
No.184 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" April issue

春のいちべ神社 Ichibe Jinja Shrine in Spring 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 3月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of March 31


Until September 27, NHK reported the number of newly confirmed cases and deaths announced by prefectures through broadcasting stations in each region. But, since the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare simplified the grasp of all cases from September 27, this graph is also based on the data of the MHLW from September 28.

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【3月31日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of March 31

UNWTO APTEC通信 vol.15より

【2023年2月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for February 2023



On April 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for February this year. The current account balance is 2,197.2 billion JPY, showing an upward trend in line with the usual monthly pattern.
However, the trade balance is still in a deficit of 604.1 billion JPY. The travel balance is a surplus of 223.9 billion JPY, consisting of 307.7 billion JPY in credit and 83.8 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 1,475,300 persons for the former and 537,700 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 208,568 JPY for the inbound and 155,849 JPY for the outbound. at the JTA’s seminar held on the 22nd of last month, the specialized bureaucrat in charge said that the era of machinery exports (in Japan) was over, and I have been of the same opinion for the past 10 years.
The air passenger is a deficit of 7.4 billion JPY, and the sea passenger is also a deficit of 300 million JPY. In addition, also the other services have a deficit of 383.4 billion JPY, and the overall service balance is a deficit of 220.4 billion JPY.

経常収支の月次パターン Monthly pattern of the BP
日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 


【マリテーム・オペレーション⑤】Maritime operation ⑤

Sturdy cedar slats were fit in place of broken beams under the floor and directly support the floor.

【世界のマジックエンターテイナー・ミスター・シン】Mr.Shin the world magic entertainer


The information barrier between the Chubu Economic Zone and the Kansai Economic Zone, which I have been talking about from time to time. that is consists of demarcations of old media such as television and newspapers. Therefore, even if celebrities from the Kansai economic zone come to this side, they are not well known (and vice versa). I think it is foolish to cling to the vested interests of commercialism in a small Japan.
Who visited Ichibe Jinja Shrine this spring is Mr. Shin. he is a famous magic entertainer on TV and radio in Kansai. he visited the shrine for the first time this New Year, and immediately after that he received a great benefit says, so it is a visit to thank him this time. Contrary to his glamorous stage, he is very friendly and enthusiastic about charity performances for children, probably because he has experienced hardships since he was young. he is a nice guy.


【人口は国力なり】population is national strength


The Technical Intern Training Program, which was established in 1993, is based on the premise that foreigners from developing countries can learn skills while working in Japan and use them for the development of their home countries after returning to their home countries. The maximum training period is five years, and as of the end of March this year, 87 occupations, including agriculture, fishing, sewing, construction, hotel and ryokan, are eligible. A government panel of experts was held at the Ministry of Justice on the 10th to discuss the ideal form of this "technical intern training program."
At the conference, there were opinions such as "It plays a big role in international contribution" and "It is essential for SMEs to accept workers". On the other hand, "There is a clear disconnect between the purpose and the reality. It is a structural factor that leads to human rights violations." "We cannot beat the international competition for human resources with the idea of using foreign labor at a low cost." "We should recognize them as a labor force and think about a system that allows them to live in Japan for a long period of time." There was also an opinion such as "It is necessary to abolish it according to the actual situation and make a fresh start as a system for securing human resources in domestic industries." After that, a draft interim report was presented asking for consideration of abolishing the current system.
The panel of experts will compile a final report by this autumn, and the government plans to submit related bills to the ordinary session of the Diet next year at the earliest. The lodging industry is also the same, but the labor shortage is serious. With the declining birthrate and aging population, the labor shortage is becoming more serious, and it is necessary to deal with the reality that foreign trainees are a valuable source of labor.
On April 12th, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced the estimated total population of Japan (including foreigners) as of October 1, 2022. The total population decreased by 556,000 from the previous year to 124,947,000, marking the 12th consecutive year of decline. For the 16th consecutive year, the number of births fell below the number of deaths, a decrease of 731,000 from the previous year. The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research predicts that the population will decrease to about 64 million by 2100. At present, the Japanese government seems to be confused over the financial resources for its “unprecedented population growth policy,” but foolish measures to reduce disposable income through social security and tax increases will have the opposite effect. any logical ideas?
In February 2014, when former Prime Minister Abe visited Sochi to attend the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics, President Putin touched on Japan's declining population at a luncheon and explained Russia's “Система материнского капитала” policy. I introduced this population growth policy, which provides incentives for mothers, in this column on May 31, 2018, as well as in No.125 of the web version. I realized that this system is effective not only for population growth and rejuvenation, but also for improving the soundness of social security and expanding domestic demand, but also for national defense. That's because children born in 2007, when the system started in Russia, will be 18 years old in two years, the age at which they can serve in the country's military. Even during the wartime in Japan, there was a slogan, "Please give birth, please increase the number of children", it because (regardless of whether it is good or bad) there is no doubt that the working population guarantees national power. (However, Russia's Defense Minister said last year that he would raise the conscription age in the Russian army by three years. But, this is because under the current law, students are deferred from conscription, and it is easier for students from the age of 21 to serve in the military, which will lead to an increase in the number of military personnel in the future. In addition, according to TASS news agency, Putin has signed a decree to recruit 147,000 people during the conscription period this spring.)
In short, population policy is on the same level as national defense. What's more, this is not an "end use" such as a coronavirus vaccine or defense equipment, but an investment role that triggers domestic consumption with an amount equivalent to a lifetime wage. This is investment will be recovered by society as a whole. If it is 10 million JPY per birth, it is 20 times that.


【過去8年間の鳥羽市旅館街におけるシーズナリティ】Seasonality of the Ryokan area in Toba City over the last 8 years


Excluding 2020-2021 under the novel coronavirus pandemic, the minimum value is 102,694 persons and the maximum value is 239,207 persons, and its average value is 170,950.5 persons.

【奈良ならレポート2023.0418】Nara nara Report 2023.0418

「ツーリズム・ストーリー・パシフィック2022」とは、2021年にアジア太平洋観光交流センターAPTECが、UNWTO本部、UNWTO駐日事務所、太平洋観光機関SPTOと共同で始めた「太平洋のツーリズム・ストーリー:危機を乗り越える回復力(Tourism Stories Pacific:Resilience Through Crisis)」というプロジェクトであり、新型コロナによる渡航制限のなか、特に観光への経済的な依存度が高い太平洋島嶼国(サモア、パプア・ニューギニア、パラオ、キリバス及びフィジー)の観光最前線で働く人々や観光関係者の取り組みを紹介するものだ。これらのストーリーにある、環境や伝統的な文化の保護、地域コミュニティへの貢献が、鳥羽や志摩の離島観光においても持続可能な観光の実現に寄与するに違いない。

Toba city ryokan district in April, where the decline has become normal. morever this year is the number of visitors decreased markedly due to the elections. Nara City, which we saw during we visit to the United Nations World Tourism Organization Japan office, is no exception. there are almost no Japanese tourists.
However, the bustle has not been lost like it was during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Sanjo Dori, which leads from JR Nara Station to Sarusawa Pond, and Nara Park are full of foreign tourists. The same goes for intersections, shopping streets, and deer feeding. But it's not a group tour. it families, small parties and couples mostly, and No land operator’s bus. Visitors from English-speaking countries stand out as you listen to the crowds of mochi shops. The metabolism of the reception side is also active, and this time the four-story store of capsule toys, games, etc. has been renewed. The disparity in international popularity is apparent here.
The accompaniment to Nara this time is the honorary director of the Motoori Norinaga Museum. We enjoyed intellectual conversations about current affairs in the car.
At UNWTO, a new representative from Nara City was introduced, and I introduced Mie's recent situation, monthly pattern of balance of payments, and Hotel Maritime renovation plan.
Unfortunately, the publication of "International Tourism Highlights 2022" is still undecided, and there is no printed version of the leaflet of "Tourism Story Pacific 2022" related to island tourism. (e-books are in English only)
What "Tourism Stories Pacific 2022" is the project of "Tourism Stories Pacific: Resilience Through Crisis" started in 2021 by APTEC, the Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center, in collaboration with UNWTO Headquarters, UNWTO Japan Office, and Pacific Tourism Organization SPTO, amid travel restrictions due to the novel coronavirus, people working at the forefront of tourism and those involved in tourism in the Pacific island countries (Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Kiribati and Fiji) which are particularly economically dependent on tourism, It introduces. Conservation of the environment and traditional culture and contribution to the local community in these stories may contribute to the realization of sustainable tourism in remote island tourism in Toba and Shima.
On the way back, I stopped by Kofuku-ji Temple. This is the turning point of the street. This is the only place where I saw a Japanese group among foreign tourists. Although it is an excursion for schoolchildren. What I noticed there was a change in the flow of foreign tourists. it the current began to reverse toward JR Nara Station. In other words, the stay is not in Nara city. according to RESAS, there is an overwhelmingly strong foreigner’s movement correlation with Kyoto and Osaka. It's JR lines.
あん入り草餅が人気 Kusamochi with red bean paste is popular
猿沢池近辺 Around Sarusawa Pond
令和3年9月開業アパホテル APA Hotel open in September 2021 
RESASによるインバウンド導線 2019 Inbound leads by RESAS

奈良県の外国人移動相関-滞在地域内訳 Foreigner movement correlation in Nara Prefecture - Breakdown of areas of stay


 Tourism Stories Pacific 2022












【外宮の神馬】The divine horse of Ise Jingu Geku Shrine

【内宮の神馬】The divine horse of Ise Jingu Naiku Shrine


  【ファクト2156】The Fact 2156 parsons



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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.183 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" March issue

マリテームのシャコバサボテン Maritime‘s Christmas Cactus 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 2月28日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of February 28


Until September 27, NHK reported the number of newly confirmed cases and deaths announced by prefectures through broadcasting stations in each region. But, since the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare simplified the grasp of all cases from September 27, this graph is also based on the data of the MHLW from September 28.

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【2月28日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of February 28

Reducing the number of tests will reduce the number of infected people. If increase it, it increases. 


According to Reuters on Feb. 28, FBI Director said, the agency has assessed that a leak from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, likely caused the COVID-19 pandemic. "The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan," Director told.
His comments follow a Wall Street Journal report on Sunday that the U.S. Energy Department has assessed with low confidence the pandemic resulted from an unintended lab leak in China, and the evidence seems to be based on the information of Dr. Li-Meng Yan of the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health. from September 2020 to March of the following year, she published the "Yan Report" accusing that the novel coronavirus was artificially created. Professor Botao Xiao of the School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, South China University of Science and Technology, who wrote a paper on the origin of the virus before him, disappeared, but Dr. Yan, who defected, is under the protection of the FBI.
At a regular briefing on March 1, a spokesman for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "The very fact that the intelligence department deals with scientific issues is politicizing the question of origin", and "We urge the United States to respect science and facts and stop politicizing the origin of the novel coronavirus," he said.

No.153から再掲【新型コロナウィルスの起源】Origin of the novel coronavirus

 9月11日、中国出身のウイルス学者の閻麗夢博士が、英国の民放ITVのトークショー"Loose WOMEN"のビデオインタビューに出演、コビッド-19が武漢の実験室で作られたという科学的証拠を、中国疾病預防控制中心(CDC)と現地の医者から得たと暴露した。


 そして、閻麗夢博士は9月14日、開放型情報プラットフォーム Zenodo に、科学的根拠を盛り込んだ論文を発表した。
 この論文が遺伝子分析の結果に基づいて主張しているコアコンテンツはニつ、まず、コロナウイルスは天然に存在するウイルスとは一致しない生物学的特性を示すこと、 また、コウモリコロナウイルスに基づいて6ヶ月以内に人工的に生産できることである。閻博士はこの主張に対し、三つの科学的根拠を示した。

一、SARS-CoV-2 の遺伝子塩基配列が中国重慶市第三軍医大学の軍事研究所と中国南京市南京司令部の医学研究所で発見されたコウモリコロナウイルス(ZC45、ZXC211)と酷似している。

ニ、SARS-CoV-2 のスパイクタンパク質で人体細胞の受容体と結合する役割をする部位であるRBMが、2003年に流行したSARSウイルスと似ていた。また、このRBMが遺伝的に操作されたという証拠が遺伝子に現れた。スパイクタンパク質とはウイルス表面に突起状に飛び出してきたタンパク質で、コロナウイルスはこのスパイクタンパク質を通じて人体細胞の受容体と結合する。

三、SARS-CoV-2 のスパイクタンパク質にはフーリン分離部位というウイルス感染力を高める部位があるが、この部位は自然に現れる同じ系統のコロナウイルスでは全く見あたらない。この分離部位の特異な塩基配列は、この部位が単純に動物間での伝達や再調合を通じた自然な進化の結果ではないという事を示す。新型コロナウイルスに人為的に挿入された可能性が高い。


 ところが、この論文に疑問を呈するオーソリティーもいる。欧米メディアや公的機関さえもである。検証実験もせずにだ。確かに、軍事上あるいは外交上の危険性は大きい。検証にはBSL4 (バイオ・セーフティ・レベル4) の施設も必要だ。また、各国にはチャイナマネーをあてにしているステークホルダーも少なからずいる。しかし、これだけ世界に大きな損害を与えた事件である。とりわけ国際ツーリズムは壊滅的なダメージだ。次に備えるべく、世界の研究所は検証して然るべきではないか。そして、チャイナマネーは償いとして受け取ればいいのではないだろうか。


On September 11, Dr. Yan Li-Meng, a virologist from China, appeared in a video interview of the British ITV talk show "Loose WOMEN". She revealed that she had obtained scientific evidence that Covid 19 was made in Wuhan's laboratory, from the Chinese CDC and local doctors.
In a video interview he received somewhere, She said, "The big news that the Wuhan virus first occurred in the Wuhan market was a smoke screen'," and insisted that "the coronavirus did not occur naturally." and she suggested that the evidence foretelling the release was the same as a kind of genomic sequence, and "The genomic sequence is the same as a human finger fingerprint" said. and, based on this evidence, it can be confirmed that the virus was born in the Wuhan laboratory. She wants to talk about why the virus was born in a Chinese laboratory and why only they can make it. And, about this evidence, "Anyone can read and confirm this without any biological knowledge," Dr. added, and "I know I will regret not telling the truth to the world" said of the reason for this exposure.

Dr. Yan Li-Meng is from Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. Around 2013, he studied abroad at Hong Kong University and obtained a doctorate, and continued his research at the same university. and then, in December last year, I learned that Chinese authorities were hiding the outbreak of "SARS-like pneumonia," which is a "human-to-human infection." She started a confidential investigation with WHO experts on the 31st of the same month at the direction of her Hong Kong boss, who is also a WHO adviser. On the same day, a friend of the CDC informed me that "I have confirmed the infection of the whole family. there is a human-human infection'." when Dr. gave this information, boss was concerned, "Don't step on the Chinese Communist Party's red line," "Be careful, don't say it out," and "Both of them may be erased."
Dr. Yan Li-Meng escaped from Hong Kong in danger and went into exile in the United States at the end of April.

And, on September 14, Dr. Yan Li-Meng published a paper incorporating scientific evidence through the open information platform Zenodo.
The title of the dissertation published by the team of three doctors is "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route".
There are two main types of core content that the paper claims based on the results of gene analysis. First, coronaviruses exhibit biological properties that are inconsistent with naturally occurring viruses. It also means that it can be artificially produced within 6 months based on the bat coronavirus. Dr. Yan provided three scientific grounds for this claim.

1, SARS-CoV-2 gene base sequence is suspiciously similar to the bat coronavirus (ZC45, ZXC211) found at the Military Research Institute of the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China and the Medical Research Institute of Nanjing Command, Nanjing, China.

2, The RBM which is SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that binds to receptors on human cells, was similar to the SARS virus that prevailed in 2003. There was also evidence in the gene that this RBM was genetically engineered. spike proteins are proteins that project out onto the surface of the virus, and coronavirus binds to receptors in human cells through these spike proteins.

3, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has a furin isolation site that enhances virus infectivity. However, this site cannot be found at all in the naturally occurring coronaviruses of the same strain. The unique base sequence of this separation site indicates that this site is not simply the result of natural evolution through inter-animal transmission and re-formulation. It is highly possible that it was artificially inserted into the novel coronavirus.

The paper also contains the results of a comparative analysis of genes between bat virus and SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Yan‘s team presented a method for artificially creating SARS-CoV-2 in five stages based on three scientific grounds. Each stage takes 15 days at the least and 3 months at the longest, and claims that he can make the virus in six months.

However, it seems that some authorities have questioned this paper without conducting verification experiments. Even though they haven't even done a verification experiment. Certainly, military secrets or diplomatic risks cannot be denied. BSL4 facilities are also needed. Also, some stakeholders may rely on China money. But, it was an incident that caused great damage to the world.※ International tourism in particular suffered catastrophic damage. Shouldn't the labs around the world verify it to prepare for the next? And, shouldn't China money be received as compensation?

By the way, why did Dr. appear on a British TV show?
Probably, that's because the United States, which is refraining from the presidential election, is cautious. In an interview with Fox News in July this year, Dr. presented the communication record of the doctor's smartphone as one of the evidence. This is a record of calls with many Chinese friends who were at the forefront of the infected area, and this is said to have already been verified by the FBI. Meanwhile, the UK plans to deploy HMS Queen Elizabeth (65,000 t.) to off Hong Kong, according to the Times on July 14. Yes, Dr‘s husband, parents and friends are under the supervision of the Chinese government.
Dr. Yan Li-Meng warns, "Knowing the origin of the virus is very important. We would not be able to overcome it without knowing it. This virus would threaten the lives of all."

Lawrence Bourne, chief economist of the OECD, told the French financial newspaper Les Echos that the global economic loss due to the global epidemic of the Wuhan virus would amount to 7 trillion USD by the end of 2021.

Zenodo https://zenodo.org/record/4028830

No.146から再掲【消された論文】Erased treatise

The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Botao Xiao, School of biology and Biological Engineering

Preprint · February 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21799.29601

The 2019-nCoV coronavirus has caused an epidemic of 28,060 laboratory-confirmed infections in human including 564 deaths in China by February 6, 2020. Two descriptions of the virus published on Nature this week indicated that the genome sequences from patients were 96% or 89% identical to the Bat CoV ZC45 coronavirus originally found in Rhinolophus affinis. It was critical to study where the pathogen came from and how it passed onto human.

An article published on The Lancet reported that 41 people in Wuhan were found to have the acute respiratory syndrome and 27 of them had contact with Huanan Seafood Market. The 2019-nCoV was found in 33 out of 585 samples collected in the market after the outbreak. The market was suspicious to be the origin of the epidemic, and was shut down according to the rule of quarantine the source during an epidemic.

The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province, both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market. Bats were normally found to live in caves and trees. But the seafood market is in a densely-populated district of Wuhan, a metropolitan of ~15 million people. The probability was very low for the bats to fly to the market. According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market. There was possible natural recombination or intermediate host of the coronavirus, yet little proof has been reported.

Was there any other possible pathway? We screened the area around the seafood market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within ~280 meters from the market, there was the Wuhan Center for Disease Control Prevention (WHCDC). WHCDC hosted animals in laboratories for research purpose, one of which was specialized in pathogens collection and identification. In one of their studies, 155 bats including Rhinolophus affinis were captured in Hubei province, and other 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang province. The expert in collection was noted in the Author Contributions. Moreover, he was broadcasted for collecting viruses on nation-wide newspapers and websites in 2017 and 2019. He described that he was once by attacked by bats and the blood of a bat shot on his skin. He knew the extreme danger of the infection so he quarantined himself for 14 days. In another accident, he quarantined himself again because bats peed on him. He was once thrilled for capturing a bat carrying a live tick.

Surgery was performed on the caged animals and the tissue samples were collected for DNA and RNA extraction and sequencing. The tissue samples and contaminated trashes were source of pathogens. They were only ~280 meters from the seafood market. The WHCDC was also adjacent to the Union Hospital where the first group of doctors were infected during this epidemic. It is plausible that the virus leaked around and some of them contaminated the initial patients in this epidemic, though solid proofs are needed in future study.

The second laboratory was ~12 kilometers from the seafood market and belonged to Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This laboratory reported that the Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) which caused the 2002-3 pandemic. The principle investigator participated in a project which generated a chimeric virus using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, and reported the potential for human emergence. A direct speculation was that SARS-CoV or its derivative might leak from the laboratory.

In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.

華南理工大学・生物科学与工程学院 肖波濤(Botao Xiao、シャオ・ボタオ)教授

DOI:10.13140 / RG.2.2.21799.29601




他に考えられる感染経路はないか? 私たちは海鮮市場の周辺をスクリーニングした結果、コウモリコロナウイルスの研究を行っている2つの研究所を特定した。市場から280メートル以内に、武漢疾病管理予防センター(WHCDC)があった。さらにこの専門家が収集していたのがウイルスであったことが、2017年と2019年に全国的な新聞やウェブサイトで報じられている。そのなかでこの専門家は、かつてコウモリに襲われ、コウモリの血が皮膚についたと述べていた。感染の危険性が著しく高いことを知っていた専門家は、自ら14日間の隔離措置を取った。コウモリの尿を被った別の事故の際にも同じように隔離措置を講じたという。ダニが寄生しているコウモリの捕獲で脅威にさらされたことがかつてあった、とも述べていた。




【旧長谷川邸の雛人形】Hina dolls of the former Hasegawa residence


【直近5年間の鳥羽市の概況】Overview of Toba City in the last five years


According to Mie Prefecture's "Estimated Number of Tourists and Recreation Visitors", the number of tourists visiting Toba City over the past five years is as follows.

鳥羽市 Toba city







Compared to 2019, 2020 and 2021 hit by the coronavirus pandemic will be 70.2% and 63% respectively, and compared to 2019, Toba City Ryokan District is roughly proportional, at 74.3% and 62.5%.

鳥羽市旅館街 Toba City Ryokan District







However, from 2017 to 2021, the ratio of Toba City Ryokan District to the number of visitors to Toba City was 40.87%, 41.33%, 40.74%, 41.44%, and 40.41%, and there is no big difference in the point that slightly less than 60% are day trips.
This confirms that this area has a high proportion of short-stay low-priced families. Even with the coronavirus pandemic.
This confirms that this area has a high proportion of short-stay low-priced families. I think it long-term stay type luxury price range products are necessary.

【いちべ神社の座標】Coordinates of Ichibe Jinja Shrine

伊射波神社 Izawa Jinja Shrine
Latitude 34°28’22.44" N. Longitude 136° 52’27.66" E.

いちべ神社 Ichibe Jinja Shrine
Latitude 34°28’35" N. Longitude 136° 51’27" E.

伊勢神宮 内宮 Ise Jingu Shrine Naiku
Latitude 34°27’18.00" N. Longitude 136° 43’30.63" E.
伊勢神宮 外宮 Ise Jingu Shrine Geku
Latitude 34°29’14.05" N. Longitude 136° 42’10.53" E.

猿田彦神社 Sarutahiko Jingu Shrine
Latitude 34°28’1" N. Longitude 136° 43’12.5" E.

明日香村 石舞台古墳 Ishibutai Tumulus
Latitude 34°28’0.44" N. Longitude 135° 49’34.14" E.

淡路 伊弉諾神宮 Izanagi Jingu Shrine
Latitude 34°27’36" N. Longitude 134° 51’08" E.

対馬 海神神社 Kaijin Jinja Shrine
Latitude 34°27’51.3" N. Longitude 129° 17’00" E.

春分の日の太陽の通り道 Path of the sun on the vernal equinox

【マリテーム・オペレーション④】Maritime operation ④

漏水 The water leakages
コーキングの劣化 Deterioration of caulking
再コーキング Re-caulking
底からの滲出はエポキシパテで止水 Water leakage from the bottom is stopped with underwater putty

コーキング劣化によるシーリングライトの溜水 Accumulated water in the ceiling light due to deterioration of caulking
LEDの着色(白→電球色)と再コーキング、そして水抜ピンホール Tinting of LED (white → light bulb color), re-caulking and the drain pinholes.

The reason why the lights in the public bath frequently went out was a "chattering" of the remote control transformer. this is caused by voltage fluctuations. Since it was an old transformer, the fuse and its contacts had a natural carbon coating. Voltage stabilization is necessary to reduce congestion in multi-site switches. I polishing the fuse and its contacts fixed it.

【2023年1月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for January 2023


On March 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for January this year. The current account balance was minus 1.9766 trillion JPY, a large deficit as usual. (The graph for the past 7 years that I made and published in last month's issue, it's pretty much the same pattern every year.)
The trade balance is also a deficit of 3.1818 trillion JPY (This is the highest deficit since 1985 for which comparables are available). The travel balance is a surplus of 177.9 billion JPY, consisting of 251.6 billion JPY in credit and 73.7 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 1,497,300 persons for the former and 443,100 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 168,036 JPY for the inbound and 166,328 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers posted a surplus of 11.3 billion JPY, while sea passengers posted a deficit of 300 million JPY. In addition, also the other services have a deficit of 864.9 billion JPY, and the overall service balance is a deficit of 758.4 billion JPY.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 

No.151から再掲【インド政府による禁止アプリのリスト】Banned Apps List by India‘s Government


India's Ministry of Information Technology announced on June 29 (2020, local time) that it would block 59 Chinese-made mobile apps, saying they were "engaged in activities that harm India's sovereignty and integrity, defense and national security and order." India denied a "digital colonization".

補足: 7月28日のTBSによると、日本においても自民党の議員連盟が、中国企業が提供するTikTokなどのアプリは利用者の個人情報が中国政府に渡るおそれがあるとして、規制に向けた法整備の必要性などを政府に提言する為の会合を開いた。

Supplement: According to TBS on July 28, also in Japan, LDP's federation of parliamentarians held a meeting to advise the government on the need for legislation for regulations regarding apps such as TikTok provided by Chinese companies, as the personal information of the user may be passed to the Chinese government.

【G7三重・伊勢志摩交通大臣会合】G7 Mie-Ise-Shima Transport Ministers' Meeting


3月9日、ダイヤモンドプリンセス鳥羽入港 March 9, Diamond Princess arrives at Toba Port 

【ファクト2062名】Fact 2062 parsons

For some reason, the council was not held last month, but the number of victims had exceeded 2,000 as I expected. the last council meeting was January 20 (see No,181), so 96 persons died in 48 days!
Nonetheless, I believe that the efficacy of this military vaccine developed for short-term local warfare had confirmed to some extent. this could be a deterrent to biological warfare.

【いちべ参道のクライシス・マネジメント】Crisis management on the Ichibe pilgrimage route

枯れた藤と折れた藤棚の撤去 Removal of dead wisteria trees and broken wisteria trellises

【マリテームの紫木蓮と白木蓮】Magnolias of Maritime

【宿泊業の高付加価値化のための経営ガイドライン・登録制度の説明会】Briefing session of management guidelines and registration system for adding value to the lodging industry

投影のみの項目4.(配布資料にはない) 4th item for projection only (Not present in handout)

【各都道府県における地域銀行の本業での競争可能性(モデル試算)】Competitive potential of regional banks in their main business in each prefecture (a model calculation by the Financial Services Agency in Japan)


【松阪城跡、何故こうなった?】Why did the Matsusaka Castle ruins become like this?

皮肉が効いている That's ironic.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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