
No.194 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" February issue


【応急修理】The emergency repairs


Converting a drainage plate into a water stopper 

Stopping the influx of iron rust 

Scratch fixing 


【今、成すべきことは?】(1月25日の新聞掲載版) What should be done now? (The newspaper version of January 25)


【コロナワクチンは薬害か•••】Is coronavirus vaccination harmful•••



【2023年12月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for December 2023

 好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、日本は国際ツーリズムの時代に突入した。製造業はもはや日本を代表する産業ではない。21世紀はサービス貿易の時代であり、ツーリズムはデジタル部門の赤字を補う唯一の方法だ。 経団連はこのことを肝に銘じるべきである。

On February 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for December last year. The current account balance is a surplus 744.3 billion JPY. Trade balance was a surplus of 115.5 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 368.9 billion JPY, consisting of 551.2 billion JPY in credit and 182.3 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 2,734,000 persons and Japanese Overseas is 947,900 persons. the unit price is 201,609 JPY for the inbound, and 192,320 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers is a surplus of 5.5 billion JPY, and Sea passengers is a deficit of 1 billion JPY. Other services had a deficit of 691.4 billion JPY, and the overall service balance was a deficit of 383.3 billion JPY.
Incidentally, the total current account balance for the 12 months was a surplus of 20.629.5 billion JPY. But, Trade balance was a huge deficit of 6,629 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 3,403.7 billion JPY.
The annual number of inbound visitors is 25,066,100, and the annual outbound number is 9,624,100.
Whether you like it or not, Japan has entered the age of international tourism. The 21st century is the era of services trade. manufacturing is no longer Japan's representative industry, and Tourism is the only way to make up for the deficit in the digital sector. Keidanren should keep this in mind.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 


【松阪•旧長谷川邸にて】At the former Hasegawa Residence, Matsusaka



【財務省の法人企業統計から】From the Ministry of Finance's corporate enterprise statistics

大企業内部留保は過去最高の511.4兆円 Record-high internal reserves of 511.4 trillion JPY for large companies  


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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