
No.130『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2018』11月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development" November Issue


【メガイベントを通じた地域振興・地域活性化】"Regional Promotion and Regional Revitalization through Mega Events"




 五時間余に及んだシンポジウム閉会の挨拶は、国連世界観光機関駐日事務所の代表だった。彼は今回のシンポジウムでは黙して語らず、全くの聞き手に徹していた。それだけに日本も、英国に倣ったスポーツ文化観光の庁、あるいは省を目指しているような感がある。なにしろ彼は観光庁の初代長官だ。ロンドン五輪後の英国にインバウンドが増えた本当の理由も(No.85 No.112参照)、次期開催地のプロモーションが始まれば、こちらの情報が減る事も、重々ご承知の筈である。

On September 25,  the UNWTO Japan Office and APTEC co-hosted a symposium "Regional Promotion and Regional Revitalization through Mega Events" was held. the venue was Osaka International Convention Center. From Matsusaka are taken Kintetsu Railway to Osaka Namba Station, and then from there are taken Osaka-Metro to Awaza Station, but Osaka of the birth place I visited after a long time it was a quiet rain.

The organizer's greeting is the Chairman of APTEC. He is the president of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. And, the new Executive Director of UNWTO. He served such as Ambassador of Georgia in Spain, and January this year He took over as UNWTO Executive Director. He has mentioned also the fight against climate change, at the new year message. however, this time it seems to be the main guest. Because, this time is a theme based on national policy. He mentioned Barcelona as an example and said that the four mega sports events the APTEC chairman said at the beginning would contribute to Japan's brand power and Japan's visualization. and, He left the venue with greetings only. the four mega events is the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020, the Rugby World Cup 2019, the Tokyo Paralympics 2020, and the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai.
This time is a symposium, for the Japanese people by the Japanese people.
A guests was directors of the Kinki Transport Bureau. He just arrived in August, and faced the earthquake and typhoon. but, He said aims further raised inbound growth, increased consumption, transfers to regions, cooperation of international events, though it is conventional.

The keynote report was a "For maximum the use of mega events for tourism promotion" by the UNWTO Tourism Advisor. He told 21 perspectives in five areas. I wrote that details in the end. Among them, "Crowding out", a phenomenon in which the inbound is reduced due to concerns about price hikes, congestion and safety concerning the Olympics, it was perfect agreement with the opinion I mentioned in last year's "the Private Lodging Business Study group".
Next, "Tourism promotion utilizing legacy of the mega events" in a lecture by Waseda University Professor, Japan Sports Tourism Promotion Organization Representative Director. He said legacy is not only infrastructures, and He proposed cooperation of sports, culture and tourism. Especially, it seems that martial arts is recommended it as an attraction.And, "How to make use of mega events for tourism promotion in the Kansai" by the secretary general of the Kansai Tourism Bureau. He said that, based on the famous Kyoto or Osaka, encourages the delivery to prefectures (also including Mie) belonging to wide area cooperative DMO from there, and would like to raise the whole Kansai area.
Also, "Innovation for tourism promotion, utilization of technology" by Marketing and Voice's CEO. He introduced the digitalized travelers scene of the near future. Lastly, it was "The key to regional revitalization through tourism" by an executive officer of JTB's responsible for sports business promotion. He said that the ideal number of inbounds is twice the population, but said that the target of 60 million people/15 trillion JPY in 2030 would be difficult personally.

The closing remarks of the symposium that spanned more than five hours was UNWTO Japan office Representative. He didn't mention anything this time, and a complete listener. Hence, I think it Japan too may be aiming for Agency or Ministry for sports culture tourism like UK. Anyway, He was the first Secretary of  JTA. He has already should known well the real reason the inbound increased in the UK after the London Olympics (see No.85 No.112), and also should known too that will be reduced our information significantly, if the promotions of the next venue begins.

[Keynote report "Maximizing the Benefits of Mega Events for Tourism Development"]

Cases from the Olympics, FIFA World Cup and Expo



Set objectives and targets,  and establish concrete tourism plan for"before,  during and after"  the event Coordinate with the organizing committee of the event.


1.Branding and image:  Determine the image and positioning you want and promote them widely and intensely.  Continue branding and promotion after the event to sustain awareness.

2.Product development:  Develop and diversify tourism products and promote them in line with the image of the destination and its objectives.

3.Media coverage:  Take the best care of the media,  create and maintain relationships and maximize positive exposure.

4.Social media:  Engage and excite visitors and locals and maximize the effects of promotion.

5.Collaboration with event sponsors:  Maximize promotion and exposure in cooperation with event sponsors.

6.Visa facilitation:  Consider measures for visa facilitation to increase visitor numbers.

 Economic aspects:

1.Tourism infrastructure development: Make sure necessary tourism infrastructure is developed in line with the needs of future tourism,  as well as those of the event.
Encourage private investment by providing incentives.

2.Visitor reception: Enhance visitor experiences and convenience by means of multi-lingual signage, Wi-Fi, information and guide services, etc.

3.Spreading benefits beyond the host city: Promote not only the host city,  but also other regions or the country as a whole in line with the event.

4.Technology innovation: Take advantage of the event to introduce or experiment new technologies in tourism and related sectors.

5.Human resource development:  Provide job training opportunities for existing and future workers in tourism and related sectors. Leave a record for future reference.

6.Joining forces: Establish a group of key stakeholders for discussion and implementation of the tourism plan.

7.Mainstreaming tourism in the national agenda: Take advantage of the event to enhance understanding of the importance of tourism among policy makers and society as a whole.
7.国のアジェンダにおける観光の主流化: 政策立案者と社会全体の観光の重要性の理解を高めるため、このイベントを活用する。

 Social aspects:

1.Accessible tourism for all: Enhance and promote accessibility throughout the tourism sector for visitors and locals.

2.Environment: Encourage environmental measures to make the tourism sector greener and enhance environmental awareness among tourists.

3.Community engagement: Engage communities and citizens to welcome guests and to volunteer. Having the community directly involved in the event extends a warmer welcome to visitors,  and such local ambassadors strengthen the destination's brand.

4.Mutual understanding: Provide opportunities for learning about other countries and cultures in line with the event to enhance mutual understanding,  one of the ultimate objectives of tourism.

 Risk management:

1.Crowding out: Communicate to potential visitors that the destination is open for business and that it is an even more exciting time to visit.

2.Price inflation: Encourage businesses to not exploit customers.  Watch the market and take measures if necessary.

3.Crisis communications: Be prepared with a crisis communication plan and react quickly and honestly to unfavourable media coverage.

4.Safety and security: Cooperate with the security authorities for safe and seamless travel.  Be prepared for unexpected incidents with a crisis management plan in collaboration with the organizing committee.  If something happens,  take care of visitors and communicate with speed and precision.

 Plan, act and make it happen!

【住宅宿泊事業法中間報告】The Private Lodging Business Interim Report




The "All Ryokan Hotel Association" will feard a situation where the illegal private lodgings threaten the safety and security of local residents, and asked the government, ruling party lawmakers, etc. to understand the regulation strengthening. As a result, when the private lodging business law was enforced in June 15, many local governments enacted regulatory ordinances.
However, at three years, there is a law amendment at after the Tokyo Olympics, nobody knows what will happen because depends on the situation. therefore, at this Association, it summarized the past circumstances as "The Private Lodging Business Interim Report". The writers are "Countrywide Ryokan Political League" and "Private Lodging Business Law Countermeasure Committee". The number of Issued is 16,000 books.

The contents is, salutations by the Association's Chairman, and Ruling party's Tourism Industry Promotion Federation, Then the vicarious chairperson of the private lodging business council committee talking about the past activities and the future direction. and, it states that it will restore relations with the government ruling party, secure safety and security, and aim for the leadership position of accommodation industry.
Also, the state of establishment of the ordinance as of June 15 of each municipality, Report on activities of associations in 47 prefectures, and roundtable discussions with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the JTA are also recorded. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said that it is no good the loose rules. However, while JTA are evaluation of private lodging users is generally good, the ryokan industry's evaluation is low. Since it was necessary to fill the gap, this law stated that it is one of the objectives to bridge the gap. I think that logic is reverse.
In addition, this report contained the LDP Tourism Industry Promotion Association Chief Secretary, the Secretary General's greetings, and recollections of the Chairpersons of the Private Lodging Business Law Task Force Committee and the New Generation's Director of the Association. Chief Secretary told that hotels and ryokans should be proud, because it transcends privately owned accommodation. Secretary General praised the eager lobbying. Chairpersons criticized that some media strictened the law to preserve vested interests, but said that simply sought the minimum necessary for Life. And the New Generation's Director also mentioned the essence of things. First, "Citizen-level exchanges through private lodging are one of tourism resources." Next, "Private lodging that utilizes vacant rooms, empty houses to adjust the wave of reception is effective." Further, "Private lodging is an effective economic activity to promote investment." These the behind of the transition, real estate rental operators who feel a sense of crisis in population declining and aging are hiding, leaded the private lodging business. the think tank of a major bank issued a report in 2017 that accommodation facilities of 2020 there is enough. nevertheless it is.

Finally, it as a reference material at the end of the book, "Movement of partnerships between the private lodging intermediaries and other industries" is summarized as a table. I was disappointed at seeing this. It is because many companies misunderstand that they are business opportunities. They are don't know that the fire prevention measures of hotels and ryokan in Japan are the highest level in the world, triggered by "Hotel New Japan" fire which caused 33 victims in 1982?
Land of Japan is narrow, and there are many places where housing density is high. With the current Private Lodging Business Law, there is a possibility that one block of the town may be burned down, but its responsibility is not sufficiently developed. therefore, matching sites and real estate companies may bear pay not only get an unearned income but also risks. If you do not want it, will have to eliminate the landlord-free private lodging. Because also parasites cannot live if it kill your host.

【無知と無関心のリスク】The risk of ignorance and indifference


I found out the result of "Minpaku for Event" which I wrote to No.127. According to the Chunichi Shimbun on October 22, at the Kumano Fireworks festival held in August, There were ten people who provided a room of the home or a vacant house. the price is an average of abaut 7000 JPY per night, and the number of users was 64 people. I think the private lodging for the events led by local governments to satisfy the rapidly increasing demand at the time of the event is very good for revitalizing the area.
Meanwhile, it seems that some negative results have come up for those who have entered as a business by private lodging business law that took effect four months ago. In the case of a Toba dealer who used two of the apartments as a private lodging, although the occupancy rate was about 80% in July and August, it is said to be sluggish after that.
No wonder, Mie Prefecture's accommodation occupancy rate is only 51.9%. because is there are too many ryokans in Mie of the 20 th century type tourist area. It is the fifth in among 47 prefectures. To say that do not know is that scary.
In addition, according to JTA, the private lodging users from June 15 th to the end of July in Mie prefecture was total only 447, and says there is nobody who wants to use the private lodging outside the big city.
It seems the private lodging business opportunities are only municipally-led event type private lodgings, at least in Mie.

【これは共同声明ではない】This is not a joint statement

 10/4の中日新聞は、日米首脳会談で合意した関税交渉をめぐり、"TAG"という聞き慣れない言葉を取り上げた。これはTrade Agreement on Goodsの和製略称で、日米物品協定の事だそうだ。前にも書いたが、貿易は大別してグッズ貿易とサービス貿易に大別される。だが、日本人はグッズ貿易以外の貿易はよく知られてはいない。日本側は、日本国民と米国政府に対し、二枚舌を使い分けているようだ。

On October 4, the Chunichi Shimbun took up the unfamiliar words "TAG", over the tariff negotiations agreed at the Japan-U.S. Summit talks. This is a Japan only abbreviation Japan for Trade Agreement on Goods, which is said to be the Japan-US goods agreement. As I have written so far, Trade is roughly divided into goods trade and service trade. But Japanese are not well known out trading other than the goods trade. It seems that the Japanese government is trying to deceive Japanese citizens and the US government.
The following are the original text, temporary translation by the US Embassy, ​​and the Japanese government's announcement and its English translation.

3.  The United States and Japan will enter into negotiations,  following the completion ot necessary domestic procedures,  for a Unitec States-Japan Trade Agreement on goods,  as well as on other key areas including services that can produce early achievements.

Both Japan and the US will negotiate of the Japan-US Trade Agreement on Goods (TAG) after the undergoing the necessary domestic adjustment, and begin negotiations of what can yield results early in also the other important fields (Including services).


In the first place, the bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that the United States is seeking includes also service trade such as copyrights, communications, finance, constructions, transports and tourism etc., but all of these are outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Therefore, also the Keidanren of Japan would be trouble, because speaking ability is may be weakened relatively. That is, it is the Japan's shadow government.
However, On October 4 the US Agriculture Secretary said he expects tariff cuts beyond EPA with the EU, and the Vice President also said in a speech that this is an FTA.

【2018年8月の国際収支】August's Balance of payments 2018


On October 9, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of August. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 1.834 trillion JPY. Although NHK emphasized a 50-month continuous surplus, it decreased by 23.4% Year-on-year.
The trade balance is ▲ 219.3 billion JPY. the exports is 6.6526 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.8719 tillion JPY.
On the other hand, the travel balance was 123 billion JPY. the credit is 359.1 billion JPY, and the debit was 236.1 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for August was 2,577,800 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 2,033,400 people (Both preliminary). this month is the month when outbound increases the most, every year. But, this month was the inbound growth rate was the lowest month, it as 4% increase only over the previous year, by the news of natural disaster and intense heat.
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 100 million JPY, and the debit is 1600 million JPY for ▲1500 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 29.5 billion JPY and the debit is 74.5 billion JPY for ▲44.9 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.)
Incidentally, also the sea freight is also a deficit of 51.9 billion JPY.

[経常収支/国際収支]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
         Jan.  6,074
         Feb. 20,760
         Mar. 31,223
         Apr. 18,451
         May  19,383
         Jun. 11.756
         Jul. 20,097
         Aug. 18,384
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
  Feb. 1,887      Feb. 1,227
  Mar.11,907      Mar. 1,931
  Apr. 5,738      Apr.▲5.015
  May ▲3,038      May    423
  Jun. 8.205      Jun.▲1,751
  Jul.   ▲10      Jul.▲1,744
  Aug.▲2,193      Aug.   ▲61
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
  Feb.19,481      Feb.▲1,835
  Mar.21,053      Mar.▲3,669
  Apr.19,394      Apr.▲1,666
  May 23,980      May ▲1,982
  Jun. 5,876      Jun.  ▲573
  Jul.23,549      Jul.▲1,698
  Aug.22,891      Aug.▲2,253
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
  Feb.  ▲553      Feb. 1,783
  Mar.  ▲627      Mar. 1,453
  Apr.▲1,097      Apr. 2,272
  May ▲1,267      May  2,113
  Jun.  ▲924      Jun. 1,941
  Jul.▲1,102      Jul. 2,042
  Aug.  ▲954      Aug. 1,230
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Feb.    ▲3
         Mar. 1,105
         May   ▲423
         Aug.  ▲337

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
  Feb.   ▲21      Feb.   371
  Mar.   ▲10      Mar.   240
  Apr.   ▲10      Apr.  ▲273
  May    ▲15      May   ▲416
  Jun.    ▲8      Jun.  ▲390
  Jul.   ▲11      Jul.  ▲502
  Aug.   ▲15      Aug.  ▲519
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54
  Feb.  ▲380      Feb.    63
  Mar.  ▲353      Mar.    72
  Apr.  ▲346      Apr.    70
  May   ▲509      May     71
  Jun.  ▲425      Jun.    83
  Jul.  ▲644      Jul.    78
  Aug.  ▲449      Aug.    61

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

The items of "service balance" in Japan is roughly divided into three, "travel balance" and "transport balance", and "others".
The contents of this "other" are as follows. "Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others", "Maintenance and repair services n i e", "Construction", "Insurance and pension services", "Financial services", "Charges for the use of intellectual property n i e", "Telecommunications, computer, and information services", "Other business services", "Personal, cultural, and recreational services", "Government goods and services n i e". and these are underdeveloped fields in Japan all of these. Conversely, it can be said that it has become underdeveloped because the departure from overdependence on "goods trade" was delayed. Fortunately, the "travel balance" which continued the deficit for 45 years has been in surplus since 2015, but because tax-free souvenirs are added to the "trade balance" as a goods trade, Regarding the degree of contribution it still remains underestimated, and there is no change in the trend of emphasis on the "trade balance" represented by automobile exports.
However, On January 24 this year, the England Bank announced a compiled report by the researcher. According to Reuters, Report, the reason why the current account deficit in the United States and Britain expanded is pointed out that service trade which the two countries have the strengths may not be liberalized as much as goods trade. Because is, tariffs and other barriers to goods exports are being reduced in recent decades due to the signing of trade agreements by each country, but the government is strengthening its protection stance on services such as banks.
In this report, the reduction of trade barriers of goods will benefit countries with strong manufacturing industries such as China, Japan and Germany, that there is a possibility of sustaining the current account surplus by allowing exports to exceed the imports. and meanwhile, the countries that are strong in service industries such as the United States and the UK say the current account deficit continues because service trade is more restricted than goods trade. it is a misunderstanding by ignorance.
So I looked into the current account balance of US and UK. Certainly, the current account balance and trade balance are deficit each year. However, UK has the strongest service trade by financial or contents export etc., originally. also, according to the public data of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Analysis website, I found that the balance of service trade of US is at a very high level too. It is Japan that really is on the edge of the cliff.

【米国のデジタル貿易】Digital trade in the United States


According to the U.S. Department of Commerce's 2016 trade statistics (customs clearance), the US "goods trade balance" deficit is 734.3 billion USD.
On the other hand, due to the rapid growth of so-called "digital trade" by GAFA, the "service balance" has recorded a huge surplus and the "service account" in 2016 is surplus with 247.8 billion USD.
Also, in the trade statistics of 2017 (customs clearance) announced in February this year, the deficit of "goods trade balance" is 796.2 billion USD, but the "service balance" is a surplus of 244 billion USD. In 2017, since the annual average of 1 USD was 112.2 JPY, it is 27.3768 trillion JPY.
I already wrote, but the United States has gained the world's largest of international tourism receipts. according to the UNWTO, it gained 206,902 million USD in 2016 and 210,747 million USD in 2017, but in the area of ​​so-called "digital trade" also rapidly growing, the industrial structure has been shifting from goods to services and already one third of the total trade has been occupied by the service industry.
Incidentally, since the spending due to the outbound by the Americans in 2017 is 135 billion USD, its balance is a surplus of 75,747 million USD.
By the way, there is currently no clear definition of "digital trade", and it is used as electronic commerce that is done by transferring data across the border, that is, the common name of transboundary EC. this is, in a narrow sense, it refers to what is provided electronically, such as music distribution service and e-book the content itself transcending national borders. In a broad sense, it is provided with domestic and foreign goods and services traded through foreign internet sites, or cross-border transact of second-hand goods, and also includes transactions of goods and services that consumers do online like overseas private lodging. In addition, not only to transactions for consumers, there are also intercompany transactions that electronically make and receive parts and raw materials. However, because there is no definition, there is no statistical material to measure the scale of "digital trade" on a multilateral basis, and current situation is that we have to rely on reports from each country. According to the Japanese METI's "Market Survey on Electronic Commerce" in Japan, the market size of the global cross-border EC in 2017 is estimated at 530 billion USD, and It is said that it has more than doubled since 2014.

【日本のIRカジノも共和党 vs.民主党の政争の具か?】Japanese IR casinos are also Republican vs. Democratic political fight?

 プロパブリカは、外国首脳との会談で、献金者の利益に直接結びつく話を持ち出すのは外交儀礼に反するとしている。だが、密室で決められるよりマシである。2012年10月のウォールストリート・ジャーナルによると、2008年の選挙戦におけるオバマ陣営への献金は金融業界が最も多く、全体としては4300万ドルを献金しており、また、JPモルガン・チェースとシティグループ、バンク・オブ・アメリカ、モルガン・スタンレー、ゴールドマン・サックスの従業員も350万ドルを寄付した。 結果として、彼らは二期目の選挙戦では離反したとはいえ、いわゆる市場原理主義の黄金時代を築き、格差社会を拡大したのだ。トランプ大統領は、1999年に民主党のクリントン大統領によって廃止されたグラス・スティーガル法の復活によって、その是正さえも念頭に置いているのである。
Mr. Adelson the chairman of "Las Vegas Sands" is once a competitor of Casino managed by Mr. Trump. however, the news site "ProPublica" posted a survey coverage in October 10. February 2017, the President Trump to strong urged consider giving a license for entering Japan to "Las Vegas Sands" when met in Florida with Japanese Prime Minister. it is naturally because Mr. Adelson is an enthusiastic supporter of the president. "the enemy of yesterday is a friend of the today" is not only Japan-US relations. However, Las Vegas Sands became the place of a gun shooting incident that die as many as 58 people in October last year. Adelson chairman there, visited the Osaka Prefectural Government in September of the month before the incident and appealed not to introduce stringent area regulations in the Japanese casino business. As a result, the "IR Development Law" that was established in Japan in July this year has a history that "the figure of the area limit" which had originally existed in the government plan had disappeared.
Also, although it has not been reported in Japan, the name of another companies is also listed on the site. One is MGM resorts and the other is Wynn resorts, this chairman have running the Republican National Committee. For them, Japan seems to be the final frontier.
Even so, the possibility of monopoly by MGM resorts seems not to be high after the change of government. because this chairman had been appointed to take office as the State Infrastructure Advisory Committee from former President Obama of Democratic Party. Moreover, the representative executive officer and president of the Japanese corporation of MGM Resorts was a senior diplomat who was assigned to the temporary substitute ambassador of the US Embassy in Japan as successor of Caroline Kennedy at the final stage Democratic Party's Obama administration.
ProPublica has wrote "It is contrary to diplomatic rituals to bring out talks directly linked to the interests of donors at a talks with foreign leaders." But, I think it is better than being decided secretly. according to The Wall Street Journal in October 2012, the financial industry was the most contributing money to the Obama camp in the 2008 election campaign, totaling became 43 million dollars as a whole. Also, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs employees also contributed $ 3.5 million. it as a result, although they separated in the second election campaign, they built a golden age of the so-called the market fundamentalism and expanded the gap between rich and poor. President Trump think it even that rectification by the resurrection of the Glass-Steagall Act which was abolished by President Clinton in 1999.

【諸外国・地域の輸入禁止】Import bans of other countries and regions
















The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan has neglected to update the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions" since August 22. But, according to Reuters on October 17, the Chinese government seems told the Japanese government that it is willing to relax some of the import ban measures on Japanese foods that have been continuing since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. The scope and timing are being adjusted and it is said that it aims to agree at the this month 26 summit meeting.
China's import ban is all of the foods or feeds from Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano. Also, for other prefectures, it is obligatory to attach certificates of origin.
However, implementing the ban is not only China. It is South Korea that prohibits the widest number of items extensively, and Taiwan whose regulation has been hardened since 2015 due to camouflaged of production area is also. According to the Chunichi Shimbun on October 18, a referendum will be held to ask whether Taiwan's food import from the prohibited area should be taken for the unified local elections in Taiwan to take place in next month.
Taiwan has banned imports of all foodstuffs manufactured in Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, excluding alcoholic beverages. On May 23, the Taiwanese government imposed as trade law violation and a fine of 41.64 million TWD, against Daiso affiliate in Taiwan, because imported it as camouflaged that the coffee beverage manufactured in Gumma was manufactured in Shiga.
In addition, the United States too, prohibits it in a wide range and in multiple items based on FDA import alert. Current US import bans are as follows. Many of these are derived from the natural environment and do not seem to trust mountains and rivers where decontamination is inadequate.
Although insisting that Japan is TAG, these regulations a barrier of US-Japan FTA?
In addition to the above, import ban is see in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and the Philippines too.
wild mushrooms

bamboo shoots, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), (excluding farming) wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, wild parsley, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, bracken, black sea bream, sea bass, trout, bear of meat, bovine meat, deer meat, copper pheasant meat

mainspring, bamboo shoots, (wild) koshiabura, (wild) taranome, ostrich fern, rice, raw wood shiitake (open culture), (excluding farming) wild mushrooms, soy, ayu, trout (excluding farming), black sea bream, dace, perch, char (excluding farming), bovine meat, bear meat, wild boar meat

bear meat

raw milk, wild taranome, red beans, bamboo shoots, non-heads of leaf vegetables (brassica campestris, garland chrysanthemum, bok choy, mizuna, lettuce, spinach, and other non-heading of leaf vegetables), heads of leafy vegetables (cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lettuce), brassicaceae flower bud compounds (broccoli, cauliflower), endive, escarole, chard, collards), chestnut, wild fukinoto, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, kiwi fruit, raw wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), mushrooms, ostrich fern, bracken, rice, (excluding farming) soybean, turnip, plum, butterbur, uwabamisou, citron, rockfish, ayu, (except the fry) greenling, red sole, sand lance, stone flounder, usumebaru, surfperch, ezo iso greenling, fox rockfish, (I except for aquaculture) black tonguefish, rockfish, black sea bream, komonkasube, saburo shousaifugu, shiromebaru, walleye, perch, nagatsuka, starry flounder, slime flounder, higanfugu, flounder, spotted halibut, conger myriaster, marbled sole, flathead, mat
sukawa, mushigarei, murasoi, binosugai, yamame (excluding farming) dace, eel, char, (excluding farming) carp, meat of bear, bovine meat, wild boar meat, copper pheasant meat, pheasant meat, meat of hares, spot-billed duck meat

raw wood shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wild koshiabura, suzuki, eel, shiromebaru, komonkasube, (excluding farming) American catfish, stone flounder, wild boar meat

wild taranome, bamboo shoots, chestnuts, wild pepper, wild of the mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, wild bracken, wild ostrich fern, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), wood mushrooms, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, bovine meat, wild boar meat, deer meat

wild mushrooms, trout (excluding farming), char (excluding farming), the meat of bear, wild boar meat, meat of copper pheasant, deer meat

wild mushrooms

shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carp, carassius auratus langsdorfii, eel, wild boar meat

bear meat

wild mushrooms

wild mushrooms, koshiabura

wild mushrooms

【奈良ならレポート2018.1019】A precedent of Nara 2018.1019


My Nara fixed point observation started from the previous year of the "Commemorative Events of the 1300th Anniversary of Heijo-kyo Capital" also became the 96th time. a fellow traveler in this time is Matsusaka City Tourism Association Managing Director. Not only in spring, this season is the season when a lot of tourists visit. This year as well, around the Kintetsu Nara station, a tour bus which keep blinking the hazard lamps is parking scattered, and in Nara Park too, crowded with many foreign tourists. Deer too will be satisfied because can be get lots of food. It seems that also the Deer Antler Cutting Ceremony is over.
As a trend, Westerns tourists tour are significantly more numerous than Asians, and there are few tour of for Japanese in contrast. there are also many foreigners even inside the premises of Kofukuji. This "Central Golden Hall" of the Kofukuji Temple of World Cultural Heritage ended full-scale reconstruction this year after 301 years since being destroy during at the Edo period, and public worship begins from tomorrow. The number of Japanese visitors will probably also increase sharply.
In retrospect, in the 2011 East Japan great earthquake and nuclear power plant explosion accident foreign tourists disappeared from all 47 prefectures. Japanese people tourists also deteriorated significantly due to self-restraint mood and the biggest outbound in history, and Nara was no exception. Everyone must have it was not possible to imagine prosperity of now.
Many Muslim ladies who wore a colorful "hijab" were seen in Sanjo Street. the dining hall of Chakin-udon was also queued by foreign tourists. Also, at the side of the Sarusawa pond, the construction scaffold was removed for hotels that were under construction from the spring, and it was showing the outer wall of the wooden board. According to the manager of Sarusawa Inn, it seems to be due to external capital of Kansai. We visited Nara Visitors Bureau in the third floor of Sarusawa Inn and accepted advertisement of Yamato-ji calendar 2019, and headed to UNWTO.
In the UNWTO Japan office, secretary general attended. I thanked the symposium the "Regional Promotion and Regional Revitalization through Mega Events" held in Osaka last month, and I've provid it the symposium report I contributed to the Mie Furusato Newspaper. Also, an article of the "Japanese Food Culture Conference 2019" to be held in Mie Prefecture next February, and I offered a copy of UNWTO and UNESCO's "International Conference on Tourism and Culture" to be held in Kyoto next December.
Secretary General said he attended "World Canal City Forum" held in Yangzhou City, China from 11th to 13th October. and he showed me the booklet. the theme of this forum is protection and inheritance and utilization of the world canal urban culture, and participants from 31 countries including the US, UK, Germany and France participated, and it seems that was there were about 400 participants. But, it seems that there was no participation of Venezia suffering from sea level rise problems due to climate change. I think it the idea of ​​countermeasures against sudden changes in the environment due to climate change will be a big theme in the future.
When the way back I met an American Deputy Manager of Program and Public Relations. She was taking a lot of pictures at the Osaka symposium. I paid tribute to her work in the unfamiliar Japan.
Incidentally, a symposium like the "Role of women in sustainable development of tourism industry" held in Mie prefecture last October is also it will be held in Nara at next February. They seem to be thinking about a theme suitable for Nara.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"