三重県庁にて At the Mie prefectural office
【奈良ならレポート2023.0830】Nara Report 2023.0830
・ツーリストへの特別な体験(宿泊、ガストロノミー、アクティビティ等) の提供
Although it is cloudy, it is still a hot and humid late summer. According to paleoclimatology, which uses ancient documents, annual rings, and sedimentary layers to decipher the climate, global warming progressed from the Nara Period, when the Heijo-kyo Capital was located on this land, to the Heian Period when the capital was moved to Kyoto. The coastline was also said to have moved inland. At that time, as now, it was there a lot of clouds over the Pacific Ocean in the summer, and the climate was extreme?
Accompanying me on this visit to Nara, the honorary director of the Motoori Norinaga Museum. driving alone can be daunting. I reassuring.
We crossed the prefectural border on Route 166, arrival in Nara City in the morning. Nara is also perfectly positioned to host overtourism of inbound tourists staying in Osaka and Kyoto. Even today, the area from JR Nara Station, through Sanjo-dori to the shopping district and Nara Park, is crowded with foreign tourists. Originally, there were few Japanese tourists in Nara in the summer due to the heat unique to the Nara Basin, but it is no exaggeration to say that there are almost no Japanese tourists now. It's like a foreign country.
Nara is focusing on attracting luxury hotels to attract wealthy inbound tourists and long-term visitors, and the development of luxury hotels around Nara Park had progressing even during the Wuhan virus crisis. “Fufu Nara” opened in June 2020, and “JW Marriott Hotel Nara” opened in July. Shisui Luxury Collection Hotel Nara, which opened on August 29, utilizes the official residence of the governor of Nara Prefecture, which was built in 1921, an ultra-luxury hotel with the highest-class brand names of Mori Trust and Marriott International. Inside there is still a room called "Goninsho no Ma" where Emperor Showa signed the ratification of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. There are 43 newly built guest rooms, with prices starting at 126,500 JPY for two people per night, and the highest-end suite, which has only one room, starts at about 820,000 JPY for two people per night with breakfast. Nara is a model for conversion business. Furthermore in Nara, Japan's first prison hotel too being planned for next year and beyond, making use of the building of the former Nara Prison, a nationally important cultural property.
At the United Nations World Tourism Organization, we were greeted by the director and the project coordinator.
We Through several seminars held by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and participation in Eurostat forums, aware of the following three basic directions regarding the relationship between regional development and the tourism industry. First of all, Stable economic activities of the tourism industry and contribution to the region. Next, Responding to the diverse values of tourists and developing an environment for receiving them. And, Improving the quality of life of residents through tourism.
①Stable economic activities of the tourism industry and contribution to the region
・Stabilization of sales and employment by leveling the season on and off (improvement of employee income, enhancement of welfare programs)
・Improving the local procurement, such as local production for local consumption and employment in the tourism business
・Contribution of tourism operators to local communities
②Responding to the diverse values of tourists and developing an environment for receiving them
・Providing special experiences to tourists (accommodation, gastronomy, activities, etc.)
・Promote understanding of nature, history, culture, etc. among tourists and residents
・Establishment of a safe and comfortable reception environment for sightseeing. (including medical)
③Improving the quality of life of residents through tourism
・Encouragement of eco-friendly actions by tourists
・Outer branding and Inner branding of local attractions and initiatives
・Increase the number of tourism-related businesses and contribute to the succession of nature, history and culture
And, also "future-oriented" spirit. In addition, I talked about the lack of consensus in Japan, where "tourism" and "sightseeing" are confused. one easy-to-understand example is the inconsistency between the translations of "medical tourism" and "medical sightseeing". In Japan, the high foreign currency income from travel treatment at university hospitals is not reflected in the travel balance. Also, medical does not participate in the DMO.
However, such a thing is absurdity in promoting the industrialization of international tourism, which aims to earn foreign currency (As I wrote before, the same goes for high-priced tourism receipts in tax haven regions). because tourism is not just about sightseeing. So, I proposed renovating it into a hotel with an international conference hall in Toba City, Mie Prefecture, and received a government grant. This is because the most common international conference venue is a medical facility. (See No.186)
But, the Maritime, which had been in a slump since the nationwide travel support ended at the end of March, has decided to business withdrawal this end of the summer, partly due to the impact of Typhoon No.7. attracting inbound tourists is a necessary condition to compensate for the decline in Japanese tourists due to factors such as the declining birthrate and aging population, soaring prices, and off season, unseasonable weather, but Mie Prefecture is still relatively unknown. this is because it is the second from the bottom among the 47 prefectures, despite the fact that the number of ryokans and hotels is three times that of Nara Prefecture.
By the way, as the project coordinator mentioned, the culture of the Persian Empire, which is now known such as Uzbekistan = Central Asia, reached Japan via the Silk Road. This is exactly the very basis of tourism where people, money, and goods are moved. The Shosoin Treasures in Nara store glass bowls, glass vessels, and the oldest remaining rugs in Japan that are said to be from the Persian period of the Sassanid Dynasty. Come to think of it, is this also one of the basis for the Japanese-Jewish common ancestry theory. The interest in the results of tourism, not in terms of identity but in terms of cultural transmission, is endless.
Before returning, I gave them a copy of my column in the Mie Furusato Shimbun included in the Chunichi Shimbun Tsu edition. the numbers range from 67 to 70. However, it seemed like they already knew this contents. Because the president of the newspaper company sent me this newspaper every time. It is significant for local news to break out of its shell and go outside the region. I'm extremely happy.
After leaving Nara City, we went to a friend's house in Ohuda. He said local movie theater revitalization efforts have come to a halt. (See No.158) this is because the landowner has changed. He also shared the results of his research on the donors of guardian dogs and stone Buddhas at local shrines. This is both a subsidy project and the creation of a database of the former local influential people. Results backed by such steady research cannot be obtained from generative AI.
さらばマリテーム Farewell Maritime
【ボンド・イズ・バック】Bond is Back
007シリーズ生誕60周年を記念し、この秋、厳選された10タイトルのリバイバル・ロードショーが決まった。日本におけるニュープリント・リバイバルは、1976年の第5作『007は二度死ぬ (1967)』を最後に途絶えていたので、第6作『女王陛下の007 (1969)』のリバイバル興行は初めてだ。ウイルステロを扱ったこの映画は、後にナノウイルスを扱った『ノー・タイム・トゥ・ダイ』のモトネタとなった。
To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the James Bond series, a revival roadshow of 10 carefully selected titles has been decided this fall. the revival of the new print in Japan was the 5th "You Only Live Twice (1967)" in 1976, so the revival of the 6th "On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)" is the first time. This film, which deals with the virus-terrorism, is the prototype for the later film No Time to Die, which deals with the nano-virus.
【2023年7月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for July 2023
On September 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for July this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2,771.7 billion JPY.
Thanks to the duty-free souvenirs, the Trade balance was a surplus of 68.2 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 336.8 billion JPY, consisting of 459.9 billion JPY in credit and 123 billion JPY in debit. This month's Visitor Arrivals and Japanese Overseas Travelers are 2,320,600 persons for the former and 891,600 persons for the latter, so the unit price is 198,182 JPY for the inbound and 137,954 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers posted a deficit of 10.2 billion JPY, and Sea passengers also posted a deficit of 3.3 billion JPY. In addition, Other services are also in a deficit of 835.4 billion JPY, and the overall Service balance is in the red of 535.5 billion JPY.
日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items
【守りか攻めか?】Defensive or Offensive?
国内唯一のホテル特化型不動産投資信託であるジャパンホテルREIT投資法人も活発である。この法人の資産運用会社ジャパン・ホテル・リート・アドバイザーズは、シンガポールの不動産ファンド投資会社であるSC CAPITAL PARTNERSグループのSCJ One (S) Pte. Ltd.が87.6%出資しており、株式会社共立メンテナンスが10.3%、オリックス株式会社も2.1%出資している。
更に、中国の投資会社フォースン・グループ(復星集団) 傘下の上海豫園旅游商城がある。ここは、2015年(平成27年)に「株式会社星野リゾートトマム」の全株式を183億円で取得したことが知られている。運営は引き続き星野リゾートだが、2017年(平成29年) に、同じフォースン・グループ傘下企業のクラブメッドも、星野リゾートトマムの遊休施設と新たな施設で構成される「クラブメッド北海道トマム」を運営している。星野リゾートは、不動産投資ファンドと旅館・ホテル運営の2つの顔を持っているにもかかわらずである。ちなみに同社は、国の重要文化財である旧奈良刑務所の建物を活用した日本初のプリズンホテルの運営会社に選ばれている。
ブラックストーングループの広報から From Blackstone Group’s Public Relations
Kirayaka Bank in Yamagata Prefecture and its parent company, Jimoto Holdings, had applied to the Financial Services Agency for a total of 18 billion JPY in public funds to be injected under the Law for Strengthening Financial Functions, which aims to strengthen the financial base and support local small and medium-sized businesses, and on September 1 the FSA decided to inject public funds. This is the first injection of public funds into a regional bank in nine years, since they were injected into Oita Prefecture's Howa Bank in 2014. So far, Kirayaka Bank has received public funds of 20 billion JPY in 2009 and 10 billion JPY in 2012 after the Lehman Brothers collapse, of which 20 billion JPY was due one year later.
Below is a list of financial assistance and recapitalization of Japanese banks by the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan. The repayment deadlines for regional banks that have injected public funds are the end of March 2024 for Minami Nippon Bank, followed by the end of September 2024 for Kirayaka Bank, Michinoku Bank, and Sanjusan Bank. And at the end of December of the same year, Towa Bank and Kochi Bank will be due for repayment. If there is no certain odds of winning, it seems like "Nothing comes from nothing".
This is where foreign funds have emerged. It is still fresh in our minds that in October 2021, the Blackstone Group of the United States purchased eight hotels owned by Kintetsu Group Holdings and turned them into a special purpose company. a person in the financial industry said, "Foreign funds are looking for properties to enter Japan in the form of management outsourcing, which is common overseas". A fund is an investment mechanism that raises funds from multiple investors, invests them, and distributes the profits. A REIT is a type of investment trust that invests raised funds in real estate. "Funds" invest in various objects such as stocks and bonds, but among these, "REITs" are investment trusts that invest in real estate. In a broad sense, "REITs" are also included in "funds". The purpose of the "fund" is not to hold on to the shares of the company it invested in, but to increase the value of the business and then sell them somewhere for a profit (hence the increased attention and vigilance over time as to where they are sold).
Japan Hotel REIT Investment Corporation, the only real estate investment trust specializing in hotels in Japan, is also active. The company's asset management company, Japan Hotel REIT Advisors, is 87.6% owned by SCJ One (S) Pte. Ltd. of the SC Capital Partners Group, a Singapore-based real estate fund investment company. In addition, Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd. has a 10.3%, and ORIX Corporation has a 2.1% stake.
There are other major foreign investment corporations like this. Invincible Investment Corporation, in which US company Fortress invested 6 billion JPY, is a comprehensive REIT that was revived by merging Tokyo Growth REIT and LCP REIT, which were on the verge of bankruptcy in 2011, but about 70% of its assets are hotels. The company invests in a variety of types of hotels, including lodging-specific hotels, full-service hotels, resort hotels, and overseas luxury resorts. the REIT Hotel is managed by MyStays Hotel Management.
And, Ichigo Hotel REIT Investment Corporation, formed by the Ichigo Group, chaired by Scott Caron, a former Morgan Stanley Securities executive. The REIT's main properties are hotels specializing in lodging and affiliated with well-known hotel chains. On August 23, it acquired five hotels including Quintessa Hotel Ise Shima.
In addition, there is Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart, a subsidiary of the Fosun Group, a Chinese investment company. It is known that this place acquired all shares of Hoshino Resort Tomamu, Ltd. for 18.3 billion JPY in 2015. Operated is still Hoshino Resorts, but Club Med, also a company under the Forthun Group, operates "Club Med Hokkaido Tomamu," which consists of idle facilities at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu and new facilities. This is despite the fact that Hoshino Resorts has two faces: a real estate investment fund and an inn/hotel operator. Incidentally, Hoshinoya has been selected as the operating company for Japan's first prison hotel, which utilizes the building of the former Nara Prison, an important national cultural property.

このリストにはない南都銀行の新規事業 Nanto Bank’s new business that are not on this list
The number of hotels in Nara Prefecture is one third compared to Mie Prefecture. There is potential for growth in businesses that fill insufficiency when inbound increases. As soon as September begins, Mie is inactivity, but Nara is very busy with inbound tourists even on weekdays. In the case of Mie Prefecture, what is lacking is the number of inbound inflows. If this situation improves, there will be a desire to invest.
9月1日お昼前の内宮 Naiku before noon on September 1
Trends in the number of bankruptcies and total debt of companies invested in the fund (100 million JPY)
Funds are not all-purpose players. According to Teikoku Databank, since the start of 2023, there has been a rapid increase in bankruptcies among companies in which domestic funds have invested, with restaurants being the leading company.
Support package for small and medium-sized enterprises that take on challenges
【インターナショナル・ツーリズムハイライト2023から】From the International Tourism Highlights 2023
If you look at the back issues of the balance of payments that I keep track of each month, you will notice that international arrivals are recorded even under a global lockdown. It is also a high-unit priced receipt that makes you doubt your eyes. I wanted to confirm that in the International Tourism Highlights, published annually by the United Nations World Tourism Organization, but, its publication was postponed last year and the year before. However, this month it finally came out.
You can divide the tourism receipt by the international arrival to get the average value per person. For example, Japan's tourism receipts in 2015 were 24,982 million USD, and international arrivals were 19,737,000, so the average per person is 1,265 USD. It is 153,155 JPY at the average exchange rate of 121 JPY per USD/JPY in 2015. 139,084 JPY in 2016 (109 JPY per USD), 132,944 JPY in 2017 (112 JPY per USD), 148,445 JPY in 2018 (110 JPY per USD) and 157,450 JPY in 2019 (109 JPY per USD) . However, it jumped to 278,157 JPY in 2020 and 2,173,600 JPY in 2021. However, in 2020, it jumped to 278,157 JPY (107 JPY per USD), 2,173,600 JPY in 2021 (110 JPY par USD), and 2,130,584 JPY (110 JPY par USD) in 2022. This is clearly due to business rather than sightseeing because the border was effectively closed. But, what is that business? This document cites super long stay as one of the reasons, but in the case of Japan, there are too many digits. I first noticed it when I calculated it for May in the
July issue 2020. the inbound tourism receipts in May of this year were 43.2 billion JPY, with only 1,700 international arrivals. however, the average price per person was
25,411,765 JPY.
The next thing I wanted to confirm was North Korea's Tourism Receipts. Data for this country is withheld, but figures can be calculated for International Arrivals and Tourism Receipts. By this, I known that since the inauguration of President Trump (January 2017-January 2021), détente between the U.S. and North Korea has begun and tourism revenues had shown an increasing trend. In this country, it was 182 million USD in 2015 and 191 million USD in 2016, but in 2017 it was more than double that amount at 523 million USD, in 2018 it was 568 million USD, and in 2019 it was 547 million USD. however, since then, as the wuhan virus pandemic has become more serious, it decreased to 111 million USD in 2020, 103 million USD in 2021, and 109 million USD in 2022.
Incidentally, The calculated international arrival figures are either the political upper limit of 400,000 or 399,000 from 2015 to 2019, 40,000 in 2020, and 21,000 in 2021.
In order to look to the future, it is essential to accurately understand the current situation. To do this, we need data that accepts both good and bad. Find areas for improvement from there. That's true data mining. Now, let's look at this e-book while translating it. Incidentally, this original document is copyrighted by UNWTO. I'll leave it as an excerpt, because is not acceptable to translate everything into Japanese and publish it.
中国は2022年のアライバルをまだ報告していない China has not yet reported its 2022 arrival

・ツーリズム産業の約80%は中小企業 (MSME) である。

・EU デジタル新型コロナウイルス証明書などの取り組みに反映された国境を越えた調整と安全プロトコルの強化により、世界の一部地域で安全な旅行が回復した。

・2022 年の海外旅行者数は約9億6,300万人で、2021年の2倍以上となったが、2019年よりは34%減少しており、パンデミック前の訪問者数の66%が回復したことになる。
・ツーリズム産業は2019年、燃料・化学製品に次ぐ世界第3位の輸出分野だったが、2021年には収入急減により、コンピュータ・事務機器(8位)、繊維・衣料品(7位)などに次ぐ9位にまで落ちた。 (2022年のデータは未入手)。
図 7:収益別上位10の輸出カテゴリー (兆米ドル)
図19:世界のツーリズム収入上位10 - 国際ツーリズム・レシート (10億米ドル)
【外宮2023.0915】Geku 2023.0915
秋篠宮殿下の参拝直後(午前10時15分) Immediately after His Imperial Highness Prince Akishinomiya visit to the shrine (10:15am)
度会國御神社 Wataraikunimi Jinja(北緯34度29分19.8秒 Latitude 34°29’19.08" N.)
大津神社 Otsu Jinja(北緯34度29分19.7秒 Latitude 34°29’19.07" N.)
Further behind Otsu Jinja is Kaminomiino Jinja, but the pilgrimage route is closed and general worshipers are not allowed to enter.
上御井神社と対をなす下御井神社 Shimonomino Jinja, which is paired with Kaminomino Jinja(北緯34度29分7.4秒 Latitude 34°29’7.4" N.)
Ise Jingu Geku’s Mitsu-ishi Triple Stones is not a power spot. do not hold one's hand over this stones.
【三重県の令和5年夏休み期間の県内主要施設の観光入込客数集計表】Mie Prefecture’s Summary table of the number of tourists visiting major facilities in the prefecture during the summer vacation period of 2023
全体では令和元年比で84.1%にとどまる Overall, it was only 84.1% compared to 2019
9月22日現在 As of September 22
【東京商工リサーチによる企業のメインバンク・ランキング】Main bank ranking for companies by Tokyo Shoko Research
On September 19, Hyakugo Bank announced that it will establish a new automotive industry support team on October 2. Nagoya Bank has also begun wide-area collaboration with regional banks across the country to support the automobile industry. According to Tokyo Shoko Research, Hyakugo Bank has 9,220 business partners and a 44.35% share, while Nagoya Bank has 8,758 business partners and a 10.60% share. All banks are strengthening their support systems for customers in the automobile industry.
取引社数1万社以上でシェア40%以上 The number of transaction companies over 10,000, with a market share of over 40%.
取引社数1万社未満でシェア40%以上 The number of transaction companies less than 10,000, with a market share of over 40%.
取引社数1万社以上でシェア40%未満 The number of transaction companies over 10,000, with a market share of less than 40%.
取引社数1万社未満でシェア40%未満 The number of transaction companies less than 10,000, with a market share of less than 40%.
【地価の推移予測と現況ランキング】Land price trend prediction and current status ranking

Population decline is inevitable in Nara City as well, with the population decreasing by about 1,000 people every year, and currently stands at about 350,000. But, land prices are steadily rising due to the increase in inbound tourists and the accompanying increase in hotel construction. On the other hand, even though there are many hotels, land prices in Toba City, which has little inbound tourism effect and is only crowded on weekends and holidays, are on the decline. Tsu City, Matsusaka City, and Ise-Shima need an influx of inbound tourists from the Shinkansen platform at JR Nagoya Station. If this becomes the norm, there is a high possibility that investment will increase and the decline in land prices will be suppressed. This is because the level of work on weekdays will improve. In this respect, it is undeniable that Kintetsu is lacking in power. Because, JR Japan Rail Pass, can be purchased online in your home country, so you can plan your itinerary in advance. In addition, also British Airways, whose number is expected to increase in the future, currently only has direct flights to Haneda since Wuhan virus outbreak.
【ジャパンレールパスの知名度】Awareness of Japan Rail Pass
【ジャパンレールバスの値上げ】Japan Rail Pass price increase
Starting from the 1st of next month, there will be a significant price increase
But, if denominated in dollars ---
Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative Shigeki Imura
a support member of UNWTO / APTEC
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