
No.147 “About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020“ March issue

【集団ヒステリーに陥らない事が大事】It is important not to fall into collective hysteria.



The Japanese government has suddenly requested that all public schools in the country be closed for two weeks, to avoid postponing or canceling the Olympics. Not only that, it seeks to eliminate even clusters of people, such as jobs even in healthy prefectures.
However, even if the host country can control the infection, not all participating countries will be the same.
According to the February 28 Associated Press reported, Dick Pound, the oldest member of the IOC since 1978, said the deadline for deciding whether to host the Tokyo Olympics would be until late May. And pointed out, holding in other cities or regional dispersion was difficult, because the preparation period is short. In addition, also expressed a negative view that a few months' postponement too would not be convincing the American television stations that pay the broadcasting rights fee, because it overlaps with the us professional football and basketball seasons. this means that no more COVID-19 coronavirus spread is allowed.
IOC President Bach says it will be held as scheduled. But, this assumes that the WTO does not declare a pandemic. As of March 2, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus exceeded 88,000. the number of infected countries has risen to more than 60 in the world. the first case in Africa was confirmed in Nigeria on February 28. Qatar, Ecuador, Luxembourg and Ireland were also confirmed on the 29th. The first cases were reported on March 1 in Armenia and the Czech Republic. In Germany, the number of infected people doubled on March 1. According to AFP, the Louvre Museum in France, has also closed since March 1, by the staff refused to work. France, which has 130 infected people and two fatalities, has announced a ban on rallying of more than 5,000 people and the closure of schools and religious events in areas where infections are most widespread. The Paris half marathon, scheduled for the day, has been canceled due to concerns about the new coronavirus. And, On March 1, also Italy's Civil Protection Authority reported a surge in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus to 1694, up about 50 percent from the previous day, and the death toll has reached 34 people.
However, the mortality of this COVID-19 is by no high. some people do not get onset. difference from other viruses, that is only not yet developed a vaccine. In other words, that the virus is not yet benefited the pharmaceutical industry.
Or, there any other special reason what besides this?

For some reason, the Japanese media have avoid mentioning, but the latest pandemic was the 2009 New influenza (2009-2010). not SARS (2002-2003). This New influenza, which occurred in 2009 and spread worldwide, has passed WHO's Phase 6 at the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) set by the International Health Regulations (IHR). The announcement threatened even the Expo Shanghai (May 1 - October 31, 2010).
However, in March 2010, the European Council began investigating that the international influenza campaign was affected by pharmaceutical companies. In June, Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief of the British medical journal BMJ, criticized WHO based on research. She noted that there were investigation of financial ties between WHO advisors on pandemics with pharmaceutical companies producing antivirals and vaccines.
I think it is necessary to analyze the situation calmly, this time too.
According to AFP, as of 2:00 am March 5, Japan time, in 81 countries and regions, 94,810 people were infected with the new coronavirus the number of deaths is 3,245. Excluding Hong Kong and Macau, the number of infected people in mainland China is 80,270, number of deaths is 2981. Countries other than China, 5621 infected and 32 deaths in South Korea. 3089 infections and 107 deaths in Italy. There were 2922 infections and 92 deaths in Iran. And, in Japan, 287 people were infected. In addition, more than 700 people were infected by the British cruise ship Diamond Princess, which is docked at Yokohama Port. The number of deaths was 12 in Japan and the ship.

【インフルエンザによる日本の年間死亡者数】Japan's annual death toll by influenza

Surprisingly, than in the pandemic year of the new flu, the number of mortals in subsequent years is much higher.

【3月6日現在】As of March 6


The mortality rate is 3.4%. But this decreases as the denominator increases. there are not enough PCR test kits at present, and also some infected people do not develop the disease.
By the way, that seems noticeable along the Silk Road oddly. Apparently, the case I think that the most prominent reason for Iran and Italy is related to China's “One Belt and Road“. Both are participating countries.

【2020年1月の国際収支】January's Balance of payments 2020


On March 8, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced its balance of payments of January. the balance of payments of this month was a surplus of 600.4 billion JPY.
However, the goods trade balance was a deficit of ▲985.1 billion JPY, a decrease of 15.1 billion JPY year-on-year. Also, the service balance is also a deficit of ▲162.7 billion JPY. Compared to the same month of the previous year, the deficit increased by 13 billion JPY. This is not only the transport balance in always deficit, due to the decline in "other services".
Incidentally, the travel balance is a surplus of 266.9 billion JPY, and it increased by 49 billion JPY from the previous year. The problem is the effect of COVID-19 Wuhan virus from next month.

【感染伝播との相似性】Similarity to infection transmission

EU Member States with Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese Communist Party‘s OBOR (One Belt, One Road) Initiative

On March 11 in Japan time, the WHO finally declared a "pandemic." by this, that would be cut off tourism, money and logistics in the world.


特別寄稿【COVID-19情報共有】COVID-19 Information Sharing
By Prof. Dr. Aki-Hiro Sato

This page shares research and consideration document on the control of the spread of COVID-19 (new type pneumonia) by Professor Akihiro Sato of the Graduate School of Life Nanosystems Science, Yokohama City University.

仮訳:Ohmss 井村茂樹

目次 Index

COVID-19(新型肺炎) 拡散メカニズムと対策検討資料 COVID-19 (New type of pneumonia) Diffusion mechanism and countermeasure consideration document
▽感染の種類 Types of infection
▽感染の概念図 Conceptual diagram of infection
▽COVID-19感染拡大のモデル COVID-19 model of infection spread
▽状態推移式 State transition formula
▽COVID-19の数理モデル Mathematical model of COVID-19
▽COVID-19のパラメータ推定値 Parameter estimates for COVID-19
▽感染率低下シナリオのモデル A Model of Infection Rate Reduction Scenarios
▽政策的接触確率低下対応 A political response to reduction for contact probability
▽論点 Arguing point
▽対策が必要な点 Necessary measures

COVID-19(新型肺炎) 拡散メカニズムと対策検討資料
COVID-19 (New type of pneumonia) Diffusion mechanism and countermeasure consideration document
2020年3月13日版 March 13, 2020 version

The spread of infection caused by COVID-19 (new type pneumonia) causes many loss sprees on economic and social. Therefore, to understand the mechanism of infection of the virus, by hitting this correctly, to suppress the infection in cooperation in society as a whole, it has become a very important issue now.

This consideration document summarizes the contents of studies on methods and issues for controlling the spread of COVID-19 infection. Information is updated whenever information is added or new knowledge is obtained.

If you have any questions or it is difficult to understand the expression, please ask a question from the inquiry. I would like to try to make the contents easy for many people to understand by getting more questions and improving the study contents. We ask you to actively ask questions and cooperate with us so that we can provide a study material that can respond to all social issues.


感染の種類 Types of infection

Type of infection of THIS COVID-19 (new type pneumonia) it is believed that the following three types are dominant.

・飛沫感染 Spray infection
・飛沫核感染(埃塵感染)Spray nucleus infection (dust infection)
・接触感染 Contact infection

The expert meeting of the Government of Japan pointed out the following about spray infections.


In general circumstances, the path of infection is a splash infection or a contact infection. but in the closed space, there is a risk of infection even if there is no cough or sneeze in a certain environment, such as talking with a lot of people at a short distance.

Also, the infectivity varies depending on the case. in some cases, the infection is suspected to have spread from a particular person to many people. on the one hand, in many cases, the infected people has hardly infected to the people around.

Moreover, there are many cases where it is mild or cured even if infected. But, there is a higher risk of severity than seasonal influenza. In particular, there is a high risk of becoming severe in the elderly and those with underlying diseases.

In addition, the Japanese government expert meeting has strongly called for avoiding the following "overlap of the three conditions".


1.Closed space with poor ventilation
2.Dense by many peoples
3.Conversations and utterances of close range.

In addition to these, I think that additional consideration is necessary for the following points.

Even in a short-term closed space, it is necessary to consider the risk of spreading the infection by adhering to dust. I think that it is this that the reduction of the amount of dust by wearing a mask, ventilation, and air purifier is effective as a countermeasure. It may be considered that taking measures to reduce dust in the indoor area is effective in reducing the infection rate.

To reduce the risk of contact infection, it is better to consider that the virus has adhered to the surface of what the infected person or unspecified majority touched. It is believed that the virus activity is retained for one week on metal and plastic surfaces. We believe that frequently decontaminating doorknobs, lighting switches, floors, remote controls, elevator buttons, and handrails will effectively reduce the infection rate.

感染の概念図 Conceptual diagram of infection

There are uninfected people, subclinically infected people, infected, recovered people, and dead people.There are two types of infection peoples, those who are present in an environment that can spread the infection, and those who have been identified, isolated and ready to receive medical care.The environment here refers to the situation where you are infected with the virus but live your daily life without medical treatment.For example, a situation in which a COVID-19 is infected but living by misidentifying it as a very common cold or it is a situation that it was confirmed that pneumonia became severe before medical treatment and was infected after death. In addition, infected people will eventually be either recovered people or dead people.

There are following three ways to suppression the spread of the infection.

1. Measures for healthy people not to be infected (policy)
2. Measures to control the spread of infection and prevent those who take the measures from becoming infected (public health)
3. Treatment to increase recovery and reduce mortality in infected individuals (medical)

COVID-19感染拡大のモデル COVID-19 model of infection spread

Consider a people B and virus A as shown in the figure. Furthermore, it assumes three conditions as a condition of people B. S is uninfected condition, I is the condition of infection, R indicates a state that has been removed from the recovery or environment from the infected condition. the condition removed from the environment, the infected people is isolated condition so as not to come into contact with the uninfected condition, or including a condition in which by death the chance of contact is no longer.

When people B (S) in uninfected state S comes into contact with virus A, it changes to diseased state I and becomes B (I). This write as follows.


People B an infectious condition I (I) is releases n virus A out of the body. This write as follows.


Infected condition people B (I) may be change to uninfected condition S or recovered condition R. This write as follows.

B(I)→B(S) or B(I)

The recovery condition R has resistance to virus A, a condition that does not become infection state I again. Transition to condition S means that it may be infected again. It remains to be seen whether COVID-19 will be able to acquire immunity after recovery. To summarize the above, it becomes the condition transition formula.

状態推移式 Condition transition formula

B(S) + A → B(I)

B(I) → B(I) + nA

B(I) → B(S) or B(R) 回復後免疫を獲得するかは不明 Unclear whether to acquire immunity after recovery

COVID-19の数理モデル Mathematical model of COVID-19

By examining how the number of infected, recovered, and dying progresses over time, it is possible to determine whether the epidemic is spreading or converged. Therefore, I try to model by "SIR model with delay" about how those numbers change over time.

COVID-19 SIR model variables were write as follows, the number of people in B(S) at time t is S(t), the number of people in the above-mentioned Infected condition B(I) is I(t), the number of B(R) in the above-mentioned recovered condition is R(t).

・S(t): 未感染の状態 Uninfected condition
・I(t): 感染した状態 Infected condition
・R(t): 回復または除去された状態 Recovered or removed condition

潜伏期間(3日~14日), 症状発症(1週間), 重症化(発症後2週間)を経てから感染が疑われて検査機会を獲得して、感染が確認できる。そのため、遅れ時間τは14日~21日とするのが妥当(接触事象が発生してから実際に罹患して感染が確認できるようになるまで2週間以上必要)である。
After the incubation period (3 to 14 days), the onset of symptoms (1 week), and the severe (2 weeks after onset), the infection is suspected and the test opportunity can be acquired. And the infection can be confirmed. Therefore, it is reasonable that the delay time τ is 14 days to 21 days. (It takes more than two weeks from the time the contact event occurs until the infection can be confirmed by actually affecting)

By simplifying the above-described state transition formula, try to model only infection by direct contact between non-infected and infected people in particular. The first two equations of the state transition formula were add them together.

B(S) + A + B(I) → B(I) + B(I) + nA

By erasing the virus A from both sides ignoring the number n of the virus A, the following transition formula is obtained.

B(S) + B(I) → B(I) + B(I)

After all, it can be summarized as the following simplified state transition equation.

単純化された状態推移式 Simplified state transition formula

B(S) + B(I) → B(I) + B(I) (w.p. α )

B(I) → B(R) (w.p. β )

ここで、未罹患状態のヒトと感染しているヒトが接触して感染する可能性は未罹患者と感染者の人数の積に比例し、総数が大きいほどそれらのヒトの直接接触の可能性が低くなるため、感染しにくくなる。このとき、単位時間当たりに直接接触したヒトのうち、どの程度の割合で感染するかの可能性を感染率αと呼ぶ。また、感染者が回復または死亡する割合は単位時間当たりある一定の割合であり、この割合を回復率βと呼ぶ。このことをそれぞれの人数S(t), I(t), R(t)の時間発展として以下の常微分方程式として表現する。ここで、非感染者と感染者が接触して感染する可能性は、非感染者と感染者との人数の積に比例する。
Here, the possibility that a non-infected person and an infected person will be infected by contact is proportional to the product of the number of non-infected persons and the number of infected persons. and the greater the total number, the lower the possibility of direct contact and the less likely it is for infection. At this time, the possibility of infection among persons who have directly contacted per unit time is called the infection rate α. In addition, the fixed rate per unit time of the rate at which infected people recover or die is called the recovery rate β. This expressed as the following ordinary differential equation as the time evolution of each number of people S (t), I (t), R (t).

遅れ付SIRモデル SIR model with delay

COVID-19のパラメータ推定値 Parameter estimates for COVID-19

The infection rate α and the recovery rate β are estimate from actual data by fitting. Data on the number of infected people was obtained from the National Infectious Status (NHK) Summary.


日本における2月16日から3月8日までの感染者数のデータを使い、3月1日から3月8日までの感染者数の時系列とモデル計算値との二乗誤差をできるだけ小さくできるように 感染率αと回復率βの推定を行った。各種の仮定されるべきパラメータは、以下のように日本国内における各種の報告値を用いて、
Using data from february 16 to March 8 in Japan, the infection rate α and recovery rate β were estimated so that the square error between the time series and the model calculation value of the number of infected patients from March 1 to March 8 was reduced as much. Parameters to be assumed were assumed using various reported values in Japan as follows.

・基本再生産数 R0: 3.0 (仮定) Basic reproduction number R0: 3.0 (assumed)
・潜伏期間+症状が発見されるまでの時間差 τ: 14 日 Incubation period + difference in time until symptoms are detected τ: 14 days
・死亡率 3% (WHO報告値)Mortality 3% (reported by WHO)

In the delay SIR model here, generally basic reproduction number R0 and infection rate α, between the recovery rate β is known that the following relationship is maintained by introducing the mediated variable a.

感染者数の日次時系列データI_o(t)とモデルから計算される数値シミュレーション値\hat{I}(t; \alpha, \beta)に対する二乗誤差は以下で定義される。
The square error with respect to the daily time series data I_o (t) of the number of infected people and the numerical simulation value \ hat {I} (t; \ alpha, \ beta) calculated from the model is defined below.
この二乗誤差E(\alpha, \beta)はパラメータ\alphaと\betaの関数であるが、自己再生産数R0=3.0と仮定することにより、モデルの調整は媒介変数aだけで、パラメータ\alpha, \betaの推計が可能となる。その結果、二乗誤差は媒介変数aのみの関数E(a)となる。二乗誤差ができる限り小さくなるaの値から、パラメータ推定値として以下の値を得た。
This square error E (\ alpha, \ beta) is a function of the parameters \ alpha and \ beta, but assuming the self-reproduction number R0=3.0, the adjustment of the model is performed only with the parameter a and the parameter \ alpha, \ beta can be estimated. As a result, the square error becomes a function E(a) having only the parameter a. From the value of a where the square error is as small as possible, the following values ​​were was obtained as parameter estimation values.

・感染率 Infection rate α: 0.787
・回復率 recovering rate β: 0.055

The time passage of the number of infected people calculated by numerical simulation from March 1 to March 31 is as follows. Here, it is assumed that the infection rate before March 8 from March 1 continues to remain at a previous value 14 days.

Numerical simulation result ○ and actual number of infected people as of March 10, 2020 ● (NHK summary, excluding cruise ships, etc.)

At the request of the government, the government began self-restraint of large-scale events from February 27, and the school closure measures of the elementary, junior high and high schools were taken from March 3. by this, contact probability is reduced, be expected that the subsequent infection rate is reduced.

The effect can be confirmed as an increase or decrease in the number of infected, from March 10 at the earliest. The measured figures for the number of infected people nationwide up to March 10 have fallen below from March 9 compared to numerical simulations. Therefore, events that began on February 27, by the simultaneous closure of public facilities, measures to reduce the contact frequency is likely to be seen to have been effective in reducing the infection rate.

Furthermore, if the number of infected people from around March 17 has significantly remained below this numerical simulation results, by reducing the frequency of direct contact by the simultaneous closure of the event cancellation and elementary and junior high school reduction in infection rate it can be determined that was induced.

感染率低下シナリオのモデル A Model of Infection Rate Reduction Scenarios

Assume that the infection rate α can be reduced by the introduction of measures. Reduces the probability of contact, reduce the contact infection by thorough disinfection, perform such appropriate grasp and treatment of the infected people. by this policy, we will examine how much reduction in infection rate will lead to a decrease in the number of infected people.

Variables in the scenario model on reduced infection rates

・S(t): 未感染の状態の人数 Number of people uninfected
・I(t): 感染した状態の人数 Number of people infected
・R(t): 回復または除去された状態の人数 Number of people recovered or removed
・α(t) = α0 Vul(t) : 感染率(ここで、α0 は前述の感染率の推定値である)Infection rate (where α0 is the estimated value of the infection rate mentioned above)

Assumed that Vul (t) can be changed to 1 or less by a countermeasure. Specifically, it is a policy or public health measure that reduces the frequency of human contact.

・Measures to reduce direct contact such as telework and staggered work

・Measures to reduce the frequency of contact by self-restraining or events banning

・Compulsory measures of Movement restrictions and Prohibited going out

・Measures that make it difficult for people to gather due to closure of schools and public facilities

・Implementation of large-scale disinfection activities etc.

At this point, let us introduce a parameter q and consider how small Vul (t) can reduce the number of infected people.
感染率低下シナリオの数値シミュレーション結果Numerical simulation result of infection rate reduction scenario

感染率αを現状の3% (q=0.03) まで2020年3月15日から低下させることができた場合、3月30日頃から感染者数を低減でき、6月初旬には収束が可能。
If the infection rate α can be reduced to the current level of 3% (q=0.03) from March 15, 2020, the number of infected people can be reduced from around March 30, and convergence is possible in early June.

感染率αを現状の6% (q=0.06) に2020年3月15日から低下させることができた場合、3月30日頃から感染者数を低減できる見込み。その後緩やかに感染者数は減少する。
If the infection rate α can be reduced to the current 6% (q=0.06) from March 15, 2020, it is expected that the number of infected people will be reduced from around March 30. Thereafter, the number of infected people gradually decreases.
感染率αを現状の7% (q=0.07) に2020年3月15日から低下させることができたとしても、感染者数を低減できない。
Even if the infection rate α can be reduced to the current level of 7% (q=0.07) from March 15, 2020, the number of infected people cannot be reduced.
感染率αを現状の8% (q=0.08) に2020年3月15日から低下させることができたとしても、感染者数を低減できない。
Even if the infection rate α can be reduced to the current level of 8% (q=0.08) from March 15, 2020, the number of infected people cannot be reduced.
感染率αを現状の10% (q=0.1) に2020年3月15日から低下できたとしても、感染者数を低減することはできない。
Even if the infection rate α can be reduced to the current level of 10% (q=0.1) from March 15, 2020, the number of infected people cannot be reduced.

The easiest way for anyone to reduce the infection rate is to minimize the chance of direct human contact. For example, if there have been 50 people per week, reducing this to 6% so that only three people a week can make direct contact, the real infection rate is expected to be about 6%

And, a person who needs to take a specialized response to an infected person shall perform work while removing the virus, such as performing complete full general disinfection each time people comes into contact with a person who may be infected wearing a mask and protective suit.

Also, when performing a meal is expected to reduce the possibility of oral ingestion of the virus by ingesting after heating always in front of the eyes.

These actions don't have to be done forever. If many people can work together to reduce the infection rate to less than 6% for more than two weeks, it is expected that the number of infected people will begin to decline. And if the number of people infected become to almost gone will be possible to recover previous lives.

政策的接触確率低下対応 A political response to reduction for contact probability

・Japanese infectious disease law can restrict social activities to some extent by the governor's order. Currently, needs to consider reducing the likelihood of contact in a policy-based manner.

・Onset after contact infection and an opportunity for testing after becoming serious, it usually takes two to three weeks to detect a positive response. Time with cause and consequence is far away. In order to cope, it is important point whether the probability of infection (contact probability) can be reduced to what extent. (What we are seeing now is that it was caused by contact infection two to three weeks ago.)

・From a decrease in the probability of infection due to lowering the probability of contact, it takes two to three weeks for the actual decrease in the infected person to be visible. Early response is effective. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain policy for at least two weeks before results are produced.

論点 Arguing point

・How to respond when suspected infection occurs in the organization, and the management method for the staff of the suspected infection to wait at home.

・Judgment of PCR test results, standards for returning to work for suspected infection members, etc.

・To advise how to disinfect buildings and how to develop and manage business continuity plans to perform necessary tasks, while controlling infection within the organization in situations, where infected people in the organization may spread within the organization.

・Provide knowledge on how to address public health in the event of an outbreak and its protocols.

・Local governments and companies are seeking a public health perspective rather than a treatment perspective.

・Looking for expertise to give advice on decontamination methods, infection prevention and control methods.

対策が必要な点 Necessary measures

・Due to the mass outbreak of COVID-19 within the organization, it is expected that there will be many cases where business continuity is considered worldwide in the future.

・It is necessary to expand the response policy and communication system for business continuity.

・The spread of infectious diseases has spread through the usual work and human-social activities.

・When the response headquarters such as disaster countermeasures is assembled and infectious disease measures are taken, the possibility of infection increases within the response headquarters by transfer or direct contact.

・The most important policy issues are ICT information sharing, communication, and establishment of an activity system to control the spread of infection (including methods and logistics).

**************************************************************************** that's all

【3月12日現在】As of March 12


On March 12, the New York stock market fell more than 2300 USD, the largest ever for the Dow Industrial Average, on a closing basis. In response to this, the Nikkei Stock Average plunged sharply on the Tokyo stock market on March 13, just after the start of trading. Although the closing price closed at 17,431 JPY, down 1128 JPY from the previous day, the price fell by more than 1800 JPY during trading hours, marking the first record decline in about 30 years since 1990 during trading.

【見えてきた"クラスター"】The "cluster" that has come into view

As of March 15, It has not occurred in 37 prefectures including Mie Prefecture.

【3月17日現在】As of March 17

【朗報】A good news



According to the ABC-NET AU of March 17, Australian researchers discover how body's immune system fights coronavirus COVID-19. this is the first paper that shows the body can give immunity and fight back and recover. the findings will help scientists develop an effective vaccine, and it could also help identify new treatments. the body's immune system fights coronavirus in the same way as the flu.

【2020年2月のインバウンド&アウトバウンド】Inbound & Outbound of February 2020

【日経平均株価の推移 3月19日現在】Changes of Nikkei Stock Average As of March 19

【東京五輪1年延期】The 2020 Olympic Games will be postponed by one year


The 2020 Olympic Games will be postponed by one year because of coronavirus, says International Olympic Committee member Dick Pound.
"On the basis of the information the IOC has, postponement has been decided," Pound told USA today. "The parameters going forward have not been determined, but the Games are not going to start on 24 July, that much I know."
"It will come in stages," he said. "We will postpone this and begin to deal with all the ramifications of moving this, which are immense."
However, on March 24 night, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and IOC President Bach announced that they had come to the conclusion that they needed to be rescheduled to protect the health of athletes, officials and the international community. By this, it was revealed that it had agreed on a policy to hold it by next summerlatest, at the latest.
This time-lag is a consideration to Western stakeholders?

【日本の各自治体が公表した感染者数50人以上の都道府県(2020年3月24日現在)】50 or more infectious people Prefectures announced by each local governments in Japan (As of March 24, 2020)

【国連世界観光機関グローバル観光危機管理委員会】UNWTO the Global Tourism Crisis Management Committee.


On March 24, the UNWTO held a virtual meeting of the "Global Tourism Crisis Management Committee" as a discussion on recovering from the new coronavirus.
The participants is, UNWTO member countries, WHO representatives, Representative of the member organizations of UNWTO, Alexandre de Junior of IATA Executive Director, Adam Goldstein president of the Cruise Lines International Association, Agnella Gittens of ACI Executive Director, and Jeff Paul of WTTC.
At the meeting, they agreed that international cooperation was needed in accordance with health care recommendations to recover from the new coronavirus. in addition, to public and private tourism organizations said it was essential to share and cooperate with tourism authorities in each country.
From now on, the UNWTO will give guidance on how to proceed with recovery efforts. and this includes measures to ease the impact of the new coronavirus on the tourism industry and to accelerate action toward recovery for governments and tourism authorities. And, in the Crisis Management Committee meeting, they discussed the need not only to revive the tourism industry but also to make it a sustainable industry in the future by collaborating with innovators around the world to create new innovations in the tourism sector. Don't lose.

【ロックダウンはCCPの思うつぼ】Lockdown is a CCP conspiracy


The mortality rate by coronavirus in the United States is said to be 1.9%, but the denominator should be much higher. mortality is much lower than H1N5 influenza. Infection does not always result in disease, and there should be many potential infections also that have not been PCR tested. Don‘t stop economic activity. The policies affecting society should be determined by the number of dead, not the number of infected people.
Because, CCP is trying to seize the global economy. no longer, this is a world war by economy of the democracy vs dictatorship.

【3月27日現在】As of March 27


According to the Russian Coronavirus Infection Prevention Headquarters on March 27, the number of cases of infectious diseases in Russia increased by 196 in a single day. By this, infected total became to 1,036 people. Among them, 157 infections were confirmed in Moscow in a single day.
Also, in the same day, the death of one patient who tested positive for coronavirus was confirmed. The death toll has now been three.

【日本の各自治体が公表した感染者数50人以上の都道府県(2020年3月27日現在)】50 or more infectious people Prefectures announced by each local governments in Japan (As of March 27, 2020)

In Tokyo, soared as soon as the Olympics were postponed. Hokkaido is in 2nd place due to slowdown. 3rd is Aichi Prefecture. Osaka is 4th.

The fatality rate in Japan excluding cruise ships become 3.3%, but I don't know how many people tested. I think it the actual number of unonset = infected people = the denominator should be higher.


This page shares research and consideration document on the control of the spread of COVID-19 (new type pneumonia) by Professor Akihiro Sato of the Graduate School of Life Nanosystems Science, Yokohama City University.

仮訳:Ohmss 井村

東京都の現状分析 Analysis of the current situation in Tokyo

From the March 27, 2020 edition

In response to the rapid increase in the number of confirmed people in Tokyo, the urgency was determined to be extremely high, and parameter estimation was carried out individually by SIR model with probation by the most recent data.

As a result of estimating the infection rate variation model, the infection rate was 10 times higher than before March 10, and it was able to be quite compatible. If the prevalence of COVID-19 had already occurred from March 10 to the previous (until March 9), the number of infections confirmed in the last few days can be explained. The reason why this 10-fold infection rate is confirmed after March 10 is that secondary infection or tertiary infection by the virus with extremely strong infectious power prevalent in Europe and The United States brought in by returnees from overseas considered, different from what has been confirmed in Japan so far. The infection rate estimated in the number of infected people in Spain and Germany is estimated to be significantly greater than the confirmed values in Japan.

In addition, I estimate that about 1,200 people are affected or onset already in Tokyo by calculating the number of infected people estimated to be confirmed by 14 days after this infection rate is calculated from March 10 to the present.

Today, even if we respond soon, it means that 1,200 infected people who have already been affected or developed will continue to be identified over the next 14 days.

From today, everyone adoptd a social distance strategy that reduces the frequency of human direct contact to 18% of the current level, and by continuing for more than 14 days, it could be calculate that a decrease in the number of infected people in Tokyo will be confirmed after 14 days.

・人口 13,823千人 (2018年10月現在 総務省統計局公表都道府県別人口推計2018年10月概算値)
・Population 13,823 thousand (As of October 2018 Population estimate by prefecture published by Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

・感染率 (2020年3月9日以前) 0.60622 (2020年3月10日以降)
・Infection rate (before March 9, 2020) 0.60622 (after March 10, 2020)

・Recovery rate (or removal rate)

・Fitting period: March 15, 2020-March 26, 2020

〇 indicates the result of numerical simulation, and ● indicates the actual number of confirmed daily infected persons
An expected simulation that can confirm the decrease in the number of infected people when the direct contact frequency is reduced to the target value of 18% (q = 0.18) from March 27, 2020. ● is indicates the actual number of daily infections reported. 〇 is a simulation result by a stochastic SIR model with delay.

****************************************************************************** that‘s all

【3月30日現在】As of March 30


Organizing Committee for the Tokyo Olympics announced the new schedule at a press conference on Sunday night. The Olympics will held July 23 next year, and the Paralympic is on August 24. The competition with the Wuhan virus end declaration has begun. Really, Can it fall to about Mie Prefecture by then?
There is no own airport in Mie Prefecture. There is also no shinkansen station. this is one of the reasons why this hinders the influx of cheap and easy Chinese inbound tours, and reason to limited at 1% only, compared to the average 17% increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan nationwide. According to data from the JTA's "Survey on Consumption Trends of Foreign Visitors to Japan" in the January-March period, April-June, and July-9, the ranking of popular prefectures from foreign tourists is as follows. Mie Prefecture is ranked 30th as the latest update in 2019. In addition, according to JTB's ranking of foreign tourists visiting Japan, Mie Prefecture is the lowest, along with Fukui and Ehime Prefectures.
However, this thing was able to suppress the invasion of the Wuhan virus in the Chinese new year season. this fact is evident in the time series of the world map showing the infected people of AFP News. we can see how it spread to Europe and Southeast Asia along the whole the one belt and one road of CCP. This became so-called "seeding".
Tokyo Olympics will need a large-scale quarantine system along with counter-terrorism.

1位 東京都 Tokyo 2位 大阪府 Osaka 3位 千葉県 Chiba pref. 4位 京都府 Kyoto 5位 福岡県 Fukuoka pref.  6位 奈良県 Nara pref. 7位 愛知県 Aichi pref. 8位 神奈川県 Kanagawa pref. 9位 北海道 Hokkaido 10位 兵庫県 Hyogo pref. 11位 山梨県 Yamanashi pref. 12位 静岡県 Shizuoka pref. 13位 大分県 Oita pref. 14位 岐阜県 Gifu pref. 15位 長野県 Nagano pref. 16位 広島県 Hiroshima pref. 17位 石川県 Ishikawa pref. 18位 熊本県 Kumamoto pref. 19位 長崎県 Nagasaki pref. 20位 富山県 Toyama pref. 21位 沖縄県 Okinawa pref. 22位 香川県 Kagawa pref. 23位 栃木県 Tochigi pref. 24位 埼玉県 Saitama pref. 25位 佐賀県 Saga pref. 26位 岡山県 Okayama pref. 27位 宮城県 Miyagi pref. 28位 和歌山県 Wakayama pref. 29位 鹿児島県 Kagoshima pref. 30位 三重 Mie pref. 31位 新潟県 Nigata pref. 32位 茨城県 Ibaraki pref. 33位 山口県 Yamaguchi pref. 34位 滋賀県 Shiga pref. 35位 青森県 Aomori pref. 36位 群馬県 Gunma pref 3 位 宮崎県 Miyazaki pref. 38位 愛媛県 Ehime pref. 39位 鳥取県 Tottri pref. 40位 山形県 Yamagata pref. 41位 岩手県 Iwate pref. 42位 徳島県 Tokushima pref. 43位 秋田県 Akita pref. 44位 福島県 Fukushima pref. 45位 島根県 Shimane pref. 46位 福井県 Fukui pref. 47位 高知県 Kochi pref.

【日本の都道府県別感染者数 (2020年3月31日現在)】Number of infected people by prefecture in Japan (As of March 31, 2020)

The domestic mortality rate excluding the cruise ship is 2.95%. however,

【死亡率】The mortality rates


NIAID's Director had released an estimate earlier this month that the mortality rate for the Wuhan coronavirus infection would be about 2 percent. however, the figures are only for reported cases, and he had pointout that it may actually be much lower if you include people with mild symptoms or symptoms, but according to CNN on March 31, researchers at Imperial College London published a study in THE LANCET that found that the mortality rate of infected patients was lower than previous estimates.
According to this, the mortality rate of patients infected with the Wuhan coronavirus was 1.38%. however, if it include mild patients is estimated to be 0.66%. The mortality rate of over 80 years old are about 7.8%. on the other hand, children under the age of nine are 0.0016%. for under 40s was 0.16%.
Incidentally, according to the Russia New Coronavirus Emergency Headquarters, the number of people infected was reported in 73 areas across Russia. The recovery person is 55. The death toll is 17, with a mortality rate of 0.72%.
It is important not to fall into collective hysteria.

【日経平均株価の推移 3月31日 年度末】Changes of Nikkei Stock Average March 31 End of FY

【日本におけるクラスター】Clusters in Japan

As of March 31, It has not occurred in 37 prefectures including Mie Prefecture.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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No.146 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" February issue

【五輪後にインバウンドが増えたのはロンドンの場合だけ】Only in London case has increased inbound after the Olympics


I compiled the data from the UNWTO Tourism Highlights into a graph, and it looked like this.


In short, it's only in the UK that inbound has increased after the Olympics, and it is based on the following national strategy.

【英国旅行業協会ABTA】Association of British Travel Agents (2018年のNo.131から再録)


Japan has been getting hotly a lot of attention from travel agencies around the world by 2019 Rugby World Cup, 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games, and 2021 World Masters Games Kansai.
Although the Brexit influence is concerned, UK is one of them. ABTA in this country decided to hold a travel convention in Tokyo, By overturning what was conventional held in the EU area.
The period is from October 7th to 9th, and the place is the Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa. according to the Kanko-keizai Shimbun, it seems that 500 people including ABTA affiliated travel companies executives of the UK are prospective participation.
However, according to ABTA's website, this seems to be the result of the Japan National Tourism Organization's competitive bidding with other countries. Mega events are also so, but I expect results that exceed the investment cost.
To do that, we should also learn the invisible wisdom of the London Olympics 2012. The inbound in the UK in 2012 stagnated for the "crowding out" but it was surged from the following year. According to the UNWTO's Tourism Highlights 2014, it was 29,306,000 people in 2011, 29,282,000 people in 2012 and 31,064,000 people in 2013. What is that secret?
Actually, this is the result of the screen tourism operation by VisitBritain.
That in the opening ceremony of the Olympics, James Bond and Queen Elizabeth (stand-in) started with descended to the main stadium by parachutes. after that, "SKYFALL" set in London and Scotland was released all over the world. at the same time, sales of the four Bond tours for towards the world by VisitBritain. Moreover, it is still continuing after the release of the next movie "SPECTRE".
According to Tourism highlights 2018, the number of people who entered the UK in 2016 since this movie was released was 35,814,000, nearly 20% more than the Olympic year. advertising effect by prominent movies is amazingly long.
Incidentally, revenues from the world of "SKYFALL" are 1,108,561,013 USD, "SPECTRE" is 880,614,360 USD. Film exports too it is one of the pillar of UK's "service trade". the jurisdiction is DCMS Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.
Crank-in of the latest 007 movie is early next year. Directed by Japanese-American Cary George Fukunaga. The release schedule is 2020, by distribution company and supervision change, and on the overseas it will be distributed as Universal Picture. Although the story is secretive, from the trend of the ending of the previous work, it seems that Bond's marriage and the death of the bride are likely to come to the beginning of the movie. In the original novel, Bond is sent to Japan as a diplomatic mission as a mental rehabilitation, but he confront against a foe coincidentally.
If it comply with this plot, I think that it will promote tourism exchanges between the UK-Japan certainly.
Of course, its locations are Mie prefecture in the original novel. Although Mie prefecture had sufficient road development by hosting the G7 summit, because there are relatively few foreign tourists, there are few obstacles and it is possible to movie shooting in a short time. In recently it was entered at the 31th Tokyo International Film Festival, and "Han-sekai(Half World)" scheduled to be released in February next year was shooting in such as Matsusaka city's the ryokan Yachiyo in Mie prefecture about one month. Yachiyo is a traditional Japanese cuisine ryokan with more than 100 years of establishment, and it is the registered cultural property of the country. ABTA officials may be interested based on the "Japan-UK season of culture" conducted by the Japanese and UK governments from next year to 2020. Otherwise the seriousness is suspected.

【外国映画撮影の誘致政策】Policy to attract foreign movie filming


However, the Japanese government seems to have finally been able to raise its heavy waist. According to FNN News, the government will subsidize the filming of foreign movies in Japan as the prototype stage. The first is the third movie in the GI Joe series of American movies. the places are said to be Tokyo, Kyoto, Ibaraki, and Hyogo. According to reports says that was not able to attract 007 new movie in fierce international competition.
The following is the result of a survey conducted by the METI on measures to attract filming in other countries.

 2019年9/23のInfo Cilentoによると、イタリアのカンパニアにあるサプリの町は "007/ノータイム・トゥーダイ"の撮影場所に選ばれたが、劇中では架空の町"Civita Lucana"になると言われている。

If you are a long time reader, you will notice. Something important is missing. that is a branding perspective.
According to Info Cilento on September 23, 2019, the town of Sapuri in Campania, Italy, was selected as a filming location for "007 No Time To Die", but it is said in the play it will be a fictitious town "Civita Lucana".
However, this is unlikely to be a successful city promotion. Because, visitors want a commemorative photo or want to relive the experience.

【コロナウィルスの拡散2/3】The spread of the coronavirus as of February 3

Chinese New Year Holiday was Jan.25-31

Within 10 km around Shin-Osaka Station - daily occupancy rate of hotels (Dec.1-Feb.4)


In addition to having too many denominators, we can see the impact of the sharp decline in China inbound.

【2019年12月の国際収支】December's Balance of payments 2019

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

            Jan.  6,004
            Feb. 26,768
            Mar. 28,479
            Apr. 17,074
            May  15,948
            Jun. 12,112
            Jul. 19,999
            Aug. 18.237
            Sep. 16.129
            Oct. 18,168
            Nov. 14,368
            Dec.  5,240

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

   ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
    Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
    Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
    Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
    Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
    May ▲6,509       May  1,372
    Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
    Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299
    Aug.   509       Aug.   233
    Sep.    11       Sep.   401
    Oct. 2,540       Oct.  ▲995
    Nov.▲5,396       Nov.   401
    Dec. 1,207       Dec.   245

   ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income  ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
    Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
    Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
    Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
    Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
    May 22,574       May ▲1,488
    Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
    Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856
    Aug.22,681       Aug.▲1,846
    Sep.18,054       Sep.▲2,337
    Oct.17,775       Oct.▲1,151
    Nov.14,575       Nov.▲1,813
    Dec. 4,001       Dec.  ▲213

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

   ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
    Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
    Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
    Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
    Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
    May   ▲779       May  2,305
    Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
    Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293
    Aug.  ▲760       Aug. 1,518
    Sep.  ▲621       Sep. 1,503
    Oct.  ▲685       Oct. 2,035
    Nov.  ▲615       Nov. 2,115
    Dec.  ▲533       Dec. 2,209

           ○その他サービス Other Services
             Feb.   957
             Mar. 2,064
             May   ▲154
             Aug.  ▲525
             Sep.  ▲480
             Nov.   130

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

   ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger      ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
    Jan.    ▲4       Jan.  ▲515
    Feb.    ▲6       Feb.  ▲500
    Mar.     0       Mar.  ▲412
    Apr.   ▲12       Apr.  ▲571
    May    ▲23       May   ▲427
    Jun.   ▲16       Jun.  ▲267
    Jul.   ▲14       Jul.  ▲413
    Aug.   ▲13       Aug.  ▲451
    Sep.   ▲10       Sep.  ▲219
    Oct.   ▲12       Oct.  ▲262
    Nov.   ▲10       Nov.  ▲372
    Dec.   ▲10       Dec.  ▲361

   ○航空旅客 Air Passenger      ○航空貨物 Air Freight
    Jan.  ▲409       Jan.    46
    Feb.  ▲407       Feb.    39
    Mar.  ▲356       Mar.    41
    Apr.  ▲363       Apr.    55
    May   ▲456       May     38
    Jun.  ▲375       Jun.    60
    Jul.  ▲599       Jul.    54
    Aug.  ▲383       Aug.    41
    Sep.  ▲442       Sep.    35
    Oct.  ▲484       Oct.    30
    Nov.  ▲330       Nov.    51
    Dec.  ▲314       Dec.    54

                  (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【2019年の国際収支】Balance of payments 2019


On February 10, the Japanese Ministry of Finance published its 2019 Balance of Payments (Preliminary). the current account was 2,059.7 billion JPY and it was up 4.4% from the previous year.
Trade balance was a surplus of 553.6 billion JPY. Goods exports fell 6.3% to 76,115.7 billion JPY, due to a drop in auto parts to China and steel to Thailand. Goods imports fell 5.6% to JPY 75,562.2 billion JPY, due to falling prices of LNG etc..
Travel balance was 2.635 trillion JPY, up 9.1%. this is record-high update of the fifth consecutive year. However, the overall Service balance was only 175.8 billion JPY surplus, because Transport balance and Others to pull the foot.
Japanese newspapers are only concerned, from now on about the deterioration of service balance due to the decrease of inbound due to coronavirus. But it does not mention the deficit transportation balance at all.





【コロナウィルスの拡散2/21】The spread of the coronavirus as of February 21


A new coronavirus from Wuhan, which has closed a city of 10 million people, has burst into the world on the occasion of the Chinese New Year. According to Jiji-tsushin on February 20, not only inbound tourists but also Japanese tourists have been holding back.
First of all, the number of visitors to this year's Sapporo Snow Festival has dropped to about 2.02 million, down about 700,000 from the previous year. It is said that it "seems to have returned ten years ago" in Sanningzaka in Higashiyama, Kyoto, which was crowded even on weekdays by inbound. Also, complained in Osaka City too, "Chinese customers have halved. also Japanese people have decreased."
Some cancellations have been made on domestic travel too. JTB pointed out that "reservation applications for large consecutive holidays in the spring are slow. Many customers are watching how far the effects of the new type pneumonia will continue." On the outbound, not only have many tours to China been canceled, but also cancellations to Southeast Asia are on the rise. and, it is said that the trend of university students traveling abroad has changed significantly to Europe rather than to Asia.
In addition, according to the Asahi Shimbun on the same day, the bus division of Osaka Castle Taxi, which accounts for 40% of sales, fell by 90% year-on-year. The company was conducting a tour of Chinese group passengers entering from KIX and returning from Narita Airport, but the cancellation began in late January and in early February completely lost customers from overseas, including Southeast Asia.
According to the IATA (International Air Transport Association), says that a projected global loss of $ 29.3 billion in 2020 losses for global airlines due to reduced demand due to the growing outbreak of the new coronavirus did.
In Japan as well, flight reductions are continuing at each company. JAL and ANA have suspended and reduced flights on mainland and Hong Kong routes. JAL has expanded its coverage to Taiwan and Korea routes too. Singapore Airlines will reduce flights on some routes in East Asia, Europe and the United States until the end of May. Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon will reduce capacity by approximately 30% during winter timetables.
On February 25, it is reported that a ryokan will bankruptcy. Nishiura Onsen in Gamagouri City, Aichi Prefecture, is located on the opposite bank of Mie Prefecture, between Ise Bay and in the center of Mikawa Bay between the Atsumi Peninsula and Chita Peninsula. Among them, Fujimi-so was the oldest long-established ryokan in Nishiura Onsen. According to Jiji news, the company posted sales of 550 million JPY at its peak in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, but the subsequent recession caused a shortage of funds, and in August 2013, a deadlock surfaced, but in recent years it was focused on accepting Chinese tours. however, the new Coronavirus prevented the demand at Chinese New Year and as a result of the inability to predict the future, it is said that it has abandoned business continuity. It is not good to be highly dependent on China.
On the other hand, on this day, the Japanese government held a meeting of the New Coronavirus Control Headquarters at the Prime Minister's Office, discussed how to deal with the spread of infection, and decided on a basic policy. I think it exaggerated. it should not be a pandemic. Perhaps this is with the Olympics in mind. however, the uproar is not good.






【消された論文】Erased treatise

The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Botao Xiao, School of biology and Biological Engineering

Preprint · February 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21799.29601

The 2019-nCoV coronavirus has caused an epidemic of 28,060 laboratory-confirmed infections in human including 564 deaths in China by February 6, 2020. Two descriptions of the virus published on Nature this week indicated that the genome sequences from patients were 96% or 89% identical to the Bat CoV ZC45 coronavirus originally found in Rhinolophus affinis. It was critical to study where the pathogen came from and how it passed onto human.

An article published on The Lancet reported that 41 people in Wuhan were found to have the acute respiratory syndrome and 27 of them had contact with Huanan Seafood Market. The 2019-nCoV was found in 33 out of 585 samples collected in the market after the outbreak. The market was suspicious to be the origin of the epidemic, and was shut down according to the rule of quarantine the source during an epidemic.

The bats carrying CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang province, both of which were more than 900 kilometers away from the seafood market. Bats were normally found to live in caves and trees. But the seafood market is in a densely-populated district of Wuhan, a metropolitan of ~15 million people. The probability was very low for the bats to fly to the market. According to municipal reports and the testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, the bat was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market. There was possible natural recombination or intermediate host of the coronavirus, yet little proof has been reported.

Was there any other possible pathway? We screened the area around the seafood market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within ~280 meters from the market, there was the Wuhan Center for Disease Control Prevention (WHCDC). WHCDC hosted animals in laboratories for research purpose, one of which was specialized in pathogens collection and identification. In one of their studies, 155 bats including Rhinolophus affinis were captured in Hubei province, and other 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang province. The expert in collection was noted in the Author Contributions. Moreover, he was broadcasted for collecting viruses on nation-wide newspapers and websites in 2017 and 2019. He described that he was once by attacked by bats and the blood of a bat shot on his skin. He knew the extreme danger of the infection so he quarantined himself for 14 days. In another accident, he quarantined himself again because bats peed on him. He was once thrilled for capturing a bat carrying a live tick.

Surgery was performed on the caged animals and the tissue samples were collected for DNA and RNA extraction and sequencing. The tissue samples and contaminated trashes were source of pathogens. They were only ~280 meters from the seafood market. The WHCDC was also adjacent to the Union Hospital where the first group of doctors were infected during this epidemic. It is plausible that the virus leaked around and some of them contaminated the initial patients in this epidemic, though solid proofs are needed in future study.

The second laboratory was ~12 kilometers from the seafood market and belonged to Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This laboratory reported that the Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) which caused the 2002-3 pandemic. The principle investigator participated in a project which generated a chimeric virus using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, and reported the potential for human emergence. A direct speculation was that SARS-CoV or its derivative might leak from the laboratory.

In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.

華南理工大学・生物科学与工程学院 肖波濤(Botao Xiao、シャオ・ボタオ)教授

DOI:10.13140 / RG.2.2.21799.29601




他に考えられる感染経路はないか? 私たちは海鮮市場の周辺をスクリーニングした結果、コウモリコロナウイルスの研究を行っている2つの研究所を特定した。市場から280メートル以内に、武漢疾病管理予防センター(WHCDC)があった。さらにこの専門家が収集していたのがウイルスであったことが、2017年と2019年に全国的な新聞やウェブサイトで報じられている。そのなかでこの専門家は、かつてコウモリに襲われ、コウモリの血が皮膚についたと述べていた。感染の危険性が著しく高いことを知っていた専門家は、自ら14日間の隔離措置を取った。コウモリの尿を被った別の事故の際にも同じように隔離措置を講じたという。ダニが寄生しているコウモリの捕獲で脅威にさらされたことがかつてあった、とも述べていた。




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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.145 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2020" January issue

Dainōkai(The final session of the year) where the Nikkei Stock Average rose. But overseas speculators are buying JPY. I think the conflict between the United States and Iraq will accelerate the appreciation of the JPY, from Daihkkai(the first session of the year). this will annoyed the BOJ, the largest shareholder of many large companies, but as usual, "sell" will accelerate on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on January 6.

【年初の市況】New Year's market

Transition in the Nikkei Stock Average over the past 30 years

 日本の新聞は日経平均株価の上昇基調を強調するのだが、五輪関連投資のほとんどは終わっており、1/6は例年どおり暴落した。 4年連続である。

Japanese newspapers have emphasized the rising trend of the Nikkei Stock Average, but most of the Olympic-related investment has ended, and January 6 crashed as usual. it is the fourth consecutive year.

【伊勢神宮(内宮+外宮)三賀日間の訪問者数】Number of visitors to Ise Jingu (Naiku + Geku) during the three days of the New Year

    2001年 760,000人 2002年 597,000人
    2003年 593,500人 2004年 637,000人
    2005年 564,500人 2006年 537,000人
    2007年 598,000人 2008年 592,000人
    2009年 667,000人 2010年 622,800人
    2011年 534,363人 2012年 523,721人
    2013年 556,522人 2014年 613,787人
    2015年 417,969人 2016年 484,022人
    2017年 490,438人 2018年 481,751人
    2019年 513,112人 2020年 560,320人


The Chunichi Shimbun did not report, but according to the Ise Shimbun, the breakdown is "Naiku" was 368,253 people (up 36,190), and "Geku" was 192,067 people (up 11,018).

【ホテル稼働率2019年11/8 - 2020年1/12】Hotel occupancy rate November 8, 2019 to January 12, 2020


From fall to the end of the year and the beginning of the year, hotel occupancy rates were higher than usual. because the change of the Emperor's generation changed the era of Japan, and the number of worshipers at Ise Jingu increased rapidly.

Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
a missing day seems more than 100%.
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily occupancy rate (%)

In addition, the sales estimated value are as follows

Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)

【2019年11月の国際収支】November's Balance of payments 2019

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074
          May  15,948
          Jun. 12,112
          Jul. 19,999
          Aug. 18.237
          Sep. 16.129
          Oct. 18,168
          Nov. 14,368

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
  May ▲6,509       May  1,372
  Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
  Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299
  Aug.   509       Aug.   233
  Sep.    11       Sep.   401
  Oct. 2,540       Oct.  ▲995
  Nov.▲5,396       Nov.   401

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
  May 22,574       May ▲1,488
  Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
  Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856
  Aug.22,681       Aug.▲1,846
  Sep.18,054       Sep.▲2,337
  Oct.17,775       Oct.▲1,151
  Nov.14,575       Nov.▲1,813

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
  May   ▲779       May  2,305
  Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
  Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293
  Aug.  ▲760       Aug. 1,518
  Sep.  ▲621       Sep. 1,503
  Oct.  ▲685       Oct. 2,035
  Nov.  ▲615       Nov. 2,115

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064
           May   ▲154
           Aug.  ▲525
           Sep.  ▲480
           Nov.   130

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571
   May    ▲23      May   ▲427
   Jun.   ▲16      Jun.  ▲267
   Jul.   ▲14      Jul.  ▲413
   Aug.   ▲13      Aug.  ▲451
   Sep.   ▲10      Sep.  ▲219
   Oct.   ▲12      Oct.  ▲262
   Nov.   ▲10      Nov.  ▲372

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55
   May   ▲456      May     38
   Jun.  ▲375      Jun.    60
   Jul.  ▲599      Jul.    54
   Aug.  ▲383      Aug.    41
   Sep.  ▲442      Sep.    35
   Oct.  ▲484      Oct.    30
   Nov.  ▲330      Nov.    51

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【12月のインバウンド】December's Inbound


According to the JNTO press report on January 17, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in December was 2,441,300, down 4% from the same month last year. In the annual from January to December became 31,882,100 people, a 2.2% increase from the previous year. Apparently, it seems that the declining Korean market cannot be compensated. The target 4 million people for 2020, but I think require a downward revision. Because in during the Olympics, the "crowding out" phenomenon is expected, from the precedent.(see No.130)
By the way, the annual outbound number from January to December 2019 became 20,080,600 people. this is the highest number of Japanese overseas travelers, but this has a minus effect on Travel balance.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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