

No.89 “About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" June Issue 2015.0601

【日本遺産2015】Japan Heritage 2015


Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs initially, was showed the world heritage candidate specific direction to "Japan heritage".
But, it to the tourist attract, and regional development, seems to move the emphasis. for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. its the certification, is seems about 100 in ​​until to the Tokyo Olympics 2020.
The 83 inquiry. to 50 applications. the first Certification from among them is 18 cases in the story-oriented. it's a "Certified" of once a year. is not a "Designated" by the cultural council. its "Japan Heritage Review Committee" the members of the certifier is, Tsukuba University graduate school professor, broadcast writer, cartoonist, Tokyo University graduate school professor, JTA's comprehensive investigation Institute length, arts-crafts President. they chose the regions of "Certified" the also in South than lake Biwa in Kii-Peninsula, is Asuka-mura(Municipality of representative) Nara Prefecture "Asuka" and Meiwa-cho Mie Prefecture "Saiku". this is possible to obtain a grant for the PR costs. in short, it can be execution up the tactics than strategy.
Agency for Cultural Affairs has also assumes the cooperation with other ministries. but, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, there seems "Regional heritage". and, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, also there seems "Regional story business".
I hope not to be falling into evils of vertically divided government, in the flood of similar planning to same way as the tourism policy.

【不均衡改善】Improvement of imbalance


After all, feel that is approaching to the dawn also Japan's Inbound industry. according to NHK morning news April 30, the number of French tourists who visited Gifu Prefecture is told that a 10,000 people. it has to be a result of Sales promotion of Gifu Governor.
In addition, according JNTO report May 20, April inbound was 1,764,700 people (provisional value) it has exceeded the 615,700 people than outbound.
However, Inbound industry of Japan is still not more than stand on the starting line. the "Travel balance" improvement in the "Service balance" in the "Current account balance" still distant. because it's understanding does not easily penetrate among Japanese people.
For example, Japan's prime minister visited the United States, but does he not said the Japanese Travel balance should be improved. however, in the case of the United States, Japanese outbound to the United States of 2014 is 3,579,363 people (ITA provisional value). in spite of, Inbound from the US to Japan is 891,668 people (JNTO provisional value) that only. its difference is more than four times. Japan's tourism industry is obedience but it will be a "Safeguard" definitely if was the automotive industry or agriculture.
Japan to make concessions to the security and TPP. if it, the Japanese government must make the Japan visit campaign in the throughout the United States until to the balanced Inbound and Outbound.


By the way, on United States the next is China. its Outbound from Japan, 2014 is 2,717,700 people(CNTA provisional value). on the other hand, Inbound from China is 2,409,158 people (JNTO provisional value). it still not enough about 30 million people.
Its next is South Korea. Japanese Outbound is 2,280,434 people (KTO provisional value), Korean Inbound is 2,755,313 people (JNTO provisional value). it was reversed barely because "Korean pop culture" subsided.

【世界経済フォーラムの旅行・観光競争力レポート】World Economic Forum's Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report


May 6, World Economic Forum had published, the latest of the world's 141 Countries of "Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report".
This is a research report on the business environment for the represents the possibility of international competitiveness through international organization's public data and the survey results of the questionnaire.
According to the Asahi newspaper electronic version of May 7, it seems Japan was Ranked # 9.
Although. if checked the WWF website, can be seen the same the value as Japan in Canada and Singapore, in fact.
Asahi newspaper in this regard is lacking in accuracy.
Its ranking and value is, ① Spain 5.3. ② France 5.2. ③ Germany 5.2. ④ US 5.1. ⑤ UA 5.1. ⑥ Switzerland 5.0. ⑦ Australia 5.0. ⑧ Italy 5.0. ⑨ Japan 4.9. ⑩ Canada 4.9. ⑪ Singapore 4.9. incidentally, China 4.5. South Korea 4.4.
Precisely, this index is constructed by numerically conversion of 79 sub-pillar in 14 pillar.
It is, ① Policy rules and regulations. ② Environmental sustainability. ③ Safety and security. ④  Health and hygiene. ⑤ Prioritization of Travel&Tourism. ⑥ Air transport infrastructure. ⑦ Ground transport infrastructure. ⑧ Tourism infrastructure.  ⑨ ICT infrastructure. ⑩ Price competitiveness in the Travel&Tourism industry. ⑪ Human resources. ⑫ Affinity for Travel&Tourism. ⑬ Natural resources.  ⑭ Cultural resources.
In short, it is not a popular ranking for the consumer and does balance of payments has also been reflected.
It is anyone can understand if always checking the "Travel balance" and " Transport balance" in the "Service balance" in the "Current account balance". UNWTO's International tourism Receipts and Expenditure, and Inbound / Outbound data also will be helpful.
The news necessary to the "Regional revitalization", it's here rather.


【世界遺産2015】World Heritage 2015

 5/4、日本政府がUNESCOの世界文化遺産への登録を目指す『明治日本の産業革命遺産 九州・山口と関連地域』(福岡県など8県)について、UNESCOの諮問機関『国際記念物遺跡会議(ICOMOS)』は、その登録をUNESCOに勧告した。

The Japanese government has been aims to UNESCO's The world cultural heritage in the "Industrial revolution heritage Kyushu-Yamaguchi related fields of Meiji Japan" (8 prefectures of Fukuoka Prefecture, etc.). May 4, advisory body ICOMOS of UNESCO had recommended to register with the UNESCO.
As a result, it was more likely to be determined by the World Heritage Committee to be held in Bonn, Germany, in from June 28 to July 8.
World Heritage is those listed based on the "Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage", which was adopted by the UNESCO General Assembly in 1972.
So, it is must have "outstanding universal value" for the should be shared humanity the Ruins, landscape, nature, etc. that target is immovable real estate, and something associated with it. "Cultural heritage" as monuments and buildings that have been inherited created in human history. "Natural heritage" as natural landscape and ecosystems that have been formed by the Earth's generation. and, "Mixed heritage" with both of the value of cultural heritage and natural heritage is it. the emphasis is a global perspective than the narrow-minded nationalism.
Therefore ICOMOS in the recommendation, a series of industrial heritage group was considered "example for the first time that the industrialization propagation has been successful in non-Western nation from the West".
That is a good idea. who would far-fetched came up with?
But On the other hand ICOMOS was requested to change of name from "the Kyushu-Yamaguchi-related areas"  to the "iron and steel, shipbuilding, coal industry".
That's because the Iwate and Shizuoka is very far?
Or, it wonder in order to deny the localism of the hometown of the current Prime minister?
Originally Cultural Council of August 23, 2013 had been selected the world heritage of the year 2015 was "Nagasaki Association group and the Christian heritage". but, Cabinet Secretariat experts meeting of August 27, have inserted there the "Meiji Japan's industrial revolution heritage". What do it plotting?
By at least this, there is no doubt that iron and steel-related stocks to rise. such as travel industries and sporting goods-related stocks rose at the time of the World Heritage Site of Mount Fuji. so, the purpose is this.
May 14, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was expressed opposition Following Korea.
By the way, many of the World heritages are with involve also to the life of current, because it inherits the value. is not a museum's relics. therefore, it is assumed to be should be inherited by future generations.
If it, why the "Ise Jingu" is not in the candidate?
because active duty premises?
However, "State-run Yawata Works" also is the case. visitors will not be able to see the inside. because actually in work.

【ゴールデンウィーク2015】Golden Week holidays 2015

 ただし、四つの非開示施設『ナガシマリゾート』『おかげ横丁』『御木本真珠島』『伊勢・安土桃山文化村』を除いてだ。(昨年の非開示は、『ナガシマリゾート』と『伊勢・安土桃山文化村』の二施設だった。詳しくはNo.77を御参照下さい) この施設の合計は670,523人ある。そのうち 『御木本真珠島』と『伊勢・安土桃山文化村』の数字が大勢を占めるものではない事は、年次報告書で分かる。この中で数字が大きいのは『ナガシマリゾート』と『おかげ横丁』だ。だが、『おかげ横丁』の人数は『内宮』の人数と高率で重複する。そして、それを上回る事はない。つまり有意数の大部分は『ナガシマリゾート』が占めている事になるのだ。

Its "Ise jingu", according to the Mie Prefecture's the press release of May 8, visitors of this Golden Week holidays was 415,122 people. the year-on-year is the ▲ 5.7%. but, this is the total number of "Naiku" and "Geku". The real number is 279,797 people of "Naiku".
The reduction is not only "Ise jingu". its unpopular cause every year had with "weather" and "holiday arrangement". but it was favorable this year. in spite of, Ise-Shima area tourists had been diminished. the "Toba Aquarium" is 54,947 people, year-on-year  ▲ 5.9%. "Shima Spain Village" 86,000 people, ▲ 2.3%. the increase in Mie Prefecture is "Road Station" and is a small-scale ″leisure facilities″. if anything, it is an inexpensive short time visitor from the neighborhood.
However, it is except for the four non-disclosure facilities, "Nagashima Resort" "OKage Yokocho", "Mikimoto Pearl Island," and "Ise Azuchi Momoyama Cultural Village". (Last year's non-disclosure was the two facilities of "Nagashima Resort" and "Ise Azuchi Momoyama Cultural Village". For more information, please refer to No.77) but, the total number of these facilities will reach to 670,523 people. of these, the "Mikimoto Pearl Island" and "Ise-Azuchi Momoyama Cultural Village" can not occupy a lot, we know this from the annual report of every year. but, the number of "Okage Yokocho", overlap in rate high to number of "Naiku". and, it never exceeds it. after all, will be that the "Nagashima Resort" has accounted for most of the meaningful number.
Japanese newspapers that depend on the press club is not able to see through the contradiction on the statistics.
By the way, the international flight of the "Kansai International Airport" is an increase of 18 percent year-on-year, in from April 24 to May 6.
The departures number is 271,600 people. The arrivals number is 245,000 people. this is 516,600 people as the round trip.
The international flight of the "Chubu International Airport" is an increase of 6 percent year-on-year, in from April 24 to May 6.
The departures number is 89,000 people. The arrivals number is 84,200 people. this was 173,200 people as the round trip.
One person is one person, but Spending of overseas travelers is much more expensive, than the domestic day trip leisure travelers.

【食の安全と安心2015.0522】Foods safety and Sense of security 2015.0522

 5/1、自民党訪問団は台湾を訪問した。そして台湾の総統に、産地表示の問題と規制強化は別問題として、規制強化は科学的根拠がないと訴え、 5/15から始まる日本産食品に対する輸入規制強化の撤回を求めた。

In Taiwan, had been prohibited since the Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion the import of the production-manufacturing foods from Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba. but, was discovered in March this year, the 283 foods production area display of from these prefectures had become to other prefectures. therefore, Ministry of Health decided to strengthen the regulation. it requires the attachment of the radiation test results at the time of importation for even the foods, other than five prefectures.
May 1, the delegation of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party has visited to Taiwan. and, to the President of Taiwan, Tighter regulations complained that there is no scientific basis, "Strengthening of regulation" and "Indication of Origin" is another matter, asked the withdrawal of strengthening import restrictions on Japanese food products starting from May 15.
But, President has requested the measures to the Japanese side in vice versa. top priority is to take preventive measures by to clarify the truth of the matter. Taiwanese is intelligent.
May 1, TEPCO also missed the pollution water leakage from the tank. its estimated amount is slightly 40 ml. but the space dose in the vicinity of the surface of the reservoir water is 70 mSv and high dose per hour. this polluted water tank "H3" has Cesium are filtered. but, β-ray source, such as Strontium has remained. it's about 240,000,000 becquerels per liter had detected in the analysed of March 2013.
Therefore, never hurts to be measured strontium's Beta ray if to seeking a scientific basis.
After all, only the gamma rays of such as cesium in Japan is measuring. over it the extraction is inspection. is not all.
This matter should be the Japanese people also have a great interest as its own problem. but, it is not well known in Japanese, to because has not written on a paper medium of Japanese newspapers.



And May 15, Taiwan it was strengthened regulations. at the same time, Japanese newspapers is sparingly wrote this thing.
Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba food import ban. in addition, [additional measures] request the origin certification attached to all foods. and Aquatic products of Iwate, Miyagi, Tokyo, Ehime. Tea products of Tokyo, Shizuoka, Aichi, Osaka. furthermore, Foods and confectionery cereal products for dairy products for babies or infants, of Miyagi, Saitama, Tokyo. its are radioactive materials inspection.
News about the beginning of the incident and the truth is not much. Japan also shows intention of complaint to the World Trade Organization.
However it than, I think the first priority is the arrest of impersonation trader, and the elucidation of the whole picture. before to the diplomatic problem.

In May 22, Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries was updated the 【Regulatory measures of other countries and regions】. but the content was the same as the March 3 or April 24 version. nothing as if the did not occur.

【松阪牛と007】Matsusaka Ushi and James Bond


According to NHK news of May 9, President Obama in his speech in Oregon, said beef prices in Japan in view of the TPP talks is high.
Exactly, the average food prices in Japan is two times that of the United States. Engel's coefficient is on the rise to 24.3% (Nihon Keizai, May 7). for the inflation target.
Therefore, it is not a bad thing to distribute large quantities of low-price foods by TPP for the consumer side. disposable income will be relatively increased.
However for example, such as "Matsusaka Ushi (beef)", there is also a luxury food with high reason. it's the quality of the brand.
1962 autumn. Ian Fleming, which came to Japan along with the Somerset Maugham was conducted collecting data for the new novel of James Bond series. the background is Japan.
In accordance with the process to the original novel, they are entered in the Toba of Mie pref at a speed of 50 knots of hydrofoil (July 1971 pause) from Gamagori. in here, looking at the bronze statue of the Mikimoto Kokichi the pioneer of pearl farming, stayed in the "Ryokan is surrounded by pine". then "Ikizukuri" of lse-ebi becomes a depiction of the "Washoku" that becomes the main. and, in the next chapter disguised as a Japanese man in the to visit the Ise Jingu's "Geku". giving the food to the cattle,  was subjected to a cow massage by shochu. finally, there is a scene to eat in the restaurant. in steaks. in here, Fleming as a result of the generous time and effort has given a high evaluation of comparable to "Argentina cattle" to "Matsusaka cattle" by borrowing the words of the characters of the novels.
This Argentine cattle, mainly the quality of the lean by grazing has a reputation of the world from the old days. exports to Russia also began.
However in Japan, after the occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease in 2000, still raw meat imports has become a remain prohibited, in order to give priority to the import of American beef. annual consumption of beef in Argentina is ten times of Japan. the price is said to be the one-tenth of staple food grades.
On the other hand, the features of the "Matsusaka Ushi" is rarity, and marbling meat due to fattening of 900 days.

【組団社と接待社】"Company Forming the Tour" and "Company for Receiving Customers". 


The kanji words "Company Forming the Tour" and "Company for Receiving Customers" are unfamiliar in Japan. I didn't know either until I read a report by JETORO researchers in 2013. a "Company Forming the Tour'' is a travel agency that sends out overseas trips in China, and a "Company for Receiving Customers'' is a travel agency that receives such travel (So-called land operators). It is the "Company Forming the Tour'' side, the sending side, that makes the most money. this is because it is in a leading position in travel products, depends on margins for airline tickets and hotels, etc.
According to a report quoted in the Taiwanese media at the time, the number of shopping tours that accepted group tourists at low prices increased along with the surge in Chinese group tourists, and the rebate rate paid by stores to "Company for Receiving Customers" in the home country reached 40% to 60%. The reason for this is excessive competition on the part of the approximately 400 Taiwanese "Company for Receiving Customers," and the result of being outbid by Chinese "Company Forming the Tour". So the payment from the "Company Forming the Tour'' to the "Company for Receiving Customers'', which used to be about 1,800 yuan, was drastically reduced to less than half that amount. With this, the more orders we receive, the more we will be in the red, and the situation is such that the only way to make profits is from the stores in your home country.
China's "Company Forming the Tour'' is a state-owned company, but Taiwan's "Company for Receiving Customers'' is a private company. The power is too different. It's difficult to match balance sheets.
However, the people who lose the most as a result of this are tourists who are forced to make expensive purchases. And this may even lead to a loss of trust in the host region.

【奈良ならレポート2015.0522】Report a precedent of Nara 2015.0522

This Nara visit is along with the Director of Motoori Norinaga Memorial, and, Vice-president of Matsusaka tourism association. we were able to arrive at the Nara just at noon. it was very good weather.
In the Heijokyo's large parking area, it was tourist busses of 14 has been aligned. Just now is a school trip and excursion season. according to "HeijoKyo History Museum", the bus parking of front of "Todai-ji" is already full of busses.
A chemical plants of side of the "History Museum" was return to the vacant lot by being completely removed. therefore, the view from the second floor of the drawing room became very well. can new parking area here. and, "History Museum" is also moved to the national road side.
Along with it, "envoy ship" is dismantled, it will be repaired by the Shipwright. re-open it is the 2017 fiscal year.
By the way, asphalt of large parking of now, will be peeling in the next fiscal year. in order to restore the land by the follow the rules of the world heritage.

Time is just at lunch. the shopping mall of front on the station has been very crowded everywhere. businessman, citizens, and tourists but everyone together.
And, foreign tourists, use the chopsticks in any dining and restaurants in the very skilled manner. the dining side's correspondence also are accustomed. minimum English necessary and English menu is available even if it is how small eateries. it is sufficient also for Asian Inbound.
Come to think of it, foreigners coming out of the Golden route in order to find the origin of the Japanese culture, it has a high knowledge, Regardless ocean east and west. So can town also keep the pride. the customers who want to buy a lot of rice cookers and hot water toilet seats is absent here.

The sunny and fresh green Nara Park. fertile deers also is a good mood. because the deers will be able to earn a lot of the deer-cracker, if come many people. the tourists of conspicuous Westerners is much more than Asian or Japanese. it's variegated in small groups, couples, families. there are not observed the negative influence of Hokuriku prosperity, here.


In the "Nara Visitors Bureau", I announced Japan Heritage "Itsukinomiya" of Mie side. I hope to expect the exchange with Japan Heritage "Asuka" of Nara side.
After that, I talk of plastic model of dedication armor of "Kasuga Taisha (Shrine)", and, announced DVD of the program of the history road of Nara and Mie. this is what has been broadcast on BS-TBS television in March this year. and, Norinaga Memorial said a suggestion of visit of exploring to the motif of "sedge hat diary", from the deep involvement of Norinaga and Nara.
Finally, we visited the "Nara City Tourist Association". it here is the forefront of Nara information. many times we piled the conference here. for the Centrair events 2010 and the Airport-line event 2011.
It's a nostalgic memories.

【奈良ならレポート2015.0526】Report a precedent of Nara 2015.0526

This Nara visit was from May 22 followed. travel companions are this day is two managers of Uda City's Onsen facilities. appointment was the last time absence the "United Nations World Tourism Organization". apparently, it seems was the participation preparation for the promotion of the "Travel Showcase" in the "Kansai International Airport". they said had held a seminar of Mongolia.
As a result, it is so very response was good. it is a good for a lot of people will sharing the international perspective.
 この、5/23-24の『旅博』の来場者は約4万人。中部経済圏では報道がないので、三重県では全く知られてはいない。どちらかといえばアウトバウンド促進色の強いこのイベントは、2004年から開催され、59の大使館と政府観光局、14の国内観光関連組織、34の航空会社、11の旅行社、26の関係団体が参加、 三重県からの参加は『三重県関西事務所』と『伊勢志摩観光コンベンション機構』 、奈良県からは『大和ブランド推進協議会』『桜井宇陀広域連合&天理市・東吉野村』だ。
This "Travel Showcase" visitors is about 40,000 people in May 23-24. this is not at all known in Mie pref. because it has not been media reported on the Chubu economic zone. the participating organizations are 59 Embassies and Tourism bureau, 14 Domestic tourism-related organizations, 34 Airlines, 11 Travel agency, and 26 Affiliates. and, from Mie is "Mie Kansai office", "Ise-Shima Kanko Convention organization". from Nara is "Yamato Brand Promotion Council", "Sakurai Uda wide area coalition & Tenri-higashiyoshino".
Can do such events, because there is a country of many flight.

By the way, seems will be issued shortly "Tourism Highlights 2015" from UNWTO. this is the guidance of the data book. standing position of Japan it can be understood by knowing the status of international Emigration and Immigration. the Japanese translated version will be issued in the fall.
 再び『ビジターズビューロー』と『平城京歴史館』に立ち寄った。 市内では、初夏の日差しを避けて側溝に鹿がいる。『歴史館』によると、修学旅行は終盤戦だそうだ。そして奈良県知事が、二階氏の3000人訪中団の一人として、中国入りしていた事を聞かされた。


We visited again "Nara visitors Bureau" and "HeijoKyo History Museum". for to avoid early summer sunlight, deers into the road ditch in city.
According to the "History Museum", it will be the school trip was past the second half.
And I heard. Nara governor also visited as one of the Mr.Nikai's China delegation 3000 people.
It is of course. because the destination of the Silk Road culture propagation is up to "Heijokyo".

Thanks you, everyone.

【撮影隊】Location unit

 そのオープンセットは松阪市から50キロほど南下した紀北町紀伊長島に、船と共に造られた。 この『将軍』とは、三浦按針の実話を元にジェームズ・クラベルが書いた大ベストセラー小説を、三大ネットワークのNBCがプロデュースして、パラマウントTVと東北新社が制作した全12時間のミニシリーズだ。製作費は当時の邦価で約50億円だった。
 『将軍』は、全米で32.6%という高視聴率をマーク、エミー賞、ゴールデングローブ賞を受賞して、一大日本ブームを巻き起こし 『ショ-グン』という言葉が定着した。  以下の五枚の写真は、欧州統計局とOECDの第13回観光統計フォーラムで私が掲載したものである。

May 12, well-known two people actress in Matsusaka city venerable ryokan Yachiyo had stayed. it is a journey for the travelogue show episodes. video recording is a scene that is eat the "Matsusaka beef kaiseki" course. and, also scene of cooking.
In fact, there was a recording of Kabuki actor Kankuro's travelogue program of another broadcaster also in March.
I heard directly from the program producer. each TV station seems came to back to the country travelogue program because viewing rate of overseas travelogue program that was ever main force has dropped.
Location unit is 8 person. camera rehearsal and the acting guidance, that's a 60-minute program but takes a great effort and time.
Speaking of location unit, a large film crew of the United States had that stayed in Mie Prefecture. it's "Shogun". had aired in the United States in 1980.
Its open set was built in Kiinagashima Kihoku town along with the ship, it was south about 31 miles from Matsusaka.
James Clavell's "Shogun" is the best-selling novel written based as on the true story of Anjin Miura. it was produced by the three major network's NBC and Paramount TV and Tohokushinsha in mini-series of the 12 hours. its production cost was about 5 billion JPY.
The Cast is Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, Yoko Shimada, Frankie Sakai, etc,. Music is Maurice Jarre of the maestro.
"Shogun" marks a high viewing rate of 32.6 % in the United States, won Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award. and, caused a big boom of Japan, the words of the "Shogun" is recognized.
The following five photos were presented by me at the 13th Tourism Statistics Forum of Eurostat and the OECD.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"

No.90 “About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" July Issue 2015.0630

【人工知能】Artificial Intelligence

 5月27日の朝のNHKニュースで放送された『変わる金融市場最前線』。これは、高度な数学や物理、遺伝子解析などの知識を駆使して新たな投資手法を開発する専門家によって進化を続ける人工知能による超高速取引の紹介だ。番組は、12種類の投資対象を抱えるカナダの投資ファンドの人工知能と、 四月に米国で上場された一日530万件の売買をこなす人工知能の超高速取引を例に、人工知能は超高速で市場の投資家の動きを察知して、解析して判断し、サーバー間にある僅かな時間差を活用して売買利益を上げていることが紹介された。

NHK news on the morning of May 27, was broadcast "Changing of forefront in financial markets". this have reported the "High Frequency Trading" for artificial intelligence that continue evolve by experts to develop a new investment approach the advanced such as mathematics, physics and gene analysis will be making full use of knowledge. artificial intelligence of Canadian fund, it has 12 types investment. and, HFT company that is Listed in the United States in April. its artificial intelligence are trading in a single day 5.3 million items. artificial intelligence is possible to perceive the movement of the investors in market at a very high speed, it determined by analyzing, can get the buying and selling interests it because the time difference of slightly occurs between servers.
In the speculators already, acquired the ability to "predict" has been expected that the era of market dominance of artificial intelligence will come. in other words, era of the pure logical thinking. it suggests that it's not allowed that there is a contradiction there.
Artificial intelligence is shared the information stored in big data, as a background for the transaction. that extends to the geopolitical ones, population structure, the "Current account balance".
Really artificial intelligences how would evaluate pensioners 40,000,000 people more than, and the decline trading nation?
It would be requesting the rebuilding of the country's foreign currency earnings definitely. a global company even.
According to the Trade Statistics Bulletin of  Ministry of Finance in June 17, the "Trade Balance" of May was again turned to deficit. it's in the current numeric ▲ 216,000,000,000 JPY.
Therefore, it is necessary to the bottom-up of "Current account balance" by improve to the "Service balance" also in Japan, without resorting only to the "Primary income balance". because mass production export era of industrial products is the graduation.
So must be the "Transport balance" is surplus. And, need to manage Inbound / Outbound of the balance of the "Travel balance".
Fortunately emotions as "popular" cannot be evaluated in artificial intelligence, but the support rate of the market can quantify. the logical consequence of the evaluation data is the expenditure and traffic data. also is the outgoing amount of informations and the penetration degree.

【政冷経熱3】 Cold Political-Hot Economical 3


It is not possible to control if not have a brake, even if it is anything vehicle. the Country's politics is similar.
Therefore, China visit of Mr. Nikai, might can be said to be a braking force. the current Japanese government that does not listen to the people's voice, has the near danger to one-party rule of China.
But, the political use of travel agencies and local government officials 3,000 people is NG. its majority is suppliers of import. to earn a huge profit in the Outbound business to China. despite the bulk buying of Chinese tourists of tours, its fee income is small the more than Outbound. the proportion of annual sales is not reached 10%.( See graph in No. 87 ) So, underlying motive of travel agencies is clear. local government officials must be based on this thing. yours charge in tourism is much shorter than they.
Japan was Outbound excessive for more than half a century. it was my session theme also at last year's OECD, EU's 13th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics. it become this year, the difference between the Inbound and Outbound began to shrink. in some of the months, appeared Inbound month of slight increase than Outbound. however, it does not change the fact still is early days.
Leader of the delegation had said "The mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests" should be promoted.
Aw, "The mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests" is, synonym with send the money to the military expansion to China. its return has been reported as China-risk of advanced companies already. him wonder do not know it ?

【統計矛盾】Contradiction on statistics

 という事はUFJの数値は、同じ敷地内に在り駐車場も共用する『三井アウトレットパーク ・ジャズドリーム長島』と『なばなの里』が含まれたものだと推定できる。

      UFJ(4月〜12月) 三重県(1月〜12月) TEA(1月〜12月)

 2010  13,270,000人   6,777,700人   4,465,000人
 2011  14,130,000人   6,984,700人   5,820,000人
 2012  15,450,000人   7,049,400人   5,850,000人
 2013  15,450,000人   7,050,000人   5,840,000人
 2014  15,050,000人   6,700,000人    近日公表

Mie Prefecture has issued this year also "The tourism recreation visit estimate document".
According to this, the most many visitors of Mie's tourist destination 2014 was "Ise Jingu" 10,865,160 people. this is the sum of the "Naiku" 6,809,288 people and "Geku" 4,055,872 people.
However according to the report of the Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting, the most many visitors in 2014 was " Kuwana city's Nagashima Resort" 15,050,000 people (including the Sato of Nabana). come to think of it, May 19 Chunichi newspaper has wrote that also it is 9 years continuous tops. it in the Tokai three prefectures, is not only in Mie Prefecture.
UFJ survey period of from April to March. the estimate document of Mie is from January to December. there is a displacement of three months. nevertheless, this difference is open to almost doubled nearby. based on the sales number of tickets, it was both same method. its problem, is it the data collection or the difference of interpretation?
This problem can't be ignored, because it's many number.
Incidentally number of TEA (Themed Entertainment Association) is close to that of Mie estimates document. this is a number of amusement park "Nagashima Spa Land" only.
That it, the number of UFJ, can be estimated that including "Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima" and "Sato of Nabana", because there shared parking is on the same site.
If it, Mie will Why not add a number of "Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima"?
Said Japan Tourism Agency at the seminar held in Mie, shopping is also tourism. So, commercial complex is reason and should not be. "Road Station" and "Okage Yokocho" is also so.
Moreover, in the Mitsui Fudosan Group side of Outlet Park has expanding the inbound service, since the duty-free system revision from the last year October 1.

【日本の実生産年齢人口】Actual working-age population of Japan


According to the vital statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan , Births of Japan 2014, was 1,003,532 people of past minimum. preceding year was 1,029,816 people, so this year reduction is 26,284 people.
In addition, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications report of April 17, October 1, 2014 now Japan's population was 127,083,000 people of decreased 215,000 people from the previous year. Child population of from 0 to 14 years is 16,233,000 people. Working-age population of from 15 to 64 years is 77,850,000 people. 65 years of age or older population is 33,000,000 people.
However, already public pensioners has exceeded 40,000,000 people. from this fact, the actual working-age population can be calculated that it is 55.1% of the total population, about 70,000,000 people. But, the number of employed persons of the year really average is 63,500,000 people. this is only half of Japan's population.
The reason the local economy doesn't recovered  is this. decrease of actual working-age population, the circulation of money also decrease correspondingly. That is, consumer's domestic demand use has been lost. in short, because consumers domestic demand will lost.
In such a situation, there is no way other than cheap sale that becomes a small profit.
So, for the "Regional revitalization" there is only the introduction of "consumer from the outside". it's not in the other as visitor or tourist. the most demand is the content and information dissemination to promote weekdays visit. not only on weekends.
How even, sustainability can not be expected to "regional promotion ticket".

【G7サミット】G7 Summit



 ご存知のようにG7とはGroup of Sevenの略だ。仏、米、英、独、日、伊、加の順の七つの先進国である。中国は含まれない。これがG8となると、英国の次にロシアが加わる。開催国はこの中から順繰りで決まるが来年は日本の番で、その開催地は日本時間の6/5 、三重県の『伊勢志摩』に決まった。ここは、その名を冠した『伊勢海老』や松阪市の『松阪牛』といった高級食材で著名なリゾート地だ。ただ、時期的にみれば、ツアーや修学旅行の減少、食材品薄・高騰などが予測される。2008年7/7-9に開催された『洞爺湖サミット』では、新千歳空港から『道央圏』への6月7月の訪問者数は対前年比で6.1%26万2445人の減少、観光消費額の減少は42億8100万円、生産影響額は86億8700万円だった(2008年10/9北海道経済連合会の公式推計値から)。厳重警戒のためだ。

This year's G7 Summit was held in Ellmau of southern Germany on June 7-8. the gist of the summit was issued as follows. did not touch the AIIB.

・ The world economy there is still the problem of what is in recovery we will continue to participate in education, technology innovation and infrastructure development to achieve a sustainable development.
・In the trade, will aim of early conclusion of the multilateral free trade agreements as the TPP agreement, by suppressing protectionism.
・In climate change, to boost the "all countries participate" in the new framework to be adopted at COP21 will be held at the end of this year. and to all countries, encouraging early submission of incorporated greenhouse gas reduction targets to "promise draft".
・In conflict resolution, request the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Ukraine, to the integrity of sovereign equality and territorial the assumption.
Furthermore, G7 involved order to maintain the "international legal order" in the rule that is based on international law. to emphasizing for the peaceful resolution of the conflict and the importance of free and smooth marine use.

As you know, G7 is "Group of Seven". the order is France, USA, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada as 7 developed countries. China is absent. if the G8, will be Russia apply to the next of UK. the host country is determined by rotation, next year is the turn of Japan. its venue is Japan time of June 5, decided to "Ise Shima" in Mie Prefecture. here is famous resort in the luxury food which names, "Ise-Ebi (lobster)", Matsusaka city's "Matsusaka-Ushi(beef)". but at in this season, to be forecast reduction of tours and school trips, and, price increase or shortage of foods. 2008 July 7-9 the "Toyako Summit" was held, but the number of visitors to the "central Hokkaido" from Shin-Chitose Airport in June and July of its year decreased 262,445 people 6.1% year-on-year. tourism consumption reduction was 4,281,000,000 JPY. production impact was 8,687,000,000 JPY(from the official estimate of Hokkaido Economic Federation of October 9, 2008). for strict vigilance.
But even so, it's a unique opportunity to disseminate information to the world.
Incidentally, the Chunichi-newspaper was writing in July 5  2008, the Matsusaka's Promotion Board will be exhibiting handkerchief 50 pieces of "Matsusaka Momen(cotton)", to the "National traditional crafts center" of the International Media Center. it is exhibit the only one  from Mie, to held "Toyako Summit" in the same year.
In addition, its Summit venue "The Windsor's Hotel Toya Resort & Spa" was sold to Mitsui group's "Meiji Shipping" from security company Secom, on July 1 last year.
Matsusaka both-episodes is related.

【中部国際空港国際線】Chubu International Airport's  international flights


By the way, I've counted "Centrair comprehensive flight schedule June issue" (April 29 current). resulting, international flights of "Chubu International Airport" was found to be a week 334 round trip, now. among them, the Chinese mainland and Asia countries and Pacific Ocean flights week 319 round trip. this accounts for 85.92% of the total. in addition it becomes the week 328 round trip, by an increase flights in "China Southern Airlines" from June 27, and the new entry of "Spring Airlines" from June 29.
Middle East is week 7 round trip.
Conversely, Western flights is week 19 round trip 5.69%. to Frankfurt 7 round trip, to Helsinki 7 round trip, to Detroit is 5 round trip.
Notwithstanding, this airport will be air gateway of "Ise-Shima G7 Summit" in next year.
The world 7 or 8 leaders that landed here in the government aircraft, among the strict vigilance, go to the "Shima City" in a jet helicopter directly.
If it, is predicted that there is considerably impact to the domestic or international flight schedule. because the runway is one only.
June 23, its held schedule was decided in 26-27 May 2016 of before the rainy season. "Toba Aquarium" was concerned about the decrease in the school trips.

【1月-4月の日本の経常収支】Japan's Current Account Balance Jan.-Apr.


I've checked the "Current Account Balance" of Japan of April from January, from the "Balance of Payments report" of the Ministry of Finance. this is a breakdown of the widely reported estimates in the newspaper or the like. as a result, the continuous surplus of "Travel Balance" can be confirmed. because of Inbound increase.
But, "Transport" is still remains deficit. it's really strange.

[経常収支]Current Account Balance

 Jan.     61,400,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  1,440,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  2,735,300,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  1,326,400,000,000 JPY

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易収支 Trade
 Jan.   ▲864,200,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲143,100,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    671,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲146,200,000,000 JPY

○サービス収支 Services
 Jan.   ▲401,300,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲108,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    167,800,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲524,500,000,000 JPY

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income
 Jan.  1,412,900,000,000 JPY
 Feb.  1,862,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.  2,326,500,000,000 JPY
 Apr.  2,197,100,000,000 JPY

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
 Jan.    ▲86,100,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲170,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.   ▲370,400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲200,100,000,000 JPY

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport
 Jan.    ▲48,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    ▲53,200,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    ▲50,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    ▲47,300,000,000 JPY
○トラベル Travel
 Jan.     26,300,000,000 JPY
 Feb.     63,300,000,000 JPY
 Mar.     51,800,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    133,400,000,000 JPY
○その他サービス Other Services
 Jan.   ▲379,000,000,000 JPY
 Feb.   ▲118,700,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    166,000,000,000 JPY
 Apr.   ▲610,500,000,000 JPY

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
 Jan.       ▲200,000,000 JPY
 Feb.       ▲300,000,000 JPY
 Mar.       ▲400,000,000 JPY
 Apr.       ▲700,000,000 JPY

○海上貨物 Sea freight
 Jan.     60,900,000,000 JPY
 Feb.     54,500,000,000 JPY
 Mar.     74,300,000,000 JPY
 Apr.     66,800,000,000 JPY

○航空旅客 Air Passenger
 Jan.    ▲43,600,000,000 JPY
 Feb.    ▲49,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.    ▲60,700,000,000 JPY
 Apr.    ▲45,700,000,000 JPY

○航空貨物 Air Freight
 Jan.      6,700,000,000 JPY
 Feb.      6,800,000,000 JPY
 Mar.      6,100,000,000 JPY
 Apr.      6,200,000,000 JPY

【政商】Political business


Shanghai's magazine "Excursion" is bi-monthly magazine to introduce the sights and culture of Japan. it had been demanded interviewed from the City. its mediator, is seems Kyoto-based brand ambassador intimate to the ruling party affairs chairman and vice chairman. According to the "Evening Mie", City has paid the 1,840,000 JPY as coverage costs. the number of publication is 200,000. I get it. in short, this is the kind of article advertising. but, it will be understood that if look at the May-June issue, is dry finish. from the objective viewpoint, because to longing does not Induction. in all 7 page. with the exception of the advertising page of "Laox".
But, "Laox" does not exist in this City. duty-free souvenir shop also does not exist.
By the way, "Laox" was founded in 1976. but it is not a Japanese company no longer. so there is a need to change the analysis conditions. because since August 2009, it has become a company of Chinese management. and this company became Japan's largest duty-free shop network. in other words, the Chinese tourist's “the explosive purchasing" sales revenue to reflux to China after. it is because re-improve the international balance of payments.
The following are transition and the breakdown, of the China's "Current Account Balance" from the "World Statistics 2015".

【中国の経常収支】China's Current Account Balance

 2009 243,256,600,000 USD
 2010  23,781,040,000 USD
 2011 136,096,800,000 USD
 2012 215,391,700,000 USD
 2013 187,807,200,000 USD

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

○貿易とサービス収支 Trade and Services

 2009 220,130,400,000 USD
 2010 223,023,900,000 USD
 2011 181,903,700,000 USD
 2012 231,844,900,000 USD
 2013 235,379,600,000 USD

○第一次所得収支 Primary Income

 2009  ▲8,532,600,000 USD
 2010 ▲25,899,300,000 USD
 2011 ▲70,317,600,000 USD
 2012 ▲19,886,900,000 USD
 2013 ▲43,838,900,000 USD

○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income

 2009  31,658,700,000 USD
 2010  40,685,800,000 USD
 2011  24,510,600,000 USD
 2012   3,443,700,000 USD
 2013  ▲8,733,500,000 USD

 ここにはまだ記されてはいないが、2014年の中国の『経常収支』は、二ヶ月前のIMF推計によると既に回復傾向を示している。約209,820,000,000 USドルだ。

Here it is not yet written, but in the "Current Account Balance" of China's 2014, it has already shown a recovery trend, according to the IMF estimate of two months ago. it's about 209,820,000,000 US dollars.
China conforms to the IMF standards from this year the statistical standards of the international balance of payments.
If so, far numerical value what was?

【フィルムコミッションの考え方】Way of thinking of the Film Commission


"Film Commission" is not a Japanese-made English. that is intercession of shooting of movies and TV shows literally. it is the community organizations for invited of movies crew and carry out  the jackal of assistant director. the current Japanese "Film Commission" is nearly 170, in the including the active or the sleeping.
The significance of the "Film Commission" is to become the propaganda of municipalities. And, is to look the status of non-routine, in the daily spectacle that was projected on the screen.
However, speaking from the point of view of information dissemination, its the sustainability is very questionable.
In order to comply with it. as a series or re-roadshow is expected "long-term popularity" is required. Honestly, non-primetime terrestrial broadcasting, and quietly sales DVD, these are almost powerless in terms of local government propaganda.
But as a matter of fact, at the time that there was an offer to local governments, it is difficult to determine whether the falls into the category of so-called masterpiece, in other words, whether it is over the years profitable movie.
Therefore. if it is the old-fashioned class B movie, is recommended that gives to the other "Film Commission" in order to prevent wasteful spending if the enthusiastic pesky legislators does not exist in there. its evaluation criteria is such as budget scale or powers of the original novel. should lend a ears to the Major movie only companies. it is similar to the "lure companies".
To that end, it is particularly important to disseminate information toward overseas, as an investment. furthermore as the only content in Japan.
For example, there was a query of "Pirates of the Caribbean" from the Disney movie to Toba. "Kuki Yoshitaka" as "Pirates of the Japanese". it is because the information has arrived already.

【ギリシャの観光経済】Greek tourism economy


Greek trade deficit is chronic as with Japan. but it had been able to nearly appropriation, in such as Remittances of immigrants, Transportation industry,  Tourism.
Furthermore in 2013, Greek tourism industry, showed signs of recovery for investment from the countries. The November 10, 2014, the Greek's SETE is, inbound number of this year has announced that it expected to reach a maximum of 23,000,000 people the past. the Inbound number to Athens at the end of October from January increased by 29.4%, compared to the same period last year. Santorini Island is 26.9 %. Kalamata is 72.3%. has been had increased respectively.
Even though, the Greek economy is serious. this country had civil servants account the nearly 10% of the population, its the default deadline is the end of June. there is also concern of withdrawal from the eurozone. the Minister of Finance had previous month said would consider taxation of drawers from ATM, and the not reported deposits. as a result, now in Greece, it has been reported that the luxury cars of as Mercedes are selling well. according to the Greek SEAA, new car registrations in May was 9070 cars, increase of 20 percent year-on-year. apparently this is, as measures of savings taxation and cash drawer restrictions. because the cash drawer has been limited in the Cyprus financial crisis that occurred at 2013.
Whether that default will have a significant impact on the world economy?
In fact, Greek GDP with a population of about 11,000,000 people, are only about 183,000,000,000 euros. this is smaller than Germany's Volkswagen's annual sales of 202,000,000,000 euros (FY 2014). if tentatively led to default, the impact would be minor, and at temporary.
The scary than, is it the financial bubble in similar Japan or China of the social structure. does not reflect the real economy. because it will surely collapse, if Artificial Intelligence ​​of HFT adopted inefficient Kasumigaseki as one of the background indicators.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"



No.42 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" From 2011 July Issue

【6/11の第7回日本観光交流 伊勢会議 基調講演『観光立国に向けた地域づくり戦略について』から、溝畑観光長官のはなしの要旨】
About the gist of Tourism Agency Secretary Mizohata's " 7th Japan Tourism exchange Ise conference keynote, Regional development strategy for tourism nation" June 11.

Travel is a place of education, and also it is a place of self-development and exchange.
Ise Shima's unfavorable conditions is that it is sandwiched between Kansai and Nagoya. but, is selected also in the " Foreign tourists acceptance region" of 11 domestic district.

Ise Shrine has a wide age group customer base. Therefore, "Pilgrim" regression also might be expected of after catastrophe. in addition, a new attempt also necessary. it is such as "Forest culture" of the Shrine forest or "Ama's culture". there is also the idea such as to attract the " Country's language broadcast".

There is a possibility of "development by foreign companies" if to attract the "Casino". So it is difficult to work with other ministries and agencies as the National Police Agency. There is also a possibility that the pachinko industry to resist.

At many years, Japan's tourism industries had gained enough profit in only the domestic market. So, in the inbound policy we are late 10 years in compared to South Korea or Singapore. in the case of foreign, this is a emphasis national strategy in "Ministry". is not at the level of "Agency". it's a top priority of external demand strategy.
Japan also must be raising the "concept of the tourism industries" without confusion with leisure industries, since the external demand will spread to domestic demand.

Position of the inbound policy of South Korea, is a key industry that including all of the elements of the domestic industry. its breakthrough approach is "Korea drama strategy". the goods to be displayed on TV, it also contains policies for market expansion that was directed to the world market. not only attract tourists.

In short. also for win the inter-state or inter-regional competition in Japan, we need soft power development to the globalization, break away from the stereotypes. it's a "regional education that can respond to the world" as those found in Italy and France and Kyoto, discover the contents of the pride of the region will need to send it to the world.
Ultimate Inbound goal of our country is the 30,000,000 people per year. that rationale is the island nation United Kingdom's 28,000,000 people.
But, this earthquake was ousted a safe and secure impression of Japan. So, the attract of Inbound became to damage of catastrophic.

(Funny talks omitted)

【ohmssから観光庁長官へ】From Ohmss to Tourism Agency Secretary





Three major selling point of Sightseeing. it is a history and a "food" include cultural explore, leisure / sports, and shopping. these are located in the non-daily experience. this is not intended to be limited to the tourists of domestic travel, can say the same thing in also Inbound tourists.
For example, Ninjas of Iga-Ueno is favored to Americans. Koyasan is French. World Heritage group of Nara city is favored to French, Italian, Spanish. furthermore, Matsusaka-beef in Matsusaka city is popular with Taiwanese and the Nordic countries. it's despite departing from the so-called "Golden root" of Shinkansen wayside. from this, can be seen that by the "selection and concentration transmission of information" by local government is possible to attract customers from market of the country of good matching.
The selling point in this case will be the different cross-cultural experience as regional history of including "foods". However, the Inbound journey distance are vast. So, will be needs a suggestion of travel by inter-regional cooperation along that the theme.

(an omission)

By the way, according to the 2010 July 22 newspaper in the Shanghai World Expo-related, has topped the visitors 30,000,000 people at the time of July 21 already. the admission tickets were sold abroad about 900,000. the most many visitors is Japanese people. it is accounts for 20% of the total. on the other hand, the Economic Newspaper has reported September 18, Chinese side are asking the Japanese visitors of more than. also Chunichi newspaper has reported at after the Senkaku problem of September 28. the Outbound from Japan, it has already reached the 4,000,000 people from January to end of August. (Senkaku collision is September 7)
This is not equal basis. it's like the unequal treaties.
It is not limited to only China. JNTO was announced on January 9. the Inbound 2010 from January to December was 8,611,500 people (provisional value). in contrast, outbound was 16,637,000 people (provisional value). it's almost two times the difference. I am worried about this state. because pay a lot of "JPY" than foreign currency revenue.
Case of Shanghai World Expo was 73,100,000 visitors counted. it have been reported the regional economy continue of 60 years rise from now on, in economic effect of 1 trillion 50 billion yuan (20 trillion JPY). Inbound from Japan seems to have been economic strategy of great success of China.
Well. if the "Sengu" seems to the contents of a international tourism once in '20 years, can be expect really such economic effect?

June 2011
O.H.M.S.S. Imura


O.H.M.S.S. (Ohuda,Higashi-kishu,Matsusaka-area,Sightseeing Support )
Shigeki  Imura ohmss700@gmail.com

"About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development"
