
No.198 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" June issue

【資産価値の向上④】The improving asset value ④

【度会國御神社の完成 2024.0604】Completion of Wataraikunimi Jinja, June.4

【健全性を問う】Questioning soundness

【関西観光本部】Kansai Tourism Bureau


The mythical road from Nara to Ise is can also be considered an extension of the Silk Road, with the national treasure boat-shaped haniwa clay figures unearthed from the Takarazuka Tomb in Matsusaka. But...


With this board of directors, we can't expect much. Moreover, I don't know what purpose some union in Mie Prefecture has in becoming a member of this organization, but I don't think they'll get much out of it. It's like throwing their membership fees down the drain.

国宝 船形埴輪 National Treasure: Boat-shaped Haniwa 

【2024年4月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for April 2024


On June 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for April this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2050.5 billion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 661.5 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 446.7 billion JPY, consisting of 612.2 billion JPY in credit and 165.4 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,042,900 persons and Japanese Overseas is 888,800 persons. therefore, the unit price is 201,190 JPY for the inbound, and 186,094 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers is a surplus of 200 million JPY only, and Sea passengers is a deficit of 1.2 billion JPY. In addition, Other services had a deficit of 1114.1billion JPY, and the overall service balance was a deficit of 721.5 billion JPY. This is the case every year, and the situation is always like this the month after the fiscal year-end.


【伊勢神宮外宮 せんぐう館の花菖蒲】Iris of Sengukan, Ise Jingu Geku



It is said that the top three occupations that are hardest to replace with AI are "business managers," "corporate planning," and "sales." AI can improve the accuracy of lists and customer management, but to gain purchasing power, dialogue that takes into account "emotional nuances that are not reflected in data" is necessary. In other words, unless you stimulate the right brain, which controls emotions, rather than the left brain, which controls logic, you won't hit the mark. It goes without saying that it is difficult to make movies or restaurants a hit with just detailed data. The same is true for sightseeing and accommodation; purchasing power is influenced by emotional nuances. Appealing to emotions is the same as show business and investing. It will be impossible for an AI to understand the beauty of this Iris anytime soon.

【危機管理】A crisis management


Crises come suddenly. They can be small things that affect personal only, or, big things that can destroy the lives of customers and the property value of the hotel. It came again in the early hours of June 25th. This is since the near electrical fire that occurred on New Year's Day.

換水午前3時〜9時 At 3am-9am, water change. 

ところが午前10時に濾過装置を入れた途端... But, as soon as the filtration system was turned on at 10 a.m.... 

栓が抜けないので排水には数時間かかる It will take several hours to drain as the plug cannot be removed. 

貯水タンクは綺麗だが、ヘアキャッチャーは濁っている The water tank is clean, but the hair catcher is cloudy. 

鉄錆の堆積。出し切る以外に解決策はない Iron rust buildup. there is no solution other than washing it off. 

翌午後7時、四回目の換水。少し明度が戻って来た The next day at 7pm, the fourth water change.a little transparency has been restored. 

濾過装置からエアーを抜いて、お借りしたポンプで急速排水二回 The air was removed from the filter, and quick drain was performed twice using a borrowed pump. 

六回目の換水で明度100。65時間を要したが濾過装置も綺麗になった After the sixth water change. the transparency was 100. It took 65 hours, but the filtration system was also cleaned. 

汚染の危機は回避された。水の神様(下御井神社)に感謝 The contamination crisis was averted. Giving thanks to the God of Water (Shimonomino Jinja). 



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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No.197 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" May issue

春日大社の国宝 赤糸威大鎧 Kasugataisha's National Treasure: Large Armor with Red Thread Vestige 

【鳥羽大庄屋 かどや(旧広野家住宅) Toba Village Headman Kadoya (former Hirono family residence)】


Here is the historical and cultural content that drew foreign passangers when the Diamond Princess and Europa called at the port. it will be a place of learning for those who will lead the future, just like the former Hasegawa residence in Matsusaka. I brought my young staff here as a place of learning. it is to visit the old to learn the new.



【日銀の再介入】BOJ's reintervention

5/2の度会國御神社 Watarainokunimi Jinja on May 2 

【奈良市 2024.0507】Nara City, May 7 2024

Nara City Tourist Information Center 


Silkia Nara and Nara City Tourism Association 

DLIGHT, Head Office 

【2024年3月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for March 2024


On May 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for March this year. The current account balance is a surplus 3398.8 billion JPY. Trade balance was a surplus of 491.0 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 426.6 billion JPY, consisting of 647.9 billion JPY in credit and 221.3 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,081,600 persons and Japanese Overseas is 1,219,800 persons. therefore, the unit price is 210,248 JPY for the inbound, and 181,423 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers is a surplus of 1.9 billion JPY, and Sea passengers is a deficit of 1.9 billion JPY. In addition, Other services had a deficit of 317.1billion JPY, and the overall service balance was a surplus of 67.4 billion JPY. The present era is the era of Service Trade.

サービス貿易の時代 The era of Service Trade 

【令和6年ゴールデンウィーク期間の県内主要施設の観光入込客数集計表】Summary of tourist numbers at major facilities in the Mie prefecture during the early-May holiday season in Japan 2024


A total of 2,067,690 tourists visited 24 major tourist facilities in the prefecture during this year's Early-May Holiday Season in Japan (10 days from April 27 to May 6, 2024). (This is a total number of people, so if you go to the Geku, Naiku, and Okage Yokocho, you will be counted as three people, not just one.) Comparing the number of visitors per day to the 21 target facilities with last year and 2018 before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number was up 1.2% year-on-year, recovering to 79.9% of the 2018 level.


This is a compilation of NTT Docomo base station data by NHK. the influx into Fukui Prefecture is clearly evident. In addition, according to JR West, 270,000 people used the Hokuriku Shinkansen between Kanazawa and Fukui during the 11 days from April 26 to May 6, an 18% increase from the previous year. The average number of users per day was 25,000. (The busiest day was May 3, with 33,000 people using both lines.)The market's bias toward markets originating in the Chubu and Kanto regions is clearly evident. Incidentally, Mie Prefecture will also begin full-scale trend surveys using mobile location information starting this FY.

【度会國御神社の建て替え 2024.0516現在】Rebuilding of the Wataraikunimi Jinja, As of May 16

厩舎を右 Turn right just before the stables 

ベールを脱いだ度会國御神社 Unveiled of Wataraikunimi Jinja 

北緯34度29分19.8秒 東経136度42分7.6秒  Latitude34°29’19.8"N. Longitude136° 42’7.6"E. 

外宮 Geku 

度々お世話になっている水の神様 下御井神社 Shimonomino Jinja the The God of Water, to whom we are often indebted. 

【日本は10年遅れている】(5月23日の新聞掲載版)Japan is 10 years behind (The newspaper version of May 23)

【国連からのレポート】The report from the United Nations



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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