
No.200 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" August issue


【パラダイムシフトの予感】A sense of paradigm shift

ブルジョアの敵、プロレタリアートの味方? Enemy of the bourgeoisie, Ally of the proletariat? 


I have been following the topics of international politics and international tourism on this blog for 15 years, and the connection clearly exists. The above newspaper article was published by me in 2018, but if the Republican administration were to take power again, the Yumeshima IR project, which has been developing infrastructure under the pretext of hosting the World Expo, is likely to face strong opposition. This is because it is a tool for the Democratic Party to make money. Osaka Prefecture may be left in the cold.
The implementation agreement between Osaka Prefecture and the Osaka IR provides for a right of withdrawal without penalty up until September 2026 if the operator determines that the prerequisites for the project have not been met, but Dimitri Kerkentzes, Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), is deeply concerned about the noise and impact of IR construction on the scenery during the Expo. The Chairman of the Expo Association (Chairman of the Japan Business Federation), who received the Secretary General's wishes, met directly with the Governor of Osaka Prefecture on July 25th and requested that construction be suspended during the Expo. This comes as a complete surprise to Osaka Prefecture.

【小浜湾の花火】Fireworks in Ohama Bay

プロジェクター上映も Also screening by the projector

【にっぽん丸の寄港 2024.0801】Nippon Maru's port call 2024.0801

商船三井クルーズの外航船にっぽん丸 Nippon Maru is an ocean-going ship operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Cruises. 

【金融パラダイムシフトの始まり 2024.0802】The beginning of a financial paradigm shift 2024.0802

地銀も損切りを急ぐ事になる Regional banks will also be forced to rush to cut their losses. 


As predicted, the Nikkei average has plummeted to the same level as at the beginning of the year. On the 5th, it surpassed the all-time low recorded on October 20, 1987, the day after Black Monday. The next valley during will be during the Obon holiday. By this, Changes are also needed in attracting inbound tourists. I believe that C&C operations would be effective.

【早朝の神々2024.0806】The Early Morning Gods 2024.0806

度会国見神社 Wataraikunimi Jinja
大津神社 Otsu Jinja
外宮正宮 Gekū's Main shrine
式年遷宮御敷地 The Shikinen Sengu Shrine Site
多賀宮 Takanomiya
下御井神社 Shimonomino Jinja
土宮 Tsuchinomiya
風宮 Kazenomiya

【2024年6月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for June 2024


On August 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for June this year. The current account balance is a surplus 1533.5 billion JPY. Trade balance is a surplus of 533.6 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 450.6 billion JPY, consisting of 623.7 billion JPY in credit and 173.3 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,135,600 persons and Japanese Overseas is 930,200 persons. therefore, the unit price is 198,909 JPY for the inbound, and 186,304 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a surplus at 1.4 billion JPY, and sea passenger in a deficit at 400 million JPY. Other services also posted a deficit of 812.3 billion JPY, leaving the overall services balance in a deficit at 375.8 billion JPY.

Trends in the Current Account Balance 

【資産価値の向上⑤】The improving asset value ⑤

【地震考古学】The Earthquake Archaeology


This summer, the Nankai Trough earthquake was a hot topic, and our hotel was affected by cancellations. However, for the past 12 years, I have been using "Newton (June 2011 issue)" to record the movement of earthquake epicenters in the Kanto region. What we can learn from this is the fact that the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred before the Nankai Trough earthquake.
In short, tourism investment in Ise-Shima will remain viable, and if it also functions as a disaster prevention base capable of accommodating refugees from the Kanto region, we predict that its asset value will double over the next 10 years.
Let us go back to the historical major earthquakes in the Nankai Trough. First, there was the 1941 Hyuga-nada earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2, followed by the 1944 Tonankai earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9, and then the 1946 Nankai earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0. Before that, however, there were two major earthquakes off the coast of Kanagawa Prefecture, a nest of earthquakes at the intersection of the four plates: the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 (M7.9) and the 1924 (M7.3). Since ancient times, major earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 to 8.2 have occurred frequently in the vicinity of this area. It seems unlikely that a Nankai Trough earthquake will occur until these constraints are released!

近々危険なのは南海トラフではない The immediate danger is not the Nankai Trough. 
8月9日と14日、神奈川県西部でM5.3と3.6の地震が発生 On August 9th and 14th, earthquakes of magnitude 5.3 and 3.6 occurred in western Kanagawa Prefecture. 

ここは関東大震災1923の震源地 Here is the epicenter area of the Great Kanto Earthquake1923. 


【お盆の谷】The valley during Obon holiday


【過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し】Too much of one thing is good for nothin

 8月15日をもって南海トラフ地震臨時情報の一週間が終わった。 地震は発生せず、人命は失われなかった。なによりだ。

August 15, marked the end of a week of the Nankai Trough Earthquake Extra Information. No earthquake occurred, and no lives were lost. it's the good.
However, the cost was great. Here in Mie Prefecture, many inns, including ours, were hit with cancellations, the fireworks in Obama, Toba City were also canceled, JR Central suspended the "Nanki" service, and Kintetsu changed the operation of some of its limited express trains from the first train on August 9th to the last train on the 15th, and also canceled the limited express service between Isuzugawa Station and Kashikojima Station. There was also noticeable hoarding of drinking water and rice. This is because NHK was constantly stirring up a sense of crisis through its L-shaped screen. In response to this unexpected commotion, the Mie Prefecture governor called for calm among the prefecture's residents. But, amid the misleading announcements from Imperial Headquarters, it had no effect, especially on a generation that is vulnerable to peer pressure. In the first place, there is no precedent in history for a major earthquake that can be predicted with a 0.5% probability in a short period of just one week. It is at the level of a prophet. If we were to enlighten people, wouldn't September 1st, which commemorates the Great Kanto Earthquake, have been enough?(From the Earthquake Archaeology perspective, the Great Kanto earthquake will occur before the Nankai Trough earthquake.)
As a result, this is a huge loss for the tourism industry during the peak holiday season. For those involved, this poses a threat to their livelihood. And, it makes me wonder, what would have happened if this had happened a week later? Given the impact on the Nikkei average, as well as the strong resistance from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which represents the factories and industrial complexes along the coast, the nuclear power plant, and the industrial sector, perhaps a little more discretion would have been seen. This is evidence of the disparity in political power, and the fact that in Japan, which claims to be a developed nation but is still indifferent to the importance of trade in services, the old perception that "tourism is an unnecessary and non-urgent industry" persists. I am concerned that this incident may have had an impact not only on the tourism and inbound industries, but also on land price valuations.
What about other places? Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, at the southern tip of the Kii Peninsula, has a sister hotel of Hotel Maritème, which closed last fall. Shirahama is a scenic spot visited by 600,000 people a year, and the canceled fireworks festival usually attracts 30,000 to 40,000 people. According to calculations by the inn association, the loss is 500 million JPY in one week (in addition to this, there are losses for restaurants, beverages, tourist facilities, etc.), which is too much damage for those who make their living from tourism. Therefore, the mayor of Shirahama went to Tokyo on the 21st and 22nd to visit the Japan Tourism Agency and other organizations and petitioned for measures to recover tourists. The emergency information was issued by the national government, but unlike Wuhan virus pandemic, it was the local government that made the decision to close the beaches, so it will be difficult for the national government to compensate for the loss. The local government will consider countermeasures with relevant parties in the future, such as asking financial institutions to provide interest-free loans to businesses that have incurred losses, and whether it is possible to take measures to promote tourism such as Go To Travel.
Well, what can Mie Prefecture do?

【中国市場からの撤退】Withdrawal from the Chinese market


Australia's Qantas Airways has suspended its Sydney-Shanghai route since the end of July, and in the same month, British airline Virgin Atlantic also announced the cancellation of its Shanghai-London route, deciding to completely withdraw from the Chinese market after 25 years of operation. Royal Brunei Airlines also decided to temporarily suspend flights to and from Beijing from the end of October, and earlier this month, British Airways announced the suspension of its London-Beijing route for one year.
Chinese media has said that the reason for the withdrawal of these foreign airlines is that they are no longer profitable. The reason given is that Western airlines are no longer allowed to fly over Russian airspace, so flights from Western countries to China have to fly longer distances than Chinese airlines that have the rights to fly over Russian airspace.
However, travel media LuJie quoted the CEO of Qantas International as saying that while flight capacity has recovered to 100% of pre-Wuhan virus pandemic levels, demand in China has only returned to two-thirds. The real reason foreign airlines are withdrawing from China is "lack of demand."
In addition, Voice of America reported that in April, major U.S. airlines and airline unions wrote to the government, complaining about imbalances in the aviation market and urging it not to allow Chinese airlines to launch more flights. The fact that Chinese airlines are using the Ukrainian invasion to gain market share is also problematic.
This is not surprising, as before Wuhan virus pandemic, tourism was draining China of foreign currency equivalent to its annual military budget, and since then, CCP has been particularly sensitive about its services balance.

【台風接近中】Typhoon approaching



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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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