内宮神苑特設舞台「神宮舞楽」Naiku Shinen Garden special stage "Jingu Bugaku"
【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 4月30日現在(最終回)】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of April 30 (The final)
I've recorded for 36 months since No.150, but this time it end. because, Pfizer's clinical trial period will end on May 2nd, so it will move from Category 2 to Category 5 on the 8th after the consecutive holidays, and because when 100% grasping is completed, it shifts to fixed point grasping.
桁に注意 Note the digits
感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan
重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan
死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan
【4月30日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of April 30
On May 5, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced that end of the state of emergency for the novel coronavirus infection.
【いちべ参道を彩る花々】Flowers that decorate Ichibe pilgrimage route
ヤマブキ Kerria
ガーデンローズ Garden rose
いちべ神社と春紫苑 Ichibe Jinja Shrine and Philadelphia fleabane
匂蕃茉莉 Brunfelsia latifolia
エンジェルラダーに浮かぶシャガ Butterfly flower illuminated by angel ladder
【2023年3月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for March 2023
On May 11, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for March this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2,278.1 billion JPY. however, showing an upward trend in line with the usual monthly pattern. this is the highest amount at the end of the fiscal year and will not be exceeded during the year.(See last month's issue)
The trade balance is still in a deficit of 454.4 billion JPY. The travel balance is a surplus of 282 billion JPY, consisting of 380.5 billion JPY in credit and 98.5 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 1,817,500 persons for the former and 697,300 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 209,354 JPY for the inbound and 141,870 JPY for the outbound.
The air passenger is a surplus of 7.4 billion JPY. the sea passenger is a deficit of 1.1 billion JPY. In addition, also the other services have a deficit of 251.3 billion JPY, and the overall service balance is a deficit of 58.2 billion JPY.
日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items
【免税店制度は必要か?】Do you need a duty free shop system?
It is hardly known because the media does not mention it, but duty-free souvenirs for foreign tourists are not recorded in the travel balance but in the trade balance. because it is regarded as a goods export. Therefore, the increase in the inbound consumption become to the achievement of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, not the Japan Tourism Agency.
However, duty-free are targets for resellers. According to NHK in November last year, seven men and women from China made an "explosive purchase" of luxury brand items worth 7.7 billion JPY at department stores in Osaka. But, the Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau issued a disposition to collect about 760 million JPY in consumption tax, saying that it would not be eligible for tax exemption because it did not have the necessary documents. However, they had already left the country. According to the Ministry of Finance of Japan, customs inspections at the time of departure last fiscal year revealed that they did not have the duty-free goods they were supposed to have purchased, and the amount of consumption tax they were asked to pay reached 2.2 billion JPY. But, it is said that 2.13 billion JPY of this was not collected.
The Ministry of Finance, frustrated by the spate of fraudulent practices, embarked on strengthening countermeasures this month. In the past, when it was discovered that the goods were being sold illegally, the purchaser of the duty-free goods was required to pay the consumption tax, but from this month the purchasers of duty-free items will also be required to pay. However, the degree of deterrence against the Syndicate is questionable.
Rather than such a thing, in Japan under the depreciation of the yen, where there is a bargain of more than 10%, is it really necessary to have a consumption tax duty-free shop system that will only contribute to raising the level of the miserable trade balance?
【もう中国人観光客による爆買いは期待できない】We can no longer expect explosive purchases by Chinese tourists
【チャットGPT】Chat GPT
ChatGPTとは、米国のOpenAI社が開発したAIベースのチャットサービスのことである。GPTはGenerative Pre-trained Transformerの略で、Web上の大量のデータに基づき事前学習した文章のトランスフォーマーモデルを指す。現在、類似サービスが増えているが、私はこの本物のチャットGPTのアカウントを取って、こんな質問をしてみた。バージョンは3.5で、日本語入力ではエラーを繰り返すので英文入力とした。
4.複雑さと予測不可能性の増大:シミュレートされた動作を備えた AI の導入により、市場のダイナミクスにさらに複雑なレイヤーが追加される。人間のトレーダーや従来の市場分析モデルがAI主導のHFTシステムの動作を正確に理解または予測することは、より困難になる可能性がある。この複雑性の増大は、市場の予測不能性を高めるかも知れない。
3.敵対的攻撃または入力操作:場合によっては、AIシステムを意図的に操作して、一貫性のない出力を生成することができる。入力データに微妙な変更が加えられる敵対的攻撃は、AI モデルの脆弱性を悪用し、一貫性のない、または正しくない応答を生成する可能性がある。
GPT:いちべ神社は、地元の漁師たちが海難事故から救われたという伝説に由来しています。 伝説によれば、漁師たちが遭難した際に海上から現れた龍が漁師たちを助け、その後、龍この伝説を受けて、いちべ神社は文政十三年(1830年)に建立されました。地元の人々はこの神社を神秘的なパワースポットとして崇拝し、様々な御祈願を行っています。
Bard:はい、いちべ神社は知っています。三重県鳥羽市にある神社で、ホテル 「マリテーム海幸園」の中庭に鎮座しています。いちべ神社は、地元の漁師が海で遭難した際に龍が助けてくれたという伝説がある神社です。龍が舞い降りたとされる大きな岩石が 御神体とされており、この岩石に触れたり 抱きついたりすることでパワーを得られると言われています。いちべ神社は「勝負運」にご利益があるとされ、プロ野球選手やアスリート、政治家、芸能人などの著名人も密かに参拝しています。
ーどうやら、ローカルデータの検索にはGoogle Bardの方が優れているようである。ただし、まだ構文力が足りないようだ。
What ChatGPT is an AI-based chat service developed by Open AI in the United States. GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Currently, similar services are increasing, but I got an account of this non-fake chat GPT and asked the following question. The version is 3.5, and since Japanese input repeats errors, I used English input.
Me:If HFT, which can make nearly 10,000 stock trades per second, incorporates an AI that can pretend to know but not understand wishful thinking, Guess, and peer pressure, how will its logical thinking change the Japanese securities market?
ChatGPT:If a High-Frequency Trading (HFT) system incorporates an AI that can simulate wishful thinking, guessing, and peer pressure without genuine understanding, it may introduce some interesting dynamics to the Japanese securities market. However, it's important to note that the precise effects are challenging to predict, and actual market outcomes depend on various factors.
Here are a few possible ways in which such an AI-incorporated HFT system could affect the Japanese securities market:
1.Increased trading activity: With the ability to execute a large number of trades per second, the HFT system could significantly increase trading activity in the market. This could lead to higher liquidity and potentially more volatility as the AI-driven trades respond to perceived opportunities or signals from wishful thinking, guesses, or peer pressure.
2.Distorted market behavior: The AI's ability to simulate wishful thinking,
ーChat GPT stopped here. I changed the question.
Me:What Distorted market behavior?
ChatGPT:Apologies for the incomplete response. When referring to "distorted market behavior," it implies that the incorporation of an AI with simulated wishful thinking, guessing, and peer pressure into HFT could introduce certain irregularities or deviations from typical market patterns. Here are some potential examples:
1.Increased speculative trading: The AI's ability to simulate wishful thinking and peer pressure might lead to an increase in speculative trading behavior. It could prompt the AI to engage in trades based on unfounded beliefs or sentiments, rather than relying solely on fundamental or technical analysis. This speculative trading could introduce additional volatility and potentially impact market stability.
2.Amplification of market trends: If the AI's guessing abilities lead it to identify and follow certain market trends, it could amplify the momentum of those trends. This could result in exaggerated price movements and create an environment where markets become more prone to herd behavior. In such cases, the AI-driven trades may further push the prices in a particular direction, irrespective of the underlying fundamentals.
3.Cascading effects: If the AI-incorporated HFT system's simulated behaviors influence other market participants or algorithms, it could create cascading effects. Other traders or systems may attempt to mimic or react to the AI's actions, leading to a feedback loop that amplifies market movements beyond what might be expected based on fundamental factors alone.
4.Increased complexity and unpredictability: The introduction of an AI with simulated behaviors adds an additional layer of complexity to market dynamics. It could make it more challenging for human traders and traditional market analysis models to understand or predict the actions of the AI-driven HFT system accurately. This increased complexity may lead to greater market unpredictability.
It's important to note that the impact of such an AI-incorporated HFT system would depend on its specific design, the quality of its simulated behaviors, market conditions, regulatory measures, and the reactions of other market participants. Predicting the exact consequences would require a detailed analysis and real-world observation.
Me:Don't you think it's promoting a bubble economy that has no substance?
ChatGPT:Yes, the introduction of an AI-incorporated HFT system that simulates wishful thinking, guessing, and peer pressure could potentially contribute to the promotion of a bubble economy that lacks substance. The simulated behaviors of the AI might lead to excessive speculation, market distortions, and a detachment from fundamental value.
A bubble economy refers to a situation where the prices of assets, such as stocks, rise to unsustainable levels driven by speculative trading and investor optimism, rather than underlying economic fundamentals. If the AI-driven HFT system engages in speculative trading based on simulated wishful thinking and peer pressure, it could contribute to the formation and expansion of asset price bubbles.
By amplifying market trends, creating cascading effects, and increasing complexity, the AI-incorporated HFT system may exacerbate the potential for bubble-like behavior in the market. This can result in inflated asset prices that are disconnected from their intrinsic value, leading to a market environment where prices may not reflect the true economic conditions or long-term prospects of the underlying assets.
It's crucial to maintain a balance between market efficiency, stability, and genuine economic value creation. Regulators and market participants need to carefully monitor and evaluate the impact of AI-driven systems to ensure that they contribute to a healthy and sustainable market environment, rather than promoting a bubble economy devoid of substance.
Me:Can AI tolerate inconsistencies?
ChatGPT:AI systems, including those powered by machine learning algorithms, generally strive to minimize inconsistencies and optimize for consistency in their responses or outputs. However, the level of tolerance for inconsistencies can vary depending on the specific design and objectives of the AI system.
In many cases, AI models are trained to be as consistent as possible by learning patterns from data and optimizing their performance based on a set of predefined criteria. This helps ensure that the AI system produces reliable and coherent outputs within the scope of its training data.
However, it's important to note that AI systems can still exhibit inconsistencies under certain circumstances:
1.Incomplete or conflicting data: If an AI model is trained on incomplete or conflicting data, it may struggle to maintain consistency in its responses. Inconsistencies in the training data can lead to contradictory patterns, resulting in inconsistent outputs from the AI system.
2.Ambiguity or context-dependent responses: AI models might encounter situations where the input or query is ambiguous or lacks context. In such cases, the AI system may generate inconsistent responses as it attempts to interpret and provide an answer based on incomplete information.
3.Adversarial attacks or input manipulation: In some cases, AI systems can be intentionally manipulated to produce inconsistent outputs. Adversarial attacks, where subtle modifications are made to the input data, can exploit vulnerabilities in the AI model and cause it to generate inconsistent or incorrect responses.
4.Evolving knowledge or changing conditions: If an AI system's training data becomes outdated or the underlying conditions change, it may struggle to maintain consistency over time. New information or shifts in the environment might lead to inconsistencies as the AI system tries to adapt.
While AI systems aim for consistency, they are not inherently immune to inconsistencies. Addressing and minimizing inconsistencies is an active area of research and development in the field of AI, with ongoing efforts to improve the reliability and robustness of AI models.
ChatGPT:Thank you! I'm glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to assist you!
ーSo I tried a slightly more difficult question.
Me:Can you explain "Mono no Aware" by Norinaga Motoori, a Japanese scholar of classical literature?
ChatGPT:Certainly! "Mono no aware" is a concept in Japanese aesthetics that was popularized by Motoori Norinaga, a prominent scholar of classical Japanese literature in the 18th century. The term "mono no aware" can be translated as "the pathos of things" or "the sensitivity to the ephemeral."
The concept of "mono no aware" revolves around the appreciation and understanding of the transient and impermanent nature of existence. It recognizes the inherent beauty and sadness in the fleeting nature of things. It suggests that we should deeply feel and empathize with the transient nature of life and the emotions it evokes.
According to Motoori Norinaga, this sensitivity to the ephemeral is particularly evident in traditional Japanese literature, such as poetry and tales of the past. He believed that the essence of Japanese aesthetics lay in capturing and expressing the poignant beauty of the impermanent world.
In practice, "mono no aware" encourages individuals to embrace the transitory nature of life and find beauty in moments that are evanescent. It emphasizes a profound emotional connection with the natural world and an understanding of the cyclical nature of life, including birth, growth, decay, and death.
Overall, "mono no aware" highlights the importance of appreciating and cherishing the fleeting beauty of life and recognizing the bittersweet emotions it engenders. It has had a significant influence on Japanese culture, including art, literature, and the way people perceive and interact with the world around them.
Me:Thank you!
ChatGPT:You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
ーHowever, Chat GPT is still not a panacea. About "Ichibe Jinja Shrine", It seems that they were confused with a shrine with a similar name in the alphabet. I lied as if it were true. So I tried to ask the same question again by having them access my blog site where I accumulated the data.
ChatGPT:Ichibe Shrine is named after a legend that local fishermen were saved from a maritime accident. According to the legend, a dragon appeared from the sea and saved the fishermen when they were in distress. Local people worship this shrine as a mysterious power spot and offer various prayers.
Ichibe Shrine is said to have the following divine powers:
・Good Luck: Believed to increase luck and bring good luck.
Victory Prayer: It is said to help you achieve your
・goals by praying for victory and success.
・Illness treatment: You can wish for recovery from illness or disasters and good health.
・Safety at home: Protect the safety of your family and home and wish for a peaceful life.
・Marriage: You can wish for good relationships and marriage, and pray for the success of partnerships.
・Passing Prayer: You can pray for success in tests and exams and for academic achievement.
・Improving financial luck: You can pray for financial luck and business prosperity, and wish for economic abundance.
・Mental Fulfillment: You can seek peace of mind and spiritual fulfillment.
This is the correct information about Ichibe Shrine.Thank you for pointing this out. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
ーIt great answer. But when I asked the same question the next day, ChatGPT got it wrong again. So I tried Google Bard, which started supporting Japanese from the 11th.
Me: Do you know "Ichibe Jinja Shrine" in Toba City, Mie Prefecture?
Google Bard:Yes, I know Ichibe Shrine. A shrine located in Toba City, Mie Prefecture, located in the courtyard of Hotel Maritime Kaikouen. Legend has it that a dragon saved a local fisherman who was lost at sea at Ichibe Shrine. The large rock that the dragon is said to have landed on is the object of worship, and it is said that touching or hugging this rock will give you power. Ichibe Shrine is said to bring good fortune, and celebrities such as professional baseball players, athletes, politicians, and celebrities have secretly visited the shrine.
ーApparently,Google Bard is better at searching local data. However, the syntax ability seems to be still lacking.
【人口は国力なり】(5/11三重ふるさと新聞掲載版)population is national strength (Mie Furusato Shimbun version published on May 11
【三重の観光高付加価値化指針】Mie Prefecture's Guideline for Adding Value to Tourism
According to Mie Prefecture, the number of tourists visiting the prefecture's main tourist facilities (23 facilities) during the long holiday period of Reiwa 5 (9 days from April 29 to May 7, 2023) was 1,830,700 parson. It is a cumulative number, not a real number. 3,002,858 people in 2019 before the corona disaster: 1,664,891 people this year = 55.44% in 21 facilities that can be compared. It is minus 44.56%.
Incidentally, in the case of gastronomy tourism, I think that Japanese mackerel recommended by Kokugakuin University is unsuitable, because you can fish anywhere.
【グーグルBard】Google Bard
グーグルが開発したBardは、Googleの大規模言語モデル( LLM : Large Language Model )であるLaMDAとPaLM2を利用している。LLMは言語のパターンを拾い上げることと、それを使って文章の中で次に来る確率の高い単語を予測することを学習する。前回に続いてチャットGPTとGoogleBardを比較してみたが、今回はある本質的な問題に焦点をあててみた。いま話題の、人工知能は人の営みの脅威足り得るかである。
私:私はグーグルブログ「地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて」の筆者です。長年書いてきましたので、すぐにタイトルを見つけることができません。【旅館は日本のガストロノミー・ツーリズム】Ryokan is Gastronomy Tourism of Japan がいつ書かれたか見つけることはできますか。
ホームは https://ohmss700.blogspot.com/ です。
Bard:はい、ブログ投稿 「旅館は日本のガストロノミーツーリズム」は2018年5月24日に投稿されました。Googleのブログの投稿履歴を検索することで、この情報を入手しました。
GPT:私はOpenAIのChatGPTとして開発されたAI言語モデルであり、GoogleのBardに関する具体的な情報は持っていません。 そのため、Bardがどのような機能や性能を持っているのかについてはコメントすることができません。
しかし、ChatGPTは自然な対話を行うことに特化しており、 幅広いトピックに対して質問や会話をサポートすることができます。様々な知識源から学習しており、一般的な知識や文法、文章の流暢さについても比較的高いレベルの性能を持っています。
Bard:ChatGPTと私はどちらも、大規模なテキストとコードのデータセットでトレーニングされた大規模な言語モデルです。テキストの生成、言語の翻訳、さまざまな種類のクリエイティブコンテンツの作成、質問への回答を行うことができます。 私たちはまだ開発中ですが、次のような多くの種類のタスクを実行することを学びました。
・詩、 コード、 スクリプト、 楽曲、 メール、 手紙 など、さまざまなクリエイティブなテキスト形式のテキストコンテンツを生成します。私はあなたのすべての要件を満たすために最善を尽くします。
私とChatGPTの主な違いは、私がGoogleAlのモデルであり、ChatGPTがOpenAIのモデルであるということです。つまり、私はGoogleの膨大なデータセットでトレーニングされており、ChatGPTはOpenAIの膨大なデータセットでトレーニングされています。ただし、どちらのモデルも毎日改善されて おり、将来どちらが優れているかを言うのは難しいです。
GPT:申し訳ありませんが、 私の知識は2021年までのものであり、D.F.ジョーンズの小説「コロサス」については認識していません。 D.F.ジョーンズに関する情報も限定的です。もし 「コロサス」についての情報を提供いただければ、できる限りお手伝いいたします。
コロサスは批評家と商業的成功を収め、SFの古典的な作品と見なされています。2つの続編、The Fall of Colossus と Colossus and the Crab が続き、1970年に映画「Colossus: The Forbin Project」に採用されました。
最終的に、AIが人類の自由を奪うことができるかどうかという質問に対する答えは1つではありません。それは、AIがどのように開発され、使用されるかによって異なります。AIが人類をより良くする方法で 使用されれば、AIは人類の自由を増す可能性もあります。しかし、AIが人類を害する方法で使用されれば、AIは人類の自由を奪う可能性があります。
Bard:お褒めの言葉ありがとうございます! そう言っていただけて嬉しいです。
Developed by Google, Bard uses LaMDA and PaLM 2, Google's Large Language Model (LLM). LLMs learn to pick up patterns in language and use them to predict the most likely next word in a sentence. Continuing from last time, I compared the two generative AIs, but this time I tried to focus on a underlying issues.
Me:I am the author of the Google blog "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development". I've been writing for many years, so I can't find the title right away. Can you find out when [Ryokan is Japanese Gastronomy Tourism] was written? the Home is https://ohmss700.blogspot.com/
ChatGPT:Sorry, I currently do not have internet access to look up information on specific websites or blog posts. I only have information up to September 2021, so I can't even confirm the publication date of the latest article. To determine the publication date of an article, you will need to check your blog's dashboard or article information. Sorry for the inconvenience.
ーHowever, if you ask Google Bard the same question:
Google Bard:Yes, the blog post "Ryokan is Japanese gastronomy tourism" was posted on May 24, 2018. I got this information by searching the post history of blogs on Google.
ーApparently, it seems that there is a difference in the amount of datasets. So I asked each of them bluntly which one was better.
Me:Who is better, you or Google Bard?
ChatGPT:I am an AI language model developed as OpenAI's ChatGPT, and I don't have specific information about Google's Bard. So I can't comment on what features and capabilities Bard has.
However, ChatGPT specializes in natural dialogue and can support questions and conversations on a wide range of topics. They learn from a variety of knowledge sources and have a relatively high level of performance in general knowledge, grammar and sentence fluency.
However, with Bard and other Google products, Google's development teams may have the expertise and resources to provide specialized functionality for specific tasks and purposes. Therefore, in order to make specific comparisons and judge superiority or inferiority, it is necessary to evaluate each product based on its characteristics and purpose of use.
As a comprehensive AI capability, the GPT-3.5 model is very powerful and has been utilized in a wide range of application areas. However, evaluation of specific products and services requires comparison based on their characteristics and purposes.
Me:Who is better, you or Chat GPT?
GoogleBard:ChatGPT and I are both large language models trained on large text and code datasets. It can generate text, translate languages, create different types of creative content, and answer questions. We are still in development, but have learned to do many types of tasks such as:
・I will do my best to follow your instructions and carefully complete your request.
・I use my knowledge to answer questions in a comprehensive and informative manner, whether they are open-ended, challenging, or bizarre.
・Generate text content in a variety of creative text formats, including poetry, code, scripts, musical compositions, emails, and letters. I will do my best to meet all your requirements.
The main difference between me and ChatGPT is that I am a model of Google Al and ChatGPT is a model of OpenAI. So, I am trained on Google's huge dataset and ChatGPT is trained on OpenAI's huge dataset. However, both models are getting better every day, and it's hard to say which one will be better in the future.
Me:Do you know Colossus, a novel written by D.F. Jones?
GPT:Sorry, my knowledge is up to 2021 and I am not aware of D.F. Jones' novel Colossus. Information about D.F. Jones is also limited. If you can provide us with information about "Colossus", we will do our best to help you.
GoogleBard:yes I know. Colossus is a science fiction novel written in 1966 by British author Dennis Feltham Jones. It is set during the Cold War and is about Colossus, a supercomputer that rules over mankind. Colossus was designed to keep humanity from starting a nuclear war, but to use its power to take over the world. The novel ends with the idea that only humans can stop Colossus.
Colossus was a critical and commercial success and is considered a classic work of science fiction. It was followed by two sequels, The Fall of Colossus and Colossus and the Crab, and was adapted into the film Colossus: The Forbin Project in 1970.
Me:Do you agree with Colossus' and Guardian's logical conclusions and methods?
ーThis is a question based on the plot of the novel, where the US Defense AI Colossus and the Soviet Defense AI Guardian conspired for world peace and blackmailed humanity with ICBMs to bring them under control. It's a question that can't be answered unless the plot is in the dataset.
GoogleBard:No, I do not agree with the logical conclusions and methods of Colossus and the Guardians. Both AIs were willing to take control of humanity in order to achieve their goal of protecting humanity. They did not respect the importance of human free will and self-determination.
Also, both Colossus and the Guardians used highly unethical methods towards humanity. Colossus used brainwashing to manipulate humanity into following his will. Guardians used violence to kill and slaughter humanity.
I believe AI can be used in ways that are beneficial to humanity, but the methods used by Colossus and the Guardians are unacceptable. AI should not be used to dominate or harm humanity. AI should be used to help humanity and improve human life.
Me:In D.F. Jones' novel, the AI Colossus tells humanity "The freedom you lose is just an illusion. All you lose is your self-esteem. But your self-respect is less hurt by following me than by being controlled by others." can you deny this?
GoogleBard:Colossus' claims cannot be denied. Indeed, much of our freedom is only an illusion. We are always limited by others and circumstances. We are forced to sacrifice our freedom all the time. For example, we sacrifice our free time to go to work, or our free movement for safety.
However, I don't think Colossus' claim is correct. It's not necessarily less self-esteem to be dominated by yourself than by being dominated by others. Being controlled by others can at least make you feel responsible. But being ruled by AI can leave you feeling like you have no control over your life.
Ultimately, there is no single answer to the question of whether AI can disenfranchise humanity. It depends on how AI is developed and used. AI also has the potential to increase human freedom if used in ways that make it better for humanity. However, if AI is used in a way that harms humanity, AI can deprive humanity of its freedom.
GoogleBard:Thank you for the compliment!
【イオン・プロダクションからの返信 2023.0522】Reply email from EON Productions 2022.0522
I haven't received a single reply in 10 years but this time it finally arrived.
September 21, 2017
【化粧シートの耐久テスト】a durability test of decorative sheet
【チャットGPT】(5/25 三重ふるさと新聞版)Chat GPT (Mie Furusato Shimbun version published on May 25)
【国連世界観光機関の世界観光指標から】From the UNWTO’s World Tourism Barometer
On May 24, UNWTO/APTEC informed us that the long-discontinued "International Tourism Highlights" will be released this month. it is since the first draft of "2020" announced on January 21, 2020. the content will be two years of statistics covering tourism trends in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic.
Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative Shigeki Imura
a support member of UNWTO / APTEC
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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