

No.116 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" September Issue

【奈良ならレポート2017.0728】A precedent of Nara 2017.0728


I have been observing the change by visiting Nara city almost every month since the preparation room of the "Sento 1300 th Memorial Festival 2010" on 2009, it is 8th years this year. significant change is the change of customers in the Nara city. Especially, the increase of foreign visitors is noticeable if even in summer. a lot of foreigners are coming also today. it seems to be Asian and Western, in half and half. It differs greatly from 2011 when Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant exploded. At that time inbound was nearly zero on nationwide.
In this visit to Nara, We first visited Uda city's Ohuda Regional Offices and an members of the Commerce and Industry Association. for it is to carry information of the" Ujisato matsuri" will be held in Matsuzaka city on November 3.
After that, in the Nara Visitors Bureau, We heard the progress of the new pamphlet of the Nara Prefecture. this will be changed from quarter into once a year release.
According to the Nara shimbun on this day, it is said for the Grand Design by the Linear Central Shinkansen, that it is also important policy to seek a traffic access for inbound. Probably, the Prefecture's policy seems to be calling for demand for accommodation instead of collecting many day tripers from neighboring cities. instead of collecting many day trips from nearby cities, it seems has come to call the demand for accommodation. Informations communication between Nara and Mie prefecture is no good it despite being a neighboring prefecture, because the economic organizations to which each belongs are different. I've saying it since 8 years ago. I hope that reducing publicity material will not diminish interest.
However in now, a large signboard of "Linear Central Shinkansen" set up in front of the station building of the former National Railways Nara Station, which is a industrial heritage indicates that Mie Prefecture and Nara Prefecture are collaborating. if this breaks the barrier of the narrow localism, I think also that's enough.
There is an office of Nara City Tourist Association at the middle point on the Sanjo Street between the Visitors Bureau and the UNWTO Japan office. this place has become a restaurant since last month, but the office was alive in one corner of it. there are only foreigners in the shop. that office was a conference room that repeatedly hosted meetings for promotional events we had held at Chubu International Airport and Tsu Airport Line.
On the UNWTO, I've reported the International balance of payments that have become customary monthly report, And inbound data for Beijing and London and the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics. the details are as follows. For details, please read "The Inbound of the year of the Summer Olympics". In addition, this time, we provided information on the "Walk on Naramachi and the temples tour" of the Matsusaka City Chamber of Commerce and Industry the finance manager. this tour is October 2, and it will be visits to "Hotel Nikko Nara" same as "Gastronomy Tourism Seminar" scheduled for October 5 by UNWTO Japan Office. because this is a visit to Nara since the "Sento 1300 th Memorial Festival".

[夏季オリンピックの年のインバウンド]The Inbound of the year of the Summer Olympics


At January this year, also the Bank of Japan was warned about the current situation of the rental housing market at the "Regional economic report". it is because the new loans from banks to the real estate industry was 10.7 trillion JPY in 2015 and 12.3 trillion JPY in 2016, for the second consecutive year exceeding the bubble period of 1989.
In the rental housing market, the sense of oversupply has risen from the suburbs of Tokyo already, and the number of vacant houses of regions is rapidly increasing.
On the other hand, Inbound will increases toward the Tokyo Olympics. the target for 2020 is 40 million people. So, "Residential Accommodation Business Law" has to be made. because there are not enough rooms.
However, this logic has already failed. the following is the inbound people number of each countries at the year of the summer Olympics and the years before and after the Olympics. in UK, it only increased by 90,000 people from the previous year. also in Brazil, only increased have 272,000 people. and in Beijing, 1.671 million people also decreased.
Mizuho Research Institute forecasts that the inbound to the Tokyo Olympics is 808,000 people, based on the London Olympics data. Three years until the Olympics. the cost is said to be 1,385 billion JPY. I think the cost effectiveness is suspicious.
Incidentally, according to Sao Paulo newspaper on July 15, 56.8% of tourists who visited Brazil in 2016 are travelers from South American countries. Argentina's total is 34.9%, Paraguay 4.8%, Chile 4.7%, Uruguay 4.3%. The article says that per capita consumption amount is about half that of tourists from European countries and the United States.

北京 Beijing 2008/China
    2006年   2007年    2008年    2009年
   49,913,000人 54,720,000人 53,049,000人 50,875,000人

ロンドン London 2012/UK
    2010年   2011年    2012年    2013年
   28,296,000人 29,192,000人 29,282,000人 31,064,000人

リオ Rio de Janeiro 2016/Brazil
    2014年    2015年*   2016年
     6,430,000人  6,306,000人    6,578,000人

                     * Provisional value

【一泊二食でお部屋食】Dinner in the room for one stay two meals


Among JTA's "Tourism Vision Realization Program 2017", there is a hard-to-understand measure as if the theory of sharing was introduced forcibly. that is "separation of stay and meal".
Certainly, the "one stay two meals" is a business model unique to our country, and the sales unit price is inevitably high compared to the room charge, and also there are not many options. It will be hard to use for foreign matching sites as well.
However, the pricing of the one stay two meals using local ingredients is often cheaper than A La Carte, because big bath and bedding are included as well. the dinner can be used in the room without traveling to the restaurant, so it can be used with children, and also there is no need to dress up or makeup. you can even watching TV programs. being liberated from extension of housekeeping is particularly attractive for silver-age housewives. And, cooking is a full course. the cold one is cold, the warm one is served warm. of course conversation with "Nakai-san" also is a free service. You can be ask the highlight of the land or also ask the optimum time of fishing.
Dinner in the room for the one stay two meals system is not just the customer's profit.
In areas with few industries, it support regional employment. also, because there is no need to hold inventory of fresh foods, which is unnecessary unnecessary, it is also superior in disposal rate of food materials. in short, there is no waste because the menu is decided. Probably it would be a system that has a rationality comparable to Toyota's "kanban system."
However there are also problems. Criticism of Ryokan by Mr. Atkinson was posted in Toyo economy on July 13. He is a member of the "Tourism Vision Conference to Support of Japan tomorrow". the point is that Japanese Ryokans are for Japanese group customers who cannot recommend for foreign travelers who stay long. I agree too. but it does not mean a traditional Ryokans which is still present since before the war. do not confuse them.
Nonetheless, it seems that the "Tourism Industry Innovation Review Committee" seems to seek to promote "separation of stay and meal". about the one stay two meals system, I think it should be introduced as Japanese style short-term stay model by the luxury cuisine.
Let's consider a little more about the one stay two meals.
"Hotel" is mainly for selling a rooms, and dishes to be served at a restaurant is an option, but "ryokan" is mainly for selling dishes, and rooms are allocated by number of guests and cooking rank.therefore, the price setting of the ryokan is based on the "one stay two meals". Besides, such as the room capacity based surcharge, a top season fee or the before holiday fee added. the thinking by the room capacity based surcharge, is it can get 60,000 yen at 15,000 JPY per person in a room with a capacity of 4 people. therfore, when using this room by 3 people it will be 60,000 JPY for 20,000 JPY per person, and in the case of 2 people it is 30,000 JPY. cuisine is the same. In addition, a top season fee or the before holiday fee, as the demand increases, the energy cost, the wholesale price of the ingredients and the labor costs of the seasonally employed workers increase, so it is necessary to recover costs accordingly. these are mainly applied in the case of direct reservation or internet agent reservation.  there are no such ryokan in Matsusaka. however, the room capacity based surcharge is not the case for items to be provided to major travel agencies. That is because it is difficult for the seller to explain to the customer. But, the before holiday fee or the top season fee reasonably explained can be permitted. Of course, because it can add more to an Expensive fee.
Thus the "one stay two meals" and that fee, was formed by a transaction between a large ryokan for group customers and a travel industres, that explodedly increased from the period of high economic growth in the postwar period until the collapse of the bubble. it a commercial custom of the Showa era. therefore it is difficult for foreign tourists who are on the upward side to understand this, so it seems difficult to sell also greedy foreign matching sites. So, the idea that it should be abolished is "separation of stay and meal."
However, "one stay and two meals" is also an culture of  intangible of unique in Japan. I think that unpleasant it is Japanese culture loss to lose this. also, there is also an opinion that the traditional ryokan itself is the destination that, because there is a full course of the "washoku" that will not fail in restaurant search and cuisine choice. It is already one of gastronomy tourism.

【文化財活用DMO】DMO by cultural properties utilization


Since 400 years ago there was an ryokan "Momijiya" on the river side of the Kushida River in Matsusaka. this ryokan also prospered as a cooking ryokan, but it was lost due to road widening construction. that signboard is on display at the Motoori Norinaga Museum, currently, but it seems like a monument of cultural property swallowed by the wave of development. the registered tangible cultural properties system by Nation was established, it was 1996 at nearly the end of the 20th century.
Currently there are 19 National Registered Tangible Cultural Properties in Matsusaka city. Yachiyo which was registered last year has already operating a cuisine ryokan for nearly 100 years since moving to Tono-machi from Matsusaka Castle. August 5, that Yachiyo, held an event of the Japanese-sake as utilization of the cultural property. at the third time this time. the place is a Japanese style large hall of 110 tatami-mats. more than 100 people visited in there. Of course, this event is alcohol, so more than half of it is from in the city, but about a quarter of the whole was from Tsu city. there seems was also Nagoya, Kyoto and Tokyo. that sales can be estimated from the number of ticket sales.
Actually, this is the fundamental of DMO. that is, Destination, and Marketing / Management. Although it is a bit rough, a sake event is a destination campaign. Advertising activity based on the past two achievements is marketing. And, the people number and sales is Management. If this has done systematically within a tourist aria with movement it is as the regional DMO. If it expands further widely, it becomes the wide area cooperative DMO.
The traditional ryokans remains still, in Matsusaka city following to "Ise Jingu". but, the number is extremely limited.
I would like to expect policies that future generations will not regret. because individual efforts are limited.

【6月の国際収支】June's Balance of payments

 さて、JNTOによると、6月の入国者は2,346,500人、出国者は1,320,000人(両方とも暫定値)である。旅行収支の受取は3,017億円、支払は1,674億円だ。 安定的に黒字化を維持している。
 ところが、海上旅客は▲12億円、航空旅客は▲414億円である。海上旅客の受取は1億円で、支払が13億円。航空旅客の受取は247億円で、支払が662億円だ。(四捨五入の為に合計には合わない場合がある) とどのつまりは、外国勢に押されっぱなしなのである。

On August 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments in June. according to this, Current Account Balance surplus is 934.6 billion JPY. Among them, Travel Balance is surplus of 134.3 billion JPY, and the Trade Balance was 518.5 billion JPY.Surprisingly, the Trade balance of this month exceeds that of the Primary income balance. because the primary income balance has descending since March.
Well, according to the JNTO, June's inbound was 2,346,500 people and outbound was 1,320,000 people (both is provisional values). the credit of the Travel balance is 301.7 billion JPY, and the debit is 167.4 billion JPY.
it is steadily maintaining profitability.
However, the Sea passenger is ▲ 1.2 billion JPY, and the Air passenger is ▲ 41.4 billion JPY. the credit of Sea passengers is 100 million JPY, the debit is 1.3 billion JPY. the credit of Air passenger is 24.6 billion JPY, the debit is 66 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) In other words, it is being deprived by a foreign company.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

         Jan.   655
         May 16,539
         Jun. 9,346 
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲8,534      Jan.▲2,357
  Feb.10,768      Feb.  ▲639
  Mar. 8,655      Mar. 1,804
  Apr. 5,536      Apr.▲2,947
  May ▲1,151      May    421
  Jun. 5,185      Jun.  ▲499
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.12,655      Jan.▲1,108
  Feb.19,751      Feb.▲1,745
  Mar.21,951      Mar.▲3,333
  Apr.18,480      Apr.▲1,551
  May 19,243      May ▲1,973
  Jun. 5,072      Jun.19,243
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲669      Jan. 1,513
  Feb.  ▲534      Feb.   897
  MAr.  ▲577      Mar.   788
  Apr.  ▲395      Apr. 1,779
  May   ▲358      May  1,272
  Jun.  ▲378      Jun. 1,343
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Mar. 1,593
         May   ▲493
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲6      Jan.   476
  Feb.   ▲11      Feb.   402
  Mar.    ▲9      Mar.   643
  Apr.   ▲11      Apr.   578
  May    ▲10      May    620
  Jun.   ▲12      Jun.   648
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲394      Jan.    49
  Feb.  ▲447      Feb.    47
  Mar.  ▲474      Mar.    52
  Apr.  ▲263      Apr.    59
  May   ▲415      May     66
  Jun.  ▲414      Jun.    71

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【HACCP考察】Think about HACCP

1 HACCP(ハサップ)とは

 HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)改正法案をまだ見ていないので今回は分かる範囲で記録するが、義務化の対象は、食品の製造・加工、調理、販売などすべての事業者に飲食店やスーパーなど約350万施設で、指導に従わないなど悪質な場合は、営業停止などの処分を科すとされる。

1 What is HACCP ?

Because I have not yet seen the HACCP amendment bill, I will record within the range of information obtained this time. The target of the mandate is all manufacturing companies, such as food manufacturing / processing, cooking and sales, and about 3.5 million facilities including restaurants and supermarkets. If it is malignant, such as not obeying the guidance, it is said that it will impose a disposition such as suspension of business.
HACCP is a management method for continuously monitoring and recording particularly important processes in order to eliminate harmful factors such as bacteria and agricultural chemicals. Specifically, it is that analyzes and preliminarily analyzes the possible hazards from acceptance of raw materials to final products, lists them, decides important control points, and continuously monitors them to ensure food safety It is something to do. In Japan, about 90% of large-scale enterprises with food sales of 10 billion JPY or more have already been introduced, but only 35% by small and medium-sized businesses with less than 5 billion JPY.
That advantages says, introducing HACCP are expected to improve quality, improve productivity, and increase production volume. In short, when the inside of the factory becomes sanitary, the amount of bacteria in the product decreases and foodstuff lasts longer. and When temperature control becomes accurate, you can sterilize without passing too much through fire. and Waste can be reduced when the flow of manufacturing and movement of people are visualized. and as a result, the production efficiency says will increase and production speed will be faster. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare considers that it is common sense that "in countries where compulsory mandations are going on, import is not done from the place where HACCP is not implemented". and it is policy to oblige HACCP to all food manufacturing processing. therefore it is a policy to submit a revision proposal of relevant laws such as the Food Sanitation Act to the ordinary Diet session in 2018. Perhaps, this is because the EU that signed the EPA agreement obliges the introduction of production, processing, and distribution business operators of all foods except for primary producers regardless of size or type of industry. HACCP is a must for everything that enters the mouth of consumers in the EU region. It is not just export food. In 2020, which is the target of introduction of HACCP, also the large-scale bento-lunch demand by the Tokyo Olympics will be expected. It would be excluded without HACCP.
By the way, the bento of 650,000 meals for the policeman of the G7 summit last year at Ise Shima it eventually became an oligopoly of a major convenience store with a central kitchen system and scale merit and logistics capability. So in local small and medium sized businesses had little orders. this bento is 1,700 JPY with three meals and drinks (average per meal is 566 JPY with drink). This special demand was about 368 million JPY.
According to the Asahi Shimbun on December 14 last year, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare says small and medium enterprises will ease a few requirements, such as simplifying the storage temperature of foods recorded only on the diary. it as consideration for securing expenses and human resources. in there, does it also include catering of local hotels and restaurants, drive-ins and road stations, confectionery and prepared dishes shops?
However, if you don't review the selling price by incorporating that into the cost, the profit will decrease certainly.
In the United States and Canada, HACCP is only mandated for some foods such as fishery foods and meats, also in Southeast Asian countries are that only partially introduced according to the situation. Really, what is the merit of resolutely imposing HACCP on all food manufacturing, processing, and distribution business despite the declining regional demand due to the declining birthrate and aging population?
I feel in there, the intention of differentiation from the made in China, countermeasures against heterogeneous mixed terrorism, and, policy of "taking a chair". In other words, it is the selection and reorganization of regional industries.

2 HACCPの重要管理点








2 Important management point of HACCP

HACCP is a method of monitoring and recording important management points, and it is assumed that food safety is ensured by removing the following three harmful factors. However, contamination by radioactive substances which is more troublesome than cesium, such as strontium having a long half-life or tritium which can not be separated from hydrogen atoms, is excluded.

[Physical harm]

Physical hazard is the inclusion of foreign matter such as metal, glass, carcasses. It can be prevented by thorough checking and maintenance of facility equipment and review of equipment to be used.

[Chemical hazard]

Chemical factors are pesticides, food additives and so on. It can be prevented by periodically reviewing supplier evaluation and management standards.

[Biological Damage]

Biological hazards are mainly bacteria, viruses, parasites. It is recommended to preserve it by sterilization and quick freezing by appropriate control of food, control by management at the time of accepting raw materials, proper hand washing, preservation at constant temperature, washing and disinfection of facilities and equipment and so on.

3 HACCP導入のための7原則12手順


























3 Seven principles and 12 procedures for introducing HACCP

HACCP, it is essential to properly implement by throughout the company. therefore, after deciding the introduction of HACCP as a company policy, we will organize the team and proceed according to seven principles and 12 steps. Procedures 1 to 5 are preparations for advancing principles 1 to 7.

[Procedure 1] Collect personnel for HACCP

Collecting personnel from each department, in order to be able to gather the necessary information to make the product. If there is no person with expert knowledge about HACCP, invite external experts or refer to the specialized book.

[Procedure 2] Creating a product manual

Shows characteristics of product safety. If you summarize raw materials and characteristics, it becomes the basic data of hazard analysis. If there is enough content such as recipes and specifications, the form does not matter.

[Procedure 3] Confirm intended use and targeted consumers

Usage is how to use the product such as presence or absence of heating, and the targets is confirms the consumer who provides the product.

[Procedure 4] Creation of a list of manufacturing process

It writes the flow from acceptance to product shipment or food delivery for each process.

[Procedure 5] Confirmation of the manufacturing process list diagram

Once the manufacturing process chart is made, check the movements of persons at the work site, movement of goods, and modify the process chart as necessary.

[Procedure 6 / Principle 1] Conduct hazard analysis

Enumerate hazards that may originate from raw materials or processes during each process, and that decide the management means.

[Procedure 7 / Principle 2] Decide CCP

Determine particularly important processes that should eliminate or reduce harm factors (such as heat sterilization, metal detection).

[Procedure 8 / Principle 3] setting CL

Set criteria for adequately managing the CCP specified in hazard factor analysis (Such as temperature, time, speed).

[Procedure 9 / Principle 4] Setting monitoring method

Confirm and record whether CCP is correctly managed at an appropriate frequency.

[Procedure 10 / Principle 5] Setting improvement measures

As a result of monitoring, set measures to be taken when CL deviates.

[Procedure 11 / Principle 6] Setting verification method

Consider whether management is being performed according to the HACCP plan and whether modification is necessary.

[Procedure 12 / Principle 7] Setting records and that save method

Records are evidence of implementing HACCP, simultaneously, when a problem arises, it helps pursuit of the cause by going back to the management situation for each process.

【民泊指南】How to Residential accommodation business

1 防火への投資


1 Invest to fire protection

On the revision of the Fire Service Law in 1960, installation of fire extinguishing equipment, alarm equipment, evacuation equipment, etc. according to usage and scale was mandated for theaters, restaurants, movie theaters, ryokans, schools and hospitals. Furthermore, the conventional fire prevention supervisor was changed to the fire management supervisor, and expanded the type and scale of the buildings where administrators have to be placed. Also, since about this time the number of instances in which firefighting equipment etc could not be used due to incomplete installation and malfunction of installation increased, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency launched the "Firefighting Equipment Professional System" and "Firefighting Equipment Inspection Qualification System", and also obliged these qualified personnel to conduct construction, maintenance and inspection of firefighting equipment etc, which is required to be installed.
And, revision of the Fire Service Law in 1968, decided to jointly carry out fire prevention management on the buildings for fire protection on 5th floor or highers excluding high-rise buildings, underground malls and underground floors. also, on high-rise buildings, underground malls, and the facilities that house unspecified number of people, it decided to use have the flameproof performance, to such as curtains, drop curtains, plywood for exhibition, carpets.
Furthermore, in the revision of the Fire Service Law in 1974, the establishment and maintenance of sprinkler equipment and the like in existing fire protection objects, which had previously not been applied to revised technical standards as a rule, also requires identification of department stores, inns, hospitals It was decided to be applied retroactively at the fire prevention object. this is due to Sennichimae department store building fire in Osaka City in 1972, and Taiyo department store fire that occurred in Kumamoto City in 1978.
Nonetheless, in 1980, a fire occurred at the Kawaji Prince Hotel in Tochigi Prefecture, based on this, the "display and publication system" was starting that announces that matter to be violated.
Furthermore, this was expanded to such as theaters and department stores since 1983 fiscal year, by receiving the fire of Hotel New Japan of 1982.
Also, based on the fire of the  Shouji-en of a elderly facility in 1987, expanded the installation target of indoor fire hydrant facilities and sprinkler facilities for social welfare facilities and other facilities with many self-evacuation difficulties. On the fire of the Nagasakiya Amagasaki store in 1990, the installation of sprinkler facilities expanded also such as to Goods dealer stores. In 1992, it instructed to do business in good faith against "firefighting equipmenter" and "firefighting equipment qualified person" who can perform periodic inspection work of firefighting equipment and others. At the same time, we have formulated "operational standards for returning orders for firefighting equipment certificates" in case of violation of this, and "guidelines for improper inspection of qualified personnel for firefighting equipment" in 1998.
The secure environment of the Japanese hotels, ryokans, and area are preserved through such history. And, significant investment has been invested in order to clear these regulations, and it's has also been reflected in the price. Those who are aiming for the residential accommodation business should be aware that regulations become more and more severe each time a fire occurs and that huge capital investment is required that each time.

2 民泊に狙いを定めた国税局

 中国の『途家』の日本参入を受け、ようやく 8/17の朝刊で民泊事業問題についてペンを執った中日新聞。

2 The National Taxation Bureau aiming the residential accommodation business

Chunichi Shimbun finally wrote about the residential accommodation business problem for the first time in the morning newspaper of August 17, because China's "Tujia" had entering into the Japanese market.
However, this newspaper owns seven housing centers. therefore does not forget the publicity such as effective use of vacant houses, or roughly cheaper than hotels. So, for the problems that have been introduced there, it is about nighttime noise and garbage disposal manners on case the owner is not resident, it is far from enlightenment to society. Notwithstanding, the National Taxation Bureau figured out already hundreds of the residential accommodation business operators, by matching the information such as the operator's location and local tax with the display content of the brokerage site.
According to the Asahi shimbun electronic version of the same day, the Osaka's Taxation Bureau is planning to procure taxation to operators while storing information by cooperation of municipalities with regard to the residential accommodation business where illegal business runs. It is said that some operators have already been taxed taxes including additional taxes, by comparing the results of each survey with the details of the final tax returns for the past several years.
According to the residential accommodation business law which was established in June this year and will be enforced next spring, administrators are obliged to notify prefectures, and it will be able to open at the maximum of 180 days a year. in case of violation there are imprisonment of 6 months or less or a fine of 1 million JPY or less. and, the operator must pay the tax according to the income calculated excluding expenses such as rent and utility cost from income. in the case of individuals it is an income tax, and in the case of a corporation it becomes a corporate tax, but if the rental income exceeds 10 million JPY per year, the consumption tax payment obligation also arises. according to the current law, if it lend a part of the house as a side job, it is "miscellaneous income" and if the annual income is 200,000 JPY or more, it is necessary to submit the final declaration form. Of course, it is "business income" if it is a core business. the residential accommodation business law is also expected to be operated with similar interpretation.

【ツーリズムハイライト2017から】From the Tourism Highlights 2017







From the United Nations World Tourism Organization has been sent me "Tourism Highlights 2017". the data is as of July this year. according to this, the number of international tourists in 2016 is 1235 million, which shows that it holds 10% of GDP by accounting for 1.4 trillion USD, which is 7% of the world's exports.
The top 10 countries of international tourist arrivals and international tourism receipts in 2016 are as follows, and "the sole winner" trend by the United States remains conspicuous as usual. because the price per capita in the United States is extremely high at 2720.7 USD. Incidentally, it is 514.5 USD in France, and China is 749.1 USD. and, in Japan is 1276.1 USD, and the number of international tourist arrivals was 24.039 million, and the receipts was 30.678 billion USD. this is a "credit" on the "Balance of payments" of 3,374,556,600,000 JPY in conversion to JPY.

[International tourist arrivals]

France 82.6 million, United States 75.608 million, Spain 75.563 million, China 59.27 million, Italy 52.372 million,
UK 35.814 millon, Germany 35.579 million, Mexico 34.961 million, Thailand 32.588 million, Turkey 28.216 million people. DPRK was 400 thousand people and was 181 million dollars.

[International tourism receipts]

United States 205.9 billion, Spain 60.3 billion, Thailand 49.9 billion, China 44.4 billion, France 42.5 billion,
Italy 40 billion, UK 39.6 billion, Germany 37.4 billion, Hong Kong 32.9 billion, Australia 32.4 billion USD.

Incidentally, in Russia it is 24.551 million people, receipts is 77.88 billion USD. and, in ROK it is 17.22 million people, receipts is 17.21 billion USD. DPRK was 400 thousand people and receipts was 181 million USD.

【グローバル化の副産物】A byproduct of globalization


About that conflict between the White supremacist group and the opposition faction occurred in Charlottesville on August 18, President Trump has been criticized, because both parties to the conflict said they had to take responsibility. it announced that multiple organizations that held events so far will be stop using Florida's member-owned resort "Mar a Lago" owned by President Trump, one after another.
However, according to Reuters of same day, Jerry Farwell Jr., a leader of Christian Evangelism, claimed that "Although the room for making politics more polite and sophisticated, Mr. Trump does not a racist". also said he seemed to have more detailed information on "good people" who were supposed to be in both sides. He is president of the Liberty University of the Conservative Party of Christ, and "One of the reasons for favoring the President is that it is not right as politics but to talk about it honestly" declared in the ABC news program.
Also, Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor as pastor of the Baptist, also claims that the religious community supports the President. and, criticism to Mr. Trump was criticized as "It is hurts the credibility of the President and the White House, and it is aims to eventually resign", on the FOX business network.
In addition, African-American pastor Marc Barnes who is part of Mr. Trump's informal evangelical consultative organization also has expressed support for Mr. Trump. and "I don't think the President is supporting Neo-Nazi and Caucasian supremacism at all", he told in a news coverage MSNBC.
These opinions are not reported in Japanese medias with different religious views so I will be record it here. Because, the enemy of President Trump is beneficiaries by globalism, not a ghost of the Union troops. Incidentally, picking up the globalization problem from each report, it is similar in many ways to the situation in the regions in our country. this is surprising.
Competition intensified due to the increase of cheap imported goods and expansion of multinational enterprises, domestic industry will decline, wage reduction and unemployment are brought, domestic profits got out of the country. In addition, short-term inflow and outflow of speculative funds destabilize currency markets and stock markets.
Also, living and cultures will be homogenized on a global scale through the multinational companies and human exchanges, with the region's unique industries and culture decline. State sovereignty and local autonomy of each country will be influenced, investors and elite bureaucrats will begin to politicize, and there is concern that democracy in each country will be replaced with global oligarchy.
And, activation of interregional competition will concentrate investment and economic activity on metropolitan areas and the region is truncated. in addition, because it try to attract companies and cultivate domestic industries under harsh conditions, the working environment gets worse, environmental standards are relaxed, social welfare is truncated.
In other words, When you please me, you may make somebody else sad. expansion of inequality is inevitable, redistribution of wealth that caused malfunctions creates dissatisfaction molecules as hotbeds of conflict and terrorism. It's not another person's problem.
The way Japan should take is a policy to expand foreign currency to the regions by "Tourism" as employment countermeasures. and, the birth encouragement policy of high yield is also to need for as measures against the declining birthrate and aging population.

【観光とは?】What is Tourism? (8/24三重ふるさと新聞掲載)


Matsusaka City conducted a questionnaire survey on 5,000 citizens randomly sampled in last year. As a result, 6.0% of citizens are confidently positive answered the question that Matsuzaka is a tourist destination. and, if it choose either one, 26.4% was positive and 30.5% was negative. but, 18.6% was confidently negative. also, 9.5% was both negative, 9% was no answer. this question is whether Matsuzaka will match the image of the tourist destination of the Japanese. the result was dominated by negative views.
However, in Japan, "tourists" a many gathered in Tokyo from domestic and overseas, but despite that, many Tokyo people do not think that Tokyo is a tourist destination. Also, when worshiping Ise Jingu in New Year, Tsu citizen or Matsuzaka citizen etc. do not think to go to "tourist destination". Whether a "tourist destination" or not is largely due to the subjectivity of the visitor.
What is the "tourist destination"?
According to the tourism white paper of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, The travel is divided in "Tourism", "Combined Tourism", "Housework and homecoming ","Business" and "Others", and on that basis, traveling excluding of "Housework and homecoming","Business", and "Others", is said to be the "Tourism". In short, leisure activities accompanying the trip is "Tourism". that places is the "Tourist destination", and regardless of the day trip or stay, the persons is the "Tourists".
Such definition is necessary in promoting understanding that "Tourism" is one industry category. but there is also confusion. this is because even inhabitants of neighboring towns that do not require accommodation, such as fireworks, festivals, shopping, prayers, become "tourists".
On June 1995, the government has defined a "kanko" in the "About the basic direction of the future of tourism policy" of tourism policy council. it is from three sides of the "time", "place and space", "purpose". In other words, Tourism is various leisure activities away from daily life zones intended for friendship, learning and play.
Then, in December 2000 "About Tourism Promotion Measures in the Early 21st Century", it was decided that the definition of so-called "Tourism" should be considered not only as a part of simple leisure activities but also widely. but, this broad interpretation, as a so-called ○○ tourism, allowed many ministries and agencies to participate in agricultural tourism, industrial tourism, medical tourism, environmental tourism, etc. and showed adverse effects of vertically divided administrative organizations. in the "Inbound Seminar" held on Tsu City in 2013, JTA's Counselor said to my questions, that southern residents of in the prefecture, visit shopping at the northern supermarket also is "Tourism".
In the first place, "Kanko=Tourism" was first used in the law from the Royal Decree 83 of the "International Board of Tourism Industry" in 1930. At that time, Japan had the same meaning as international tourism, even without attaching "international" on tourism.
Nevertheless, the current "Kanko=Tourism" in Japan is full of the broad interpretation of "see the light of the country" which is the etymology of Kanko. as mentioned above, also both day trips or worshipers are treated as "tourists". depending on the city, even the people number of events and festivals entertained for residents is "tourists". it can not be said that these are getting back invested capital.
In this way, the ambiguity of the word "Kanko" which can be interpreted in any way is an obstacle to the industrialization of Japan's "Tourism" as key industries. Incidentally, according to UNWTO, tourists stay for more than 24 hours and visitors for less than 24 hours, and it is not dividing tourists or business parsons. It's very simple. even in the international forum that I mentioned a bit the last time, the first day and the second day were business discussions all day from morning to evening, but on the third day it was a sightseeing bus tour. It is meaningless to divide the purpose of visiting Japan by tourism or business.
In this way, there is still a large gap between "tourism" in the international community and the general "kanko" in Japan. not only developed countries in the West, even in China and South Korea, "tourism" is recognized as a foreign currency acquisition industry on "service trade" which is a twinned with "trade of goods".
For "local creation", promotion of this "Tourism industry" in this true sense is necessary.
Even if customers tend to decline due to the declining population, they should be able to find possibilities in every business not only "Department stores" and "Residential accommodation business". "Kanko=Tourism" at the inbound age starts with consciousness reform. Tourism is not just entertainment.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"


I moved to Google-blogger from a Japanese blog site on November 14 five years ago, and it exceeded 20 thousand PV on August 6, 2017.
The page view in 8:00 this morning (Japan Time) are total 202915PV, the domestic demand are 95891PV, and from overseas are 94 countries.
That Breakdown is, USA 86590PV, France 1980PV, Russia 1729PV, Ukraine 1254PV, Germany 482PV, Poland 383PV, China 320PV,
Portugal 232PV, South Korea 262PV, UK 185PV, Greece 169PV, India 140PV, Taiwan 80PV, Malaysia 79PV, Spain 69PV,
Singapore 42PV, Indonesia 28PV, Romania 26PV, Slovakia 24PV, Vietnam 23PV, Turkey 22PV, Bulgaria 21PV, Canada 19PV,
Nigeria 19PV, Finland 17PV, Netherlands 15PV, Thailand 10PV, Belgium 10PV,
Australia, Serbia, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Brazil, Hungary, Algeria, Latvia, Saudi Arabia,Italy, Venezuela, Mongolia, Sweden,
Cambodia, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Philippines, Macau, Iraq, Chile, Moldova, Penang, Ireland, Benin, Argentina, Côte d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Laos, Belarus,
Israel, Morocco, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, UAE, Croatia, Mexico, Saint Helena, Syria, New Zealand, Pakistan, Mauritius, Estonia, Dominican republic,
Egypt, Israel, Angola, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Ecuador,Azerbaijan, Barbados, Austria, Antigua and Barbuda,
Turkmenistan, Haiti, Laos, Iceland, Jamaica, The Bahamas, South Africa, Angola.
The page view from foreign countries are total 52.74%.



No.115 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" August Issue

【ダークツーリズム】The dark tourism

 英BBCニュースによると、この代理店は2008年に在中英国人らが設立した、中国の西安を拠点とする『ヤング・パイオニア・ツアーズ』。会社のコンセプトは「母親が行くなという場所に手ごろな価格で連れていく」。目的地はアフリカや未承認国家など安全保障に問題のある地域をはじめ、チェルノブイリの立ち入り禁止区域等、ダークツーリズムとして『人がめったに行かない』場所だ。 拉致者が出たのは過去10年で初めてで、過去8000人以上の観光客を北朝鮮に連れて行ったとしている。外貨獲得政策に加担しているとの認識はなかったのだろうか?
 そこで、 私は国連発行の『ワールドツーリズム・スタティクス』で中国を発地とする渡航先140ヶ国をチェックしててみた。が、北朝鮮行きのデータは見当たらない。『ツーリズムハイライト』にもDPRK(北朝鮮)の項目はあるものの、数字は伏せられている。(とはいえ、2015年の北東アジア8カ国の合計数から北朝鮮を除く7カ国の数字を引くと、年間40万人の訪朝と、1億8300万ドル221.43億円の外貨収入がある事が分かる) 米国国務省も訪朝米国人に関する統計はないとする。国務省では、米国人による北朝鮮への旅行は違法ではないが、訪問しないよう国民に警告し、完全に禁止することを検討しているとのことである。が、それはあまりにも遅い判断だ。物価の差の大きい国への先進国からの旅行は、物価安の国にとっては数十倍の利益となる。モノの貿易よりも儲かるのだ。そして、今回のように人質事件になる可能性もあるのである。

According to the CNN news on the evening of June 22, a travel agency who was arranging a DPRK trip by a US Virginia college student who died after returning home after the brain was killed after being arrested in DPRK, it announced says from now on policy of not accepting sightseeing trips to DPRK.
According to the BBC News, this company is "Young Pioneer Tours" based in Xian, China. Established in 2008 by British peoples living in China. the concept of this company is "We take along you at a reasonable price were your mother to undesirable place." that destination is a place where "people rarely go" it as "The dark tourism", regions with security problems such as Africa or unapproved states, or such as Chernobyl off limits areas. this is the first time in the past ten years that an Arrestor has appeared, and we had take more than 8,000 tourists to DPRK so far. it didn't there be any recognition that was cooperation into Foreign currency acquisition policy?
According to a travel agent in Beijing by the New York Times, seems 4 thousand to 5 thousand tourists visit DPRK annually from Western countries of which about 20% will be occupied by Americans.
So, I checked 140 destinations where from China departure by "World Tourism Statics" issued by UNWTO, but I could not find any data for DPRK. on the other hand, although "DPRK" items also existed in "Tourism Highlights" there were no figures. (However, if you subtract the figures from the seven countries excluding North Korea from the total number of 8 countries in Northeast Asia of 2015, you can see that there are 400,000 arrivals per year and receipts of 183 million USD) Also in the State Department of the United States, there is seems no statistics on Americans who visited DPRK. the Department of State said that traveling to DPRK by Americans is not illegal but warns the citizens not to visit and is considering prohibiting them completely, but that is a judgment too late. traveling from a developed country to a country where the price difference is large is have a tens of times benefit to the cheap country. it is also there are cases where the profit ratio is better than the goods trade. it turns into weapons such as missiles. and, because it will may also serve as a hostage like a this time.

【DMOの財源】The financial resources for DMO


On July 1, the Tourism Economic Newspaper have reported, the findings on the "current situation and issues" of the candidate for the DMO in Japan of the Japan Travel and Tourism Association. this Association is a public benefit corporation, for local public bodies and prefectural tourism associations are members. this survey conducted by post mail and e-mail to 123 candidate organizations in March this year, and based on responses from 97 organizations. the breakdown is, two wide-area cooperative DMO organizations, 44 DMO organizations, and 51 regional DMO organizations.
As a result, 59% of all respondents affirmed the lack of data collection experts, and 100% in wide areas DMO.
Also, about human resource development, about 40% of organizations hold study sessions and seminars, and are supporting participation, but more than 40% of the talent who carries out financial and business analysis is lack yet. the percentage of development and provision of teaching materials, on-site training support, personnel intermediation / introduction, etc. are also low. Japan Travel and Tourism Association analyzing that it seems that efforts have not progressed yet.
Regarding important issues in addressing DMO, "securing financial resources for stable organization management" is the most frequent. Next is "securing business operation expenses". Also, there are a lot of wish such as "securing of human cooperation system (dispatched, etc.) by the full-time staff and external organizations", "organizing and organizing roles among organizations", "cooperation within companies and regions".
About regard to "what kind of things are idea for securing financial resources", the profit business is 75%, the membership fee is 43%, and the subsidy is 42%. Regarding its earnings business, in addition to sales of special products and regionally limited goods, he wants to use sales, consulting, advertisement income, etc. of landing type travel products. however, these are would be need to keep in mind the marketability of domestic tourism, which tends to decline.
Incidentally, According to the report of the JTB Research Institute in January this year, Japan Tourism Agency recommends that you consider using managed income such as hot spring tax, accommodation tax, local tax, it "as a stable operation fund" for DMO.

【政策よりも政局】Political situation than policy

 新聞各紙の世論調査によると、モリ・カケ問題などの影響を受けた安倍政権の支持率は10ポイント以上低下。 6/30、自民党の幹事長は都議選の応援演説で、「マスコミの人たちが選挙を左右すると思ったら大間違いだ」と批判した。だが、7/2に行われた東京都の議会議員選挙の結果は、知事が率いる都民ファーストの会の圧勝となった。

According to public opinion polls of each newspapers, due to influence of such as the Moritomo and the Kake-gakuen problem, the approval rating of the Abe administration dropped by more than 10 points. On June 30, the LDP's secretary general was criticizing, "it is a big mistake if think that the media people will influence the elections." However, the results of the Tokyo Metropolitan Parliamentary election held on July 2 became the big victory of the Citizen First Party led by the governor.
This is a very important result also in predicting the future of the ruling party on the national affairs.
In response to NHK's interview, the Liberal Democratic Party's former minister in charge of the Region revitalization should frankly admit that it is a historic defeat, this is an election that was strongly influenced by national affairs, which is not mere a local election. in the election this time, there were few citizens who thought the LDP was humble and sincere. So, it was an election that the LDP's lost rather than a won of the Citizen First Party" said. but, there is no mention directly to the dictatorship of ruling party. I hope you encourage self-cleaning efforts, not only to criticize. First of all, it is an early revision of the "Ryokan Business Law" postponed in the previous Diet. that delay is a big problem that is indirect but seriously affecting Japan's "service trade".

【香港国際空港】Hong Kong International Airport


This year marks the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return. According to the People's Daily July 1, the number of tourists who visited Hong Kong from mainland China increased from 2.36 million in 1997 to 42.77 million in 2016, more than 17 times.
However, travel by nationality people of mainland Chinese to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is treated as outbound, in fact Despite being a domestic trip by based on "one country two system / one China". In order to travel to Hong Kong or Macao, "China's to Hong Kong and Macau Pass" is necessary instead of a passport. Only when entering by transfer, if you use "People's Republic of China passport", visa will be exempted for 7 days.
According to the statistics and analysis of the travel reservation website "Flying pig" under Alibaba, out of the overseas flight route from China mainland, the number of flights that pass through Hong Kong is more than a quarter of the total. This is because the price of air tickets will be reduced by 10% to 20% compared to the average price of all international flight connecting flights. the average time required for transfer is also short. Hong Kong International Airport is the relaying airport 2 nd to Shanghai in the frequency that tourists from mainland China use for transit. The main destinations of the connecting flight are Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Republic of the United Arab Republic, and so on. In addition, more than 20% of tourists who go to Maldives, Australia, Canada etc. have also chosen Hong Kong as way point.
Via Hong Kong also operate flights to major destinations. the proportion of mainland tourists traveling to Indonesia was 76% in Fiji, 56% in Brunei, 47% in South Africa and 36% in India. Neither of these destinations has direct flights from Mainland China, but flight tickets via Hong Kong are extremely reasonable pricing. Furthermore, Shanghai - Singapore flights are 56.8% cheaper than direct flights, and if you go to Bangkok, Taipei or Los Angeles, if you choose a flight via Hong Kong, the ticket price will be reduced from 30% to 40%.
As in South Korea it is easy to increase the number of inbounds by increasing the number of transit passengers. Therefore, about 42.77 million people from Mainland China also have the possibility of propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party.

【5月の国際収支】May's Balance of payments

 7/10、財務省は5月の経常収支(速報)を公表した。これによると、経常収支の黒字は1兆6539億円である。旅行収支は1272億円の黒字で、貿易収支は▲1151億円だ。海上旅客は▲10億円、航空旅客は▲415億円である。海上旅客の受取は1億円で、支払が10億円。航空旅客の受取は247億円で、支払が662億円。(四捨五入の為に合計には合わない場合がある) 旅行収支の受取は2937億円、支払は1664億円だ。

On July 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments in May. according to this, Current Account Balance surplus is 1.6539 trillion JPY. Among them, Travel Balance is surplus of 127.2 billion JPY, and the Trade Balance was ▲115.1 billion JPY. the Sea passenger is ▲ 1.0 billion JPY, and the Air passenger is ▲ 41.5 billion JPY. the Sea passenger's Credit is 100 million JPY, and the Deposit is 1 billion JPY. the Air passenger's Credit is 24.7 billion JPY and the Deposit is 66.2 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) the Travel balance's Credit was 293.7 billion JPY and the Deposit was 166.4 billion JPY.
According to the JNTO, May's inbound was 2,294,700 people and outbound was 1,315,000 people (both is provisional values).
By the way, many medias did not write the report on "current account balance" this time for relaying "Closing Council". Therefore, there are very few people who noticed the sharp deficit in the trade balance in Japan.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

         Jan.   655
         May 16,539 
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲8,534      Jan.▲2,357
  Feb.10,768      Feb.  ▲639
  Mar. 8,655      Mar. 1,804
  Apr. 5,536      Apr.▲2,947
  May ▲1,151      May    421  
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.12,655      Jan.▲1,108
  Feb.19,751      Feb.▲1,745
  Mar.21,951      Mar.▲3,333
  Apr.18,480      Apr.▲1,551
  May 19,243      May ▲1,973
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲669      Jan. 1,513
  Feb.  ▲534      Feb.   897
  MAr.  ▲577      Mar.   788
  Apr.  ▲395      Apr. 1,779
  May   ▲358      May  1,272  
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Mar. 1,593
         May   ▲493    
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲6      Jan.   476
  Feb.   ▲11      Feb.   402
  Mar.    ▲9      Mar.   643
  Apr.   ▲11      Apr.   578
  May    ▲10      May    620
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲394      Jan.    49
  Feb.  ▲447      Feb.    47
  Mar.  ▲474      Mar.    52
  Apr.  ▲263      Apr.    59
  May   ▲415      May     66

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【荒ぶる神々】The raging gods


July 9. the "Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region" to World Cultural Heritage Registration" decided. by this, Japan's World Heritage become 21 due to 17 cultural heritage and 4 natural heritage. This property group is on the provisional list in 2009, and the Japanese government recommended it to UNESCO, at  last January.
However, in May this year, ICOMOS granted registration for four such as Okinoshima and surrounding reefs, but regarding the four existing in the Kyushu mainland, had denied the global value. Notwithstanding, the 41st World Heritage Committee, held in Krakow, Poland, reversed this recommendation, and it granted registration of all 8 constituent assets. It is said to be the result of lobbying to committee members.
However, voices of joy are hardly reported. because was among the catastrophic disasters caused by recordable heavy rain.
Although I've recorded in No. 99's "UNWTO's International Conference on Heritage Tourism", To begin with, the World Heritage is a concept that was born in order to protect the endangered Nubian ruins of destruction by Aswan High Dam, it had been selected those with historical value placed in really dangerous. however, the World Heritage can expect an increase in the number of tourists from the rise in recognition of the name. therefore, to expand business opportunities. and, also offers political use. It seems that it deviates from its original meaning, no longer.
This World Heritage site is the elect district of the Deputy Prime Minister, following the elect district of the Prime Minister "Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution" of two years ago. and, "the Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" which has foot stepping since two years ago it is prospects to now is next year.

【嘘も方便】Sometimes it's necessary to fib a little.


Did the G7 Summit effect exist?
I would like to ask you before answering it. Where was the venue for this year's G7 Summit?
Most people are don't remember already? That's the way it is.
Well, about the economic effect to tourism by the summit effect, it can estimate the number of guests compared to the previous year. In terms of the number of visitors to tourist facilities and sites, the number of guests is included in multiples and it is unsuitable because it also includes neighboring residents who can not be said to be tourists. According to statistics of Mie prefecture, the year-on-year rate of Shima ryokan street is 3.2%, Ago Ryokan street 8.17%, and Isobe ryokan street 11.61% increase.
However, there is also a ryokan streets which is negative compared with the previous year. Hamajima Onsen Street decreased by 0.54%, and Toba Ryokan Street also decreased by 1.96%, totaling 38,971 people decrease.
Moreover, at the Tourism Economic Newspaper on July 15, the "fixed value" from January to December 2016 tabulated by JTA was reported. According to this, the Total number of guests in Mie prefecture is 9,304,450 people, ▲1.6% over the previous year. Among them, the Inbound was only 351,870 people, ▲10.2%.
Do not be fooled. the "Summit effect" is such a situation.
By the way, according to JTA, the fixed value of inbound guests total was 69,388,940 people in nationwide, plus 5.8% year-on-year. but, Mie prefecture's rank was downed to 24th among 47 prefectures.

【三重のインバウンド宿泊者数(1月から4月まで)】Number of foreigners who stayed in Mie (From January to April)


And, according to the Chunichi Shimbun on July 22, the total number of people of foreigner stay from January to April this year was 84,940, a decrease of 38% compared with the same period last year. In the nationwide it is despite an increase of 16.36% over this four months.
According to reports, the most reduced is from China with a 47% decline. Next a 33% decline from Korea. And, it was a 26% decline from Taiwan too. regarding the cause Mie Prefecture authorities that many Chinese have stayed in hotels of northern of Mie prefecture so far, but because the increase in accommodation facilities in Aichi Prefecture such as Nagoya said.
However, according to interviews with tourism facilities, the number of visitors seems to have not decreased. Why does this gap occur?
I think it is due to "Illegal Minpaku". because these are not included in the accommodation statistics, therefore it is also not included in the Travel balance. Although I've repeatedly said it since the International Statistics Forum, it need to grasp the current situation firmly. because ships will stray when that do not get the coordinates. I think it desirable to utilize GPS data.

【中国のインバウンドとアウトバウンドの収支】China's balance of inbound and outbound

 とはいえ、7/15のAFP通信によると、中国のシンクタンクCCG(Center for China and Globalization)と旅行総合予約サイトのシートリップが共同発表した報告書では、アウトバウンドとインバウンドの差が、アウトバウンド超過で赤字になっていると憂慮している。

About that China, the Chinese State Council's NTA recently announced "13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) Tourism Human Resources Development Plan Outline." In this plan, the number of newly employed people in the tourism industry will increase by about 1 million per year during that period. and as a result, tourism workers are expected to increase from 27.98 million at the end of 2015 to 33 million people in 2020. In China, the tourism industry is also becoming an important industry supporting the nation's economy at the forefront as a national strategy. tourism is a "service trade".
Nevertheless, according to AFP's news on July 15, in a report jointly announced by CCG and C-trip, the concern is that the outbound exceeds the inbound as deficit.
However China is cleverness. I described it again in the place and the back number of the EU's Tourism Statistics Forum, but in Japan it was not known about the outbound excess for also 44 years from 1971 to 2015. Even so, in China can be understand the problem quickly. however, in China has noticed the problem at early.
According to the report, the amount consumed by overseas tourists from Mainland of China in FY 2016, the world's largest total of 261 billion USD. as a result, there are an increasing number of countries that are considering opening up new tourist attractions, further simplifying procedures for tourist visas, etc., to attract Chinese tourists. The increase rate of outbound from Mainland of China from 2005 to 2015 became 319.2%. on the other hand, the inbound rate is it only about 11.2% increase over the previous year. this is lower than the developed countries in the 38.9%, or than the developing countries in the 57.2%, also which is lower than the growth rate in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole, 81.3%.
The report says that the attracted of inbound has not yet been able to demonstrate sufficient power and that the development of the Chinese economy and the process towards globalization do not match well. it is Japan is also the same.

【民泊に追いやられる住民】Eviction of residents by the residential accommodation business.




According to the AFP news on July 16, the population of the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, ​​which had lived 24,470 in 2006, declined to 15,524 in 2015, and 63% of the current population is became tourists or short-term residents. Local residents said that this trend is getting worse by the appearance of the residential accommodation services. Regional councilors who are electoral districts here also say that the center of a historic town is about to be empty, unlike a gentrification where the original persons is gone and replaced with wealthier people. a sociologist point out that this situation, the central part of the city is regarded as a mechanism to generate money, and that the working class was expelled from it. for example, in Paris 20,000 houses have disappeared over the past five years includ changing to rent for tourists. as a result, the rent has risen and the population had decreased. Also, as I mentioned at the study meeting, the class closure occurred and also the occupancy rate of the regular hotels decreased. also Barcelona where 30 million people visit each year too, prices such as rents rise due to the influence of domestic and foreign investors who focused on the profitability of the city.
The mayor of Barcelona City, an activist who opposed eviction, introduced strict regulations against these movements. Last year, he was fined 600,000 euros each to "airbnb" and "Home Away" because he did marketing without permission to accept tourists.
Fortunately, it seems that it has not reached this level in Japan yet. However, the "About the actual condition and dangers of a landlord-absent-type Minpaku" of the private research company "Minpaku Busters" approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission has released already from the Tokyo Hotel Ryokan Hygiene Association. this report is troubles with residents of the condominium, and it is distributed to special wards, members of the metropolitan assembly, related administrative departments, etc..
The report, summarizes opinions from various residents by chiefly choosing "the landlord-absent-type Minpaku" that have been consulted so far, visiting the site in fact, and investigating the current situation of Minpaku. many of them are damage related to noise and inconvenience. however, some victims were experienced also enough to feel danger. As for the cause, this report conclude that the landlord-absent-type Minpaku is not teaching the rules, the minimum manners to the traveler, and not navigating the traveler.
Nevertheless, such cases are not well known yet. The main media hide the negative part of this black ship business. This is because consideration to stakeholders is a top priority. besides that, even newspaper companies and television stations, there are even things that make the resident sales business. for example, "○○ Housing Center" etc. is it.These media don't write nationwide Minpaku crimes. Not only in the one-room Minpaku woman assaulted in Fukuoka on July 16, it is also a case of importing stimulants in Meguro-ku on June 16, and ATM withdrawal incident by "counterfeit CUP card" unauthorized Minpaku on Shinjuku.

【JIS】Japanese Industrial Standards

 経済産業省は7/20、国際規格(ISO)との整合性を図るため、日本人だけでなくインバウンドにも理解できるようにと、7つのJISの案内用図記号(ピクトグラム)を変更した。また、時代に対応した15種類の新しい記号と『ヘルプマーク』も追加された。JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)とは、鉱工業品の品質の改善、性能・安全性の向上、生産効率の増進等のため、工業標準化法に基づき制定される日本の国家規格であり、製品の種類・寸法や品質・性能、安全性、それらを確認する試験方法や、求められる規格値などを定めるものだ。ちなみに農林水産業にはJASがある。

On July 20, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry changed seven JIS pictograms so that they can understand not only Japanese but also inbound, for intended to be consistent with international standards (ISO). Also added 15 kinds of new pictograms corresponding to the times and also "help mark". JIS is a Japanese national standard established under the Industrial Standardization Law to improve the quality of industrial products, to improve performance / safety, to increase such as production efficiency. and the determination of product type / dimensions, quality / performance, safety, test methods for checking them, required specification values, etc. are specified. Incidentally, there are JAS in agriculture, forestry and fishery products.
However, According to the NHK news in this day, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry is preparing legal revisions for the first time in nearly 70 years to expand the scope of application to JIS service industry. because JIS subjects should be expanded from traditional industrial products to service sectors such as tourism and nursing, considering that Japan's GDP by service industry accounts for about 70%. moreover, by adding "service" as a new field, the name of the law is also revised to the "Industry Standardization Law", and also accordingly the name of the new standard will be "Japan Industry Standards". on the other hand, the notation of JIS is a policy to continue because it is established among the people. Apparently it the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry seems that it intends to expand the benefits of the Ministry. Is not it enough to just export nuclear power plants and weapons?  Despite by the developing countries deprived signboard of "great country of manufacturing industry", it are still greedy.
According to the report drafted on July 21, the subject is supposed to be "Sharing economy" such as car sharing, which carries out shared use of cars, in addition to nursing care, childcare service and sightseeing. such as the levels, and skills of "omotenashi" required to full-time staff are will be drafted by industry groups and standardized after the national deliberations. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry wants to submit to the ordinary Diet session next year at the earliest. It seems that they are hoping to deprive the service industry as well as the tourism industry initiative.
However, necessary is that is promote the Japan Tourism Agency to the Ministry of Japan Tourism. And, in order to balance the export of goods and the exports of services, it is even necessary to reduce the interests relatively of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, like Western European countries and China. it is because there is a lot of waste very recently.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"