
No.188 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" August issue

英国航空 British Airways 

【英国の市場】The market of the UK

 日本のメディアは報じないが、CPTPPの12の加盟国のうち、カナダ・シンガポール・オーストラリア・ニュージーランド・マレーシア・ブルネイの6か国は、英国の緩やかな連合体イギリス連邦(Commonwealth of Nations)の一員だ。イギリス連邦はチャールズ三世が首長を務めており、その56の加盟国はコモンウェルス憲章に謳われている民主主義・人権・法の支配などの価値観を共有する歴史的つながりで結びついている。連邦諸国の総面積は世界の国土面積の21%にあたる3184万4000k㎡以上あり、2021年時点の推定総人口26億1266万人は世界人口のほぼ3分の1に相当、人口ベースでは国連(UN)と上海協力機構(SCO)に次ぐ第3位の政府間組織だ。加えて、連邦諸国の2019年の観光収支は約1000億ドルとなっており、これは世界の観光収支の約10%に相当する。つまり、CPTPP加盟国の半分が、そのイギリス連邦の国になるわけで、当然、往き来の活性化が予測され、ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズの関空乗り入れ再開も視野に入るわけだ(現在は羽田のみ)。

On the 16th of last month, the 11 member countries of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership officially approved Britain's accession at a ministerial meeting held in Auckland. The CPTPP is one of the free trade agreements (FTAs) that aim to revitalize the economy by mutually eliminating tariffs and making investment rules transparent. As a result, the movement of people, money and goods with the UK will become more active.
The Six of the CPTPP member 12 countries - Canada, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Brunei - are members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth of Nations is headed by Charles III, and its 56 member states are linked through the use of English and historical ties, with shared values such as democracy, human rights and the rule of law enshrined in the Commonwealth Charter. The countries of the Commonwealth of Nations cover an area of over 31,844,000 k㎡, equivalent to 21% of the world's land area. The estimated total population is 2,612.66 million in 2021. that's nearly a third of the world's population, making it the third-largest intergovernmental organization by population after the United Nations (UN) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). In addition, the tourism balance for the Commonwealth countries in 2019 will be about 100 billion USD, which is about 10% of the world's tourism balance. point is, half of the CPTPP members will be its British Commonwealth countries. Naturally, a revitalization of inbound and outbound travel is expected, and there is a possibility that British Airways will resume service to KIX (currently only at Haneda).
The problem is name recognition of Mie Prefecture. The following is a market analysis compiled by JNTO's London office. The funnel of the overview visit to Japan shows that about half of the visitors are unaware of Japan, and also Mie Prefecture is not named among the top 10 prefectures. No wonder, no one wants to go to a place they do not know.
However, there is no mention of literary tourism in this report. Literary tourism, such as world-famous Shakespeare and Conan Doyle, is well established in UK. literary tourism, which increased mainly from the 19th century, is said to have included poets and novelists at the time. Travelers are particularly interested in how their destinations influenced each author's writings.
If it were, Ian Fleming's second visit to Japan in November 1962, which also served as an interview, would likely fall into that category. The photos below reproduces a scene in Mie Prefecture depicted in Ian Fleming's novel "You Only Live Twice". I sent this, to the British Mie Prefectural Association, which has been stopped to disseminate information.
Incidentally, according to the Guardian on August 12, the award ceremony for the "Booker International Prize", which is the translation category of the British literary award was held in May this year. in a survey of book buyers, organizers said sales of translated foreign literature in 2022 were up 22% from the previous year. About half of those buyers are readers under the age of 35. More than 31% of the fiction purchased by this age group is translated, and Japanese novels account for a quarter of the sales of translated foreign novels. and said some publishers' translated novels have come to be regarded as "cultural accessories". It's cool for young people.

イアン・フレミングの小説に登場する三重県 Mie Prefecture in Ian Fleming's novel
詳しくはコチラ Click here for details 

フェリーを追い越す水中翼船 Hydrofoil overtaking the ferry 

真珠島の御木本幸吉像と海女 Statue of Kokichi Mikimoto and Ama on Pearl Island 

外宮前の修学旅行生 School trip student in front of Geku shrine 

伊勢神宮外宮 Ise Jingu Geku 

海に囲まれた城 The castle surrounded by the sea 

松阪牛 Matsusaka beef 

忍者の城 Castle of ninja  

松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho 

イアンフレミングの初来日は1959年 Ian Fleming's first visit to Japan was in 1959. 

【2023年6月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for June 2023

On August 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for June this year. The current account balance is a surplus 1,508.8 billion JPY.
also Trade balance is a surplus of 328.7 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 294.8 billion JPY, consisting of 370.1 billion JPY in credit and 99.6 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 2,073,300 persons for the former and 703,300 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 190,228 JPY for the inbound and 141,618 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers posted a deficit of 2.7 billion JPY, and Sea passengers also posted a deficit of 400 million JPY. In addition, Other services are also in a deficit of 575.1 billion JPY, and the overall Service balance is in the red of 358.2 billion JPY.
Incidentally, the total current account balance was a surplus for the first six months of the calendar year was 8013.2 billion JPY. Trade balance of goods is a deficit of 5178.8 billion JPY. Travel balance was a surplus of 1616.1 billion JPY. Although the overall service balance is a deficit of 2122 billion JPY.
By the way, Some economists on the side of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry argue that it is unreasonable to discuss the nation's profit and loss in terms of the balance of payments based on the "development stage theory of the Balance of payments. It is true that Japan's international balance of payments maintains a surplus in the Primary income balance by overseas earnings of global companies. However, it lacks the aspect of a wealthy country, such as the rise and fall of the domestic economy and the increase in national income. Citizens are not only capitalists. When I say this, they tell me to "improve productivity." But, in other words, it is blind obedience to efficiency that eliminates uncertainty. Are they saying that we don't need primary and service industries that are subject to uncertainty? (the least productive are economists.) Then a sustainable society will end up in the picture.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 

貿易収支と旅行収支の推移(単位:億円)Changes in trade balance and travel balance (unit: 100 million JPY) 

【気候変動-幾つかのエビデンス】Climate change - Some evidence

古気候学者たちによる中世温暖期 Medieval Warm Period by Paleoclimatologists

中国における古気候研究 Paleoclimatology research in China

Yakusugi narrates Japan's temperature changes

An evidence of Heian Sea Advance as seen at the Mie Prefectural Saiku Historical Museum

【坂手島とマリテーム間の花火 2023.0813】Fireworks between Sakate-jima and Hotel Maritime 2023.0813

8月15日、台風7号上陸 August 15, Typhoon 7 makes landfall 

いちべ参道をふさぐ折れたデイゴの木 Ichibe pilgrimage road blocked by a broken deigo tree 


At a regular press conference on August 17, the governor of Mie Prefecture said that the number of tourists visiting tourist facilities in the prefecture during the Obon period (11-15) decreased by 23.6% compared to the same period last year. According to the prefecture’s aggregation, 318,731 tourists visited 14 major facilities in the prefecture during the Obon period, down 98,585 from the same period last year. At 13 facilities, excluding the Gozaisho Ropeway, the number of visitors fell below the previous year's level, and even compared to 2019 before the corona crisis, it decreased by 34.3% (166,041 person). On the 14th and 15th, when the typhoon approached the prefecture, the number of visitors was particularly low because most tourist facilities had to shorten their business hours or closing.
By the way, the total of these 14 samples does not represent the actual situation in the prefecture. because Ise Jingu is double-counted for Naiku and Geku, and much of Okage-yokocho overlaps with Naiku. also the figures for Nagashima Resort, which has the largest number of visitors in the prefecture, are not listed.

【データコレクションからの結論】(8/24 三重ふるさと新聞掲載版)Conclusions from data collections (Mie Furusato Shimbun version published on August 24)

【2022年 奈良市と鳥羽市の延べ観光客数の比較】Comparison of the total number of tourists in Nara City and Toba City 2022

【全国旅行支援継続県】Prefectures that continue The Nationwide Travel Support

個人旅行向け For personal travel

団体旅行向け For group travel

【奈良ならレポート資料編】Nara Report Material Edition

注:インバウンド含まず Not including inbound 

注:インバウンド含まず Not including inbound 

There are only 409 hotels and ryokans in Nara Prefecture, 141 of which are in Nara City. therefore the number of overnight guests in 2022 is 2,071,520, ranking 44th out of 47 prefectures. visitors to Japan tend to choose Osaka or Kyoto as lodging destinations.


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.187 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2023" July issue

ミニひまわり小夏 Mini sunflower konatsu 

【データコレクションからの結論】Conclusions from data collections


Tourist destinations famous for winter sports will inevitably lose their ability to attract visitors in the summer. Also in the Maritime resorts, it is necessary to devise meals and hot springs to attract customers in winter, and to endure low price tour. this is because the market considers it a seasonal product. However, after three years of Wuhan virus disaster, this conventional pattern of domestic travel is changing. That is market is shrinking due to the declining birthrate, aging population and soaring prices.
On the other hand, the inbound market is soaring thanks in part to the weaker yen. the overtourism on the Shinkansen Golden Route has also been successfully diversified to rural areas through the JR’s Japan Rail Pass. according to the Japan Rail Pass's publicity for overseas, this JR Pass started with 6.8 million people in 2009, but it decreased to 6.2 million in 2011 when the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant exploded, but since then, it has continued to increase year by year, reaching 31.8 million in 2019 before the pandemic caused by the Wuhan virus.
However, in Mie, there is no benefit other than going through Kameyama. this is because the three-sector "Ise Railway" divides the running route of the rapid service Mie. Therefore, proposed in the overseas publicity is Ise Jingu and Meoto Iwa only, and almost no information. Featured in the Central Area’s video archive, it's Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, and Kurobe/Tateyama only, but not Mie Prefecture. Looking at the inbound arrival rate, Mie Prefecture is 1%, 46th out of 47 prefectures. The Governor of Mie Prefecture, who visited the Basque Country at the Late May to introduce such as gastronomy tourism, also heard from the Chief Minister about the need for this Pass. No wonder, no one would come to a place where they do not know anyone.
As I have seen many times, the inbound that flows into the city from JR Nara Station (of the neighboring prefecture) is fully functioning as a complement to the domestic market during the off-season. But, according to the JTA, the visitor rate to Mie Prefecture is less than 1%. Therefore, it is questionable in terms of cost-effectiveness to invest in refurbishment equipment to attract inbound customers. The Maritime hotel won the right to receive a “Project for reproduction and Adding High Value to Tourist Spots and Tourism Industry with Integral Regions” subsidy, but we decided to decline. this is because the development of hardware alone will not lead to the improvement of income and expenditure due to inbound demand demanded by the government.
By the way, for this project with an upper limit of 100 million JPY, Maritime applied for 1/2 of the national subsidy and 1/2 of its own funds and was adopted. that premise is, investment will be recovered through market recovery. But, in the case of ryokans that applied for 2/3 of the subsidy on the premise of financing from a financial institution, the hurdles seemed to be quite high. this is because decisions must be made based on the credit of the lender. that premise is, the certainty of recovering investment through market recovery. however, in the case of Matsusaka to Ise-Shima, the period from April to July, when national travel support was curtailed, is not very good. this makes it difficult to guarantee certainty. In this respect as well, supplementing the off-season with inbound tourists is inevitable. For example, the average room rate per person in Ise-Shima on weekdays is about 12,000 JPY, but if this were about 100,000 JPY per night of Hakone which has shown signs of an inbound bubble, the credit of financial institutions would be considerably higher. in addition, it is expected to spread to the construction industry, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, etc., and also it will lead to stable employment. This means that the sustainable improvement of income and expenditure and the stabilization and settlement of employment, which are required by the national and prefectural governments, will undoubtedly succeed by averaging the on and off seasons.

季節変動幅は約二倍。これが労働生産性の妨げになる。The range of seasonal fluctuations is approximately double. This hinders labor productivity. 

地銀のリスク Risk of regional banks 

2019 are 31.8 million. JR's Japan Rail Pass is making rapid progress, but Mie Prefecture has little benefit from this, because the 3rd sector railway is sandwiched between them. 

鳥羽駅の利用者数 The number of passengers at Toba Station 


【日本最強の政治支援団体】Japan's strongest political support groups


【2023年5月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for May 2023


On July 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for May this year. The current account balance is a surplus 1,862.4 billion JPY.
The trade balance is a deficit of 1186.7 billion JPY. The travel balance is a surplus of 274.4 billion JPY, consisting of 370.1 billion JPY in credit and 95.8 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 1,898,900 persons for the former and 675,700 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 194,902 JPY for the inbound and 141,779 JPY for the outbound.
However, due to the resurgence of foreign-affiliated airlines, the air passengers fell into the red at 8.9 billion JPY, and the sea passengers also posted a permanent deficit of 400 million JPY. In addition, also the other services have a deficit of 445.4 billion JPY, and the overall service balance is a deficit of 240.9 billion JPY. The only source of income is the travel balance for accommodation and meals by inbound.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 


【「お伊勢参り 昭和28年」AIによるカラー化 不完全版】Colorization by AI of "Visiting Ise Jingu Shrine 1953" The Incomplete version

日本映画新社製作 モノクロ 23分
Produced by Nihon Eiga Shinsha, monochrome, 23 minutes 

Please click the URL→ https://youtu.be/CWW-eNPn8fk

This film was made before Sengu, to introduce the 59th Ise Jingu Sengu and sightseeing in Mie Prefecture. 

FY1953 1st All Japan Sightseeing Film Contest Grand Prize Winning Film 

お伊勢まいり Visiting Ise Jingu Shrine 

主演 三木のり平 小野田勇 Starring Norihei Miki and Isamu Onoda 

津競艇 Tsu Boat 

外宮 Geku 

第59回式年御遷宮 御正宮御造営御敷地 The 59th Shikinen Sengu The main shrine construction site 

国鉄バスと同型の三重交通バス Mie Kotsu bus of the same type as the JNR bus 

勝子さん? Tour conductor 

内宮宇治橋 Naiku Uji Bridge 

御木本幸吉 Kokichi Mikimoto 

本居宣長旧宅 Former residence of Norinaga Motoori 

鳥羽観光塔 Toba Sightseeing Tower 

渡鹿野島 Watakanoshima Island 

近鉄2250系 Kintetsu 2250 series 

【2023年度当初予算における各都道府県の観光予算】Tourism budget in each prefecture's initial budget for FY2023

(単位:千円 unit:thousand JPY) 
政商の餌食にならないように I hope don't fall prey to public-private collusion businesses 

【日銀が大株主の企業番付】Ranking of companies with the BOJ as a major shareholder


【地銀のサスティナビリティ】Sustainability of Regional Banks


In the banking industry, it is important whether or not the "profit from customer services" is in the black as the "earnings base", and If to support distressed companies, it must have two elements: a “profit base” that does not lose funds in case of loss-making lending risks, and a “revitalization power” that puts the companies back on a growth track. banks with negative customer service margins can't afford to build bad debt reserves to support their customers. In addition, The Financial Services Agency's industry-specific support guidelines for regional banks include only five industries: construction, restaurants, retail, wholesale, and transportation, and there are no hotels or ryokans. Although according to a report by the Japan Productivity Center in March of this year, it is listed as an additional candidate. This is the current situation.


【地域振興と地方銀行とのかかわりについて】About the involvement of the regional development with regional banks


The following chart is part from a report compiled by the Study Council for Improving Financial Intermediation, which met on April 11, 2018. At the time of its release, the report, which was criticized by many regional bankers for intentionally inflaming the possibility of a business crisis in order to promote consolidation, was published by the FSA based on the findings of experts, but after the coronavirus pandemic, further deterioration of the indicators is inevitable. The BOJ's extra-dimensional easing has squeezed the profits of financial institutions, and the declining birthrate and aging population are draining local economies, but regional banks are expected to quickly strengthen their operational foundations. This is because the FSA's goal seems to be "one bank in one prefecture".
In November 2020, a special antitrust law was enacted, and regional bank mergers within the same prefecture were exempted from the oligopoly prohibition provision as a temporary measure until November 2030. in addition, The government is also taking measures to issue subsidies until March 2026 for the costs of system integration and store consolidation associated with mergers and reorganizations. Aomori Bank and Michinoku Bank in Aomori Prefecture merged their businesses in April last year under this special law, and the merger was decided in January 2025. The second example is the reorganization of Hachijuni Bank and Nagano Bank.
In 2001, the Cabinet Office stated that in low-profit, low-productivity sectors, economic resources such as employees, management resources, capital, and land remained stagnant, and that such economic resources were not allocated to high-profit, high-productivity sectors, and says that the role expected of banks is to support companies with highly profitable businesses when cash flow problems arise, but for companies that do not have highly profitable businesses, they are expected to collect past credits and conduct corporate reconstruction at an appropriate time. Naturally, this stance is still the basis of management, but if that is the case, there is no other way to promote the regional tourism industry than to introduce daily inbound tourism as a pursuit of high profitability and high productivity. This is because, even if we look at advanced cases in Japan and overseas, this is comparable to attracting companies.


【パンデミックの正体】The identity of the pandemic

 6月の中国の不動産販売額(床面積ベース)は前年同月比28.1%減と、5月(19.7%減)から大幅に減少した。 また、6月の輸出も前年比12.4%減と、新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックが始まって以来最大の落ち込みとなった。そして、7月17日に中国政府が発表した今年第2四半期のGDP統計によると、前年同期比は6.3%増にとどまった。第1四半期も4.5%増だったが、昨年春には上海がロックダウンだったため、解除の反動で増加しただけである。

中国の旅行収支の内訳 (単位:億米ドル) Breakdown of China's travel balance (Unit: 100 million USD) 

It is said that the reason why there are few Chinese inbound tourists is because the Chinese government is restricting group tours to Japan. But, Chinese tourists are disappearing from tourist destinations around the world. The number of Chinese who visited five Southeast Asian countries in May was in the range of 14-39% compared to 2019. China is rushing to build up its military and is concerned about the outflow of foreign currency, the domestic economy itself may be reaching a turning point.
China's real estate sales (based on floor area) in June decreased by 28.1% year-on-year, a significant decrease from May (down 19.7%). Also, Exports in June also fell 12.4% year-on-year, the largest decline since the beginning of the Wuhan virus pandemic. And, according to the Chinese government's GDP figures for the second quarter of this year announced on July 17, the year-on-year increase was only 6.3%. In the first quarter, the increase was only 4.5% too, but looking back, it was natural because Shanghai was in lockdown last spring, and the increase was just a reaction to that.
The Chinese economy, which has continued to grow rapidly by relying on investment and exports, has a low ratio of personal consumption to GDP. According to the Nikkei newspaper, the United States has 70%, Japan has 53%, and China has 40%. Last month, the Chinese government announced a plan to stimulate consumer spending, which is expected to be the engine of growth in the future, but the young people who drive personal consumption are facing economic difficulties. The unemployment rate among young people (16-24 years old) in June was 21.3%, a record high. China's June consumer price index CPI was flat year-on-year, even as the global economy faces inflationary pressures. Is it deflationary pressure?
What is certain is that the expectation of a V-shaped economic recovery after zero corona is far off. That is not all. For China, whose the financial balance is negative, earning foreign currency through goods trade is essential, but outbound devit far outstrips inbound credit jeopardizes the balance of payments surplus. As I wrote in detail in No. 172 [The numbers tell], China's international balance of payments in 2018-2019, which claims to be the world's factory, was on the verge of falling into the red. In particular, China's tourism balance deficit of 218,788 million USD in 2019, before the Wuhan virus pandemic, was as large as China's entire defense budget.
However, the dynamic zero corona policy has greatly contributed to curbing the outflow of Chinese yuan. Since the publication of UNWTO's International Tourism Highlights has been delayed, instead referring to data from the ITI, China's tourism balance deficit was 121.1 billion USD in 2020 and 94.361 billion USD in 2021, a significant decrease.
If there had been no pandemic caused by the Wuhan virus and the Tokyo Olympics had been held as planned in 2020, China's balance of payments would undoubtedly be in the red due to huge outbound devit, and military build-up would have been limited, and Xi Jinping would have fallen from his position. According to China's State Council, China's military budget has been increasing year by year, reaching about 270 billion USD this year. President Macron are agrees with China, saying NATO's Tokyo office is against. But it is necessary to pay close attention to what will happen to the travel balance of the Paris Olympics 2024 against China.

中国の国際収支の推移 Changes in China's balance of payments 1980-2023(unit: billion USD) 

【ファクト2180名】The Fact 2180 parsons

The announcement for the first time in three months since April 28 shows that the number of deaths has decreased, but yot can also confirm the sacrifice of young children.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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