
No.153 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020“ September issue

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 8月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of August 31

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【9月2日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 2


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 70,455 people. the number of deaths is 1,340. the mortality is 1.9%.

【日本のPCR検査人数 9月2日現在】Number of people PCR tested in Japan, As of September 2

【清浄国ステータスの喪失】Loss of the Disease Free Status of Member Countries


It is not noticeable because it is only news about Wuhan virus, but since last year in Japan CSF is also a serious problem. This infectious disease of pigs and wild boars occurred in Japan in September 2018, and OIE has temporarily suspended Japan's Disease Free Status of Member Countries. The hold deadline is the 3rd of this month. As a result, Japan's Disease Free Status of Member Countries has been lost. In order to return, it is a condition that there is no CSF ​​outbreak for a year, and that pigs have not been vaccinated in general.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sayd that CSF infection has not been confirmed since the outbreak in Okinawa this March, but it is currently difficult to prevent without a vaccine, and it will take a long time to restart. As a result, negotiations with the US and Europe, which had been in talks for pig export, will be stalled.


On September 26, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced that CSF-infected pigs were found at a pig farm in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. The prefecture will slaughter all 5,390 pigs in this pig farm based on the law.

【日常生活における新型コロナウィルス感染予防に有用な製品の評価】Evaluation of useful products for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in daily life


This is the result of research by the Laboratory of Viral Infection Control 1 at Kitazato University Satoshi Omura Memorial Institute. It is valuable information that cannot be seen in news such as TV because there is a maker name.

【スプートニクⅤ】Sputnik V


According to the RBK Russian newspaper on September 4, the mayor of Moscow, two deputy mayors, and the officials of almost all the cities received the Wuhan virus vaccine "Sputnik V" approved on August 11.
Clinical trials were conducted at two Russian hospitals to 76 people between the ages of 18 and 60, according to a paper published in the British medical journal Lancet. Everyone, "No serious side effects occurred within 42 days of the test period, and antibody reaction was observed within 21 days".
This is already did tested of the second phase, and the final phase test will scheduled for September 5-7, with more than 40,000 people participating in it.
On the other hand, the "Chinese vaccine" was unveiled at an exhibition in Beijing on this day. In took place in the evening ceremony, after Xi Jinping video message, the message of Tedorosu Secretary-General of WHO was also screened, and appeal to China's advantage in the virus correspondence.

【9月7日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 7


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 72,316 people. the number of deaths is 1,375. The mortality rate remains 1.9%. If only recently, it is 0.9%.
By the way, a hotel located on the Kii Peninsula had 838 guests from Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures from August 1 to 31. Of these, 161 were from Tokyo, including infants, but no one was infected and no staff was infected. I think broadcasters should honor these positive cases rather than raise concerns.

【IOCの焦燥】Impatience of IOC

 大会組織委員会の武藤事務総長は7月、観客数を絞って開催する可能性について言及、無観客での開催は避けたいとの意向を示していた。 また、開閉会式の「簡素化」や、参加国のスタッフや代表団の人数縮小の可能性もあるとし、新型ウイルスのワクチンは大会開催の必要条件ではないとの考えも述べている。保健衛生の専門家らは懐疑的だ。

According to the BBC on September 8, Vice Chairman Coates of IOC expressed its view that it will be held "with or without the Covid". He declared that the Tokyo Olympics will start on July 23 next year, and said that it would be the "Games that conquered Covid."
In other words, it is said that the IOC does not want to take a responsibility for the decision to cancel.
In the first place, the budget for Tokyo's successful bid for the Olympics in 2013 was 7.3 billion USD, but the Tokyo Organizing Committee has announced that it has spent 12.6 million so far. However, according to Professor Bent Flyvbjerg of Oxford University Said Business School, 15,840 million USD was actually spent, and it is said to have already exceeded the record high of the 2012 London Olympics of 14,950 million USD. In addition, due to the effect of the novel coronavirus, which was postponed for one year, it is estimated that it will cost more than 1 trillion JPY.
In July, Secretary-General Muto of the Olympic Organizing Committee mentioned the possibility of holding a limited number of spectators, and expressed his intention to avoid holding it with no audience. In addition, the opening and closing ceremony may be "simplified" and the number of staff and delegations in participating countries may be reduced. And, Mr. Muto also stated that the vaccine is not a necessary condition for the competition. However, health professionals are skeptical.
More than 11,000 athletes from about 200 countries will participate in the Tokyo Olympics. What judgment will their countries make?

【2020年7月の国際収支】July's Balance of payments 2020


On September 10, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the July‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 1.4683 trillion JPY. It rises every July.
Trade balance is surplus of 137.3 billion JPY. travel balance was a surplus of 21.5 billion JPY. Inbound in July is 3,800 people and the credit is 43.8 billion JPY. Outbound in July is 20,300 people and the debit is 22.4 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 11,526,316 JPY, and outbound 1,103,448 JPY. Inbound‘s receipts (income) are still unusually high. According to the "International Tourism Highlights 2019" published by UNWTO, Japan's international tourism arrivals in 2018 were 31,192,000, and tourist receipts were 41,115,000,000 USD. The annual average per person is 1318.1 USD, which is 144,991 JPY when converted to 110 JPY per USD. ("Tourism Highlights 2020" will be published in end of September)
Air passenger is surplus of 100 million JPY, because outbound exceeding inbound. Regardless of Corona, sea passenger remain in the deficit of 200 million JPY.
Also, other services is deficit of 284.4 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 349.5 billion JPY. this is a weak point of Japan.

〖日本の国際収支のパターン〗Japan's balance of payments pattern

【東京都民の"Go To トラベル"への参加】Participation in "Go To Travel" of Tokyo citizens

 9月11日の共同通信によると、西村経済再生担当大臣は、10月1日より「Go To トラベル」に東京都を追加する方針を表明。新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会後の記者会見で「9月下旬にかけての感染状況を見極めて最終的に判断したい」と述べた。いい事だ。

According to Kyodo News on September 11, Nishimura, Minister for Economic Revitalization, announced that he would add Tokyo to "Go To Travel" from October 1. At a press conference after the novel coronavirus infection control subcommittee, he said, "I would like to make a final decision by assessing the infection status until the end of September."
The targets are trips to destinations Tokyo and trips of citizens of Tokyo. Discounted accommodation and tour products to and from Tokyo are scheduled to go on sale from next week.
So this is already a decision and it is possible if the number of inspections reduced. the following is the number of the tested positive and the number of people PCR tested in Tokyo.

【9月12日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 12


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 76,035 people. the number of deaths is 1,454. the mortality is 1.93%.
According to ABC TV on September 11, it was found that more than 3,000 rooms have been notified of the abolition of "Special Zone Private Lodging" in Osaka City since February of this year.
From the end of October 2016, the city of Osaka started a "Special Zone Private Lodging" system based on the National Strategic Special Zones Law, and it was possible to rent out vacant rooms such as condominiums to travelers if the city approved it. But, the number of rooms, which had exceeded 11,000 at the end of January, decreased by 3059 between February and August. the spread of the Wuhan virus infection has dramatically reduced inbound, and many businesses seem to have suffered from financial difficulties.

【米国債の動き】Movement of government bond of the United State


China threatening does not work, because Japan and allies buy and support. (the red line is China, the blue line is Japan)

【新型コロナウィルスの起源】Origin of the novel coronavirus

 9月11日、中国出身のウイルス学者の閻麗夢博士が、英国の民放ITVのトークショー"Loose WOMEN"のビデオインタビューに出演、コビッド-19が武漢の実験室で作られたという科学的証拠を、中国疾病預防控制中心(CDC)と現地の医者から得たと暴露した。


 そして、閻麗夢博士は9月14日、開放型情報プラットフォーム Zenodo に、科学的根拠を盛り込んだ論文を発表した。
 この論文が遺伝子分析の結果に基づいて主張しているコアコンテンツはニつ、まず、コロナウイルスは天然に存在するウイルスとは一致しない生物学的特性を示すこと、 また、コウモリコロナウイルスに基づいて6ヶ月以内に人工的に生産できることである。閻博士はこの主張に対し、三つの科学的根拠を示した。

一、SARS-CoV-2 の遺伝子塩基配列が中国重慶市第三軍医大学の軍事研究所と中国南京市南京司令部の医学研究所で発見されたコウモリコロナウイルス(ZC45、ZXC211)と酷似している。

ニ、SARS-CoV-2 のスパイクタンパク質で人体細胞の受容体と結合する役割をする部位であるRBMが、2003年に流行したSARSウイルスと似ていた。また、このRBMが遺伝的に操作されたという証拠が遺伝子に現れた。スパイクタンパク質とはウイルス表面に突起状に飛び出してきたタンパク質で、コロナウイルスはこのスパイクタンパク質を通じて人体細胞の受容体と結合する。

三、SARS-CoV-2 のスパイクタンパク質にはフーリン分離部位というウイルス感染力を高める部位があるが、この部位は自然に現れる同じ系統のコロナウイルスでは全く見あたらない。この分離部位の特異な塩基配列は、この部位が単純に動物間での伝達や再調合を通じた自然な進化の結果ではないという事を示す。新型コロナウイルスに人為的に挿入された可能性が高い。


 ところが、この論文に疑問を呈するオーソリティーもいる。欧米メディアや公的機関さえもである。検証実験もせずにだ。確かに、軍事上あるいは外交上の危険性は大きい。検証にはBSL4 (バイオ・セーフティ・レベル4) の施設も必要だ。また、各国にはチャイナマネーをあてにしているステークホルダーも少なからずいる。しかし、これだけ世界に大きな損害を与えた事件である。とりわけ国際ツーリズムは壊滅的なダメージだ。次に備えるべく、世界の研究所は検証して然るべきではないか。そして、チャイナマネーは償いとして受け取ればいいのではないだろうか。


On September 11, Dr. Yan Li-Meng, a virologist from China, appeared in a video interview of the British ITV talk show "Loose WOMEN". She revealed that she had obtained scientific evidence that Covid 19 was made in Wuhan's laboratory, from the Chinese CDC and local doctors.
In a video interview he received somewhere, She said, "The big news that the Wuhan virus first occurred in the Wuhan market was a smoke screen'," and insisted that "the coronavirus did not occur naturally." and she suggested that the evidence foretelling the release was the same as a kind of genomic sequence, and "The genomic sequence is the same as a human finger fingerprint" said. and, based on this evidence, it can be confirmed that the virus was born in the Wuhan laboratory. She wants to talk about why the virus was born in a Chinese laboratory and why only they can make it. And, about this evidence, "Anyone can read and confirm this without any biological knowledge," Dr. added, and "I know I will regret not telling the truth to the world" said of the reason for this exposure.

Dr. Yan Li-Meng is from Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. Around 2013, he studied abroad at Hong Kong University and obtained a doctorate, and continued his research at the same university. and then, in December last year, I learned that Chinese authorities were hiding the outbreak of "SARS-like pneumonia," which is a "human-to-human infection." She started a confidential investigation with WHO experts on the 31st of the same month at the direction of her Hong Kong boss, who is also a WHO adviser. On the same day, a friend of the CDC informed me that "I have confirmed the infection of the whole family. there is a human-human infection'." when Dr. gave this information, boss was concerned, "Don't step on the Chinese Communist Party's red line," "Be careful, don't say it out," and "Both of them may be erased."
Dr. Yan Li-Meng escaped from Hong Kong in danger and went into exile in the United States at the end of April.

And, on September 14, Dr. Yan Li-Meng published a paper incorporating scientific evidence through the open information platform Zenodo.
The title of the dissertation published by the team of three doctors is "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route".
There are two main types of core content that the paper claims based on the results of gene analysis. First, coronaviruses exhibit biological properties that are inconsistent with naturally occurring viruses. It also means that it can be artificially produced within 6 months based on the bat coronavirus. Dr. Yan provided three scientific grounds for this claim.

1, SARS-CoV-2 gene base sequence is suspiciously similar to the bat coronavirus (ZC45, ZXC211) found at the Military Research Institute of the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, China and the Medical Research Institute of Nanjing Command, Nanjing, China.

2, The RBM which is SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that binds to receptors on human cells, was similar to the SARS virus that prevailed in 2003. There was also evidence in the gene that this RBM was genetically engineered. spike proteins are proteins that project out onto the surface of the virus, and coronavirus binds to receptors in human cells through these spike proteins.

3, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has a furin isolation site that enhances virus infectivity. However, this site cannot be found at all in the naturally occurring coronaviruses of the same strain. The unique base sequence of this separation site indicates that this site is not simply the result of natural evolution through inter-animal transmission and re-formulation. It is highly possible that it was artificially inserted into the novel coronavirus.

The paper also contains the results of a comparative analysis of genes between bat virus and SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Yan‘s team presented a method for artificially creating SARS-CoV-2 in five stages based on three scientific grounds. Each stage takes 15 days at the least and 3 months at the longest, and claims that he can make the virus in six months.

However, it seems that some authorities have questioned this paper without conducting verification experiments. Even though they haven't even done a verification experiment. Certainly, military secrets or diplomatic risks cannot be denied. BSL4 facilities are also needed. Also, some stakeholders may rely on China money. But, it was an incident that caused great damage to the world.※ International tourism in particular suffered catastrophic damage. Shouldn't the labs around the world verify it to prepare for the next? And, shouldn't China money be received as compensation?

By the way, why did Dr. appear on a British TV show?
Probably, that's because the United States, which is refraining from the presidential election, is cautious. In an interview with Fox News in July this year, Dr. presented the communication record of the doctor's smartphone as one of the evidence. This is a record of calls with many Chinese friends who were at the forefront of the infected area, and this is said to have already been verified by the FBI. Meanwhile, the UK plans to deploy HMS Queen Elizabeth (65,000 t.) to off Hong Kong, according to the Times on July 14. Yes, Dr‘s husband, parents and friends are under the supervision of the Chinese government.
Dr. Yan Li-Meng warns, "Knowing the origin of the virus is very important. We would not be able to overcome it without knowing it. This virus would threaten the lives of all."

Lawrence Bourne, chief economist of the OECD, told the French financial newspaper Les Echos that the global economic loss due to the global epidemic of the Wuhan virus would amount to 7 trillion USD by the end of 2021.

Zenodo https://zenodo.org/record/4028830

【9月17日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 17

 47都道府県で確認された感染者数は7万8322人で、死者数は1503人。死亡率は1.92%だ。東京発着「Go To トラベル」は明日から販売である。

The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 78,322 people. the number of deaths is 1,503. the mortality is 1.92%. "Go To Travel" to / from Tokyo will be on sale from tomorrow.

【フィンセン・ファイルから】From the FinCEN Files

 FinCENファイルとは、国際犯罪捜査コンソーシアム(ICIJ)によって調査された、米財務省金融犯罪取締ネットワーク (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network=FinCEN)から漏洩した文書である。このレポートには、1999年から2017年にかけて複数の世界的な金融機関で発生した2兆米ドル超の20万件を超える疑わしい金融取引が記載され、中には、東京五輪を不正に招致した疑惑もある。9月21日の英BBCは、「世界の大手銀行が、犯罪者がダーティマネーを世界中に移転するのをどのように許してきたか」を示すファイルの重要性を詳報している。

The FinCEN Files are leaked documents from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) that have been investigated by International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The reports describe over 200,000 suspicious financial transactions valued at over 2 trillion USD that occurred from 1999 to 2017 across multiple global financial institutions. Among them, there is also a suspicion of illegally inviting the Tokyo Olympics. September 21, The BBC describes the importance of the files as showing how the "world's biggest banks have allowed criminals to move dirty money around the world".

【9月22日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 22


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 80,614 people. the number of deaths is 1,532. the mortality is 1.9%. In a letter of the day, IOC President Bach expressed confidence that next summer's Tokyo Olympics could be held even no vaccines. I think that wisdom and courage will be tested, including measures against extreme heat too.

【減りゆく日本人(出生数)】The number of Japanese will be decreasing

【9月27日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 27


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 82,996 people. the number of deaths is 1,563. the mortality is 1.88%. It finally fell below 1.9 because the denominator has increased.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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付録1 Appendix 1

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付録2 Appendix 2


No.152 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020“ August issue

【日本のPCR検査人数 7月31日現在】Number of people PCR tested in Japan, As of July 31


Recently, it is like a special issue on Wuhan virus. however, I think that the tourism industry cannot promote the region unless we understand and overcome this disaster. this is relieved informations of the coronavirus

【光明】A hope

 日本政府は、英国のアストラゼネカとの供給契約も最終調整中で、来年前半までに1億2千万人分のワクチン確保を目指す。日本の総人口にはまだ427万人分ほど足りないが、既に陽性の人は免疫抗体を獲得している可能性があり、現在そのような人々は増加の一途にある (抗体ではなく自然免疫によって処理される可能性もある→ファクターX参照)。
 ロイターによると、接種は一人あたり二回の可能性が高く、インフルエンザなみの約40ドル(二回分 4200円)になる見込みだ。

According to TBS on the evening of July 31, the Japanese government has reached a basic agreement with a major US pharmaceutical company to supply 60 million people to Japan with the Wuhan virus vaccine.
It is Pfizer that the Japanese government has reached an agreement. According to the people concerned, if the vaccine is completed and approved by March next year, for 42.7 million people will be supplied to Japan by the end of June 2021. In order to make it in time for the Tokyo Olympics.
The Japanese government is in the final stages of a supply contract also with AstraZeneca in the UK, aiming to secure 120 million vaccines by the first half of next year. there are not enough about 6 million people still to total population of Japan. However, those who are already positive should have acquired immune antibodies, and such people are currently on the rise (There is also a theory that it is processed by innate immunity rather than antibodies).
According to Reuters, there is a high possibility that two doses will be given to each person, which is expected to be around 40 USD (two doses) similar to influenza.

補足: 8月7日、日本の厚生労働大臣は、アストラゼネカが開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、1億2千万回分の供給を受けることで基本合意したと発表。供給は2021年の初めから始まり、3000万回分の確保を3月までに目指すという。

Supplement: On August 7, the Japanese Minister of Health Labour and Welfare announced that AstraZeneca had reached a basic agreement to receive 120 million doses of the Wuhan virus vaccine under development. The supply will begin in early 2021 and will secure 30 million doses by March.

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 7月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of July 31

Note the number of digits on the vertical axis

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【EUの新型コロナウイルスワクチン】EU‘s Wuhan virus vaccine


According to NHK on August 1, the European Commission has agreed that the EU will receive supply 300 million doses on behalf of 27 Member States if France's sanofi successfully develops a vaccine. This allows EU member states to purchase vaccines as needed.
In addition, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy have formed a group to work together to secure vaccines and have agreed with AstraZeneca in the UK to supply up to 400 million doses of vaccine at prime cost to EU countries.

【ロシアの新型コロナウイルスワクチン】Российская коронавирусная вакцина


Polio, which had spread all over the country, became a pandemic with more than 5,000 patients, mainly in Hokkaido in 1960. it was the Soviet-made "live polio" vaccine that was urgently imported in 1961 and administered all at once. Russia seems to be good at this field.
According to Sputnik news on August 2, clinical trials of the Wuhan virus vaccine developed by the National Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Gamalaya have been completed. vaccine registration documents are currently being prepared, and after the registration is received, mass vaccination of Russian citizens will start. the scheduled is from October, it the earliest in the world. Russians are for free, and the subjects are said to be doctors and teachers first.

【ホテル・旅館経営業者の倒産】Bankruptcy of hotel/ryokan operator or management companies


According to the kanko Keizai Shimbun on August 3, there were 73 bankruptcies of hotel/ryokan operator or management companies in the first half of this year, 41 more than in the same period last year. Especially since April when the Wuhan virus has spread, it has recorded double digits every month. Total debt increased 277.5% to 53,680 million JPY, almost a four-fold increase.

【8月3日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 3


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 40,924 people, and the dead is 1,030. the mortality rate of confirmed infections including asymptomatic symptoms, dropped to 2.51%. the global average mortality rate on this day was 3.81%.

【WHOは分からない事は"No"とみなす】WHO will consider "No" if it don't know

However, there is a strong argument in Osaka, Japan, and currently undergoing clinical trials. WHO, fails to declare a pandemic before the outbreak spreads, cannot be trusted.
On August 4, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, and Osaka Prefectural Hospital Organization Habikino Medical Center published the research results that the virus was reduced when a coronavirus-infected person was requested to gargle with a povidone iodine solution having a virucidal effect. Osaka Prefecture, etc., will start full-scale research aiming at 2,000 subjects, as it may lead to the prevention of aggravation such as pneumonia.
According to the director of the Next-generation Drug Discovery Center of the medical center, this study was conducted on 41 patients with mild or asymptomatic who are receiving medical treatment in Osaka prefecture. The positive rate of saliva PCR test for saliva in those who gargling with povidone-iodine four times a day was 56.0% on the first day and decreased to 9.5% on the fourth day. who did not gargling was 68.8%, and 40.0%.
The Governor of Osaka Prefecture said that the effect cannot be said to be effective under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law because the Japanese government has not acknowledged the effect. But "There are gargling containing povidone-iodine on the market so I would like to encourage gargling".
By the way, the authoritarians who suffered pride damage is Skeptical. If it, state the difference in meaning between disinfecting your fingers with alcohol and disinfecting your throat with povidone iodine.

【新型コロナウイルスによる入院患者の死亡率】Mortality of inpatient care patients due to Wuhan virus


On August 6, the Japan‘s National Center for International Medical Research released an interim report showing that the mortality rate for mortality of inpatient care patients due to Wuhan virus is 7.5%. This is the result of analysis of data for a total of about 2,600 people who were admitted to about 230 medical institutions nationwide by early July (recuperate in home or hotel are not included).
The rate of mortality overseas has been reported to be 20% to 30%, and Japan is said to be low compared to those.

【ファクトメモ】Fact memorandum

・Japan's first confirmed Wuhan virus infection was a man in his 30s in Kanagawa prefecture who returned from Wuhan China, it was January 16.

・The Chinese New Year holidays this year were from January 24 to 30, but the lockdown by CCP from January 23 was Wuhan only, and also the ban of group travel to overseas, it was from January 27.

・WHO declared a "public health emergency of international concern" on January 30, the last day of the Spring Festival, and it was March 11 when declared a pandemic.

・According to JNTO, Chinese inbound arrivals in January increased by 22.6% year-on-year to 924,790.

・The first person to die of Wuhan virus in Japan was a woman in her 80s in Kanagawa prefecture who had no history of travel, and it happened on February 15.
According to the NHK‘s graph, it is from this time that infected people have become apparent.

Given these facts, it cannot be denied that China's inbound may have contributed to the spread of infection in Japan, when Chinese New Year. We should seek apologies and damages.

【8月8日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 8


The number of infected people confirmed in the 47 prefectures was 48,168 people, and the death toll was 1,055. At this pace, the number of people confirmed by influenza in 2018 will not exceed. Also mortality rate of confirmed infected patients dropped to 2.19%. It will soon fall to the 1% level.

【2020年6月の国際収支】June's Balance of payments 2020


On August 11, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the June‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 167.5 billion JPY. every June is a big drop, but this pattern is the same even corona‘s influence and it will rise next month.
Trade balance is deficit of 77.3 billion JPY. travel balance was a surplus of 21.9 billion JPY. Inbound in June is 2,600 people and the credit is 43.6 billion JPY. Outbound in June is 10,700 people and the debit is 21.7 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 16,769,230 JPY, and outbound 2,028,037 JPY. Inbound receipts have been very expensive in recent months, but is this a pre-payment for the Olympics to the travel industry? (See previous issue for this basis)
Air passenger is surplus of 1.9 billion JPY. this is the result of outbound exceeding inbound. sea passenger is deficit of 200 million JPY.
Incidentally, other services is deficit of 139.4 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 157.7 billion JPY.

〖令和二年上半期〗First half of 2020

【旅行業界はローリスク、観光業界はハイリスク】Travel industry is low risk, tourism industry is high risk


On August 6-7, the Japan Tourism Agency sent each local transport office etc. to a total of 54 hotels and ryokans in 24 prefectures to have them inspect "GoTo Travel" infection prevention measures. Some of the guidance was given to 12 of 54 facilities.
Regarding the second inspect plan to conduct a survey centering on small and medium-sized accommodation facilities in late August.
I feel a strong resentment at this. in contrast to the tourism industry, which is constantly exposed to risks between regional promotion and infection concerns, the travel industry, which is the fee-based business with the least infection risk, is safe. Japanese medias don't says, in the first place, "Go To Travel" was for the travel industry, not the tourism industry. At the beginning of the project, direct reservations for hotels or ryokans were not allowed, but only via travel agencies. however, The Youth Club of All Japan Ryokan Hotel Association overturned it. Is this investigation a revenge?
Currently, the number of hotels or ryokans that participate in "GoTo Travel" is only about 40% of the whole, 16,000.

【8月13日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 13


The number of confirmed infections in 47 prefectures is 53,135, and death toll is 1,083. the mortality rate became 2.04%. It has dropped to the 1% level from the weekend. The Japanese medias should report such facts too, not only the number of confirmed infections causing fear and suspicion.

【中国資本による買収】Acquisition by Chinese capital

 大阪市南港咲洲メガソーラー発電所の定格出力は 2.4MW(メガワット)。日本伸和工業との共同投資プロジェクトで、 2014年5月16日に稼動。兵庫三田プロジェクトの定格出力は5.05MW。ロケーションは沢谷字南山にある山林野原で、2016年2月8日に稼動だ。

According to the president on August 17, recently, Chinese people are continuing to buy good shops in Kabukicho.
According to NHK on May 11, Prime Minister Abe said in an intensive deliberation by the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives to prevent Japanese companies and land from being acquired by foreign capital etc. due to the weakening of the economy. and stated that he would strategically take measures from the perspective of National Security of the Economic. Because if the Japanese economy deteriorates due to the Wuhan virus, companies and land may be undervalued and China and others may acquire it, so it is necessary to take defensive measures.
In South Korea, Singapore, Australia, etc., land purchases by foreigners are severely restricted already. in the United States, under the Comprehensive Trade Act, the President has the power to void land transactions even after the fact, if he determines that they threaten the security of the country.
Prime Minister Abe said, “We must take a bird's-eye view of Japan's economic structure from the perspective of security, address its vulnerabilities, and strategically tackle strengthening. While further promoting inward direct investment, From the perspective of appropriately responding to investments that may jeopardize safety, we would like to keep a firm eye on investment, such as by properly operating the Foreign Exchange Act revised last year." 
The real estate that China is aiming for is water sources, forests, golf courses, tourist facilities, mega solar power plants, and Hokkaido is the most prominent now.
In 2010, Yamada Onsen Hotel in Niseko was acquired by Chinese capital for 700 million JPY. and In 2015, Hoshino Resort Tomamu, a comprehensive resort facility of 1,000 hectares in Shimukappu-mura, was acquired by the Chinese commercial facility management company, Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mall, for about 18.3 billion JPY. Shanghai Yuyuan's major shareholder is the Investment Company of Shanghai China, "Fosun Group". The Tomamu area is not designated as a water resource conservation area, and the water source in the resort facility was also acquired.
Prior to the acquisition of Tomamu, this Fosun Group also acquired "Club Med", a French resort facility management company that owns accommodation at the neighboring resort "Sahoro Resort Area" (Shintoku-cho). Sahoro Resort is also actually under the control of Chinese capital.
By the way, As I wrote in No.95-96 in 2015, Hoshino Resorts established an investment fund worth 2 billion JPY in the same year as a 50/50 joint venture with the Development Bank of Japan, and operates Tomamu etc..
The Development Bank of Japan is a special company of the Ministry of Finance jurisdiction, a policy-based financial institution of Japan. it was founded on the basis of the Development Bank of Japan Inc. Law, in 2008. This is a reins so to speak. However, it is said that it will be only a matter of time before the place becomes a Chinatown if the majority of residents and visitors become Chinese due to the progress of Chineseization.
For buying and selling land, Mega solar is also a concern.
Shanghai Electric Power Japan Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. established in Japan. It invests, develops, constructs, operates, maintains, manages, and supplies electricity to solar power generation, solar heat , wind power, and hydropower generation businesses, and they are developing a business related to sales. As a basic stance, they will promote business in collaboration with Japanese companies and place importance on coexistence with people in the area. they are already constructing and operating mega solar facilities in Nanko Osaka, Sanda city Hyogo Prefecture, and Tsukuba. Acquired land is about 5 hectares in Osaka and 11 hectares in Hyogo.
The rated output of the Nanko Sakishima Mega Solar Power Plant in Osaka City is 2.4 MW. This is a joint investment project with Nippon Shinwa Industry Co., Ltd., which started operation on May 16, 2014. The rated output of the Hyogo Sanda project is 5.05 MW. The location is a forest field located in Nanzan, Sawaya, and it was in operation on February 8, 2016.
And, the SJ Solar Tsukuba Power Station has a rated output of 35 MW and started operation on April 1, 2017. The investment amount of this power plant, which has approximately 30,000 solar panels installed, is over 13 billion JPY. A sales contract was signed with TEPCO in April 2015, and the selling price is 36 yen/kWh at the time of application in FY 2013. The annual sales amount is expected to be about 1 billion JPY. In addition, as the largest solar sharing business in Japan, solar panels are installed on farmland, and local agricultural production corporations are simultaneously cultivating crops. About 50 hectares of land are leased from nearly 200 landowners for 20 years, and the rent is about 100,000 JPY per 1000 square meters per year. It is said that SJ has a burden of more than 90% and agricultural production corporations have a burden of less than 10%.
However, photovoltaic power generation has poor power generation efficiency and the purchase price has been declining year by year, and the profits of businesses are decreasing. Japanese companies are starting to hesitate to enter. The Nasu Karasuyama Project, which is the fourth business in Japan, is also at a standstill.
Even so, it is said that the reason why Chinese companies aren't frightened is the purpose by CCP for land acquisition in the name of solar power generation. It is said that Shanghai Electric Power may ask the landowners to buy the land after the 20-year lease contract expires.
We also hope that the Japanese government will carefully monitor the resale of land including mega solar. Especially, the Pacific coast where Chinese submarines navigate underwater is very important in the US-Japan alliance strategy. There are also cable-type ocean bottom seismometers.
I think it, the mega solar under construction in Shima City also needs to be monitored because it is handled by a reseller.

DONET cable type ocean bottom seismometer

【8月18日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 18


The number of confirmed infections in 47 prefectures is 58,169, and death toll is 1,133. the mortality rate became 1.95%. If anything, heatstroke is at high risk of death than corona.(1581 deaths in 2019)

Deaths by heat stroke in Japan 2019-1995

【Go To トラベルの真の動機】The true motive of Go To Travel

 ところでこの日(18日)、国会内で開かれた野党会合で観光庁は、陽性者がホテルや旅館を利用していたケースが17日の時点で6件あったと報告した。これは「Go To トラベル」が始まった7月22日以降の申告件数を集計したもので、観光庁の担当者は「宿泊施設等に起因して感染者やクラスターが発生しているとの報告は受けていない」としている。
 観光庁発表の日本の「主要旅行業者の総取扱額」によると、今年1月から6月までの取扱額は、海外旅行(アウトバウンド)が2311億0194万1000円、外国人旅行(インバウンド)が270億9386万7000円、国内旅行が4808億5548万1000円で、合計が7390億5128万9000円となった。計算してみると、これは前年同期の合計2兆2335億0896万5000円の実に33%程度に過ぎない。どうやらこれが「Go To トラベル」の真の動機のようである。850億とも言われる五輪の前受金を抱えたままで左前では非常に困るのだ。

By the way on this day, at a meeting of opposition parties in the Diet, the JTA reported that there were six cases of the virus-positive users using hotels or ryokans as of August 17. This is a summary of the number of declarations since the "Go To campaign" began on July 22. The JTA representative said that "We have not received any reports of infected people or clusters due to accommodation facilities, etc."
I think glad that days when it was full-booking wasn't became holiday by disinfection, in Mie prefecture. But, it is a fact that it was dangerous. This suspense may not be understandable to summer vacation JTA and travel agencies.
According to the Japan's "total amount handled by major travel agents" announced by JTA, the amount handled from January to June this year is 231,101,941,000 JPY for overseas travel (outbound), 27,093,867,000 JPY for foreigner travel (inbound), and 480,855,481,000 JPY for domestic travel. a total became 739,051,289,000 JPY. this is only about 33% of the total of 2,233,508,965,000 JPY in the same period of the previous year. Apparently this is seems the true motive of "Go To Travel". Because it will become a big problem if the Olympic prepaid, which is said to be 85 billion JPY runs out of paper by bankruptcy.

 観光庁は8月21日、「Go Toトラベル」に登録したホテルや旅館10施設の宿泊客の中に、10人の感染者がいた事を明らかにした。期間は事業開始の7月22日から8月20日で、旅行同伴者や施設従業員への感染は確認されてはいない。が、感染者が宿泊した施設は消毒や営業自粛の措置を取ったとされる。
 8月20日時点で「Go To トラベル」には、5984社の旅行業者と、1万6703社のホテルや旅館が登録。本登録の締切は8月21日だったが、この方針は今後も随時受け付ける事へと変更になった。戦果が出るまで投入するつもりである。

On August 21, the JTA reported that among the guests of hotels or ryokans registered by Wuhan virus infected person in "Go To Travel," there were 10 people at 10 facilities so far. the period is from July 22 to August 20 of the project started. infections with travel companions and hotel employees have not been confirmed. It is said that the facility where the infected persons stayed took measures such as disinfection or self-restraint of business.
JTA Secretary Gamo says at a regular press conference, "We will seek thorough measures to both business operators and tourists so that tourism facilities do not become a factor for expansion."
As of August 20, "Go To Travel" is registered by 5984 travel companies, and 16,703 hotels and ryokans. The deadline for this registration was August 21. But this policy has been changed to accept it from time to time. They intend to throw in until the outcome of the battle comes out.

 官房長官は8月24日の記者会見で、ホテルや旅館10施設の宿泊客中10人の感染者のうち、「Go To トラベル」利用者は1人だったとし、少なくとも200万人の利用者があったと述べた。
 ところがだ、その翌日の25日に千葉日報が、勝浦市内の「Go To トラベル」対象施設だっ旅館で、同日までに従業員7人のクラスターが発生していた事を報じた。

At a press conference on August 24, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga reported, "Go To Travel" user among the 10 infected guests of 10 hotels and ryokans was one. and said there were at least two million users.
However, On that following day, the 25th, Chiba Nippo reported that 7 employees had cluster infections by the same day at a ryokan that was the target facility for "Go To Travel" in Katsuura City.
Infected were kitchen, catering, and clerical staff of four male employees in their 30s and 60s living, and three female employees two teens and one 50s. All 27 employees have been tested, but two men in their 30s and 50s are reported to have pneumonia.
According to Chiba Prefecture, symptoms started to appear at this ryokan on the 16th, and it will be closed from the 22nd to the end of September. There are a total of around 360 guests from August 14 to 21 inside and outside the prefecture, and the health center in each place of residence will confirm the health status.
On this day, Minister of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism said that a total of 4.2 million people were used between the 27th of last month when the travel agency started selling travel products at the discounted price and the 20th of this month. travel agencies are risk free.

 なお、多くの全国主要観光地のお盆(8月15日)の人出は前年を下回った。伊勢神宮周辺も32.5%のマイナスだ。これが「Go To トラベル」の結果である。

Incidentally, the number of tourists on August 15 at many major tourist destinations fell below the previous year's level. also in the Ise Jingu area was -32.5%. This is the result of "Go to Travel".

【8月23日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 23


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 63,498 people. the number of deaths is 1,203. the mortality dropped to 1.89%. On the same day, the number of infected people in the world is 23,203,532. the number of deaths is 804,416. the mortality is 3.46%.

【夏の志摩市と鳥羽市】Shima City and Toba City in Summer


On August 25, Shima City and Toba City in Mie Prefecture announced the number of visitors to the city sightseeing/ryokans and hotels during the summer.
In Shima City, the total number of visitors to the six major tourist attractions in the city during the 9 days from August 8 to 16 was 13,876 (down 35.8% year-on-year). The total number of guests at eight accommodations that can accommodate more than 100 people per night was 12,090 (down 42.0%).
In Toba City, the total number of visitors to the nine major tourist attractions in the city during the 9 days from August 10 to 18 was 61,124 (down 36.8% year-on-year). Of the 148 ryokans and hotels in the city, the total number of guests at 37 that responded was 51,037 (down 29.2% year-on-year). It concludes that there were many private car users, because it number of passengers getting off at major public transportation was 11,910 (down 64.3%).

【三重県の観光予算】Mie Prefecture‘s Tourism Budget

【奈良県の観光予算】Nara Prefecture‘s Tourism Budget

【5類相当】Category Ⅴ equivalent


There is an idea within the Japanese government to allow the status of the Wuhan virus under the Infectious Diseases Law to be reduced from Category Ⅱ to Category Ⅴ corresponding to influenza, but according to Kyodo News on August 26, the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare said decided to consider a review.
At present, Wuhan virus is a “designated infectious disease”, and the risk is the second highest in five levels, “category II equivalent”, and can be admitted to the hospital with national funding. however, the burden on medical institutions is increasing as the number of infected people increases.
It is assumed that overwhelming majority of asymptomatic or mildly ill people will be treated at accommodation facilities or homes, and hospitalization will be limited to the elderly or those with a high risk of seriousness. The timing of the reduction is undecided. There is also possibility that the WHO does not want to admit it.

【武漢入りしなかったWHO調査チーム】WHO research team who did not enter Wuhan


According to the Financial Times on August 27, the two WHO-dispatched starters of experts arrived in Beijing, China on July 10 and stayed there for three weeks, but not around Wuhan. "The chances of finding a smoking gun are gone," said a senior US official.
The focus of the investigation of the advance team, which consisted of animal health experts and epidemiology, was "to confirm how the Wuhan virus transmitted from animals to humans and what species were involved." however, the WHO said "the investigation team had a remote dialogue with Wuhan virus experts" and indirectly acknowledged the fact that they had not been to Wuhan. and WHO avoided mentioning if they had intended to visit Wuhan from the beginning. 
This survey was conducted by WHO member states, who were strongly pressed by international pressure, to investigate the origin of wuhan virus at the WHO General Assembly in May. But, the Chinese government had not even reported in the media the whoho investigation team's arrival in Beijing. (Japanese media too)
A member of The Australian House of Commons said that "It is only natural that the international community has serious concerns about the strictness and independence of the WHO's initial response to the Corona issue. such WHO actions is it seems to be trying not to offend China". and, for the team's failure to visit Wuhan, "It's going to be another incident that makes the WHO responsible for public health around the world distrustful. It is an act that prioritizes the political considerations of member states over the interests of the world's public health. and we bear tremendous costs for it" said.

【8月28日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of August 28


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures is 66,815 people. the number of deaths is 1,255. the mortality dropped to 1.88%. On this day, Prime Minister Abe announced his retirement, but it became clear that the mortality rate was in the 1% level, his intention to review the category, and that the hospital was not profitable too.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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付録1 Appendix 1

欠落箇所あり lol⇩


付録2 Appendix 2

事業者向け申請サイト https://biz.goto.jata-net.or.jp

旅行者向け公式サイト https://goto.jata-net.or.jp/

付録3 Appendix 3

米国の戦略国際研究所(CSIS)作成の中国共産党による対日工作についての報告 China’s Influence in Japan (pdf 2.2MB)全53ページ英語のみ


There is real names such as the secretary general of the LDP or the president of the ANTA, the legislator who received the bribe to attract the casino. Also, the political party and the support group which the minister MLIT belongs too.