
No.129『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2018』10月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2018" October Issue


【NTT docomoのモバイル空間統計】NTT docomo's Mobile Spatial Statistics

 このようなGPSデータの活用システムは、NTT docomo だけではない。昨年来松した京大の情報科学博士によると、同様のシステムはKDDIにもある。『モバイル空間統計』の呼称は使えないが、ルールもほぼ同じである。調べてみると、KDDIが手がけた自治体リストには伊勢市の名前もあった。どうやら、2013年の式年遷宮の実人数推計を算出したのは、NTTではなくKDDIのようである。これによると、1420万4816人だと言われていた遷宮年の伊勢神宮への実人数推計は938万1000人で、482万3816人も少なかった。報告書では、その理由も明らかにされている。内宮・外宮の両宮訪問による重複カウントと、市民の訪問を除いた結果である。

At this summer, the Central Japan Tourism Association and the Mie Prefecture Tourism Federation have finally been promoted to a Japanese corporation DMO registered corporation.
In the case of the forerunner, Nara Prefecture visitors bureau ceased to publish public relations magazines for attracting domestic tourists, but what will Mie prefecture do?
Also, does the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check-, Action) spin around?
I think that marketing using GPS data is indispensable for that.
The cellular phone network periodically grasps mobile phones located in each area of ​​each base station in order to make it possible to use telephone, e-mail, etc. anytime anywhere. "Mobile spatial statistics" is to calculate the aggregate population by aggregating the number of mobile phones using this mechanism and adding the penetration rate of the docomo.
Such a system has already been spoken in the "13th Eurostat Tourism Statistics Forum" held in 2013 by countries precedent. By this, also Japan, has become able to grasp population distribution 24 hours a day, 365 days in 1 hour increments. Population distribution by sex, age group and residential area, and also the number of foreign visitors by country can be grasped by region unit.
Of course, It is not neglect also privacy protection. "Mobile Spatial Statistics" does not use personal identifying information such as a telephone number among the data necessary for providing mobile phone service, and converts the date of birth to the age group And performs "non-identification processing". Furthermore, if it becomes easier to guess an individual by being statistically small, "confidential processing" that omits such data is also done. Because it is demographic information that represents only the number of people in a group, we can not identify individuals. therefore it is no problem on the European General Data Protection Regulation too.
Such GPS data used system is not NTT docomo only. According to the Doctor of the information science at Kyoto University who visited Matsusaka city last year, also KDDI have the same system. Although the name of "mobile space statistics" can not be used, the rules are almost the same. When I looked it, the list of municipalities KDDI worked had the name of Ise city too. Probably, the company that calculated the actual number of people in "Shikinen Sengū" in 2013, seems to be KDDI not NTT. According to this, the actual number of people who visited to "Ise Jingū" in Sengū's year was 9,381,000, not 14,204,816 people when had been said so far, It was 4,823,816 fewer. In the report, the reasons are also clarified. this is because it is the result of excluding the duplicate number of people by duplicate visits of the Naikū and the Gekū, and citizens visiting.
Meanwhile, Tokushima City Tourism Association asked the major bank's think tank to investigate "Awa-odori Economic Ripple Effect Analysis Business Report", by "Mobile Spatial Statistics", but this seems to be due to NTT.
According to the report issued in January this year, the actual number of people estimated during the 4-day period from August 12 to August 15 last year's Awa-odori is about 21,000 for Japanese and about 1,400 for foreigners. In short, there were only about 214,000 people. It was said that it is nominally 1.23 million visitors, so it surprisingly seems that of over one million added figures of lie. In addition, this figure includes also the 1,600 people dancing teams in 4 days. In other words, there is a possibility that the number of visitors other than stakeholders will be 200,000 or less. In such a situation, it can be said that the propaganda whose economic ripple effect is 10 billion JPY is a fraud. The total holding amount including subsidies of approximately 26 million JPY from Prefecture, City is 299 million JPY. So, it would be think it also investigation cost of the think-tank of 5 million JPY was not higher. this is not only do it violate the statistical law, there are even doubts as to the trust breach to the citizens. the Tokushima city council seems will be pursue.
This case, there must be a lot of municipalities that can not be ignored. because is an unavoidable problem in the DMO era.

【 奈良ならレポート2018.0830】A precedent of Nara 2018.0830

 とはいえ、その逆、つまり今や国民の八割近くがヒンドゥー教徒であるインドの人々が、日本に根付いた『仏教文化』をどれほど理解できるか否かは、いわゆる知識層を除くと多くは望めない(2011年の国勢調査によると、ヒンドゥー教徒が79.8%、イスラム教徒が14.2%、キリスト教徒2.3%、シク教徒1.7%、 仏教徒0.7%、ジャイナ教徒0.4%である)。
また、中国外文局が管理・運営するニュースサイトの中国網は、昨年、『豪日印越の同盟という幻想、中国を脅かすに足りず』とのプロパガンダを世界に配信している。 もし日印の交流促進の真意がここにもあるとすれば、それは日本の観光産業も、清濁併せ呑む必要があるといえるだろう。良いか悪いかは別にして、国際観光にはそのような一面も常に内包されているが、未だ島国ニッポン人が、それを熟知しているとは言い難く、とりわけ地方行政は、インドネシアやベトナムでヤケドを負う程"うぶ"である。
 とはいえ、ベスト3は相変わらずの不動で、ベスト1の米国と比べると、日本はその6分の1程度でしかないのだ。因みに、米国の2017年の国際観光収入は2107.47億米ドル、スペインは679.64億米ドル、仏国は606.81億米ドルである。 日本は340.54億米ドル、中国は326.17億米ドルで、北朝鮮は5.25億米ドルである。

The 95th visit to Nara in this time was a visit at the end of a season due to poor physical condition and typhoons. the companions was the Director of Motoori Norinaga Museum and president of the local newspaper.
Nara Park where the sun was right above, it is still midsummer sunshine, and the number of Japanese tourists, Westerners Inbounds, and deer number were also dilute. But there are many Asian Inbounds. Children was fine as well. I think it visitors from countries with lower latitudes than Japan seems no problem perhaps. At Sanjo Street, we saw the mist shower device at the eaves of the many shops. The shop of the udon wrapped in fried tofu is as evermore a row, the demonstration sales of Yomogi rice cake is also a crowd.
On the Japan Office of the UNWTO, We heard stories about India visited this month from Deputy Chief. This visit is an invitation due to the burden of the Government of India, and it seems to be an introduction to Buddhism tourism. The meal in the country where the fragrance of the spice drifts is said to had a real curry dish on the 4 times in the week.
Examining it, India with a population of 1.3 billion is said to exceed the population of China in 2024, but it seems that there is still a shortage of electricity. Therefore, it is active in attracting nuclear plants, and Japan-India nuclear power agreement has also come into effect last year. To be precise, India is a frontier for the Japanese industry.
Therefore, it is clear that revitalization of industrial exchanges will also promote the increase of tourists with necessity, and in this respect it can be said that the most accepted content of Japanese is "Buddhist culture". Because there are no Japanese who do not know Buddha Siddhartha.
Nonetheless, the opposite, that is to say, people in India, nearly 80% of the people are Hindus, can not expect how much they can understand the "Buddhist culture" rooted in Japan, except for intellectuals. (According to the 2011 census, 79.8% of Hindus, 14.2% Muslims, 2.3% Christians, 1.7% Sikhs, 0.7% Buddhists, 0.4% Jaines).
In addition, the China Net of the news site managed and operated by the Chinese Foreign Bureau of Distribution delivers propaganda to the world last year, "Illusion of the alliance of Australia-Japan-India-Vietnam, insufficient to threaten China".
If there is a real intention to promote exchange between Japan and India here too, I think that it is necessary to study also Japanese tourism industry, because there are also good and also bad things. Such aspects are always included in international tourism, but Japanese do not know it well. In particular, local governments do not even know to take responsibility even if they fail in Indonesia and Vietnam.
I gave my usual the "balance of payment" report to the Deputy Chief. He prepared a booklet that had bound the copy from the PDF data of "Tourism Highlight 2018" that was just issued to me. Although the paper A4 leaflet has not arrived yet from Madrid, this is enough for my analysis for 8 years. Thank you.
According to Deputy Chief, the biggest topic is that Japan's International Tourism Receipts finally entered the tenth best. this is also because China, which ranked fifth, dropped to 12th due to changes in the methodology of ranking.However, the top 3 participating countries remain the same as usual. Compared to the United States the top 1, Japan is only about one sixth that only. Incidentally, the International Tourism Receipts in the USA in 2017 is 210.747 billion USD, Spain is 67.964 billion USD, France is 60.681 billion USD. Japan is 34.054 billion USD, China is 32.617 billion USD, DPRK is 525 million USD.
Later on UNWTO, we headed towards Sarusawa Inn. in Here there a paper craft of the "Apollo spacecraft and Luna landing module", and the English leaflets of Matsusaka city and Kumano Kodō. Given the reduction rate, it seems that demand of foreigners for the Matsusaka city about 10 books a month, the Kumano Kodo 2.5 times that demand. I entrusted the Manager to supplement. and the Director of the Motoori Norinaga Museum presented a booklet to the Manager. Apparently, He seems to have been fascinated by the old place name of the "Dainippon Tenga-shikai gazu" written by Mr. Norinaga.
Finally, we stopped by the "Nara City Comprehensive Tourist Information Office" which was refurbished former JR Nara station building with modern industrial heritage. It is already full of guidance for autumn events here. However, there is totally nothing known about such information to neighboring prefecture Mie.

【ツーリズム・ハイライト2018から】From the Tourism Highlights 2018


I translated a part of UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2018 temporarily. The figures are As of August this year.

□International Tourist Arrivals-Eighth consecutive year of sustained growth-

・International tourist arrivals grew 6.8% in 2017, the highest increase since the 2009 global economic crisis and well above UNWTO’s longterm forecast of 3.8% per year for the period 2010 to 2020.

・A total of 1,323 million international tourist arrivals were recorded  in destinations around the world, some 84 million more than in 2016.
・ 世界中の旅先で合計13億2300万人の国際ツーリスト到着数が記録され、2016年に比べて約8,400万人増加した。

・Results were driven by sustained travel demand for  destinations  across all  world  regions, including a firm recovery of those suffering from security challenges in recent years.

・Growth was fuelled by the global economic upswing, resulting in strong outbound demand from virtually all source markets.

・The recovery of outbound demand from Brazil and the Russian Federation after a few years of decline and the ongoing rise of India, also contributed to inbound growth in many destinations.
・ ブラジルおよびロシア連邦からのアウトバウンド需要の回復は数年で減少、インドの持続的な成長は多くの地域での着実な成長にも貢献した。

・By region,  Africa and Europe grew above average.

・By subregion, North Africa and Southern and Mediterranean Europe led results in 2017, reflecting strong demand for destinations along the Mediterranean.


Next, let's see the international tourist arrival in the top 10 countries. Although not write Japanese newspapers, it is important to know the current position.

 1 France   仏 国 86.918 million(8692万人)
 2 Spain   スペイン 81.786 million(8179万人)
 3 U S A    米 国 75.9※ million(7590万人)
 4 China    中 国 60.740 million(6074万人)
 5 Italy   イタリア 58.253 million(5825万人)
 6 Mexico  メキシコ 39.298 million(3930万人)
 7 U K      英 国 37.651 million(3765万人)
 8 Turkey   トルコ 37.601 million(3760万人)
 9 Germany  独 国 37.452 million(3745万人)
10 Thailand タ イ 35.381 million(3538万人)
参考 Japan    日 本 28.961 million(2896万人)
参考 Russia   ロシア 24.390 million(2439万人)

※ Arrival data for the United States refers to 2016, while the growth rate refers to the first 9 months of 2017 only as data for full year is not yet available.


And, the top 10 countries of international tourism receipt. the revenues of some tax havens such Liechtenstein or Monaco are not recorded.

 1 U S A    米 国 210,747 million USD(2107億4700万米ドル)
 2 Spain   スペイン 67,964 million USD (679億6400万米ドル) 
 3 France   仏 国 60,681 million USD (606億8100万米ドル)
 4 Thailand  タイ 57,477 million USD (574億7700万米ドル)
 5 U K      英 国 51,211 million USD (512億1100万米ドル)
 6 Italy   イタリア 44,233 million USD (442億3300万米ドル)
 7 Australia豪 州 41,732 million USD (417億3200万米ドル)
 8 Germany  独 国 39,823 million USD (398億2300万米ドル)
 9 Macao    マカオ 35,575 million USD (355億7500万米ドル)
10 Japan    日 本 34,054 million USD (340億5400万米ドル)
参考 China    中 国 32,617 million USD (326億1700万米ドル)
参考 Russia   ロシア   8,945 million USD (89億4500万米ドル)

【2018年7月の国際収支】July's Balance of payments 2018


On September 10, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of July. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 2.0097 trillion JPY.
However, NHK news at 9 am did not report this. Because, the trade balance was ▲ one billion JPY. the exports is 6.7708 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.7717 tillion JPY.
on the other hand, the travel balance was 204.7 billion JPY. the credit is 384.1 billion JPY, and the debit was 179.9 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for July was 2,832,000 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,558,000 people (Both preliminary).
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 100 million JPY, and the debit is 1200 million JPY for ▲1100 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 28.6 billion JPY and the debit is 93 billion JPY for ▲64.4 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.)
Incidentally, also the sea freight is also a deficit of 50.2 billion JPY, as expected. I wrote at before about the reason.

[経常収支/国際収支]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
         Jan.  6,074
         Feb. 20,760
         Mar. 31,223
         Apr. 18,451
         May  19,383
         Jun. 11.756
         Jul. 20,097   

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
  Feb. 1,887      Feb. 1,227
  Mar.11,907      Mar. 1,931
  Apr. 5,738      Apr.▲5.015
  May ▲3,038      May    423
  Jun. 8.205      Jun.▲1,751
  Jul.   ▲10      Jul.▲1,744
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
  Feb.19,481      Feb.▲1,835
  Mar.21,053      Mar.▲3,669
  Apr.19,394      Apr.▲1,666
  May 23,980      May ▲1,982
  Jun. 5,876      Jun.  ▲573
  Jul.23,549      Jul.▲1,698
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
  Feb.  ▲553      Feb. 1,783
  Mar.  ▲627      Mar. 1,453
  Apr.▲1,097      Apr. 2,272
  May ▲1,267      May  2,113
  Jun.  ▲924      Jun. 1,941
  Jul.▲1,102      Jul. 2,042
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Feb.    ▲3
         Mar. 1,105
         May   ▲423

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
  Feb.   ▲21      Feb.   371
  Mar.   ▲10      Mar.   240
  Apr.   ▲10      Apr.  ▲273
  May    ▲15      May   ▲416
  Jun.    ▲8      Jun.  ▲390
  Jul.   ▲11      Jul.  ▲502
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54
  Feb.  ▲380      Feb.    63
  Mar.  ▲353      Mar.    72
  Apr.  ▲346      Apr.    70
  May   ▲509      May     71
  Jun.  ▲425      Jun.    83
  Jul.  ▲644      Jul.    78

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)


Since 2014, I have recorded monthly the "current accounts" preliminary figures. this has a direct impact on the investor's mind that day, unlike the fixed values ​​that will be calibrated later.
This fact can be understood also depending on whether the NHK news at 9 am will be reported simultaneously with the announcement of the Ministry of Finance or whether the newspaper reports.
Two points of particular attention in the current account balance are two, one is the trend of the "trade balance" which shows the decline of Japan's export power. The representative of exports is the automobile industry which accounts for about 20% of the total shipment value. In 2017 earning 16.1092 trillion JPY on a FOB basis. But, importing energy sources, which will be as much as 121,748 million USD, have a large negative impact on the goods trade. Breakdown is Crude oil 63745 million USD, LNG 34913 million USD, Coal 23090 million USD. in total 121748 million USD is 13.656 trillion JPY, by since the average rate in 2017 is 112.1661 JPY.
Another one point is the trend of the "travel balance" in the "service balance". This has turned since surplus three years ago and has increased little by little, and in 2017 it has earned 3.8137 trillion JPY. the outbound debit, which acts negatively on the travel balance, is 2.0511 trillion JPY.
By the way, the Wall Street Journal reported that President Trump may question the huge trade deficit with Japan and press Japan for correction. The trade deficit with Japan in 2017 was 68.9 billion USD. The Trump Regime seems to be in trouble with the deficit with Japan in the automotive field.
If so, the number of tourists from Japan to the United States is 3,576,955 (2016), but the number of tourists from the United States to Japan is less than half of 1,247,219 (2016). I hope that this deficit against the US will be resolved. If so, the number of tourists from Japan to the United States is 3,576,955 (2016), but the number of tourists from the United States to Japan is less than half of 1,247,219 (2016). This is a big imbalance on the service trade.

【気候変動問題】Climate change problem


概要。 我々は、過去2000年にわたる10年間の結論で、中国における一連の複合温度変動と関連する不確実性を別々に再構成するために、主成分回帰と部分的最小二乗回帰を使用した。再構成は、1871年から2000年の期間をカバーする中国気象庁の観測から得られた温度系列を用いて、中国各地の5つの地域の比較的高い信頼水準のプロキシ温度データを用いて作成され、1851年-1950年の気候学に関しては、 西暦1年-西暦200年、西暦551年-西暦760年、西暦951年-西暦1320年、および西暦1921年の4つの温暖期と、西暦201年-西暦350年、西暦441年-西暦530年、西暦781年-西暦950年、および西暦1321年-西暦1920年の4つの寒冷期を示します。 西暦981年-西暦1100年および西暦1201年-西暦1270年の温度は、現在の温暖期の気温に匹敵しますが、95%信頼度で±0.28℃〜±0.42℃の不確実性があります。中国の気候変動は、中世の異常気象、小氷期、現在の温暖期をカバーする1000年以降、北半球の気温変化と基本的には同じです。対照的に、西暦541年-西暦740年の間の中国の温暖期は、北半球では明白ではない。



 このような人の営みを地球温暖化の起源とする説は他にもある。バージニア大学のラジマン教授は、アジアにおける水田農耕の普及、およびヨーロッパ人による大規模な森林破壊により、人間が気候を左右するようになったのは100年前でなく、8000年前まで遡るという。これにより、古気候学の定説『ミランコビッチ・サイクル』 では既に到来している筈の寒冷期が、今もって回避できているとの解釈もある。
 残念ながら、この根本的な原因については、水月湖の湖底に刻まれた『年縞』研究レポートである『人類と気候の10万年史』(講談社)にも書かれてはいない。ただ、筆者の中川博士は「温暖化の主犯格とされる二酸化炭素にある種の敵意を感じる人の数は、商業的にも無視できない水準に達している」と記しており、米国大統領も温暖化はフェイクで、地球は寒冷化していると言う。そして、NASAもコロナと太陽風の観測を目的とする太陽探査機を8/12に打ち上げた。 これで、太陽風減衰によって増加した銀河宇宙線による水蒸気の増加が証明されて、『地球温暖化と地球寒冷化との極端な温度ギャップ対策』が編み出され、実施されるようになればいいのだが。

In this document, which records topics and data from global news sources, I addressing sometimes Climate change as a theme since the September 2013 issue. The Mie Prefectural Governor instructed prefectural officials to urgently investigate the influence of "Kansai International Airport" which was submerged by typhoon 21 storm surges, but it is because the weather will greatly affect the trend of tourism.
In particular, the summer heat in the northern hemisphere was severe, forest fires and heat stroke increased in many places, and the huge typhoons also increased. Climate change is no longer a problem only in some countries or regions, and it seems to have entered a new stage.
Therefore, Climate change problem seems to have to be considered individually not to wait patiently for IPCC's judgment once in seven years, and to that end we need to understand Climate change.
However, as for the assessment that IPCC makes, the environment and meteorological opinion which are taking the standpoint of the "global warming anthropogenic theory" voices is large. On the other hand, astrophysics to discuss solar activity, geophysics to examine the behavior of water, archaeological findings using measurement of C14, and analysis of ancient documents seems to be lightly seen. If nature is a opponent, because is will not make money.
So, I think it is necessary to find regularity from the old climate, has the really global warming started from the industrial revolution?
The following is an abstract of the "Temperature changes over the past 2000 yr in China and comparison with the Northern Hemisphere" by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Abstract. We use principal component regression and partial least squares regression to separately reconstruct a composite series of temperature variations in China, and associated uncertainties, at a decadal resolution over the past 2000 yr. The reconstruction is developed using proxy temperature data with relatively high confidence levels five regions across China, and using a temperature series from observations by the Chinese Meteorological Administration, covering the period from 1871 to 2000. Relative to the 1851–1950 climatology, our two reconstructions show four warm interval sduring AD1–AD200, AD551–AD760, AD951–AD1320, and after AD1921, and four cold inter-valsduring AD201–AD350, AD441–AD530, AD781–AD950, and AD1321–AD1920. The temperatures during AD981–AD1100 and AD1201–AD1270 are comparable to those of the Present Warm Period, but have an uncertainty of ±0.28℃ to ±0.42℃ at the 95% confidence interval.
Temperature variations over China are typically in phase with those of the Northern Hemisphere(NH) after 1000, a period which covers the Medieval Climate Anomaly, the Little Ice Age, and the Present Warm Period. Incontrast, a warmperiod in China during AD541–AD740 is not obviously seen in the NH.

The legend used for the investigation is Ice cores, Stalagmites, Tree-rings, Lake sediments, and Historical documents.
In Japan, paleoclimate studies using such proxies are known in the year stripes studies in Lake Suigetsu in Fukui Prefecture, It is a global standard for Dating. Also, in Yakusugi's Tree-rings survey and literature review, it was cold until about AD 700, when Taikano-Kaishin  reform was enacted, but it seems that it became warmer than now, be after the AD 710 when the capital was established in Heijokyo.

By the way, according to AFP on September 11, part of the world paddy fields are managed by a method of repeating the water supply period and the soil drying period, but this may double the emissions of greenhouse gases compared with conventional estimates.
According to the paper published in the PNAS, says that because rice is staple food with more than half of the world population of 7 billion people, how to control paddy will greatly influence climate warming of the Earth.
This research is a detailed investigation of the amount of nitrous oxide (N2O) released by the team of the environmental protection organization "Environment Defense Fund (EDF)". N2O with a long remaining time in the atmosphere is considered to be a more powerful air pollutant than methane and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The authors of the paper says N2O world emissions may be comparable to the amount of climate pollutants released from about 200 coal-fired power plants in a year.
Actually, on the previous day, in Bangkok,  the working group on the administrative level of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which decided on the rules of operation of the Paris Agreement, came to an end, but the items included in each country's greenhouse gas reduction goal and the methodology of financial support did not fill the gap between developed and developing countries, and the settlement was carried over to COP 24 in December.
In other words, this new "anthropogenic theory" is harassment to the less developing countries that are unlikely to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Japan also seems to be attack target.

There are other theories that make human activity as the origin of global warming. Professor Rajaman of the University of Virginia claims that it is caused by spread of paddy field farming in Asia and massive deforestation by Europeans, and the professor says that the history that humans began to influence the climate dates back to 8000 years ago, not 100 years. As a result of this, on the "Milankovitch cycle" which is the established theory of paleoclimatology, it avoiding the cold season which should be arrived already.
According to Professor Milankovitch, the climate on the earth has a peak of global warming every 100,000 years. Periodically the solar radiation fluctuates due to three factors: periodic change of the eccentricity of the Earth's revolution orbit, periodic change of the inclination of the rotation axis, and precession of the rotation axis. In other words, because the orbital orbit of Earth, which is elliptical in a cycle of 100,000 years shakes, the distance between the Earth and the Sun changes. The temperature difference between hot and cold season reaches as much as 10℃. there the cycle of 23,000 years in the climate of the Earth. This is inclination of the Earth's axis shakes like a coma (a spinning top), and a temperature difference of about 7℃ comes out, as the distribution pattern of solar energy changes.
However, although currently supposed to be going to a cold season on the 100,000 year cycle, is said to be "warm exceptionally". according to a study of greenhouse gases contained in the air in Antarctic ice, methane has increased since 5000 years ago and since 8000 years ago, and also CO2, has increased and at a pace deviating from the Milankovitch cycle.
Well, which us should be coping about, is it global warming Or global cooling?
It is a blind spot in discussing global warming, and Cause of a huge typhoon, and what is the increase / decrease of "Water=Steam" which has the highest greenhouse effect?
Unfortunately, this fundamental cause is not written too in "History of 100,000 Years of Humanity and Climate", a report of "Yearly Stripes" Study on the lake bottom of Lake Suigetsu. But, Author's Dr. Nakagawa writen that "The number of people feeling a certain hostility towards CO2, which is regarded as the main criminal of global warming, has reached a level that can not be neglected commercially". Also the US President says global warming is a fake, he says the earth is getting colder. And, on August 12 NASA launched a solar explorer. the purpose is corona and solar wind observation.
By this, I think it "Svensmark effect" is proved and that "countermeasures against extreme deviations temperature between global warming with global cooling" should be devised and implemented.

【ウラジオストック東方経済フォーラム】 Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok Восточный экономический форум во Владивостоке


According to NHK News on September 12, Russian President has suggested the unconditional signing of a peace treaty with Japan by the end of the year.
He said the proposal on Wednesday at a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. that it is not a joke.
In this Forum, Japanese Prime Minister and Chinese President were also in attendance, but after a speech by Japanese Prime Minister, that Russian President noted that Russia and Japan have been negotiating for 70 years. And said a simple idea came to his mind right there at that moment. and he called on Japan to sign a peace agreement -- not now, but before the end of the year, without any preconditions.
He added that Russia and Japan will continue to address all controversial issues as friends based on the peace treaty. He said it would help them resolve all the problems they've failed to overcome for 70 years. It invited applause from the hall.
However, Japanese prime minister avoided immediate answers. Because it was an unexpected scenario. In the Japan-Soviet joint declaration signed in 1956, it is said that two islands of Habomai and Shikotan will be handed over to Japan after concluding a peace treaty. Also in the 1993 Tokyo declaration after the collapse of the Soviet Union and in the Irkutsk statement in 2001too, it has been confirm that a peace treaty will be concluded after solving the attribution of the northern four islands. Japan is in a position to conclude a peace treaty by ultimately solving the attribution of the four northern islands. If the order is reversed, become impossible to regain all four islands. this is should be familiar also to Russian President well.
Chinese president who sits in a state sandwiched between them is expressionless. It is a very strange sight.
In the end, what Russia wants is economic cooperation for the development of the Far East, but it is all right, even from China. On the other hand, what Japan wants is the four islands where the Russian islanders are home now, because of the US military's Far East base, not for Japanese patriots.
If it's the case, from the viewpoint of foreign currency acquisition such as improving the transport balance and doubling the tourism balance, it is more smart choice to postpone the territorial issue for Japan. and it is because Japan's finances become tight already, and because it is no longer easy to double the cost of the stationed troops.
By the way, Russia's presidential spokesperson said in a Russian state TV program aired on September 16, said the Japanese side would take time to decide the position.because Japanese Prime Minister did not respond not at all. the Prime Minister told the Japanese NHK program same day that I directly refutation against Russian president at later. However, it is a informal or a lie, if no one is watching.

【三重県は奥ゆかしい?】Mie prefecture is coward?


 ところが、この瀬戸内海に浮かぶ約14平方キロメートルの小さな島は、今や現代美術の分野で世界的に知られるようになった。2010年(平成22年)より、3年に一度のペースで開催されている『瀬戸内国際芸術祭 Setouchi Triennale』の中心的開催地となり、世界的に有名な作品が展示され、直島町観光協会によると芸術祭がなかった昨年でも50万人が訪れ、半数以上が外国人だったそうである。

Raymond Benson's "The Man with the Red Tattoo" (see No. 98), which was published by Hayakawa Shobo in 2002, is an official James Bond novel that got permission from the Ian Fleming Foundation with the copyright of the novel version. The scenario is that James Bond will be dispatched to Japan again for the security of the G8 Summit that will be held in Naoshima, Kagawa Prefecture, and it is because Kagawa prefecture was candidacy the 2008 G8 Summit venue as the "Setouchi Summit" with Okayama Prefecture.
After all, the Summit of 2008 became "Toyako Summit", but Naojima at that time, with Kagawa Prefecture also joined was working hard to recruit 007 movie shooting. Also had built a memorial hall. But, due to the intervention of fraud brokers and the difference in the rights relationship between the novel version and the movie version, the dream never came true. That details are written in detail in "James Bond will not come" published by Kadokawa Bunko, and I also wrote to No.122.

The beginning of the thing began with Benson staying Naojima three nights in 2001 for collecting data.
As soon as this novel was published in 2002, the dream of film attraction was transferred from prefecture's film commission to prefectural tourism association, and Naoshima Town office, and Naoshima Town Council to obtain resolutions in 2003, and it became known to all the islanders.
Moreover, a self-name executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment who visited the Naoshima tourist association also encouraged, and in 2004 the prefecture's council also began to cooperate. also, gathered 50,000 signatures by convoking the "signature agents". In addition, the "Bond Girl of Kagawa" contest was held as part of attraction activities. Then, they are select the youth English man officer of the Prefecture Government Affairs Department as James Bond in Kagawa Prefecture, and make a short film "From Naoshima with Love" for introduced tourism. And they opened the "007 The Man with the Red Tattoo Museum" which was remodeled the garment factory in 2005 (closed in February 2018). Moreover, in 2006 carrying signatures of 83,000 people the Deputy Governor and the president of the prefectural assembly went to the United States to visit Sony Pictures Studio, and they are met the two Vice-presidents of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
However, it was discovered here, it is that the executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment that appeared in Naoshima was a fake, and it is that vice presidents have heard activities of Naoshima for the first time in now on here. Furthermore, in Naoshima, a operating fund of 2.17 million JPY was disappeared too.
Shifting the blame onto each others, and Sony's copyright management company will suspended updating the "museum" too, the situation become more and more serious, and it closed in February this year.

However, this small island of about 14 square kilometers floating in the Setonaikai is now globally became known in the field of contemporary art. Since 2010, world famous works were exhibited as the center venue for "Setouchi Triennale" held at a pace once every three years, and according to the Naoshima cho Tourist Association, about 500,000 visited even last year when there was no art festival, and moreover than half are said to be foreigners.
Based on this, the standard land price also rose. According to the Sankei Shimbun on September 18, the residential area of ​​Naoshima is 1% became higher despite being an island part, rose for the first time in 25 years. also, in 2017, 79 people migrated to the town, and the population of this April has become about 3,100 people.
Appraisers of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism says, it is because the demand for hotel of tourists who are rapidly increasing and the demand for housing for employees in towns is steady. In fact, this is a good example of the "Regional revitalization" by inbound. there has seems strong motivation to inform the world, either even 007 or even contemporary art don't care.
On the other hand, Mie prefecture is very timid. Ian Fleming has been wrote Toba, Ise, Matsusaka and Iga in a novel of "You only live twice", but Mie is completely indifferent. it still continues to edition around the world, and also the electronic version is released. And, According to the Ise Shimbun of August 30, Mie prefecture seems to have problems with overseas deployment of pearls, but even by dialogue of the SPECTRE's leader Blofeld "remind me to buy you another string of the excellent Mr Mikimoto's grey pearls".
I think that there is no hand that does not use it.

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