

No.106 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" November Issue

【統計トリック】Statistics trick

 以下は、 外国人観光客の6月単月の宿泊延べ人数と前年対比と増減数、そして三重県の構成比である。

According to the Chunichi Shimbun on September 30, the Mie prefecture Governor in a speech in Kuwana of September 29, a "growth rate" of the June inbound of Mie Prefecture became the top in a four Tokai area by "Summit effect", and the major seven countries travelers was increased rapidly had said.
I've checked that. this data was the summary of the Tourism Department of the Chubu Transportation Bureau of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, and the data in this province is a five prefectures, was not a four Prefectures. why there was a need to reduce?
The following are, June's accommodation total number of Inbound and Year-on-year, the increase or decrease, and  a composition ratio of Mie Prefecture.
As you can see, the increase is only 2620 people. What's more, it was not something from almost G7 countries. Europe is 4%,  the United States is 3%.
How was the situation of Ise Shima?

   HUKUI  252740人 ▲11.6%   ▲350人
    GIFU  416150人   5.7%   3400人
SHIZUOKA 1424840人 ▲22.3% ▲40490人
   AICHI 1304730人 ▲17.7% ▲40230人
     MIE  626750人  10.7%   2620人

China 38%, Taiwan 21%, Korea 12%, Europe 4%, Hong Kong 4%, the United States 3%, Thailand 3%, Malaysia 3%, Vietnam 3%, Philippines 2%, Indonesia 2%, and other 5%.

【伊勢志摩のDI】DI of the Ise Shima


The business confidence survey of regional banks is a direct work sheet method. it's not on-the-street interview.
According to the survey of Daisan Bank of Mie prefecture, the DI of the Ise-Shima of from April to September, has become a minus 7.9 point a significant decline than of from October to March. from October to March it was plus 0.8 points. therefore that decrease become 8.7 points. because that cause was completed construction work of the Summit preparation.Incidentally, in the entire prefecture is minus 9.6 points. a highest in the prefecture is minus 4.1 points of Hokusei. on the other hand, a lowest in the prefecture was minus 21.2 points of Iga.
This is the reality of the Summit effect.
The target company of this survey is 899 companies in the prefecture. the number of valid responses is 526 companies of 58.5%, and No answer was 373 companies.
Also, according to the Chunichi Shimbun of October 14, the number of tourists in the summer vacation period also declined year-on-year 10.2%.

【ダブルスタンダード 2015】The double standard 2015

 これによると、日本各地の国際会議の開催件数は以下のとおり。( )は国際順位である。日本全体では355件だ。

According to the International Congress and Convention Association, the number of International Congress that was held in the world in 2015 are 12,076. than the previous year had increased 571.
ICCA's headquarters is located in Amsterdam, collected the status of the International Congress in the worlds, and has been published once a year. to here, about 1,000 organizations of over 90 countries belong.
International Congress selection criteria of the ICCA statistics is an International Congress sponsored by the institutions and organizations other than the private sector, and there is a need meet the following conditions. The total number of participants is more than 50 people. Hold to regularly. (only once those is excluded)
There is a rotation of the conference in the three countries or more. (the two countries is excluded)
According to this, the number of International Conference held in each city of Japan is as follows. ( ) is an international ranking. the total of Japan was 355.

 #1(#28) 東 京 TOKYO    80
 #2(#57) 京 都 KYOTO    45
 #3(#85) 福 岡 FUKUOKA  30
 #4(#115)大阪市 OSAKA    23
 #5(#117)横 浜 YOKOHAMA 22
 #6(#139)札 幌 SAPPORO  18
 #7(#182)名古屋 NAGOYA   14
 #8(#191)神 戸 KOBE     13
 #9(#191)沖 縄 OKINAWA  13
#10(#254)仙 台 SENDAI    9
#11(#254)つくば TSUKUBA   9
#12(#276)奈 良 NARA      8
#13(#301)千 葉 CHIBA     7
#14(#335)金 沢 KANAZAWA  6
#15(#373)北九州 KITAKYUSHU5


Aside from this, also JNTO has aggregated number of the International Conference from such as Convention Association. but Somehow, contains the Senri district EXPO'70 was held.
According to this, the total of Japan become 2847 it is eight times of the ICCA statistics. the total number of participants is 1,591,765 people. Among them, foreigners is 175,033 people in 11%.

 #1   東 京 TOKYO     557    
 #2   福 岡 FUKUOKA   363   
 #3   仙 台 SENDAI    221 
 #4   京 都 KYOTO     218 
 #5   横 浜 YOKOHAMA  190
 #6   名古屋 NAGOYA    178
 #7   大阪市 OSAKA     139
 #8   神 戸 KOBE      113
 #9   札 幌 SAPPORO   107
#10  千里地区 SENRI      94
#11   北九州 KITAKYUSHU 86
#12   広 島 HIROSHIMA  59 
#13   つくば TSUKUBA    53    
#14   奈 良 NARA       36 
#15   岡 山 OKAYAMA    33

【リージョナルジェット】The regional jet

 一方、ライバルであるブラジルのエンブラエル社は、ファースト・カスタマーへのE-Jet E2の引渡しを2018年に予定している。そのエンジンはプラット・アンド・ホイットニー社のPW1000GシリーズでMRJと同じだ。

September 29 at Japan time. the domestic airliner MRJ of the Japanese, arrived in Grant County International Airport of the United States at one month lag from the original plan by the air conditioning trouble. in order to carry out a flight test.
However, according to the Chunichi Shimbun October 2, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation reported to ANA Holdings there a technical challenge, and showed the policy to postpone the extradite schedule of the MRJ to 2019 or later from mid of 2018.
As a result, to half of the current 447 orders, might be canceled.
On the other hand, Embraer of Brazil of a rival is scheduled extradite of E-Jet E2 to the first customer, in 2018 year. that engine is the same as the MRJ in the Pratt & Whitney PW1000G series.
In addition, also in China has been evolved ARJ by the independent development of the engine. because until now, had equipped with US-made engines in the same manner as the MRJ or the E2. as a result, the regional jet would be further become inexpensive.
So far, authentication of the Civil Aviation Administration of China is only valid in China and some developing countries. but, it only even the regional jet is sure to become unprofitable, in Asia. to contribute to Japan's trade balance will be unlikely.
Anyway, a catalog price of MRJ is 46.8 million USD. 4.7736 billion JPY in one dollar 102 JPY. if sold 224 aircraft at one year even its sales are 1.0693 trillion JPY that only. on the other hand, according to the data of the UNWTO, international tourism receipts of Japan in 2015 is 24.983 billion USD. according to the Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, one dollar of that year is the average 121.61 JPY. therefore it's 3.0382 trillion JPY.
There are more revenue to the side of collection of its passengers, than to sell the aircraft.
MRJ began a test flight from the October 17 at the local time.

【水環境】Environment of water

 9/25の毎日新聞によると、このうち10ヶ所のダムで、下層土表面の濃度が基準を超えたことが分かった。上位五ヶ所は、6万4439 Bq/kgの岩部ダム、2万7533 Bp/kgの横川ダム、2万6859 Bp/kgの真野ダム、2万2971Bq/kgの高の倉ダム、そして2万1957Bq/kgの大柿ダムである。
 とはいえ、表面層中の水は基準値以下の1-2 Bq/L だったそうである。おそらく喫緊の影響はないのだろう。だが、報告された値はセシウムのみだ。比較的放出量が少ないとはいえ、人体に入ればガンマ線以上に危険であるベータ線を出す放射性物質の記述はない。環境省は、山の除染ができないため、最初からストロンチウムやプルトニウムを検出するつもりはないようだ。

The Ministry of the Environment, from after 6 months of the nuclear accident, has observing the deposition of radioactive material of the 73 places dams of 9 Prefecture's in until Tokyo from Iwate at about once in few months.
According to the Mainichi Shimbun of September 25, From among these, the concentration of subsoil surface has found be exceed a criteria in 10 places dams. The top five places are, Ganbe dam of 64,439 Bq/kg. Yokogawa dam of 27,533 Bq/kg. Mano dam of 26,859 Bq/kg. Takanokura dam of 22,971 Bq/kg. and Ogaki dam of 21,957 Bq/kg.
This a radioactive material is concentrated by flowing into the rivers from the forest, and continues to accumulate. the total accumulation amount is unknown.※
However, the water in the surface layer seem was 1-2 Bq/L of the or less than the reference value. perhaps would not be immediately affected. but, the reported a value is Cesium only. missing to description of the radioactive material that emits dangerous beta-rays than gamma-rays if gets into the body, although the amount of release than the cesium was relatively small.
Ministry of the Environment seems is not going to detect the strontium or plutonium from the beginning, because the decontamination of mountain is not possible.
However, this fact became the cause of the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions". such as the United States or China, has been banned Import of many particular wild products yet. because it is due to concerns about environmental pollution. the United States is remarkable in this respect. in short, the environment of the Food Safety and Security is Hokkaido, Okinawa, and west Japan that only.


※December 2013, Tohoku agriculture bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries has own investigated the deposition of Ogaki dam. according to this, the total amount of Cesium 134 and 137 was about 8 trillion Bq/kg in the estimate.

◇◇ 米国食品医薬品局の輸入アラートに基づく米国の輸入禁止、2016年9/12現在 ◇◇















◇◇ Import ban of the United States based on the FDA import alert. current September 12 2016 ◇◇

wild mushrooms

bamboo shoots, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), (excluding farming) wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, wild parsley, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, bracken, black sea bream, sea bass, trout, bear of meat, bovine meat, deer meat, copper pheasant meat

mainspring, bamboo shoots, (wild) koshiabura, (wild) taranome, ostrich fern, rice, raw wood shiitake (open culture), (excluding farming) wild mushrooms, soy, ayu, trout (excluding farming), black sea bream, dace, perch, char (excluding farming), bovine meat, bear meat, wild boar meat

bear meat

raw milk, wild taranome, red beans, bamboo shoots, non-heads of leaf vegetables (brassica campestris, garland chrysanthemum, bok choy, mizuna, lettuce, spinach, and other non-heading of leaf vegetables), heads of leafy vegetables (cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lettuce), brassicaceae flower bud compounds (broccoli, cauliflower), endive, escarole, chard, collards), chestnut, wild fukinoto, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, kiwi fruit, raw wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), mushrooms, ostrich fern, bracken, rice, (excluding farming) soybean, turnip, plum, butterbur, uwabamisou, citron, rockfish, ayu, (except the fry) greenling, red sole, sand lance, stone flounder, usumebaru, surfperch, ezo iso greenling, fox rockfish, (I except for aquaculture) black tonguefish, rockfish, black sea bream, komonkasube, saburo shousaifugu, shiromebaru, walleye, perch, nagatsuka, starry flounder, slime flounder, higanfugu, flounder, spotted halibut, conger myriaster, marbled sole, flathead, mat
sukawa, mushigarei, murasoi, binosugai, yamame (excluding farming) dace, eel, char, (excluding farming) carp, meat of bear, bovine meat, wild boar meat, copper pheasant meat, pheasant meat, meat of hares, spot-billed duck meat

raw wood shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wild koshiabura, suzuki, eel, shiromebaru, komonkasube, (excluding farming) American catfish, stone flounder, wild boar meat

wild taranome, bamboo shoots, chestnuts, wild pepper, wild of the mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, wild bracken, wild ostrich fern, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), wood mushrooms, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, bovine meat, wild boar meat, deer meat

wild mushrooms, trout (excluding farming), char (excluding farming), the meat of bear, wild boar meat, meat of copper pheasant, deer meat

wild mushrooms

shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carp, carassius auratus langsdorfii, eel, wild boar meat

bear meat

wild mushrooms

wild mushrooms, koshiabura

wild mushrooms

【諸外国・地域の規制措置2016.0927】Regulatory measures of other countries and regions 2016.0927


"Regulatory measures of other countries and regions" of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has updated in the September 27.
Frequent update is not a bad act, but the new changes are not seen at since Nepal. as usual, the countries that still require the attachment of radioactivity inspection or certificate are the 31 countries. among them, the regions and countries that have taken a greater or lesser import ban is China, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, New Caledonia, Lebanon, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Philippines. and, the United States which wrote in advance.
This handicap of Japan, will give what effect to TPP member countries, at after the election of the President ?
Although I hear that two presidential candidates are opposed to the TPP.
By the way, an interesting topic about the TPP came out again. according to the September 26 evening NHK news, at three points of the Japanese translation of the TPP that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has created, seems defects that part of the provision is missing has been found.
First, about the "National treatment". this is for handled on equality with the own country, also the companies and peoples of other countries. but, in Some of a Provisions was missing that coastal shipping industry is the own country's ship only, as the exception of the United States.
Next, about the "Rules of origin". this is a rule for determining the country of origin of imported goods, but some of the Provisions that defines the procedure of confirmation are missing.
Also, some of the Provisions of such as grain has been duplicating.
Each the morning paper at the September 28, also revealed further 15 mistranslations. Tokyo shimbun have list them as errata. however, there is no at all subsequent news.
Especially, the "Rules of Origin" is deeply involved to the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions". So there's a possibility of an intentional mistranslation than a mistake.

【大阪万博】EXPO '70


The future city that suddenly appeared in Senri-kyuryo. it was like a EPCOT (Experimental Prototype City Of Tomorrow) it Walt Disney had dreamed. The theme of the Osaka Expo in 1970 is "Progress and Harmony for Mankind". the "Tower of the Sun" of the Festival Square. "Moon stone" of as result of the US-Soviet space race. Seabed city and the Ocean floor ranch. Linear motor car. Robots. Home computer and Portable phone. incidentally, there was also the science film to be extinguished the typhoon in the missile of silver iodide. in short, a bright future due to advances in science and technology was the leading role. that held scale is 77 countries and 4 international organizations, to total area ​​330 ha. the period is from March 14 to September 13 at 183 days. in those days, 64,220,000 people of than half of Japan's population were visited.
That dream once more. according to the Mainichi Broadcasting System of October 4, Osaka governor, aims to be held Osaka Expo in 2025, showed the idea to bear the 40 billion JPY among about 120 billion JPY the cost by the prefecture and the city. according to the basic concept draft, theme is "challenge to the health and longevity of mankind." The location is Yumeshima of Osaka Bay's artificial Island, the period is from May to October in 2025.
However...it's a downright sober theme, and it's cheaper cost than the Aichi EXPO '05. maybe this target would be the most populous older generation in Japan. Japan government has decided to consider the candidacy as economic revitalization measures after the Tokyo Olympics. If the formal decision, Japan will be notify the candidacy to the Bureau of International Expositions to the next spring.
Although, the Osaka is the financial difficulties. hopes is an investment from the Kansai business community. 73 billion JPY for the extension of the subway central line is also required. the venue construction not only. but, according to the questionnaire survey to the Osaka companies, to the Osaka Expo of the second time is "We want to participate" is 12%. and "We want exhibited the pavilion" was the four companies only. President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also skeptical.
Tokyo want economic recovery by the second time's Olympics. if it, Osaka want economic recovery by the second time's Expo. the ostensible purpose of the Osaka Prefecture is a re-boot of the Kansai economy that has been sluggish.
However, may be many of the private companies have noticed to the true purpose already. in short, that is re-development of the transportation infrastructure, and it is solicitation of the Integrated Resort facility including a casino in to the Yumeshima. Osaka mayor also at September, has visit a casino of the "Marina Bay Sands" of Singapore. this IR facility is operated by a US capital.
In the first place the IR facility is all-in-one. benefits to the surrounding is almost no. So-called "winners" is Only a handful.
There is no guidepost to the next generation there.

【避難民が持ち込んだ宝物】 Symbol of democracy brought by displaced people


A high school baseball team of Serbia representatives through the efforts of JICA Balkan office came to Japan.
On October 5 the 15-18-year-old 13 athletes and 7 staffs has performing the friendly match with Prefectural Takatori Kokusai High School in the Nara Prefecture. and in next days visit Matsusaka city, and stayed one nights to "Yachiyo". this Ryokan is the Registration Tangible Cultural Property of Country, and it is an important facility Also for the preserve of landscape of the town.
The team visited over two days, to Harada's residence, Matsusaka Technical High School, Matsuura Takeshiro Memorial Museum, Motoori Norinaga Memorial Museum, Matsusaka Castle Ruins, Hasegawa's residence. and along with the Matsusaka Technical High School gave a friendly match in the prefectural baseball ground of the city from the afternoon of October 7.
The baseball history of Serbia is still young. the baseball began in Serbia by the evacuate from Croatia of Current Serbia Baseball League Secretary General in 1991. Two gloves and balls that entered the country at that time. since then, competition population is about 300 people at now. but the baseball ground is that only one still on the country.
The friendly match was completed in seven times for until the sunset. Matsusaka Technical High School won at 10-4. Serbia representative had 2-point lead to five times, but has been reversed by obtain of the 8 points of Matsusaka Technical High School to six-times.
However, their goal is to re-visit to Japan at the Tokyo Olympics. it will be need also that get used to Japan hot. and would be need also understand of the different cultures. it will be a strength.

【カジノとIR施設】Casino and IR facility

 No.77とNo.80に記録したが、ベガスのMGMリゾーツ・インターナショナルは、1兆4000億円の投資を準備している。 (これを元手に、彼らは幾ら巻き上げるつもりだろうか?) 2014年5/18のロイターによると、この会社は、法案成立ならば日本のカジノ第一号は夢洲でと言っていた。

According to the NHK news of October 7, bipartisan Parliamentary League which wants the establishment of a bill of a Integrated Resort facility with a casino, has decided to open a general meeting on October 12, by inviting the Osaka governor to want to attract the casino. They say the casino is there is a possibility to contribute to the growth of the Japanese economy, as tourism promotion measures.
No wonder. Japan's economy is now located on the edge of a cliff in order too biased to manufacturing industries and that funding.
According to the announcement of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on October 6, the foreign investors stock trading situation of two markets of Tokyo and Nagoya was a net selling of 6.187 trillion JPY in from January to September.
This is a net selling above the about 4.1 trillion JPY of 1987 the Black Monday occurred in October. according to the Swissinfo, in that background there is a decrease of expectations for the abenomics. as result, movement to sell the automobile such stock is become remarkable for the appreciation of the yen, and the stock that was foreigners sold has been a situation in which Bank of Japan and Japan Pension Service to buy.
So, want to earn foreign currency by a casino?
I've recorded two years ago to No.77 and No.80, MGM Resorts International of Vegas are preparing the investment of 1.4 trillion JPY. according to the Reuters of May 18 2014, this company, if a bill established the first place of casino in Japan had to say in Yumeshima.
However, the tourism resources for tourists increase is there also the opinion that there is abundantly also in other. in addition, there is also a voice of the required measures against gambling addiction.
In the first place, gambling addict of Japan is not small. According to the report of the study group of the Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare issued on August 20, 2014, gambling addiction of Japan has been 5,360,000 people. this number is equivalent to 4.8 % of the adult population of Japan, stands out internationally. incidentally, the United States is 1.58%.

【なら奈良レポート2016.1011】Report a precedent of Nara 2016.1011

 折しもこの日、財務省は8月の『経常収支』(国際収支)を公表した。グラフには間に合わなかったが、数字を見れば読み取れる。この月の貿易収支と第一次所得収支は前月(7月)よりも悪化。 また、旅行収支にも相対的な減少が見られた。受取が2789億円、支払が2246億円である。原因は盆休みだ。ちなみに当月のインバウンド速報値は204万9200人、アウトバウンドは182万5000人だった。ならば、8月の平均単価はインバウンドが約13.6万円で、アウトバウンドが約12.3万円である。

Nara in the autumn it has many event. has held International Film Festival on "Nara Centennial Hall" in the last month, and will beginning Tenpyo Festival of autumn also from the end of October. a big topic of this time is Formation flight of Blue Impulse. So to speak, it's a leap to the modern from 1300 years ago.
Foreigners to Nara Park also has increased. bait of deers also would increase.
The visit destination of early autumn is the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the Nara Prefecture Visitors Bureau. we reported the episode of the delegation from Serbia. this is a high school baseball team which was carried out a friendly match in Nara Prefecture's Takatori and Mie Prefecture's Matsusaka.
And, of course, also brought the latest graph in this time. this is part of the collected latest data by me, in since 13th Tourism Statistics Forum by Eurostat and OECD, is transition of Balance of Payments, and the amount of sales of the major travel agencies in the first half of this year. but, the balance of payments it was until July min. because today was the publication of the August minutes. by this, I think can understand the situation that has been placed of the tourism in Japan.
Just on this day, the Ministry of Finance has been released August's "Current account balance" (Balance of payments). its graphics didn't meet the deadline at this time, but if look at the numbers can understand. this month's Trade balance and Primary Income Balance was declined than the previous month. and, the relative reduction also to the Travel balance has seen. Credit is 278.9 billion JPY, and Debit is 224.6 billion JPY. its cause is Japan unique summer vacation. incidentally, Inbound estimation value of this month is 2,049,200 people, Outbound was 1,825,000 people. If it, the average unit price of August is Inbound is about 136,000 JPY, and Outbound is about 123000 JPY.
This time, the Deputy Chief of the United Nations World Tourism Organization gave me a tourist highlight of 2016 edition. I am delighted. because this is a version of the paper the easy on the eyes, although already I owned the electronic edition. He is a key person of Yamato-nokuni for connecting the region with the world. I told him that Yamato culture was introduced along the Silk Road, but the further it was reached to the Takarazuka of Matsusaka. because, that can see its impact, from the terracotta of ship form excavated from Takarazuka ancient tomb made in the 5th century.

[経常収支/国際収支 2016]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments 2016

 Aug.2,000,800,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade
 Aug.  243,200,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services
 Aug.  ▲52,500,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income Balance
 Aug.1,585,300,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
 Aug. ▲175,200,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
 Aug.  ▲63,900,000,000 JPY

○トラベル Travel
 Aug.   54,300,000,000 JPY

○その他サービス Other Services
 Aug.  ▲42,900,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
 Aug.   ▲1,000,000,000 JPY

○海上貨物 Sea Freight
 Aug.   38,100,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
 Aug.  ▲52,200,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
 Aug.    6,100,000,000 JPY

【オリンピックの採算性】Profitability of Olympics

 有り体に言えば、一過性の国際的イベントの後に外国人観光客が急増することはあり得ない。例えば、G7サミット後における三重県は既にそのような状況にある。また、2014年までのインバウンドの相対的な減少はEXPO '70の翌年から始まったのだ。

IOC will choose the venue of the Summer Olympic Games of 2024 in the next year's meeting, but according to the CNN news of October 12, Rome was expressed formally withdraw. the reason is Finance concerns. as a result the remaining candidates was became Budapest, Paris, and Los Angeles.
Higher cost structure of the Olympics is a worldwide problem. and Paris Mayor have a strong interest in the cause of Japan's higher cost, including also the cost that took to attract. on September 28 the research team of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has announced that, there is a possibility of the total cost 3 trillion JPY or more. According to the AFP, the total cost of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics was about 120 billion USD (about 1.3 trillion JPY).
Even this become profitable ?
Japanese authorities says that become surplus because come more tourists by the Olympics.
According to the Chunichi Shimbun of October 12, the adviser of the JR Tokai have based on the bitter experience of the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, the Tokyo Olympics insist to be a crisis of tourism. He at that time, in the Business Bureau assistant manager of the National Railway, had been planning a special train named after the Olympics. the National Railway is the predecessor of the JR group of now.
However, it planning failed. because Japanese didn't anyone move from the front of the TV, at the during the Olympics. furthermore, foreigners also didn't move from Tokyo. therefore, the number of passengers of the Tokaido Shinkansen also was started running from before ninth day of the Olympics opening ceremony of October 10, but seems was lower than expected. words based on experience is heavy.
Speaking clearly, it is impossible will be surged foreign tourists after the international event of transient. for example, Mie Prefecture in after the G7 summit is already its situation. Also, the relative reduction until 2014 of Inbound, began from the following year of EXPO '70.

【米国のDMOのKPI】KPI of the United States's DMO

 10/19のJNTOのプレスリリースによると、9月のインバウンド推定値は191万8200人で、アウトバウンドは154万5000人。 九ヶ月間合計では、インバウンドが1797万7700人で、アウトバウンドが1271万0900人である。国連世界観光機関機関のツーリズムハイライト2016によると、 昨年は年間1973万7000人で、収入は249億8300万ドルだった。これによれば、インバウンドで最も儲けた国は米国で、2015年のインバウンドは7751万人、収入は2045億2300万ドルだ。常に世界一の観光国である。
 JTB総研によると、米国では『投資収益』や『説明責任』を重んじる。だからマーケティング活動の効果やKPI達成への努力が公開されているとの事である。現在、この国には州や市に200以上のDMOがあり、『ディスティネーション・マーケティング国際協会』が総括、広域データは日本のJNTOにあたる『Brand USA』がサポートしている。
 今回は、その『Brand  USA』からDMOのKPIの概要を記録する。KPIとは Key Performance Indicators の略で、企業の主要業績評価指標を指す。この指標は、観光を国際貿易の一つとしてみた場合、相手国との整合性を得る点で重要である。

According to the JNTO's press release of October 19, Inbound estimation value of September is 1,918,200 people, and Outbound was 1,545,000 people. In the nine-month total, Inbound is 17,977,700 people, and Outbound is 12,710,900 people. according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization's Tourism Highlights 2016, last year is the 19,737,000 people in one year. Receipt was 24,983 million dollars. according to this, the most profit obtained country by inbound is the United States. Inbound 77.51 million people in 2015. Receipt is a 204.5 billion 23 million US dollars. it's tourism country always the best in the world.
According to the JTB Research Institute, in the United States respect the "Return on Investment" and the "Accountability". So, seems the effect of marketing activities and the efforts to KPI achievement has been published. Current, in this country there are  more than 200 DMO in the states and cities, the "Destination Marketing Association International" oversees. also, Wide-area data are supported by the "Brand USA" which corresponds to the JNTO of Japan.
This time, to record overview of the KPI of the DMO from its the "Brand USA". the KPI is which stands for "Key Performance Indicators", refers to the key performance indicators to evaluate the achievement of corporate goals. this indicators are important in view of obtaining consistency with the partner country, if the tourism is considered as one of the international trade.

 ・ブランド・メディアの表示回数の実数をBrand USAから毎月。

 ・デジタル広告へのクリック回数の実数は、Brand USAやメディア業者から毎月。




・Brand media impressions, Monthly real number from Brand USA and media vendors.
・Consumer destination, online survey from Opinion Research Corporation (ORC).

・Click the number of digital advertising, Monthly realistic number from Brand USA and media vendors.
・Number of accesses to the site, Monthly real number from Brand USA.
・Keyword volume, Monthly real number from Partner companies and General search engines.
・Willingness of the visit to the USA is Monthly online survey from ORC.

・Reservations trend, Monthly the booking data of Airlines and hotels from multiple media vendors.

・Visitors and the receipts from each markets, Yearly, Sampling data which corresponds to 0.2 percent of international passenger from NTTO Dept. of commerce.
・Contribution of visitors and receipts is the reactions and the market share of the advertisement, from Oxford Economics, Yearly.
・Contribution of the economic impact, is data of the attribute and receipts of visitors, from Oxford Economics, Yearly.

・Net promoter score, Quarterly each market online survey in 1000ss from ORC.
・Diffusion of Share, Monthly real number from the social network.

 この、"Brand USA"にデータを提供しているオックスフォード・エコノミクスとは、オックスフォード大学のビジネスカレッジであるテンプルトンカレッジとの協力による、商業ベースの研究機関である。創業は1981年。海外進出をめざす英国の企業および金融機関に対し、経済予測と計量経済モデル構築のサービスを提供し、世界有数のアドバイザリー研究機関となった。そして、現在200ヶ国、100業種、 3000 都市以上の、業種や都市を対象とした調査レポートに加え、世界経済モデルや産業モデルの予測と分析のツールを提供している。
 2015年7/29、そのディレクターが、超党派国会議員による国際観光産業振興議員連盟(IR議連)勉強会に招かれ講義をおこなっていた。オックスフォード・エコノミクスのレポート『Beyond 2020: 統合型リゾートの実現がもたらす日本の観光業の発展及び経済的インパクト』に基づいてである。



This "Oxford Economics" which provides data to "Brand USA", is a research institute of the commercial base by cooperation with Templeton College of the Business College of Oxford University. its founded is 1981. it was offering the service of econometric model building and economic forecasts for the UK companies and financial institutions seeking to expand overseas, then, it became one of the world's leading advisory research institutions. and currently, 200 countries, 100 industries, of more than 3,000 cities, in addition to the investigation report, provides a forecast and analysis tools for the world economic model and industrial model.
July 29 2015, its the director had been invited for lecture to the meeting of the "Federation of International Tourism Industry Promotion legislators" of bipartisan lawmakers. on the basis of the Oxford Economics's report the "Beyond 2020 : Tourism Growth and the Economic Impact of Integrated Resorts in Japan".
Surprisingly, already in this report, construction of the IR facility had assumed in each of Tokyo area and Osaka area. that building investment scale is Tokyo 1 trillion JPY, and the Osaka 0.85 trillion JPY. one of the candidate sites is Yumeshima. here now, aim at the Osaka Expo. and, the other one is the Tokyo Bay of a agenda from the Ishihara Governor era. (Is it Toyosu?)
That's too good to be true.
Oxford Economics the following prediction indicated.

[The push-up effect of GDP]in Tokyo area 1.4 trillion JPY (0.27% of the national GDP). in Osaka 0.95 trillion JPY (0.19% of the national GDP).
[Direct economic ripple effect by IR facility]in Tokyo area 1.2 trillion JPY/year. in Osaka area 0.8 trillion JPY/year.
[Aggregate spending]in Tokyo area 2.2 trillion JPY. in Osaka area 1.6 trillion JPY.
[Direct employment in the IR facility]in Tokyo area 34,500 people. in Osaka area 26,000 people.
[Job creation]in Tokyo area 103,000 people. in Osaka area 77,500 people.
[Expansion forecast of personal income]in Tokyo Area 450 billion JPY. in Osaka area 340 billion JPY.
[Annual tax revenue (the national tax + local tax)]in Tokyo Area 470 billion JPY. in Osaka area 340 billion JPY.
[Job creation associated with the construction (4 or 5 years)]in Tokyo area 98,000 people/year. in Osaka area 80,500 people/year.

In addition, the director predicted the purchasing activities of the casino and related facilities. in the Tokyo area is 180 billion JPY and in the Osaka area is 150 billion JPY.
However, it had based on the example of the success of Singapore. it's not good in recent years. In surely, the United States company "Marina Bay Sands" might be profitable. Osaka governor had visited in here at this summer. however, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun of June 15, local company "Genting Singapore" has been forced to workforce reduction of the casino. that cause is China's economic slowdown and because the high users was reduced by the economic slowdown and the anti-corruption movement. according to the local media it has been the dismissal of 400 people. this Genting Singapore is a group company of Genting of the casino group of Malaysia, but because reliance on VIP was higher, it was greater blow than the Marina Bay Sands to compete. that net income is 2015 December year-on-year 85 % decline for the full year. 2016 January-March quarter have plummeted with the year-on-year 83% decline.
Where there is light there is shadow. DMO, evaluation of the shadow is also necessary.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"



No.105 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" October Issue

【観光庁と文化庁のお財布】The purses of the Japan Tourism Agency and the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

 2017年度の観光庁当初予算の概算要求額は、2016年度予算比で58%増の316億2800万円。これは防衛予算の164分の1とはいえ、2015年比で三倍以上である。東北の観光復興予算を合わせると373億6300万円だ。奇妙なことに、 『民泊』推進予算は1億3400万円にまで大幅に減少した。それが今年度の予算を倍増したのだが。




2017 fiscal initial budget request amount of the budget of the JTA is 31.628 billion JPY of 58% increase in the fiscal 2016 budget ratio. this is three times more than 2015, although in 1/164 of the defense budget. the case of combined of tourist reconstruction budget of the Tohoku is 37.363 billion JPY. oddly enough, the propulsion budget of "Minpaku" has been greatly reduced to 134 million JPY. although it was doubled this fiscal year's budget.
JTA aims the following three visions, in association with the budget request. this is what has been formulated in March of this year.

① "The development of stress-free tourism environment."
15.5 billion JPY to the development of acceptance infrastructure and accelerated business for the inbound. it's for improving the acceptance readiness in both soft with hard for inbound correspondence, by such as accommodations and train stations, bus terminals, the improvement of the tourist office.

② "Innovation of the tourism industry and strengthening of international competitiveness."
10 billion JPY to the Visit Japan business. Specifically, to devoted to such as advertising expenses to develop high-net-worth markets of the Europe, North America and Australia, in addition to the existing markets. Also, by the local cooperation Visit Japan Business 1.5 billion JPY and a human resource development project 391 million JPY, aims to build a mechanism to develop the human resources for, accommodation industry and DMO.

③ "Improvement of the attractiveness of tourism resources underlying the Regional Revitalization."
This is, 1.99 billion JPY to support of the formation promotion business of 11 routes of the wide area sightseeing tour that has received the certification of the country. 252 million JPY to support projects of the tourist zone. and, 440 million JPY on the support to the charm creative business of  a single municipality.


①『豊かな文化芸術の創造・活用と人材育成』 約234.98億円。





Incidentally, 2017 fiscal initial budget request amount of the Agency for Cultural Affairs is 122.454 billion JPY of 17.8% increase in the fiscal 2016 budget ratio. it's a JTA four times nearly scale. that vision is a realization of the "Culture and Arts Nation" of the World-Class. the main items follows.

① "The creation of the rich cultural artistic, and its utilization. the development of human resources." about 23.498 billion JPY.

② "Preservation of irreplaceable cultural assets, and utilization. such as inheritance." about 54.797 billion JPY.

③ "The promotion of cultural programs for the cultural and artistic nation, and enhance functionality of the Agency for Cultural Affairs." about 38.355billion JPY.

④ "Transmission of the variegated Japanese culture and arts, and promotion of international cultural exchange." about 2.588 billion JPY.

⑤ "The development of infrastructure to support the Culture Creation, and the extension." about 38.261 billion JPY.

【日米合作旅客機】Japan-US cooperation airliner


On August 27, Japan's first jet airliner MRJ took off in test flight from Nagoya Airport to the United States. but, it was turned back immediately for the failure of the air conditioning system. and the next day of the re-flight also was the same results. according to the August 30 news, the next time flight outlook has been the end of the September. because it repair of air conditioning equipment and takes time on Russian re-flight procedures as a stopover.※
The tone of Japanese medias is severe.
Development costs of the MRJ of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries turned to until 330 billion JPY or more, including the government-sponsored. shipbuilding of the core business also is a large deficit. Really, can you take the profit?
However, it is a mistake to doubt technological capabilities of Japan. its air-conditioning system is not a Japanese products. this is made in Hamilton Sundstrand of the United States. this a company based in Windsor Locks, CT, is the largest supplier of  the world in the field of aerospace products and industrial products. in addition, there is also a major supplier of the military aircraft or the international space program. this company has been also manufacturing, power supply and APU, a fuel tank explosion-proof and high-lift device, and fire protection system in addition to the air conditioning system. medias should take the comment.
However, for some reason the Japanese medias is silent. although that feeling is understandable. because the domestic products airliner is a long-cherished wish since the YS-11.
Incidentally, the hydraulic system is Parker Aerospace. electronic equipment and flight control system is the Rockwell Collins. and, engine is the engine that Pratt & Whitney of the United States has developed.


※According to the news of follow-up, the failed part is a system of the monitoring the functions of the air conditioning system of left side, was not body of the air conditioning system.

【スノーデン事件】The Snowden Incident


The "Snowden incident" on 2013 is the former employee Edward Snowden whistle-blowing of CIA. it was the United States government is the incident of surprise that is doing the spying until to the general public, by using the National Security Agency. its contents is, the interception of Internet and telephone line are 3 billion / month in the United States and 97 billion / month in the world. the details of the Information collected from the interception of the telephone is, address, name, telephone call content recording, and, caller both the telephone number, individual number of the terminal, the card numbers. moreover, also the location information from the base stations. and the Information collected from the interception of the internet is, E-mail, chat, phone, video, photos, file transfer, video conferencing, and registration information. these had been done by the back door censorship system the PRISM.
Japan is no exception.
I've read in a "The Snowden Files" of Foreign correspondent Luke Harding of "The Guardian" at two years ago. The UK government extorted of destruction of the their PC to the Guardian's editors. it was a impressive than anything else.
In those days, also Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, has published a book "No Place To Hide". this Ms. Poitras is a director of the documentary film. that film is the "Citizen Four". this film had won the 87th Academy Awards Documentary Feature Film Award.※
Nevertheless, overwhelmingly there is no name recognition in Japanese. Theaters number is also very limited. unlike entertainment movies, because people who pay the money to the society study is minority. although the marketing analysis of the DMO's "M" or "Pokemon Go" is also one of them, Information collection technology is evolving. ignorance and apathy is dangerous.
Formerly, "Bad is not possible because Otentosama (sun) has seen". in now "Bad is not possible because PRISM has monitoring". in any case, there is no problem in the case of the innocent?
the privacy problem is not just emotion theory. it's a problems related to the sovereignty of democracy proposed by Lincoln.
According to the AFP on August 20, part of the secret code of NSA had been a leaked on the Internet by the hacker groups. it's the work of Spectre?


※There is also another Snowden the movie. it's Oliver Stone director's "Snowden". this movie is decided to distribute in the United States by an independent movie company Open Road Films, because refused all major movie company. it would not be seen in Japan perhaps.

【なら奈良レポート2016.0901】Report a precedent of Nara 2016.0901


The weekday of September's first day tourists less. vicinity of the Nara Station is no exception. tourists is sporadic also in Nara Park also in shopping street. the walker is general public or office workers only. the tourist bus street parking is also not. it's a pure state. also enthusiastic people on "Pokemon Go" is not almost. the inbound is fewer people. and, tourist of the senior citizens also.
Nara visit of this time, serves also as the promotion of "walk the Asuka" of the events of November 13 of Motoori Norinaga Memorial organizers.
We have met with executives three people at the Visitors Bureau. and, we heard that the summer tourists in this city is not many.
However, lyricism of this ancient city is the autumn is the most beautiful. the "Shikinen-Zotai" of "Kasuga-Taisha" also is finally the climax at the "Honden-Senza-Sai" November 6.
Topics, from the decoration of the gate of Norinaga's old house, lasted to the 5,000 people survey had 30% of Matsusaka citizens agreed that "Matsusaka is a kanko destination (tourist destination)". it would be a higher rate than Tokyo of the most popular "kanko destination (tourist destination)", perhaps. because most of the Tokyo residents doesn't think Tokyo is "kanko destination (tourist destination)". although I write in detail also in No.100, Japanese word "Kanko" are very strange word. http://ohmss700.blogspot.jp/2016/04/no1002016.html?m=1
I use the sake of convenience this word in the Japanese version too, but it is concerned that will be tied to parochial concept, because it's Japan's a unique ambiguous word. not only, there is a possibility that lack integrity on the DMO, at the gap with the "tourist" or "visitor".
This thinking, became more prominent in Uda Matsuyama of castle town of the "Conservation District of Traditional Buildings" on the return journey. people who visit in here are not in the so-called "kanko". it's history lovers, not a going on a pleasure jaunt.
Its in the entrance of the street "Kurokawa soy sauce brewery" is a rare facility in modern times to using the natural water from underground. such a traditional manufacturing method is supporting Intangible Cultural Heritage "Washoku".


【夏のサミット効果】A "summit effect" of summer


According to the Chunichi Shimbun, visitors and tourists who visited the main tourist facilities of Toba at Obon period (August 10-18) is 107,288 people. this town is the largest tourist destination in the Ise-Shima the G7 Summit held.
At the same period last year, Toba Aquarium is 1.8% increase in 51,813 people. Pearl Road Toba observatory is 6.8% increase in 14,060 people. Toba Bay Tour and Dolphin Island was 0.7% decrease in 12,496 people. Or less, Mikimoto Pearl Island increased 20.2%. Toba Marche of the agricultural and marine products shop increased 19.8 %. Ama Culture Museum decreased 32.9%. and Sea Museum decreased 22.1%. the estimates of accommodation also decreased 5.9% in 79,009 people※. the passengers of public transport (JR, Kintetsu, and the ferry) decreased 1.7%. the main parking is 2.5% increase.
As a whole an increase of 3.4%. is not in the 34.
Nevertheless, the local government agencies, it seems want to there was a so-called "Summit effect". however, this increase is visitors from short range. is not the tourists.


※According to the Chunichi Shimbun of September 10, 2015, the estimates of accommodation of that year's same season is 83,944 people. that revenues is 1,359,892,800 JPY, if average price of a busy period estimated to be 16,200 JPY per person. but, this year is 1,279,945,800 JPY because 79,009 people.
In other words, Toba a lost of 79,947,000 JPY profit.

【7月の経常収支/国際収支】July's Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments


On September 8, the Ministry of Finance has been released July's "Current Account Balance" (Balance of Payments). it was published in the 10th edition morning edition dated September 9, at the Chunichi Shimbun, but there missing description of the Primary Income Balance. it seem to have been surging, but the average value with the plunged of last month is 1.0556 trillion JPY. changes on the downward trend is not. also the average of the Current Account Balance is a 1.4563 trillion JPY. in other words, stable surplus is the Travel Balance that only. although Inbound has increased, the Passenger transport is worsening at both the Air-Sea.
Incidentally, Inbound estimation value of this month is 2,296,500 people, Outbound was 1,427,000 people.

[経常収支/国際収支 2016]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments 2016

 Jan.  520,800,000,000 JPY
 Feb.2,434,900,000,000 JPY
 Mar.2,980,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.1,878,500,000,000 JPY
 May.1,809,100,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  974,400,000,000 JPY
 Jul.1,938,200,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade
 Jan. ▲411,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  425,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  927,200,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  697,100,000,000 JPY
 May.   39,900,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  763,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  613,900,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services
 Jan. ▲226,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  159,500,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  242,900,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲401,200,000,000 JPY
 May.  117,400,000,000 JPY
 Jun. ▲167,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul. ▲222,300,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income Balance
 Jan.1,331,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.2,045,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.2,131,700,000,000 JPY
 Apr.1,780,500,000,000 JPY
 May.1,898,200,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  417,500,000,000 JPY
 Jul.1,693,800,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
 Jan. ▲172,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb. ▲194,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar. ▲321,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲197,900,000,000 JPY
 May. ▲246,500,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  ▲39,100,000,000 JPY
 Jul. ▲147,300,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
 Jan.  ▲52,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  ▲43,600,000,000 JPY
 MAr.  ▲52,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  ▲53,900,000,000 JPY
 May.  ▲60,400,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  ▲52,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  ▲72,500,000,000 JPY

○トラベル Travel
 Jan.  134,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  123,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  110,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  155,900,000,000 JPY
 May.  125,400,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  127,000,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  147,400,000,000 JPY

○その他サービス Other Services
 Jan. ▲308,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   79,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  184,900,000,000 JPY
 Apr. ▲503,900,000,000 JPY
 May.   52,500,000,000 JPY
 Jun. ▲242,000,000,000 JPY
 Jul. ▲297,200,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
 Jan.     ▲500,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲1,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   ▲1,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲1,100,000,000 JPY
 May.   ▲1,300,000,000 JPY
 Jun.     ▲600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   ▲1,700,000,000 JPY

○海上貨物 Sea Freight
 Jan.   37,400,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   33,000,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   37,200,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   30,500,000,000 JPY
 May.   32,100,000,000 JPY
 Jun.   36,700,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   28,700,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
 Jan.  ▲29,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  ▲24,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  ▲49,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  ▲29,300,000,000 JPY
 May.  ▲34,400,000,000 JPY
 Jun.  ▲37,500,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  ▲52,200,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
 Jan.    5,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    4,400,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    5,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    6,500,000,000 JPY
 May.    6,500,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    6,100,000,000 JPY
 Jul.    5,900,000,000

【豊洲市場問題の陰で】In the shade of Toyosu market problem


The State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China was defined that as not be able to take out to overseas at until only 50,000 USD per year from January in this year. as a result, the "Explosive shopping" of Japanese products has almost gone, but it not only, the explosive shopping of the real estate has been also gone. because the Chinese economy is slowing down.
China is want to stop the decrease of asset outflow and foreign currency reserves. the crack down of authorities seems very harsh. for example, the way of take out to overseas at the upper limit of 50,000 US dollars per one collaborators also became crack down ​​strictly. if five person or more in the same overseas account has performed the remittance, the person who carried out the Name-lending will be put in the black list of the authorities.
The suppression to this Chinese investors is affected adversely to the Japanese real estate market. although Japanese newspaper is not yet written, In Tokyo, it has started the collapse of the bubble of new condominiums without waiting for the Tokyo Olympics already. units sold of April-July decreased more than 30 % the same month last year. according to the NLI Research Institute real estate investment team, the acquisition of large-scale real estate by foreign investors was stopped momentum in the second half of last year, and seems fallen to almost half the level from the beginning of this year. in addition, according to the Mizuho Securities Market Information Strategy, the condominium stocks in Tokyo is 6498 units at July, it seems that is level close to the collapse of the real estate mini-bubble of around 2009.
After all, in order to improve the International balance of payments, it seems there is no way other than the increase in Inbound.

【8月のインバウンド】August's Inbound


Inbound estimates of August which was announced from JNTO in September 21 is 2,049,200 people. on the other hand an Outbound is 1,825,000 people. as a result, the total of Inbound from January is 16,059,500 people, Outbound became 11,172,600 people. increasing trend of inbound has slowly followed.
The concern to a strong yen is always dogged, but is increasing also from the Western. in particular, Inbound from Italy and Spain became a record high as a single month. increase of Inbound of the year-on-year is Italy 10.5%, and Spain is 11.7%. also, United Kingdom is 5.1%. Germany is 5.9%. France is 11.8%. The United States is 15.4%. and Canada is 23.3 %.
Apparently, a strong yen does not seem to affect the trend of the wealthy class from a long distance. also, fortunately Japan is a very safe country also in terms of terrorism.
The problem is large-scale natural disaster due to the environmental change.

【環境変化への対応】Response to the environmental change


So far Hokkaido landing of the typhoon was about once in a few years but it was continuously landfalls at this summer. according to the Hokkaido, that total damage amounts is 168 billion JPY or more at September 13 current. also according to the Tourism economy Newspaper of September 17, the accommodation cancellation of the Hokkaido, became 29214 people in total at from July to October by concerns about the typhoon damage.
This environmental change is caused by global warming. It's a fact that cannot be refuted already.
According to the AFP of September 14, the average temperature in Greenland southeast coast of summer was become 8.2 degrees, the highest in the observation since 1895. this August was hot than July. in September 16 the United Nations World Meteorological Organization has announced from Geneva. and, the abnormal temperatures was warned that is becoming a new standard. namely, already the temperatures of July is proven to be most hot in one year from the data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. therefore, this result of August, it can be said that indicates that the temperature of the Earth has been steep climb.
"Until now was the case, So it would be also same in the future."
It is no longer apply. this abrupt climate change, to destroy the common sense of a particular generation, but the next generation would be recognized as an everyday affair.
Of course, the disaster management is also is required. but, the business development in line with the new environment is also required. there is a need to research.
For example, what to do with the replacement by the northern limit going north of agricultural products?
Also, what to do with the replacement by if the ski resort is no longer function?
Depending on the site, an all-weather facility will be also require in order to avoid the visitors to shunned by hot weather or rain.
The environmental change is ringleader of disaster not only. it is also to generating new contents. in September 16, a luxury liner Crystal Serenity are arrived in New York that through the Northwest Passage finished the first-ever historic journey to the Arctic Circle. Arctic sea route has planned also in other countries such as Russia.
Also, the environmental change, might become tailwind for the Far East Joint Development of Japan and Russia. Already JAL and Russian S7 Airlines, has been signed to a code-share agreement from 2013.
However, from the Japanese medias it is difficult to know the movements to environmental change. to because there is a possibility that infringe the vested interests by the movement of wealth.

【ベルラインの廃止】The abolition of "Bell Line"


Currently, Prefecture that doesn't have an airport is Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, Yamanashi, Kanagawa, Gunma, Saitama, and is a Mie Prefecture. but in the case of Mie Prefecture, by the sea route, it's directly connected to the Chubu Centrair International Airport of the Ise Bay. at the time of the airport start-ups in 2005, each municipalities of prefecture was euphoric to excessive expectations to the "International Airport". this was thought everyone to be able to reach all of the world. So, municipalities with the harbor was considered to want the maritime route business. the first entered city is Tsu, Toba, then Yokkaichi and Matsusaka. furthermore, Ise even was about to enter.
However, these all became unprofitable. the operating companies that have survived is Tsu Airport line that only. also, Matsusaka city too became entrusted to this company, Since the withdrawal of "Ezaki Kisen" in 2009.
Its the "Bell Line" abolition was become decisive. the user average number of original estimate was 600 people/day, but in recent years about 50 people/day. such a situation would be doesn't have a way. that abolition became December 19.
The cause of this gap is due to the region ego or the immature marketing?
I think the most significant cause is lack of the name recognition as International Airport in Chubu Centrair International Airport. anyhow, it was to American officials of UNWTO even also not known. No wonder. the North America flights is the five round trips in a week that only. is because its percentage to the total of the International flights was only 1.2%. the European flights also is ten round trips, 2.4% only. also when Ohmss with Nara borrowed the event hall of the airport in two days at february 2009, Westerners people were not came almost.
From September 2, the international lines of this airport is Asia become 88.3%, and its half of which has become a China mainland. it seems as if the Chinese Cargo International Airport.
In such a situation, the demand for the southern half of Mie Prefecture, would be very small.


According to the Chunichi Shimbun of September 13, from October 30, along the production base for Japanese companies such as Toyota, also will revive an air lines of the week 7 round trip to Chengdu. furthermore, Lanzhou line also will start service. it's the "Cold Politics and Hot Economy" as usual still. Or it will due to the "100-year contract"?
Increase is China flights that only. on the other hand, Detroit lines is there a possibility that more reduced is because Ford will withdraw from Japan.
This is number of weekly round trips of the Chubu Centrair International Airport (September 2 current).
Its the total is 413 round trips.





Beijing 21, Shanghai 67, Changsha 2, Changzhou 4, Dalian 4, Fuzhou 7, Guangzhou 7, Guiyang 3, Harbin 3, Hefei 6,
Hohhot 4, Kunming 2, Nantong 2, Ningbo 3, Qingdao 7, Shenyang 3, Shijiazhuang Zhuang 4, Taiyuan 3, Tianjin 7,
Wuhan 9, Xian 7, Yinchuan 4, Changqing 3.

Hong Kong 35. Taipei 46. Incheon 42, Busan 7. Manila 13, Cebu 3. Bangkok 19. Hanoi 7, Ho Chi Minh City 4. Singapore 7.

Honolulu 12. Guam 14.

Frankfurt 3. Helsinki 7. Abu Dhabi 7. Detroit 5.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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