
No.191 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" November issue

12月プレオープン予定 Pre-opening scheduled for December 

【松阪 真楽寺の大仏殿と敏太(みぬた)神社】The Daibutsu-den of Shinrakuji and Minuta Jinja, Matsusaka

Shinrakuji and Minuta Jinja were located on the same grounds until the Meiji era. It is said that the "Douixtsucho-gohontai," the bodies of both Buddha and God, at times change their appearance to become Buddha and at other times to become God, offering us salvation. therefore, the Onshi of Shinrakuji Temple is enshrined in the shrine as "Susano-no-mikoto," the god of the night, while Amida Nyorai is enshrined in the shrine as the god of the five grains.

The "Anyoden" written on the wall of the Daibutsuden is another name for the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, meaning to nurture the mind and body in peace and to quickly attain the same knowledge and virtue as the Buddha.

The two-story building, which measures 4Ken on the front and 3Ken on the side (1Ken is 71.582 inches), is modeled after the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple. The Amidhanyorai, which is enshrined on a lotus pedestal, is 9.1 feet high, and it is said that it is rare for a gilt bronze Buddha of this size to be enshrined in the region.

Since ancient times, it has been popular among local people as a place to pray for a good harvest and healing from illness.

Auspicious day of May 2020

【21世紀の伝統工芸 お宿行灯鳥羽】Oyado Andon Toba, the 21st century traditional craft

来月にはプレオープン! Pre-opening next month!

備品調達 The procurement of supplies
しかしバスハウスは手つかずだ! But the bathhouse remains untouched!

【氏郷まつり2023】Ujisato Matsuri 2023


The Ujisato Festival is dedicated to Ujisato Gamo, the first feudal lord of Matsusaka Castle. A parade of about 200 warriors, including an armor squad, paraded through downtown Matsusaka. According to the organizers, a total of 180,000 people visited the 62nd Ujisato Festival.

氏郷祭是為了祭祀松阪城第一代藩主蒲生氏郷而舉辦的祭典。 包括裝甲小隊在內的約200名武士組成的遊行隊伍在松阪市中心遊行。 據主辦單位介紹,第62屆氏郷祭共有18萬人次參觀。

【2023年9月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for September 2023


On November 9, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for September this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2,723.6 billion JPY.
The Trade balance was a surplus of 341.2 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 240.6 billion JPY, consisting of 424.3 billion JPY in credit and 183.7 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 2,184,300 persons for the former and 1,004,700 persons for the latter. therefore, the unit price is 193,655 JPY for the inbound and 182,841 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers is a deficit of 11.5 billion JPY, and Sea passengers also is a deficit of 1.1 billion JPY. In addition, Other services are also in a deficit of 460.6 billion JPY, and the overall Service balance is a deficit of 287.8 billion JPY.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 

【円安】weaker JPY

ビッグマックの価格比較 Big Mac price comparison 

【組団社と接待社】"Company Forming the Tour" and "Company for Receiving Customers". 


The kanji words "Company Forming the Tour" and "Company for Receiving Customers" are unfamiliar in Japan. I didn't know either until I read a report by JETORO researchers in 2013. a "Company Forming the Tour'' is a travel agency that sends out overseas trips in China, and a "Company for Receiving Customers'' is a travel agency that receives such travel (So-called land operators). It is the "Company Forming the Tour'' side, the sending side, that makes the most money. this is because it is in a leading position in travel products, depends on margins for airline tickets and hotels, etc.
According to a report quoted in the Taiwanese media at the time, the number of shopping tours that accepted group tourists at low prices increased along with the surge in Chinese group tourists, and the rebate rate paid by stores to "Company for Receiving Customers" in the home country reached 40% to 60%. The reason for this is excessive competition on the part of the approximately 400 Taiwanese "Company for Receiving Customers," and the result of being outbid by Chinese "Company Forming the Tour". So the payment from the "Company Forming the Tour'' to the "Company for Receiving Customers'', which used to be about 1,800 yuan, was drastically reduced to less than half that amount. With this, the more orders we receive, the more we will be in the red, and the situation is such that the only way to make profits is from the stores in your home country.
China's "Company Forming the Tour'' is a state-owned company, but Taiwan's "Company for Receiving Customers'' is a private company. The power is too different. It's difficult to match balance sheets.
However, the people who lose the most as a result of this are tourists who are forced to make expensive purchases. And this may even lead to a loss of trust in the host region.


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

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No.190 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" October issue

伊勢神宮外宮の豊受大神宮別宮多賀宮 Ise Jingu Guku’s Toyouke Daijingu Betsugu Takanomiya 


【ボンド26】Bond 26

 10月5日は英国では『ジェームズ・ボンドの日』だそうである。シリーズ第1作『007 ドクター・ノオ』の英国初公開が1962年の10月5日だからだ。

October 5th is said to be "James Bond Day" in the UK. This is because the first film in the series, "Dr. No", was first released in the UK on October 5, 1962.
That 26th James Bond film is now listed in the UK Production Weekly journal as "Bond 26" in its latest issue (#1368). Listing all productions in the country, the weekly publication is a guide for those working in the industry to know which film and television shows are being produced by which companies, producers, directors, and relevant contact information. The previous outing was listed as "Bond 26" months before it actually went into pre-production. Being on this list means that location scouting will soon begin and film commissions around the world will no doubt start trying to attract this film. According to NHK News on October 3, in Minamisatsuma City, where the film "You Only Live Twice" was filmed, an aerial tour of the filming locations of Akime and Kagoshima is being planned and will begin next month. French publisher Assouline published "James Bond Destinations". Bond films are perfect for long-term city promotion.
There are local governments all over the world that wish to attract filming for this globally popular series. Naoshima was once one of them. "James Bond Not Come" that was published from Kadokawa Shoten is a nonfiction novel who recorded the efforts of movie attracting activities that occurred at Naoshima Town in Kagawa Prefecture, at that time.
It all started, with Raymond Benson's "The Man with the Red Tattoo", published in 2002. the plot is, Bond visits Japan again for the G8 summit held at the Benesse facility in Kagawa prefecture Naoshima. as a sequel to Ian Fleming's "You Only Live Twice" set in Mie Prefecture (Toba, Ise, Matsusaka, Iga). in that backgrounds is due to the fact that Kagawa Prefecture, together with Okayama Prefecture, was to attract for the 2008 G8 Summit as "Setouchi Summit". (In the end, the 34th major summit meeting of this year became the G8 Hokkaido-Toyako Summit, which also included Russia.)
The story begins in 2001, when Benson spent three nights on Naoshima for reporting. As soon as this novel was published in 2002, the dream of film attraction was transferred from prefecture's film commission to prefectural tourism association, and Naoshima Town office, and Naoshima Town Council to obtain resolutions in 2003, and it became known to all the islanders.
Moreover, a self-name executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment who visited the Naoshima tourist association also encouraged, and in 2004 the prefecture's council also began to cooperate. in additiom, gathered 50,000 signatures by convoking the "signature agents". in addition, the "Bond Girl of Kagawa" contest was held as part of attraction activities. Then, they are select the youth English man officer of the Prefecture Government Affairs Department as James Bond in Kagawa Prefecture, and make a short film "From Naoshima with Love" for introduced tourism.
And they opened the "007 The Man with the Red Tattoo Museum" which was remodeled the garment factory in 2005 (closed in February 2018). Moreover, in 2006 carrying signatures of 83,000 people the Deputy Governor and the president of the prefectural assembly went to the United States to visit Sony Pictures Studio, and they are met the two Vice-presidents of Sony Pictures Entertainment. However, it was discovered here, it is that the executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment that appeared in Naoshima was a fake, and it is that vice presidents have heard activities of Naoshima for the first time in now on here. Furthermore, in Naoshima, a operating fund of 2.17 million JPY was disappeared too.
As a result, blame begins to be placed on each other, and Sony's copyright management company also tries to block the renewal of "Museum", and the situation spirals into an abyss.
As a problem obtained after reading, Firstly, there is a lack of understanding of the power relationship between the movie production company and the movie distribution company. Also, they didn't know Danjaq Production which manages movie trademarks, and also didn't know that the production company Eon production does not make a 007 film of a novel other than Ian Fleming. is that the “The Man With Red Tattoo” is an official novel with permission from the Ian Fleming Foundation, to the last. books and films are different things (Although the villain's hideout in "No Time to Die" was located in the Northern Territories of Japan, just like in "The Man with the Red Tattoo", and the same applies to virus terrorism).
Still I would like to pay tribute to the fight of this predecessor. It is better than not doing anything. because something will remain. For example, the poster where Daniel Craig's signature was written is so. This is what former CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment' Howard Stringer mailed to this museum during his term. As a result, the agents who visited Japan for trademark control is abandonment of accusations. although this museum should be a memorial hall of the novel to the last, As this was a facility admitted by the own employer CEO. It seems that showed respect for passion.
Moreover, Naoshima has now become famous around the world as a "sacred place for art". In addition to the increase in immigrants, inbound tourism has also increased. According to RSK Sanyo Broadcasting on September 9 last month, land prices have risen and there are no vacant houses in the island's vacant house bank. It all worked out in the end.


【初秋の旧長谷川邸庭園】The garden of the former Hasegawa residence in early autumn


【奈良ならレポート2023.0830】(9/28 三重ふるさと新聞掲載版)Nara Report 2023.0830 (Mie Furusato Shimbun version published on September 28)



【国登録有形文化財「旧廣野家住宅」鳥羽大庄屋かどや】National Registered Tangible Cultural Property “Former Hirono Family Residence” Toba Daishoya Kadoya

松阪で製造された日本最古の「長尾オルガン」Japan's oldest "Nagao Organ" produced in Matsusaka 

紫微山丸の進水式(帝国汽船株式会社鳥羽造船所) Launching ceremony of Shibizanmaru (Teikoku Kisen Co., Ltd. Toba Shipyard) 

AIによるカラー化 Coloring by AI 


【鈴屋の鈴】Suzunoya’s suzu

鈴屋之印 Stamp of Suzunoya 

宣長の七種鈴 Norinaga’s 7 types suzu 

鉄鈴 Tetsu-lei 

茄子型小鈴 Nasugata ko-suzu 

桂掛鈴 Hashira kake suzu 

本居宣長旧宅二階の書斎「鈴屋」Suzunoya, a study on the second floor of Motoori Norinaga's former residence 


【2023年8月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for August 2023


On October 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for August this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2,279.7 billion JPY.
The Trade balance was a deficit of 749.5 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 258.2 billion JPY, consisting of 419.2 billion JPY in credit and 160.9 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 2,156,900 persons for the former and 1,201,200 persons for the latter. outbound has increased a little because it's summer vacation. the unit price is 194,353 JPY for the inbound and 133,949 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers posted a deficit of 9.7 billion JPY, and Sea passengers also posted a deficit of 1.6 billion JPY. In addition, Other services are also in a deficit of 522.9 billion JPY, and the overall Service balance is in the red of 302.9 billion JPY. The cause appears to be a digital deficit that is increasing year by year.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 

【メルカトル図法による錯視】Illusion by Mercator projection


I noticed this while checking the 34° 28' north latitude line on a sphere, but on a world map using the Mercator projection, the closer it is to the poles, the larger it becomes. So when I tried superimposing a map of Japan on the same scale on the maps of Europe and Greenland...


【秋の伊勢神宮 内宮】Ise Jingu Naiku in autumn

殆どが邦人で、外国人は極めて少ない Most of them are Japanese, and there are very few foreigners. 


【特定技能2号】Specified Skilled Worker II


In April 2019, Japan created the "Specified Skilled Worker'' status of residence to accept foreign workers. There are two types "I", which requires a certain level of expertise and skill, and "II", which requires skilled skills. For "I", skill levels and Japanese language proficiency are confirmed through tests in 12 fields, and the maximum period of stay is five years. It is also possible to shift from "Technical Intern Trainee" aimed at technology transfer and human resource development in developing countries.
The occupations covered by Specified skilled worker "I" are Construction, Shipbuilding, Marine industries, Building cleaning, Materials, industrial machinery, electrical and electronic information-related manufacturing, Automobile maintenance, Aviation, Hotel and ryokan, Agriculture, Fishing, Food and beverage manufacturing, Food service, and Nursing care. "II" will be allowed to bring their family with them, and if they meet the conditions, they will be able to live permanently.
In Japan June of this year, cabinet approved a policy to expand the scope of Specified Skilled Worker "II", a permanent resident status for skilled foreign workers, to 11 fields. This is because acceptance requirements need to be relaxed so that highly skilled foreigners can stay. because the period of stay for "I", which allows you to work for up to five years in total, will gradually expire from April next year.
Until now, in order to shift to "II", it was necessary to obtain a level 1 skill test for Japanese people, and the hurdle was that a certain level of practical experience was required in order to qualify for the exam. For this reason, the government is creating new exams in all fields to obtain "II" qualification. There are some fields that have already released learning texts that are expected to be at the same level as the 1st grade skill test. Trials are scheduled to begin this fall.


【享保大判】Kyoho Oban

享保10年~万延元年 Kyoho 10~Manen 1 (1725~1860)

表面には「拾両後藤」と墨書。縦15.3cm、横9.4 cm、重さ約165g。明治40年作成の添え書から、長谷川家11代目の定矩(さだのり)の収集品の一つと考えられている。

On the surface is written by sumi-ink "Juryo Goto". It is 15.3cm long and 9.4cm wide, and weighs approximately 165g. According to the addendum created in 1907, it is thought to be one of the collections of Sadanori, the 11th generation of the Hasegawa family.



【竹神社のハロウィン】Halloween at Take Jinja


【ファクト2252名】The Fact 2252 parsons


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

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