
No.166 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" October issue

国登録有形文化財 八千代 Yachiyo the National registered tangible cultural property

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 9月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of September 30

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【9月30日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of September 30

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

【緊急事態宣言の終了】End of the declaration of a state of emergency

【2021年8月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for August 2021


On October 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for August. The current account balance is a surplus of 1.6656 trillion JPY.
The trade balance is a deficit of 372.4 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 14.6 billion JPY, by the credit 43.2 billion JPY and the debit 28.5 billion JPY. According to the JTA, August‘s inbound was 25,900 (preliminary), and outbound was 66,100 (preliminary). therefore, the unit price per person is 816,047 JPY for inbound and 562,500 JPY for outbound.
Because there are more outbound, the air passengers is a surplus 2.4 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 200 million JPY. the other services have a deficit of 148.4 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is still a deficit of 194.9 million JPY.


【Go To トラベル 2.0】Go To Travel 2.0

 15日からは「みえ得トラベル」が再開され、「Go To トラベル 2.0」の年内再開も囁かれる。観光業界の期待も大きい。が、サスティナビリティを重視するならば、県や国による政策は、一時的な国内旅行喚起策のみならず、ツーリズム国際化に向けた準備にこそ血税を投ずるべきである。アウトバウンド(海外旅行)が本格化すれば、再び国内の富裕層マーケットが海外へと流出するからだ。これは大手の旅行会社にとってはプラスに作用しても、多くの地方観光経済にとってはマイナスに作用するからである。

According to NHK News on October 8, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito who took office this month, said that will consider revising operations based on the issues pointed out so far when resuming the currently suspended "Go To Travel" policy.
The minister pointing out the problem that travelers were concentrated on Saturdays and Sundays, and on relatively expensive accommodations. He stated that he would like to propose a new GoTo business that incorporates appropriate solutions, and indicated that he would consider reviewing the operation of the business in the future.
On the other hand, the government will verify the issues of infection control measures in a demonstration experiment that will be conducted on the travel agency‘s tours from this month. regarding this, the minister said, "I can't say now the specific time to restart the business."
In fact, Japanese public opinion has mixed pros and cons about the "Go To" policy. opponents says that unfair to give preferential treatment only to certain industries, and travel enthusiasts travel regardless of policy. In addition, some are worried that the infection may spread again.
However, even in "new capitalism," the tourism industry is the most important industry. Especially in terms of foreign currency acquisition, many countries, not just developed countries, think that they are equivalent to exports of goods, and are greedy for inbound acquisition. In fact, many countries have a tourism industry as a national business. But, it is not only for those who enjoy sightseeing, but also for tourism in a broad sense that includes business and cultural education. The problem is that this has not yet penetrated Japanese public opinion, and many people still misunderstand that the tourism industry is unnecessary and urgent. Mie Prefecture, which sees only Ise-Shima as the destination, is probably the same.
Last month, I visited the Tourism Bureau of Mie Prefectural Office, and as far as the "Tourism and Recreation Visitors Estimate / Tourist fact-finding report 2020" received there, not only inbound tourists but also domestic trends in the prefecture are the lowest in history by the coronavirus pandemic. (See last month's issue). I have analyzed this report every year since the 2007 edition, but this time it is a national trend, so it can't be helped. unlike at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, all 47 prefectures have the same conditions. Therefore, also expectations for recovery are high.
But, the true value of After Corona depends on how quickly it recovers. 46 prefectures will be rivals. That is not all. If outbound becomes full-scale, the wealthy market will flow overseas. I left the prefectural office after giving an ale to the director of the Tourism Bureau.
Travel arousal measures by prefecture and countries should be preparations for tourism internationalization for prefecture.

【10月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 10  


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,711,370 the number of deaths was 17,954 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,233 people of February 17 to September 24). Cumulative mortality has increased to 1.049% (even though the number of vaccinated people is increasing and there are medicines for treatment too). Because the number of tests suddenly decreased in October, and the denominator (confirmation of infected persons) decreased significantly.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 

【オーブンソースインテリジェンス②】9/30 10/14 三重ふるさと新聞版 The open sauce intelligence ②, the newspaper edition September 30 October 14

【「将軍」のリメイク】A remake of "Shōgun"


Paramount's "Shōgun", which costs about 3 billion JPY, is a mini-series for television that was aired on NBC in the United States in 1980, and was also screened as a theatrical movie in Japan and Europe. Directed by Jerry London. starring Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, Yoko Shimada, Frankie Sakai and others. It is a story of a British navigator who is a Dutch sailor, drifting to Japan in the early Edo period, and interacting with military commanders and missionaries while being surprised at Japan's social system and lifestyle (See No.164 for the scene collection).
Filming began in July 1979. a set such as Edo Port, which will be the stage, was set up around the Toyoura coast in Kihoku-cho, Mie Prefecture, and 200 staff members participated. For two months, shooting continued on the sea and coast set, and 36 people inside and outside the town appeared as extra townspeople and fishermen. the accommodation is filled with actors and staff, and local Nagashima Shipbuilding builds a wooden ship that appears in the movie. visitors rushed to the filming location day and night, and there was also an exchange meeting with people involved in the film. (See No.160 for photos of the filming site).
The popularity of "Shōgun" is high not only in the United States but also in Europe. Some people visit locations to deepen their interest in the beautiful nature that set the stage for the movie. According to the then director of the Kihoku-Cho Tourism Association, in April 2010, an English couple stayed at the ryokan "Kinokuni" in Umino, where Toshiro Mifune was staying, for two nights and three days. and then, they visited the filming location. also took a commemorative photo in front of the hanging scroll written by Toshiro Mifune at the ryokan.
A remake of that "Shōgun" was announced.the role of John Blackthorne, also known as Miura Anjin, is Cosmo Jarvis, the role of Toranaga Yoshii, who is Ieyasu Tokugawa, is Hiroyuki Sanada, and the role of Mariko is Anna Sawai. Screenplay and Executive Producer is Justin Marks and his wife Rachel Kondo. Michaela Clavell, the daughter of the original author James Clavell, is also an executive producer. However, the crank-in is in Vancouver, Canada. the reason is said to be the coronavirus. Will the Japanese culture boom come again?
By the way, the Hollywood movie "Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins" set in Japan, which is released on the 22nd. the shooting was done in Japan last February. it was the time when the novel coronavirus pandemic begins.
This movie is the target work of the "Demonstration Survey on Location Attraction of Foreign Video Works" conducted by the Cabinet Office of Japan.
This is a project to investigate the economic effect and the effect of attracting tourists to Japan by attracting foreign films. according to the Cabinet Office, the subsidy given to this movie is about 96 million JPY. on the other hand, the amount spent by the shooting crew on several locations in Japan was about 1.9 billion JPY. and says that, if Japan gets a lot of attention in the movie release, the economic effect is expected to expand further.
I think that the collaboration between movies and local culture tourism will be the main axis of DMO, not to mention the efforts in the UK of such as 007.

Villaお伽噺のフロント棟にて At the front office of the "Villa Otogibanashi" in Kihoku-cho, Mie Prefecture 

 この、文化的親和性とスクリーンツーリズムに関するグローバルレポートは、スクリーンに写し出された特定の国や文化に対して抱くであろう魅力を掘り下げるもので、調査結果は、スペイン語とポルトガル語の視聴覚産業に関連する専門家向けの最大の国際イベントである Iberseries Platino Industria を背景に、今月マドリードで発表された。
 レポートの最終的な目標は、観光セクター内の政策立案者と主要なステークホルダーが、視聴覚制作者にとって目的地を魅力的なものにする政策を実施することの支援である。同時に、観光と地域文化の消費を促進するための焦点を絞った戦略の構築を支援し、スキルとトレーニングに投資して地域の映画とクリエイティブセクターを開発、高レベルの才能、インフラ、生産能力を確保して、映画祭で観光と文化の紹介を統合、世界中の視聴者の知識を深めることにある。国連世界観光機関の事務局長 Zurab Pololikashviliは、"国連世界観光機関とNetflixの共同作業は、目的地がスクリーンツーリズムの潜在的なメリットを実現するのに役立つ"と述べている。
 このイベントは、官民パートナーシップが視聴覚プロデューサーにとって魅力的な場所として自分たちを宣伝するために、目的地をどのようにサポートできるかを強調するのにも役立った。Netflixの公共政策担当バイスプレジデントである Dean Garfield は、「遺産、文化、言語、および対人関係の発展への関心が高まる。これは、クリエイティブ産業、文化交流、ストーリーテリング、観光がすべて相互に関連しており、コミュニティが相互に認識し、つながる方法を変えることができることをまさに示している」としている。

Exactly at that time, The United Nations World Tourism Organization has partnered with Netflix to publish a report that explores the role of films and series as a driving force for tourism and cultural affinity. this was reported not only in Europe and the United States but also in Asian countries, but the Japanese media ignored it.
This global report on cultural affinity and screen tourism explores the attractiveness you may feel for a particular country or culture displayed on your screen. the findings were presented this month in Madrid against the backdrop of Iberseries Platino Industria, the largest international event for professionals in the Spanish and Portuguese audiovisual industries.
Tourism explores the attraction one may feel towards a particular country or culture displayed on the screen.
The findings of the research were presented in Madrid against the backdrop of the Iberseries Platino Industria - the largest international event for professionals linked to the audiovisual industry in Spanish and Portuguese.
The report’s ultimate goal is to support policymakers and key stakeholders within the tourism sector to implement policies that make their destinations attractive for audio-visual producers. At the same time, it aims to help in the building of focused strategies to promote tourism and consumption of local culture, investing in skills and training to develop the local film and creative sectors to ensure a high level of talent, infrastructure and production capacity and integrating tourism and showcasing culture at film festivals to deepen the global audiences’ knowledge. Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary General, said, “Both tourism and the audiovisual sectors celebrate and promote culture, support jobs and provide opportunities in diverse locations. The joint work of UNWTO and Netflix will help destinations realize the potential benefits of screen tourism.”
Following the presentation of the Global Report, experts on tourism and the audio-visual industry shared their knowledge and insights into changing trends in screen tourism, its positive impacts on strengthening cultural affinity and the role of online streaming services in promoting tourism and cultural affinity between people, cultures and countries in line with the 2030 Agenda.
This event also served to underline how public-private partnerships can support destinations to promote themselves as attractive locations for audio-visual producers. Dean Garfield, Vice-President, Public Policy, Netflix, said, “As highlighted in this research, we have been able to demonstrate conclusively what we instinctively already believed, which is that alongside the desire to travel and visit destinations, exposure to screen content also leads to greater interest in heritage, culture, language, and developing interpersonal relationships. This truly demonstrates that the creative industries, cultural exchange, storytelling, and tourism are all interlinked and can transform the way communities perceive and connect with each other.”

【10月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 20  


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,716,132. the number of deaths was 18,171 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,233 people of February 17 to September 24). the cumulative mortality has further increased to 1.059% (even though the number of vaccinated people is increasing and there are medicines for treatment too). It is possible that the reason why the number of tests suddenly decreased in October and the denominator (confirmation of infected persons) decreased significantly is due to the elections.

【DMOの時代へ】To the era of Destination Management/Marketing Organization


As Regional Cooperation DMOs are the Mie Prefecture Tourism Federation, and the Ise Shima Tourism Convention Organization. in addition, As Regional DMOs are Ise Machizukuri, Osatsu Ama Culture Museum, Toba City Tourism Association, Iga Ueno Tourism Association, Meiwa Tourism Company. DMOs approvals are steadily increasing in Mie Prefecture, even if it's a pandemic, but Matsusaka City is behind.
Matsusaka DMO hurdle may be in the legal personality. In other words, it is a structural problem in the decision-making process. This is because the criteria for DMOs responsible for regional marketing / management are different from those of the tourism associations of general incorporated associations (of course, there are corporations that have been converted to DMOs from general incorporated associations).
In the first place, tourism associations cannot, in principle, make efforts with businesses that suffer disadvantages. In General incorporated associations, employees and members are collected to collect membership fees, and the use of funds is decided by directors elected by the employees and members. Participants can be selected by setting membership requirements such as regular members and associate members. Even though it is a large business, it is difficult to raise the number of words to secure voting rights, and the majority of local SMEs will take control. therefore, even if specialized human resources are invited from outside, it is difficult to formulate a strategy from the customer's point of view, and it is necessary to start by listening to the opinions of employees and members.
On the other hand, DMO gives priority to the ability to attract customers to enhance interregional competitiveness, even if some businesses disagree. Even when introducing accommodations and restaurants, it is not wide shallow and exhaustive. Aimed concentration and selection is possible, and it is possible to avoid the dispersion of funds, human resources, and time that can be invested. In fact, this decision-making process is similar to that of the Foundation such as the Motoori Norinaga Museum. this is because the corporate juridical person is based on a group of people called employees, while Foundations is based on money called a fund, so there is no concept of a member with voting rights. There are many General incorporated associations that have a supporting membership system, but this only pays membership fees and does not have voting rights, and some General incorporated associations have membership benefits, but no return is required.
The executive department (directors / auditors) of General incorporated associations is elected at the general meeting of employees. the same applies to the business plan and settlement of accounts, but in the case of Foundations, it is elected and approved by a third-party institutional board of councilors. In addition, since the annual membership fee is the basic income of General incorporated associations, it is required to create a business plan in a single year. But, in the case of Foundations, the fund can formulate a business plan on a medium- to long-term timeline.
In particular, when the tourism promotion financial resources, which are currently under consideration in various places, become apparent, the government will be able to continuously contribute funds for activities to DMOs. If it is a general incorporated Foundations, the activity fund can be received not only as a single-year project cost but also as a fund that can be used independently for several years. having a fund has a property similar to the capital of a joint-stock company, but in the case of Foundations, when the donation is made to the fund, the donor loses all authority over the fund. donating doesn't increase they voting rights, nor does it give they dividends.
Due to these differences, the executive department of Foundations can easily act according to the business set by General incorporated associations, not the member (business operator). It can be said that this is a more suitable corporate form for inviting specialized human resources and making some painful efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the region.

【10月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 30


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,723,002. the number of deaths was 18,273 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,312 people of February 17 to October 15). the cumulative mortality has further increased to 1.086%. this is because the denominator is too small. the cause seems to be in Tokyo.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 
桁数に注意 Pay attention to the number of digits 
大阪府の人口は約884万人、東京都は約1400万人。東京のPCR検査人数は異常に少ない The population of Osaka is about 8.84 million. Tokyo is about 14 million people. The number of PCR tests in Tokyo is unusually small. 


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
Home https://ohmss700.blogspot.com/
Index http://blog.livedoor.jp/ohmss700/archives/55360515.html


No.165 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" September issue

鳥羽城址 Toba Castle Ruins 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 8月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of August 31

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【9月1日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of September 1

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 

 そもそもウイルスは、蛋白質の外殻、内部に遺伝子(DNA、RNA)を持っただけの単純構造の微生物である。細菌のように栄養を摂取してエネルギーを生産するような生命活動はなく、生きた細胞を宿主にして自己複製することによってのみ増殖できる。だから細菌よりもはるかに小さく、μm(マイクロメートル)の更に1/1000の nm (ナノメートル)の単位だ。



 つまり、1)から 3)は、もっぱらモノ貿易の都合によるものである。豚熱(豚コレラ)もそうだ。そして、4)は、ワクチン接種が両刃の剣である事を如実に表しているといえる。


In the first place, a virus is a microorganism with a simple structure that has genes (DNA, RNA) inside the outer shell of a protein. There is no life activity that ingests nutrients and produces energy like bacteria. It proliferates only by replicating itself with living cells as the host. Therefore, it is much smaller than bacteria, and is a unit of nm (nanometer), which is 1/1000 of μm (micrometer).
In the case of bird flu, many countries around the world, including Japan, have taken epidemic prevention measures by slaughter without using vaccines. the reason is that although vaccines can prevent the onset of illness, they have the following problems.

1)Reduced onset and mortality delays the detection of infection, and in the meantime, there is a danger of spreading to other chicken flocks.
2)The inoculated group needs to be inspected for virus invasion on a regular basis, and if inoculation is confirmed, the inoculated group will also be culled.
3)It takes a long time to clean up, and the international competitiveness of the poultry industry may decline due to the inability to take measures to ban the import of live poultry and poultry meat from foreign countries.
4)The virus may remain for a long period of time, leading to the emergence of the novel viruses that infect humans.

Therefore, the use of the avian influenza vaccine is to be carried out under national supervision, and any other use is illegal.

In short, 1) to 3) are solely from the perspective of the goods trade. So is classical swine fever. And, 4) can be said to clearly show that vaccination is a double-edged sword.

A virus-infected cell is killed because the virus proliferates and a large amount of virus comes out of the cell. Then, the propagated virus enters another cell and proliferates. Therefore, the host cells die one after another. a prerequisite for the virus to survive is to continue to infect other individuals. when the survival conditions deteriorate, it is countered by mutating.
That means, can't we say that excessive vaccine belief produces unexpected results? May increase asymptomatic carriers by breakthrough. If we follow the providence of nature, I think mass production of therapeutic drugs is more reasonable than preventive vaccines.

新型コロナは日本ではお年寄りの感染症である。In Japan, the novel coronavirus is an infectious disease for the elderly. 

【近畿自動車道紀勢線】Kinki Expressway Kisei Line


The missing link between Owase Kita IC - Minami IC has opened. by this, the entire line of "Kumano-Owase Road" was all opened. the road between Shingu Kita IC - Kiho IC is scheduled to all open in the fall of 2024, and the road between Kushimoto IC - Susami Minami IC is scheduled to all open in the spring of 2025.

【2021年7月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for July 2021


On September 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for July. The current account balance is a surplus of 1.9108 trillion JPY.
The trade balance is a surplus of 622.3 billion JPY, and the travel balance is also a surplus of 22.3 billion JPY. credit were 48.3 billion JPY and debit were 26 billion JPY. According to the JTA, July‘s inbound was 51,100 (preliminary) rapidly increased due to the hosting of the Olympics, and outbound was 43,200 (preliminary). therefore, the unit price per person is 816,047 JPY for inbound and 562,500 JPY for outbound.
The air passengers is a surplus 1.8 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 200 million JPY. the other services have a deficit of 547.2 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is still a huge deficit of 584.9 million JPY.


【オーブンソースインテリジェンス】9/9 三重ふるさと新聞版 The open sauce intelligence, the newspaper edition September 9

【9月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 10


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,625,684, the number of deaths was 16,721 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,155 people of February 17 to September 3). the cumulative mortality rate further decreased to 1.03%.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 
【全国知事会の緊急提言】Urgent recommendations of the National Governors' Association of Japan
【オーブンソース・インテリジェンス②】Open Source Intelligence ②

 これに先だつこと8月1日、米下院外交委員会のマイケル・マッコール筆頭理事(テキサス州・共和党)は、83ページにも上る詳細な調査報告書「COVID-19の起源 武漢ウイルス研究所の調査」を発表していた。日本のメインメディアは殆ど取り上げなかったが、要旨は先月書いた通りである。バイデン報告書はこれを超えることはできなかったのだ。

For management reasons, many reports in the United States are closer to the Democratic Party, and most of Japan's main media follow suit.
This things was revealed in the last presidential election, but this fact may be biased the news. If you value total balance, you should also check out Fox News, which is closer to the Republican Party.
Now, in May of this year, Democratic President Joe Biden instructed the US intelligence community to evaluate data on the novel coronavirus and prepare a report that "can approach definitive conclusions" within 90 days. However, according to a report on August 27, opinions could not be gathered on either the spontaneous generation theory or the emanationism from the Wuhan Institute. the four intelligence agencies and the NIC said it was naturally occurring from animals, albeit with low confidence. the FBI said it was a spill from the lab with moderate certainty. and three intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, said the evidence was inadequate.
All intelligence agencies agreed that the first cluster occurred in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and that humans were infected through the first small-scale exposure by November of the same year at the latest. and the view that it was not developed as a biological weapon. Most intelligence agencies also rated it as not a genetically engineered (gain-of-function research) virus, albeit with low certainty.
Prior to this, on August 1, Michael McCall, the chief director of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee (Republican Party, Texas), gave a detailed 83-page research report "THE ORIGIN OF COVID-19 : AN INVESTIGATION OF THE WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY" was announced. almost ignored the main media in Japan, but the summary is as I wrote in last month. The Biden report couldn't go beyond this.

【9月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 20


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,680,028, the number of deaths was 17,250 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,155 people of February 17 to September 3). the cumulative mortality rate remains at 1.03%.


【諸外国・地域の規制措置から 2021.0922現在】From the Regulatory measures of other countries and regions, As of September 22 2021


After the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the United States began restricting Japanese food imports, and as of the 21st, a total of 100 items from 14 prefectures including Fukushima, Iwate, and Miyagi prefectures had covered. however The United States announced that it has lifted import restrictions on the 22nd of Japan time. That's good news.
By this, Only countries with strong political intent have come to stand out.

Hong Kong, China, Taiwan
South Korea
Indonesia, French Polynesia, EU, EFTA

【三重県の"令和2年観光レクリエーション入込客数推計書・観光客実態調査報告書"から】From the "Tourism and Recreation Visitors Estimate / Tourist fact-finding report 2020" of Mie Prefecture

【9月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of September 30


The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,701,897, the number of deaths was 17,666 (Excluding deaths after vaccination of 1,155 people of February 17 to September 3). the cumulative mortality rate 1.03%.



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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