
No.155 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" November issue

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 10月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of October 30

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan
重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan
死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan



I received an e-mail from APTEC of the UNWTO saying that the Japan Tourism Agency is recruitment "solutions that will contribute to the realization of new tourism exchanges and MICE" towards with corona era. I wrote the following personal opinion about the latter.

"Haifu" Watakanoshima Mie pref.


"The coronavirus pandemic has made it difficult to hold a MICE where all participants meet, and online and hybrid communication has begun to spread.
Meetings by such alternative means are recognized as a merit, especially low cost, and it is said that they will be widely used in the after-corona, such as the opening and closing ceremonies of the Mie National Athletic Meet scheduled on held next fall.
However, I don't think this is in the category of tourism anymore. This is because the economic spillover effect on the venue and the transportation to reach it is incomparably greater than that of online holding. If the Japan Tourism Agency considers MICE to be one of tourism, I think we should discuss how to safely carry members and manage meetings.
For example, by renting almost all of the hotel, you can connect multiple small meeting rooms and rooms online instead of the large conference hall, or use room service or catering from outside the hotel for lunch and break time. Considering the ripple effect on the economy, I think it is not impossible. alternatively, if the climate permits, outdoor holdings in gardens, parks, stadiums, etc. will not deviate from MICE's philosophy.
In addition, with regard to air transport, the risk of infection in airports where an unspecified number of people come and go is higher than that of aircraft with excellent ventilation systems, so refrain from using boarding tubes by boards. and getting on and off by boarding ramp vehicles, and, it is clear that chained infections can be prevented with a high probability if the gates are widely opened and dispersed, and if only taxis are used for city movement.
The only solution required for New Normal is a secretary that can smoothly advise each participant on the process, or an application that has that function.

"Fukujuso" Watakanoshima Mie pref.

(※)観光庁は「Go To トラベル」の方針を変更し、ビジネスや教習などの「サイトシーイング」以外の旅行の取り扱いを止めた。が、これらは世界的には「ツーリズム(観光)」の一つとして認識されており、日本をはじめとする国際観光統計にも反映されている(この「観光」の概念については No.116の【観光とは?】に詳しく書いたし、新聞紙上でも公開したのでここでは割愛する)。実際のところ、観光庁肝いりの"MICE"はビジネス・ツーリズムの最たるもので、企業等の会議(Meeting)、企業等の行う報奨・研修旅行(Incentive Travel)、国際機関・団体、学会等が行う国際会議(Convention)、展示会・見本市、イベント(Exhibition/Event)の事である。

The Japan Tourism Agency has changed the policy of "Go To Travel" to prohibit the handling of travel other than "sightseeing" such as Business or Lessons. But, these are recognized as one of the "tourism" in the world and are reflected in international tourism statistics including Japan too. (about this concept of "Kanko", I wrote to No.116 [What is tourism?], and also it was published in the newspaper, I will omit it here.) As a matter of fact, "MICE" promoted by the Japan Tourism Agency is the best of business tourism. what MICE is an acronym for Meeting, Incentive Travel, Convention, Exhibition/Event.

【11月1日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 1


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 102,780 people, and the number of deaths is 1,789. the mortality rate dropped to 1.74%. It‘s because the number of PCR tests has increased and also the denominator has increased?

【日本のPCR検査件数 11月1日現在】Number of PCR tested in Japan, As of November 1


But, it doesn't look like the number of PCR tests has skyrocketed.

【日本の縮図】A microcosm of Japan

 「Go To トラベル」のおかげで三重県渡鹿野島の旅館も、休日は近隣都市からの家族連れ、平日は全国各地からのツアー客など、大いに活況である。
 だが、どちらかといえば観光業界よりも旅行業界の救済に焦点をあてた「Go To トラベル」は、コロナ禍における一過性の政策である。この賑わいのサスティナビリティには疑問符がつく。現在ストップしている一般向けの海外旅行が再開されれば、国内市場は再び海外市場との競争に晒されることは間違いなく、また、国内観光を支える市場は高齢化の一途であり、旅行に出られる若い市場は少子化も相まって減少の一途だからである。椅子取りゲームの加速は否めないのだ。この人口100人ちょっとの小さな島に、近い将来の日本の縮図をみる思いである。

The ryokans in Watakanoshima, Mie Prefecture are also attracting a lot of people, by "Go To Travel", it by such as on holidays families from neighboring cities and on weekdays tour groups from all over the Japan.
This small heart-shaped island, which retains the remnants of the Showa period, has been hotels withdrawn one after another at the end of the bubble era, and at night the island's shadow melts into the jet-black darkness. Rather for that, the illumination lights of the heart symbol on the wharf shine brightly on the bayside where shuttle ships come and go, welcoming visitors brightly. Now, this island is about to revive with the support by the families and tourist groups.
However, If anything "Go To Travel," which focuses more on the bailout of the travel industry than on the tourism industry, is a transient policy in the coronavirus pandemic. there are doubts about the sustainability of this popularity. It is clear that the domestic market will be exposed to competition from overseas markets again if the currently stopped overseas travel to the general public is resumed. Also, because is the market that supports domestic tourism is aging, and the young market for travel is declining due to the declining birth rate too. the acceleration of the musical chairs game is undeniable. this small island with a population of a little over 100 people seems to me to be the epitome of Japan of the near future.

【2020年9月の国際収支】September's Balance of payments 2020


On November 10, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the September‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 1.6602 trillion JPY.
Trade balance is surplus of 918.4 billion JPY. also travel balance was a surplus of 21.7 billion JPY. Inbound in September is 13,700 people and the credit is 45.2 billion JPY. Outbound in September is 31,600 people and the debit is 24.2 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 3,299,270 JPY, and outbound 74,6835 JPY. Inbound‘s receipts (income) are still unusually high. this is a big mystery.
Air passenger is surplus of 1.2 billion JPY, because outbound exceeding inbound. sea passenger remain in the deficit of 200 million JPY.
Also, other services is deficit of 201.6 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 237.4 billion JPY.

【11月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 10

 47都道府県で確認された感染者数は11万1328人で、死者数が1864人。3,325人が死亡した2018年のインフルエンザによる死亡の56%である(No.147参照)。官房長官は、11月9日までの「Go To トラベル」利用者131人に、新型コロナウイルス感染が確認されたと述べた。が、減り続ける死亡率は1.67%となった。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 111,328 people, and the number of deaths is 1,864. this is 56% of the 2018 influenza deaths which dead 3,325 people. (See No.147) The Chief Cabinet Secretary said that among those who used "Go To Travel", 131 people were confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus by November 9. But, the ever-declining mortality rate became 1.67%.

【利害対立】A conflicting interests

 11月13日のNHKニュースによると、国土交通副大臣は衆議院厚生労働委員会で、「Go Toトラベル」利用者の新型コロナウイルスへの感染が、12日までに138人確認されたことを明らかにした。利用された宿泊施設は31の都道府県で84施設、北海道が12施設、東京が9施設、大阪が7施設だということだ。また、宿泊施設従業員の感染確認は、全国74の施設で133人、東京で21施設、沖縄で8施設、北海道と福岡でそれぞれ6施設になったとのことである。
 しかし、「Go to トラベル」キャンペーンを中止するつもりは国交省にはない。三度目の感染拡大は都道府県の責任であり、感染は自己責任とのスタンスだ。東京五輪の巨額な前受金を海外へと払い戻さなければならないからだろうか?

The scary thing about Corona is that it threatens its social status rather than its virus.
According to NHK News on November 13, the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism revealed at the House of Representatives Welfare and Labor Committee that 138 people were confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus by "Go To Travel" users by the 12th. The accommodations used were 84 in 31 prefectures, 12 in Hokkaido, 9 in Tokyo, and 7 in Osaka. In addition, the number of confirmed infections among accommodation facility employees was 133 at 74 facilities nationwide, 21 at Tokyo, 8 at Okinawa, and 6 at Hokkaido and Fukuoka. However, the MLIT has no intention of canceling the "Go to Travel" campaign. it stance is the spread of the third infection is the responsibility of the prefectures, and the infection is a self-responsibility. Is it because you have to refund the huge prepayment of the Tokyo Olympics to a foreign country?
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Japan Medical Association said, "You can think of it as the third wave." in addition, the chairman of the government subcommittee too, he has pointed out that the campaign should be stopped if it is judged to be in "Stage 3", which indicates the situation where the number of infected people is increasing rapidly. it is naturally. Their job is to stop the deterioration of hospital management. So, they do not mention the low case fatality rate of coronavirus and that immune carriers due to infection do not need a vaccine. media too, which only reports an increase in the number of infected people, does not mention this paradoxical fact.

【太平洋島嶼サミット】Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting

 日本とPICs(太平洋島嶼国)は、太平洋を共有する重要かつ長年のパートナーであり、共通課題に取り組んでいる。このPICsとのパートナーシップをさらに強化するために、日本は1997年から3年ごとに太平洋諸島首脳会議(Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting: PALM)と呼ばれるサミットレベルの会議を日本で主催している。
 首脳陣は、国土が狭く分散している、国際市場から遠い、自然災害や気候変動等の環境変化に脆弱、などの困難について率直な議論を交わすとされ、第9回目は三重県志摩市で来年開催の予定である。が、コロナ禍の現段階において、具体的な日取りや会場については未定である (私は前述の志摩市にあるハート型アイランド渡鹿野島が最適だと思う)。

Japan and Pacific island countries (PICs) are important, longstanding partners, sharing the Pacific Ocean and addressing common challenges. In order to further enhance this partnership with the PICs, Japan has been hosting Summit-level meeting named Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) every three years since 1997 in Japan.
Leaders from seventeen countries including Japan take part in PALM, Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. the first host prefecture is Tokyo, the second is Miyazaki prefecture, the third and fourth are Okinawa prefecture, the fifth is Hokkaido, the sixth is Okinawa prefecture, and the seventh and eighth are Fukushima prefecture.
Leaders openly discuss various issues such as the challenges regarding their small size and land distribution over a wide area, distance from major international markets, and the vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change. The 9th meeting is scheduled to be held next year in Shima City, Mie Prefecture. But, at now stage of the Corona pandemic, the specific dates and venues have not yet been decided. (I think the above-mentioned the heart-shaped island Watakano-shima in Shima City is the best)
After the PALM Ministerial Interim Meeting held online on October 20, at the first meeting of experts held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 2, the basic policy for PALM9 and Climate change, Environment, Disaster prevention were discussed. the members are Professor of the Osaka Gakuin University and the chairman of the Pacific Association, Professor of the Kinki University, Professor of the Kanagawa University, Senior Researcher of the National Institute for Defense Studies, and a Full-time Counselor of the Global Environment Department of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. the content is private. In addition, at the second meeting held on November 16, cooperation in the field of Marine and Fisheries was discussed. the members are Professor of the Osaka Gakuin University and the chairman of the Pacific Association, Professor of the Kinki University, Professor of the Kanagawa University, Senior Researcher of the National Institute for Defense Studies, and Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. this is also privated, but territorial disputes, maritime interests, and security issues may be here. Just, the next day, the Prime Minister of Australia came to Japan on the 17th, and the "Japan-Australia Defense Pact" was signed, and China has been blaming it. In the future, the 3rd meeting will be Trade investment, Tourism, Infrastructure, and Public-private partnership, and In the 4th meeting, Social development (health, education, human resource development, human exchange) will be discussed. the main themes of PALM9 are the above four.

【11月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 20

 それなのに、感染者の急増を受けた日本政府は、11月21日には「Go To」を再検討し、24日には札幌市と大阪市への旅行の一時除外を決め、27日には両市民の出発も除外された。とはいえ、感染者数が最も多いにもかかわらず、東京都は除外されてはいない。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 128,418 people, and the number of deaths is 1,973. The ever-declining mortality rate became 1.54%. the percentage is lower than the flu two years ago.
Nevertheless, Due to the rapid increase in the number of infected people, the Japanese government decided to reconsider "Go To" on November 21, and decided to temporarily exclude travelling to Sapporo City and Osaka City on the 24th. furthermore on the 27th, the departures of both citizens were also excluded. however, Tokyo is not excluded, despite the highest number of infected people.

【非常に少ない死亡者数】Very low death toll

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

【11月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of November 30

 確かに、伝えない事はファクトチェックとは矛盾しない。しかし、これでは大本営発表と同じで本質を見誤った世論が形成されるとともに、メディアリテラシーの問題にもなる。事実「Go To」の賛否は拮抗しているが、ほとんどの観光地にクラスター感染がないのも事実である。全方位的に唯一の整合性を求めるのならば、感染症法に基づく分類をⅡ類以上からⅤへと下げる以外に方法はない。いみじくもこの事は、安倍元首相も辞任会見の冒頭で言及していた。WHOの意に反し、東京五輪を断念することになるとしてもである。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 149,703 people, and the number of deaths is 2,169. The ever-declining mortality rate became 1.45%. Avoiding a healthcare management crisis or re-restricting regional economic activity? The Japanese government, which has been in conflict between factions over "Go To," seems to be using the media to urge the public to refrain from acting. Only the increase in the number of infected and seriously injured is reported daily, and the overwhelmingly low number of deaths is not mentioned. this is only fuels fear and suspicion.
Certainly, because not telling it doesn't conflict with fact checking. however, this is the same as the announcement of the DAIHONEI (large headquarters), and public opinion that misunderstands the essence will be formed, and also this is a media literacy issue.
In fact, "Go To" for-and-against sides are roughly even. But, it is also true that cluster infections are not found in most tourist destinations. If you want the only consistency in all directions, I think there is no choice but to lower the classification based on the Infectious Diseases Control Law from category II or higher to V. Former Prime Minister Abe also mentioned this at the beginning of the resignation press conference. even if the Tokyo Olympics will be cancelled, as contrary to WHO's will.
That WHO, showed a strange change of view. according to the NHK news on November 28 the person in charge of crisis response at WHO said that the source of the novel coronavirus is still considered to be in China as WHO, and revealed that an international research team will investigate in Wuhan, Hubei Province. WHO has been reluctant to make stimulating statements to China until now, and also the first research team in July was unable to enter Wuhan. this is I recorded in No.152, but is it still possible to say that there is a smoking gun?

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

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