
No.179 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" November issue

山茶花の宿 Hotel of the Camellia sasanqua 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 10月31日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of October 31


Until September 27, NHK reported the number of newly confirmed cases and deaths announced by prefectures through broadcasting stations in each region. But, since the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare simplified the grasp of all cases from September 27, this graph is also based on the data of the MHLW from September 28.

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【10月31日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of October 31

If the number of tests decreases, the number of confirmed infections will also decrease, but the number of tests increases, the number of confirmed infections also increases.

【秋のいちべ神社】Ichibe Jinja Shrine in Autumn

ツワブキ Leopard plant
八重咲き山茶花 Double-flowered Camellia sasanqua
ヤツテの花 Fatsia flower
マリテームの紅葉 Autumn leaves of the Maritime
鬼柚子 Lion citron

【アベレージ・デイリー・レート(客室平均単価=売り上げ合計額÷販売客室数)】Average Daily Rate

 2021年10月、米国の投資ファンドのブラックストーンが、近鉄グループホールディングスの8つのホテルを約600億円で購入した事は、既にNo.167の【地銀の挑戦】The challenge of regional banksでも触れたが、シンガポール政府系ファンドのGICも、西武ホールディングスの31の施設を購入する事を決めた。

In October 2021, US investment fund Blackstone purchased eight hotels from Kintetsu Group Holdings for about 60 billion JPY. I already wrote about this in No.167[Challenges of Regional Banks]. and, GIC, Singaporean sovereign wealth fund, has also decided to purchase 31 Seibu Holdings hotels.
According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on November 6, foreign companies are accelerating investment in tourism facilities in rural areas of Japan. This is because the depreciation of the yen is making investment in facilities and excursions to Japan appear to be relatively cheap, amid rising expectations for the resumption of tourism following the easing of measures at the borders of the novel coronavirus in October.
Marriott International will increase the number of hotels it operates in Japan by 30% to about 100 by the end of 2024. Hyatt Hotels Corporation will start operating hot spring ryokans in 2025, and expects to open more than 10 hotels, mainly in famous hot spring areas. And, Hong Kong-based luxury hotel group "Mandarin Oriental" has also decided to expand into Takamatsu City as its second facility in Japan following Nihonbashi. in addition, UK's IHG is also opening stores in Shibuya and Osaka next year.
According to an analysis conducted in June this year by US research firm STR, luxury hotels such as the Ritz-Carlton and Hilton account for about 20% in the US and the UK. but, in Japan it is 14%. Especially in Japan, there is a shortage of expensive hotels with a unit price of 100,000 to 200,000 JPY per room.
In the 14 years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the ADR in Japanese hotels has fallen by about 30%, and there are almost no hotels where the ADR exceeds 200,000 JPY. because in contrast to Europe and the United States, which have focused on attracting the wealthy and raising the unit price per room, Japanese hotels have hitherto focused on business guests, focused on occupancy rates, and engaged in price competition from beginning to end.
According to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), 287,000 of the 31.88 million inbound tourists in 2019 before the coronavirus pandemic spent more than 1 million JPY. Although this is only 0.9% of the total inbound consumption, it accounted for 11.5% of the total inbound consumption (4.8 trillion JPY). The average consumption per person is about 1.92 million JPY. The economic effect of attracting wealthy people from abroad is great.

【2022年9月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for September 2022


On November 9, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for September. The current account is a surplus at 1.6532 trillion JPY. The trade balance also posted a surplus of 239 billion JPY. The travel balance was 63.9 billion JPY in credit and 60.9 billion JPY in debit, resulting in a surplus of 3.0 billion JPY.
  Air passengers posted a deficit of 200 million JPY, while sea passengers posted a deficit of 300 million JPY. In addition, other services have a deficit of 249.9 billion JPY, and the overall service balance is a deficit of 343.1 billion JPY. The concept of trade in services has not yet developed in Japan.

【サービス貿易立国アメリカ】The United States, a major country in terms of service trade

 もちろん、それにはツーリズムも含まれている。その収入2140億ドル(約23兆円 2019年)はダントツ一位だ。

Of course, it also includes tourism. the receipt of 214 billion USD (2019) is by far the best.


  Source: UNWTO International Tourism Highlights 2020

【マリテーム・オペレーション③】Maritime operation ③

地下噴出漏水 Spout water leaks underground
止水テープとアルミテープで補修 Repair with waterproof tape and aluminum tape 
酸による中和反応で錆とり Rust removal by neutralization reaction with acid 


【ファクト1908名】The Fact 1908 persons


【「ガストロノミーツーリズム発展のためのガイドライン」概要】Overview of "Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism"

 以下は、国連世界観光機関とバスク・クリナリーセンター (BCC) の共著である「ガストロノミーツーリズム発展のためのガイドライン」の概要である。
 その目的と内容は、政府、自治体、 DMO等の関係者に対し、地域におけるガストロノミーツーリズムの発展に向けたもので、企画・運営面において考慮すべき事項や取るべき行動や推奨事項について示した実践的なガイドラインだ。

Below is a summary of the ""Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism", co-authored by UNWTO and BCC.
Its purpose and contents are aimed at the development of gastronomy tourism in the region for stakeholders such as governments, local governments and DMOs, and it is a practical guideline showing matters to be considered, actions to be taken, and recommendations for planning and operation.

Key Points of the “Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism” (Practical Guide for Local Areas ①)

✓Promotion of gastronomy tourism based on regional plans

・Plans for gastronomy tourism should be aligned with local tourism plans and objectives. In addition, consensus building with local stakeholders is important.

・Planning for gastronomy tourism should start with an analysis of the tourism situation in the region and the identification of gastronomy resources, and should be carried out strategically based on the position of the region and analysis of competitors.

・To promote gastronomy tourism, it is important to anticipate tourist needs and set new directions for tourism experiences.

・In formulating a plan, the mission and vision should be clearly and emotional appeal.

✓Value chain of gastronomy tourism

・In order to analyze tourism activities from a comprehensive perspective, it is necessary to build a new type of value chain that covers everything from the place of origin to the dining table.

・Grasping the current state of the value chain and listing and analyzing its potential and development potential are important steps in formulating effective policies.

✓Trend analysis of gastronomy tourism

・In order to understand the role that gastronomy plays, we will analyze changes in the market and tourism demand related to gastronomy tourism, as well as best practices.

✓ Analysis of regional positioning in gastronomy

・It is important to compare and analyze the target area with other areas in order to consider the current position of the target area and what it wants to achieve in the future.

・It is desirable to select regions with similar geographical locations and types of specialty products as regions to be compared.

Key Points of the “Guidelines for the Development of Gastronomy Tourism” (Practical Guide for Local Areas ②)

✓ Analysis of local image and development of tourism products

・Identify national and international markets for tourists interested in gastronomy.

・It is important to fully analyze the motives and behavior of tourists who are interested in gastronomy, understand their needs, clarify the image of the region, and develop tourism products.

✓Provide a memorable experience

・When developing tourism products, it is important to hone the gastronomic resources inherent in the organization and make them symbolic representations of local gastronomy that are attractive and attract tourists.

・Gastronomy tourism is experiential tourism. In order to attract tourists, it is important to provide a memorable experience that can be enjoyed using all five senses.

✓Promotion of governance through public-private partnerships

・It is important to work on problem-solving through cooperation in the region and public-private partnership toward goals, and agreement and cooperation among stakeholders.

✓Strengthen human resources through education and training

・In the tourism industry, human resources have a great impact on tourist satisfaction.

・Understanding the needs of human resources training related to gastronomy tourism in the region and providing training opportunities will lead to strengthening competitiveness in industries related to gastronomy.

・Formulate manuals based on best practices in gastronomy tourism, conduct training in collaboration with DMOs and universities, and promote entrepreneurship.

Points of the "Guidelines for the development of gastronomy tourism" (10 recommendations)

① 透明性があり、参加型で、リーダーシップを促進するガバナンス(統治)モデルを推進する
① Promote a governance model that is transparent, participatory and promotes leadership

② 地域のガストロノミーを文化遺産として認識する
② Recognizing local gastronomy as cultural heritage

③ 観光客を受け入れるシナリオ、環境、場所及び体制を改善する
③ Improve tourist reception scenarios, environments, locations and regimes

④ 地域に内在するガストロノミーに関する商品・体験を、創造・開発する
④ Create and develop products and experiences related to gastronomy inherent in the region

⑤ 関係者全員の知識、能力開発、革新、連携に基づき、バリューチェーンにおける競争力を強化する
⑤ Strengthen competitiveness in the value chain based on the knowledge, capacity development, innovation, and collaboration of all stakeholders

⑥ ガストロノミーに関心を有する観光客の特徴を把握するため、データ収集の仕組みを開発し、地域の状況を分析する
⑥ To understand the characteristics of tourists who are interested in gastronomy, develop a data collection system and analyze the local situation.

⑦ 地域のガストロノミーについて、ブランドとして信頼できる本物のストーリーを展開する(食のブランド化)
⑦ Develop authentic stories about local gastronomy that you can trust as a brand (food branding)

⑧ 関係者全員が参加し、ガストロノミーツーリズムの市場開拓を推進・支援する計画を策定する(食のマーケティング)
⑧ Develop a plan to promote and support market development for gastronomy tourism with the participation of all stakeholders (food marketing)

⑨ ガストロノミーツーリズム発展の原動力として、テクノロジーを最大限に活用する
⑨ Making the most of technology as a driving force for the development of gastronomy tourism

⑩ 地域における持続可能性やツーリズムを推進するSDGsへの貢献に向けた取組を進めるための手法としてガストロノミーツーリズムを推進する
⑩ Promote gastronomy tourism as a method to promote initiatives to contribute to the SDGs that promote sustainability and tourism in the region

【2023年の観光需要喚起策】Measures to stimulate tourism demand in 2023

On November 25th, the Japan Tourism Agency announced that it would extend the nationwide travel support (National Travel Discount) until December 27th, and implement measures to stimulate tourism demand after the beginning of the new year. 
For 2023, the discount rate, maximum discount amount, and amount of coupons granted will be reduced so that travel demand will not drop significantly after the end of travel assistance. 
The travel discount rate is 20%, and the maximum discount amount is 5,000 yen per person per night for travel products with transportation, and 3,000 yen for other travel products. 
As a general rule, the amount of regional coupons granted is an electronic coupon, worth 2,000 JPY on weekdays and 1,000 JPY on holidays. 
The timing of the start of the system will be announced separately based on the trend of the infection situation. 



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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No.178 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2022" October issue

台風一過 The clear sky after the storm  

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 9月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of September 30


Until September 27, NHK reported the number of newly confirmed cases and deaths announced by prefectures through broadcasting stations in each region. But, from September 27, the MHLW will publish the data of prefectures collectively in line with the simplification of grasping all cases. therefore, this graph after September 28 is based on the data of the MHLW.

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【9月30日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of September 30

【いちべ神社参道を彩る花々 ③】Flowers seen on the approach to Ichibe Jinja Shrine ③

ヤブラン Lily turf
忘れ草 Orange Daylily
レインリリー Zephyrlily
鍾馗水仙 Golden spider lily
七変化 Lantana
ジンジャー Ginger
山茶花 camellia
アイビーゼラニウム Ivy geranium
セイヨウキンシバイ Rose of Sharon
野菊 Nogiku

Ichibe Jinja Shrine

Ichibe Jinja Shrine was built in the 13th year of Bunsei (1830) according to the legend that when a local fisherman was lost at sea, a dragon rose from the sea and landed on this stone to save the life of the fisherman. For a long time, it has been worshiped as a mysterious power spot that saves all people

The power of gods

Good luck, Victory prayer, Illness recovery, Family safety, Matchmaking, Success prayer, Financial improvement, Mental enrichment

【いのししアタックの補修】Boar attack repair

【奈良ならレポート2022.1006】Nara nara Report 2022.1006


This time my second post-corona visit to Nara, I was accompanied by the honorary director of the Motoori Norinaga Museum and the head of the Matsusaka Ryokan Association. it is a nostalgic original member. The itinerary is National Route 166 along the Wakayama Historic Road/Ise Historic Road for both the outward and return trips, and I saw changes in the road connecting Mie and Nara. With Takami Pass as the border, on the Mie side, the increase in abandoned houses and the proliferation of solar panels stand out, and there was no noticeable change on the Nara side. Is it because the Nara side is the western slope? Our car entered Route 165 from Uda City and arrived in Nara City via Sakurai's Chihara Ohaka Burial Mound.
In Nara Sanjo Street, the modern APA Hotel which opened last autumn towers over, and the Washington Hotel has become a temporary treatment hotel for asymptomatic and mildly ill patients. There are almost no foreign tourists, few students on school excursions, and the closure of long-established shops and the replacement of tenants are also noticeable. I've seen posters of the Nara National Museum here and there, but "Shosoin Treasures" also requires reservations and there are no same-day tickets.
At Silkia Nara, we stopped by the Nara City Tourism Association to meet the former deputy director who worked at a travel agency. He was an old acquaintance of mine and knew a lot about Hotel Maritime Kaikouen in Toba.
At the United Nations World Tourism Organization/Asia Pacific Tourism Exchange Center on the same floor, I was greeted by the Deputy Director, Project Coordinator, and Director of Planning and Liaison. I talked for about an hour about the direction of gastronomy tourism, and I asked about the handling of mask wearing at the World Forum in December, where 600 people from Japan and overseas will gather. it is because a gap between Japan and overseas due to differences in thinking is expected.
UNWTO gave me a printout of the tourism highlights and publicity for the forum, and I gave them a copy of my latest newspaper series. Only Asia is conspicuous in the delayed recovery of international tourism. because due to the prolonged shutdowns in China and Japan.
On the way back, we stopped by Ohuda too, and renewed old friendships with the key persons, for post-corona activation (The Jinmu Tenno Seiseki Mikuni-e, which deciphers the bird's-eye view of Hatsaburo produced by the Town Development Council, is a splendid work!). there are more people I would like to meet, but the sun is already setting in the west, and also the wind is cold. We left this town with strong reluctance. thank you everybody. My next visit to Nara will be the "Gastronomy Tourism World Forum" in December where more than 600 people from Japan and abroad will gather.

【ガストロノミーツーリズムによる救国】Saving the country through gastronomy tourism

 この点において、サービス貿易の輸出にあたるインバウンドの回復は、国際収支の改善のみならず、円安にも歯止めがかかる。マスク着用が自由化されれば尚更だ。そして、ガストロノミーツーリズムの推進は、スケールメリットによる購買力の強化や、農業政策への追い風にもなる。米国のように、モノ貿易を卒業してサービス貿易で立国するには、インバウンドしかない。国連世界観光機関のデータによると、米国のツーリズム収入2140億ドル(約23兆円 2019年)は世界一だ。

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has changed the map of the world's food supply. Both Russia and Ukraine are important cereal exporters, producing almost a third of the world market for wheat. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate is only 38%, and the rest of the calories consumed are all dependent on imports. A sharp rise in food prices is inevitable when the yen is allowed to depreciate.
To begin with, Japan's food self-sufficiency rate has been steadily declining from 73% in 1965, and is currently the lowest level among major countries. In particular, 83% of imported wheat, 78% of imported soybeans, and 97% of imported cooking oil are highly dependent on foreign countries.
In May 2022, a group of LDP lawmakers with a sense of crisis recommended to the government to strengthen Japan's food security. A month later, Prime Minister Kishida decided on an action plan for a "new capitalism." With the aim of revitalizing domestic agriculture, it included measures to introduce new technology and attract the younger generation to farming. As part of its efforts, the Japanese government aims to raise the export value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products from 1.2 trillion JPY in 2021 to 5 trillion JPY by 2030. this is comparable to the 4.9324 trillion JPY in the travel balance‘s credit in 2019.
However, in the case of agricultural products, simply increasing production is not enough. Fertilizer is essential for growing crops. However, Japan also relies on foreign countries for its fertilizers, with a 75% reliance on imports. prices for key fertilizers had already skyrocketed after the EU imposed economic sanctions on Belarus, a major producer of potassium carbonate, for human rights abuses. this is because China and Russia, which are also major exporters of fertilizer, embarked on export restrictions under the pretext of protecting domestic supplies. Then the invasion of Ukraine began.
For now, Japan sidesteps geopolitical obstacles by trading key fertilizer raw materials with Morocco and Canada. however, according to the Financial Times, said that if import prices continue to rise, Japan will be unable to compete with countries with strong purchasing power such as China. this is a natural result if only Japanese stomachs are counted. due to the declining birthrate and aging population, because it will continue to taper off.
In this respect, the recovery of inbound tourism, which is the export of service trade, will not only improve the international balance of payments, but also put a brake on the yen's depreciation. If the wearing of masks is liberalized, it will be even more so. And, the promotion of gastronomy tourism is sure to strengthen purchasing power through economies of scale and provide a tailwind for agricultural policies. Like the United States, inbound is the only way to graduate from goods trade and become a nation with service trade. According to UNWTO data, US tourism receipts of $214 billion (2019) ranks first in the world.
Incidentally,according to the Daiwa Institute of Research, said that if the novel coronavirus did not spread, about 35.4 million people (4.5 trillion JPY in consumption) would have visited Japan in 2021, and about 43.5 million people (5.7 trillion JPY in consumption) in 2022.

[第7回 国連世界観光機関ガストロノミーツーリズム世界フォーラム]7th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism


人と地球のためのガストロノミー・ツーリズム: 革新し、権限を与え、温存する



1. 背景

COVID-19 は世界の観光業の大幅な落ち込みを引き起こし、業界は前例のない危機に直面しています。 2020年と2021年には、国際観光客の到着数が70%以上減少した。しかし、2022年の国連世界観光機関のデータは、多くの国が次々旅行制限を解除または緩和して、旅行に対する滞った需要が実現するにつれ、予想を上回る回復を示している。

➢ パンデミックは、観光のバリューチェーンにも直接的および間接的に大きな影響を与えた。観光業の回復を支援する政策の分析において、国連世界観光機関は、企業、特に中小企業、および観光業が重要な生命線である地域社会に与えられるべき優先事項を明確にした。

➢ 最も重要なことは、観光回復の取り組みは、変化する傾向、特にデジタル化、旅行者とホストの関係、包摂と気候変動の緊急事態、およびコミュニティと訪問者が世界中が調和して出会い、お互いを豊かにすることにある。

➢ 2021年10月31日から11月2日までベルギーのブルージュで開催された第6回国連世界観光機関ガストロノミーツーリズム世界フォーラムは、「ガストロノミーツーリズム:農村観光と地域開発の促進」というテーマで開催され、ガストロノミーツーリズムの社会的および経済的統合への貢献に焦点を当てた。それは、雇用の創出、地域の結束、持続可能な開発のための美食観光の未開拓の可能性を強調した。ガストロノミーツーリズムに関する優れた実践と新しいアイデアの共有は、復興のためのイノベーションを前進させるための大きな基盤を提供した。

➢ グローバルな観光の回復と変革に向けた取り組みを進める次のステップとして、日本の奈良で開催される第7回国連世界観光機関ガストロノミー ツーリズムに関する世界フォーラムでは、能力開発、女性のエンパワーメント、若い世代への機会の創出、将来の才能の育成に取り組む、持続可能な社会的観光を促進するためのプラットフォームとしてのガストロノミーツーリズムの役割に引き続きスポットライトを当てる予定である。このフォーラムでは、旅行者や観光客の体験を豊かにする一方で、地元住民、その文化、歴史、自然、遺産とのつながりを作り出すガストロノミーツーリズムの力についても議論する。

2. 目的とトピック

➢ ガストロノミーは、世界中の人々や場所の歴史、文化、伝統、アイデンティティ、経済、コミュニティに基づいて、地元の生活と生活の経験の不可欠な部分である。ガストロノミーツーリズムは、観光体験を豊かにし、地域社会とのつながりを確立する可能性も秘めている。

➢ 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大により、観光全体のトレンドや観光客の価値観が変化している。 旅行者は、これまで以上に地域社会や文化とのより有意義で責任ある関与を求め、再び冒険に出る。

➢ このような状況下で、記憶に残る旅行体験をもたらすガストロノミーの力と、ホスト先の開発により、新たな機会が開かれる。この目的のために、バスク料理センター(BCC)が奈良で開催する第7回UNWTOガストロノミーツーリズム世界フォーラムは、以下におけるガストロノミー・ツーリズムの役割に焦点を当てる。

(1) 女性のエンパワーメントと若い才能の促進
(2) 文化交流と真正性の促進: ルーツに接続し、尊重する自然と文化、そして健康と福祉の促進
(3) 目的地と食の生産者にとっての価値の向上
(4) ガストロノミー・ツーリズムによる目的地のブランディングと開発
(5) 観光における食品廃棄物削減に関するグローバル・ロードマップの支援

➢ 第7回ガストロノミーツーリズム世界フォーラムの開催都市である奈良は、1,000年以上にわたる日本の多様な料理の発祥地の1つであり、今日まで保存されている歴史と文化との深いつながりがある。フォーラムは、すべての利害関係者が集まり、ガストロノミーツーリズムの力について話し合う絶好の機会を生み出す。


➢ 再び集まり、観光と美食の未来への道を開くユニークなプラットフォームである第 7 回ガストロノミー ツーリズムに関する世界フォーラムは、人々が受け継いできた歴史、文化、伝統、持続可能性への取り組みを翻訳する機会を提供する。 日本と奈良の多くの地域で、希望、願い、アイデア、行動に変えていく。


➢ 第7回ガストロノミーツーリズム世界フォーラムには、国内外のガストロノミーとツーリズムの専門家が一堂に会す。

・旅行・美食協会、旅行代理店、宿泊・交通機関 企業、サービスプロバイダー

【2022年8月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for August 2022


On October 11, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for August. The current account is barely in a surplus at 58.9 billion JPY. also the trade balance is a huge deficit of 2490.6 billion JPY. And even the travel balance was a deficit of 7.2 billion JPY, with credit of 61.7 billion JPY and debit of 68.9 billion JPY. it is because outbound has increased, even though inbound does not increase.
The air passenger is a surplus of 4.8 billion JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 300 million JPY. and, the other services have a deficit of 757.4 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is a deficit of 615.9 billion JPY. Full-scale acceptance of inbound will resume from today. under this weaker yen has room for growth it is only the travel balance.

【10月15日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of October 15

桁に注意 Note the digits 

Until now NHK is compiled and reported the number of people announced by prefectures through local broadcasting stations, but it was decided to report that data due to the simplification of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's grasp of all cases. therefore, I would like to end this record too that I have continued since No.147 (March issue 2020) next time. because the accuracy was decreased.
As of October 15, the cumulative number of confirmed infections in 47 prefectures was 21,727,933, and the number of deaths was 45,823 (Does not include 1,878 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to September 23, this year). The denominator is underestimated by sampling tests, but the cumulative mortality rate continue to maintain at 0.21%. The actual percentage is likely to be lower.
Incidentally, on this day in an interview with NHK, the prime minister said, "We will prepare a variety of policy packages with the aim of increasing inbound consumption to 5 trillion yen a year, and will conduct promotions and create attractive contents."

【竹神社境内のハロウィン】Halloween in the precincts of Take Jinja Shrine

【10月31日現在の感染確認数(最終回)】Number of confirmed infections as of October 31 (the final)

桁に注意 Note the digits 


As of October31, the cumulative number of confirmed infections in 47 prefectures was 22,295,992, and the number of deaths was 46,659 (Does not include 1,878 deaths after vaccination from February 17, last year to September 23, this year). Although the denominator has certainly decreased due to the shift to randomized testing, the cumulative mortality rate remains at 0.21%. Is this intentional or a coincidence?




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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
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