
No.150 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020“ June issue

【パンデミックの終息】The end of the pandemic

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan
死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

 Fun Japan Communications は、台湾・香港・タイ・マレーシア・インドネシア・ベトナム・インド・韓国・中国のアジア9カ国に対し、新型コロナウイルスによる訪日旅行への影響を調べ、5月8日に公表した。調査対象は10代から60代の男女2,425名、調査期間は4月10日から27日である。

Fun Japan Communications Co., Ltd. conducted a study on the effects of Wuhan virus on inbound travel to nine Asian countries including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, South Korea, and China. The results were announced on May 8. The survey targets 2,425 men and women in their teens and 60s, and the survey period is April 10 to 27.
According to this, When asked if you would like to go to Japan if he or she deemed the trip to Japan safe, the people who said "yes" is india is 100%. Thailand is 99%. Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia is 98%. Taiwan is 96%. Vietnam is 89%. China is 66%. South Korea is 38%.
On June 1, the Japanese government indicated that it would proceed with negotiations for mitigation centering on a total of four countries: Vietnam, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. But the full-scale restoration of international tourism expect the coronavirus to become weakly virulent, or you have to wait until the vaccine is developed. this is the reality.
That said, don't neglect the preparation. there are many things we can do now. Then there is no choice but to rise in the future if the bottom is now, although the same was true immediately after the new influenza and the Great East Japan Earthquake too.
For that, Japan needs to prove its safety by numbers. from June 1st also in Japan, the "antibody test" to check if you have been infected has started. the “antibody test” is a test that checks the blood for proteins called antibodies, which are created after infection. the status of antibody possession without risk of infection should be clarified. Japan's Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare plans to obtain comparison data by conducting tests of 10,000 people in Tokyo, Osaka, and Miyagi prefectures this month.
In addition, about the "PCR tests" to confirm the infection, the saliva test was also approved from June 2.

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK

【更新が躊躇されている年代別の死者数】Number of deaths by generations hesitant to update


June 3, asymptomatic infection was confirmed from two professional baseball players in Japan. They have no symptoms at all and already even have IgG antibody. it‘s recovery from asymptomatic. Did Wuhan virus in Japan becomes a not scary existence, except for the elderly?
The following is the number of deaths by generation that has not been updated, since April 19.

Incidentally, according to the summary of the Toyo-keizai, the ratio by age is as follows.

【6月4日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 4


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 17,790 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 923 dead, the mortality rate is still 5.19%. however, mortality rates will dramatically decline as more tests become available and the number of asymptomatic recovery persons becomes apparent. excessive fear is dangerous.

【日本人口の減少】Declining Japanese population


Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare released vital statistics on June 5. According to this, the number of babies born in 2019 is 865,234 the lowest since the start of statistics. this represents a decrease of 53,166 people from the previous year. On the other hand, the death was 1,381,098, the highest postwar period. The natural decrease in the population which is the number of births minus the number of deaths, is 515,864. this is the largest decrease ever. Moreover, it will accelerate in the future. not only domestic demand but also the attractiveness of the Japanese market is being lost. This is the reason why the "musical chairs game" accelerates. It is also the reason why we must attach importance to acquiring foreign currency by trade.
However, there is not yet enough social agreement in Japan that inbound is trade. they mistakenly think that it is a special business in the sightseeing area. the exclusive "Insularism" are blocking it. For example, Tokyo has the most inbound in Japan, but no one considers Tokyo a sightseeing area.

【誰がための政策か?】Who is the political measures for?

 政府は感染拡大が収束したあと、「Go To キャンペーン」と称した国内消費喚起策を実施する方針で、一括運営を委託する先を公募していた。が、公募手続きは6月5日に一旦中止され、観光や飲食、イベントなどの分野ごとに分け、改めて委託先を公募する方針を明らかにした。

After the spread of the infection had settled, the Japanese government had a policy of implementing a domestic consumption promotion measure called the "Go To Campaign" and was looking for a company that could outsource the operation in a lump sum. However, the public recruitment procedure was temporarily suspended on June 5, and it was clarified that it will be divided into different fields such as tourism, food and drink, and events, and will be recruited again.
In the initial public recruitment of contractors, it is necessary to operate the secretariat of four campaigns of food and drink, events, and shopping malls as a whole Was said. however, due to the following conditions, it was thought that it would be limited to large companies and consortiums.
"Indicate in proposals, etc. that human resources with appropriate expertise in accounting management and guidance to subcontractors can be secured internally, or that a system for that can be established."
"Preparing an appropriate contract system, such as a receipt delegation contract between the consumer and the intermediary company, and a re-delegation contract between the secretariat and the intermediary company."
"Building a system that allows the government to report the amount of benefits required without delay in order to properly provide benefits." etc.
The total amount of benefits that will be the source of the campaign is about 1.5 trillion JPY. The upper limit of administrative fees paid to the Company is 309,526,513,000 JPY. Opposition parties and others criticized that it was too expensive (Do you know the significance and results of the high-speed free social experiment 9 years ago?), but There is no change in the budget. And, the final content and amount of money will be decided in coordination with MAFF, MLIT, and METI. This is because Japan does not have a Ministry of Tourism under the direct control of the government. As a result, it became to a tug of war by vertical management, and difficult to start during the summer vacation season.
I think it METI which wasted 17.9 billion JPY in "Cool Japan", should at least be removed from here, and the budget should be focused on the industry closest to the end user. In other words, it is ryokan, hotel, simple lodging, tourist facilities, Souvenir shop, restaurant, passenger transport, travel agency, tour conductor, and DMO, and it is should not include OTA under the jurisdiction of MIC.

 6月15日の参院決算委員会で国交大臣は、「Go To キャンペーン」の観光事業の事務委託費は、約2200億円に圧縮されることを明らかにした。ずいぶん減額したものだ。しかもキャンペーンの統括は経産省だという。気概はないのだろうか?

On June 15, the Minister of MLIT announced at the House of Councilors' Closing Committee that the cost of outsourcing the tourism for the "Go To Campaign" will be reduced to about 220 billion JPY. It's a great reduction. Moreover, it is said that oversees the campaign are METI. do you not have pride?

【2020年4月の国際収支】April's Balance of payments 2020


On June 8, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the April‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 262.7 billion JPY. trade balance is deficit of 966.5 billion JPY. travel balance is surplus of 22.5 billion JPY.
In addition, air passenger is surplus of 4.1 billion JPY. this is the result of outbound exceeding inbound. But, sea passenger was deficit of 200 million JPY.
Incidentally, other services is deficit of 601.1 billion JPY. total of the service balances is deficit of 630.2 billion JPY. Japan's weak points is everything except finance and travel.

〖付記:日銀のサービス収支の番号は081~481〗Note: BOJ‘s number of the service balances is 081~481

・For details of "other services" in the service balance, see No.133 2019

【6月9日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 9


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 17,980 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 933 dead, the mortality rate remains at 5.19%. Because the number of PCR tests has not increased (Note the vertical scale when comparing it to the May 31 version).

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK

【抗体検査の質】Quality of antibody tests


Antibody tests is collateral to the safety and security for tourism. in the world of Sumo and Professional baseball already, antibody tests are being conducted for athletes, but antibody tests for 10,000 people have begun in the three prefectures of Tokyo, Osaka, and Miyagi since this month. The SoftBank Group too, conducted its own tests of employees and medical professionals, and published preliminary figures that said 0.43% of the approximately 44,000 people and 191 were "positive."
The antibody test is a test to check whether there is a protein called "antibody" in the blood. When a foreign substance such as a virus enters the body, immune cells produce antibodies that eliminate the foreign substance, but if there is an antibody corresponding to the new corona, it will be evidence of virus infection in the past. Normally, the presence of antibodies is said to prevent infection and aggravation when the same virus invades the body again.
However, the "antibody test" does not show the current progressive infection as in the "PCR test". This is because it takes a certain amount of time for the antibody to develop after being infected with the virus. In addition, it is not certain at present whether the infection will be prevented even if it is "positive". And, since Japan does no have an antibody test kit approved by the government, it uses a simple test kit developed by companies such as China and the United States, but when the Infectious Diseases Society of Japan used the blood of 100 people to evaluate the performance of the four test kits, the "sensitivity" of whether the actual infected person could be correctly tested as positive was the maximum 95% and the minimum 84%.
In the United States and elsewhere, Although there is a movement to use it as the "immune passport" to expand the range of activities if it is "positive" as "this person will not be infected."
According to NHK News on June 12, a research group at Osaka City University has developed a new method of antibody testing using a test kit that contains special particulates that change color depending on the amount of antibodies. This test kit, by shining light of a specific wavelength, and the amount of "IgM antibody" made immediately after infection with the new coronavirus, the amount of "IgG antibody" made after a while, to the amount of "neutralizing antibody" to suppress the function of the virus it is possible to examine the amount of "neutralizing antibody" about 10 minutes. By this, not only tells you if you have been infected, but if you are currently infected, and if you are not likely to get infected in the future. If this is, it is possible to easily quantify the strength of the antibody without the need for a special machine, there is a possibility that an alternative to the PCR tests if the spread progresses.

【6月14日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 14


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 18,241 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 940 dead, the mortality rate is slightly reduced to 5.15%. the increase in Tokyo is remarkable, as a result of the mass examination, it because asymptomatic infected persons will be found. Incidentally, going forward, the Japanese government plans to place the Antigen tests before the PCR tests.

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK
Note the vertical scale when comparing it to the May 31 or June 7 versions

【訪日外国人の激減】Dramatic decrease in foreigners visiting Japan


According to NHK News on June 17, the number of foreign visitors to Japan in May was estimated to be 1,700 due to the spread of new coronavirus infection. The significant decline is due to the Japanese government's current measures to prevent the spread of the disease, and including the refusal of foreigners to enter from the country in 111 countries and regions around the world. this is lowest number of tourists in a month since the start of the statistics in 1964.
The decrease rate was 93% in March, and 99.9% in April and May, showing a record.
The statistics on foreign visitors to Japan, include international students and technical interns not just tourists. In this time case, it is the result of a foreigner who originally lived in Japan re-entering Japan.

【6月19日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 19


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 18,528 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 967 dead, the mortality rate is slightly increased to 5.22%.
By the way, in Iwate Prefecture, where coronavirus infection has not been confirmed, "antibody tests" was carried out on about 1,000 people, including doctors and nurses at hospitals in Iwate Prefecture, but it became clear that no one had any antibodies at all. this is a result far from collective immunity.
According to the theory of collective immunity, about 20 to 60% of people must be antibody positive for the infection to end. But, the antibody positive rate announced by the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare on June 16 was only 0.10% in Tokyo and 0.17% in Osaka, which has the highest number of infected people. This means that it will take more than 40 years to finish the infection.
Apparently, With Corona will continue until an effective vaccine can be made.

【Go To トラベル】Go To Travel

 また、政府の「Go To キャンペーン」の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」については、「観光業は夏がかき入れ時なので、できるだけ8月の早い段階からしっかり実施していきたい。期間については夏だけで終わることは考えていない。夏、秋、冬そして来年の春と、できるだけ息の長い事業にしたい」と述べた。待ったなしの状況である。

From June 19, the refraining from traveling across prefectures was eased nationwide. Japan's Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism said on June 21, at NHK's Sunday Debate program, "We have entered a new phase. We are confident that tourism demand will surely come back, but the major premise is the establishment of safety and security for travelers. I would like to inform the tourism industry to comply with infection control guidelines and to encourage travelers to follow new travel etiquette." and, he stressed the idea that the safety of travelers will be a major prerequisite for the resumption of tourism.
In addition, regarding “Go To Travel” to stimulate tourism demand in the government's “Go To Campaigns”, “I would like to carry out the tourism business as early as August as much as possible because the summer is a time of scraping. I don't think the period will end only in the summer. summer, autumn, winter and next spring, we want to make the business as long-lived as possible." to said. The situation can't wait any longer.
On the other hand, the minister responded to the criticism that the commission cost of the campaign was too high, "Basically, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism rules do not allow subcontracting. Strict checks will be made. Naturally, I am convinced that it will be considerably reduced from the upper limit and it will be appropriate for the people of the people." to said. I don't know who the experts are, but it doesn't seem to appeal to the emotions of like "Discover Japan" in the early 70s.
"Discover Japan" is a campaign by the former JNR to evoke individual travel after the EXPO 1970, and many visuals that invite the emotions of a traveler were introduced, it got a certain result. Produce was Dentsu.

【6月24日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 24

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 18,842 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 982 dead, the mortality rate is slightly reduced to 5.21%. By the so-called aggressive tests seems to have increased the denominator slightly. But, patients with coronavirus are not profitable. If the number of infected people increases, hospital management will be troubled. According to an additional report released on June 5 by three organizations of the Japan Hospital Association, the All Japan Hospital Association, and the Association of Japanese Healthcare Corporations, the medical profit margin of the hospital accepting the coronavirus patients is 78.2% nationwide and 89.2% in Tokyo is became deficit. the following is "Comparison of medical income and expenditure in corona patient acceptance status".

【日本のコロナ倒産負債総額ランキング】Coronavirus Bankruptcy Debt Ranking in Japan

【6月29日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of June 29


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 19,343 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 985 dead, the mortality rate is 5.09%. mortality is decreasing with increasing tests.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.149 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020“ May issue



In the world is already moving toward the after-corona.
April 24, G20 tourism ministers pledged to ensure coordination as their countries ease lockdowns and travel restrictions, and to support the struggling industry's recovery. According to France 24, "We commit to helping tourism sector businesses...entrepreneurs and workers to adapt and thrive in a new post-crisis era, " the ministers said in a joint statement after a virtual meeting hosted by the group's current president Saudi Arabia.
Up to 75 million jobs are at risk in the labour-intensive sector, they said, citing the World Travel and Tourism Council. The tourism minister of Saudi Arabia, which last year issued its first tourist visas to boost the nascent sector, voiced hope the pandemic's impact would be "short-term".
Saudi tourism faces a sharp downturn just months after launching the new visas in September, vaunting ambitions to welcome 100 million visitors by 2030.


Also, At the meeting, the UK minister announced his country's concrete measures.
The economic support most relevant to the tourism and hospitality sector largely falls into two categories.
To support businesses struggling with liquidity, the UK Government has announced:
・Deferral of VAT payments for firms.
・£330bn worth of government backed and guaranteed loans.
・A Retail, hospitality and leisure cash grants scheme; and a business rates relief programme.
・Protection for commercial tenants at risk of eviction.
On employment protection we have set up:
・A Job Retention Scheme where employers can apply for a government grant to cover 80% of workers’ salaries; and
・A scheme to support Self-Employed workers.
・In addition, we have launched an emergency fund to support local tourism management organisations through this period.
And, the minister in regular discussions with the tourism industry about what their priorities are for the recovery period.


The G20 comprises countries and regions: the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, EU, Russia, People's Republic of China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Argentina. From Japan, the Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism participated. But there is no press release at all.


On the other hand, on April 28, the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was received today by H.M. King Felipe VI of Spain to assess how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the tourism sector both nationally and internationally.
The Spanish Head of State was briefed on the global response being led by the UNWTO at the audience, which acknowledged the importance of the tourism sector for economic and social recovery in the face of the pandemic. During the audience, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed the urgency of mustering a coordinated political response at the international level, as well as a real commitment to support tourism, a sector that accounts for 10% of jobs worldwide. The COVID-19 crisis has coincided with the beginning of the Decade of Action, the countdown to the achievement of the 17 Goals deriving from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Tourism, in particular, has demonstrated its important role in sustainable development, “and that is why it must be part of relief programmes and actions, ensuring that no one is left behind”, said Pololikashvili.
Last January, Pololikashvili presented to the King the Madrid Declaration on Tourism in the 21st Century. This Declaration, the Secretary-General said, “is now more relevant than ever because it emphasizes the resilience of tourism in the most difficult situations”.
According to the UNWTO’s figures, tourism accounts for 12% of the GDP of Spain, which in 2019 received nearly 84 million international tourists, whose expenditure amounted to 80 billion US dollars. In 2018, the country was the world’s number two destination in terms of both tourism arrivals and receipts. 
Today, tourism is among the hardest hit sectors due to COVID-19 and its consequences. The UNWTO estimates that international tourist arrivals worldwide this year could fall by as much as 30%, with a corresponding loss of international tourism receipts of up to 450 billion US dollars. At the same time, the UNWTO recalls that tourism has been a reliable driver of recovery in the wake of past crises, generating wide-ranging benefits that have transcended the sector, reflecting its broad-based economic value chain and deep social footprint.
The Secretary-General expressed his gratitude for the support given to the mandate of the UNWTO, the only United Nations specialized agency headquartered in Spain.
The pandemic “is a challenge for Spain and the rest of the world, but far from defeating us, it will make us stronger as a global society,” he concluded.

【5月1日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 1

【実態把握】Grasping the facts


BBC News on May 2 revealed that the UK government, which had pledged to test 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day by April 30, had provided more than 122,000 tests.
The target of 100,000 cases per day was pledged by the UK Health Minister on April 2. At the time, there were 10,000 tests a day in the UK, with patients in particularly critically ill and medical, care and emergency services staff atop priority. But, in order to increase the number of inspections at once, the UK government has set up a "huge lab" for inspection agencies to examine specimens, and has set up drive-through inspection sites in about 50 locations. In addition, home inspection services and mobile inspection centers were also established
The total number of tests provided includes 27,497 inspections sent to residents' homes and 12,872 inspection kits delivered to health facilities in the UK. Out of 122,347 inspections within 24 hours on May 1, more than 70,000 were actually tested.
On the other hand, the inspection of COVID-19 in Japan is very few. In the case of Tokyo's 23 wards, the center of the japanese epidemic, only 10,981 people have been tested for COVID-19 since February, but of those, more than 4,000 person was positive.
This result stands out in both the number of people tested few and the height of the positive percentage. Guidelines for Japanese doctors say that patients should only be tested if they have pneumonia. they are testing only people who already have obvious symptoms, such as fever of 37,5 degrees or more for 4 consecutive days.
Professor of King's College London said "they don't care about mild illness and they focused on cases where they have serious symptoms to save life. The test focuses on those who have symptoms" is not a mistake. However, from a public health perspective, he says japan's stance not to expand testing is extremely dangerous.
Also, according to Keio University's Attached Hospital, last week, 6% of patients hospitalized with covid-19 unrelated to COVID-19 were tested positive for PCR tests.
If the number of tests does not increase, the actual situation is not unknown. Grasping the facts is essential to regain daily life.

【緊急事態宣言の延長を進言した専門家会議のメンバー】A member of the expert council who advised to extend the Declaration of Emergency Situation

Decided to extend the emergency situation declaration, But, there is no one economist. They are only those who are afraid of the over medical, and does not speak of exit strategy. On the other hand, some prefectures plan to cancel of the business suspension requests. It is natural.
As of May 5, the confirmed infected person of 47 prefectures is 15965 (Iwate 0), the leaving hospital is 5147 people, the rate become 32.2%. dead is 569 mortality is 3.56%. There are too few denominators, because Tokyo which has the highest number of infected people, is neglecting the tests.

Why isn't the Japanese "all automatic PCR tester" introduced in Japan?


The obstacles to PCR testing in Japan are due to the vestbd-interest structure of "Iron Triangle" by the political world and the government world and the financial world, and vested interests, rock regulation and bureaucracy.


【5月6日現在】As of May 6


As I predicted last week, the number of confirmed infections during the consecutive holidays declined. however, Japan's after-corona is still far away because don't grasping the facts.

【中国のアフター・コロナ】CCP‘s after-corona





1. Information infrastructure
Internet infrastructure such as 5G, IoT, industrial Internet, satellite Internet, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, new technology infrastructure such as blockchain, computer infrastructure fields such as data centers and supercomputer centers.

2. Fusion Infrastructure
It will take the technology of the Internet, big data, and AI to the level up traditional infrastructure. Smart transportation infrastructure, smart energy infrastructure, etc.

3. Innovation Infrastructure
Public-interest infrastructure that supports scientific research, technology development, and product development. Critical science and technology infrastructure, science education infrastructure, industrial technology innovation infrastructure, etc.

This is the area of the Chinese Communist Party's policy of the construction of new basic infrastructure. The aim is to take control of the global supply chain, including digital infrastructure supporting 5G, industrial Internet, data centers, AI technologies, and the development of next-generation transportation infrastructure, including new energy vehicles and self-driving charging stations. In other words, the idea is to take the initiative in the world of 5G base stations, UHV power lines, new orbital traffic construction, new energy vehicle charging stations, big data centers, AI, and industrial Internet. China is aiming to become the next standard in the world, a rule maker of the international community to replace the United States. This is china's after-corona.
The evolution of technology is not bad. The problem is that China is still in dictatorship / totalitarianism far from democracy / liberalism. This was revealed by the sweetness and opaque manipulation of china's crisis management in the Wuhan virus epidemic.

【東京都の感染陽性率】Infection positive rate in Tokyo


0n May 9, Tokyo finally disclosed the black box from January 24 to May 7. Unintentionally, we can see a sharp increase in the number of PCR inspections on May 7, when the consecutive holidays have ended. Inspections covered by insurance until May 6 are not reflected, but it is extremely few. This announcement of Tokyo was made in consideration of Osaka, which set forth its own criteria. Osaka Prefecture has set a deadline for the tally at 16 o'clock and publishes the daily number of positives, PCR tests, negative confirmations, positive rates, and the occupation and background of the positives, which are published every evening on its web-site.

【5月10日現在】As of May 10


The confirmed infected person of 47 prefectures is 16489 (Iwate 0), the leaving hospital is 8778 people, the rate become 53.2%. dead is 637 mortality is 3.86%. The number of tests has increased, but the denominator is still too few.

【抗原検査】Antigen test


According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the ability to carry out PCR test per day was 17,614 as of May 9.  The breakdown is 800 cases at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 2300 cases at quarantine stations, 5146 cases at public health centers, 6703 cases at private inspection companies, 1639 cases at universities, and 1026 cases at medical institutions.  however, this is a potential, not a real number. the maximum number of actual tests was only 9,300 per day.
Therefore, it was decided to introduce "antigen test" in Japan too. This test is a simple test to determine whether or not infected with COVID-19, unlike the "PCR test" for amplifying the gene does not require a special technique, the result can be obtained in about 30 minutes.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare approved this "antigen test" kit on May 13.  It is a policy that it will be put to practical use promptly after applying insurance.  For the time being, it seems that it will be mainly used for "returnees / contacts outpatients" in highly infected areas such as Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, and Hokkaido.  Since the accuracy is lower than that of PCR by about 80-90%, the person who becomes positive by the antigen test can be confirmed at that time, but the person who becomes negative will carry out the PCR test again.
However, the guarantees the safety and security of the Olympics, Expo, group travels, and international tourism is this and vaccine (not therapeutic agents).

【ラスベガス・サンズの撤退】Withdrawal of Las Vegas Sands


Regarding the Integrated Resort with casino in Japan, Caesars withdrawal in August last year, but Las Vegas Sands also announced withdrawal on May 12.
According to Bloomberg, Sands showed difficulty in recovering investment due to the short validity of the license and the possibility of changes to conditions by the government and local governments. In addition, it seems that the damage caused by the Wuhan virus is also affecting. the sales from January to March this year fell 51% from the same period of the previous year to $ 1780 million, and the final profit / loss fell to a deficit of $ 51 million, and closed IRs in the US and Singapore. The CEO was also known as President Trump's big donor, but he said, "It is difficult for us to achieve our goals in the framework of IR development in Japan." and said he would focus on growth opportunities outside of Japan.
Las Vegas Sands was aiming for Yokohama, but in the future it will be a competition of Galaxy Entertainment, Merco Resorts & Entertainment, Wynn Resorts, and SEGA SAMMY. MGM Resorts is a bystander because the joint selection with ORIX has already been decided as a vendor selection in Osaka. the planned site for the construction of MGM is Yumeshima, which will be the site after the "Osaka Expo 2025".
Incidentally, as I wrote in 2018 No.123, Mr. Hyland, executive vice president and CEO of the MGM Japan branch, was the Chief Minister of the U.S. Embassy in Japan, and a Temporary Deputy Ambassador, during the Obama administration, and he was the person who suddenly set Obama's visit to Hiroshima during the Ise Shima G7 Summit. Being close to the US Democratic Party, caution is required in Wall Street trends and CCP strategies.

【2020年3月の国際収支】March's Balance of payments 2020


On May 14, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of March. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 1971 billion JPY. the year-on-year become to ▲32.1%.
The trade balance is 103.1 billion JPY. the exports is 6.1974 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.0943 trillion JPY. the year-on-year is ▲85.2%.
On the other hand, the travel balance was 24.5 billion JPY. the credit is 72.4 billion JPY, and the debit was 47.8 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for March was 193,700 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 272,700 people (Both preliminary), by the influence of the Wuhan virus pandemic.
Passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 0 JPY, and the debit is 0 JPY for 0 JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 9.9 billion JPY and the debit is 9.2 billion JPY for 700 million JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) To my surprise, when the inbound and outbound reversed, the balance also reversed. You can see that the inbound was occupied by an overseas airline.
The other services, the Credit is 1344.7 billion JPY and the Debit is 1262.9 billion JPY for 81.8 billion JPY.

【5月14日現在】As of May 14

May 14, the Emergency Situation Declaration was partially lifted. the continuation of declaration became eight prefectures, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Osaka, Kyoto, and Hyogo.

【5月15日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 15


The confirmed infected person of 47 prefectures is 16915 (Iwate 0), the leaving hospital is 10989 people, the rate become 64.96%. dead is 726 only, but mortality is 4.3%.

【マスク外交】The Mask Diplomacy


Amid the worldwide spread of Wuhan virus, CCP is developing “mask diplomacy” to provide medical supplies to each country.
According to The Xinhua News Agency on May 17, the Chinese Customs Office exported a total of 50.9 billion masks, 216 million pieces of protective clothing, 162 million virus test kits, and 72,700 respirators. The total amount of RMB 134.4 million = JPY about 17.5 billion euros. The main export destinations are the United States, Japan, and Europe.
However, from the end of March, there were complaints from each country that medical supplies were defective.
According to Newsweek, the Netherlands has announced that it will collect 600,000 masks that have already been distributed to hospitals. because some of the mask filters were defective and did not meet quality standards. Spain announced that about 60,000 coronavirus rapid diagnostic kits purchased from Chinese manufacturers were too low in diagnostic accuracy to detect infections. Turkey also announced similar complaints about some of the test kits it ordered.
The EU High Representative for Foreign Security issued a warning on "geopolitical factors" or "generosity as a political instrument". It means that the motive for support should be doubted.

【合衆国大統領からWHOのテドロス氏に宛てた書簡】The letter sent to Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization from the US President













  ・2020年1月28日、北京で習主席と会談した後。 貴方は中国がコロナウイルスに関して「透明性」があることで中国政府を称賛し、中国が「アウトブレイクコントロールのための新しい基準」を設定し、「世界に時間を稼いだ」と発表した。それまでに、中国がウイルスについて発言したことで数人の医師を沈黙または罰し、中国の機関がウイルスに関する情報を公開することを制限したことについては言及しなかった。



 ・2020年2月3日の時点で、中国は渡航制限を解除、または未然に防ぐよう各国に強く圧力をかけた。 この圧力キャンペーンは、その日の貴方の誤った発言によって支えられ、中国国外へのウイルスの拡散は「最小限で遅く」、「中国国外への感染の可能性は非常に低かった」と世界に伝えた。

 ・2020年3月3日。世界保健機関(WHO)は、無症候性広がりの非常に深刻なリスクを軽視する中国の公式データを引用し、「COVID- 19はインフルエンザほど効率的に伝染しない」と世界に伝え、インフルエンザとは異なり、この病気は主に「感染しているが、まだ病気ではない人々」によって引き起こされたわけではないと語った。世界保健機関は中国の証拠として、「報告された症例の1%のみが症状を示さず、それらの症例のほとんどが2日以内に症状を発現することを示した」と世界に伝えた。しかし、多くの専門家は日本からのデータを引用し、韓国およびその他の国は、これらの主張に精力的に質問した。世界保健機関によって世界に繰り返された中国の主張が非常に不正確であったことは今や明らかだ。





おそらく、これらのすべての失敗よりも悪いのは、世界保健機関がもっとうまくできたはずだということを私たちは知っているということだ。ほんの数年前、別の事務局長の指示の下で、世界保健機関は世界にそれがどれだけ提供しなければならないかを示していた。2003年、中国で発生した重症急性呼吸器症候群(SARS)の際、ハーレム・ブラントランド局長は、55年間で初めて世界保健機関が緊急旅行勧告を大胆に宣言し、中国南部の感染地への往来を拒否するよう勧告した。 彼女はまた、中国が内部告発者を逮捕し、メディアを検閲するという通常のプレイブックを通じて流行を隠蔽しようとすることで世界の健康を危険にさらしていると批判することをためらわなかった。貴方がブランドランド博士の模範に従っていたら、多くの命が救われたかもしれない。




〖論拠〗Grounds of an argument

2 weeks after the Chinese New Year holidays

3 weeks after the Chinese New Year holidays


The Chinese New Year Holiday in 2020 was seven consecutive holidays from January 25 to 31. According to statistics from Trip.com, a major Chinese OTA, the most popular country for overseas travel to countries around China was Japan. Next are Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and India. Also, the most popular destination for long-distance travel abroad was Australia. Next are the USA, Italy, New Zealand, UK, Spain, Russia, France, UAE and Germany.

〖採択決議〗Adopted resolutions


The WHO's annual general meeting, which was held for the first time in the form of a on-iine conference with the participation of 194 member countries, ended the two-day schedule on the 19th. Taiwan could not even join the observer, due to China's opposition.
The General Assembly adopted a resolution requiring WHO to conduct a fair and independent verification of this response. In closing, Executive Secretary Tedros gives the WHO transparency and accountability, and said promised to continue improving it. Also, he indicated that WHO's response would be independently verified as soon as possible.

【5月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 20


The confirmed infected person of 47 prefectures is 17145 people (Iwate 0), dead is 797, but mortality is 4.5%.

On May 21, the Japanese government held the Headquarters for the Emergency Situations Declaration, and announced the release of Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo. On the other hand, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba have officially decided to continue. Prime Minister Abe said the region that would continue the declaration would listen to experts on this month 25 again.

【5月25日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 25


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 17,344 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 864 dead, the mortality rate is increasing to 4.98%. because few denominators.

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK
 また、政府はダメージを受けた観光業や外食産業への需要を喚起する施策を実施する方針も固めた。期間は7月下旬からで、予算は国内旅行補助や飲食店で使えるクーポン券など、合わせて約1兆7千億円。「GO TOキャンペーン」と銘打ち、国内旅行の半額(最大2万円/1泊)を助成し、土産物店で使えるクーポンを発行、飲食店のプレミアム食事券や、イベントの割引チケットも発行する予定である。

The results of the PCR test have not been disclosed since May 13, however on May 25, the Japanese government held the Headquarters for the Emergency Situations Declaration again, and announced the release of also Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba. With this, all prefectures be released, and details is will be gradually eased. it is the responsibility of the governors from now on.
In addition, the Japanese government has decided to implement measures to stimulate demand for the tourism industry and the restaurant industry, which have been impact by the coronavirus. The period is from the latter half of July. The budget is about 1.7 trillion JPY including subsidies for domestic travel and coupons that can be used at restaurants. As a "GO TO Campaign", half the price of domestic travel will be subsidized, and issue coupons that can be used at souvenir shops. Also, it plans to issue premium meal tickets for restaurants and discount event tickets.
However, since inbound demand cannot be expected for a while, the target is the domestic market only. moreover, all 47 prefectures have the same expectations for this demand stimulating measure. under the magical-chair games, it can‘t be denied that the difference in the ability of local governments for promotion becomes clear.

Results of PCR tests in Japan by NHK

NHK resumed the publication of PCR test numbers of nationwide on May 29. the period is 3 weeks from May 3. This seems to be the basis for canceling all prefectures. But, also decrease in the number of inspections can be seen during the consecutive holidays and every weekend.

【5月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of May 30


The number of infected in 47 prefectures is 17,589 people (Iwate prefecture is 0). there are 907 dead, the mortality rate is 5.15%, one in twenty. because few denominators.

【雇用調整助成金】Employment adjustment subsidy

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