【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 2月28日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of February 28
【地域の観光資源の磨き上げを通じた域内連携促進に向けた実証事業】Demonstration project to promote regional cooperation by refining local tourism resources
なお、具体的な方法と要注意点は pdf 化しておく。
As tourist destinations are greatly affected by the novel coronavirus infection, the lost tourism demand must be restored in the future.
To that end, it is necessary to further enhance the attractiveness of the region by refining the tourism resources that sleep in the region, and to thoroughly implement measures to prevent the spread of infection and spread and establish a safe and secure travel new style. What is important is to break down the vertical division within the region, and to refine tourism resources by collaborating with tourism businesses and tourism community development corporations (DMOs) and various businesses such as transportation businesses, fisheries, agriculture, and local industries.
From this perspective, the Japan Tourism Agency has decided to publicly solicit and support demonstration projects in which various stakeholders rooted in the region, such as tourism-related businesses and local public bodies, work together to refine tourism resources. And says that through the implementation of these demonstration projects, it will verify the direction of promoting regional cooperation toward the recovery of tourism demand and the revitalization of the regional economy.
As for the flow of business, the deadline for open recruitment of business is March 31, 2021. → Business selection / notification is around mid-May 3, 2021. → Business started. → The deadline for the final report is March 4, 2024. The second open call for participants is scheduled from early June to early July of 2021.
For the outline of the business content, prepare a business plan and the novel coronavirus infection countermeasure implementation manual. To refine tourism resources implemented in collaboration with various local businesses. To verify the business effect. Create a report, etc. and the implementing body (proposer) shall be a DMO rooted in the area, a tourism association, a private company based in the area, a local public organization, etc. and If the implementing body is not a local public body, cooperation with the local public body is essential.
This is the purpose of the public offering of the Japan Tourism Agency‘s "Demonstration project to promote regional cooperation by refining local tourism resources".
However, it is difficult to break through the vertically divided walls. In other words, it is the wall of the competent ministry in the country. For example, although history and culture exploration is the mainstream of tourism internationally, tourism is on the Japan Tourism Agency menu of the Ministry of Land Infrastructure Transport and Tourism, and culture is on the Agency for Cultural Affairs menu of the Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology. It is not that there is no matching method, but the current situation is that it is very limited. From experience, there are only two ways. One is top-down by the head of the local government who is good at tourism. The other is to find comprehensive factors from an objective point of view and obtain broad consensus. The point is to clarify the purpose. and, that's not the hardware side, but the software side.
Clarification of purpose
The purpose is "to revitalize the local economy." This is a sentence you often hear. So what is tourism revitalizing the local economy?
Of course that is about increasing revenue and creating jobs, by an increase in accommodations, prosperity of ready-to-eat restaurants, sales of souvenir shops, and an increase in visitors to tourist facilities. In addition, there are subcontractors, transportation businesses, infrastructure companies, real estate, regional banks, etc. too.
And, that is not difficult to reach an agreement if these are land that was originally developed as a recreational tourist destination after the war. Because the commercial area and the living area are being separated.
However, in areas where this was not the case, local consensus must be obtained from "Why should we focus on tourism?" And, many of the "promotion of tourism by utilizing the history and culture of the region", which is currently the focus, are emerging forces since the beginning of the 21st century. It can be said that it is difficult to reach a consensus with local residents that "it has nothing to do with me."
This is due to the resistance to the Japanese word "sightseeing spot". because is because no one wants the hustle and bustle of the living area.
Then what about a more comprehensive name instead of "sightseeing = site seeing"? That is, "Tourism". A major travel agency is already making the transition. I have written about this concept of tourism many times in the past, but in short, it is a global concept that also includes the Japanese language "Kanko." Then, clarify the purpose of encouraging visits.
Hardware and Software
The hardware is a so-called object for visitors to see, such as landscapes, buildings, relics, treasures. These are the basics.
On the other hand, The software is a so-called event. What is needed is something that touches the hearts of many stakeholders, not just visitors. And to prevent "I went once so I won't go twice", it needs to be something that can always be done. Bbecause sustainability cannot be obtained in a transient event. At the end of the month, I went to see a demonstration experiment of projection mapping in Saiku Mie, and although it was certainly unusual as an event, I was worried that the purpose of holding a night show at Saiku Historic Site was not clear. This is because there are no accommodations or restaurants nearby
In addition, the next day, I also visited Kawasaki in Ise for the first time in seven years. There are not a few restaurants here, and also there are accommodations nearby. However, the street shops were getting more closed, and the market was canceled too because of Corona, and it was very quiet. the concept of this street is "a town where we can live indefinitely". they says we doesn't want to develop kanko until we lose that, but I think this is also an interpretation of "Kanko." There are many old folk houses here, but if the number of abandoned houses increases, it may allow foreign capital to invade. in there want software that is suitable for good hardware.
A conclusion
Apparently, I think it is necessary to meet both of these conflicting needs in the [Demonstration project to promote regional cooperation by refining local tourism resources].
So what is it? That is from the perspective of "tourism" without being bound by "sightseeing", the purpose is "promotion of the town" and the content is the full utilization of such as public domain movies. movies is a witness of the times, and also its cultural value is a comprehensive art. First, create a fan of the residents and develop it to increase the number of visitors. This is so versatile that the same can be said for Ohuda, Watakanoshima, Matsusaka, and Tsu. And, the same is true for regional DMO or DMC.
【パブリックドメイン】Public domain
However, according to Article 7 of the Supplementary Provisions of the TPP Maintenance Law, there is a principle that once the protection has expired, no measures will be taken to restore the protection later. Therefore, if the protection period has already expired under the old law, the protection period will not be extended retroactively. In addition, copyrighted works of countries with a shorter protection period than Japan are protected only for the protection period of the partner country.
Even so, there is a wartime add-on for the protection period of foreign copyrighted works. Based on the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the period from the start of the war on December 8, 1941 to the day before the San Francisco Peace Treaty comes into effect is to be added to the normal protection period. For example, 3794 days for the United States and Australia, and the copyright acquired during the war is calculated from the time of acquisition.
However, in the TPP negotiations, Japan has individually confirmed the following in writing with the governments of Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, which are obliged to add wartime. "Encourage dialogue between rights management bodies and rights holders to address the issue of wartime add-on." "Consult between governments to consider the status of these dialogues and other appropriate measures as necessary." and, April 2018, it was reconfirmed in writing with the United States which left the TPP. In addition, in the Japan-EU EPA negotiations, similar documents are being confirmed with the countries concerned (UK, France, Lan, Belgium, Greece).
1953 was the year when classic masterpiece films such as "Tokyo Story", "Gone with the Wind" and "Shane" were released, and the judgment of the old law and the new law was divided. the Agency for Cultural Affairs said that the copyright of these films would continue until 2023, but on December 18, 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that the original film in the name of the organization, released in 1953, ended on December 31, 2003. For example, in the public domain of the major Ozu movies is "Tokyo Chorus"(1931), "I Was Born, But..."(1932), "Late Spring"(1949), "Early Summer"(1951), and until "Tokyo Story"(1953). "The End of Summer"(1961), "An Autumn Afternoon"(1962) is in the protection period. Incidentally, "Roman Holiday" (1953) is the decided as the local public domain in Japan, although it is within the copyright protection period for 95 years after its release in the United States.
There is also a global public domain as opposed to the local public domain. it is a movies that has expired in the country of production and has become in the public domain worldwide. it is a movies released before 1922 in the United States, and it is a movies released before 1953 in Japan. also, in many other countries it is a 70-year-old movies.
In addition, the movies that was produced and released in the United States by 1977 and has no copyright notice in the work (opening title, end roll, etc.). the movies that was produced and released in the United States by March 1, 1989, has no copyright notice in the work, has not been registered as a copyright, or has improper procedures. the movies that was produced and released in the United States by 1963, and although the work has a copyright notice, it was not renewed within 28 years of its release, or the procedure was inadequate. and the movies whose production company goes bankrupt, and also whose copyright is not inherited is also considered as a waiver and becomes in the public domain. Audrey Hepburn's "Charade" (1963) is famous.
【内閣府による外国映画撮影誘致支援】Assistance for attracting foreign film shoots by the Cabinet Office
この点において、コロナ禍で4回延期されて、同じ月に全米公開となる「007 ノー・タイム・トゥ・ダイ」は申し分ない。007の知名度は抜群だ。とはいえ、それでも地名不明のシーンもあるので要注意である。現に「スカイフォール」に登場した長崎の軍艦島は、別の国の別の場所になっていたし、「私を愛したスパイ」の美しいサルデーニャの海底も、実は沖縄の海だった。インセンティブを出すならば、それに見合うかどうかが重要だ。
The US release of "Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins", which had been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, was decided on October 22, 2021. This movie is the first major US movie selected by the Japanese Cabinet Office as "the target work of the empirical survey on attracting foreign movie locations related to the promotion of regional economies". this movie has been filmed for a long time in Himeji, Osaka, Ibaraki and other parts of Japan.
The purpose of the Cabinet Office is to verify how incentives in Japan are effective in attracting filming locations for large-scale movie works from overseas. and in addition to on-site exchanges with overseas producers, it expect effects such as job creation, industrial development, human resource development, and inbound tourist attraction through the incorporation of Japanese cultural and tourism resources into movies. this is different from the traditional so-called film commission in its purpose.
However, I think it depends on the work whether or not it hits the target, in the same way the film commission. The point is that it‘s well known movies and that the place name is clear.
On this respect, "007 No Time To Die", which was postponed four times due to the coronavirus pandemic and will be US released in the same month, is perfect. the name recognition of 007 is outstanding. however, even so, there are scenes where the place name is not available, so be careful. In fact, Gunkanjima in Nagasaki, which appeared in "007 Skyfall," was another place in another country. and also the beautiful seabed of Sardinia in "The Spy Who Loved Me" was actually the sea of Okinawa. If you give an incentive, it is important whether it is worth it.
【衛生行政報告例から】From the Report on Public Health Administration and Services
This is an excerpt from the "Report on Public Health Administration and Services" for 2019 FY released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on February 18, this year. Since it is a FY, the period is from April 2019 to the end of March last year, and until the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.
The number of remaining ryokans, has been unknown because it was added to the number of hotels since 2018 FY, even though the selling points are different between hotels that basically lent rooms and inns that sell food. I think this is a buried of historical and cultural value.
【3月3日現在】As of March 3
だが、その翌日の4日、日本は東京五輪における海外からの観戦者受け入れを断念する意向を示した。このことは、既に入金済みの約450億円のチケット収入や、1510億円の宿泊・飲食などの外貨獲得の遺失を意味する。また、5日には国交大臣が、緊急事態宣言を21日まで延長するという政府方針に従い、8日以降も「Go To トラベル」全国一律停止は継続すると述べた。
This is the current status of corona-infected persons by generation, which was confirmed between January last year and March 3, this year. for some reason, it is rarely reported in Japan, but, at least in Japan, it can be seen that there is no need to be overly afraid. Despite no therapeutic medicine there are large number of recoveries and the death toll is extremely limited.
However, on the 4th of the following day, Japan expressed its intention to give up accepting spectators from overseas at the Tokyo Olympics. this means the ticket income of about 45 billion JPY that has already been deposited, and the loss of foreign currency acquisition of accommodations, food and drink and other things of about 151 billion JPY.
In addition, at a press conference on the 5th, the MLIT‘s Minister announced that he would continue to suspend "Go To Travel" nationwide after the 8th, in line with the government's policy of extending the state of emergency until the 21st.
【2021年1月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for January 2021
On March 8, the Japanese Ministry of Finance announced the January‘s balance of payments. the current account balance is surplus of 646.8 billion JPY.
The trade balance is a deficit of 130.1 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 25 billion JPY. January inbound was 46,500 people (provisional value) and outbound was 48,700 people (provisional value). credit is 50.8 billion JPY and debit is 25.8 billion JPY. the unit price per person is inbound 1,092,473 JPY, and outbound 513,347 JPY. Since sightseeing is virtually stopped, most of the inbound are business or technical intern trainees.
The air passenger was surplus 1.1 billion JPY. the sea passenger was deficit 200 million JPY. Due to weak software exports, the other services have a deficit of 444 billion JPY, and the overall the service balance is a deficit of 480.9 billion JPY.
【3月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 10
The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 443,498, and the number of deaths was 8,407. The mortality rate further increased to 1.89%. But, it will probably not reach the 2% level as it has begun to increase the number of tests again. Because it cannot allowed exceed the world average of 2.32%.
【田丸城天守跡】Tamaru castle tower ruins
【主要旅行業47社の取扱状況 2019-2020(暦年)】Amount handled status of the 47 major travel agencies 2019-2020 (calendar year)
昨年1月から12月までの取扱高は1兆6382億1227万2000円。前年は4兆9583億5308万1000円だったので、前年比は33%である(じゃらんや楽天トラベルなどのOTAは含まれてはいない)。「Go To トラベル」効果がよく分かる。観光庁によると、17日の時点でおよそ20の県が、県民対象限定で観光需要喚起の対策を行っているが、こうした県からは地域限定での「Go Toトラベル」再開を求めている。
The handling amount from January to December last year was 1,638,212,272,000 JPY. The year-on-year rate is 33%, because last year was 4,958,353,081,000 JPY. The benefits of the "Go To Travel" effect are clear.
According to the Japan Tourism Agency, as of the 17th, about 20 prefectures are taking measures to stimulate tourism demand only for citizens of the prefecture. These prefectures are calling for the resumption of "Go To Travel" in a limited area.
However, the government says that even if the state of emergency is lifted on the 21st, the operation will continue to be suspended nationwide. As I mentioned a little in last month's issue, it seems that even if it resumes, it will be limited to trips that do not cross prefectures. And the target is expanded step by step, and the costs for accommodations and travel agencies to strengthen infectious disease control will be subsidized.
However, there is an opinion within the government that the subsidy amount should be reduced to a maximum of 20,000 JPY per night, and the system design for resumption will be cautious.
【みえ得限定トラベルクーポンについて】About discount travel coupons limited to Mie prefectural citizens
【3月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 20
The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 456,106, and the number of deaths was 8822. the mortality rate further increased to 1.93%, because the number of inspection tests is still insufficient. it seems that the number of tests is still insufficient. (Because increase in the denominator is suppressed when there are consecutive holidays.) the biggest barrier that Japan cannot take appropriate measures is the presence of medical engineers from the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare and surrounding experts. because they had been advised to reduce the number of tests.
3月24日のNHKニュースによると、自民党の観光立国調査会は政府に対し、観光業再生に向けた支援を求める決議案をまとめ、全国一律で停止している「Go Toトラベル」の再開は当面見送りとし、感染状況などを勘案のうえ、柔軟に判断すべきは今年6月以降だとした。
According to NHK News on March 24, the Liberal Democratic Party's Research Commission for the Establishment of a Tourism Oriented Nation has put together a resolution calling on the government to help revitalize the tourism industry. and, said that "Go To Travel," which has been suspended nationwide, should be postponed for the time being, and should be flexibly judged after June, taking into consideration the infection situation.
【DMOシンポジウム】DMO Symposium
The Japan Tourism Agency held a DMO symposium online on March 11-12. The contents of reports by Kyoto City Tourism Association, Toyooka Tourism Innovation, and Yatsugatake Tourism Management were introduced in the electronic version of the Tourism Economic Newspaper on March 25, regarding the advanced efforts of DMO in the Corona disaster.
【HACCPの完全義務化】Fully obligatory of HACCP
HACCPとは「Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(危害分析重要管理点)」のことであり、世界で(全てではない)用いられている食品製造のための衛生管理手法を指す。原料の受け入れから製造出荷までの全段階で、「何が健康上の危害要因になるか」を明確にし、その危害要因をどの工程で管理するかを定め、製品の安全を確保するのが目的だ。原則として、リアルタイムでそれぞれの工程が確実に管理されているかを監視記録し、必要に応じて改善措置を行わなければならない。経験と勘に頼った火加減はご法度となり、昔ながらの食堂も例外ではない。
手順1 HACCPチームの編成
手順2 製品についての記述
手順3 意図する用途の特定
手順4 製造工程一覧図の作成
手順5 製造工程一覧図の現場での確認
This will finally become fully mandatory from June of this year. I wrote about HACCP intensively when the bill was passed, but it seems that it is time to re-recognize it.
HACCP is an abbreviation of "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point" and refers to the hygiene control method for food production used in the world. The purpose is to ensure product safety by clarifying "what causes health hazards" at all stages from the acceptance of raw materials to manufacturing and shipping, and determining in which process the hazards are controlled. In principle, it is necessary to monitor and record whether each process is reliably controlled in real time, and take improvement measures as necessary. temperature control that relies on experience and intuition is not allowed, and old-fashioned restaurants are no exception.
In order to introduce HACCP, it is necessary to prepare a manual of "HACCP plan" for hygiene management in advance. The manual states that "must include 12 procedures, including 7 principles that are important for hygiene."
The specific contents of "Principle 12 procedure" are as follows.
Procedure 1 HACCP team formation
Procedure 2 Description of the product
Procedure 3 Identify the intended used
Procedure 4 Creating a manufacturing process list
procedure 5 Confirmation of the manufacturing process list on site
Principle 1(Procedure 6)Analysis of Hazard Factors
Principle 2(Procedure 7)Setting CCP points
Principle 3(Procedure 8)Setting management standards
Principle 4(Procedure 9)Setting of monitoring method
Principle 5(Procedure 10)Setting improvement measures
Principle 6(Procedure 11)Setting the verification method
Principle 7(Procedure 12)Keeping records
It is necessary to decide the HACCP plan for each business establishment according to this procedure. In other words, it will be an original plan that is completely different depending on the type of company, what is manufactured, the number of employees, the scale of factories and stores, and so on. The Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare expects that if so many steps are taken, it will be possible to investigate the cause of a defect and identify the affected product lot more quickly than before.
According to a fact-finding survey on the food manufacturing industry conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, as of 2019, 22.5% of businesses have HACCP "introduced", and about 40.5% when "introduce" is added. According to a survey of the current state of the food manufacturing industry conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as of 2019, 22.5% of companies have "introduced" HACCP, and about 40.5% including "planned introduction". in addition, the ratio of "considering introduction" was 21.0%, and "introduction undecided" was 18.9%. and "I don't know HACCP well" was 19.7%, but small businesses that have been excluded until now will also be subject to institutionalization of hygiene management in line with HACCP from June this year.
When developing facilities and equipment for introducing HACCP, it is possible to receive support measures under the "HACCP Support Law". regarding the funds for facilities and equipment to comply with HACCP, it is said that a special low interest rate loan will be available. But, in order to receive this support measure, it is necessary to submit the "advanced infrastructure development plan" or "advanced plan" to the designated accreditation body. this designated accreditation body is distinguished by the type of food. If you are accredited by a designated accreditation body, you can obtain a long-term low-interest loan from Japan Finance Corporation. companies targeted for support measures are small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in food manufacturing or processing businesses. there are also conditions such as capital of 300 million JPY or less or 300 employees or less. the maximum amount of support is 80% or less of the project cost or 2 billion yen, whichever is lower, and can be used for maintenance of goods, installation of hygiene management equipment, and installation of machinery / equipment for monitoring and control systems. whether or not it has been introduced will be confirmed by submitting documents and conducting regular inspections.
However, this increase in costs inevitably leads to consumer prices. elderly owners may take this opportunity closed a small restaurant. The reason for demanding management like this space food is in Japan's foods and foodstuffs export policy. this is because the EU, which has a strong protectionist trade within the region, does not allow imports from countries that have not introduced HACCP. To give an example, the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU came into effect in February 2019 and with the UK in January last year, but the regulatory measures by the radioactive material have not yet been total abolished.
Incidentally, please note that HACCP is different for each industry. HACCP for small general restaurant operators is stricter than hotels or ryokans. Also, in addition to the "HACCP plan", there is also a "HACCP certification". This is a system for having a third party with HACCP certification evaluate that the company's hygiene management system is functioning properly. it can appeal that you are working on hygiene management by thoroughly implementing HACCP. currently, there are three major group of the certifications and inspection bodies, and it is necessary to select which HACCP certification is suitable depending on the scale of management, the scope of distribution, the type of food, and so on.
"Guide for hygiene management incorporating the concept of HACCP" for each industry
【3月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of March 30
The number of infected people confirmed in 47 prefectures was 473,035, and the number of deaths was 9,140. The mortality rate remains 1.93%. On the other hand, the world average is 2.27%, which is on a downward trend despite the increase in mutant viruses.
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Shigeki Imura
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付録 HACCP(ハサップ)に沿った衛生管理の制度化 Institutionalization of hygiene management in line with HACCP