTA.
Incidentally, the number of business days is under consideration, in whether it the number of 180 days actually stay in consideration of existing accommodation facilities, or whether it is the number of the reservation days. hotel and ryokan industry seeking number of days limit. on the other hand, in the real estate industry and others, we are against the upper limit setting.(※) The reason is because, this 180 days or half a year is more than the busy season of most sightseeing spots. in the Japanese hotel ryokan industry, two-thirds of the year is in the deficit and the surplus is one-third only, if borrowed from the words of Hoshino Resort. industry concessions were up to 30 days.
(※) This is no written in the web version. because it clearly shown the stakeholder perhaps. Incidentally, in "etc.", also includes non life insurance companies.

民泊の背景]A background of Minpaku


According to the "Special Measures Law on Promotion of Vacant House Measures Promotion Law (Vacant House Countermeasures Act)" enforced in May 2015, if it is judged that there is danger or harm from the viewpoint of crime prevention, landscape, hygiene etc., a "specific vacant house It is approved as, and the real estate tax tax is also increased six times. Also, on-site survey, repair instruction and dismantling order are made, and unless it obeys it, it will be dismantled by compulsory execution by the administration, and the owner is billed for the cost.
In Japan where the full-scale population decline continues, it is inevitable that vacant houses will continue to increase significantly in the future.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Affairs' Housing · Land Statistics Survey, vacant homes nationwide have reached record highs of 8.2 million homes as of 2013 and 13.5% vacant house rate. furthermore, there are also will be forecasts that this will be 10.79 million homes in the next survey 2018, and 14.04 million homes in 2023. Nevertheless, houses and condominiums are still being built. that's because it's business for the construction industry. therefore, although it doesn't say it's all, these excess inventories may become "Minpaku". on sites with few tourists, also there may be a possibility that "Minpaku" of nominal only, will increase. As a measures against vacant house. "Minpaku" is likely very to proliferating.

[規制緩和]A deregulation


In this way, "Minpaku" is, a system that allows to stay at a private house or an room owned by an individual for a fee, and this is, an invasion from a different industry, if from the perspective of existing hotel industry.
Prior to the establishment of the "Minpaku bill", its preparations are proceeding smoothly. On April 1, last year, the total floor space of the hotel rooms was relaxed from the minimum necessary 33 square meters to 3.3 square meters of One-tenth. The following wording under Article 1, paragraph 3, item 1 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Ryokan Industry Law was revised. that's "When applying for permission under Article 3 paragraph 1 of the Act, if the number of guests is less than ten, the area obtained by multiplying the number of said guests by 3.3 square meters is required". And, to landlords or owners obliged municipalities to apply for permission. and, the minimum of 33 square meters 10 people's capacity permitted to the "Cheap lodging house" was relaxed to "3.3 square meters x number of people". a case of the stay of four people, it became enough if it has an area of more than 13.2 square meters.

[シェアリングエコノミー(共有型経済)]Sharing economy


Some people mention "sharing economy" as a means of deregulation for "Minpaku".
However, the sharing economists don't know the social responsibility of the hotel and ryokan, and doesn't try also want to know. For example, international terrorism has not occurred in Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that one of the deterrence power is a passport copy. Also, meticulous hygiene management and fire protection management is due to accumulation of years of experience.
Sharing economists do not care numbers. for example, they are don't know how many people inbounds will come at the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. According to Mizuho Research Institute's report of September 27, 2013, the total number of spectators to the supposed Tokyo Olympics is 5.05 million people. Among them, the inbound calculated with reference to the London Olympics is only 16%,  808,000 people. Most of the world viewers would be watch satellite broadcasting in rooms with a cooler.
Incidentally, the number of the ryokan in Tokyo of 2015 is 1,209 facilities, the hotel is 682 facilities, the total number of rooms is 149,286 rooms, the capacity of the capacity is around 447,858 people. Moreover, it doesn't include 252 facilities that are members of "Tokanshuku". Furthermore, it doesn't include also ryokans and hotels of neighboring prefectures.
If you are talking about a sharing economy, it should be first share it with ryokans and hotels in neighboring prefectures !

⑥[規制強化]Regulatory enhancement


Currently, it seems that about 20,000 rooms "Minpaku" facility are registered on some websites, even in Japan alone. also, there are estimates that about 500,000 people are using these rooms a year including also Inbound. the exact number is not clear because there are many Illegal facilities.
On the other hand, regulations by local governments  are also being enforced.
In Taito-ku, Tokyo, the revision of April 1, 2016 established a regulation that obliges installation of the Front which was un-necessary in "Cheap lodging house business" if certain conditions are satisfied. in addition, employees are also obliged to stay in the facilities within business hours. There are tourist resources popular among foreigners such as Asakusa and Ueno in this place, but complaints and consultations of the illegal accommodation was increased, to this the City council has revised the ordinance, for the securing the living environment of residents and the security.
In addition, in Karuizawa city, Nagano Prefecture, we announced the handling standard that we don't permit the establishment of "Minpaku" in the whole town, except for a rental condominium of a contract term of one month or more. At the same time, also decided not to accept the capsule hotel, and said that the "Cheap lodging house business" of the Ryokan Business Law is also not preferable. The reason is "to give priority to maintaining a good environment, to protect pure environment and good customs". Of course, is that also considering that hotels and ryokans in the town. it a correct judgment from the viewpoint of "employment economy".
In Kyoto City, where complaints from local residents have increased due to nighttime noise and garbage disposal, we launched the "Report and consultation window of Minpaku" from July 13 to receive complaints of local residents by phone or e-mail. at November 5, travel agencies who had room of rental condominiums of 36 rooms to accommodate about 300 people including Chinese tourists were captured. this is a report from the residents of the condominium, the one that was caught was a travel agency in Chiyoda Ward and an affiliated company in Shanghai. this condominium was called "World Guest House Kyoto Umenomiya" in the homepage, and sold on the package tours to Chinese tourists.
However, Kyoto city doesn't deny all of "Minpaku". Minpaku has "Homestay type" and "Homeowner absent type" but "Homestay type" are positive. because short-term international students by homestay tend to lead to long-term international students.
On the other hand, "Homeowner absent type" is negative. many people enter easily as a side job, but because accommodation facilities need sanitation problems, crisis consciousness related to human life such as fire and earthquake resistance. also, it is also a problem that copies of passports are not properly collected. for example, if a guest who does unknown the travel history dies, it will unknown who it is, cannot also be inform the embassy. it is also not possible to track potential carriers.
In Kyoto city, if it "Cheap lodging house" in accordance with the Ryokan Business Law, it is said that there is no problem because disaster prevention and hygiene are resolved, And also said that you have to participate in a Ryokan Association to study.
Influence is also spreading in the real estate industry. some administrative associations that revise the management agreements of the condominium to prohibit the utilization of "Minpaku" are also one after another, so some developers have included "prohibited items for Minpaku" in the management contract prepared at the time of new construction. Because "high security" is on promise, this is also natural.
In the first place, the regulatory authorities of "Reside and Living" and "Accommodation and Tourism" are divided into the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Japan Tourism Authority, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. It is "dangerous when mixing".
The fundamental problem is that the mechanism of Minpaku is built on the responsibility of lenders and borrowers. therefore, as a municipality authorizing authorization, it becomes important whether or not an effective solution can be prepared at the time of trouble occurrence. And, it is a problem also how much the tax authorities can grasp the income of "Minpaku".

⑦[フランスでの状況]The situation in France


Finally, let's see the situation in France.
According to the electronic version of the Sankei Shimbun newspaper on April 24, the chairman of a group of business such as hotels and restaurants in France to said, that Paris became a town where residents can not live. that in the emergency forum of the nation's largest hotel union's "Truth of Minpaku" held in Tokyo on March 17.
The reason, because the owner of the apartment etc. entered into the Minpaku business, the rent rate of Paris soared rapidly. as a result, housing shortage became serious, such as 25% of rental contracts are not renewed. especially, in the vicinity of the tourist's popular spot, as a result of the decrease of residents, situations such as class closure are occurring.
In France, the number of registrations in "Airbnb", the largest residential intermediary site of the US, is about 200,000. and, in Paris City, About 60,000 Minpaku properties and about 200,000 beds. this is nearly twice as many as the hotel's about 110,000 beds. despite the fact that the number of tourists visited France in 2014 was 83.7 million, nearly 6% increased compared to 2008, the occupancy rate of hotels  decreased by more than 2 points on 59.2%. as a result, the employment situation of the hotel industry deteriorated.
It is said that the reason why customers go to "Minpaku" is "price difference". the average room rate of hotels is 152 euros, but "Minpaku" is 103 euros. it's significantly cheaper because unlike hotels, there is no need to invest in facilities such as safety and universal facility. according to the estimation by UMIH of France, the profit before tax of hotel business operator is about 5-10% of sales, but while in the case of "Minpaku" it is 60-70%.
Nonetheless, at the host of "Minpaku" in France, Taxes payment by the tax declaration are 15% of the whole only. "anonymity" of an intermediary site that can register property even by owner of the assumed name is because it's a hotbed of tax evasion.
There are also camouflaged owners. according to a survey by UMIH, a woman in his 30s called "Diane" in Paris had registered 150 Minpaku in "Airbnb". Also, in the case of a 22-year-old woman named "Bilinda" in Italy, more than 600 were lent throughout Europe. the president of GNI said that this is not a shared economy, but a business of a company that pretended to be an individual.
After all, "Bilinda" deleted the profile from Airbnb's site.
because in November 2015, industry associations such as France, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany etc. jointly made this fact announced. the number of properties registered in "Airbnb" is increasing also in Japan. as  February 2016 it has reached 30,000. in addition, "Comfortable guest" of Chinese sites are also rapidly expanding. It's because the regulation of Countries and Municipalities was delayed.
As you can see, looking at the situation in France, it is necessary to eliminate anonymity, rigorous crackdown on unauthorized sales and tax evasion. in order to secure its effectiveness, a law net should be applied to brokerage site operators such as "Airbnb" and "Comfortable guest", because is difficult to detect countless hosts one by one, on the characteristic of "Minpaku".
By the way, according to the Tourism Economics Shimbun on May 14, 2016, Paris city has make doing let substitutionary work of paying "stay tax" to Airbnb about own customers, since October 2015.

京都市の民泊施設実態調査]Kyoto City's the survey on the actual situation of the Minpaku facilities


In Kyoto city, over 50 million tourists visit annually, including Inbound, but lack of accommodation is occurring.
For this reason, in Kyoto City, we revised the ordinance in 2012, on the premise of ensuring security and safety of guests and surrounding residents, and are working on expanding accommodation facilities by approving one Kyomachiya lending. but, on the other hand, the "Minpaku" which the Internet etc mediates rapidly increased. many of these facilities are presumed not to have obtained permission based on related laws such as the ryokan, and manner problems such as noise and garbage disposal are occurring. Therefore in Kyoto City, based on the law, by guidance and cooperation of the Kyoto prefectural police, and in December 2015 "Formed a Minpaku Countermeasure Project Team". also, Since April last year the Industrial Tourism Board and the Health and Welfare Department respectively strengthened the organization by setting up section chiefs and chiefs who are in charge of accommodation environment improvement and measures for national accommodation. the follow is an overview of the "Kyoto City's survey on the actual situation of the Minpaku facilities" conducted by this project team.
The purpose of this survey is to grasp the actual conditions of the Minpaku facilities in the city, to extract problems, to ensure security and safety of guests and surrounding residents, and to consider harmony with the living environment. that targets is listed on the Minpaku brokers website are the facilities. For the contents of the survey, by listed the Minpaku facilities in the city that are posted on the survey target site, ① Number of facility and facility type, ② Location of facility and availability of ryokan business law, ③ compatibility of usage area in facility location, ④ address location of Minpaku's operator, ⑤ number of accommodable people, ⑥ minimum staying days in one use, ⑦ Such as per night charge. also, 40 cases were extracted from the Minpaku facilities in the city, and hearings were made to the surrounding residents. In addition, hearings and questionnaire surveys concerning thinking about Minpaku, the state of operation of facilities, etc. are made for operators of Minpaku broker websites, Minpaku business operators, real estate management companies in the city, and Minpaku business operators. the survey target sites are eight sites in total, "Airbnb", "VRBO", "Home Away","Zhubaijia", "Wimdu", "Roomorama", "Booking.com", and "Tomarina".


 1 民泊施設については無許可営業の施設が多く、宿泊客と住民の安心・安全の観点から問題がある。
 2 民泊施設の周辺住民は施設に対して、誰がどうやって営業しているか不明なことから、具体的なトラブルがなくても不快感・不安感を抱くことが多い。
 3 管理者が不在なケースが多いため、宿泊者への適正な管理ができていないと推測される。
 4 所在地が特定できない宿泊施設が半数以上ある。


As a result, the number of facilities was 2702 (935 detached houses, 1677 housing apartments, 90 other). among them, the number of facilities that identified the location was 1260 (46.6%), and the number of permitted facilities on the ryokan business law was 189 (7.0%) facilities. on the other hand, the considered to be not authorized by law are 1847 (68.4%) facilities. the use violation was 322 (11.9%) facilities to including those whose location cannot be specified. the minimum staying only one night was 1452 (53.7%) facilities. on the other hand, a minimum stay of 6 nights or more in the foreign residential facility management business utilizing the National Strategy Special Zone was only 44 (1.6%) facilities.
The tasks obtained by these was as follows.

 1 There are many unauthorized facilities for Minpaku facilities, which is problematic from the viewpoint of security and safety of guests and residents.
 2 Peoples around Minpaku facilities, often have uncomfortable feelings and uneasiness even if there is no specific trouble, because it is unknown who is operating and how to operate.
 3 Because there are many cases where the administrator is absent, it is estimated that proper management to the guests has not been completed.
 4 There are more than half accommodation facilities where the location cannot be specified.

The detail is open to the public by the Industry and Tourism Bureau of Kyoto City.

【伊勢神宮の三が日参拝者数】Number of visitors of New Year's three days in Ise Jingu


The following is the total number of Naiku + Geku of Ise Jingu, since the beginning of this century. the source is from past newspaper coverage. however, a double count of the same person is also included, because that is "total number". a real numbers is lower than this.
Also, If even that there was a so-called "G7 Summit" effect, it's only about 6,400 people.

 2001年760,000人 2002年597,000人 2003年593,500人 2004年637,000人
 2005年564,500人 2006年537,000人 2007年598,000人 2008年592,000人
 2009年667,000人 2010年622,800人 2011年534,363人 2012年523,721人
 2013年556,522人 2014年613,787人 2015年417,969人 2016年484,022人







According to Mainichi Shimbun on January 7, although is said that Osaka City has illegal Minpaku residence of 10,000 in the city, On October 31, the ordinance utilizing the "national strategy special zone system" was enacted. And, on November accountability relaxed for the neighboring residents. In the past, it was a rule to visit houses of residents who did not come to the briefing session, and to visit absence home at least five times. However, it became possible by posting a leaflet that wrote the business outline and emergency contact information unless you can meet at door to door visits. moreover, from January the minimum staying days "6 nights 7 days" was also relaxed to "2 nights 3 days".
However, about 120 people participated in the company briefing held twice in December, but were approved by the end of December was only 8 cases. the application was 19 cases.
Why is that it?
Let's organize the risk once again. in "Airbnb" shows the following actual examples.

1. Before a stay
 ・Could not meet guests at the promised place.
 ・Language barrier.
 ・Canceled by a guest who could not be reached.

2. During a stay
 ・Damaged appliances.
 ・As prostitution facility where prostitutes stay, as location of AV shoot.
 ・Trouble with neighboring residents caused by annoying behavior such as noise.

3. After a stay
 ・The room full of garbage.
 ・Unreturned key.
 ・Theft and Breakage.

However, I think in there is no real reason to hesitate at 19/10,000 on here. If it legal are will became unprofitable?
In this connection, the illegal land-operators are also will regulated in the near future.

【11月の経常収支/国際収支】November's Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments


On January 12, the Ministry of Finance has issued November's "Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments" (Preliminary). according to the medias, "Trade balance" is surplus for 29 consecutive months. But, Japan medias does not mention about the downward trend since September.Also, "Primary income balance" which accounts for a large weight on the "Current account balance" also has a downward slope since July.
In addition, also "Travel balance" which achieved the inbound exceeding 20 million people become on the decline. And, as usual, "Air passenger" is in deficit all year. that one of reason is, at the seminar hosted by UNWTO last month, the JTB Research Institute mentioned. that is, because the "lodging in ships" for cheap cruise ships became increased.

[経常収支/国際収支 2016]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments 2016
Nov.1,415,500,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade
Nov.  313,400,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services
Nov.   73,800,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income Balance
Nov.1,203,200,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Nov. ▲147,900,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
Nov.  ▲42,700,000,000 JPY

○トラベル Travel
Nov.   78,600,000,000 JPY

○その他サービス Other Services
Nov.   37,900,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
Nov.     ▲300,000,000 JPY

○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Nov.   49,600,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
Nov.  ▲37,800,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
Nov.    5,100,000,000 JPY


That cruise ships, According to the Asahi shimbun on January 11, the number of cruise ships guests from China is the most visited in Fukuoka city, it is said that 306 times were counted by the end of November of last year.
Nonetheless, the cheap cruise ships tour from China is a low price of less than 10,000 JPY per night. They will make a surplus by stopping by a duty-free shop that pays a high margin of 20-40% of sales, booked by a land-operator who arranges buses, guides and journeys. Japanese travel agency executives says "On the stores that Japanese people cannot enter, there are increasing numbers of business that sell high price items as if they are efficacious".
Not limited to China, cheap tours only go to places where you can earn high margins, so the effect to the regional economy is extremely limited, and, very small.

【宿泊統計】The accommodation statistics


For the accommodation statistics released by the JTA annually, I think that the preliminary figures for 2016 will be announced next month if it as usually, but what is currently available is the confirmed value in 2015.
According to this, the total number of accommodations from January to December total 504,080,000 nights. Among them, the Japanese are 438,460,000 nights. Inbound is 65,610,000 nights.
Rooms utilization rate is 60.3% in the whole country. 37.0% in the Ryokan, 56% in the resort hotel, 74% in the business class hotel, 79.2% in the city type hotel, and 27.1% in the simple accommodation.
In the case of Mie prefecture, the total is 9,458,820 nights. 30.6% in the ryokan, 51.5% in the resort hotel, 65.9% in the business type hotel, 74.3% in the city type hotel, and 7.0% in the simple accommodation. Inbound from January to December is 391,740 nights. this is the lowest in the Tokai three prefectures, because Aichi prefecture has 2,347,290 people and Gifu prefecture has 930,660 people. (by the way, Shizuoka prefecture also has 1,739,620 nights.)
The achievement of 2016 which was the year of the G7 Summit is expected.

【奈良ならレポート2017.0116】Report a precedent of Nara 2017.0116

 ビジターズビューローに到着すると、先ずは新年のご挨拶。そして『松浦武四郎まつり』と『民泊』 の話。

This year's first visit to Nara became a snow day. We decided to avoid the mountain road and go a wide way. snow is piled up on the roof of the oncoming car coming from the north. the visibility is also no good. the sky is deep gray. however, that was only in Northern Mie prefecture. Although Seki Drive-Inn was covered with snow Nara city was fine weather.
Just now, the season of "Spring Festival" in China. There must be many Chinese tourists coming.
I can understand it when walk down the shopping streets. a pharmacy or cosmetic stores that posted a tax free sign board. voices of the solicitation calls of the sellers by Chinese language. there is a queues also in front of the shop of the "Udon noodles wrapped in fried tofu". however, it obviously few than usual. and we had doesn't see any also parked tour bus on the roadsides at all.
When we arrived at Visitors Bureau, first of all, New Year's greetings. And, a talking of "Matsuura Takeshiro Festival" and "Minpaku".
In the UNWTO's Japan Office, it became talk an international situation surrounding tourism, mainly from an economic point of view.
Finally, I made advance notice of the following analysis and left Nara at while the sun is out.

 これを以って、中国の国際観光収入は、国連に前年に報告した2015年の1141億0900万ドルの5.6%増の1200億ドルとしている。国際観光による収支(外貨獲得)は、 前年比で11.5%の増加の102億ドル(約1兆1832億円)の黒字だ。

According to the estimate of "China National Tourist Bureau" distributed by People's Daily Online (People's Daily) of January 10, the number of domestic tourists in China in 2016 increased 11% over the previous year to 4.44 billion people, and the domestic tourism receipt (revenue) is a total of 3.9 trillion yuan (about 66.3 trillion JPY), which is 14% higher than the previous year. Next, the number of Inbound increased by 3.8% from the previous year, which seems to have reached a total of 138 million people. Both are surprising numbers.
However, this is inconsistent with the number of international tourism arrival arrivals of 56,886,000 people in the year 2015 that was published by UNWTO in Madrid. because the increase of 3.8% is only an increase of 2,161,668 people. In other words, in this propaganda news, not only Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but also visitors from even autonomous regions are Inbound. it is at least not "one China" regarding this matter.
As a result, China's international tourism receipts of 2016 are said to be 120 billion USD, a 5.6% increase of 114.109 billion USD of 2015 reported to Madrid on the previous year. a balance of the international tourism receipt (acquisition of foreign currency) is a surplus of 10.2 billion USD (about 1.18 trillion JPY) of an increase of 11.5% over the previous year.
Incidentally, it also said that Inbound of foreigners in the Inbound 138 million people are total 28,142,000 people, an increase of 8.3% over the previous year. however, also this is figures contradict UNWTO's figures.
It is a country not worthy of credit.


A regular visit to Nara since began in the previous year of the "1300th Anniversary Festival of Nara Heijo-kyo Capital" held in 2010 also became the eighth year of this year. Fortunately this time, I was able to meet also the Former manager again of the Meihan-Ueno and Seki Drive-in. He is a re-hired veteran.

【インバウンド/アウトバウンド2016】Inbound / Outbound 2016


That next day, January 17, JNTO announced inbound/outbound statistics (estimated) from January to December 2016. according to this, the number of Inbound increased by 21.8% from the previous year to 24,039,000 people. and Outbound increased by 5.6% from the previous year to 17,116,200 people. Inbound consumption increased by 7.8% from the previous year to 3,047.6 billion JPY. this is the highest update ever. The breakdown is, the cost of accommodation is 1.014 trillion JPY, the cost of food and drink is 757.4 billion JPY, and the cost of shopping is 1.4262 trillion JPY. however, the average per capita consumption was decreased by 11.5% to 155,896 JPY, about 20,000 JPY less. the cause was a decrease of 18.4% of China, this pushed down the whole. that reason, that the Chinese the "explosive shopping" settled down due to tariff raising etc. at the time of returning home. According to the Asahi Shimbun on January 12, also the plan of the "airport type duty free shop" scheduled to be open this spring in Osaka Minami is frozen already. this plan, at February last year, "Kansai Airport" etc. which operates Kansai International Airport and Osaka International Airport announced.

【政冷経熱時代の終焉】The end of an era of the "Politically Cool, Economically Hot".


According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on January 7, the Chinese government is preparing to introduce new measures to classify all foreigners working in China, to ABC's 3 rankings in order of their contribution to China, from April. This is a policy based on the principle "Encourage high-class talent, regulate the public and limit the low end". According to the qualification criteria table of the "Working Group on Work Permits for Foreigners" by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the addition method is 120 points at full score, A rank if 85 points or more, B rank from 60 points to 84 points, And, 60 Below points are classified as C rank.
Foreigners of rank A are excellent people who bring a bright future to the residential areas, so encourage their residency. Foreigners ranked B are people who will increase or decrease according to the demand and development of the domestic market, so control residency. Foreigners ranked C are people who temporary seasonal and non-technical service industries etc, so they will strictly restrict their residency in the future based on national policy.
According to the briefing session for Japanese companies by prominent Chinese lawyers invited by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Beijing on December 2, the A rank are only who have awarded the Nobel Prize class or who want to invite as the Country guests, and most Japanese Expatriates will be rank B or C. Also, the Chairman or company president of a local corporation of Japanese large companies are unconditionally B rank. there is no "seniority" in the business society of China. because although the Japanese staff has a characteristic that there are many middle-aged and elderly people compared with representatives of other countries, foreigners in the late 50s are considered to be worth only one-third of the first half of their 40s.
In the Yomiuri Shimbun, it is concluded that global companies in political hostile countries, it will be gradually kicked out in particular.

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