
No.171 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" March issue

旧長谷川邸の池 Former Hasegawa Residence‘s Pond 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 2月28日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of February 28

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【2月28日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of February 28


【開国のすすめ】Recommended opening the country 三重ふるさと新聞 2月24日版

【松阪は豚も極める】Matsusaka aims for the ultimate also the pigs (pork)

 今年の1月1日から、RCEP(地域的な包括的経済連携協定)が発効した。 世界のGDP、貿易、人口の30%を占めるこの巨大なFTA(自由貿易協定)には、ASEAN 10か国、日本/中国/韓国、オーストラリア/ニュージーランドを含む合計15か国が参加。日本の場合、貿易の46%を占めるとされる。日本が期待しているGDP増加の腹積もりは、工業製品輸出が主たるものだ。

From January 1st of this year, RCEP came into effect. A total of 15 countries, including 10 ASEAN countries, Japan / China / Korea, and Australia / New Zealand, will participate in this huge FTA, which accounts for 30% of the world's GDP, trade, and population. for Japan, it will account for 46% of trade. Japan's expectations for an increase in GDP are mainly due to industrial product exports.
However, the estimation model of tariff reduction / trade facilitation → productivity improvement → wage increase → real income increase → consumption / savings / investment increase → GDP increase is not effective in Japan, where wages have not risen for the past 30 years. In addition, For agriculture forestry and fishery products, the MAFF has inserted into the estimation model the premise that domestic production will not decrease due to the policy of strengthening the production base even if tariffs are reduced. The negative impact of imports is likely to be too small. After all, the tariff elimination rate in Japan for RCEP is high at over 90% for industry, while it is low at 50-60% for agriculture. It is a trade promotion centered on industrial products. It is also a subcontractor of China, that is, one-third of Japan's exports to China, and exports of automobile parts, which is estimated to be 5 trillion JPY a year according to the METI. What they expect is the effect of eliminating tariffs there, and the medium- to long-term impact on agricultural products is unknown, because the MAFF did not make a trial calculation (At the House of Councilors plenary session in April 2021, when asked why he did not estimate the impact on agriculture, the Minister of MAFF replied, "Because the items to be abolished have been separated, there is no particular impact on domestic agriculture."). Moreover, current customers such as Taiwan and Hong Kong have not participated in the RCEP. In short, is that RCEP cannot be expected from the agricultural and tourism economies that support the regional economy.
Looking at the cases of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, more and more countries are shifting their weight to branding agriculture and service trade rather than exporting industrial products that are exposed to cost competition. It can be said that promotion of regional brands is an urgent task in Japan as well. that is because it leads to the movement of manpower goods and capital.
Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture, known for its Matsusaka beef. Pigs are also in the process of branding here, now. What Matsusaka pigs are LWD (Landrace, Large White, Duroc) ternary mating pig ※ that were selected from high-quality pigs born in Matsusaka during and raised for 220 days. The feed uses a lot of plant proteins, mylo wheat and soybeans, and is given an original mixture of lactic acid bacteria and yeast that enhances immunity, and does not use any processed feed such as synthetic protein. In addition, antibiotics are bred only by administering a small amount of vaccine in early childhood when the immunity is weak, and after that, no drug is administered.
The characteristic of Matsusaka pigs (pork) raised for 220 days is the marbling that is reminiscent of Matsusaka beef, and its texture is soft and smooth, and the original taste of meat is deep. and, because it doesn't have the odor peculiar to pork, lye does not come out even if it is boiled. In addition, the fat produced by long-term breeding, often referred to as "freshly made rice cake," has a low melting point so that it melts at the human body temperature, and spreads thinly during cooking. this is due to the pure white fatty acid composition of Matsusaka pork. Compared to other brand pigs, it because contains more unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which is one of the essential fatty acids, and oleic acid, which is said to reduce bad cholesterol. At the same time, there is an analysis result that the content of saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid, which increases the risk of heart disease by high-dose inoculation, is low. also, there is an analysis result that the content of saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid, which increases the risk of heart disease by high-dose inoculation, is low. this can be said to be optimal for an aging society.
Matsuzaka is raised Norinaga Motoori and Takatoshi Mitsui, has been a base for collecting information since ancient times. further promotion of regional brands is needed through public-private partnerships.

LWD三元交配豚 LWD ternary mating pig

ランドレース(L) 背脂肪が薄く、赤肉率が高い品種。発育が極めて早い。
Landrace (L)  A variety with a thin backfat and a high rate of red meat. very fast grow.

大ヨークシャー (W) 赤肉率が高く、加工用の原料として高い評価を得る。ランドレースについで多数飼育されている。
Large White (W)  High red meat ratio and highly evaluated as a raw material for processing. It is the second most fattened after Landrace.

デュロック(D) アメリカ原産の赤肉の品種。筋肉内への脂肪がつきやすく、シマリがあり柔らかい。
Duroc (D)  Red meat breed native to the United States. It is easy for fat to adhere to the muscles, and it is firm and soft.

【カラーで甦る松阪絵葉書 ②】The Matsusaka postcards has been revived in color ②

①はNo.162に収録 For ① refer to No.162

【福島第一原発爆発事故による諸外国・地域の規制措置】Regulatory measures in foreign countries or regions due to the explosion accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant


The Russian military's attack on Ukrainian nuclear facilities is reminiscent of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant explosion. Concerns about radioactive contamination are very long-term. As of February 21, this year, 41 countries or regions are still in the process of some regulation, but it is a political or trade diplomatic card rather than a concern no longer.


【2022年1月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for January 2022


On March 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for January. the current account balance is a deficit of 118.87 billion JPY.
The trade balance is also a deficit of 1604.3 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 12.3 billion JPY, by the credit 42.9 billion JPY and the debit 30.7 billion JPY.
The air passengers is a surplus 1.9 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 100 million JPY. also the other services have a deficit of 650.6 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is still a deficit of 737.9 billion JPY. According to JNT, the number of visit arrivals (inbound) in January was 17,800, mainly Indians, Americans, and Chinese, and the number of Japanese Overseas Travelers (outbound) was 75,000.
The era of industrial product exports, which must be low-wage, seems to be clearly over. looking at Europe half a century ago, it's clear what needs to be improved. That is, it is the history, culture and foods of the region. and for that purpose, branding that gains popularity and sells at the asking price is necessary.

【3月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 10



The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 5,619,379, and the number of deaths was 25,734 (Does not include 1,474 deaths after vaccination from February 17th last year to February 4th this year). the cumulative mortality rate decreased to 0.46%.

【松阪観光プロモーション動画】Matsusaka Tourism Promotion Video

【3月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 20



The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 6,101,652, and the number of deaths was 27,126 (Does not include 1571 deaths after vaccination from February 17th last year to March 4th this year). the cumulative mortality rate decreased to 0.44%, and "The important point measures such as prevention of spread:Semi-emergency coronavirus measures" will end tomorrow. the competition to attract tourists begins all at once in 47 prefectures.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 


【松坂城跡のライトアップ】Illumination of Matsusaka Castle Ruins

【インターナショナル・ツーリズム・ハイライト2021】International Tourism Highlights 2021


Since "International Tourism Highlights 2021" has not been released, I posted a "World Tourism Barometer" instead. Although I wrote in No.168‘s [China has taught us that international tourism is a most important trade], because it is urgently necessary to grasp the situation of "tourism trade".














国際ツーリストの到着数とツーリズム収入 2000-2021
















消費者動向の変化 − 短期動向か、このまま続くか?
近隣志向 国内観光は、人々がより近くを旅行する傾向があり、多くの市場で前向きな兆候を示している。旅行者は「滞在」または家の近くでの休暇に行く。
更なる責任 持続可能性、信憑性、地域性:旅行者は、地域社会にプラスの影響を与えることの重要性を信じており、信憑性をますます求めている。
回避 自然、農村観光、ロードトリップが、旅行制限と野外体験の探求により、人気旅行の選択肢として出現している。
長期滞在と更に高い支出 2021年には旅行一回あたりの支出が大きく増え、長期滞在が見られた。


再録【中国は国際ツーリズムが最重要貿易であることを知らしめた】China has taught us that international tourism is a most important trade.




In 2016, the Chinese government severely restricted the outflow of foreign currency by the Chinese people's overseas travel, fearing a sharp decline in foreign exchange reserves. Not only that, also a carry-out by foreigners. in addition, the novel coronavirus pandemic was able to significantly improve the current account balance.

中国における総GDPに対するインバウンド/アウトバウンドの観光支出(出典 UNWTO) 

2018-2019年の日本の国際ツーリズム収入は中国を上回っていた(出典 UNWTO) 

【Gotoトラベルと県民割】Go To Travel and Discount for Citizens of the Prefecture

【3月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 30


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 6,514,343, and the number of deaths was 28,035 (Does not include 1571 deaths after vaccination from February 17th last year to March 4th this year). the cumulative mortality rate was further reduced to 0.43%. It seems to have mutated into like a common cold, no longer. However, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited became a political entrepreneur with the Moderna vaccine, but it need to sell out 100 million time vaccine inventory.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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