
No.83-84『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2014』12月号 - 2015』正月号

No.83 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" December issue 2014.1201

【ビッグデータ】Big data



October 29, NHK news reported. the Japanese government begin to provide "Big data" from next year for "regional innovation".
As a result, the movement of the business-to-business, population, and tourists trend becomes possible to analyze on the municipalities. as objective data. in the past, if the real number is unable to grasp, it had to rely on estimates.
Mainichi newspaper had reported on the eve. this will be released as a "Regional economic analysis system" that runs to the end of this fiscal year from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. this will contain the transaction data 700,000 companies with the Teikoku Databank's. seems a mechanism that is shown on the map for each season.
As a result, the ratio of citizens and tourists in the Matsusaka Castle, will be able to grasp. and, will be found duplicate number of people also in “Geku" and "Naiku".(※)
But, big data is not a panacea. for example, the number of people without the mobile terminal cannot be grasped. Wifi or GPS off also so.
Therefore, the number of elementary school trip may not be able to grasp. and, also perhaps excursion of kindergarten.
And, between the issuance of the ticket in the case of theme parks and museums, it means that make a big difference.
Should not be overestimated its ability.

(※)14,200,000 people the number of last year's "Ise-Jingu" tourist. "JTB Shoji" head office believed in it. So, the sales target for this year of Ise-Shima district, in compliance with it. as a result, local sales offices have been forced to struggle more than necessary. exaggerated numbers is sinful. it's the same as the "Imperial Headquarters announced".

【2013年の旅館とホテルの数】Number of Hotels and Ryokans 2013


October 30, from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the latest statistics were released. this is until the end of 2013.
According to this, the number of the "Ryokans" has become 43,363, at the end of 2013.
The trace back, current Ryokans number of year-end of 1989 was 77,269. as a result, the content of typical Japanese lost about 44% in 13 years.
On the other hand, the Hotels has almost doubled (Including practical inexpensive hotel). from the 1989 year's 4,970, to the 2013 year's 9,809. it has increased little by little.
However, the reduction rate of both total is about 35%. from the 1989 year's 82,239, to the 2013 year-end's 53,172.
This statistic is which is formed by 47 prefectures.
For example, Nara Prefecture has 399 Ryokans, 58 hotels. Kyoto Prefecture is 712 Ryokans, 207 hotels. Mie Prefecture is 1,566 Ryokans, 87 hotels.
Can be understood by comparing. in Mie have a lot of the Ryokans. this is Kyoto's times.
So, management is difficult in the price competition.

Notes of the Matsusaka's Tourism Promotion Vision (Japanese version only)

 なお、『全国基準』では、人数推計の為の調査方法を規定している。A 入場券売上枚数から、B 入場券売上金額から、C 周辺の旅館の宿泊客数や売店等の売上金額から、である。

 その全43アイテム(11/4現在)38万9017円上代の平均掛率が、もしも全て八掛け商品だったならば その仕入れ額は31万1213円60銭で、粗利は7万7803円40銭となる。

【椅子の減少】Reduction of the chair


Wave of management integration, seems to have finally reached the regional banks. it is a wave of merger restructuring and shakeout that began from toy manufacturers, generation order.
Wave of management integration, seems to have finally reached the regional banks. it is a wave of merger restructuring and shakeout that began from toy manufacturers, generation order.
In Japan the future, "musical chairs game" progresses in all domestic demand industries. this is for Low birth rate and longevity, and Reduction of capital demand for due to exhaustion of the local economy. Higo Bank and Kagoshima Bank has started negotiations for the management integration. it was reported in such a background on November 7.
This restructuring beyond the border (Kumamoto Prefecture and Kagoshima Prefecture), and put the brakes on the low interest rate competition, is expected to have a "share" and "management efficiency".
Japan's Financial Services Agency has also boosted the restructuring of regional banks. because, no longer need so much. regional banks and second-tier regional banks are 105.
The November 14, Management integration of Yokohama bank and Higashi Nippon bank has also been reported.
This is will also bring a serious outlook on the local industry, it tourism industry is also included. the reason is because the management evaluation become more strict. Japanese government further want to streamline the business scene. by leveraging the data-driven and big data. because, become evaluation of more stringent management.
For example, Data-driven is "The Art of War" by the market analysis based on real numbers. it is not a region of hope or petition, logic is important.
Even if there is popular, it is not evaluated unless profitable. in other words, become "profit margin" is more important than the "availability factor", for regional banks.
This fact, also will link to "seismic reinforcement problem(Until December 31 2015)" of Hotels and Ryokans.
And, this will drop a deep shadow over the self burden of renovation costs.
Ryokan district of Japan began overflowing from the post-war as a saucer of group travel. but, the effect of reducing of the chair by the low birthrate and longevity is exactly same as in the case of regional banks.


【データドリブン・マーケティング】Data-driven marketing




By the way, Government policy "Efforts to promote the use and utilization of big data" is to encourage the "Environment creation of data-driven innovation".
Analysys Mason Inc. has made the association as an activity of innovative data-driven services.
It is, data "collection" and "save". the data set of "combination and objectives change". the data "analysis" and the service "end-use".
The company's report that was published at the end of October, was roughly the usefulness five in the case of adoption of data-driven services.

・Made to Order becomes possible matching to individual users.
・By using the position information of the real time, it is possible to act on the particular user.
・Predicted along the behavioral pattern is possible to induce the consumption behavior.
・Possible to reach out only to a common attribute group.
・Information to correspond to the big changes or trends, can to be provided to the corporations and governments.

This report has been estimated Japan's GBA (gross value added) 71% and total employment 70%. it configuration is Manufacturing, Wholesale, Retail, Transportation industry, Logistics, Financial services, Information and communication, Medical, Education, and Welfare industry. but there, agriculture, forestry, fishing, the tourism industry does not exist. this is local industry in many cases is small business. So apparently because there are high barriers to data-driven services, seem not interested.
And, also does not include digital content industries music and movies, though it is electronic information.
And addition, holding as a problem to be solved a data exchange with foreign companies, market expansion by trade has been to ignored.
In other words, the domestic industry is the only prerequisite. it is not enough to want to link the trend of companies and end users. rapid aging leads to a reduction of the market. this is lack in the report of 83 pages.
Currently, hear the data-driven marketing is not going well in foreign countries. the reason for this is an analytical mistake by deflection data?

【平成26年度の上半期経常収支】2014 fiscal year's first half of the current account balance

 その内訳は『第一次所得収支』が 9兆1487億円、『貿易収支』▲4兆3972億円、 『サービス収支』▲1兆8152億円、『第二次所得収支』▲9122億円である。差し引き2兆0239億円の黒字だ。二半期ぶりである。
 なお、 過去の推移はグラフ化して既に公開済みだから、もうここでは触れない。どうぞこちらをご参照ください。


November 11 has been reported, 2014 fiscal year's first half of the "current account balance". however, this is "fiscal year". it is from April to September, is not January to June. So it cannot be compared with other countries.
The breakdown, The "Primary income balance" is 9,148,700,000,000JPY. "Trade balance" ▲ 4,397,200,000,000JPY. "Services account" ▲ 1,815,200,000,000JPY. "Second income balance" ▲ 912,200,000,000JPY. it is a surplus of 2,023,900,000,000JPY. the first time in two quarters.
However, "Trade balance" is remains sluggish. because main export item is only Car, PET raw material, and Matsushita's smartphone semiconductor. to sympathize with major travel agencies that have received excessive profits in outbound. and, also Japanese major newspapers. it has to rely on a huge advertising expenses from the travel agencies. this is from ten million JPY to billion, of one year.
Inbound is the low profitability for Japanese travel agency. it's about approximately 10% of the outbound. travel products is because there is profitable to the sender. airlines also is the case.
There is a need to improve them.
By the way, past trends I will no longer mention here. because, already I've posted it to the graph. Please see here.


【スプートニク・ニュース】Спутник Новости Sputnik News



Визит Путина в Японию снова было объявлено. И, в этот день 10 ноября Русская глобальная СМИ начали.
Это действительно либеральная заголовок. Это напоминает мне о пропаганде США ушедшей эпохи. Если можете контролировать национализм, этнический и религиозный конфликт, Это означает, настоящая глобальная медиа.
Другими словами, новая демократия. Но это, требует справедливого распределения богатства. Пожалуйста, замените от CNN Новости. Этот Спутник, это зависит от того, есть ли объективной точки зрения.

Visit of President Putin to Japan has been announced again. and, this day November 10, Russian global media has started.
It's really liberal heading. seems like the US propaganda of a bygone era. If you can control the nationalism, ethnic or religious conflict, this is a real global media.
In other words, the new democracy. but, it requires a fair distribution of wealth. will exchange from CNN News. it depends on whether Sputnik have an objective point of view.

【O.H.M.S.S.国際会議レポート2014.1117-18】Report of the Global Forum 2014




 折しも、ちょうどこの両日には、二期連続のGDPマイナスを受けた株価の下落に、消費税率の引上げ延期、そして衆議院解散、総選挙が報じられた。この予想通りの展開は、私から見れば実にタイムリーに映る。なぜならば、日本の政財界には、まだ『サービス貿易』に関する知見がないので、地に堕ちた『貿易収支』(28ヶ月連続赤字) に代わる『サービス貿易』振興に舵が切れないままでいたからである。外国が、実は『三本目の矢』はこれであるなどと教えてくれる訳がない。

"13th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics" Both days November 17-18, was held at the provincial new Public Hall in Nara Kasugano-cho. Tourism officials, scholars, and government personnels, from each country concentrated the discussion.
Its main theme is "Measurement and economic analysis of regional tourism", "Analysis of demand-side behaviour and consumption", "Using big data for tourism statistics", "Utilising tourism statistics for business and policy analysis".
Number of participants was about 210 people. I also, was able to announce the report in the form of a poster session.
First of all, I thank EUROSTAT, and the Tourism Agency.
This forum is part of Japan participation 50 anniversary-related events to the OECD. held in Asia's Nara is the first time.
The first day of city, was on high alert for the visit of His Majesty the Emperor. but the second day was full of domestic and foreign tourists, on the autumn colors. this is a suitable environment to the meeting of tourism statistics.
Projector screen on the Noh stage of the stage. the conference hall is very Japanese atmosphere. content with the help of wireless voice simultaneous interpretation also was easy to understand. abstract, full paper and presentation was seen in the smartphone on the spot.


Individual impression, omitted because longer. in summary, every country have spent the effort of data collection. because it has recognized the importance of understanding the tourism reality. however hurdle is not low. the evaluation of privacy issues and the economic ripple effect. of collecting confidential information, analysis, cost burden also a big problem. and, if inbound / outbound, consistency with the partner countries are also required. because it may become double standard if the scale is different.
Although wrote previously, I learned from Russia NOW's editor-in-chief. that is why published values ​​of the Russian Tourism Bureau is the fewer digits than the published value of the UNWTO. it came in the E-mail along with the numerical value. the number of "Rosturizm", was the content of pure tourism inbound statistics.
This can be said to be a typical case. please refer to No.69 for more information.

Japan How do?
It is, no one would say. businessman as not included in "visitors".
The reason is, is may be a problem with the JTB's technology to expand the interpretation calibration from less Samburu data. (Its presentation was on the second day. skeptical questions was also from floor.)
What is needed is a global standard that does not depend on the circumstances of a country. And, "Data mining" always a wishful thinking or political judgment there is a possibility to enter. high reliability can be obtained from a lot of the original data. big data is the age required.
So I think, management of big data is international organizations is desirable. rather than private think tanks or research institutes.
Since the business risk is too high.
Coincidentally, decline of the stock price that was reported, in this both days is due to GDP minus of 2 consecutive seasons. And, consumption tax hike postponed. also House of Representatives dissolved and General election. this reporting is timely if look from me. as expected. since Japanese business leaders do not have a know-how of "Trade in services". So, could not changed course to promote "Trade in services". (“Trade balance“ is continuous deficit of 28 months.)
In fact, "Arrow the third" is the "Trade in services". foreigners have noticed.
But, it is not me to tell bother.
In other words, international tourism of Japan's "Trade in services" is of a still developing industry.

タイトルは【文化観光による人類の進歩と調和】。 観光庁のチェック済みである。

My presentation was as follows.
Title is【The Progress and Harmony for humanity through cultural tourism】. Tourism Agency Checked.



次のデータは、国連世界観光機関 / アジア太平洋観光交流センター抜粋による28ヶ国と日本からで、ソースは「海外主要国目的地別アウトバウンド旅行者数2012」です。これは昨年春に発行されたもので、私はそれをグラフ化しました。

発掘された証拠「舟型埴輪」は、松阪市の「文化財センター」に収蔵されています。 5世紀初頭の両方の特徴を有し、長さは4.6フィート、高さ3フィート。保存状態は良好です。


International tourism industry is a kind of trade. this is the same as the export industry. but many Japanese do not understand this thing.
Because, Japan industrial structure is did not allow its development. because the profitability of exports of industrial products was very high.
But it gave birth to serious trade friction. as a result, policies that encourage the visitor had been ignored. in other words, it was not the situation that can be exported.
However the situation is different in modern times. Trade balance is a monthly deficit. Japan has become the era that must be chased after many developed countries. Ie it is cultural tourism.
So why culture?
Because there is a scarcity value to the Japanese culture and language.
Some of the region, seems there is also a location where want to attract Casino and Amusement park. however, sustainability is questionable. this is because not rare worldwide. when interest is lost, Visitor will move to another country.
This is the basis of marketing.

Way to go is determined by knowing the current position. marketing also be the same. need to know.
This is the difference between the inbound and outbound of the past 10 years in Japan. as you can see, It is always imbalance.
This imbalance, will cast a shadow on domestic tourism industry.
However, this is like a taboo in the Japanese media. thus most Japanese do not realize. tourism industry in Japan, too. but travel company knows this.

The following data. this is excerpt by UNWTO / APTEC, which is 28 countries and Japan. source is "World Tourism Statistics 2012 Outbound Statistics by Destination". it is a thing that has been issued in spring last year. I graphed it.
By doing so, it will be understood this deflection and gap anyone.
Blank noticeable. this is evidence of the undeveloped trade.
And, only balance equilibrium is just one country. it Taiwan. other countries is the excessive imbalance of outbound. China and United States stands out in particular. is not this the same as the trade imbalance?
The largest international tourism revenue is the United States. it is about 10 trillion JPY / year. about 5 trillion JPY / year, It is Spain, France, and China. Japan is approximately one fifth of the United States.
Why are not required "Safeguard"?

Well, the conclusion can be obtained by knowing the position. that's content discovery and information dissemination in the unit of local government, or Inter-city cooperation. this is the most important.
An example is "Godzilla". this first movie was Mie Prefecture has become a location shooting.
James Clavell's "Shogun", too. was popular 20 years ago.
And further, "You Only Live Twice" is the 50th anniversary of publication. one of the main stage to be written there is Mie Prefecture. original author Ian Fleming had visited here. these are written on there, Haicheng, Ama, lse-ebi, Matsusaka beef, Ninja, Ryokan, Kokichi Mikimoto statue, Basho‘s haiku. and, James Bond visiting the Ise-Jingu(Shrine).
However, no one did not perform the transmission of information to the world of this thing.
So do not know about it everyone.

By the way, the Ise-Jingu in Mie Prefecture, is the center of Japanese culture continued from ancient times. its location is the eastern part of the Kii-Peninsula. that is, the adjacent east of Nara Prefecture. Nara, here was the capital of the first in Japan. it was called Yamato.
Ancient culture of this "Yamato" and "Ise", was harmony in Matsusaka. along the way historic.
The evidence that has been excavated, are stored in the "cultural property center" in Matsusaka City. it is a "Hull form terracotta". has the characteristics of both of the early 5th century. this length is 4.6ft, height 3ft. state of preservation is good.
This harmony has brought progress in ancient Japan. I think it's the same thing even worldwide.
Disincentive is apathy and ignorance.

Thank you.

Please look here graph.

【奈良県立美術館の『大古事記展』】 Nara Prefectural Museum's "The Grand Kojiki Exhibition"


I "The Grand Kojiki Exhibition" of Nara Prefectural Museum also visited. because, written invitation had been distributed in advance to forum participants.
Theme is "lore in mind and words". past and present, and also seems to want to suggest a future of folk history. therefore, the exhibition content is very range is wide. it is Ancient artifacts, The illustrations, Books, The videos, Avant-garde Arts, Bodily sensation VR game.
Also has come from " Museum Motoori Norinaga" in Matsusaka city. it is Kojiki the Kan'ei 21 versions, Manuscript Kojikiden, Revised manuscript Kojikiden, and portraits of Motoori Norinaga. corner of his room also had reproduced. in full-scale's two-dimensional.
On the information counter, visit photo of the Emperor and Empress also has been decorated. there was a visit on Monday of this week.
In particular it should be noted two points.
One is "Japanese Fairy Tale Series". Another one is the visual display "Kojiki and World myths".
The former is, Japan-researcher Basil Hall Chamberlain's Chirimen-book collections that was excerpted episodes of Kojiki. the latter is, myth's world of similarity and diversity. both have an objective measure of the view from different cultures.
There I saw a universal point.
That is, for the first time can appeal to people touching the Kojiki. also can appeal to foreigners. it is that it's visual.


This "Kojikiden", and Motoori Norinaga, had been introduced into a part of the contents of the my poster session. subtitle is【Take advantage of the "Kojiki Den"】.


An event of 712 AD. the "Kojiki" that were compiled in Nara. it is no exaggeration to say that Japan Genesis.
But, it was written in ancient Japanese.
After about 1000 years from it. Norinaga Motoori who lived in Matsusaka was translate it in the language of the early modern period. he played the role of inheriting it to modern people. that is the "Kojiki Den".
The essence of Japanese written in there, is not much different from now in both good and evil. So, this is could help you understand the people of Japan.
Please search the "Museum of Motoori Norinaga".


【2011年の春】Spring of 2011

 11月25日の東京/中日新聞に、ADRの問題が載っていた。ADRとは"Alternative Dispute Resolution”裁判外紛争解決の略で、ここでは『原子力損害賠償紛争解決センター』の事である。記事は、原子力ADRとの交渉は、被災者にとって非常にハードルが高いとの内容だ。あれもこれもと補償していては、キリがないからなのだろう。
 2011年4月19日、日本旅行業協会JATAは日英語併記で、『日本を元気に、旅で笑顔に。』の全面広告を朝日新聞に掲載していた。そこには復興に向けた宣言の一つとして、海外旅行(アウトバウンド)の促進が書かれている。『海外からの支援に感謝、元気な日本をアピールするために海外旅行を促進します』とある(英文直訳は、私たちは 日本市場での海外旅行を推進していきます )。

ADR issues, had been reported Tokyo / Chunichi Newspaper of the other day November 25. the ADR is stands for "Alternative Dispute Resolution". this refers to a "nuclear damages Dispute Resolution Center". this reported negotiations with nuclear ADR is a very high hurdle to victims. it will because probably "don't start an endless argument". By such as anything and everything.
After all, ADR is not only local victims. involved in the whole of Japan's tourism industry. it's a very wide range. Mainichi Newspaper has reported November 23, bus company had been forced to bankruptcy last March in Tokyo Tama. this is because the compensation of "Tokyo bus Association" was rejected.
Overview is this. In an accident, there was a lot of cancellation. the settlement table is 16 companies. however, acceptance was only one company. 15 companies including Tama was became disallowance. because that it did not possess the cancellation records.
Spring of 2011. Many Japanese were pessimistic. Spring Festival, Hanami, local events, welcome party, and also travel, became ceased in succession, it about one month from the accident of earthquake and nuclear power plant. Japan had fallen to the situation of severe economic downturn.
However, from the end of April, it had been showing signs of recovery. seems propaganda of government was effective. it is "Restart the Japanese economy from the west for health. So please use the money". there were also words of "shift from the west" from NHK.
However, that effect was limited. it was roughly the period of continuous vacation. moreover, individual customers conspicuous than group travel. it's the benefit of "Social experiment free of highway". wealthy customers is less. many of them, because it was outbound (overseas travel). look at the year-on-year April 2011 of sales of Japanese major travel 58 companies its total. Domestic travel ▲26.3%, Outbound ▲11.3%, Inbound ▲77.0%, Domestic travel of May is ▲16.7%, Outbound ▲13.1%, Inbound is ▲60.4%.
In short, the demand for sightseeing bus had been greatly reduced.
There is also another cause.
Japan Association of Travel Agents on April 19, 2011, had me for a full-page ad in the Asahi newspaper. it was both accompanied by Japanese and English. "Cheer up Japan  Smile up with Travel". had written this in there. and, this was also written. "To express gratitude for the support provided by foreign countries and to show Japan's vitality, we will promote overseas travel in the Japanese market".
The result, can be seen from major travel agencies 58 companies total sales of 2011 (January to December).
Outbound is 2,174,609,719,000JPY/year. Inbound is 46,299,638,000JPY/year. it is a difference of 47 times. Domestic travel is 3,637,152,377,000JPY/year. it was only 1.67 times of the ratio of the outbound.
Eventually, although the domestic tourism industry was originally closed market, it further deteriorated because outflow market, and inbound stoped.
Outflow of this tourism market is also seen from my graph. it was used in the poster session. in the 2011 Service balance's "Travel balance" and "Transport balance", was not so much less. in fact, the down was in 2012 for the diplomacy deteriorated with South Korea and China.
This outbound promotion strategy, helped JAL and two affiliated companies in only two years and seven months. it is that of September 19, 2012.
These was a state of bankruptcy by total debt 2,322,100,000,000JPY.
As of September, 2014. JAL's major shareholder Top9 is eight financial securities companies and one manufacturing industry.
At that time, Different company owners of this hair color was a sponsored chairman of "Land Infrastructure and Transport Minister" of this era.
ADR of domestic tourism or bus industry, also overlaps with such cause.
Incidentally, Ryokan number of nationwide in 2011 became 46196. It's 710 was reduced in one year.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"

No.84 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" January issue  2015.0101

【観光経済に必要とされるロジック①】Logic required for tourism economy ①


November 25, Chunichi Newspaper had reported that visitor Total People of "Naiku" and "Geku" exceeded 10,000,000 people.
On this day is 329 days, counting from the New Year's Day. of these, the visitor of a main destination "Naiku" is 6,284,000.
Let's compared to last year.
Same period last year was 8,042,426 people. but, the statistics numerical value of the last year of the national standard is up to November 30 of 2013.
It is 334 days, lack of 5 days.
So, I, was calculated annual average value per day. this 5 times is 95,501 people.
Numerical value of this year when corrected by This is a 6,379,501 people in the end of November.
That is, it is possible to prove that a 20% or more of the decline in year-on-year.
The important thing is to ignore the worshipers number of "Geku". overlap-add is total number. fictional makeup doesn't make much sense, for the tourism economy.
Because, too close two places of destination.
The reason, this two adjacent destination is use of airlines or railways one round trip only. and, lunch time is not twice. furthermore, not to buy the same souvenirs at two places in "Naiku" and "Geku" in the normal case.
This is the logic required to keep track of the average unit price per person.

【古都随想2014.1203】Essay in ancient city




(※) 12/9、OECDはトリクルダウン理論を棄却した。

December 2. this was the date of public notice the Japanese House of Representatives election. it's like asking the pros and cons of Abenomics. this day, I visited to "UNWTO/ APTEC" after a long time. This is because it was able to participate in the OECD and EUROSTAT "Global Forum on Tourism Statistics".
I am grateful to the provision of last year. if the "World Tourism Statistics / Outbound Statistics by Destination" did not exist, perhaps I was not able to prove excess market outflow from Japan.
In Japan, media is information that was separated by economic zone unit (NHK even in part). So Inbound / Outbound report is less. Inbound number of as Propaganda are reported from JNTO. but, Outbound report is only choppy. despite being the same as the import. this is negative factors in Services trade.

Of course, development assistance in developing countries is required also from the point of view of security and humanism. does not deny all Outbound, it is for the "correction of disparity" or "redistribution of wealth".
And, "World tourism" is mutual understanding is also promoted.
Is, however. Outbound, there is a country that is considered as a means of investment or reward for the "diplomatic strategy" and "corporate strategy". for example "strategic mutually beneficial relationship".
This is in many Outbound and exchange, plant relocation for the industrial product market expansion was purpose. its background, there was a difference of nearly 10 times consumer prices.
So, this can not be said to be "correction of disparity" or "redistribution of wealth". because the gave a negative factor to Japan's local economy, and it was expanding the gap.
However, such misgovernment would immediately will be fail-safe-consuming, if the big-data utilization was turned into a cross-over between the ministries. (Otherwise, HFT = ultrafast trading system would react to negative)
In other words, the traditional tourism statistical and GDP ratio data only, it was becomes insufficient. in addition, between the "GNI" and "Current account balance", will need high-precision matching definitely.
Problem is whether Japan will be able to still "redistribution of wealth".
Just this day, the rank of Japanese government bonds have been downgraded by 5 Japanese banks and 2 life insurance companies, chasing after Moody's. this is the A1 of the fifth under from the top. also, according to the last month news, national debt reaches 1038 trillion JPY.
On the other hand December 3, Daiwa Securities, companies are estimated to have won the 3 trillion JPY by weaker yen.
Its 83.3% is to large enterprises. only 16.7% is to small and medium enterprises.
Furthermore, retained earnings of large enterprises, it is 323.7 trillion JPY.
Funds of apparently "redistribution of wealth" seems this only. nevertheless, this trickle-down is not still to the Japanese government and people.(※)

Nara of early winter, visitors also seems to decrease. 20 shops of around the Sarusawa-ike, but open is 2 shops only.
However, I heard to Heijokyo History Museum, three consecutive holidays from November 22 was in big traffic jam by car and bus.
Everywhere there are waves.
By the way, Heijokyo History Museum, is also opening next New Year's Day. in the case of the end of the year and the beginning of the year, because it was confirmed that the visitors was about thousand.
It is a very good choice.

(※) December 9, OECD has dismissed the trickle-down theory.

【観光経済に必要とされるロジック②】Logic required for tourism economy ②


Inbound is 11,009,000 people. Outbound  14,150,000 people. this is a tentative cumulative value that has been announced from JNTO on November 19, period until is October 31 from this year's New Year's Day.
As a result it can be seen outbound is excessive, it is still 3,141,000 people.
Inbound is outbound ratio 77.8%.
Shortfall is 22.2%. if it was domestic tourism, it was how much consumption expenditure?
It is a transfer of wealth of 628.2 billion JPY to the region, if estimated that one person 200,000 JPY.
And, if is concept along the "Current account balance", it can be said as a negative factor in the "Service balance"'s "Transport balance" and "Travel balance".
According to the Xinhua News Agency, a specific country is said to strengthen the "Trade in services" from the next fiscal year.
But Japan is not yet aware of this. 11.7 trillion JPY trade deficit despite being predicted from Japan Foreign Trade Council.
Hurdle of upturn of the regional economy, is the ignorance and apathy.

[補数] The complement


December 17, JNTO has announced the approximate value of the November Inbound / Outbound.
As a result, this year's accumulated value  of the Inbound is 12,177,500 people and Outbound is 15,502,900 people. Inbound is 78.55% of Outbound. is a 0.75% improvement. but shortfall is still 21.45%. Outbound excess became 3.325,400 people.

【第60次式年造替】 The 60-order Regular Reform of the Shrine pavilions.

 知名度を問うというのであれば、『遷都1300年記念事業』の時の阿修羅像のように、『 赤糸威鎧 (竹雀虎金物)』をスターダムに上げれば、動員数は間違いなく伸びるに違いないからだ。

From March 2015 to following year 2016's November. that is period of various rituals associated with "the 60-order Shikinen Zotai" of Kasuga Shrine.
"Zotai", rebuilds without changing position, is to carry out repairs. this is not the relocation of Spirit. therefore this is not called a "Sengu".
Currently Nara's "Celebration event Executive Committee", are doing the measures for increasing the number of visitors, in public relations and advertising, awareness events, campaign. However, direct tourism products of the ritual is difficult. "Zotai" has no name recognition than "Sengu". therefore, opinion of the major travel, it's a little difficult commercialization.
But, I think that there are other ways.
Kasuga Shrine has a famous decoration armor. it "Armor of red thread ( Bamboo-sparrow-tiger golden hardware)". This content has a visitor extending definitely. this beautiful national treasure is, art textbook, May boy's decoration, and was also the plastic model. it's known very well.
Please recollection the popularity of five years ago "Asura". separation of church and state in the case of national treasure art tourism is not a problem in principle. excursions and student travel also not impossible. and, it is also the contents for Inbound.
In other words, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's requires public relations route. not only the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's route. And if so, it is possible that the information reaches the outside of the Kansai economies area.

【数字だけでは粉飾​​を見破れない】 Only number, it mistake the fact through the window dressing.


November 17, real GDP July-September quick estimation has been announced. annualized ▲1.6%. stock market reacted to this immediately. Is a reduction of 517 JPY in shock.
And December 8, the Cabinet Office announced the revised value. ▲1.9%. it has been revised downward. Japanese 9 private leading think-tank companies, had predicted is ▲ 0.6% in average.
Approximation, ▲ 1.7% of Daiwa Institute of Research only. the remaining 8 companies lost credit.
According to the newspaper article, Japanese economists seems to have an excuse. "The government's data was insufficient." but it will not just. was snuggled in government you have a wishful thinking. or wonder not for lacking the field verification of economic conditions?
In any case, "unreliable". comment of European BNP Paribas is correct.
Only number, it mistake the fact through the window dressing. tourism statistics is also so.
Market that has received the downward revision was again reaction.
Then next day December 10, credit anxiety of China and Greece occurred. therefore it fell even greater. could not resist.

【経常収支2014】Current account balance 2014

 以下は月ごとに財務省が公表している『経常収支』速報値の推移と、その中の『サービス収支』を構成しているカテゴリーの推移である。単位は100million JPY(億円)だ。

This is the transition of the "Current account balance" preliminary figures Ministry of Finance has published on a monthly basis, and the category of " Balance on services" contained therein. unit is one hundred million JPY.
That can see. the Japanese "Balance of payments“ is maintained simply by unearned income of the accumulation of past wealth.

[経常収支]Current account balance

       Trade    Services Primary income Second income
 Jan ▲23454  ▲4674  13374  ▲1136
 Feb ▲ 5334  ▲1934  14593  ▲1199
 Mar ▲11336  ▲ 843  17549  ▲4207
 Apr ▲ 7804  ▲6597  18331  ▲2056
 May ▲ 6759  ▲ 682  14779  ▲2110
 Jun ▲ 5371  ▲2306   4182  ▲ 495
 Jul ▲ 8281  ▲4590  18531  ▲1493
 Aug ▲ 8318  ▲2508  15199  ▲1503
 Sep ▲ 7145  ▲2083  20352  ▲1494
 Oct ▲ 7666  ▲2165  20186  ▲2021

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of Balance on services

     Transport    Travel  Other Service
 Jan ▲ 611 ▲ 289  ▲3774
 Feb ▲ 469 ▲ 716  ▲ 749
 Mar ▲ 584 ▲ 552    263
 Apr ▲ 594   177  ▲6180
 May ▲ 355 ▲  46  ▲ 281
 Jun ▲ 499 ▲ 127  ▲1680
 Jul ▲ 604    34  ▲4020
 Aug ▲ 783 ▲ 533  ▲1191
 Sep ▲ 526 ▲ 288  ▲1269
 Oct ▲ 448    87  ▲1804


【セントレア2014年12月現在の国際線(出発便)】 International flight of Central Japan International Airport of December 2014

 北京 週21便       マニラ 週11便
 上海 週56便    比国 セブ島 週 3便
 瀋陽 週 2便      バンコク 週19便
 天津 週 7便       ハノイ 週 7便
 大連 週 4便     ホーチミン 週 3便
 青島 週 7便    シンガポール 週 7便
 西安 週 7便   クアラルンプル 週 4便
 成都 週 7便 
 広州 週 7便      ホノルル 週12便
 武漢 週 7便       グアム 週21便
           フランクフルト 週 5便
 香港 週35便
 台北 週28便     ヘルシンキ 週 5便

 仁川 週35便      アブダビ 週 7便
 金浦 週 7便
 釜山 週 7便     デトロイト 週 5便


Total 346 round trip flights. in the Asia and Pacific Ocean is 324 flights. this is the entire 93.64%. North America, Europe and other areas is only 22 flights. it only 6.36%. So, in Mie Prefecture, travelers from Europe and the United States is a small number.

【夏季旅館営業概況調査から】From overview of Ryokan's Operations research of summer season

 [志摩半島]の泊二単価は9365円だ。定員稼働率は35.3%で対前年比は▲5.4%。客室利用率は65.4%で対前年比は▲5.1%。 宿泊客による総売単価は1万0268円である。


December 6. "Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association" has reported, overview of Ryokan's Operations research of summer season. it is three months period of June-August 2014.
"Review of Operations research of city or tourist destination" except for hotels. according to it, Chubu Region's [Ise Toba]  Two meals one night unit price was  13,112JPY. The capacity operation rate 40.7%, The year-on-year  ▲3.6%. Rooms utilization 65.4%, The year-on-year ▲22.3%. The total proceeds from guest is 15,007JPY.
[Shima Hanto] Two meals one night unit price was 9,365JPY. The capacity operation rate 35.3%, The year-on-year  ▲5.4%. Rooms utilization 65.4%, The year-on-year ▲5.1%. The total proceeds  from guest is 10,268JPY.
Both are below the previous year it was "Sengu Year". this downward trend, to support the testimony that has been reported by the Chunichi Newspaper of December 12. Toba's Ryokan proprietor said, "summer after fell 30-40 % per month compared to last year".
On the other hand, Kansai region's [Nara City] Two meals one night unit price was 14,397JPY. The capacity operation rate 30.8%, The year-on-year 1.3%. Rooms utilization 51.7%, The year-on-year 1.2%. The total proceeds from guest is 21,246JPY.

Incidentally, "Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association" is one in which "International Tourism Inns Federation" and "Japan Tourism Ryokan Federation" was merged in October 1, 2012.
Its membership is 3234 Hotels and 3116 Ryokans at the time of the April 1, 2014.

【国連世界観光機関の国際セミナー】UNWTO/APTEC's International Seminar

 荒天と渋滞が予測されたので、余裕をもって午前7時に車で伊勢を出たのだが、 ノンストップで走っても『奈良県新公会堂』に到着したのは、開会時間の午前10時ギリギリの6分前だった。
 プレゼンターは、ケンブリッジ大学社会人類学科のリーダー、UEボラグ氏(Uradyn Erden Bulag)、モンゴルの科学アカデミー歴史研究所長のS.チョローン氏( S. Chuluun)、そして、在日モンゴル大使館参事官のルンダ・ダワジャガールガル氏の順だ。彼は、来日直前で解任されたモンゴル国文化・スポーツ・観光省局長にかわり、スライドを駆使してモンゴルのセールスポイントも紹介していった。



Departure time by car is 7:00 am. I wanted time to spare. because rough weather and traffic congestion is expected. start is from 10:00 am.
However, the arrival of the "Nara Prefecture New Public Hall", was finally 6 minutes ago.
This time Nara visit is order to participate in international seminars "Nomadic Culture and Tourism in Mongolia: Revitalization of Community through Sustainable Tourism".
The alias is Big-roof. this Public Hall was held last month, also OECD and EUROSTAT's "13th tourism statistics Forum". this time conference is a meeting room 1 and 2, which was used in a poster session at that time. according to the Manager, the participants were 70 people. The Moderator is Deputy manager. this time of Nara visit was information from her.
Presenter is, Uradyn E. Bulag, Reader in Social Anthropology at University of Cambridge. Sampildondov Chuluun, Director at Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of History. and, Lundaa Davaajargal, Counsellor of Commercial and Economic, Embassy of Mongolia in Japan. He also, by using a slide photo, it was introduced a lot of Mongolia selling point. because, Head of Department, Mongolia Ministry of Culture, Sport, and Tourism, has been canceled just before.
Mr. Bulag's the birthplace is China Inner Mongolia Erdos. but he does not favoritism his hometown. in modern times, the ruins inheritance of the Mongol Empire has commented that span three countries. he suggested the problem objectively.
Mr. Chuluun, listed the three points. it is ① natural cultural heritage, ② historical and cultural heritage, ③ intangible cultural heritage. above all, he stressed the uniqueness of ③.
This is indeed correct. consistent in terms of finding a universality of "Regional innovation" on us Japan.
In addition, greeting of Tourism Agency international tourism manager who had come as a guest was also noteworthy.
She said, so far was good at outbound but from now on we put the emphasis on also inbound.
This change in policy is in favor if it is honesty. I think the goal of Travel balance also needs to be set.
To be honest, originally I was thinking the outbound promotion seminar by travel Agency. such elements seemed to have been programmed. but, it was only one small travel agency. JTB, HIS, and airlines etc. big names did not come. I was able to have a good feeling.
Finally, introduce the 6 points that said of UNWTO / APTEC representatives. this is from the Opening remarks.

① Should have a curiosity to the outside world.
② Should build the words-English environment.
③ Should be mastered the history and culture.
④ Should make laws.
⑤ Should develop a accommodation and traffIcs.
⑥ Should be to cherish the pride of homeland.

This is the same thing also for the Japanese local governments. that is exactly the same as the modern Mongolia.

【観光客とは2015】What is the "Tourists"? 2015


What is the "Tourists" in the Japanese language? it is urbanites?
It, there are people who think a family trip or group travel. also, some people will probably remember their own arrogance of travel destination. the concept of "Tourists" is various such because it reflects their own tastes and real experience.
In addition, in the Japanese tourism statistics, local residents to visit the "Road Station" every day in search of vegetables is also "tourists". And, also pious "Ise-jingu" believer of local residents.
Furthermore, Public gamble, S.A., large-scale commercial facility, and  Airport is the contents for tourists, so that is "Tourists".
Incidentally, Sauna, Pachinko, Game center company's name are such as ○○ Tourist, but it is leisure industries.
In short, in the Japanese language "Tourist" is ambiguous concept.
And, participants in the international conference is also considered as "Tourist". because accompanied by tourism behavior of incidentally.
This, one of the factors of the ambiguity, because it is not a government agency unified jurisdiction.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. each of these policies have been split into vertical. for example, Medical Tourism is  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare also come involved. in spite of this, the Japanese Tourism Agency is not able to control them across.
So anything goes.
Therefore, when the local government to discuss the need for "Tourists", is possible to say that it is important to not bound to the existing concept.
What is the "Tourists“? Who is suitable as a guest?
This is why need a definition of "Tourists".

【観光客の定義2015】Definition of Tourists 2015

 もともと『観光客』かどうかはお客さんの主観によるところが大きくて、一概に決め付けるのは難しいものです。しかし、 客観的には情緒的あるいは論理的説明を付けることにより、ある程度の判別はつくと思います。

Other prefectures car, the summer vacation and New Year's is "Tourists" it all?
Whether "Tourists", originally is largely due to subjectivity. therefore, it is difficult to decide resolutely. however, I think can be determined if it is to some extent by attaching emotional or logical explanation it objectively.
Therefore, in the case of this question, we can say that it is "No", since a large number of homecoming guests are mixed.
So then, guest of regional welcome party or farewell party is called "Tourists"?
Of course "No". this is because ceremony.
However this ceremonies impression, to change in the case of remote area from the regional. Ryokan and Hotel venue. and, if touched in culture and landscape and history of the land on the move, what do you think?
In this case, it is difficult to give a logical explanation when viewed objectively. But I think it can be said to be a "Tourists" emotionally.
Is however. in the case of destination big city area, the evaluation will return to "No". subjectivity as well. objectively as well. this is because there is no opportunity to touch the History, Landscape, Culture contents.
Well, about business travel of businessmen?
Originally, expenditure of "Tourists" are the premise is from disposable income. travel cost of business is not tourist spending, it must be own expense.
In this way, the concept of "Tourists" has been configured [In the correlation between the site] [Person's emotional] [Distance of movement] and [Wallet].
If meet all of these, I think that it can be defined as a "Tourists". those that do not is "Visitors".
Why stick?
"Tourists" are  consumed every day around 20,000 JPY, per person in one town. but "Visitors" is not necessarily the case. because is includes the neighborhood residents.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"


Japanese 007 soundtrack LP records

The first 007 soundtrack album in Japan, it was a 17 cm 2 set in 8 musics. Released by Nihon-Colombia 1965.
And, Nihon-Columbia was released 30 cm LP of soundtrack album of the Ian Fleming's GOLDFINGER and THUNDERBALL.

Also Ian Fleming's YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE

After this, the copyright moved to KING Records. it the first release was ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE

And, also GOLDFINGER has been re-released.

"007 Gold Prize SOUNDTRACK" the first omnibus album from Dr.NO to ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE

18 photos of the "You Only Live Twice". that was sold by the mom-and-pop candy stores in Japan.

Japanese Souvenir Booklets 007 1962-2002