
No.124『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2018』5月号 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development" May Issue


【京都の現状】A current situation in Kyoto


The advantage of Internet news is that I can access local news in each prefecture. By this, I can also known the efforts for each Prefecture's international tourism. Among them, recently there are an increasing number of news on private lodging business, and we can see also that the critical opinion is occupying the majority. Also, on March 30, a report of the condominium management association that the condominium management union banning the private lodging business reaches 80.5% nationwide is also reported. It seems there is a concern that it will damage asset value. No wonder, in February this year, the privete lodging murder case occurred, on Higashinari-ku and Nishinari-ku, Osaka, and in January of the previous month, small fire occurred in the private lodging wooden house on Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. Also, in March, the Illegal drag purification was discovered in a room of  private lodging residential apartment on Minato-ku and Ota-ku, Tokyo. As expected, because the safety and security of the living area has begun to be threatened.
Such as situation could not be imagined about seven years ago, when the embassies of each country ran away from all over Japan, due to the explosion of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Anyhow in the autumn of 2014, I was must be appeal the necessity of Japanese international tourism to the OECD and EUROSTAT's the Tourism Statistics Forum still. because it became the biggest outbound in history and got even more late.
Then four years passed, and now the word "inbound" has also established, and the doubtful consultants increased too, and also in each prefecture it became like the "omotenashi" competitions for to foreign tourists. It's an incredible change.
However, it's only the number of people that many of the municipalities still use as the criteria for evaluation, moreover it is also a double count and a triple count. it one person is become two or three persons on the same area. the economic effects of regional industry, I think it will very beneficial to evaluate the number of tourists and receipts of hotels and ryokans using anonymous big data.
For example, According to the Kyoto Shimbun on March 21, revenues of 147 facilities including hotels and ryokans with headquarters in Kyoto Prefecture increased in fiscal year 2016 by 4.2% from the previous fiscal year to 108.8 billion JPY. Of the 147 companies surveyed, the revenue increase is 60 companies, which is only 40.8% of the total. the news source is the Teikoku Data Bank Kyoto Branch. By income size, the 1 billion JPY or more and less than 5 billion JPY is 7 companies out of 12 companies, and the 500 million JPY or more and less than 1 billion JPY is 10 out of 17 companies. on the other hand, the 100 million JPY or more and less than 500 million JPY is 32 companies out of 84 companies, and the less than 100 million JPY was 10 out of 31 companies.
As Teikoku Databank's view, sluggishness is particularly prominent in small to medium-sized ryokans and hotels, and analyzed that competition with Guest houses and Private lodging has intensified. In addition, for the opening of the new hotels and development plans are continuing until around 2020, it suggests the possibility to bipolarization progress. it is such a situation, despite the one of the most popular destinations.
By the way, Teikoku Databank does not mention about hotels and ryokans whose headquarters are outside the prefecture.
Actually, I thought that this 147 companies seemed very few for Kyoto-Fu, so I tried to examine it separately in the administrative report example of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. By doing this, it as of the end of 2015 data of 219 hotels and 680 ryokans came out. It's 899 in total. Although that is not necessarily 899 companies, it can be seen that the outside the prefecture capital accounts for a large proportion. Also, Cheap lodgings is 1131 facilities in there too.
The rivals of regional hotels and ryokans seems to be not only private lodging business.

【日本の主要旅行業者50社の取扱高2017】Sales figures of Japan's major travel industry 50 companies 2017

 とはいえ、 その総額は昨年同期比で1230億円ほど未だ足りない。49社から再び50社になったにもかかわらず、国内旅行が大きく低下した為である。総額は5兆6495億6253万9000円だ。

Every month the JTA has published, Japanese major travel agencies's trends in the preliminary figures of the sales. the period from January to December in 2017 was complete at March. this is not a fiscal year from April to March. but, it is suitable for matching with the Travel balance or overseas datas.
According to this, the total domestic travel in 2017 was decreased by about 199.3 billion JPY, from the previous year to 3,389,437,669,000 JPY. But, the total overseas travel in 2017 was increased by about 49,9 billion JPY, from the previous year to 2,042,121,036,000 JPY. Also, the foreigner travel in 2017 was increased by about 26.3 billion JPY from the previous year to 218,003,834,000 JPY.
However, on the total amounts is about 123 billion JPY less than the same period last year. it is due to the large drop in domestic travel, despite to reached 50 companies again from 49. the total amount is 5,649,562,539,000 JPY.
The games to take a chair is accelerated by the society's declining birthrate and aging, also self-booking also increased dramatically. this industry is in the process of realignment now.



According to the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan, the population of Japan in 1945 when it was defeated by the war was 71,998,104 people, except for Okinawa (about 590,000 people). It reached its peak in 2010 after the postwar rebuilding period, the high economic growth period, and the bubble period it as 128.1 million people. however, in the census of 2015 it turned out that it turned to a decline. Japan entered to a population declining society. this not only reduces the labor force, but also the number of customers decreases.
The National Institute of Social Security and Population Research announced, the population estimate population by region until 2045 on March 30. According to this, in 2045, the proportion of elderly people aged 65 or over will be over 40% in 19 prefectures, Akita prefecture will reach 50.1%. also, the total population will decline in all prefectures between 2030 to 2035. According to the Chunichi Shimbun on March 31, the predicted population of Japan in 2045 is 106.421 million people. the predicted population of Mie prefecture is 1.431million people, and it is said will be 385,000 fewer, than 1.816 million of 2015.
By the way, the population of DPRK, which is on the upward trend, is 25.37 million (2016), ROK is 51.25 million (same year), totaling 76.67 million people. This is equivalent to Japan's population at the time of the end of the war, and if it reached the economic growth stage by fulfilling North-South reunification under China, its national strength may exceed that of Japan. on the special procurement due to national unity, in the case of the democratization like in Germany, there is also a reaction accompanying, although there is immediate effect. but in the case of the socialization like in Vietnam, it seems that it grows slowly over time. In any case, the birth of a market like a former Japan will be welcomed in many countries especially in terms of trade. it as an emerging market.
On the other hand, Japanese the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced the population estimate as of October 1, 2017 on April 13. The total population decreased by 22.7 million (0. 18%) from the previous year to 126.706 million, a decline for the seventh consecutive year. The number of elderly people aged 65 and older increased by 561,000 to 35,152,000, accounting for 27.7% of the total population.
The declining birthrate and rapid population decline due to aging began.
Once in Japan, there had a power of strong domestic demand. even the thing which only applies in Japan was enough for the domestic market alone.
The strength of this domestic demand supported economic growth with the population growth of the next generation, but prices of goods and land increased due to growth expectations too. Now I think it was collateral for social security, and it was the basis on graph rising to the right. For the survival of the country it is necessary to increase the Japanese again.
For example, what if supposing that incentive of 10 million JPY from the country will be paid at the time of birth per capita?
this as 217.50 million JPY lifetime consumption it will be swell to 21.705 times, and circulate throughout the country. Of course, rule making is indispensable for use, and it may be necessary to reconsider overseas migration. also parents' exploitation and child abandonment should receive severe punishment.
For the financial resources, it is appropriate that is from the internal reserved of 406.2348 trillion JPY which was accumulated by the big company which is the beneficiary so far. If targeting 2 million births annually, it is only 20 trillion JPY, that is, it is just 5% investment.
As a result, employment and work will surely increase year by year in order, from the Baby industries.
Moreover, rapid market growth is also advantageous to the stability of the trade face and the economic security. it's cheap thing as an investment. If corporate performance improves, it will also benefit shareholders.
Incidentally, the profitability to the automotive industries its will begin 18 years later. the profitability of the tourism industry will begin 11 or 12 years later, by the school trip of elementary school students.

【取らぬ狸の皮算用】Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

 『オックスフォード・エコノミクス』は、オックスフォード大学のビジネスカレッジであるテンプルトンカレッジとの協力による、商業ベースの研究機関である。海外進出をめざす英国の企業および金融機関に対し、経済予測と計量経済モデル構築のサービスを提供し、世界有数のアドバイザリー研究機関となった。現在、200ヶ国、100業種、3000 都市以上の、業種や都市を対象とした調査レポートに、世界経済モデルや産業モデルの予測、分析ツールを提供している。
 そのディレクターがオバマ政権時代の2015年7/29、超党派国会議員による国際観光産業振興議員連盟(IR議連)勉強会に招かれ、講義をおこなった。題して、オックスフォード・エコノミクス・レポート『Beyond 2020: 統合型リゾートの実現がもたらす日本の観光業の発展及び経済的インパクト』である。



On March 26, a group of experts who said that casinos and other IR should be established in around Chubu Airport reported the result of the discussion so far to the governor of Aichi prefecture. It seems that Tokyo or Osaka are not the only ones that want casino, and also Hokkaido, Wakayama prefecture, and Nagasaki Prefecture are Raising hands. Are you seriously thinking that your sponsor can make a profit even outside Tokyo or Osaka?
At least "Oxford Economics" will not think so. however, Tokyo has decided to relocate Tsukiji market to Toyosu. Aufheben was destroyed.
"Oxford Economics" is a research institute of the commercial base by cooperation with Templeton College of the Business College of Oxford University. it was offering the service of econometric model building and economic forecasts for the UK companies and financial institutions seeking to expand overseas, then, it became one of the world's leading advisory research institutions. and currently, 200 countries, 100 industries, of more than 3,000 cities, in addition to the investigation report, provides a forecast and analysis tools for the world economic model and industrial model.
On July 29, 2015 during the Obama administration, during the Obama administration, the Oxford Economics's director has been invited for lecture to the meeting of the "Federation of International Tourism Industry Promotion legislators" of bipartisan lawmakers. on the basis of the Oxford Economics's report the "Beyond 2020 : Tourism Growth and the Economic Impact of Integrated Resorts in Japan".
In this report, construction of the IR facility assumed in each of Tokyo area and Osaka area. that building investment scale is Tokyo 1 trillion JPY, and the Osaka 0.85 trillion JPY. one of the candidate sites is Yumeshima. and, the other one is the Tokyo Bay of a agenda from the Ishihara Governor era.
The prediction of Oxford Economics was as follows.

[The push-up effect of GDP]in Tokyo area 1.4 trillion JPY (0.27% of the national GDP). in Osaka 0.95 trillion JPY (0.19% of the national GDP).
[Direct economic ripple effect by IR facility]in Tokyo area 1.2 trillion JPY/year. in Osaka area 0.8 trillion JPY/year.
[Aggregate spending]in Tokyo area 2.2 trillion JPY. in Osaka area 1.6 trillion JPY.
[Direct employment in the IR facility]in Tokyo area 34,500 people. in Osaka area 26,000 people.
[Job creation]in Tokyo area 103,000 people. in Osaka area 77,500 people.
[Expansion forecast of personal income]in Tokyo Area 450 billion JPY. in Osaka area 340 billion JPY.
[Annual tax revenue (the national tax + local tax)]in Tokyo Area 470 billion JPY. in Osaka area 340 billion JPY.
[Job creation associated with the construction (4 or 5 years)]in Tokyo area 98,000 people/year. in Osaka area 80,500 people/year.

In addition, the Director predicted the purchasing activities of the casino and related facilities. in the Tokyo area is 180 billion JPY and in the Osaka area is 150 billion JPY. these are estimates based on Singapore's successful example, but the content of the implementation bill agreed on April 3 this year it would be unexpected.
According to Reuters on April 3, the ruling party's working team for the integrated resort implementation bill has decided that the admission fee for Japanese casino is 6000 JPY it is by considering the difference in per capita GDP between Singapore with Japan. by this, all agenda items of this bill were agreed, and the government prepares this bill and submits to the current Diet session.
Items agreed so far, are limited to 3 days in 7 days and 10 times in 28 days for Japanese admission. a means of identity verification use the my number card. Casino tax is 30% of casino revenue. the casino area in IR up to 3% of the total floor area ratio. And, the number of the approval areas is three places. reconsideration of the number of regions to be approval will be seven years after the first region was approved.
When the IR implementation method is established, the country establishes casino management committee, formulates the basic policy, and publicly invites the desired municipality. The municipality side selects IR companies by public offering. Then, in cooperation with the business operator, create an area improvement plan and apply for certification to the country. After that, the national government will conduct an examination and the area will be certified based on the opinion of the IR promotion headquarters composed of the prime minister and all the cabinet members.
Compared with the time advocated by Ishihara Shintaro, the hurdles become quite high. however I do not know whether 30% the nuisance fee is enough, and Illegal casinos will be also increase, like private lodging business. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" is dangerous.

【国登録有形文化財トレーディング・カード】Nation Registered Tangible Cultural Property's trading cards


Mie Prefectural Architects Association has issued the Nation Registered Tangible Cultural Property's trading cards, located in Mie prefecture on this Spring. "Nation Registered Tangible Cultural Property" is cultural property registration system which was provided in 1996, and its purpose is the protection of modern buildings that will be lost by urban development.
"Act on Protection of Cultural Properties" of Japan, it was established at 1950 of after the end of World War II. this law is an integration in conventional three the law the "National Treasure Preservation Act", the "Historical Landmark Scenic Spot Natural Memorial Preservation Act", the " Important Art and Work Conservation Act". and to this added the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Folklore Material, the Buried Cultural Property to subsumed in the new concept of the newly "Cultural Property" as a comprehensive legislation of cultural heritage protection system.
The "Tangible Cultural Property" the "Intangible Cultural Property" the "Monument" the "Buried Cultural Properties" etc, type of cultural property is defined.
Nation Registered Tangible Cultural Properties located in Matsusaka city is 19  properties as of April 2018.

◇松阪市立歴史民俗資料館倉庫 (旧飯南郡図書館) 1997
 Municipal Museum of History and Folklore's the warehouse (The former Iinan County Library)
◇松阪市立歴史民俗資料館本館 (旧飯南郡図書館) 1997
 Municipal Museum of History and Folklore's the main building (The former Iinan County Library)
◇松阪市文化財センター (旧カネボウ綿糸松阪工場綿糸倉庫) 2002
 Matsusaka Cultural Property Center (The former Kanebo cotton Matsusaka factory's cotton warehouse)
◇鈴屋遺蹟保存会旧事務所 2007
 Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the old office
◇鈴屋遺蹟保存会正門 2007
 Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the main gate
◇鈴屋遺蹟保存会倉庫 2007
 Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the warehouse
◇鈴屋遺蹟保存会塀 2007
 Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the wall
◇旧飯南郵便局局舎 2011
 The former Iinan post office station building
◇佐野家住宅石垣 2013
 Sano house's the stone wall
◇佐野家住宅小蔵 2013
 Sano house's the small warehouse
◇佐野家住宅主屋 2013
 Sano house's the main house
◇佐野家住宅土塀 2013
 Sano house's the earthen wall
◇鈴木家住宅蔵 2013
 Suzuki house's the warehouse
◇鈴木家住宅主屋 2013
 Suzuki house's the main house
◇鈴木家住宅納屋 2013
 Suzuki house's the barn
◇八千代鶴亀棟 2016
 Ryokan Yachiyo's the Tsurukame building
◇八千代大広間棟 2016
 Ryokan Yachiyo's the large hall building
◇八千代玄関棟 2016
 Ryokan Yachiyo's the entrance building
 Ken-an (Former Koizumi family housing main building)

The cards in the photo is "Ryokan Yachiyo's the entrance building","Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the main gate","Suzunoya-ruins Preservation Society's the old office","Matsusaka City Cultural Property Center". Let's collect from Matsusaka.

【セントレアの2018年4月】Centrair's April 2018


According to the Chunichi Shimbun on April 6, Chubu International Airport enters preparation for the construction of the LCC terminal. The building is two stories long, and the floor space is 45,000 square meters. It is planned to have the capacity to be used by 4.5 million people annually, it is said to have apron for ten airplanes.
However, the convenience into the United States or Europe is not good still, even if cheap LCC increases.
The following is numbers in a round-trip per week of the international flights of Central Japan International Airports in April. A total number is 381 round-trip in a week. among them, the European flights is slightly 3.15% of the total in the 12 round trip in a week. on the other hand, mainland China flights is 41.2% in the 157 round-trip in a week.

フランクフルト Frankfurt 5, ヘルシンキ Helsinki 7

アブダビ Abu Dhabi 5

デトロイト Detroit 5

北京 Beijing 19, 上海 Shanghai 70, 成都 Chengdu 7, 大連 Dalian 4, 広州 Guangzhou 7, 蘭州 Lanzhou7, 寧波 7, 青島 Qingdao 7, 太原 Taiyuan 3, 瀋陽 Shenyang 2, 天津 Tianjin 7, 西安 Xian 7, 厦门(アモイ) Xiamen 7, 煙台 Yantai 3,

香港 Hong Kong 35

台北 Taipei 31

仁川 Incheon 42, 釜山 Busan 7

マニラ Manila 18

セブ島 Cebu 3

バンコク Bangkok 19

ハノイ Hanoi 7, ホーチミン Ho Chi Minh City 7

シンガポール Singapore 7

ホノルル Honolulu 12

グアム Guam 14

(2018年3/25から4/30 From March 25 to April 30 2018)

【貿易摩擦】A trade friction


The bilateral trade deficit has become a problem in the United States. the target is not only China. Japan is one of them.
However, the United States seems to assume the goods transaction only, and it has not see service trade, even though the President is the owner of a worldwide hotel chain. because aims to revive the lost belt. Or the United States don't know ?
According to the UNWTO's data, the country which has gain the most International tourism receipts is always the United States, and the incomes of recent years as follows※. the latest data of 2016 is provisional figure still, but it is 205,940 million USD. I also mentioned at the time of the Eurostat's Global Forum on Tourism Statistics Forum in 2014, but the United States is the most tourism power in the world. Incidentally, Japan is only 30.678 million USD.
Therefore, looking at the bilateral country tourist arrival from 2007 to 2016 with the data of ITA and JNTO, the total number of the Japanese tourists to the USA for the 10 years is 34,898,906 people, and the number of the American tourists to the Japan is 8,260,901 people. In fact, it turned out that there was a disparity of 4.2 times. the United States is a popular tourist destination for Japanese. According to the NHK news on April 13, saying that also the consecutive holiday in May this year the tours to Seattle from Japan seems increasing rapidly, because there may be a confrontation of Ichiro and Otani of the Japanese pitchers.
Anyway, Travel balance of Japan had always in deficit from 1971 to 2014.

※2007   96,896 million USD 2008 110,423 million USD 2009   94,191 million USD
 2010 137,010 million USD 2011 115,552 million USD 2012 161,631 million USD
 2013 177,484 million USD 2014 191,918 million USD 2015 205,418 million USD
 2016 205,940 million USD

【2018年2月の国際収支】February's Balance of payments 2018


On April 9, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of February. the NHK news at 9:00 am was not broadcast, by the National Assembly relay also this time.
Well, the Current account balance in February is a surplus of 6.4235 trillion JPY, but it is down 28.7% from the previous year. Among them, the Travel Balance is surplus of 178.3 billion JPY, and the Trade Balance is 188.7 billion JPY. the exports are 6.4235 trillion JPY, and the imports are 6.2348 tillion JPY. the credit of the Travel balance is 339.9 billion JPY, and the debit was 161.6 billion JPY.
This year's trade balance is a situation that cannot be predicted for now, by the US trade imbalance correction policy. I think it necessary to greatly increase the travel balance more.
Of course the same can be said for passenger transportation. the credit of the Sea passenger is 100 million JPY and the debit is 2.2 billion JPY for ▲2.1 billion JPY. the credit of the Air passenger is 30.4 billion JPY and the debit is 68.4 billion JPY for ▲38 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) There are far more Freight handling than Passenger as usual.
Incidentally, according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for this a month was 2,509,300 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,390,500 people (Both preliminary).

[経常収支/国際収支]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

         Jan.  6,074
         Feb. 20,760
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
  Feb. 1,887      Feb. 1,227
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
  Feb.19,481      Feb.▲1,835
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
  Feb.  ▲553      Feb. 1,783
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Feb.    ▲3

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
  Feb.   ▲21      Feb.   371
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54
  Feb.  ▲380      Feb.    63

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

From an Recommendation document of achievement of the target of 2020 and on traveling to Japan for sustainable growth after 2021.


JATA's Japan Tourism Promotion Committee submitted to JTA an " Recommendation document of achievement of the target of 2020 and on traveling to Japan for sustainable growth after 2021" on 6th March.
The priority themes are three "Quality improvement", "Safety and security", "Promotion of induction to the regions". the target towards is the national government, municipality, or both. Although the full text was posted also in the tourism economic newspaper on April 14, the summary of which is as follows.
First, about "Quality improvement" of theme 1. it has requesting visitors to reconsider the division between the land operators who can guarantee a certain quality of contents of tailor-made trips and the land operators who merely arrange for substitution. Also, says as an expanded version of the Tour Operator Quality Certification System, quality standards are also should be established for restaurants, souvenir shops, and accommodations, and give a mark to the facility that satisfies it and make it look safe and secure and quality. Moreover it calling for the introduction of certain criteria that foreign visitors to Japan can stay and use with confidence. In addition, it will be give batches to repeaters who have visited a certain number of times or more, and also recommend incentives to receive certain benefit services. Regarding customer attraction policy, it is requesting the implementation of promotions such as implementation of a femtrip focusing on regions and support for pamphlet production expenses to travel agencies in Europe, the United States and Australia where the country is not yet started. And for to the national and local governments, it also request simplification of the procedures for using MICE's unique venue, and aggregation and provision of information too.
Next, about "Safety and security" of theme 2, it is requesting expansion of multilingual information providing system in case of emergency, establishment of call center as troubleshooting window of FIT traveler, and eradication of illegal buses and taxis. and it is also proposing setting up of the Japanese version tourist police on based the "Koban" of the police box system in Japan.
And, about "Promotion of induction to the regions" of theme 3, it is requesting promotion of the preparation of a round trip pass to improve the convenience of secondary traffic, measures to strengthen marketing support for DMO in Japan for overseas market creations. in addition, it is requesting promotion of "plus one night" by creation of charm in the morning and evening, and moreover, installation of an interpreter hotline for lodging, eating and sightseeing facilities. Also, in order to promote the expansion of educational travel, it is requesting subsidies for acceptance of educational travel to Japan and strengthening information dissemination function on educational travel of local governments. And, as promotion of sports tourism in the regional area, it is requesting to unify information dissemination of participatory sports events, establish a one stop window, and encourage also fellow attendants and spectators to enjoy sports events.
By the way, there are quite a lot of orders to the country, the municipality, the tourism industry, but not find that there is any requesting to evolve own travel industry. For example, along with the legalization of private lodging business, foreign capital has entered the Japanese market one after another, but there is no reverse idea. In other words, by developing a branch overseas, it seems have not thought about building a system to send tourists to Japan. JTB established a branch office in various parts of China by one state enterprise approval system in China. So there is a business model. Moreover, it is also clear that the outbound business will generate a tenfold increase in revenue than the land operator business in the aforementioned "Sales figures of Japan's major travel industry 50 companies 2017". Therefore, I think it the unique travel agency business in Japan is a business model to be should exported abroad.
Also, there is no groundbreaking idea about attraction measures, like a strategy using "Skyfall" which was successful in the UK after the London Olympics. The examples referred to are just gathering small efforts in various regions and countries. No matter how much good looking material you make, there is nothing better than something of a dramaturgy. Don't you understand it?

【奈良ならレポート2018.0423】A precedent of Nara 2018.0423


In this visit to Nara, we accessed from Route 165 to Route 25 of the trunk road, without going through Uda city. because this route we can move in the shortest time.
The Nara Basin we saw from the car window when crossing the pass, it is covered with fine yellow sand carried to the spring seasonal wind. It's as if it is foggy. it is not only Buddhist culture that comes from the continent.
Under on good weather, many deers urging food to tourists on Nara Park. Most of the tourists are individual and there are no group guests. nationality is diverse. looking at the information centers in the city, more than half of the information materials and maps were replaced with foreign language versions, and the Japanese version has drastically reduced. We replenishment the English version of A4 leaflet entrusted from Mie Prefecture to "Salsa In", before went to the UNWTO.
In UNWTO we talked about the current situation in Mie prefecture to Deputy Chief.
The foreign tourists in Mie prefecture as a whole are fewer than Takayama city in Gifu prefecture.
In the reporter column of the Chunichi Shimbun on April 22, the opinion that it would be a roundabout way was posted if left the Golden Route for go to Ise Jingu, as an opinion of tourists from Indonesia. In other words, it means that it is not attractive enough to spare time. I think it is opinion natural, because Ise Jingu is not a sightseeing facility.
However, I think also that it is important to inform of the hometown of Japanese mind, in the international competition. Perhaps, Mie prefecture is not sending information in such a meaning.
Now on, here on Nara Prefecture, National Treasures Exhibition hold in Kasuga-Taisha commemorating 1250 year since the founding. and there a lot of information by also English. If it, In the case of Mie Prefecture, I think it why not introduce the Important cultural property and the National history paintings etc of "Jingu Chokokan" to the world?
"Jingu Chokokan" which was destroyed leaving only the outer wall in the air raid of 1945 is a museum restored in 1953 as the incidental work of the 59th the Sengu. In 1948, the first international exhibition "Peace Exposition" after the war was held. "Jingu Chokokan" which was repaired urgently for the roof had the American Cultural Pavilion. there are the point of contact with the world in here.
Incidentally, Jingu Chokokan was registered as Nation's registered tangible cultural property together with adjacent Jingu Agricultural Museum in 1998. the accompanying person of today, a long-established ryokan Yachiyo in Matsusaka city is also registered in 2016. He gave that card to Deputy Chief.
Deputy Chief invited us to "Kansai Tabihaku" scheduled to be held on May 19 and 20. but unfortunately, this days was the day we had same days with the schedule of Yachiyo wine tourism event. participate from Mie prefecture. Osaka office.
Deputy Chief invited us to "Kansai Tabihaku" scheduled to be held on May 19 and 20. but unfortunately, this days was the day we had same days with the scheduled of Yachiyo wine tourism event. participate from Mie prefecture it will be from Osaka office.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"


No.123『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2018』4月号 " About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development" April Issue


【民泊政策にみる観光庁のスタンス】A stance of the JTA in the private lodging business policy


A year has passed since I served as a lecturer at the "Residential Accommodation Business (Private Lodging Business) Study Meeting" held last January (For details, please refer to No.109). At this time and now as well, private lodging business is basically prohibited by the Ryokan Business Law. But, according to the Private Lodging Business Law established last year, if the landlord notified the municipality, the business could be made up to 180 nights a year. the permission application of private lodging businesses is from March 15. the enforcement become from June.
However, according to the government publicity announced last month, 44 municipalities intend to limit the area and the period by the ordinance, and also 25 municipalities wait and see.
Among them, in Kyoto city, restrict business on residential area to two months from January 15 to March 15 by collecting opinions from citizens last December. because "there are circumstances where unauthorized business spreads and threatens peaceful civic life". Also, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, enacted an ordinance prohibiting virtually weekday business.
At the end of last year, the JTA that strengthened the sense of crisis expressed concern to local governments as "ordinances that uniformly restrict throughout the year throughout the year deviate from the purpose of the new law".
However, originally the stakeholders of the private lodging business are rental housing industries that had encouraging the establishment of the bill using the "Chintai Federation". not the travel industry or the tourism industry. Although JTA has increased its budget year by year by taking a standpoint of promoting private lodging business in the past few years, it also grasps risks from private lodging business in foreign countries. If there is no cooperation of the residents, you should also know that community-based tourism can not be established. It is clear that GNI per capita in Japan does not increase much even if the cheap traveler is increased rapidly. this is an indication that JTA is reluctant to acquire foreign currency, with an emphasis on the number of people. one reason is that the Japan Tourism Agency, is only the subordinate organization of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, which was born in 2001 with the integration of the Ministry of Tra
nsportation, Ministry of Construction, Hokkaido Development Agency and the National Land Agency. However, this is very disadvantageous for international competition. the international tourism policy is because in many countries it is an independent organization directly under the government in now.
By the way, the current JTA's bureau chief was the Air transport's bureau chief at the time of document alteration at Moriho Gakuen. he was not involved?

◯Municipalities that have enacted ordinances that limit areas and periods, or plan to establish (※ Local government of banning private lodging business in residential area for all periods)

Hokkaido ▽ Sapporo City ▽ Iwate Prefecture ▽ Sendai City ▽ Fukushima Prefecture ▽ Gunma Prefecture ▽ Shinjuku Ward ▽ Nerima Ward ▽ Meguro Ward ▽ Bunkyo Ward ▽ Chiyoda Ward △ Nakano Ward ▽ Koto Ward ▽ Arakawa Ward ▽ Minato Ward ▽ Chuo Ward ▽ ※ Ota Ward ▽ Suginami Ward ▽ Adjacent Ward △ Adachi Ward ▽ Itabashi Ward ▽ Shibuya Ward ▽ Shinagawa Ward ▽ Yokohama City ▽ Shizuoka Prefecture ▽ Nagano Prefecture ▽ Niigata Prefecture ▽ Kanazawa City ▽ Nagoya City ▽ Mie Prefecture ▽ Shiga Prefecture ▽ Nara Prefecture ▽ Nara City ▽ Sakai City ▽ Kyoto Prefecture ▽ Kyoto City ▽ ※ Hyogo Prefecture ▽ ※ Kobe City ▽ Nishinomiya City ▽ ※ Amagasaki City ▽ Himeji City ▽ Kurashiki City
▽ Okinawa Prefecture

【月着陸船】Lunar Module (3/22の三重ふるさと新聞掲載)


On December 11 of last year, President Trump announced a new space program that we will send mankind to the moon again, at the signature ceremony opened in the White House. according to the Federal Government's budget paper announced on February 12, the NASA budget requested totaled 19 billion USD. of which 10.5 billion USD has been allocated for exploration, for to focus on the tasks leading to the manned lunar exploration missions and subsequent Mars explorations.
Just then, next year is the 50th anniversary since mankind left footprints on the moon. the driving force of space development at the time was the ideological competition between the US with the Soviets, unlike the modern era that shifted its main focus to economic competition. but, this time-limited development brought about a lot of innovation as a result.
Especially the development of the Lunar Module is worth noting on terms of the true value of manufacturing. it is a product of wisdom and ingenuity in the era of a slide rule and a set square.
In July 1962, NASA sought the development of a Lunar Module to 11 companies. In September of the same year, NASA contracted with Graman among in the nine companies of responded recruitment. the development period is about 7 years. the deadline John F. Kennedy imposed on the first moon landing of mankind is until the end of the 1960s. however, its unprecedented development has made extreme difficulties. the budget has been exceeded, and also the deadline will be passed. the finally reached the unmanned a test flight (Apollo 5) was January 1968. the biggest problem is weight saving.
First manned flight was March 1969. In the Lunar Module raised to Earth orbit by Apollo 9, astronauts moving, tests such as separation and re-docking were conducted. And, the Lunar Module installed in Apollo 10 in May 1969 approached the surface of the moon until to 10 km, and the Lunar Module "Eagle" installed in Apollo 11 in July 1969 succeeded the first moon landing of mankind. Although that situation relayed to the all over the world by TV, Humanity is able to had the viewpoint to see the earth objectively for the first time at that time.
Noteworthy that is Apollo 13 mission where a fuel cell exploded. three astronauts moved from the Command Module to the Lunar Module until the time of entering the atmosphere. NASA's technical team took it back on the free return orbit using the descending engine of the Lunar Module instead of the engine of the lost the Service Module and returned to the earth by going around on the moon. the Lunar Module acted as a substitute too for Rockwell International's the command module and the Service Module.
First moon landing or accident rescue etc, the Apollo program showed not only the evolution of technology but the evolution of empathy too, as a global citizen beyond nationalism. I think this necessary also in the modern era when the inbound era came.


The FY 2018's budget plan was approved on March 23, by President's signature.

【2018年1月の国際収支】January's Balance of payments 2018


On March 8, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of January. In the usual case, this first report can be obtained from the NHK news of 9 am, but this morning it was not exist for the National Assembly relay. however, considering the impact on stock prices it was may have been good. because the Trade balance in January is a big deficit every year.
Even so, the Current account balance in January this year is a surplus of 607.4 billion JPY.
Among them, the Travel Balance is surplus of 178.7 billion JPY, and the Trade Balance is ▲666,6 billion JPY. the exports are 6.2264 trillion JPY, and the imports are 6.893 tillion JPY. the credit of the Travel balance is 344.3 billion JPY, and the debit was 165.6 billion JPY.
However, the credit of the Sea passenger is 100 million JPY and the debit is 400 million JPY for ▲300 million JPY. the credit of the Air passenger is 28.8 billion JPY and the debit is 69.7 billion JPY for ▲40.9 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.)
According to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for this a month was 2,501,500 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,423,700 people. (both preliminary)
If it's the case, it is understood that the average unit price of inbound was 137,637 JPY and the outbound was 116,317 JPY. Although travel expenses are not included.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

         Jan.  6,074
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
       ○その他サービス Other Services

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【福島第一原発爆発事故から7年】Seven years have passed since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants explosion accident

 それなのに、日本の新聞は全く書かない。まるである種の機密である (この239は、米国環境保護局によってカルフォルニアでも観測された)。東京五輪開催決定に鑑み、私はNo.68-69『2013』9-10月号の【日本政府の国際公約】に、政府の選択肢は二つしかないと書いたが、どうやら選択は前者だったようである。




According to NHK News on March 1, 8 people of the 9.5% of 84 children who underwent surgery after diagnosis of thyroid cancer after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear explosion accident relapsed cancer, and said undergoing reoperation such as thyroidectomy. Of the 8 children who were between the ages of 6 and 15 at the time of the accident, it seems that the earliest relapse from the time of the first surgery was one year later. I feel sorry.
In the thyroid test conducted by Fukushima Prefecture, there are 194 people diagnosis or doubt of cancer so far, and it seems that known are cases of recurrence too. notwithstanding, the detailed the prefectural review committee have not disclosed.
By the way, according to the Japan's Fisheries Agency, survey data on February 28, Strontium90  detected in 0.017 Bq/kg from pollock in April last year, and 0.013 Bq/kg in May from Octopus. and, 0.10 Bq/kg to 0.22 Bq/kg of Cesium137 was detected from all 10 samples during the same survey period※. In addition, Cesium134 of 0.013 Bq/kg from Bonito and 0.019 Bq/kg from Shirasu was also detected. because it has been 7 years only since the explosion accident not yet. the half-life of Cesium137 and Strontium90 has almost 30 years. moreover, it is don't even measure plutonium 239 with a half-life of 24,000 years, despite of having inspection item.
Notwithstanding, Japanese newspapers does not write at all. because it likely a state secret. (239 was also observed in California by EPA) In light of the Tokyo Olympics holding decision, I wrote that in the Sep.-Oct. issue of No.68-69 "2013"【International commitment of the Japanese government】there are only two choices of the Japanese government. Apparently, the choice seemed to be the former.

一 、Containment of speech, change of TEPCO Fellow. News of deteriorating situation is complete "control", in the name of national interest.

二、Solicit the support and cooperation actively. to do this, openly the public of the situation, toward nationally and internationally.

Incidentally, Japan's press freedom index ranking by "Reporters Without Borders" which was 53th at the time in 2013, it fell to 72th place as of 2017. this survey target 180 countries and regions, Japan was the lowest in the G7.

Octopus, Blue shark, Kihada, Madara, Pollock, Shirasu, Bonito, Buri, Kounago ×2 Samples

【万博誘致のオフィシャル・パートナー】Official partners for attracting Expo


According to the Kanko-keizai Shimbun on February 24, Mr. Mooren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts International, held a briefing session for the press concerning the development of IR in Osaka in the Osaka Marriott Miyako Hotel. The MGM Resorts has mentioned, not only "a comprehensive resort including a casino" but also the world music and sports content, the possibility of cooperation with the entertainment industry in Japan, and will want calling it the "Japan Resort".
Also, Mr. Highland the representative executive officer and president of Japan MGM Resorts told, that he would like to make full use of his experiences as the temporary ambassador to the US Embassy in Japan during the Obama administration. He was in charge of President Obama's visit to Hiroshima during at the G7 summit.
This joint venture Japan MGM Resorts announced that it will sponsor as the official partner of "2025 Japan World Exposition Attraction Committee" last November, but in February this year, Caesars entertainment of IR management company too, Announced that it became an official partner. According to the Mainichi shimbun on April 9 last year, Osaka is initially decided not to mention about casinos at all in "bidding proposal" to BIE, because gambling is viewed as a taboo in the Islamic area. Osaka did change strategy, because Paris gave up?
Either way, this official partnering is a manifestation that the willingness of the casino industry to enter Japan is extremely high. and because it will prepare the law which makes also Japanese entry possible, there is no mistake that it firmly aim also the Japanese wallets. Anyway, according to the Nikkei shimbun last October 31, MGM Resorts hope to want to offer 1 trillion JPY investment for the Yumesu's 70-hectares. I can not deny the possibility that the outflow of foreign currency from Japanese is greater than foreign currency acquisition from inbound.
Incidentally, Former president Obama visited Japan at this month 24-25. it as a Foundation. President Trump do you know?

【中部経済圏への外国人宿泊者数2017】Number of foreign guests stayed in the chubu economic area 2017


According to the Mainichi shimbun on March 6, the number of foreign guests in 2017 (January to December) received an increase in foreigners such as Tohoku with an increase of LCC, and in the national total increased by 12.4% to 78 million people. But, the number of foreign guests staying in five prefectures (Aichi, Mie, Gifu, Fukui, Shizuoka) of the Chubu Transport Bureau has decreased by 0.6% from the previous year to 5.35 million people, which reports that it decreased for the second consecutive year.
However, according to the same day's Chunichi Shimbun, the nine prefectures of the Shoryudo project (Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga) increased by 2.7% from the previous year to 8.06 million people, and saying it the fifth years consecutive record update. Everything depends on how you look at it. Both information sources are the Chubu Transport Bureau.
Therefore, I looked it up at the JTA's accommodation statistics (Preliminary report). Illegal private lodging and ship are not included.

     Year-on-year Number of foreign guests
 愛知県  +8.3% 2,592,970人泊 Aich prefecture
 三重県 −21.3%   277,080人泊 Mie prefecture
 岐阜県  −7.5%   937,200人泊 Gifu prefecture
 福井県 +25.9%    68,430人泊 Fukui prefecture
 静岡県  −6.1% 1,474,310人泊 Shizuoka prefecture
 富山県 +26.2%   280,570人泊 Toyama prefecture
 石川県 +17.2%   730,440人泊 Ishikawa prefecture
 滋賀県 −21.7%   376,240人泊 Shiga prefecture
 長野県 +16.2% 1,318,520人泊 Nagano prefecture


As usual, the downward trend of Mie prefecture and Shiga prefecture with no regional airport is conspicuous. Incidentally, Mie prefecture is 31st in 47 prefectures and Shiga prefecture is 25th. the prefectures with such handicap on the traffics are required to have further information dissemination capability than other prefectures. However,―

【鳥羽市の宿泊者数2017】Number of tourists in Toba 2017


―According to the Chunichi shimbun on March 15, the number of visitors to Toba City in 2017 was 4.28 million people, the tourist was 1.73 million people/night, of which the number of inbound tourists was 51,000 people/night. this city is Mie prefecture's most tourist destination with many ryokans. despite, the proportion of inbound in the whole tourists is only 2.95%. however, Toba City says the goal had achieved, that because the number of inbound's visitors and inbound's tourists to exceeded 96,000 people of the Tourism basic plan of 2020 in total it as 109,000 people.
In a nutshell, the local administration emphasizes the number of people only, moreover it is based on multiples of the same person. In such thing, even if the city hall can maintain pride, I think it will not benefit the city's finances. it is the same for ryokan or hotel suppliers.

【日本ロケ】Attracting of filming of foreign movies


The "SHOGUN" of the 20th Century Fox TV which caused a Japan boom by being on-air throughout on the United States in 1980 was photographed with build an open sets in Kii Nagashima Town (Kihoku Town) near Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture. But often in American movies, even if Japan scene, it is often taken in the studio in the USA or in another country. this is for cost reduction, but the Japanese scene displayed on the screen for that reason has a sense of incongruity somewhat. also extras that appear are not necessarily Japanese people, even though it is Asian type.
Although that reason may not necessarily be the same, such as JETORO has invited Japanese actors and related persons who are active in the field, reviewed the measures to attract the movie to Japan, summarized the proposal. and, at a commemorative ceremony held in Los Angeles on March 8, an actor Masi Oka handed out a proposal to Consul General of the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles.
According to the NHK world news on March 9, this recommendation plans out the necessity of Japanese administrative support such as subsidies and tax preferential treatment, and says it shared by each relevant ministry and agency through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Oka, who works in Hollywood, said movie officials want to film in Japan but miss opportunities due to lack of support.and Oka said the country can accommodate film crews and that doing so can help it show the real Japan to the world. and also JETORO says countries in Europe and South Korea cover around 20 percent of local movie production costs if certain conditions are met. and, also says that except for a small number of local governments, Japanese authorities do not provide such financial support.
However, I think it is natural because it is a commercial activity. there are cases in which bankruptcy occurs during movie production even Japanese movie. also in last year, there is a case of "Issa" where bankruptcy happened before the movie was completed, 16 million JPY temporarily paid by the Regional Tourism Bureau have not regained. Also, 20% of major movies by famous actors with a high success rate in box office will be a tremendous amount to shake the local government's annual budget. Congressional approval is also difficult, and it is hard to say that it is realistic in terms of cost effectiveness.
However, also we tired of seeing the scene which does not know the fact. In Japan, how about the prerequisite that it's an administrative business that obtains a few percent of box office income as an investment instead, not grant aid?

【奈良ならレポート2018.0319】A precedent of Nara 2018.0319

 なお、来年予定されている『UNWTO/UNESCO 観光と文化をテーマにした国際会議』については、ただいま日程調整中との事である。とても楽しみだ。

In the second visit to Nara this year, a visit to the "Sarusawa Inn" of Nara Prefectural Gavemment Tourism Bureau. it is because I heard from Nara Visitors Bureau that it's necessary to have English information of the neighboring prefecture that can be introduced to foreign tourists, in last month. Although I always say that, Nara and Mie prefecture are located in the same Kii Peninsula cultural area, but the information or news is quarantined because the affiliated economic zones are divided. it is inconvenient for Japanese culture lovers. Anyhow, in Mie prefecture don't know even about the opening ceremonial event of "Heijojyo historical park" to be held this weekend. the opposite is also same.
As I arrived at "Sarusawa Inn" while watching the Sanjodori St, it began to rain. this public inn facility has a visitor center, and in here, there is not only tourist guidance for foreigners, also a classroom of "origami". and in the lobby, the brochures and leaflets of each place are arranged orderly. both are English version, but English is enough for enthusiastic Japan culture lovers.
This time, I brought the English edition A4 leaflets of the Mie prefecture Higashi-kishu Promotion Division's "Kumano Kodo Iseji" and "Matsusaka city", and additionally small gift. It is a papercraft of the spacecraft, namely Apollo spacecraft. although Japan is also a country of paper culture, because in here is telling that to foreigners by origami. it's pleasing if it can help topics in talking about Japan culture.
Even if it is raining a lot of foreigners are visiting on Sanjo Street today too. when I arrived at the UNWTO after Sarusawa Inn, the Deputy Chief and the Senior Assistant were waiting as usual.
According to Deputy Chief, that Mr. Pololikashvili the New Secretary General of UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, seems to be a person who knows Japan well through JICA activities.
Speaking of JICA, the efforts of JICA Balkan Office have resulted in Serbian high school baseball team came to Japan in 2016. October 5, 15-18-year-old 13 athletes and 7 staffs has performing the friendly match with Prefectural Takatori Kokusai High School in the Nara Prefecture, in next day visit Matsusaka city, Mie prefcture, and stayed one nights to "Yachiyo". this Ryokan is the Registration Tangible Cultural Property of Country, and it is an important facility Also for the preserve of landscape of the town. The team visited, to Harada's residence, Matsusaka Technical High School, Matsuura Takeshiro Memorial Museum, Motoori Norinaga Memorial Museum, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Hasegawa's residence. and along with the Matsusaka Technical High School gave a friendly match in the prefectural baseball ground of the city from the afternoon of October 7.
Mr. Pololikashvili is from Georgia. Serbia is on the opposite bank of the Black Sea.
By the way, the international conference in Yamagata city on the subject of Snow Culture Tourism was seems a big success with 300 people applications. Although tourism contents should be unique to that land, in snowy countries too, as domestic demand is decreasing, so it seems that there is great interest in international tourism.
Incidentally, as for the "UNWTO/UNESCO International Conference on Tourism and Culture" scheduled for next year, it is that the schedule is being adjustment for now. I am looking forward to it.
In this visit to Nara, round trips I used Route163. this route which was long known as the Iga-goe Nara-kaido is now become for living road, the bustling has been lost. It's a lonesome road.

                            Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"