【年初の市況】New Year's market
Transition in the Nikkei Stock Average over the past 30 years
日本の新聞は日経平均株価の上昇基調を強調するのだが、五輪関連投資のほとんどは終わっており、1/6は例年どおり暴落した。 4年連続である。
Japanese newspapers have emphasized the rising trend of the Nikkei Stock Average, but most of the Olympic-related investment has ended, and January 6 crashed as usual. it is the fourth consecutive year.
【伊勢神宮(内宮+外宮)三賀日間の訪問者数】Number of visitors to Ise Jingu (Naiku + Geku) during the three days of the New Year
2001年 760,000人 2002年 597,000人
2003年 593,500人 2004年 637,000人
2005年 564,500人 2006年 537,000人
2007年 598,000人 2008年 592,000人
2009年 667,000人 2010年 622,800人
2011年 534,363人 2012年 523,721人
2013年 556,522人 2014年 613,787人
2015年 417,969人 2016年 484,022人
2017年 490,438人 2018年 481,751人
2019年 513,112人 2020年 560,320人
The Chunichi Shimbun did not report, but according to the Ise Shimbun, the breakdown is "Naiku" was 368,253 people (up 36,190), and "Geku" was 192,067 people (up 11,018).
【ホテル稼働率2019年11/8 - 2020年1/12】Hotel occupancy rate November 8, 2019 to January 12, 2020
From fall to the end of the year and the beginning of the year, hotel occupancy rates were higher than usual. because the change of the Emperor's generation changed the era of Japan, and the number of worshipers at Ise Jingu increased rapidly.
Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
![]() |
a missing day seems more than 100%. |
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
In addition, the sales estimated value are as follows
Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
【2019年11月の国際収支】November's Balance of payments 2019
[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
Jan. 6,004
Feb. 26,768
Mar. 28,479
Apr. 17,074
May 15,948
Jun. 12,112
Jul. 19,999
Aug. 18.237
Sep. 16.129
Oct. 18,168
Nov. 14,368
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade ○サービス収支 Services
Jan.▲9,448 Jan.▲1,512
Feb. 4,892 Feb. 2,366
Mar. 7,001 Mar. 3,451
Apr. ▲982 Apr.▲3,124
May ▲6,509 May 1,372
Jun. 7,593 Jun. 509
Jul. ▲745 Jul.▲2,299
Aug. 509 Aug. 233
Sep. 11 Sep. 401
Oct. 2,540 Oct. ▲995
Nov.▲5,396 Nov. 401
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan.17,592 Jan. ▲428
Feb.20,145 Feb. ▲635
Mar.20,564 Mar.▲2,538
Apr.21,303 Apr. ▲120
May 22,574 May ▲1,488
Jun. 4,273 Jun. ▲263
Jul.23,899 Jul. ▲856
Aug.22,681 Aug.▲1,846
Sep.18,054 Sep.▲2,337
Oct.17,775 Oct.▲1,151
Nov.14,575 Nov.▲1,813
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport ○トラベル Travel
Jan. ▲833 Jan. 2.271
Feb. ▲864 Feb. 2,274
Mar. ▲689 Mar. 2,076
Apr. ▲826 Apr. 2,564
May ▲779 May 2,305
Jun. ▲539 Jun. 2,332
Jul. ▲865 Jul. 2,293
Aug. ▲760 Aug. 1,518
Sep. ▲621 Sep. 1,503
Oct. ▲685 Oct. 2,035
Nov. ▲615 Nov. 2,115
○その他サービス Other Services
Feb. 957
Mar. 2,064
May ▲154
Aug. ▲525
Sep. ▲480
Nov. 130
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. ▲4 Jan. ▲515
Feb. ▲6 Feb. ▲500
Mar. 0 Mar. ▲412
Apr. ▲12 Apr. ▲571
May ▲23 May ▲427
Jun. ▲16 Jun. ▲267
Jul. ▲14 Jul. ▲413
Aug. ▲13 Aug. ▲451
Sep. ▲10 Sep. ▲219
Oct. ▲12 Oct. ▲262
Nov. ▲10 Nov. ▲372
○航空旅客 Air Passenger ○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. ▲409 Jan. 46
Feb. ▲407 Feb. 39
Mar. ▲356 Mar. 41
Apr. ▲363 Apr. 55
May ▲456 May 38
Jun. ▲375 Jun. 60
Jul. ▲599 Jul. 54
Aug. ▲383 Aug. 41
Sep. ▲442 Sep. 35
Oct. ▲484 Oct. 30
Nov. ▲330 Nov. 51
(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)
【12月のインバウンド】December's Inbound
According to the JNTO press report on January 17, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in December was 2,441,300, down 4% from the same month last year. In the annual from January to December became 31,882,100 people, a 2.2% increase from the previous year. Apparently, it seems that the declining Korean market cannot be compensated. The target 4 million people for 2020, but I think require a downward revision. Because in during the Olympics, the "crowding out" phenomenon is expected, from the precedent.(see No.130)
By the way, the annual outbound number from January to December 2019 became 20,080,600 people. this is the highest number of Japanese overseas travelers, but this has a minus effect on Travel balance.
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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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