No.87 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" April issue
【爆買いを羨むなかれ】Do not envy the explosive purchasing
Three tourist buses were stopped. women passengers who got off from there go hurry into a shop continuously.
Quarter of a century ago from now.
This is a scene that was seen at the store of pearl products that were in the Ise-Shima although not seen anymore now.
Over-the-counter display is a variety of pearl products. the near the entrance are inexpensive coral products and imitation pearl crafts's pile. and, demonstration of creating a pearl necklace has been carried out.
But, these cannot stop the foot of female customers of neat little suit style. aim is not a corner of the luxurious necklace. it very few. the purpose of the majority of people are Brooches or Pendants, and Men's Tie-clips or Cufflinks.
They haggle at the cash registers. and, after the booty is individually packaged, they draw a small mark with a pencil.
I asked. this organization is insurance saleswoman training trip serving as a reward trip. it's a mark for not mistake a gift to a customers.
Only 30 minutes shopping time. but sales are several million JPY lightly.
Three buses leave while being seen off by clerks. then also another tourist bus to stop. it was a daily sight at the time.
Pearl of this shop is mainly aquaculture production in Mie Prefecture, with the exception of freshwater pearls and South Sea pearls. this was the local content that has brought the spread to the local economy.
Well, let's look at the modern Japan's tourism scene. Noteworthy is "Bakugai=explosive purchasing" by Chinese tourists is particularly remarkable had come to the Chinese New Year (February 18-24).
Sales of department stores is four times from two times in the previous year. in addition, affordability due to depreciation of the JPY is also tailwind. also news medias inflame it. its direct economic effect to Japan about 70 billion JPY. indirect effect is 100 billion JPY unit.
This is clear that increasing the number of "Travel balance" in "Service balance" in "Current account balance" definitely. this revenue cannot be added to the "Trade balance" because is not in the sales from exports, though it is industrial products. in addition, also the popularity of cosmetics and rice cooker is still high. however, if the purpose of the resell it will be subject to high tariffs. So, essentially nominal is the souvenirs.
In spite of, in this consumption behavior, feelings of Sightseeing rooted in the region's history and culture is not seen. seems the purpose of the journey is different. if there is when a public morality friction problem becomes significant, it is difficult to obtain an understanding to the local residents. there is also likely to promote the prejudice to the tourism industry again.
In the first place, whether affinity for local content is high?
In other words, continuous transmission of local information is the most important now, and it must be towards the developed countries. because the poor heart people can't afford to buy manners, for now. there was an era such also to former Japanese tourists.
【政冷経熱2】Cold Political-Hot Economical 2
Nikai went to South Korea led the organization. is that next time to go to China in May. it scale is 3000 people, more than two times number of previous South Korea. it sponsored Executive committee by the "Japan Association of Travel Agents","All Nippon Travel agents Association", and, "Japan Tourism Association".
March 7, Tourism economy newspaper has reported, China is asked for improvement of Outbound decrease to the China. they go for it.
However, it's a strange scenario. winner of Inbound and Outbound in between China and Japan, is China. this difference was gradually approaching in recent years. but winner China is so even now. wonder there is a support secret agreement for China's goals as a matter of fact ?
Or simply, in order to induce a benefit to the travel industry?
In any case, it's overseas outflow promotion of tourism market of Japan.
It is the opposite of the direction of the "Regional revitalization". because the domestic cultural tourism area becomes absent by that amount. Travel Fair prompting a visit to Japan also will be held. So, "JTA" is also accompany. but, it is powerless. originally because this is not a commercial organization.
That said, is impossible to be obtained the sales of comparable outbound business to inbound business, in Japan's travel industry. because its very low margin.
(China⇨Japan) (Japan⇨China)
2007 942439人 3977479人
2008 1000416人 3446117人
2009 1006085人 3317459人
2010 1412875人 3731200人
2011 1043246人 3658169人
2012 1429855人 3545200人
2013 1314437人 2877500人
2014 2409200人 2717700人
(Source is JP⇨CN by CTA, CN⇨JP by JNTO. 2014 is provisional value)
【日本の主要旅行業50社の取扱高2014】Sales figures of Japan's major travel industry 50 companies 2014
Sales figures of Japan's major travel industry 50 companies all month was released.
This is the sum of January to December of monthly estimation. isn't a "fiscal year". source is Tourism-economy newspaper and Japan Tourism Agency.
According to this, the sum of Domestic travel are 4,099,413,655,000 JPY. Overseas travel are 2,267,850,477,000JPY. Foreigner travel are 105,010,691,000JPY. The total is "6,451,958,574,000JPY".
Previous year of Domestic travel are 4,082,972,344,000JPY. Overseas travel are 2,267,850,477,000JPY. Foreigner travel are 78,309,947,000JPY. total was "6,429,132,768,000JPY".
This means 100.355% year-on-year. it is plus about 228,000,000JPY.
Among them, sales of Foreigner travel=Inbound has been particularly increase. it's 134.096% year-on-year. but amount of increase is 26,700,000,000JPY only. Inbound is not beneficial for major travel company.
It is unreasonable to rely on the Japanese travel agency, for the attract of Inbound customers. it can be seen well from the comparison in the graph.
This is a mission of local governments same as to attract companies.
【知らなきゃ来ない】Don't come so don't know
何故このビルかといえば、触れ込みが『未来の凱旋門』だからである。事実その形状は似ている。しかし、その高さは凱旋門の三倍以上、地上40階建てのスチールとガラスである。 セールスポイントは屋上庭園だ。フジサンケイビジネス紙によると、英国のタイムズが2008年に『世界を代表する20の建築物』に選定して以来、インバウンドが大幅に増加したそうである。2014年度は42万人だ。
言うまでもなく現代の主流はネット検索だ。だが情報は、見つけられなければ興味はすぐに失われる。 よく似たコンテンツは他所にも沢山あるからだ。
If so, what to do in order to attract Inbound?
First, it's name recognition improvements. of non-famous, because it does not apply to one of the destinations of the journey. to this end, it is necessary to put ads in foreign media using budget of the "Regional revitalization". but, it must be designed to promote search of unspecified number. exhaustive contents as will be fail. because specificity will be lost.
This is also seen from the Visit Japan campaign posters that have been carried out in France from February. its main content are Umeda Sky Building. and "Sakura" on the four corners, the "Maiko" in the center.
Speaking of why this building, its catchphrase is the "Futuristic Arc de Triomphe". virtually, its shape is similar figures. but, more than three times the height of the Arc de Triomphe is the ground 40-story's steel and glass. that selling point is a rooftop garden.
Fuji Sankei Business newspaper reported. Inbound has increased significantly. it is since being elected to "The world's leading construction 20" of Times in UK in 2008. 2014 fiscal is 42 million people.
It because the purpose of the journey and destination becomes clear.
However role of posters, is to until arouse of interest.
Of course, current mainstream is the Internet search. but, even if someone is looking for information, if it's not found will soon lose interest. because the similar content is a lot also in elsewhere.
Namely, the important thing to the second is whether there is a lot of information on the Internet. there must be also information of position, it in English.
It, also must be uploaded from the City government, Tourist facilities, Museums, Shops, Hotels and Ryokans, as well as wide range of townspeople.
Because name recognition is an essential step for the "Regional Revitalization".
People and money, gather in the famous destination.
【1月の経常収支】January of the Current account balance
Ministry of Finance has announced in March 9, the quick-estimation of Japanese Current account balance of january is 61,400,000,000 JPY surplus.
The breakdown, "Trade balance" ▲ 864,200,000,000JPY. "Service balance" ▲ 401,300,000,000JPY. "Second income balance" ▲ 86,100,000,000JPY. The surplus is only "Primary income balance" 1,412,900,000,000JPY.
"Trade balance" is remains a deficit. had sold a lot of cars. and, in spite of the dramatically reduced in crude oil price.
In the first place, the decline of this trading nation lies in the downfall of the electronics industry. the factors is ① Reduction of domestic demand by aging and population decline. ② Decline of international competitiveness of domestic manufacturers by the rise of emerging countries. ③ There is a mismatch with the global economy for the poor demand forecast.
Therefore, modern electronics companies entrust the fate in the export of public goods. It is Railway and control, Aircrafts, Robots, Nuclear power plants, further, Weapons. than the products of mass production for the consumer. it's because of the high profit.
Financial stock market also expect it. it's a collateral of "Primary income balance".
"Services balance" is, Transport balance ▲ 40,800,000,000JPY, Other services ▲ 301,300,000,000JPY. and, Travel balance of "The regional revitalization" expectation is the surplus of 29,200,000,000JPY. this corresponds to half of the surplus of the month, in a little more.
By the way, February's "Trade balance" was ▲424,600,000,000 JPY also deficit according to The trade statistics bulletin in March 18.
【米国の経常収支2014】US Current account balance 2014
US Department of Commerce announced on March 19, US "Current account balance" was ▲ 410,628,000,000 USD. this was written also Japanese local newspaper, in Washington-Kyodo. the breakdown has not been wrote. but had written this. the trade deficit was increased for the increase in imports, because the US economy is favorable. its combined Trade and Service are ▲ 504,711,000,000 USD.
However, Trade deficit is year-on-year increase of 4.9%. It has become chronic since the early 1980s. Service balance is 2.6% surplus. it was surplus from the early 1990s already.
In fact this surplus, is forehead that is comparable to the US "Primary income balance".
This means that the United States already is the service-oriented nation than trade.
それは、同じ新聞社の同じ日付であっても、各版ごとにニュースの削除が行なわれている事だ。 そして、消されたニュースの一部は無視できないものがある。同じ朝刊でも共有不能のニュースだ。これはローカルページのことではない。
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake that four years have elapsed.
It is a long time. (in the case of humans time.) but is a still only the beginning in the case of nucleus time. half-life of cesium 137 is 30.1 years, Strontium 90 is 28.79 years. and, because not able to complete blockage of radioactive substances leaking from broken reactors, not yet.
In addition, there was also that it did not know until this incident.
It is that the news deletion has been performed for each edition, in same date of the newspaper of the same company. and, some of erased news is which cannot be ignored. despite the same morning paper there is cannot share news. this is not to say the local page.
In short, cause of the reconstruction delay is this. and it's in the back there is a distrust. anyhow, fallout is continuing even now. and, outflow of high concentration contaminated water is often occurred. nevertheless, evaluation of risks is not described in these news anymore.
In other words, the cause is due to immature Japan's mass media. because it will not be able to clarify the vulnerable sophistry of a scholar beholden to the government. So reliance on press club is strong.
However, reliance on this press club, there is a possibility that endanger democracy. it is because it does not allow the objection. therefore, cannot break through to a ill-nature which tend to keep scandals secret of TEPCO.
According to Reporters Without Borders, Japan's ranking in the world press freedom ranking 2015 is # 61, it's getting worse every year.
【諸外国・地域の規制措置2015.0303】Regulatory action of Countries and Regions 2015.0303.
[韓国] 福島、群馬、栃木、茨城、宮城、千葉、神奈川、岩手、長野、埼玉、青森、山梨、静岡
[中国] 福島、宮城、茨城、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、新潟、長野
[ニューカレドニア]福島、宮城、山形、茨城、 栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、新潟、山梨、長野
[米国]青森、岩手、宮城、山形、福島、茨城、 栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、新潟、山梨、長野、静岡
March 3, this excerpt is from "Regulatory action of Countries and Regions". it's a publication of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan. it is since January 9, because was not published in February. as a result, can be seen that the import regulations of Australia has been released as scheduled in January 23.
By this it will facilitate the EPA. in addition, also exports of diesel submarines. and, ministries for arms exports will be established in October.
In the first place, this release had been determined from the previous year's June. was it conditions for trading?
But, Countries that requires measures of "import stop" for specified commodities certain, it extends to 12 countries yet. Japanese media is silent as ever.
March 25 TEPCO, published a marine leakage estimates of year 742,000,000,000 Bq. (From April 16 2014 to February 23, 2015)
But, it also was the cesium's number only.
[South Korea] Fukushima, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Chiba, Kanagawa, Iwate, Nagano, Saitama, Aomori, Yamanashi, Shizuoka
[China] Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano
[Brunei] Fukushima
[New Caledonia] Fukushima, Miyagi, Yamagata, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano
[Lebanon] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Kanagawa
[Singapore] Fukushima
[Hong Kong] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba
[Macau] Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano
[Taiwan] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba
[Philippines] Fukushima
[United States] Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano, Shizuoka
[Russia] Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Chiba, Niigata
Please refer to the HP of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries For more information, including item.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
No.88 “About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" May Issue
【観光の春】Tourism Spring
According to the Wall Street Journal of March 19, tourism GDP of Tunisia's seems 12%. (Apparently NHK, has been deleted 7% after the news. it seems of the Jasmine revolution previous number.) also by the Chunichi/Tokyo newspaper, if including the related industries is reported 15%. Incidentally Japan is 2%. the population 10.67 million people's this country, is the already admirable history cultural tourism nation.
But, it was shocked by attack on the Bardo National Museum.
Why Inbounds was attacked?
In multiple news, is that the purpose is a damage to the tourism industry.
Overseas, because foreign currency income of the Inbound also is the same as the export revenue, its even developed countries or even underdeveloped countries. but in this Japan, there are case when do not have enough convincing because manufacturing industry is bloated. in the world's cultural heritage capital Tunis, there were numerous cancellations of hotel. also Japan's cruise liner was also discontinued the future port call. the damage of image, would be comparable to the explosion of the nuclear power plant.
Now Japan is in a hurry on "Guidelines" re-revision that has been agreed in 2+2 in last year's October. because that deadline is the end of this year. but, it has enough potential to stimulate "the powers" that is feel uncomfortable to Japan.
If the tension rises suddenly, will not be come to the Culture and Tourism of intellectual peace industry.
Not only, it is a negative factor to the financial and economic and "The regional revitalization", it medium- to long-term.
【再起動の春】Restart Spring
What is tourism?
is it the entertainment goods, or trade goods?
Apparently, it meaning seems to be different from country to country. the former in the case of Japan still.
It is why not?
Its cause is ignorance and apathy, although I have announced that data and graphs in the last year's forum of Eurostat and OECD.
And, I heard during past '32 years. it was the lack of motivation.
First, the national budget is very different in the manufacturing industry and tourism. for example, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Initial budget 2015 is 1 trillion 134.7 billion JPY. but, Tourism Agency's initial budget is 9.91 billion JPY only, with the exception of the reconstruction frame of Tohoku and Fukushima. as usual, it is nonessential industry treats.
Therefore, social status of workers in the tourism industry is not so high in both labor and management. also does not have Meister system. and, working time can not be said to be stable as compared to the manufacture of the 20th century. human resources have also been limited. Weekends, Holidays, New Year, because has been shunned it as don't want to work. in the case of accommodation industry, at night and early morning work is hate. image of liquor trade also not been able to dispel. speaking from experience is more advantageous of related industries.
What Business environment?
Overwhelmingly many small and medium-sized enterprises, investment destination is very little. Management foundation is not tough because weather impacts, season on-off, and also depends on the epidemic. furthermore, the commission of major travel company, is too high rate. in spite of consuming the capital investment and maintenance costs than the travel industry.
For inbound, language problems is most important. and, cultural gap. the regional councilor does not lead to the vote. the regional boss lose face, because to lose the leadership. there is no confidence in the city's history and culture.
Should improve these points in until 2020.
【インバウンド向けバウチャーの配布方法】Distribution methods of vouchers for the Inbound.
The budget of "Regional revitalization" 420,000,000,000 JPY was departing from the original spirit. to "Premium gift certificates" 158,900,000,000 JPY and "Hometown specialty products, Travel vouchers" 61,500,000,000 JPY. as "Life grants for local residents of emergency". there are also Gift certificates of many children's household support, Kerosene purchase subsidies for low-income earners. but, these are temporary support of disposable income. sustainability does not exist.
On the other hand, required in "Regional revitalization", is sustainability business related to tourism and industrial development is a 79,800,000,000 JPY.
Initially, Minister in charge of regional revitalization had said not to strew. nonetheless, his Tottori Prefecture, was determined to be sold a Premium hotel vouchers. its a selling price is 5000 JPY the face value is a 10,000 JPY. in nationwide convenience store. but the use period is April 13-November 1. to two sheets per one night. and, at net booking even local settlement is a condition. in this amount, by dividing by the prospective participants 100 is possible to understand scale. economic ripple is 1,400,000 JPY per hotel.
However, this method can not be used in Inbound.
First, overseas sale of short limited time is difficult. the expiration date of less than one year, even if left to the overseas travel agency because does not allow to maintain the price. also the question on the foreign exchange control laws. it 's impossible to sell.
But, just because does not allow to strew for the all people who want to go to Japan. recovery rate is also deteriorated.
In short, if recovery possible is that it has the purpose of trip as commercial and official business. unused voucher expired is just wastepaper. contribution to the "Regional revitalization" is 0 JPY. choices are very limited, in the case of short-term recovery.
In, what methods are left?
It can be assumed to be the 9 types of the following.
① As a subsidy for the business groups that are already scheduled to visit Japan.
② Use for the invitation of foreign media or location hunting, creates a propaganda image of here.
③ Use for the invitation of embassy staff in each country as international goodwill diplomacy tool.
④ As a preferential treatment subsidy to a particular guest that are already scheduled to visit Museums, Galleries, and Science museum.
⑤ As a gift for encourage revisit, to the Inbound of during Japan tour. however, if it can be used on its expiration.
⑥ As an intermediary tool of guidance office of foreign travelers.
⑦ As a subsidy of MICE participants entourage.
⑧ Small and one-time the student school trip.
⑨ As recommended tool to visit the region, at the round-trip of staff of international organizations.
【AIIBにご用心】Beware to AIIB
The March 31 was the deadline of the "Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank" participations application. the result is 57 countries from five continents. also from the G7, four countries have expressed to participate, it's United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy.
This is quite short-sighted. wonder do not know the "Tributes trade" that underlie China?
China is trying to form a completely new Allies. Japan and the US-led "Asian Development Bank" for the undermine. its the stake are nearly 50%. as a result, the power to dominate the international community of China will be stronger. not only, it is going to interfere with founding the NATO of the Pacific Rim version. this country, has do the turn-over of a game's table to if suffer more losses than wins. should not be overlooked the egoism large far more than the US. It's going to be a threat to the sovereignty of each country.
That threat, can be read also from the international tourist statistics. already Japan has been experiencing it to the year of the Shanghai EXPO 2010. in same year September 7, the collision incident to the Japanese maritime patrol boat by the Chinese fishing boat that has occurred in the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands.
In January 25 2010 according to the "People's Daily", that year China had a goals of 4,300,000 US dollars of the international tourism revenue and 54,500,000 people of the Inbound from the world. however, Inbound from Japan to China did not also to the 10%. it was unexpected. the ANTA is despite had set a goal of Outbound one million people unit to the Shanghai EXPO. further requests from China side had been also reported.
The results, Outbound from China to Japan became the 1,412,875 people of 1.4 times more than the previous year.
On the other hand, Outbound from Japan to China was stayed in 3,731,200 people.
According to the international tourism statistics, annual target of international tourism revenue of China has been achieved in 45,814,000,000 USD. but, international tourism expenditure is 54,900,000,000 USD in bloated. the balance was a ▲ 9,086,000,000 USD.
In short. if the Senkaku collision incident and the riots against Japanese companies did not occur, the international tourism balance of China would have been even worse in 115 days until the end of that year because cannot stop the Chinese wealthy outbound.
【2月の経常収支】February of Current account balance
April 8, the preliminary report of "Ministry of Finance" has released, Japan's "Current account balance" of February is that a 1,440,100,000,000JPY of surplus.
Among them, "Trade balance" is ▲143,100,000,000JPY. "Service balance" is ▲108,700,000,000JPY. also "Second income balance" is ▲170,200,000,000JPY. the majority of the surplus is due to the "Primary income balance"1,862,200,000,000JPY.
However, it can be understand by reading carefully the breakdown of "Service balance". "Travel balance" is 63,300,000,000JPY of surplus. this is a 5 months in succession. and, it is the highest ever since 1996 in a single month. on the other hand, "Transport balance" has become a ▲ 53,200,000,000JPY, despite the large number Inbound in the Lunar New Year. here is a contradiction. both, surplus is cargo flights in sea transport nor air transport. passenger transport of Japan was no at all contribute.
Furthermore, "Other services" of the imposed a heavy load to "Service balance" is also ▲ 118,700,000,000JPY.
By the way, this "Current account balance" is reported in the 10th edition of the April 9 in the morning edition of the Chunichi newspaper. but, it has been removed in 11th edition. therefore readers of this distribution region can't read. if the citizen is not informed, improvement of the "Balance of international tourism" will be very limited because discussion does not occur.
Who was multiplied by the pressure?
The coverage freedom of Japan is # 61 now it is the worst in the industrialized countries.
And, JNTO on April 22, announced the Inbound / Outbound estimates of March.
The Inbound is 1,526,000 people in growth rate of year-on-year 45.3 %.
Outbound is 1,530,000 people in ▲4.2%.
was outbound (overseas travel) has become dominated again.
It was Outbound (overseas travel) dominated again, even if it is 4000 people.
This would will be reflected as a negative to the "Travel balance" in the "Service balance" in the "Current account balance".
英語名:balance of international tourism
The Balance of international tourism, is a part of the Service balance in the Trade and Service balance of the Balance of payments. is it Money that Japanese travelers paid abroad is "expenditure", spending in Japan of foreign tourists is "income".
Balance of international tourism has been followed by a deficit because Japanese overseas travelers the number is greater than the number of foreign visitors to Japan.
In the past, at when significant surplus of the balance of payments has become an international problem, it was supposed to be contributed to the balance adjustment. but in recent years, width of the deficit tends to shrink for due to an increase in foreign visitors.
【2014年の伊勢神宮】Ise Jingu(Shrine) 2014
"Ise Jingu" worshipers number of 1993 was 8,387,124 people. in "61st Shikinen-sengu" fulfillment. this is the total number of the "Naiku" and "Geku". is not real-number. the following year 1994 also "Naiku" is slightly increased, but reduction of "Geku" exceeded it. to therefore declined nearly ten percent in total.
This trend, same thing can be say also in the following year 2014 of "62nd Shikinen-sengu" fulfillment.
In 2013 worshipers number was 14,204,816 people in total. but, in 2014 it became the 10,865,160 people. this is a significant decrease of 23.5% over the previous year. "Naiku" is 6,809,288 people, 23% decrease. and, "Geku" is 4,055,872 people, 24.2% decrease.
Direct contribution to the regional economy would be helpful in "Okage" to except the accommodation expenses. it's a 5,800,000 people, the decrease 11.4 % year-on-year. here the average price in is not high. because citizens come well too. also, children and people who do not buy are not a few.
So in 3000 JPY estimate per one-pair is merely a year 8,700,000,000 JPY.
By the way, was built near the "Geku","Sengu museum" was 498,427 people. its decline was nearly 40% year-on-year.
The demand for accommodation is numbers of Toba city would be helpful. it the 1,861,615 people, stayed in a decrease in year-on-year by 7.4%.
In short, "Ise Jingu" is Day-tripper has decreased significantly.
【刺激か癒し】Stimulus or Healing
The customer request to tourism there are two types. it's "stimulus" or "healing". the former, is that season's leisure or theme parks. the latter, is typified by hot springs or history walking.
In Japan, already regional's amusement park are decreased. and, Temples, Shrines, and heritage Tour is prevalent. this is that manifestation, too. rise of the elderly rate on population dynamics, it linking to also the maturity of society. So it is the prefer "healing" than the "stimulus" now.
But, For the Inbound is not necessarily so. because, country state is different.
If visitors from mature country, it's possible to enjoy cultural comparison to foreign history. but the visitors from the young country, is foreign history contents is maybe a little boring.
If want to collect the Inbound customer by using contents of the history and culture, should be considered a matching with the social maturity of target country.
Came from China, interview magazine paid says. "It's a small town, but good for a walk".
This is to say that there is no interest.
【需給をとりなす情報】Information for mediating the supply and demand
ある人にとっては高評価なモノも、ある人にとっては役に立たないモノである。多様化する社会の「価値観」。流行も細分化された。写真はソ連版スペースシャトルの精密模型『Буран и Энергия』。10年前にコンビニで安価で売られていたものだが、今ではネットショップで、稀に3000円前後のプレミア価格で流通しているものだ。私はこれを松阪市の中古店で140円で手に入れた。
It is high evaluation for the some people. but, it is useless object for the some people. diversified society's "sense of values". epidemic was also subdivided. this photo is dense desktop model of "Буран и Энергия" the space shuttle of Soviet version.
This is something that had been sold cheaper at a convenience store 10 years ago, but now it is sold in a before and after 3,000JPY in occasionally premium price on the on-line shop. I got this in the Matsusaka's secondhand shop in 140JPY.
However the main subjects not is this. It's customer base of this shop. because Foreigners have often come. just this day, Asian women had lined up in front of the cash register to buy an expensive bag. and, Westerners parent and child also had come. In other words, it's Akihabara that reminds. in a Matsusaka's small shop of secondhand hardware and software, books, mangas, toys, dolls.
Of course, it is not a souvenir shop for tourists. so there is no need to pay a rebate to the travel company. the price is cheaper. it's a people in the know.
Celebrated the season of Sakura, and came foreign tourist groups to also around the Matsusaka Castle. perhaps there could be treasure If there are those who are interested in Japanese subculture in the if. all visitors is not necessarily the lovers of main-culture.
However, they don't know this shop. because there is no information to mediate supply and demand.

【ビッグデータのリリース】Release of Big Data
閣議後の記者会見で地方創生担当大臣は 、RESASを動作させながら「RESASを使うことで、自治体が客観的なデータに基づいてKPI(目標の達成度合いを計る定量的な指標)を設定し、毎年度の政策の効果をデータで検証して改善できるようになる。こうしたPDCA(企画・実行・評価・改善)サイクルの確立が重要だ。行政は、なんちゃって政策を打てなくなる」と強調した。
Japan's "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications" began a shared to April 21 the "Regional economic analysis system (RESAS)". this is basis of the big-data is an analysis service that can be grasped in detail to tourists trends and demographic change etc.
It except such as transaction information between companies, is a widely open to the public.
By the way, invasion of privacy held by big data is no problem. This was a one of agenda in the OECD and EU tourism statistics forum that I also have participated in last fall but the public version is the only number of people.
Nevertheless, it is also a valuable media literacy. for example, also publics is possible to obtain very close numbers to real people numbers. and, also obviously for newspapers. because was no choices other than press release, in the conventional.
Minister in charge of regional revitalization at a press conference after the cabinet meeting was emphasized. while operating the RESAS. "Municipalities set KPI based on objective data. and it is possible to improve while evaluating each year the effectiveness of the policy by validates. Establishment of such PDCA cycle is important. The regional government would be to refrain irresponsible policy."
【食の安全は外交カードか?】The food safety is the diplomatic card?
Domestic news of "Regulatory action of Countries and Regions" of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has not been already informed in Japan. and, have stopped also reporting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs's Economic Affairs Bureau.
So, in this news the surprised people would be not minority. Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" has been the specified 5 Prefecture's import ban regulation since the first nuclear power plant explosion in Fukushima, but then that to strengthen the new import regulations from May. the reason is because the 283 of foods that was imported from Japan had been impersonating a production sites. according to locals news, was reported also recovery list.
However in Japan, the newspaper of April 15 for more information about impersonation incident of the beginning of things have not been almost coverage. the emphasis in Japan, is only that request an immediate elimination of this measure through diplomatic channels.
Such a difference in problem recognition of bilateral, it will be to foreign affairs.
Countries that are taking the import ban of any item still is 12 countries Taiwan also including. if requesting deregulation by the "scientific knowledge" into Friendly nation Taiwan, it should be requested at the same time also into these countries.
For example, United States has been specifies the ban in 14 pref still even though in the negotiations of TPP. China 10 pref. South Korea 13 Pref. and, Russia has 8 pref. Japanese people need to know their rationale.
And, the food safety should not be in diplomatic card.
Apology and Correction
I had forgotten to write one of the China's import ban Pref, on No.87 "Regulatory action of Countries and Regions 2015.0303".
To be precise, Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano, and, Tochigi. all food and feed is import ban.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"