【奈良ならレポート2019.0626】A precedent of Nara 2019.0629
第1条 人間と社会間の相互理解と敬意へのツーリズムの貢献
第2条 個人と集団の充足感を得る手段としてのツーリズム
第3条 ツーリズム:持続可能な開発の要素
第4条 ツーリズム:人類の文化遺産の利用とその価値を増進させる貢献
第5条 ツーリズム:受入国及び受入側地域社会に役立つ活動
第6条 ツーリズム開発の利害関係者の義務
第7条 ツーリズムをする権利
第8条 ツーリストの行動の自由
第9条 ツーリズム産業における労働者と事業者の権利
第10条 世界観光倫理憲章の原則の実施
This time is 101st visit to Nara. this time, in addition to the Mie Furusato Shimbun, the Matsusaka Tourism Association of the general incorporated association, and the director of Matsusaka Bunkasha accompanied. What is Matsusaka Bunkasha is an NPO corporation that started this spring, and manages the country designated important cultural property "Old Hasegawa Residence", Mie designated tangible cultural property "Former Ozu Residence", and Matsusaka city designated tangible cultural property "Harada Former Residence". It is in the immediate vicinity of the Nation Registered Cultural Property Ryokan Yachiyo.
When we arrive to Ouda, we first receive brochures at the "Sengensha" of the Town Development Center, which provides guidance of "Important Traditional Building Group Conservation Area", and look at residences preservated by foot from there we went around one by one. It is unfortunate cloudy sky but there is no rain. the townscape developed from the castle town to the merchants town, has a strong resemblance to Matsusaka City which has undergone a similar process. it can't be understood just by passing by car. we went to the store of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce after going through an acquaintance's soy sauce shop. and after meeting about the entry to the Tanabata Festival scheduled to be held in the shopping district of Matsusaka City on the night of August 3, we left Ouda. the appointment time with the UNWTO Japan Office is approaching, so unlike the previous time this time is a rush.
Today's visitors to Nara Park stand out. Not only many foreign tourists but also deer who receive food from school trip students and excursion children are fine. This school trip rush lasts until end of June.
We arrived at the UNWTO Japan office, I introduced my companions to the new Secretary-General and Section-Manager. This time is the meeting of the "UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET)". this aims to maximize the development of tourism while minimizing the potential adverse effects on cultural heritage and society, and it is a code to enable responsible and sustainable tourism for all stakeholders such as governments, tourism industry, communities and travel companies. the items of the GCET it as follows.
Article 1: Tourism's contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies
Article 2: Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment
Article 3: Tourism, a factor of sustainable development
Article 4: Tourism, a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its enhancement
Article 5: Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities
Article 6: Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
Article 7: Right to tourism
Article 8: Liberty of tourist movements
Article 9: Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry
Article 10: Implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
UNWTO aims to spread that. however, in Japan there are not many signatures yet. moreover, although there is participating companies from the travel industry, from the tourism industry is not. I think it also disproportionate in adjusting for interests.
I recommended a tourist association with a legal personality, and also mentioned the difference between the travel industry and the tourism industry roughly, but the issue of signature requirements it seems necessary to wait for the judgment of the Madrid side.
Incidentally, I resumed the provision of the Japanese “current account balance” graph from this time. it was because accumulated four months figures. In addition, when I visited last time, provided the trend graph of "trade balance" and "travel balance" for past 5 years, but this time, I also provided the trend graph of "balance of payments" for the past 5 years. If you look at this, you can see that it keeps decreasing while maintaining the same pattern every year. These three graphs will be the basis for Japan should be work on international tourism in seriously.
And, just this fact is supported by the latest press release released from UNWTO, a graph showing the reversal of exports of international tourism and goods trade in the world too.
Lastly, I provided UNWTO with a quarter-scale poster for the session, which I created and posted at the 13th Tourism Statistics Forum held by EUROSTAT and the OECD in 2014.
This is made up by datas from the early days of the inbound tourism in Japan, but of course the source is from the then UNWTO, and the abstract title was "Progress and Harmony for Humanity through Cultural Tourism".
The Executive Director introduced we to the new foreign staff, on the way back. The predecessor was said to have returned home today. Hello, and Bombayage.
Sanjo Street which passed on the way back, also showed prosperity as usual. This street is a major street that runs through the central urban area, where a long-established stores, souvenir shops for tourists, restaurants, hotels, banks, etc. are mixed. The road is divided into pedestrians and cars, and it is one way. cars can only pass on weekdays, and Sundays and public holidays are for pedestrians only. However, the eye-catching flag and signboards and items for sale are all properly stored at each eave. It does not disturb restless travelers or strollers or old man's handcarts.
We had a late lunch on the outskirts of the city, left the old city. And, we dropped in Meihan Ueno Drive-in. Here, acquaintances from nearly 30 years ago are still working hard. She lamented that the influence of the G20 Summit would no visitors come from the West Japan and that it could not even outgoing products because logistics would stop.
According to Nara Shimbun of the day, the limousine bus service connecting Kansai International Airport with Nara City, from Nara will be all closed from 27th to 30th, and from the airport also will be reduced. It is negative for the tourism economy.
On June 18, APIR estimated that the total spending at the G20 Osaka Summit was 42,842 million JPY. Budget spending from countries and the like accounts for a large amount, but it is said that staff and foreign medias from the foreign countries will be spend 4.3 billion JPY on spending on food and drink and accommodation. So, the economic effect to the Kinki six prefectures is 36,563.6 million JPY, and it is estimated that the regional gross production in FY 2019 will be raised by about 0.04%. But, for the negative economic effects of traffic restrictions etc., it was conveniently assumed that "the business can handle the negative effects well through the advance and postponement of transactions", and it was do not consider the negative impact on tourism too. They are an unreliable think tank.

[Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism: guidelines]UNWTO世界観光倫理憲章への民間部門のコミットメント: ガイドライン
"To ensure that tourism has lasting positive effects, we need to build a more sustainable sector among all actors.
The companies that commit to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism are leading by example in promoting
ethical, responsible and sustainable tourism development.”
- Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary-General
I. The UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
I. UNWTOの世界観光倫理憲章
The UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a roadmap for responsible and sustainable tourism development endorsed by the United Nations Generally Assembly in 2001.
Its 10 principles, covering the economic, social, cultural and environmental components of tourism, are intended to
help maximize the sector’s benefits while minimizing any potentially negative impacts.
While the Code of Ethics is not legally binding, it features a voluntary implementation mechanism through the recognition of the role of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics. Established in 2004 as an independent and impartial body, stakeholders may refer any matters regarding the Code’s interpretation and application to the Committee.
倫理憲章は法的拘束力はありませんが、世界観光倫理委員会の役割を認識することによる自主的な実施メカニズムを特徴としています。 2004年に独立した公正な機関として設立された関係者は、行動規範の解釈および委員会への適用に関するあらゆる事項を照会することができます。
II. Ethical Principles for the Private Sector
II. 民間部門のための倫理原則
The following principles are most relevant for private sector corporate social responsibility:
□Article 2: Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment
□第2条: 個人および集団の充実のための手段としての観光
Tourism businesses should promote tolerance and gender equality, respecting human rights while combating the exploitation of the most vulnerable groups in society.
□Article 3: Tourism, a factor of sustainable development
□第3条: 観光、持続可能な開発のファクター
Tourism practitioners should safeguard the environment and natural heritage, preserve resources, and avoid waste production, ideally by agreeing to limitations on their activities in highly sensitive areas.
□Article 5: Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities
□第5条: 観光、受入国および地域社会にとっての有益な活動
Tourism companies should integrate locals into a destination’s economic and social fabric, giving priority to local manpower. Studies on the impact of development projects and dialogue with host populations are both essential.
□Article 6: Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
□第6条: 観光開発における利害関係者の義務
Tourism professionals should provide tourists with objective information on destinations and conditions of travel,
demonstrating concern for clients’ security, ensuring suitable insurance and assistance systems, and supporting tourists’ cultural and spiritual fulfilment.
□Article 9: Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry
□第9条: 観光産業における労働者および起業家の権利
Tourism enterprises should not exploit their positions or impose socio-cultural models on host communities. They should be involved in local development, avoid the excessive repatriation of profits, and guarantee workers’ fundamental rights.
III. Committing to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
III. UNWTO世界観光倫理コードへの取り組み
The Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism represents a public declaration on behalf of a tourism enterprise or association to uphold and integrate the Code’s principles in its corporate governance.
Signature is fully complimentary and open to all private sector tourism companies (i.e. hotels, and similar accommodation establishments; airline, cruise and rail companies; tour operators and travel agencies; conventions’ centers; Global Distribution Systems and online booking systems) and trade associations directly related to the mentioned tourism companies.. Public and semi-public entities, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and tourism consultancies are not eligible for the signing of the Commitment.
By signing the Commitment companies pledge to:
• Observe the principles of the Code
• 憲章の原則を遵守する
To adhere to the principles of the Code of Ethics related to sustainable and responsible tourism, human rights – particularly the rights of host communities and workers – and the fight against the exploitation of the most vulnerable groups of the population and for the preservation of natural heritage.
• Disseminate the Code
• 憲章を広める
To disseminate and promote the Code to partners, providers, clients and employees throughout the travel and tourism sector.
• Report on the implementation of the Code in its corporate governance
• コーポレートガバナンスにおける本規範の実施について報告する
To report to the World Committee on Tourism Ethics on actions taken to put into practice the principles of the Code by responding to an online questionnaire that is periodically sent to signatories. . The reporting of such actions is a mandatory requirement in order to keep the corresponding entity in the public UNWTO list of signatories, as well as to retain the right to use the special logo of the Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
IV. Communicating the Commitments to the Code
IV. 憲章へのコミットメントの伝達
1. Public signing ceremony with the presence of the UNWTO Secretary General or the Chairperson of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, and national tourism representatives
1. UNWTO事務局長または世界観光倫理委員会委員長、そして全国の観光代表出席の下での公開署名式
2. Promotion of signatory companies and associations through UNWTO communications, namely:
2. UNWTOコミュニケーションを通じた署名企業および団体の宣伝:
□Listing in UNWTO’s website
□Publication of a biennial report of the implementation
□Invitation to companies to share good practices and examples of implementation of the principles of the Code at international conferences and events
3. Signatories are invited to promote their commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism within their communications namely by using the logo below (terms and conditions on the use of the logo will be provided to all signatories).
3. 署名者は、以下のロゴを使用することによって、彼らのコミュニケーションの中で世界的な観光倫理憲章へのコミットメントを促進するよう要請されます(ロゴの使用に関する条件はすべての署名者に提供されます)
【大阪トラック】Osaka track
7/5朝のNHKニュースによると、G20サミットで「データが成長のエンジンだ」とする日本の首相が掲げた『大阪トラック』のテーマは、DFFT(Data Free Flow with Trust = 信頼性のある自由なデータ流通) だそうである。国境を越えた自由なデータ流通のためのルールづくりをこれから始めようとの事だ。ちなみにトラック (track) とは道筋の事で、貨物自動車 (truck) ではない。
現在、ビッグデータについて、米国は、データは自由に流通するものであるとして、データの囲い込みには反対であり、中国は、データは国家のものであるとして、国が自主管理すべきだとする。また、欧州は、データはプライバシーの問題として、既に昨年5月に施行されたGDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) よって、EEA(欧州経済領域)領域からの情報漏洩や無断流通については高額な制裁金を課している。このことについては、昨年【GDPRにご用心】【GDPRにご用心2】にも詳しく書いたが、当時(今もだが)、日本は全くの無策状態であり、欧州進出企業のみならず日本の旅館・ホテルや航空会社、旅行会社にも懸念が広がった。この事からみて『大阪トラック』は、欧州GDPRに対する牽制、あるいは執行猶予を求めるもののようにみえなくもない。
実際のところ、欧州GDPRのターゲットはGAFA (Google、Amazon.com、Facebook、Apple Inc.) のみならず、EEA領域外にある個人情報取り扱いの甘い企業全般であり、グローバルなニュースサイトのインターネット広告や、インターネットによる予約や売り買いも含まれる。また、キャッシュレス決済をはじめ、自動運転の為の車の位置情報や走行データ、医療データによる新薬開発までもが含まれる可能性が高い。折しも日本では、スマホ決済サービス7Payで不正アクセスによる被害が相次いでいるが、もし欧州人への被害が認められれば、決済サービス企業は莫大な制裁金を課せられる可能性がある。
はたして日本発のテーマであるDFFTは、国際社会に定着するのか否か。如何にも我が国らしい略称だ。そして曖昧である。が、それだけに外電との突き合わせが必要だ。サービス貿易をも含む日米二国間貿易協定FTA (Free Trade Agreement) を、国内向けにはモノ貿易だけに限定したTAG (Trade Agreement on goods) だとしていたからである。
According to NHK News on the morning of July 5, the theme of the "Osaka Truck" that the Japanese prime minister says that stated in the G20 Summit that "data is the engine of growth" is DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust). The meaning is to start creating rules for free data distribution across borders.
About Big Data, Currently, the United States is opposes data containment as data should be distributed freely, and China is stated that data should be national and should be self-managed by the state. Also, Europe, as data is a matter of privacy, by the GDPR, which has been put into effect May last year, imposes a high fine on information leaks from the EEA region and unauthorized distribution. About this, last year I wrote in detail in [Beware to GDPR] and [Beware to GDPR 2], but at that time (it is still now), Japan is completely in a state of inaction. So there was concern for not only European companies but also Japanese ryokans, hotels, airlines and travel agencies in Japan. From this point of view, the "Osaka Track" that is may demand confronting on GDPR or a postponement of execution.
As a matter of fact, the target of the GDPR is not only GAFA. it is all companies with a low personal information handling status outside the EEA area, including Internet advertisements for global news sites, by internet reservation and buying and selling. In addition, cashless payment, location information and driving data of vehicles for autonomous driving, new drug development by medical data, etc. are also likely to be included. Just now in Japan, the 7Pay of smart phone payment service is being damaged by large-scale unauthorized access one after another, but if the damage to Europeans is recognized, payment service companies can be imposed huge penalties there is a possibility.
After all, whether Japan's theme DFFT will be established in the international community? The abbreviation seems very Japan. But it is necessary to match with the news from overseas. because the US-Japan FTA which includes service trade, has also been rephrased as TAG as being limited to goods trade, for the domestic media.
By the way, such data collection and privacy issue have already been discussed in the Eurostat and OECD's Tourism Statistics Forum 2014 as a specific example of DMO, but how long has Japan been at a standstill?
【G20サミット】G20 Summit
ロイターによると、首脳宣言の主な内容は以下のとおりとなる。こちらは比較的客観的だ。しかし、日本が重視している『国際保健(ユニバーサル ヘルス カバレッジ UHC)』についての言及はない。
The G20 Summit has ended. In the first place, when there are many stakeholders, the perception tends to be abstract. In fact, if you look at the reports in each country, the emphasis varies from country to country. For example, in the case of Japan, the "Osaka Truck" as a measure against the GDPR in Europe is featured, but the media in the Philippines emphasizes cyber terrorism and security.
According to Reuters, the main contents of the Summit Declaration are as follows. this is relatively objective. however, there is no mention of "Universal Health Coverage(UHC)" that is emphasized in Japan.
・The world economy is showing signs of stabilization at the moment, and expected to rise moderately towards the second half of this year and 2020.
・Growth remains low and risks are still downwards. Tensions over trade and geopolitics have increased.
・Continue to address these risks and we have prepared to take further action.
・Reaffirmed to commitment to use all policy measures to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced inclusive growth, and to protect from downward risks.
・The financial buffer should be restructured as needed, and fiscal policy should be implemented flexibly and with consideration for growth.
・Monetary policy will continue to support economic activity and ensure price stability in a manner consistent with central bank mandates.
・Global imbalances have declined in emerging and developing countries after the global financial crisis, and are increasingly concentrated in developed countries.
・In assessing the foreign account, the need to focus on all components of the current account, including services trade and income account, should be noted.
・Demographic changes including aging, pose challenges and opportunities for all G20 countries, and these changes require policy action across fiscal and monetary policies, financial sector policies, labor market policies and other structural policies.
・We strive to create a free, fair, indiscriminate, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment and keep the market open.
・International trade and investment are important drivers of growth, productivity, innovation, job creation and development.
・Agreed that action is needed on the functioning of the dispute resolution system consistent with the rules negotiated by WTO members.
・Recognize the complementary role of bilateral and regional free trade agreements consistent with the WTO Agreement.
・Innovation is an important driver of economic growth and can also contribute to advancing towards sustainable development goals and improving inclusion.
・Work towards the realization of an inclusive, sustainable, safe, reliable and innovative society through the promotion of digitalization and the application of emerging technologies.
・Aim to promote international policy debate to maximize data potential.
・Infrastructure is the engine of economic growth and prosperity. Approved the "G20 Principles on High-quality Infrastructure Investment" as a common strategic direction and high aspirations.
・Reaffirm our commitment to further strengthen the global financial safety net centered on the IMF, which has a sufficient financial base, based on quotas.
We remain committed to completing the 15th Quota General Review at the latest by the 2019 Annual General Meeting, and call on the IMF to move forward quickly as a top priority.
・Gender equality and women's empowerment are essential for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
・Commit to recognizing women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
・Recognize the role of all energy sources and technologies in the energy mix, and that there are different pathways in different countries to achieve cleaner energy systems.
・Recognize the importance of international cooperation on a wide range of energy related issues.
・We aim to reduce the additional pollution by marine plastic waste to zero by 2050.
What I focused, it is on was the need to focus on all components of the current account balance when evaluating the balance of payments.
Especially in Japan, the concept of service trade has not penetrated to the national people level still, as Japan have been obsessed with goods trade long time, even though the international tourism trade developed by the development of technology has already surpassed goods trade. It is a good timing.
By the way, it is a pity that the tax haven problem was left behind at this summit. Because I noticed during the GNI analysis that some countries have links between international tourism and tax havens. In addition, also an ship register of the Japan's tanker Kokuka Courageous which is said to have been attacked due to the lack of the Hinomaru, is related to these countries in terms of tax benefits. although this is called the system of the flag of convenience ship, it is an inconvenient truth.
【2019年5月の国際収支】May's Balance of payments 2019
On July 8, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of May. the balance of payments for this month is 1.5948 trillion JPY. The year-on-year ratio was ▲ 15.8%.
The trade balance is ▲650.9 billion JPY. the exports is 5.918 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.569 trillion JPY. on the other hand, the travel balance was 230.5 billion JPY. the credit is 401.4 billion JPY, and the debit was 170.9 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for May was 2,773,100 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,438,000 people (Both preliminary).
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 0.1 billion JPY, and the debit is 0.23 billion JPY for ▲0.23 billion JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 28 billion JPY and the debit is 73.6 billion JPY for ▲45.6 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.).
The other services, the Credit is 1404.7 billion JPY and the Debit is 1420.1 billion JPY for ▲15.4 billion JPY.
NHK News reported for this first time the deterioration of the current account balance, the primary income and the trade balance. however, it did not mention that in the case of the usual pattern, the balance of the next month would fall further.
[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
Jan. 6,004
Feb. 26,768
Mar. 28,479
Apr. 17,074
May 15,948
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade ○サービス収支 Services
Jan.▲9,448 Jan.▲1,512
Feb. 4,892 Feb. 2,366
Mar. 7,001 Mar. 3,451
Apr. ▲982 Apr.▲3,124
May ▲6,509 May 1,372
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan.17,592 Jan. ▲428
Feb.20,145 Feb. ▲635
Mar.20,564 Mar.▲2,538
Apr.21,303 Apr. ▲120
May 22,574 May ▲1,488
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport ○トラベル Travel
Jan. ▲833 Jan. 2.271
Feb. ▲864 Feb. 2,274
Mar. ▲689 Mar. 2,076
Apr. ▲826 Apr. 2,564
May ▲779 May 2,305
○その他サービス Other Services
Feb. 957
Mar. 2,064
May ▲154
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. ▲4 Jan. ▲515
Feb. ▲6 Feb. ▲500
Mar. 0 Mar. ▲412
Apr. ▲12 Apr. ▲571
May ▲23 May ▲427
○航空旅客 Air Passenger ○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. ▲409 Jan. 46
Feb. ▲407 Feb. 39
Mar. ▲356 Mar. 41
Apr. ▲363 Apr. 55
May ▲456 May 38
(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)
【現状認識】Recognition of current situation
また、外国人は全都道府県で で16万9543人増えて、266万7199人となった。人手不足となった製造業やサービス業が外国人材に頼ったことなどが要因だ。増加数が多いのは都市部で、トップは東京の3万0181人。次いで、愛知、神奈川が続く。それでも、外国人を含めた日本の総人口は26万3696人の減、1億2744万3563人となる。
According to the population vital survey based on the Basic Resident Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the number of Japanese in Japan was 124,776,364 people as of January 1, this year, down 433,239 from the previous year.
It is because the number of Japanese born in 2018 was 921,000, less than one million people for three consecutive years, and the death toll was 1,363,564, an increase for six consecutive years. The proportion of the population over the age of 65 is 28.06%, an increase of 0.40 points, and the working age of 15 to 64 is a decrease of 0.28 points, 59.49%.
By prefecture, the increase was seen only in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa) and Okinawa. Tokyo area is 8797 people increase. and the number of births exceeded the number of deaths in Okinawa with an increase of 2,564 people. On the other hand, among the 42 prefectures where the population decreased, the decrease was the largest is Hokkaido by 39,461people. Next, Hyogo was down 23,336 people, and Niigata was down 23,213 people. Mie is 12,604 fewer people became 1,773,994 people.
In addition, the number of foreigners increased by 169,543 people in all prefectures to 2,667,199 people. The reason is that manufacturing and service industries that have become understaffed have rely on foreign personnel. The largest increase is in urban areas, with the top is 30,181 people Tokyo, and followed Aichi, Kanagawa. Even so, the total population of Japan, including foreigners, is reduced by 263,696 people and 127,443,563 people.
Population decline will inevitably lead to a decline in buyers and the town declineing. The only way to achieve sustainability is to increase the settlement population or increase the nonresident population. But, in order to enter the growth competition of the settlement population, it is necessary not only to provide a better living environment than the rest, but also competition between local governments for business attract and medical care and welfare.
However, Mie Prefecture has fallen into a poor prefecture as a result of wasting money by attracting the G7 Summit. There is no such extra power. So, prefecture authorities is falsely said that it is "still okay", or it is thought that there is only a way to entrust hope to the "Sengu" every 20 years. Even so, the next the "Sengu" is 2033. And, it is obvious the declining that will occur in that 14 years will be worse than the current situation.
Therefore, Mie necessary to increase the nonresident population by foreign tourists who are not influenced by weekends and holidays, from now, by using ready-to-use infrastructure and workable people. and aim at domicile independence sphere on that. I think it is the only way to achieve sustainability.

【三重県観光振興基本計画骨子から】No translation
□観光誘客の推進「2033年 国際的な式年遷宮へ」
方向性1 一流の観光資源の磨き上げ
方向性2 世界から選ばれる三重ブランディング
方向性3 アクセスを生かした誘致
方向性1 観光産業に関わる組織改革
方向性2 若者のための人材改革
方向性3 状況変化に対応した旅行環境の改革
Translated into English, for a fee if necessary because it may contain confidential information.
【文化活用とツーリズムと007映画】Cultural utilization and Tourism and the Bond films
Last year I wrote the relationship between World Heritage and Bond Film in No.122 [007 is a Number for the World Heritages]. In the promotion of regional tourism by utilizing cultural heritage, information transmission and establishment through film media is particularly superior in terms of sustainability. (In this respect, television dramas are often referred to synonymously, but television has a strong opinion of the sponsor and is short-lived because it is transient public.)
And, a new destination added to the 007's World Heritage Site. It is "The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera" in Matera Italy, with a population of 60,000 people, registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. In the old town area, there is a cave dwelling called "Sassi" made of calcareous rock surface, but from the scenery, movie photography is also prosperous. Formerly, Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo (1964)” and Francesco Roji's “Eboli (1979)”, and even after registration as a World Heritage Site, Mel Gibson's “The Passion (2004)”, Jhon Moore's "Omen" (2006), Timur Nuruakhitovich Bekmambetov's "Ben-Hur (2016)" and Patti Jenkins' "Wonder Woman (2017)" was shootings.
The production costs of the "Bond 25" will spent on filming in Matera are 10 to 12 million euros. a total of 1,000 to 1,200 people will be involved in this film business, including local extras, and it is said that about 100 rooms will be needed for the staying. the shooting start are from August 19 to 26, and the period is four weeks.
Matera's mayor commented that filming "Bond 25" not only contributes to the state's overall GDP, but also its advertising effects are immeasurable, and says also described it as honor to be selected as the location of the 007 movie, which remains in film history. And mayor points out that the number of audiences for "Bond 25" is more than 150 million in the whole world with cinema alone, and the impact of traffic regulation and facility closure during the filming period is transient It is said. and, seems said that should not miss the opportunity to shoot 007 film.
By this, the 25th film, which was said to be "Shutterhand" at one time, did not have Japan as the main stage due to the change of plot due to the change of director. the conversion from "You Only Live Twice" of Fleming where Mie, Japan is the main stage seems to be only that Bond is not 007.
By the way, since “Skyfall” in 2012, which is the year of the London Olympics, this film series always been also introduced as one of the stages on the UK such as London and Scotland. and the UK Tourism Agency also plans and promotions of the Bond tours. it is also true for new works. It seems that shooting has already started since the beginning of this month. This an national strategy is contributing to the inbound rise after the Olympics.
I think there are many points to learn.
【新聞の劣化】Deterioration of the newspapers
On July 17, JTA announced that foreign travelers who visited Japan from January to June this year were estimated to be 16,633,600, an increase of 4.6% over the same period last year. The consumption amount in Japan increased by 8.3% to 2,432.6 billion JPY, all of them were the highest ever. however, JTA's secretary admitted the slowing tendency at the press conference. because the tourists from South Korea who received deterioration of Japan-Korea relations have fallen for the first time in five years.
In order to achieve the government's goal of achieving 40 million customers and a consumption of 8 trillion JPY in 2020, further additions are needed. It is a difficult situation.
Nevertheless, each newspaper that has received reports from Joint News writes that it will focus on how much will be added by the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics approaching next year.
It is a foolish thing. In the last few years, there have been no cases where inbounds have exploded at the summer Olympics. the Beijing Olympics is negative compared to the previous year, and also the London Olympics and the Rio de Janeiro Olympics have only slightly increased only. I wrote also in No.130, it is due to the crowding out phenomenon.
The following is a line graph of UNWTO's data.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"