
No.145 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" January issue

Dainōkai(The final session of the year) where the Nikkei Stock Average rose. But overseas speculators are buying JPY. I think the conflict between the United States and Iraq will accelerate the appreciation of the JPY, from Daihkkai(the first session of the year). this will annoyed the BOJ, the largest shareholder of many large companies, but as usual, "sell" will accelerate on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on January 6.

【年初の市況】New Year's market

Transition in the Nikkei Stock Average over the past 30 years

 日本の新聞は日経平均株価の上昇基調を強調するのだが、五輪関連投資のほとんどは終わっており、1/6は例年どおり暴落した。 4年連続である。

Japanese newspapers have emphasized the rising trend of the Nikkei Stock Average, but most of the Olympic-related investment has ended, and January 6 crashed as usual. it is the fourth consecutive year.

【伊勢神宮(内宮+外宮)三賀日間の訪問者数】Number of visitors to Ise Jingu (Naiku + Geku) during the three days of the New Year

    2001年 760,000人 2002年 597,000人
    2003年 593,500人 2004年 637,000人
    2005年 564,500人 2006年 537,000人
    2007年 598,000人 2008年 592,000人
    2009年 667,000人 2010年 622,800人
    2011年 534,363人 2012年 523,721人
    2013年 556,522人 2014年 613,787人
    2015年 417,969人 2016年 484,022人
    2017年 490,438人 2018年 481,751人
    2019年 513,112人 2020年 560,320人


The Chunichi Shimbun did not report, but according to the Ise Shimbun, the breakdown is "Naiku" was 368,253 people (up 36,190), and "Geku" was 192,067 people (up 11,018).

【ホテル稼働率2019年11/8 - 2020年1/12】Hotel occupancy rate November 8, 2019 to January 12, 2020


From fall to the end of the year and the beginning of the year, hotel occupancy rates were higher than usual. because the change of the Emperor's generation changed the era of Japan, and the number of worshipers at Ise Jingu increased rapidly.

Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
a missing day seems more than 100%.
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

In addition, the sales estimated value are as follows

Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

【2019年11月の国際収支】November's Balance of payments 2019

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074
          May  15,948
          Jun. 12,112
          Jul. 19,999
          Aug. 18.237
          Sep. 16.129
          Oct. 18,168
          Nov. 14,368

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
  May ▲6,509       May  1,372
  Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
  Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299
  Aug.   509       Aug.   233
  Sep.    11       Sep.   401
  Oct. 2,540       Oct.  ▲995
  Nov.▲5,396       Nov.   401

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
  May 22,574       May ▲1,488
  Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
  Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856
  Aug.22,681       Aug.▲1,846
  Sep.18,054       Sep.▲2,337
  Oct.17,775       Oct.▲1,151
  Nov.14,575       Nov.▲1,813

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
  May   ▲779       May  2,305
  Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
  Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293
  Aug.  ▲760       Aug. 1,518
  Sep.  ▲621       Sep. 1,503
  Oct.  ▲685       Oct. 2,035
  Nov.  ▲615       Nov. 2,115

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064
           May   ▲154
           Aug.  ▲525
           Sep.  ▲480
           Nov.   130

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571
   May    ▲23      May   ▲427
   Jun.   ▲16      Jun.  ▲267
   Jul.   ▲14      Jul.  ▲413
   Aug.   ▲13      Aug.  ▲451
   Sep.   ▲10      Sep.  ▲219
   Oct.   ▲12      Oct.  ▲262
   Nov.   ▲10      Nov.  ▲372

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55
   May   ▲456      May     38
   Jun.  ▲375      Jun.    60
   Jul.  ▲599      Jul.    54
   Aug.  ▲383      Aug.    41
   Sep.  ▲442      Sep.    35
   Oct.  ▲484      Oct.    30
   Nov.  ▲330      Nov.    51

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【12月のインバウンド】December's Inbound


According to the JNTO press report on January 17, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in December was 2,441,300, down 4% from the same month last year. In the annual from January to December became 31,882,100 people, a 2.2% increase from the previous year. Apparently, it seems that the declining Korean market cannot be compensated. The target 4 million people for 2020, but I think require a downward revision. Because in during the Olympics, the "crowding out" phenomenon is expected, from the precedent.(see No.130)
By the way, the annual outbound number from January to December 2019 became 20,080,600 people. this is the highest number of Japanese overseas travelers, but this has a minus effect on Travel balance.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.144 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019" December issue

【ホテルの稼働率と売上推計】Hotel occupancy rate and sales estimated value

This is the occupancy rate for hotels and ryokans based on the Big data that is used experimentally by a certain research institution in Japan. The period is from September 26 to November 30. the denominator is different, but If you look at this you can see the balance between capacity and demand of the accommodation business. In the case of these area, the disparity between busy days and non-busy days is very large because there is little inbound. the high rate of Ise is due to the increase in Ise Jingu worshipers due to the change and visiting of the Emperor. However, there are not many overflows to neighboring cities. I think that it will turn to a decreasing trend from next year, unless there is an increase factor. If an average of 50% or more is always required, refilling by inbound is necessary, because it will decrease rather than increase by the Tokyo Olympics.
To that end, the efforts of the local government are necessary because the corporate efforts of individual hotels are not enough. That is, it branding for foreigners.
By the way, also James Bond was came to Ise Jingu's Geku with Tiger Tanaka in Fleming’s novel, and he had Worship in disguise as a Japanese.
https://ohmss700.blogspot.com/2016/01/ 007 had-already-come-to-mie-prefecture_24.html

https://ohmss700.blogspot.com/2016/01/ 007 had-already-come-to-mie-prefecture_24.html

Ian Fleming at Japan

Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Next, sales estimated value are as follows, but I don't disclose specific figures here. because there is a need for scrutiny. However, I think it turns out that it cannot be said that profitability is high by this intensity of the amplitude.


Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

【2019年10月の国際収支】October's Balance of payments 2019

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074
          May  15,948
          Jun. 12,112
          Jul. 19,999
          Aug. 18.237
          Sep. 16.129
          Oct. 18,168

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
  May ▲6,509       May  1,372
  Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
  Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299
  Aug.   509       Aug.   233
  Sep.    11       Sep.   401
  Oct. 2,540       Oct.  ▲995

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
  May 22,574       May ▲1,488
  Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
  Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856
  Aug.22,681       Aug.▲1,846
  Sep.18,054       Sep.▲2,337
  Oct.17,775       Oct.▲1,151

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
  May   ▲779       May  2,305
  Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
  Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293
  Aug.  ▲760       Aug. 1,518
  Sep.  ▲621       Sep. 1,503
  Oct.  ▲685       Oct. 2,035

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064
           May   ▲154
           Aug.  ▲525
           Sep.  ▲480

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571
   May    ▲23      May   ▲427
   Jun.   ▲16      Jun.  ▲267
   Jul.   ▲14      Jul.  ▲413
   Aug.   ▲13      Aug.  ▲451
   Sep.   ▲10      Sep.  ▲219
   Oct.   ▲12      Oct.  ▲262

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55
   May   ▲456      May     38
   Jun.  ▲375      Jun.    60
   Jul.  ▲599      Jul.    54
   Aug.  ▲383      Aug.    41
   Sep.  ▲442      Sep.    35
   Oct.  ▲484      Oct.    30

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【11月のインバウンド】 November's Inbound


According to the JNTO press report on December 18, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in November was 2,441,300, down 0.4% from the same month last year, it has been the third time year-on-year decrease since August. the reason is that the decline in the Korean market cannot be covered by the markets of other countries. As can be said to some media, at this level, it's too early to worry about overtourism. I think it is just an excuse that cannot be decentralized.

【日本の少子高齢化による急速な人口減少】Rapid population decline due to low birthrate and aging population in Japan


This is just, why Japanese regional cities need to earn foreign currency by inbound.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.143 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019"

【なぜ三重県は訪日外国人が少ないのか?】Why is Mie Prefecture so few foreigners visiting Japan?

As you know, Japanese ministries are organized vertically, and it is not good at cross-sectional connections with other ministries. Japan's tourism policy is the job of Japan Tourism Agency, a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. But most of that budget is fixed costs, and activities are very limited.
This is due to the Japanese industrial structure centered on the manufacturing industry, and this is a system that lags behind the global trend that service exports are more likely to earn foreign currency than product exports. Currently, the world tourism trend is mainly cultural tourism, including food culture, but Japan Tourism Agency has no discretion. Not only that, it has no final decision regarding transportation policy or AI. Culture is the jurisdiction of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. and the transportation policy is the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. AI is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Japan Tourism Agency is the state of those servants. speaking of authority, it is mainly the coordinator of exchange of information and transmission with accommodations and restaurants etc..
The most powerful ministry in Japan is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and this ministry is under the strong rule of Nippon Keidanren. Incidentally, the governor of Mie Prefecture is from the ministry.
Well, Mie Prefecture is on the east side of the Kii Peninsula, located in the center of Japan. There is Kansai International Airport in the west and Chubu International Airport in Ise Bay in the east. At first glance, this looks very advantageous for international tourism. however, the reality is the opposite. Mie Prefecture is separated from the Kansai region in terms of industrial structure and belongs to the Chubu region economic zone. So from the Kansai economic zone, Mie Prefecture is outside the eastern border. From the central economic zone, it is the western frontier. Moreover, there is no Shinkansen station too. Therefore, Mie Prefecture needs more aggressive policies than other prefectures. But the prefecture has little budget. the debt increased too due to the cost of the G7 Summit. And the governor of Mie Prefecture close to the Abe administration is not going to promote tourism policy. Because, he only cares about exporting goods. This can also be read from the attitude of Pig-cholera vaccine indecision, because it is impossible to export if vaccinated.
There is no airport. There is no Shinkansen station. There is no budget to allocate to tourism policy. It does not lead to the governor's vote. This is why the number of foreigners visiting Japan in Mie Prefecture is significantly less than the national average.
So, tourism policy needs to be promoted By municipality, not By prefecture.
However, also municipalities do not have a budget, and there is no assistance coming from the prefecture. The industry too, does not lead to the city's tax revenue because the occupancy rate on weekdays is not as good as weekends. because there are very few foreigners visiting, and it is domestic demand dependence is too large.
In this way, countermeasures emerge when the problems are sorted out. At the same time, also when, where, what to invest in. I have a groundbreaking idea.

【金融機関の観光投資】Investment in tourism by financial institutions

そして、 観光産業への事業性評価の前提となる地方版総合戦略等の実行力の低さである。

If you don't organize it, you won't find a solution to the problem. In Japan, there are three challenges for investment in the tourism industry by financial institutions. a brake is this.
One is the low ability of financial institutions to respond to business feasibility assessments at the field level.
The other is that tourism industry many small businesses are less adaptable to new markets.
And, it has low ability to execute the regional version comprehensive strategy, etc., which is the premise for evaluating the feasibility of tourism.
In the first place, the promotion of the tourism industry requires not only the efforts of the operators alone, but also the effective PR strategy of the local government and tourism association and cooperation with the operators in the area. And investment based on the evaluation of business feasibility of financial institutions can only be realized if there is an integrated business strategy.
However, for this business feasibility evaluation, it is indispensable to execute the regional comprehensive strategy formulated together with financial institutions. but the current situation is that many financial institutions are indecision about this point.
The reason is that the consensus of local residents and industry cannot be obtained by the image of industry called “Kanko” that many Japanese have. because in Japan will be not able to move away from the stereotype that so-called tourism is not an unnecessary and urgent industry.
On the other hand, Kanko≒Tourism in other countries, it is more comprehensive than Kanko≒ Sightseeing, regardless of developed or underdeveloped countries. it is wide range, Industrial tourism, Culture, Arts, Conferences, Pilgrimages, Gambling, Sports, Medical, Property, Real estate sales, and Finance.
In short, weekday operation is a major premise. In this regard, inbound traffic, which has been increasing in recent years, is an essential condition in local cities where tourists only come on Saturdays and Sundays, and it can be said that the business will not be possible without this. But, research in this field in Japan lags behind other countries, and has only just begun after Chinese explosive buying behavior and inbound increase due to the Tokyo Olympics promotion in other countries.
However, there is no time to hesitate anymore. Before the promotion of the Paris Olympic games in 2024 begins, Japan needs to put its inbound business on track. Otherwise, the regional city will be die in the decline of population and industry due to the declining birthrate and aging.
Japanese financial institutions should invest in DMO. and if you participate, I think it you can overcome the three problems too.

【2019年9月の国際収支】September's Balance of payments 2019

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074
          May  15,948
          Jun. 12,112
          Jul. 19,999
          Aug. 18.237
          Sep. 16.129

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
  May ▲6,509       May  1,372
  Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
  Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299
  Aug.   509       Aug.   233
  Sep.    11       Sep.   401

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
  May 22,574       May ▲1,488
  Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
  Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856
  Aug.22,681       Aug.▲1,846
  Sep.18,054       Sep.▲2,337

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
  May   ▲779       May  2,305
  Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
  Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293
  Aug.  ▲760       Aug. 1,518
  Sep.  ▲621       Sep. 1,503

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064
           May   ▲154
           Aug.  ▲525
           Sep.  ▲480

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571
   May    ▲23      May   ▲427
   Jun.   ▲16      Jun.  ▲267
   Jul.   ▲14      Jul.  ▲413
   Aug.   ▲13      Aug.  ▲451
   Sep.   ▲10      Sep.  ▲219

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55
   May   ▲456      May     38
   Jun.  ▲375      Jun.    60
   Jul.  ▲599      Jul.    54
   Aug.  ▲383      Aug.    41
   Sep.  ▲442      Sep.    35

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【文科省の仕事はベネッセを儲けさせることではない】The work of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is not to make Benesse's profitable

If you spill a cup of water from a high place, it will scatter, but is not so in a low place. this is due to the magnitude of the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. Not limited to this, the size of the gap is physically proportional to the size of the energy. In winter, many water droplets are generated inside of the window glass of a warm room. this is greater the temperature difference between the inside and outside, the greater the amount of water drops.
In recent years, extreme climatic phenomena have been reported all over the world, but I think also this is due to temperature differences inside and outside the Earth's atmosphere. Currently, it is called global warming. So far, the cause is said to be due to greenhouse gas emissions by mankind. because there is little knowledge of temperatures outside the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore, discussions only condemn industrial activities, and this promotions are spreading throughout the world by the US Democratic Party Al Gore. and looks like you can't accept the objection. But, their basis is the rate of temperature rise since the Industrial Revolution, and there is nothing data of before that. this is politically sufficient, but scientifically insufficient.
However, Paleoclimatology which was not so conspicuous, corroborate it. In other words, it is a global warming solar activity theory. I already wrote the details in No.129.
Why was the Heian period all light clothing, and the houses and buildings were well ventilated and stilts?
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, which is responsible for historical culture and science, should deeply pursue the correlation between past climate, culture and events, and provide feedback to the present day. And, If this is not possible, the Agency for Cultural Affairs should be let go.
A solar observation programs related to the planetary climate of the solar system are ongoing by Parker solar probe. the truth will be clear from observations of the solar magnetic field. In order to develop a countermeasure, a correct recognition is required than mass hysteria.

A 100,000-years history of humanity and climate
Если вы пролите чашку воды с высоты, она разольется, но не на низком месте. это связано с величиной преобразования потенциальной энергии в кинетическую. Не ограничиваясь этим, размер зазора физически пропорционален размеру энергии. Зимой внутри оконного стекла теплой комнаты образуется много капель воды. чем больше разница температур внутри и снаружи, тем больше капель воды. В последние годы во всем мире сообщалось об экстремальных климатических явлениях, но я думаю, что это также связано с разницей температур внутри и за пределами атмосферы Земли. В настоящее время это называется глобальным потеплением. Пока что причина, как говорят, связана с выбросами парниковых газов человечеством. потому что мало известно о температурах за пределами атмосферы Земли. Таким образом, дискуссии осуждают только промышленную деятельность, и эта пропаганда распространяется по всему миру Демократической партией США Элом Гором. и похоже, вы не можете принять возражение. Но их основой является скорость повышения температуры после промышленной революции, а до этого нет никаких данных. этого достаточно с политической точки зрения, но недостаточно с научной точки зрения. Однако не столь заметная палеоклиматология подтверждает это. Другими словами, это теория солнечной активности глобального потепления. Подробности я уже писал в № 129. Почему в период Хэйан все были одеты легко, а дома и здания хорошо вентилировались и имели высокие этажи? Министерству образования, культуры, спорта, науки и технологий Японии, отвечающему за историческую культуру и науку, следует тщательно следить за корреляцией между климатом, культурой и событиями прошлого и обеспечивать обратную связь с сегодняшним днем. И, если это невозможно, следует отпустить Агентство по делам культуры. С помощью солнечного зонда Parker продолжаются программы наблюдения за планетным климатом Солнечной системы. правда будет ясна из наблюдений за магнитным полем Солнца. Чтобы разработать контрмеру, требуется правильное распознавание, чем массовая истерия.

【10月のインバウンド】 October's Inbound


According to the JNTO press report on November 20, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in October was 2,496,600, down 5.5% from the same month last year, this was the second time year-on-year decrease since August. JNTO says that the recent situation in Japan and South Korea has reduced the number of visitors to Japan by 65.5% and because that Typhoon 19 canceled the flights.
That said, the Rugby World Cup 2019 Japan tournament has increased 81,000 visitors from participating countries compared to the same month last year. Foreigners visiting Japan from 14 markets (China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Australia, USA, Canada, France, Germany) set a new record for October, and the UK and Russia have set recorded high as a single month. Many foreigners who visit Japan from these countries and regions are so-called the wealthy class.
Nonetheless, JNTO always reports only changes in the number of people, and also the medias is not going to step into the balances. I think that publicity with only the number of people is just a political propaganda only.
In Japan, there is still a lack of recognition that international tourism is a service trade that exceeds the goods trade.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
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