No.108 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" January Issue
【奈良ならレポート2016.1130】Report a precedent of Nara 2016.1130
晩秋の奈良訪問。まだ平城京歴史館は休館中なので、アポイントメントはビジターズビューローとUNWTO / APTECのみである。おかげで時間的余裕をみて、興福寺の猿沢池周辺をウォッチングする事ができた。もちろん奈良公園もである。
Visit to Nara in late autumn. because Heijo Kyo Historic Museum is still closed, the appointment is only Nara Visitors Bureau and the UNWTO/APTEC. therefore we got some time margin. So we was able to look of the around the Sarusawa-ike of Kofuku-ji. Of course also on Nara Park.
However, I thought that it is still crowded as it was just after Kasuga Taisha's Senza-sai, but surprisingly it was not. Inbound is also inconspicuous, and most souvenir stands were not open either. apparently, also the school trip season seems to have ended. because there is no winter sports in Nara, the next season is spring. I hope many children will visit in to here.
Although, in Japan the number of children is drastically decreasing. Really, how much marketability will be lost on "school trips" by declining birth rate?
As a matter of fact, this theme is one of the datas which I brought to Nara on this day, on together with the "Current Account Balance" until September.
[日本の出生数確定値]Definite value of birth number in Japan
Japanese newspapers report the number of births of the previous year every year at New year's Day. but, it is from an annual estimate of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare demographic statistics. is not accurate. According to the Chunichi Shimbun delivered at the New Year's Day 2016, the birth number in 2015 was 1,008,000 people as it increased by 4,000 people compared to 2014.
However, the definite value that are announced secretly in early September was 1,005,677people far less than the reported estimates. the comparison with exact 2014 it's an increase of 2,138 people only. but, despite the fact that the comparison of the New Year's article is based on a definite value two years ago, there is no report on this.
The following is a record of Definite value of birth number in Japan since entering this century. of course, the source is Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. as you can see, the school trip market, already that it has fallen to 1 million and several thousand people a year. if that evenly dividing in 47 prefectures, the market size is only 2 or 3 million people on per prefecture.
Incidentally, the highest number of births in the past was 2,696,638 at 1949. this is 2.68 times of the 2015.
This fact, suggests not only school trips but also the decline of domestic travel at the near future. So, Inbound promotion is irreversible, regardless of whether you like it or not.
Nonetheless, there are many the great persons who can not escape from the old idea that "tourists = people of the city". They are misunderstanding that it will also reach foreign countries if they direct their transmitter to Tokyo on information dissemination. that is not an easy thing.besides, even in major metropolitan areas, if you go out of the main street one step, you are would seeing the impact of the declining birthrate and aging population. it would be covered all over the country.
if speak figuratively, Japan now on is the autumn.
From now on, only cities that understand the difference between "kanko-kyaku" with "tourists" will be sustainable, definitely. before winter comes, consciousness reform is necessary.
【カジノの破産】Casino bankruptcy
The IR law (The casino law) was passed at early dawn of 15th December. it seems that was in a very hurry for some reason, despite public opinion being skeptical.
Although, even if this bill is passed, it will not be possible to create a casino immediately.
The Government needs to prepare an "implementation bill" detailing the selection procedure of the installation area and the use of profits, in within one year after enforcement.
By any means, can you make it in time?
Or, is there already a model?
Although, there is sustainability in the casino?
And, who will make a profit?
According to AFP on November 2, it is said that Atlantic City, New Jersey now is exposed to excessive competition with neighboring states where casinos have surged. "Atlantic Club" on January 13 this year, "Show boat" at the end of August, and on September 4 "Level" was closed. also in November there is also "Trump Taj Mahal". according to state gambling regulatory authorities, the casino revenues in January to August this year are stagnating at 1.84 billion USD, down 6.3% from 1.97 billion USD in the same period last year.
Also in Japan, Yokohama City, Nagasaki Prefecture, and Hokkaido are raising hands as well, not only Tokyo and Osaka. if the target is only inbound, the falling together is a matter of time.
Also for local companies, the IR facilities are a tough business rival. notably, it is a big problem will be that consumer behavior is almost completely in the IR facilities. and, the history and culture of the area become far away even if it is nearby.
I've already recorded about the casino bill since two years ago. see No. 77, No. 80, No. 106.
【カジノ法案】Casino bill
【カジノはサービス収支向上に役立つか?】Casino is help to improve the Balance on services ?
【カジノとIR施設】Casino and IR facility
【GNIとタックス・ヘイブン、そしてカジノ】GNI and Tax havens, and Casinos
最近、日本の首相が口にしなくなった経済指標の一つにGNIがある。GNIとは、国民総所得 Gross National Income の略で、国内総生産に『海外からの所得の純受取』を加えたものである。日本から外国への資本や人材の投資収益は国内総生産(GDP) には貢献しないが、外国への投資で高い収益を確保できれば国民総所得に対しては貢献する。首相は2013年6月の骨太の方針で、一人当たりのGNIが2022年までに150万円上昇すると謳っていた。
しかし、この経済指標は2012年以降は減少傾向にある。外務省経済局のレポート2016年11/25バージョンによると、2012年の確定値は47,870 USドル、2013年は46,330 USドル、2014年は42,000 USドル、そして2015年は36,680 USドルだった。
ところで、( )は国連統計2015からの人口だ。お気づきのように、それはいくつかのタックス・ヘイブンをも浮き彫りにしている。
One of the economic indicators that the Japan's Prime Minister no longer talks about recently is GNI. this is the sum of the gross domestic product plus "net income from overseas". the return on capital and human resources investment from Japan to foreign countries do not contribute in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but on this is contribute to gross national income if it can secure high profits through foreign investment. The Prime Minister said in comprehensive policy June 2013, that GNI per capita will rise by 1.5 million JPY in until 2022.
However, this economic indicators has been declining since 2012. according to the November 25, 2016 version of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic Bureau's report, the definite value of 2012 was 47,870 USD, 2013 was 46,330 USD, 2014 was 42,000 USD, and, 2015 was 36,680 USD.
The following international rankings are excerpts of the per capita GNI in 2015 from World Development Indicators database of The World Bank on October 11 2016. it is not nominal. Japan is 39th place. Incidentally, although I've recorded in No. 74. incidentally 2012 was 21th place. the missing number is the World Bank un-member country.
By the way, ( ) is the population from UN's Statistics 2015. As you have noticed, it highlights even the tax havens of some.
Also, * is countries with the legal casinos (excluding online). Although casinos say there is a problem to be abused in money laundering, it seems not necessarily the case.
1 モナコ Monaco.. No data (38,000人)*
2 リヒテンシュタイン Liechtenstein.. No data (38,000人)
3 英領バミューダ Bermuda..106,140 USD (62,000人)*
4 ノルウェー Norway.. 93,820 USD (5,211,000人)
5 シャネル諸島 Channel Islands.. No data (164,000人)
6 カタール Qatar.. 85,430 USD (2,235,000人)
7 スイス Switzerland.. 84,180 USD (8,299,000人)*
8 .. ..
9 マン島 Isle of Man.. 83,920 USD (88,000人)*
10 ルクセンブルク Luxembourg.. 77,000 USD (567,000人)*
11 マカオ Macao SAR, China.. 76,300 USD (588,000人)*
12 豪州 Australia.. 60,070 USD (23,969,000人)*
13 デンマーク Denmark.. 58,590 USD (5,669,000人)*
14 スェーデン Sweden.. 57,810 USD (9,779,000人)*
15 米国 United States.. 54,960 USD (321,774,000人)*
16 シンガポール Singapore.. 52,090 USD (5,604,000人)*
17 ケイマン諸島 Cayman Islands.. No data (600,000人)*
18 アイスランド Iceland.. 49,730 USD (329,000人)
19 オランダ Netherlands.. 48,940 USD (16,925,000人)*
20 フェロー諸島 Faroe Islands.. No data (48,000人)
21 .. ..
22 カナダ Canada.. 47,500 USD (35,940,000人)*
23 オーストリア Austria.. 47,120 USD (8,545,000人)*
24 アイルランド Ireland.. 46,680 USD (4,688,000人)
25 フィンランド Finland.. 46,360 USD (5,503,000人)*
26 ドイツ Germany.. 45790 USD (80,689,000人)*
27 ベルギー Belgium.. 44360 USD (11,299,000人)*
28 アンドラ Andorra.. 43,270 USD (70,000人)
29 英国 United Kingdom.. 43,340 USD (64,716,000人)*
30 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates.. 43,170 USD (9,157,000人)
31 .. ..
32 香港 Hong Kong SAR, China.. 41,000 USD (7,288,000人)
33 クェート Kuwait.. 40,930 USD (3,892,000人)
34 フランス France.. 40,580 USD (64,395,000人)*
35 .. ..
36 ニュージーランド New Zealand.. 40,080 USD (4,529,000人)*
37 .. ..
38 .. ..
39 日本 Japan.. 36,680 USD (126,573,000人)
40 イスラエル Israel.. 35,440 USD (8,064,000人)*
以降抜粋 Excerpt from here
44 スペイン Spain.. 28,520 USD (46,122,000人)*
46 韓国 Korea, Rep... 27,440 USD (50,293,000人)*
53 マルタ Malta.. 21,000 USD (419,000人)*
55 ポルトガル Portugal.. 20,530 USD (10,350,000人)*
81 パナマ Panama.. 12,050 USD (3,929,000人)*
84 ロシア Russian Federation.. 11,400 USD (143,457,000人)*
85 マレーシア Malaysia.. 10,570 USD (30,331,000人)*
96 中国 China.. 7,820 USD (1,376,049,000人)
144 フィリピン Philippines.. 3,540 USD* (100,699,000人)*
170 インド India.. 1,590 USD (1,311,051,000人)*
【10月の経常収支/国際収支】October's Current Account Balance / Balance of payments
On December 8, October's Current account balance / Balance of payments was released from the Treasury Department.
As usual, news shows only says positive information, but, Trade balance, Service balance, and Primary income balance also on a downward trend when considering the overall trend from January. a stable industry are seems to be only that inbound industry, although it is a low level still. however, Air passengers and Sea passengers is no good at all.
[経常収支/国際収支 2016]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments 2016
Oct.1,719,900,000,000 JPY
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade
Oct. 587,600,000,000 JPY
○サービス収支 Services
Oct. ▲171,900,000,000 JPY
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income Balance
Oct.1,469,600,000,000 JPY
○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Oct. ▲165,400,000,000 JPY
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport
Oct. ▲59,500,000,000 JPY
○トラベル Travel
Oct. 113,800,000,000 JPY
○その他サービス Other Services
Oct. ▲226,100,000,000 JPY
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
Oct. ▲500,000,000 JPY
○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Oct. 40,100,000,000 JPY
○航空旅客 Air Passenger
Oct. ▲42,300,000,000 JPY
○航空貨物 Air Freight
Oct. 4,700,000,000 JPY
【混ぜるな危険】Don't mix, it's dangerous
To be honest I hesitated this posting. because thought this was not related to the tourism industry. Inbound is also increasing. but, there is also a necessity to inform the truth toward the Olympics. because a precious judgment material even for world athletes. After all, I decided to write honestly.
最も高濃度だったのが千葉県の印旛沼につながる花見川の452-789 Bq/kgだ。これは、原発で使用されたコンクリートや金属が再利用できる基準値100Bqの4-7倍以上である。河口から約700メートル離れたところでは76 Bq/Kgに下がったそうだ。どうやらセシウムは沈澱しやすいようである。
The Tokyo Shimbun company independently investigated the radioactive materials concentration by collecting sediments at the estuaries of major rivers poured into Tokyo Bay. the subject of investigation is cesium which emits gamma rays, following the country. such as strontium 90 and tritium which emit beta rays are not covered. this article was published in the morning edition of December 2.
According to this, the sampling carried out on September 16-17. it is the third time at this year, following September 2014 and September 2015. the sampling locations are the six estuary of the Tsurumi-gawa, the Tama-gawa, Sumida-gawa, Arakawa, the Old Edogawa and the Hanami-gawa. As a result, even after five and a half years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, it seems found that the concentration didn't decline so much due to the new accumulation of cesium carried in the river.
No wonder. Cesium 137 has a half-life of 30 years.
The highest concentration was Hanami-gawa leading to Inba-numa in Chiba Prefecture as 452-789 Bq/Kg. this is, more than 4-7 times the baseline value of 100 Bq which concrete and metal which have been used at nuclear power plants can be reused. It seems that it declined to 76 Bq/Kg when leaving about 700 meters from the estuary. apparently, cesium seems easy to precipitated.
Tokyo Shimbun injected a sludge made of stainless steel pipe to the bottom of the sea and collected sediments in a columnar shape, and examined the concentration every five centimeters. from the surface layer to the depth of 20 cm is 742-757 Bq/Kg, decreasing as going down and 45 Bq/Kg when depth exceeds 30 cm. In other words, the cesium that has flowed out of Inba-numa continues to accumulate now.
Other river situation are as follows. the estuary of Arakawa is 120-282 Bq/Kg. the surface layer 5 cm is 373 Bq/Kg. and, up to 30 cm is around 200 Bq/Kg, and Below that is around 60 Bq/Kg. the estuary of the old Edogawa is 164-201 Bq/Kg. the estuary of the Tama-gawa is 109-128 Bq/Kg. the estuary of the Sumida-gawa is 138-182 Bq/Kg. and, the estuary of the Tsurumi-gawa is 57-175 Bq/Kg. Inflow of cesium seems to be relatively few where the upstream of the river is the west. but, in any case, it would be better not to introduce waves and winds much.
[環境工学の准教授の話]A comment of the associate professor of environmental engineering
In the estuary of the river in the metropolitan area, it could confirmed that cesium is still supplied and continues to accumulate. Radioactive substances stay in the soil in forest areas and are hard to flow out into the water environment, but is pointed out that in urban areas it tends to flow into the water environment such as rivers.
[東京新聞の東京湾放射能調査]About the Tokyo Bay Radioactivity Survey of Tokyo Shimbun
It is under in September every year since 2014. that result of 2014 is published was October 13, and 2015 published in the morning edition of November 13. it measured the radioactive cesium concentration over 4 to 8 hours after drying the sediment at the bottom of the sea.
According to the Tokyo / Chunichi Shimbun on December 19, during the period from the occurrence of the explosion accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to the end of October 2016, in 14 port facilities nationwide, a part of used cars and construction heavy equipment exceeded the standard It is said that the radioactive material was detected. According to the Japan Harbor Transportation Association, at between August 2011 and October 2016 more than 0.3 μSV was detected and 12,950 units were stopped exporting (in 2016 are 146 units by until the end of October). however it's does not include the case of disassembling and exporting it, there are possibilities that the number of polluted units is even greater.
Contamination of these substances is caused by the placed environment. the Ministry of the Environment says that "If it reduces the radiation dose to below the reference value by purifying it Reusing and exporting is not a problem." however, decontamination in the evacuation area is scheduled to end in FY 2016. Increase in used cars and heavy machineries, which became unnecessary, is expected. at the same time, there is a possibility that the cancellation of export will increase in future.
Traders say that radioactive materials are decreasing due to natural decay. but, the half-life of cesium 137 is about 30 years. the five years is only one sixth yet. the problem is the import ban of foods.
On December 21, "Regulatory measures of foreign countries and regions" were updated. according to "Regulatory Measures in Other Countries and Regions" which updated on December 21, Mauritius, which had inspected all prefecture's foods and agricultural products, lifted regulation at December 15. However, looking at many items still banned in ITA, it is clear that it's due to environmental pollution. the details are recorded in No. 106.
【本音】A real intention
According to Tokyo Shoko Research Inc., a 10 million JPY or more at the total debt of the corporate bankruptcy from January 2016 to the end of November are 7736 cases. the top 12 companies are as follows. Shinwa Golf Resort is about 10 billion JPY. Izu Golf Development is also about 10 billion JPY. Repair House of gold trading is about 11.446 billion yen. For meat specialty trading company Shiba-kanzai, founded as Itoman's affiliated Company is about 14 billion JPY. Co-op Sapporo's Dokan is about 14.1 billion JPY, co-op Collaboration development is about 8.7 billion JPY, Co-op Cooperative Real Estate is about 4.3 billion JPY. Kankyuu Real Estate is about 15 billion JPY. Enterprise Jiyugaoka is about 15 billion JPY. Yoshida Golf Development is about 16.687 billion JPY. Yamanashi Prefecture's Forestry Corporation is about 26.12 billion JPY. And, Panasonic Plasma display is 500 billion JPY. As you can see, the number of real estate related companies is outstanding. this is clearly the impact of lower demand due to the declining birthrate and aging population. that is, the same situation as overstock.
And, December 15, a new large bankruptcy was added in there. that are IS, Hiroshima's major real estate development. that total debt debt amount is about 46.592 billion JPY.
In short, Tokyo Olympics, Mimpaku, Osaka Expo, and the IR facilities with casinos is also for prolong the life such companies.
【オリンピックによるインバウンド】Inbound by Olympics
Inbound will increases toward the Tokyo Olympic Games. the target for 2020 is 40 million people. So, "Minpaku" has to be made...
However, if looking at the data of UNWTO in Madrid, this logic has already failed.
The following is the inbound people number of each countries at the year of the Olympics and the years before and after the Olympics. this shows also the weakness of the summer Olympics. in London, it only increased by 90,000 people from the previous year. and in Beijing, 1.671 million people also decreased.
北京 Beijing 2008/China
2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年
49,913,000人 54,720,000人 53,049,000人 50,875,000人
バンクーバー Vancouver 2010/Canada
2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年
17,142,000人 15,737,000人 16,219,000人 16,016,000人
ロンドン London 2012/UK
2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年
28,296,000人 29,192,000人 29,282,000人 31,064,000人
ソチ Sochi 2014/Russia
2012年 2013年 2014年 2015年*
25,727,000人 28,356,000人 29,848,000人 31,346,000人
リオ Rio de Janeiro 2016/Brazil
2014年 2015年*
6,430,000人 6,306,000人
・The statistics of 2016 have not been issued yet. * is provisional value.
【日露首脳会談】Russia-Japan summit meeting
Russian President arrived at Ohtani Sanso in Nagato City Yamaguchi Prefecture after 6 pm on December 15. The arrival in Japan by the presidential special aircraft was delayed about two and a half hours behind the original schedule, the arrival at Ube Airport arrived 4:47. stay in Japan is only this day and next day. Thus, the Russia-Japan summit meeting began.
The meeting on this day was about peace treaty. On the second day, moved to Tokyo and about economic cooperation.
However, there was no big compromise on the territorial issue. according to the Chunichi Shimbun morningpaper of December 17, The secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party Nikai intimate to China and South Korea said that "the majority of the people are disappointed." ※
Is that so?
Does Japanese industries do not want the possibility of a huge market substituting for China?
No such thing. at the summit of this time, 80 agreement documents are signed between the government and enterprises. It seems that the relationship between Japan and Russia has returned to the level at least of three years ago.
2013 in this year, a Joint Statement on the development of the Russia-Japan partnership" and 2 plus 2 talks (Japan-Russia Foreign and Defense ministerial talks) held. Also, in February of the following year, the prime minister participated in the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics. But, due to the Ukraine issue, Russia was subject to economic sanctions by Western countries, and the Russia-Japan relationship was also retreated.
The part where the two leaders agree at this sumit is that they, first conduct joint economic activities in the Northern Territories / Kuril Islands, and the conclusion of the "Peace Treaty" is the next step.
However, this is not a Joint Statement or a Joint Declaration. In other words, that is a joint press conference. there is no political binding force. that true value is determined by the quality and quantity of the people exchanges. in this regard, deregulation of visas is a reasonable measure.
Incidentally, According to the interview of NNN news on December 16, Russian President expressed concern about the Russian side concerning the territorial issue.
There is a base in Vladivostok and its northern part. We depart from there to the Pacific region. We don't know will how Japan and the US deal with the Japan-US Security Treaty. I would like all of my Japanese comrade, to understand the concerns of the Russian side.
In other words, there is a possibility that a US military base will be comes if it Japan territory.
※ Mr. Nikai was dedicated to China and South Korea for many years, but could not suppress of the anti-Japan.
【グローバル観光セミナー】The Global Tourism Seminar
12/21。 UNWTO国連世界観光機関 / APTECアジア太平洋観光交流センター(RSOAP) は、ホテル日航奈良で、グローバル観光セミナーを開催した。
45頁ある資料によれば、今にちの高山市の隆盛も、全ては1986年の『国際観光宣言』から始まった事がよく分かる。(残念ながら、三重県の各都市は、まだその域に達していない。) また、インバウンドの主流は四割を超える欧・米からであり、意外にも、中・韓からは『昇龍道』の予想に反して僅か1ないし2%に過ぎなかった。
そして、タイ国政府観光庁大阪事務所のマーケティングマネージャーによる、amazing THAILAND/タイ観光の推移と発展だ。文字通り、これはタイにおけるインバウンド・ビジネスの推移と取り組みである。
締めは副代表によるUNWTO/RSOAPレポートだ。 最後に紹介された動画も魅力的だった。
December 21. UNWTO / APTEC (RSOAP) held a global tourism seminar at Hotel Nikko Nara.
UNWTO / APTEC are hosts several seminars and conferences. December 2014 was "International seminar on nomadic culture and tourism in Mongolia". September 2015 was "International Tourism Seminar in Kansai". And, February this year there was "International Conference on Heritage Tourism", and in June, also "Conference on Tourism and Technology". the tourism business often tends to fall into localism. these events that provide an objective perspective are valuable. I participation is the fifth in this time.
The seminar began with greetings Representative of the UNWTO / APTEC. He had the first bureau director of the Japan Tourism Agency, also is an insightful person. he said, that he would change the name to the "Japan office of the United Nations World Tourism Organization", along with organizational strengthening. also, it is said that a Tokyo office will be open as well. because Japan aims from a "Tourism Nation" become to a "Tourism-Economic Power". before the coffee break I talked to the representative. It seems that he remembered me. as an enigma.
The greeting of the guest is JTA 's a counselor. he introduced the three themes of this time speakers. that is, Recognition of current situation. Learn from domestic advanced cases. Learn from overseas advanced cases (Thailand).
Well, The first lecture is on the market trend in Inbound and the prospects for 2017, by the principal investigator of the JTB Research Institute.
Truly numbers are honest, his the current situation analysis by his latest data, is consistent with my the "Current Account Balance" analysis in many respects. Especially, regarding the fact that the "special landing" of the Chinese inbound has exceeded "short-term stay". Needless to say, accommodation facilities are not necessary for cruise customers who are on the upward trend. So, even if the inbound of China increases, the stay will not be proportional.
Next, on Takayama's inbound efforts, by president of the Hida-Takayama International Guest Services Association.
According to a document with pages 45, it is clear that all the prosperity of Takayama city nowadays has started with the 1986 "International Tourism Declaration". (Each cities in Mie prefecture has not reached that level yet, unfortunately.) Also, the mainstream inbound is more than 40% from Europe and the United States. from China and South Korea it was only 1-2% against the expectation of the "Dragon Road", surprisingly.
And, amazing THAILAND / the trend and development of Thai tourism by Osaka office of the Tourism Authority of Thailand.
The final is the UNWTO / RSOAP report. also the moving image released at the end was attractive.
【トラ・トラ・トラ!】Tora! Tora! Tora! 真珠湾攻撃を題材にした映画の一つに『トラ・トラ・トラ!』がある。この映画は、1970年に日米合作で制作された、ドキュメンタリータッチの太平洋戦争開戦譚だ。配給は20世紀フォックスである。首相の真珠湾訪問を機に、私はこの映画を見直した。
『よもの海 みなはらからと思ふ世に など波風のたちさわぐらむ』。彼はそれを二度繰り返したと伝えた。
There one of the movies with the Pearl Harbor attack as a theme is "Tora! Tora! Tora!". this movie had made in 1970 with the US-Japan cooperation, and, it the beginning of the Pacific War that drew with documentary touch. distributing are 20th century Fox. in connection with Japanese Prime Minister's visit to Pearl Harbor, I saw this movie again.
In this, there are scene that are very interesting. that in the Imperial court. Prime Minister said to Yamamoto Isoroku, that Emperor Showa said a Waka of Emperor Meiji in a conference in that decided the war, in the Imperial court.
"Although I think everything around the four ocean is a brother, why will waves and winds occur in this world and the conflict will break out?". it was said that he had repeated twice it.
Secretary of the Navy Yamamoto realized that this Waka is indirectly expressed his intention to "Don't war as the world is a compatriot". and, it seems that he felt a strong resistance against the decision of war.
The box office income of this movie was like not to be good in the US, but it successful in Japan. because this scene had matched to a public opinion of the anti Vietnam war movement era.
However, unfortunately this scene has only in the Japan version, it doesn't exist in the world version. I think that such duplicity is an obstacle to sharing the historical view of the people of the US and Japan.
A history is said to be the history of the winner, but in order for the contemporary people to widely share the folly of past people as a root, it is necessary to share unbiased information beyond nationalism. it is because a mutual understanding begins from there. And, by doing so, that will be also in one of the historical tourism contents.
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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"