
No.161 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" May issue

ポートメイリオン Portmeirion 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 4月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of April 30

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【5月1日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of May 1

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

【AI機械学習によるカラー化 ②】Colorize by AI machine learning ②


I tried colorization by AI machine learning again, and used Photoshop to make some tweaks this time.

平和博覧会 Peace Exhibition 1948 

松坂城表門 Matsusaka Castle Front Gate 

大正時代の松阪駅 Matsusaka Station in the Taisho era 

昭和30年代の松阪駅 Matsusaka Station in the Showa 30's 

戦前の神楽座 Kaguraza before the war 

戦前の津停車場 Tsu station before the war 

奈良市 尾花劇場 Obana Theater 1938 

日比谷映劇 Theater Hibiya 1967 

【コロナ世界大戦後の復興】Reconstruction after the Corona World War


中国と日本の外貨準備高の推移 Changes in China and Japan's Foreign Exchange Reserves 1980-2019 

According to the data released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the 4th, the number of children under the age of 14 including foreigners was 14.93 million, a decrease of 190,000 from the previous year, the 40th consecutive year of decline. It accounts for 11.9% of the total population in Japan, the 47th consecutive year of decline. The breakdown was 7.65 million boys and 7.28 million girls. By age group every 3 years, the younger the age group, the less. There were 3.24 million people aged 12-14, and 2.65 million people aged 0-2.
According to the United Nations Demographic Yearbook, the proportion of children in Japan among 33 countries with a population of 40 million or more was the lowest, lower than 12.2% in South Korea and 13.3% in Italy.
This, decrease in domestic demand in the not too distant future will intensify the competition for survival of existing companies and encourage the selection and reorganization of SMEs, it like thinning. And, It‘s no wonder that companies that have swelled due to absorption seek overseas markets. because it is indispensable for earning foreign currency. So, Japan is devoted to automobile exports, and the industry says the Chinese market is particularly promising.
However, according to the General Administration of Customs of China, China imported 1.05 million cars in 2019, and by import source, 330,000 cars were imported from Japan (31.8% share), Germany (26.5% share), and the United States. (Share 18.3%) and Slovakia (share 6.8%). This accounts for only about 4% of all cars sold in China in 2019. This is because most of the many foreign cars in China are locally produced.
The world's major automakers have set up local joint ventures with Chinese automakers to produce and sell locally. Looking at the sales status of passenger cars by brand, Germans have 5.2 million cars, Japanese have 4.58 million cars, Americans have 1.91 million cars, and Koreans have 1.01 million cars, and the total is far more than Chinese have 8.4 million cars. That means, also the contribution to the Japan's trade balance is extremely limited. It would be offset by the import of household goods, which are highly dependent. Because, it is China wary of foreign currency outflows. China's foreign exchange reserves peaked at 3,993.2 billion USD in June 2014 and began to decline, and in 2015 they fell by a record 512.7 billion USD for the full year. therefore, China was set restrictions on taking out of CNY. in addition, since New Year's Day 2016, cash withdrawals using the UnionPay card overseas have also been limited to 10,000 CNY a day and 100,000 CNY a year. this is because it was judged that "explosive shopping" overseas was a loophole for capital outflows (See No.96). Incidentally, according to the People's Bank of China, foreign currency reserves at the end of February 2021 are on a recovery trend to 3.205 trillion USD (about 346 trillion JPY). This is because the coronavirus pandemic prohibits overseas travel.
Well, looking at this, a sophisticated strategy is required for resuming inbound tourism as a foreign currency acquisition policy. At least excessive reliance on the Chinese market is extremely dangerous. Also, for self-help revitalization of local economies and SDGs, it must be the exact opposite of offering service imports in place of goods exports, saw in trade with the United States in the 20th century. What SDGs, were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. it is sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". In order to achieve this, it is necessary to shift the priority policy from the manufacturing industry to the service industry. World War in the 21st century became a war with the coronavirus, because for many countries the revival of international tourism is absolutely necessary for their postwar reconstruction. Because that evidence was already visible in prewarof the .


【AI機械学習によるカラー化 ③】Colorize by AI machine learning ③

東京物語 Tokyo Story 1953

原節子と笠智衆 Setsuko Hara and Chishū Ryū 

キャスト Cast 

小津安二郎監督(右) Director Yasujiro Ozu (right) 

バグダッドの盗賊 The Thief of Bagdad 1924

Douglas Fairbanks as Ahmed, the Thief of Bagdad, and Julanne Johnston as The Princess 

プリンセス役のジュラン・ジョンストン Julanne Johnston as The Princess 

Sōjin Kamiyama as Prince of Mongolia, and Kunihiko Nanbu as his subordinate 

モンゴルスレーブ役のアンナ・メイ・ウォン Anna May Wong as The Mongol Slave 

海底戦 Battle on the seabed 

渓谷戦 Battle on the valley 

大団円 Finale 

野外セットとエキストラ The open set and extra 

【ゴールデンウィークの伊勢神宮参拝者数】Number of worshipers at Ise Jingu during the golden week

【近鉄布施駅 2021.0508】Kintetsu Fuse Station 2021.0508


I visited Fuse Higashi-Osaka, my hometown. here, the starting point of the Ise Sangu Honkaido route starting from Tamatsukuri-inari Jinja, and it was also a movie town with the Hollywood Nagase studio the Orient. However, it could not resist the passage of time, and the Fuse Line Cinema, which became a cinema complex in 1997 after the era of Shoeiza (1933), was finally closed and dismantled in February of last year, and the movie city image was lost.
However, it seems that movie love still remains. "What Made Her Do It ?", which was shot at the Nagase studio and won the first place in the excellent movie vote of Kinema Junpo was restored, and a screening with a katsubenshi was held at the public hall in last fall. This movie is in the public domain released in 1930.

近鉄布施駅北口 Kintetsu Fuse Station north entrance 2021 

近鉄布施駅南口 Kintetsu Fuse Station south entrance 2021 

プラットホーム a platform  

伊勢参宮本街道 Ise Historic Road 

近鉄の前身大阪電気軌道 Osaka Electric Tramway the predecessor of Kintetsu 1930s 

玉造稲荷神社の看板 Tamatsukuri-inari Jinja‘s signboard 

【緊急事態宣言の追加と延長】Additions and extension of the declaration of a state of emergency

【ゴールデンウィークのPCR検査状況】Circumstances of PCR tests during the Golden Week holidays

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 
【5月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 10


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 645,220, the number of deaths was 10,957, and the mortality rate decreased to 1.73%. On the other hand, the world average is also decreasing to 2.17% due to the progress of vaccination.

欧州では、ウイルスベクター型は若者にはリスクがあるという。 In Europe, viral vector types are said to be a risk to young people. 

【2021年3月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for March 2021


On May 13, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for March. The current account balance is a surplus of 2,650.8 billion JPY.
The trade balance is a surplus of 983.1 billion JPY, and the travel balance is also a surplus of 17.9 billion JPY. According to the JTA, March‘s inbound was 12,300 (preliminary) and outbound was 28,900 (preliminary). credit 41.6 billion JPY and david 23.7 billion JPY. therefore, the unit price per person is 3,382,114 JPY for inbound and 820,069 JPY for outbound. the inbound is still unusually expensive. However, according to Reuters and others, tickets sold overseas will be refunded about 600,000 for the Olympic Games and about 30,000 for the Paralympics. the total amount has not been announced, but ticket revenue of the inbound was expected to be 90 billion JPY, but cancellation fees for transportation and accommodation are not included. the impact may become apparent from next month.
The air passengers is a deficit of 500 million JPY. the sea passengers is surplus of 100 million JPY because the debit is 0 JPY. the other services have a deficit of 14.9 billion JPY, and the overall service balance, which is a weak point of Japan, is a deficit of 47.1 billion JPY.

【HACCPの完全義務化】5/13三重ふるさと新聞版 Fully obligatory of HACCP, the newspaper edition May 13

【緊急事態宣言の追加と延長 ②】Additions and extension of the declaration of a state of emergency ②

【5月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 20


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 703,842, the number of deaths was 12,013, and the mortality rate decreased to 1.70%. On the other hand, the world average is also decreasing to 2.16% due to the progress of vaccination, even though the new variants of the coronavirus is increasing.

【5月20日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of May 20

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

【オープンソース・インテリジェンス】The open source intelligence

 では、今後どうすれば同じ轍を踏まずにすむのだろうか。私はAIによるオープンソース・インテリジェンスを提言する。これこそDX(Digital Transformation)の本命だ。もちろん民主主義国である以上、得られる情報は内閣府のV-RESASのように全ての国民が共有できるものでなければならない。そして、その真偽の確認や専門的な裏付けには、ヒューミントも欠かせない。この手法は、株式市場もそうだが、インテリジェンス先進国では既に試験運用されているとみるのが論理的である。


日本の国際ツーリズム収入は中国本土を上回っていた Japan's international tourism receipts had surpassed mainland China 

In the six developed countries and China and Russia with well-developed intelligence, the development and inoculation of the novel coronavirus vaccine is proceeding smoothly, and as the United Nations World Tourism Organization predicted earlier this year there are signs of also revival of international tourism. a friend from Texas has told me too that there have been no deaths in Texas for two consecutive months. However, in Japan, it is still at the level of time-earning such as prevention of spread and declaration of emergency. Why is that?
By recording the data of the novel coronavirus every time, it can be seen that the number of PCR tests, antibody tests, and antigen tests has been arbitrarily suppressed. This is because coronavirus-infected persons, even if they are unaware, asymptomatic, and healthy, need to be isolated from society as long as they are designated as Class 2 by the Special Measures Law. The large-scale identification of infected people leads to the collapse of medical care in a blink of an eye.
That said, the collapse of health care that Japan is concerned about is not like confronting the dead on the streets as seen in other countries in the early days of the pandemic. Because there are only a limited number of medical institutions that deal with infectious diseases. this is because the majority of doctors in Japan run private clinics, which cannot deal with Category 2 infectious diseases, and because even in large hospitals, beds and equipment for infectious diseases, doctors and nurses in charge are limited. And, even health centers as bases for infectious disease control throughout Japan have become powerless with the eradication of tuberculosis. This is the cause of the lack of beds in the Japanese coronavirus pandemic, and it is only in this field that there is concern about collapse.
Fortunately, in Japan, many patients have recovered and been discharged from the hospital. Even though there is no cure yet. It is not known at this time whether this is due to the so-called "Factor X" caused by Soviet BCG vaccination. however, even if the number of confirmed infections increases rapidly due to British or Indian Strain, the mortality rate is not proportional and is decreasing. this is why the novel coronavirus is whispered to be a disease peculiar to the elderly.
That said, it is a Category 2 infectious disease. Confined spaces, dense conditions and close contact should be avoided, and economic activity must also be restricted. Former Prime Minister Abe mentioned the shift down from category 2 to category 5 without prompters at the beginning of his resignation press conference on August 28, last year, but in the end it became an extension of the new Corona Special Measures Act. Because of this, the Japanese tourism industry has been in a catastrophic situation since the last World War. this is a terrible situation that will significantly rewrite the world's tourism industry map, which is in the transition period from the goods trade to the era of the services trade. The evidence is in UNWTO's "International Tourism Highlights 2020" which I translated into No.157, but Japan's tourism receipts in North-East Asia in 2019 before the coronavirus pandemic was the highest, surpassing that of mainland China already. (This would have been something that CCP couldn't overlook.) That‘s why, postwar reconstruction is desired by inoculating the novel coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible.
Even so, even if the deadline of the Tokyo Olympics approaches in front of us, no progress will be made. According to the University of Oxford, the number of inoculations in the world is about 1.4 billion as of May 14, but in Japan it is only about 5.6 million as of May 13. This is only about 3% of the world average of about 9%, which is around the 110th place in the world at the level of developing countries. According to Japanese media, says that delay in vaccination in Japan is due to the delay in the development of the vaccination system.
However, according to Newsweek on May 15, the truth is due to a contract error by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. In other words, Japanese officials were negotiating with the easy-to-speak Japanese branch offices and agents, not with the headquarters of pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States, because they were not authorized by Japan. Moreover, it was also a preliminary step where it is not clear whether to buy or not. Pfizer's CEO is Jewish who grew up in Greece, and BioNTech is a company started by a doctor who grew up in a family who moved from Turkey to Germany. the management of such multinational pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States attaches great importance to contracts and stock prices rather than national relations. Japanese officials didn't seem to know that.
In addition, the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare appears to have feared criticism of the trauma of HIV-contaminated blood product scandals or the oversupply of the novel influenza vaccine of 11 years ago. So you may have hesitated to take special measures that have no legal basis. It also means that the ministry does not want to be held responsible for it later. the delay in action to protect the interests of the ministry is the cause of the defeat of Japan's international vaccination competition.
In addition, The Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare, fearing the trauma of the HIV-tainted blood scandal or criticism of the oversupply of the novel influenza vaccine of 11 years ago, does not want to take responsibility for special cases without legal grounds. This stance of protecting the interests of the ministry delayed the initial action, which led to the defeat of Japan's international vaccine acquisition race. The Minister of Health Labor and Welfare approved the manufacture and sale of the Moderna/Takada and AstraZeneca vaccines in Japan on the 21st, as a special case. I'm disappointed and can't say anything.
Where did Japan make a mistake? First, it is a method of persuading politicians and avoiding public criticism that "cross the sea and climb the river (when planning a new policy, first look at overseas cases and look for past precedents)". That is, Kasumigaseki's "precedentism" and "evidence principle". In addition, the risk aversion attitude of the Medical Association, which is the industry with the highest amount of donations to the ruling and opposition parties, and the proclamation through the main media of the specialized idiots who are WHO‘s puppets. As was the case with the radioactive material problem at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japanese great scholars have no knowledge of nuclear or biological weapons. these have made Japan's tourism, travel and restaurants industries scapegoats, putting international tourism in the trade in services in the 21st century into a catastrophic situation. and not only that, it led to the division of public opinion, such as intergenerational conflict and the pros and cons of hosting the Olympics. the biggest profit would be CCP.
So how do we avoid the same rut in the future? I recommend open source intelligence with AI. This is the best of DX. Of course, as long as it is a democracy, the information that can be obtained must be something that can be shared by all people, such as V-RESAS of the Cabinet Office. And, it is necessary to add also human intelligence to confirm the authenticity or to provide professional support. As with the stock market, this approach may already be piloted in intelligence-developed countries.

Stok price of Moderna has risen by more than 700% since February last year, BioNTech stock price has risen by 600%, and CanSino Biologics' stock price has risen by about 440%. According to CNN on May 22, the stock price of a pharmaceutical company that develops a novel corona virus vaccine has risen, and nine people including the CEO have joined the "Billionaire" with assets of more than $ 1 billion was revealed, by the analysis of the People's Vaccine Alliance, a monitoring organization consisting of UNAIDS, Oxfam, Amnesty International, and Global Justice Now.
At the top of the newly born billionaire are the CEO of Moderna and the CEO of BioNTech, which co-developed the vaccine with Pfizer. Both currently have a net worth of about $ 4 billion, and Kansino executives and early investors in Moderna have also had more than $ 1 billion in book assets due to soaring stock prices.

【国・地域別の100人あたり接種回数(5月21日更新)】Number of inoculations per 100 people by country or region (Updated May 21)

人口100人あたりの累計接種回数 Cumulative number of inoculations per 100 population 

【緊急事態宣言の追加と延長 ③】Additions and extension of the declaration of a state of emergency ③


【DMOの第2回登録更新】Second registration renewal of the DMO








According to the Kanko-keizai Shimbun on May 23, the Japan Tourism Agency carried out the second registration renewal after the enforcement of the guidelines on the DMO registration system, following January. The target was a DMO that had been registered for more than 3 years, and as a result of confirming the registration requirements, the registration of 28 of the 29 corporations was renewed and the registration of 1 corporation was cancelled. In addition, the registration of one group from the candidate DMO and one group that is not subject to renewal has also been cancelled.

[Result of the 2nd registration renewal]

Wide area cooperation DMOs are Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization, Okinawa Tourism Convention Bureau. Regional cooperation DMOs are Niseko Promotion Board, Miyagi Inbound DMO, Fukushima Prefecture Tourism and Products Exchange Association, Gunma Prefecture Tourism and Products International Association, Shibukawa Ikaho Onsen Tourism Association, Shinshu Iiyama Tourism Bureau, Suga Planning Tourism Bureau, Hamamatsu / Hamanako Tourism Bureau, Oku Mikawa Tourism Council, Biwako Visitors Bureau, Nara Prefecture Visitors Bureau, Kirin no Machi Tourism Bureau, Shimanami Japan, Kumamoto DMC, Aso Area Promotion Design Center, Tourism Oita. Regional DMOs are Tokachigawa Onsen Ryokan Cooperative, Iwaki Tourism Town Planning Bureau, DMO Nikko, Minakami-cho Tourism Association, Sumida Ward Tourism Association, Sado Tourism Exchange Organization, Kaga City Tourism Exchange Organization, Ise Matizukuri, Nantan City Miyama Tourism Town Planning Association , Nagasaki International Tourism Convention Association. Registration cancellation is, Yuasa Tourism Town Development Promotion Organization, Iinan-cho Tourism Association, Koisiki. In addition, the Tourism Agency has added 25 "registered DMO" groups in the 10th DMO registration and 12 "candidate DMO" groups in the 20th candidate registration. With this registration, the number of registered DMOs is 198 and the number of candidate DMOs became 97.

[10th registered DMOs]

Regional cooperation DMOs are Destination Tokachi, Sanriku Foundation, Ishimaki Area Tourism Promotion Organization, Akita Prefecture Tourism Federation, Akita Shirakami Tourism, Fukui Prefecture Tourism Federation, Ogaki Tourism Association, Ise Shima Tourism Convention Organization, KIX Senshu Tourism Bureau. Regional DMOs are Abashiri City Tourism Association, Yokote City Tourism Promotion Organization, Fukushima City Tourism Convention Association, Aizu Wakamatsu Tourism Bureau, Kamogawa Tourism Platform, Shin-Hatsuda City Tourism Association, Tajimi City Tourism Association, Gunjo City Tourism Federation, Izumisano City Promotion Promotion Discussion Association, Higashi Osaka Tourism Promotion Organization, Wakayama City Tourism Association, Daejeon City Tourism Association, Yawatahama City Furusato Tourism Corporation, Kita Management, Hirado Tourism Association, Shiiba Village Tourism Association.

[20th Candidate DMOs]

Regional cooperation DMOs are Oki UNESCO Global Geopark Promotion Council, Strait City Kanmon DMO. Regional DMOs are Otaru Tourism Association, Sano City Tourism Association, Tomioka City Tourism Association, Gyoda Hospitality Tourism Bureau, Ryuyama Tourism Design, Minami Uonuma City Tourism Association, Yuzawa Town Tourism Association, Misaki Bussan, Discover Higashi Hiroshima, Fukutsu Tourism Association.

【5月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 30


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 744,276, the number of deaths was 12,973, and the mortality rate increased slight to 1.74%. The world average also increased slightly to 2.17%, by rapid increased of the new variants. This virus does not diminish its virulence when mutated and does not appear to follow natural providence.

初期のCOVID-19遺伝子コード Genetic code of early Wuhan virus 


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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