

No.98 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" March Issue

【人心を惑わす大本営発表】Imperial Headquarters Announcement deceive peoples


Popular effect by Summit appeared. if write an article it to the premise as this will generate a gap between the reality. Shima City's major 25 hotels and ryokans of the year-end and New Years holidays, it was a 5.8% negative year-on-year. 30,462 people in the number of people.
But, Chunichi Shinbun seems to want to induction to the conclusion that it's the effect of the Summit, because major 16 tourist facilities's combined number had been increased 0.3%. In the case of the same period last year(2015), is even though was 20 to 30% of the steep decline by  the big cold wave.
According to the international definition, the "Visitor" is a stay within 24 hours,  the "Tourist" is a stay of more than 24 hours.
this can't be ignored in inbound era.
In other words, tourists was reduced the year-end and New Year holidays also this year.
Chubu area ​​Social and Economic Research was the direct economic effects to the Mie Prefecture by Summit is estimated 32.8 billion JPY. the profit margin does not mention. Mie Prefecture's Summit-related budget is 50.3 billion JPY. the direct economic effect is the deficit.
In fact, Kashikojima of Mie Prefecture where the summit will be held is serious.
Local stay of the security team is starting from March 1. Between Kashikojima Station with Ugata Station will be railway operation stop. In coming and going of the Kashikojima it is necessary the Identification or the Gate-Pass. And, the events of field trips or sports in May from 9 to 28, becomes a postponement in the 29 elementary and junior high schools and kindergartens in Shima.
Of course, tourists also can not enter into Kashikojima.
Nevertheless, should not close the shop. because that leave compensation is not.

【007/赤い刺青の男】The Man with the Red Tattoo


After the death of Ian Fleming, his Foundation has been approved some people as the successor writers. Raymond Benson of Texas graduate who wrote "The Man with the Red Tattoo" also was one of them. he wrote the three novelization of the movies, and the six creative story. this is one of them was released from Putnam in 2002 too. the story setting is Japan. Benson also seems has dared research travel in Japan, like Fleming.
Anglo-Japanese half women sudden death in JAL flight to London from Tokyo. around the same time, her family of  Pharmaceutical company management of also unnatural death in the home near Tokyo. The British Secret Service dispatched 007 to Japan for the incident investigation, for the guard of G8 Summit that shortly will held in Japan. Bond will start the investigation along with the Japan Public Security Intelligence Agency of Tiger Tanaka. that cause of deaths is West Nile fever of  fast-acting that has been remodeled.
Bond, grabbed the Summit attack and the world diffusion plan by cultured mosquito, to the end of the offense and defense with the evil dwarf Kappa head and the gangster organizations. and fight against "The Man with the Red Tattoo" extreme right-wing organization leader to infatuation to Yukio Mishima with a hideout of  Etorofu.
That main location is, Ginza, Kabukicho, Tsukiji market, Kamakura, Seikan Tunnel, Sapporo city, Noboribetsu-Onsen, and, Benesse House of Kagawa Prefecture Naoshima of the G8 Summit venue. it has been not overlap as much as possible to Ian Fleming's "You Only Live TWice". also Etorofu of hideout attack by armed helicopters of the Self-Defense Forces in the climax. But, the plot weak when compared with Fleming. also there is not enough realism that in style.
For example, upon summit venue raid of mosquitoes with poison, Bond should had a Insecticide than the Walther PPK. because the means have been found.
By the way, Naoshima-cho was constructed the pavilion of "The Man with the Red Tattoo", in only backup of Kagawa Prefecture and local volunteers and donations. and, the activities to film adaptation was also carried out.
However, James Bond didn't come.

【民泊の規制】 Regulation of the Minpaku (Homestay business)

 これで不動産オーナーは、日本人であろうがなかろうが大儲けできる。たとえば、月15万円で賃貸に出せる都市部のマンションを『民泊』に転用し、一泊1万5000円~ 2万円の料金を設定すれば、月20日間稼働で月額賃料の二倍以上になるのだ。
 ただし検討会は、 インターネットなどで仲介を行う業者の規制なども同時に検討中である。また、貸主に対して宿泊者を確認するよう求めていくとしている。

According to the NHK evening news of January 25, Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, and Japan Tourism Agency was positioned the category "Minpaku" to "Simple lodging" of the Hotel Business Law. and it have decided to admit if the lender is to get the business license from the local government. after this, newly determine the floor area of per person Guest.
For this, the owner of the real estate will be able to earn big money, even if it is not Japanese, even if it is Japanese.
For example, diverted one month 150,000 JPY apartment in urban areas to the "Minpaku", and if setting the price for the one night 15,000 to 20,000 JPY, is beneficial more than double than the rent in the 20 days.
However, investigation committee simultaneously have considering regulation of the Internet intermediary broker, and moreover the owner would be checking the hotel guests.
It's a matter of course.
In the legitimate Hotels and Ryokans based on the Hotel Business Law, a copy of the passport are also been please at the time of entry of the registration card, although not known with much Japan. it is because there is to cooperate in tracking of infection and crime.
According to the Sankei Shinbun article, at the terrorist attacks that occurred in last year's November in Paris, the perpetrators is that there is a possibility that was stay in the general apartment via an acquaintance. Police headquarters of Japan across the country, plans to embark on actual condition of the diffusion of "Minpaku". because in addition to the terrorists, it abode of illegal residents or the remittance fraud organization also becomes available.
The responsibility of the municipality to issue a business license is vital.

【国民総所得】Gross National Income

 世界銀行によると、日本の一人当たりのGNIは、2001年には先進国で4位だったが2011年では14位、2014年現在では34位にランクダウンしている。2011年が4万5190ドル 、2012年が4万7830ドル、2013年が4万6330ドル、2014年が4万2000ドルだ。
 1/30のウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルは、日銀が導入したマイナス金利政策について、「黒田総裁はサプライズを使い果たし、安倍政権の構造改革は時間切れとなっている」 と批評。日銀の量的・質的金融緩和による大規模な国債購入が限界を迎える中で、「新たな黒田バズーカは市場の関心を都合よくそらすものだ」と主張した。更に、安保関連法の成立を優先した安倍政権は、発足からの3年間を「財政支出を拡大させるだけで浪費した」とし、構造改革を伴わなければ経済成長の促進にはつながらないと断じていた。

June 2013, Abe administration had been set targets it increase 1.5 million JPY the nominal GNI of per capita in the 10 years, as a growth strategy.
The GNI is what added the balance of payments of interest and dividends from overseas, to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). and also included Personal income, Indirect tax, Corporate income, Corporate capital, Depreciation and amortization of individual houses.
According to the World Bank, the GNI of Japan per capita was a #4 in developed countries in 2001, but 2011 is #14. and the ranking fell to #34 in 2014 current. 2011 is 45,190 USD. 2012 is 47,830 USD. 2013 is 46,330 USD. 2014 is 42,000 USD.
Apparently this seems to be the reason of Japan's GNI is not appeared in recent Japanese newspaper.
It was so also when OECD, has announced the lie of the trickle-down theory. sophistry of the Abenomics is too inconsistent in many respects. it's a danger for the world economy. Although, opposition forces that don't at all have a growth theory is also problematic. it's evidence that is not studying.
Japanese newspapers is analysis reported the political policy than the political situation, and should be discussed. what's scary?
January 30 The Wall Street Journal, about the negative interest rate policy that the Bank of Japan has been introduced, "President Kuroda run out of surprise, structural reform of the Abe administration has become a time-out" was criticism with. and, claimed that "New Kuroda bazooka is what distract interest of the market to conveniently", to because Large-scale government bond purchases by quantitative and qualitative monetary easing of the Bank of Japan greet the limit.
In addition, condemned of the three years from the Inauguration of the regime as "It was a waste of expansive government spending". because establishment of security-related laws was priority but doesn't lead to the promotion of economic growth unless accompanied by structural reforms.

[The ranking 2014 excerpt]

#1 Monaco #2 Liechtenstein #3 Bermuda #4 Norway #5 Qatar #6 Switzerland #7 Macau
#8 Luxembourg #9 Denmark # 10 Sweden #11 Australia #12 USA #13 Singapore #14 Cayman Islands
#15 Netherlands #20 Canada #21 German #22 Belgium #23 Kuwait #24 Ireland #25 United Kingdom
#28 France #29 New Zealand #31 Hong Kong #34 Japan #36 Italy #37 Spain #38 South Korea
#47 Taiwan #98 China

【国連世界観光機関の来松 2016.0205 】UNWTO visited Matsusaka 2016.0205

『アジア太平洋観光交流センター (APTEC)』でサポートされている『国連世界観光機関 (UNWTO)』の『アジア太平洋地域支援室 (RSOAP)』は、誰もが参加できる持続可能で責任ある観光を促進することを使命とする国連の専門機関である。
 マネージャーは快くデータブックを分けてくれた。(感謝してます!) それが『ツーリズムハイライト2011』と『世界観光統計集2012 (2007年から2011年)』である。これは、日本の観光産業が未だ発展途上にあることを確認するのに十分だった。

The "Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific" of the "United Nations World Tourism Organization" which is supported by the "Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center" is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.
To this UNWTO, has join the 158 countries and 6 regions. from the Asia Pacific Ocean region, has joined of the 29 countries and the 2 regions. its the activities purpose is the economic prosperity through tourism promotion. and, to contributed to peace by promoting understanding between in the nations.
Japan became the permanent members at the in 2015 General Assembly. that tenure is until 2019.
Its the UNWTO / APTEC's Secretary General had visited Matsusaka city on February 5 for a courtesy visit. he had visited Matsusaka's "Motoori Norinaga Memorial"and "Cultural Property Center" and"Matsuura Takeshiro Memorial", by staying in the Ryokan "Yachiyo". and, checked the Matsusaka as a modern Japanese origin, by meeting with Matsusaka Deputy Mayor, Industrial Economy Manager, Tourism Manager, Chamber Industry Manager, Tourism Association Executive Director.
Relation with me and UNWTO was from the year of after of held tourism events with our and Nara, in the Centrair's event hall or the Tsu Airport-line without two days the use fee. that is, the following year of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
At the time inbound was very severe, but outbound was a record growth. that year's inbound is 8,358,105 people. on the other hand, outbound was 18,490,657 people. I knocked on the door of the UNWTO / APTEC. In order to obtain comparable data. Planning Manager gave me a data book to very kindly. (much obliged!)
"Tourism Highlights 2011" and "World Tourism Statistics : Outbound Statistics by Destination 2012 (2007-2011)". this was enough to confirm that the tourism industry of Japan is in the still developing.
Not only that, it was formed the basis of "The Progress and Harmony for Humanity through Cultural Tourism(※)" of the English papers I've published on OECD and EUROSTAT 's 13th Tourism Statistics Forum held in the year before last.
In those days, Kihoku Tourism Association was provided a photos of the Paramount TV's "SHOGUN" shooting landscape for me. its Kihoku Tourism Association Director and Hajikami Terrace's Manager also came.
Much obliged.
Thanks, to everyone were able to get necessity of a information transmission and statistic utilization, as shared awareness.

Please see, [Back to the "Global Forum on Tourism Statistics"]in No.94.5.

【国際収支/経常収支 2015】Balance of Payments / Current Account Balance  2015


According to the Ministry of Finance website, December's "Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments" is a surplus of 960.7 billion JPY. By this, the numbers of from January to December would be appeared all together.
NHK news of February 8 morning, reported the "Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments" of Last year's one years. as Surplus is 16.6413 trillion JPY. the monthly cumulative amount of  before adjustment of 12 months to the had been monthly reported is 16.4954 trillion JPY. according to this number, the "Travel Balance" is surplus of 1.074 trillion JPY, but the "Trade Balance" was ▲ 661.2 billion JPY. despite the fact that is included the duty-free souvenir(※) as the export products on the "Trade Balance".
That difference is 0.4128 trillion JPY, but that distance is 1.7352 trillion JPY also.
In short, Japan entered the period of transition of  to the Tourism-oriented country from the Trading nation at last. in the future, will tourism development project for inbound is noted as an investment destination.
But, it's not new hardwares. that is development of software for the language barrier elimination and the safety and security of tourism.
And, reconsideration of passenger transport also necessary.
Cumulative total of the Transport balance from January to December was 181.2 billion JPY surplus. but, that breakdown, Sea freight 702.2 billion JPY and Sea passenger ▲ 5.8 billion JPY. Air freight 67.8 billion JPY and Air passenger ▲ 583 billion JPY. because is Air passenger holding a large-scale deficit, despite the increased inbound.

According to the JNTO's estimates, souvenir consumption amount of per capita average is 73,663 JPY. So, 1.45388631 trillion JPY in the inbound number 19737000 people. Incidentally, consumption tax exemption of this consumption total would be 116,310,993,048 JPY.

 Jan.     61,400,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  1,440,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  2,735,300,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  1,326,400,000,000 JPY
 May   1,880,900,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    558,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  1,808,600,000,000 JPY
 Aug.  1,653,100,000,000 JPY
 Sep.  1,468,400,000,000 JPY
 Oct.  1,458,400,000,000 JPY
 Nov.  1,143,500,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    960,700,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade
 Jan.   ▲864,200,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲143,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    671,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲146,200,000,000 JPY
 May    ▲ 47,300,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    102,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   ▲108,000,000,000 JPY
 Aug.   ▲326,100,000,000 JPY
 Sep.     82,300,000,000 JPY
 Oct.    200,200,000,000 JPY
 Nov.   ▲271,500,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    188,700,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services
 Jan.   ▲401,300,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲108,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    167,800,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲524,500,000,000 JPY
 May     103,700,000,000 JPY
 Jun.   ▲171,400,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   ▲183,600,000,000 JPY
 Aug.     57,800,000,000 JPY
 Sep.    ▲45,200,000,000 JPY
 Oct.   ▲337,300,000,000 JPY
 Nov.    615,000,000,000 JPY
 Dec. ▲1,713,000,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income
 Jan.  1,412,900,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  1,862,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  2,326,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  2,197,100,000,000 JPY
 May   2,013,000,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    656,900,000,000 JPY
 Jul.  2,231,200,000,000 JPY
 Aug.  2,051,800,000,000 JPY
 Sep.  1,669,400,000,000 JPY
 Oct.  1,731,500,000,000 JPY
 Nov.  1,542,300,000,000 JPY
 Dec.  1,012,200,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
 Jan.    ▲86,100,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲170,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   ▲370,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲200,100,000,000 JPY
 May    ▲188,500,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    ▲29,600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   ▲130,900,000,000 JPY
 Aug.   ▲130,500,000,000 JPY
 Sep.   ▲238,000,000,000,JPY
 Oct.   ▲136,000,000,000 JPY
 Nov.   ▲188,900,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    ▲68,900,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
 Jan.    ▲48,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    ▲53,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    ▲50,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    ▲47,300,000,000 JPY
 May     ▲54,600,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    ▲45,300,000,000 JPY
 Jul.    ▲74,300,000,000 JPY
 Aug.    ▲65,800,000,000 JPY
 Sep.    ▲57,200,000,000 JPY
 Oct.    ▲67,400,000,000 JPY
 Nov.    ▲60,400,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    ▲44,700,000,000 JPY

○トラベル Travel
 Jan.     26,300,000,000 JPY
 Feb.     63,300,000,000 JPY
 Mar.     51,800,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    133,400,000,000 JPY
 May     103,100,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    104,400,000,000 JPY
 Jul.    129,500,000,000 JPY
 Aug.     78,200,000,000 JPY
 Sep.     56,500,000,000 JPY
 Oct.    110,700,000,000 JPY
 Nov.     98,500,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    118,300,000,000 JPY

○その他サービス Other Services
 Jan.   ▲379,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲118,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    166,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲610,500,000,000 JPY
 May      55,200,000,000 JPY
 Jun.   ▲230,500,000,000 JPY
 Jul.   ▲238,800,000,000 JPY
 Aug.     45,500,000,000 JPY
 Sep.    ▲44,600,000,000 JPY
 Oct.    ▲38,060,000,000 JPY
 Nov.     23,400,000,000 JPY
 Dec.   ▲244,900,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
 Jan.       ▲200,000,000 JPY
 Feb.       ▲300,000,000 JPY
 Mar.       ▲400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.       ▲700,000,000 JPY
 May        ▲800,000,000 JPY
 Jun.       ▲600,000,000 JPY
 Jul.       ▲300,000,000 JPY
 Aug.       ▲500,000,000 JPY
 Sep.       ▲400,000,000 JPY
 Oct.       ▲500,000,000 JPY
 Nov.       ▲500,000,000 JPY
 Dec.       ▲600,000,000 JPY   

○海上貨物 Sea Freight
 Jan.     60,900,000,000 JPY
 Feb.     54,500,000,000 JPY
 Mar.     74,300,000,000 JPY
 Apr.     66,800,000,000 JPY
 May      54,800,000,000 JPY
 Jun.     70,100,000,000 JPY
 Jul.     53,400,000,000 JPY
 Aug.     61,300,000,000 JPY
 Sep.     68,100,000,000 JPY
 Oct.     48,400,000,000 JPY
 Nov.     45,200,000,000 JPY
 Dec.     44,400,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
 Jan.    ▲43,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    ▲49,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    ▲60,700,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    ▲45,400,000,000 JPY
 May     ▲42,800,000,000 JPY
 Jun.    ▲51,500,000,000 JPY
 Jul.    ▲54,800,000,000 JPY
 Aug.    ▲54,300,000,000 JPY
 Sep.    ▲57,600,000,000 JPY
 Oct.    ▲44,100,000,000 JPY
 Nov.    ▲44,500,000,000 JPY
 Dec.    ▲33,600,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
 Jan.      6,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.      6,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.      6,100,000,000 JPY
 Apr.      6,200,000,000 JPY
 May       5,800,000,000 JPY
 Jun.      6,800,000,000 JPY
 Jul.      6,100,000,000 JPY
 Aug.      5,100,000,000 JPY
 Sep.      5,100,000,000 JPY
 Oct.      5,000,000,000 JPY
 Nov.      3,700,000,000 JPY
 Dec.      4,400,000,000 JPY

【春節(2/7-13)】Chinese New Year (Feb. 7-13)


China had been interrupted economic activity for the Chinese New Year. despite is the case, this one week of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was a severe situation. lower width of the Nikkei Stock Average of from the beginning of the year in February 12, became the 4,000 JPY or more. this cause is not China market. it's crude oil weaker, credit anxiety of European banks, the US economic trends. and, one week stop of the major automakers for the component factory explosion also was a very timely. furthermore also due to the NIRP.
In short, because is not able to find the investment destination growth can be expected. with the exception of the inbound industry that travel balance has been improved.
However, what situation is the "explosive shopping"?
According to the NHK news of February 12, about the trends of Chinese tourists in the conference of the earnings announcement, Chinese man president of Laox said, "Purchase price of per capita in some stores has been fallen since decline in China stock of September. the expensive consumer electronics purchase decreased. on behalf of it, daily necessities or cosmetics have been bought". and "In the food and entertainment has come to spend the money. is not only shopping. it seems consumption trends have changed". "Decline of the yuan also have an impact on consumer confidence definitely" said.
2015 Financial Results of Laox is sales of 92,693,000,000 JPY (year-on-year increase of 84.6%). Operating income 8,586,000,000 JPY (394.5%). Ordinary income 8,637,000,000 JPY ( 385.6%). Net income 8,079,000,000 JPY (550.1%). however, this year December, expect a decrease of 18% of operating income.
The explosive shopping fever also has come to subside. increasingly the development of cultural tourism industry is required. To that end also it will be require elevation of Japan Tourism Agency. Like the Ministry of Defense As a national business from Agency to Ministry.

                           Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"


Extra: About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 007

【007 had already come to Mie Prefecture】

James Bond had already come to Mie Prefecture.
That's a novel "You Only Live Twice" that has been published from Jonathan Cape in 1964.
Writer is Ian Fleming. he had been visited Japan in order to write it, in 1962.
This is the second time visit to Japan, this time Japan stay is 12 days. guide is Torao(Tiger) Saito of Asahi Shinbun, and an Australian Richard Hughes correspondent of the Sunday Times. So in this novel there are a lot of realistic description.
The Mie prefecture's contents are Ama (Diving girl), Ise-ebi (lobster), hydrofoil (abolished by now), Mikimoto Pearl Island, Outer Shrine of Ise-Shrine (Ise-Jingu), Matsusaka cow, Wadakin ranch, and, Matsuo Basho and his haiku. in addition to this, also there is depiction of a castle that has been surrounded by the sea, as the base of the leader of the Spectre. this is probably Toba-castle. but, Fleming has changed that stage to somewhere in Kyushu. because this castle is lost already. he was used that only concept in Kyushu, unfortunately. Currently, this Toba-castle is scheduled the reconstruction by Toba city, already it has completed repair of Ishigaki (stone walls). that original appearance, can be known also in the Ryokan(Japanese hotel) Yachiyo's the painting of Matsusaka city.
Bond arrives in Toba port of Mie prefecture, aboard the hydrofoils, and he saw the statue of Mikimoto Kokichi in this city. because Fleming had visit the Mikimoto Pearl Island, in order to observe the Ama (the diving girl) as a model of the story the heroine Kissy Suzuki.
Incidentally, the scene that Bond has astounded in the alive Ise-ebi cuisine is also Ryokan in Toba. Fleming has actually seem saw the activity Ise-ebi dishes in Gamagori city.
One of the most realistic scenes is the scene of Ise-Shrine, and another is scenes to experience the care of Matsusaka cow. the background and personality are written well. for example,


Tiger and Bond stood in the shade of the avenue of giant cryptomerias and observed the pilgrims, slung with cameras, who were visiting the famous Outer Shrine of Ise, the greatest temple to the creed of Shintoism. Tiger said, "All right. You have observed theses people and their actions. They have been saying prayers to the sun goddess. Go and say a prayer without drawing attention to yourself".
Bond walked over the raked path and through the great wooden archway and joined the throng in front of the shrine. Two priests, bizarre in their red kimonos and black helmets, were watching. Bond bowed towards the shrine, tossed a coin on to the wire-netting designed to catch the offerings, clapped his hands loudly, bent his head in an attitude of prayer, clapped his hands again, bowed and walked out.
"You did well", said Tiger."One of the priests barely glanced at you. The public paid no attention. You should perhaps have clapped your hands more loudly. It is to draw the attention of the goddess and your ancestors to your presence at the shrine. Then they will pay more attention to your prayer. What prayer did you in fact make ?"
"I'me afraid I didn't make any, Tiger. I was concentrating on remembering the right sequence of motions."
This is a scene of test of the disguised Bond as a Japanese tourist by the instruction of Tiger Tanaka. he is a public Safety Director of Japan. after this two people will move in the hyer to Matsusaka, and arrived at Wadakin ranch.

The herdsman hauled out a crate of beer bottles. He opened one and handed it to Bond. Tiger said peremptorily, "Give it to the cow to drink."
Bond took the bottle and walked boldly up to the cow who raised her head and opened her slavering jaws. Bond trust the bottle between them and poured. The cow almost ate the bottle in its delight and ran its harsh tongue gratefully over Bond's hand. Bond stood his ground. He was getting used to Tiger's ploys by now, and he was determined to show at any an approximation of the kami-kaze spirit whatever test Tiger put him to.
The herdsman now handed Bond a bottle of what appeared to be water. Tiger said, "This is shochu. It is a very raw gin. Fill your mouth with it and spray it over the back of the cow and then massage it into the cow's flesh".

After that, Bond and Tiger will visit the castle of the mountain. there is also a description of Matsuo Basho and Ninja. but, place name of Iga Ueno has not been written.
Finally, it is the haiku of the Bond that was resemble  Basho. this became the title of this novel. incidentally, the same title the movie version was completely different story and shooting location.

You only live twice:
Once when you are born,
And once when you look death in the face.

After Basho
Japanese poet, 1643-94


それは1964年からジョナサン・ケープから出版されている小説 "007号は二度死ぬ"です(日本語版は早川書房)。
二度目の来日となる今回の日本滞在は12日間。ガイドは朝日新聞の斎藤寅郎(タイガー)と、サンデータイムズのオーストラリア人特派員リチャード・ヒューズ。 故にこの小説にはリアルな記述がたくさんあります。

第10章 高等科

(井上一夫訳 早川書房刊『007号は二度死ぬ』より)


(井上一夫訳 早川書房刊『007号は二度死ぬ』より)


You only live twice:
Once when you are born,
And once when you look death in the face.
After Basho
Japanese poet, 1643-94

(井上一夫訳 早川書房刊『007号は二度死ぬ』より)


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.

O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda,Higashi-kishu,Matsusaka-area,Sightseeing Support) Shigeki  Imura


Since then, not saw 007 long vertical poster in Japan.



Japanese 007 chirashi-ad

Japanese 007 soundtrack LP records

007 novels in Japan

18 photos of the "You Only Live Twice". that was sold by the mom-and-pop candy stores in Japan.

Japanese Souvenir Booklets 007 1962-2002

Japanese manga version 007