
No.204 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" December issue

三重県立斎宮歴史博物館 Mie Prefectural Saiku Historical Museum 


【竹神社 麻と色の灯り参道】Saiku Cultural Arts Festival at Take-jinja Shrine

冬のヒマワリ Winter Sunflowers 


【地球温暖化は嘘ではない、が】Global warming is not a lie, But


The global warming is not a lie, and there are countless examples of this phenomenon in reports from the regions and world. But, the fanatical claim that the cause is man-made has been questioned not only by the Republican Party in the United States but also by research groups around the world. Even in Japan, from the perspective of paleoclimatology, based on the analysis of ancient documents and the latest science, there are many views that global warming is caused by Laws of Nature. Representative examples include measurements of radioactive carbon concentrations in the annual stripes on the sediments of Lake Suigetsu-ko since 70,000 years and the tree rings of Yakusugi cedars. These show that global warming was progressing from the Nara period, when Japan was founded, through the Heian period. Also, archaeological evidence and remnants of place names indicate that the coastline retreated inland due to the "Heian marine transgression". At that time, sea levels were about 0.5 to 1 metre higher than they are today. That's, in this age when human massive Involvement to the greenhouse effect is unthinkable, the only possible main causes are the laws of nature, ultimately solar activity.
I have written about this things several times in the past, including the effect proposed by Svensmark of Denmark (See No.167), but in light of the recent return of the Trump administration, the exploration data from the Parker Solar Probe launched by NASA during his previous administration, and Elon Musk's participation in the next administration, I predict that there will be a major change in the awareness regarding the causes of global warming, and even a change in stakeholders. Specifically, it is expected that it will contribute to the fossil fuel companies, space industry, Japanese history and cultural tourism, disaster prevention projects, real estate, and other areas. For example, in the field of historical and cultural tourism in Japan, will increase interest in exploring archaeological historical sites, including the history of the shrines too.
The problem is that if global warming is caused by Laws of Nature, it will prevent money from being transferred to developing countries and environmental businesses. (At COP29, the view that global warming is caused by agricultural and industrial activities in developed countries since the Industrial Revolution remains prevalent.)
However, than buying and selling haze in a zero-sum as gamegreenwashing, it makes much more sense to invest in measures to prevent floods like those in Venice and Valencia, in preparation for super typhoons and heavy snow and rain, or in migration and urban restructuring. We should shift to measures that learn from the past for the future. What is needed, is to clarify the situation from the Nara period in the first half of the 8th century through to the Heian period, when social systems, lifestyles, and distribution systems for goods were changing. The photo is shows a relief map of the coastline on display at the Mie Prefectural Saigū Historical Museum in Meiwa-cho, Mie Prefecture. it can be seen that the coastline at that time was further inland than it is present day.
I think ancient history is useful not only for cultural aspects, but also for disaster prevention and mitigation education by focusing on the natural environment behind it. It is also perfect for educational trips for universities and companies.


斎宮史跡の高床式建築 (中央の人物は壇蜜さん) The raised-floor building at the Saigū Historic Site (the person in the center is Dan Mitsu) 
Video→ https://youtu.be/6tjGqnNvCPI?feature=shared


【日本沿岸の海面水位の長期変化傾向-気象庁】Long-term trends in sea levels along the coast of Japan- Meteorological Agency

From the JAXA Sea Level Rise Simulator 

注釈: 日本沿岸の平均海面は過去110年間上昇傾向を示していないが、1980年代後半から上昇している。GPSを備えた潮位計のデータに陸地の垂直移動を補正すると、2004年から2023年の間に平均海面が1年あたり3.5mm上昇したことがわかる。

Note: The average sea level off the coast of Japan has not shown a rising trend for the past 110 years, but has been rising since the late 1980s. Data from tide gauges equipped with GPS, corrected for vertical land movements, shows that the average sea level has risen by 3.5 mm per year between 2004 to 2023.


【国内修学旅行】Domestic School Trip


― 中学校の目的地 上位20 ― 

― 高等学校の目的地 上位20 ― 

According to the "Educational Travel Annual Data Book 2024" published by the Japan School Trip Association on December 1, 94.9% of junior high school school trips conducted in fiscal year 2023 were domestic trips and 3.8% were overseas trips. In addition, for high school trips, 94.1% were domestic trips and 4.2% were overseas trips.
This survey was conducted by selecting 3,200 schools out of 9,944 public and private junior high schools and 3,200 schools out of 4,791 high schools nationwide, and responses were received from 1,038 junior high schools and 1,123 high schools.
Unfortunately, Mie Prefecture has disappeared from the top 20 prefectures as the idea of separation of church and state, the effects of a declining birthrate, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which promoted a preference for short distances, have all subsided. But, it is expected that the number of educational trips from overseas will increase relatively. I have met them twice in Toba.


【インターナショナル・ツーリズムハイライト2024から】From the International Tourism Highlights 2024


On December 2nd, this year's international tourism highlights were received from UN Tourism in Madrid. It's three months late. a full translation is prohibited, so only a portion of it is recorded here.

All copyright is UN Tourism 
Key Insights

・International tourism rebounded strongly in 2023 to reach 1.3 billion arrivals, about 89% of the pre-pandemic figure (-11% compared to 2019) after three years of border shutdowns and travel restrictions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.

・Large pent-up demand and the re-opening of several Asian destinations and markets drove the rebound in travel numbers in 2023, aided by increased air connectivity and visa facilitation.

・Destinations worldwide earned USD 1.5 trillion in international tourism receipts, 98% of the pre- pandemic value (-2% versus 2019) bringing total export revenues from tourism (including receipts and passenger transport services) to USD 1.8 trillion in 2023, above the 2019 value in current US dollars, though 99% in real terms (-1% over 2019).

・The economic contribution of tourism reached an estimated USD 3.4 trillion in 2023, measured in tourism direct gross domestic product (TDGDP), equivalent to 3% of global GDP, slightly below the 4% share achieved in 2019.

・The Middle East recorded the best relative results by region, with arrivals climbing 31% above pre-pandemic levels to 93 million, and receipts growing 45% to USD 137 billion, making it the only region to exceed 2019 levels.

・Europe, the world's largest destination region saw 707 million international arrivals in 2023, about 95% of the 2019 figure. Africa recorded 96% of its pre-pandemic arrivals and the Americas 91% while Asia and the Pacific recovered 65%, due to slower re-opening of borders and lifting of restrictions.

Our projections point to a full recovery of international arrivals in 2024, following a 96% recovery in the first seven months of 2024 (-4% versus January-July 2019).









Economic contribution of tourism

Export revenues from tourism reached 99% of pre-pandemic levels to hit USD 1.8 trillion

・International tourism contributes to local economies in the form of export revenues comprising international tourism receipts (visitor spending in destinations) and passenger transport receipts (International transport services rendered. to visitors by local transport companies). For many destinations, revenues from tourism are a major source of foreign exchange and an important component of export diversification.

・In 2023 International tourism receipts (visitor spending in destinations) reached USD 1.5 trillion, meaning a complete recovery of pre-pandemic levels in nominal terms, but 98% in real terms, adjusting for inflation and currency fluctuations (-2% from 2019).

・Total export revenues from tourism, which includes USD 1.5 trillion in receipts and USD 270 billion in passenger transport fares, reached USD 1.8 trillion in 2023, exceeding the pre-pandemic value of USD 1.7 trillion, and 99% of that value in real terms (-1% versus 2019).

・Revenues from international tourism accounted for 6% of all exports of goods and services in 2023, up from 4% in 2022, though below the 7% level of 2019. International tourism also accounted for 23% of trade in services in 2023, up from 19% in 2022, though below the pre-pandemic level of 28% in 2019.



・国際ツーリズムは、国際ツーリズム収入(目的地でのツーリストの消費)と旅客輸送収入(現地の輸送会社がツーリストに提供する国際輸送サービス)からなる輸出収入の形で地域経済に貢献している。 多くの目的地にとって、ツーリズム収入は主要な外貨獲得源であり、輸出多様化の重要な要素である。



・国際ツーリズムからの収入は、2019年の7%の水準を下回ったものの、2023年にはモノ・サービスの輸出全体の6%を占め、2022年の4%から上昇した。 また、2023年のサービス貿易に占める国際ツーリズム業の割合は23%で、2022年の19%から上昇したが、パンデミック前の2019年の28%を下回った。

World’s top destinations in 2023

・France remained the world's most visited destination in 2023 with 100 million international tourist arrivals. Spain was second with 85 million, the United States third (66 million), Italy fourth (57 million) and Türkiye fifth with 55 million international tourists.

・Completing the top ten destinations in 2023 are Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece and Austria. Compared to before the pandemic, Italy, Türkiye, Mexico, Germany and Austria all moved up one place, while the United Kingdom rose three, from 10th to 7th and Greece four, from 13th to 9th.

・In terms of international tourism receipts, the United States of America remains the top tourism earner with USD 189 billion in 2023. Spain ranks second with USD 92 billion, followed by the United Kingdom (USD 74 billion), France (USD 71 billion) and Italy (USD 56 billion).

・The other five top ten earners in 2023 were the United Arab Emirates, Türkiye, Australia, Japan and Canada. Between 2019 and 2023 the United Kingdom moved up two places in the receipts ranking (from 5th to 3rd), Italy moved up one (from 6th to 5th) and the United Arab Emirates moved up seven (from 13th to 6th). Türkiye (from 12th to 7th) and Canada (15th to 10th) both climbed five places.

世界のトップ旅行先 2023

・フランスは2023年に1億人の外国人ツーリストが到着し、世界で最も訪問者の多い旅行先であり続けた。 2位はスペインで8,500万人、3位は米国(6,600万人)、4位はイタリア(5,700万人)、5位はトルコで5,500万人だった。

・2023年にはメキシコ、イギリス、ドイツ、ギリシャ、オーストリアがトップ10に入る。 パンデミック前と比較すると、イタリア、トルコ、メキシコ、ドイツ、オーストリアが1つ順位を上げ、イギリスは10位から7位へと3つ、ギリシャは13位から9位へと4つ順位を上げた。

・国際ツーリズム収入では、2023年に1890億米ドルを稼ぐアメリカ合衆国が依然としてトップである。 2位はスペインで920億米ドル、3位はイギリス(740億米ドル)、4位はフランス(710億米ドル)、5位はイタリア(560億米ドル)である。

・2023年における他の上位10カ国は、アラブ首長国連邦、トルコ、オーストラリア、日本、カナダである。 2019年から2023年の間に、イギリスは受取額ランキングで2つ順位を上げ(5位から3位へ)、イタリアは1つ順位を上げ(6位から5位へ)、アラブ首長国連邦は7つ順位を上げた(13位から6位へ)。 トルコ(12位から7位)とカナダ(15位から10位)はともに5つ順位を上げた。

  TF: International tourist arrivals at frontiers (overnight visitors, ie. excluding same-day visitors) 国境での国際ツーリスト到着数(宿泊者、つまり日帰り訪問者を除く) 
  VF: International visitor arrivals at frontiers (tourists and same-day visitors)  国境での国際ツーリスト到着数(ツーリストと日帰り訪問者)) 

注釈: 日本の同地域における国際ツーリズム収入は385億8700万ドル(5兆5952億5500万=145円換算)で、オーストラリアの460億7100万ドルに次ぐ2位である。今年2024年は更にそれを上回る見込みだ。が、日本の場合は国際旅客輸送が通年赤字であり、旅行収支の上での黒字の大半は宿泊・飲食費によるものである(免税土産はモノ輸出として貿易収支に計上されている)。

Note: Japan's International tourism receipts in the areas at 38,587 million USD were second only to Australia's 46,071 million USD. it is expected to exceed even more in 2024 this year. But in Japan's case, the international passenger transport is chronically in the deficit, so most of the surplus in the travel balance comes from accommodation and food and drink (Duty-free souvenirs has been accounted in the trade balance as goods exports).

From the Japan's Ministry of Finance 



Incidentally, according to the Tourism Barometer published on December 4, the number of international tourist arrivals in the January-September period of this year was +29% in the Middle East, +1% in Europe, and +6% in Africa compared to 2019 levels. The Americas was down 3%, but recovered to 97% of pre-pandemic levels. China did not provide data, but Asia-Pacific also recovered to 85% of 2019 levels.
Global arrivals in the northern hemisphere summer (Q3 2024) reached 99% of pre-pandemic levels, and 60 of 111 destinations exceeded 2019 arrivals. Qatar +141%, Albania +77%, Saudi Arabia +61%, Curacao +48%, Tanzania +43%, Colombia and Andorra both +36%. Surprisingly, there is no mention of France, where the Olympics were held from July. So I searched the UN Tourism Tracker, and found that France was down 2% in July and 0% in August.

Tourism receipts exceeded pre-pandemic figures for 35 of the 43 countries with available data, and in most cases well above the inflation rate: Serbia +99%, Pakistan +64%, Romania +61%, Portugal +51%, Nicaragua and Tanzania both 50%, and also Japan +59%.

国連ツーリズムトラッカーから From the UN Tourism Tracker 


【2024年10月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for October 2024


On December 9, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for October this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2.4569 Trillion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 155.7 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 508.7 billion JPY, consisting of 698.2 billion JPY in credit and 189.4 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 2,872,200 persons and Japanese Overseas is 1,148,400 persons. therefore, the unit price is 243,089 for the inbound, and 164,925 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a deficit at 11.3 billion JPY, and also Sea passenger in a deficit at 600 million JPY (ANA and JAL should merge). Other services also posted a deficit of 615.4 billion JPY, the overall services balance including digital is a deficit of 159 billion JPY. Although Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. from chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. are on a downward trend, travel balance reached a record high for October too. although Mie Prefecture's contribution is very small.

県別外国人延べ宿泊者数の推移 Changes in the total number of foreign overnight guests by prefecture 

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 


【デジタル観光統計オープンデータから11月の三重県の観光目的入込数】The number of visitors to Mie Prefecture for tourism purposes in November from the digital tourism statistics open data

インバウンド含まず This does not include foreign tourists. 

【クリスマス・ランデブー】a Christmas rendezvous


・エネルギーの流れの追跡: エネルギーが太陽の大気中をどのように移動するかを理解する。
・太陽コロナの加熱の研究: 太陽の外部大気が太陽表面よりもはるかに高温である理由を調査する。
・太陽風を加速させる原因調査: 太陽から流れる荷電粒子の流れである太陽風の起源と加速について詳しく知る。


Parker Solar Probe. it is a NASA probe launched in 2018 with the mission of studying the Sun's outer corona. It is equipped with a cutting-edge heat shield that can withstand temperatures of up to 1,377°C, allowing it to get closer to the Sun than any previous probe, and its objectives are to:

・Trace the flow of energy: Understand how energy moves through the Sun's atmosphere.
・Study the heating of the solar corona: Investigate why the Sun's outer atmosphere is much hotter than its surface.
・Explore what accelerates the solar wind: Learn more about the origin and acceleration of the solar wind, a stream of charged particles flowing from the Sun.

On last month November 6, 2024, Parker Solar Probe completed the final stage of its gravity assist maneuver around Venus, passing within 233 miles (376 km) of the planet's surface. The flyby adjust Parker’s trajectory into its final orbital configuration, bringing the spacecraft to within an unprecedented 3.86 million miles of the solar surface on Dec. 24. this made it the closest man-made object to the Sun. Mission Control briefly lost contact with the probe, but sent a beacon signal late on December 26, confirming that the mission was successful and that the probe was in good. The next solar flybys are scheduled for March 22, 2025 and June 19, 2025.
This mission will answer long-standing questions that have puzzled scientists for more than 60 years: Why is the corona much hotter than the surface of the Sun (the photosphere)? How does the solar wind accelerate? What is the source of high-energy solar particles? We live in the Sun's atmosphere, and this mission will help scientists better understand the Sun's impact on Earth. Data obtained from Parker will be key to understanding and possibly predicting space weather. It's also about solar system warming.
By the way, the Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research at the Alfred Wegener Institute announced some interesting research results on December 5th. The research is about the role of clouds in rapid warming, and shows that the reduction in low-altitude clouds is reducing the Earth's albedo. Earth's albedo represents the proportion of incoming solar radiation that is reflected back into space after interaction with the Earth's atmosphere and surface. When low-altitude clouds decrease, the cooling effect is lost and temperatures rise. One of the reasons for this is said to be the decrease in the concentration of anthropogenic aerosols in the atmosphere above the ocean due to stricter regulations on marine fuel.
It would be an ironic outcome if this were the result of blind environmental business.


【歳の瀬の伊勢神宮外宮】Ise Jingu Shrine Geku at the end of the year

メイン・サンクチュアリー Main sanctuary 

仮設の神酒授与所が完成 a temporary venue for distributing sacred sake had been completed.  

樹齢千年前後といわれる清盛楠 The Kiyomori Camphor Tree, said to be around 1,000 years old 

度会国御神社 Watarai-kunimi Jinja Shrine 




Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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No.203 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" November issue

雨でも訪問者が絶えない伊勢神宮外宮 Ise Grand Shrine Geku continues to attract visitors even in the rain 


【セントレア国際線の冬季スケジュール】Central Japan International Airport's Winter Schedule of the International Flights


Chubu Centrair International Airport has announced its 2024 winter schedule (October 27, 2024 to March 29, 2025) for routes and flight numbers. For this winter's international routes, a total of 31 airlines are planning to operate to 22 cities, with 310 round trips per week. There are no direct flights to North America, and flights to Europe only go via its hub in Helsinki.


【訪日外国人の関心事】Interests of foreign visitors to Japan

 残念ながら三重県に該当するキーワードはない。しかし「Japanese shrines」は注目に値する。グーグルAI検索が伊勢神宮をトップ5に入れてくるからだ。訪日外国人による口コミ数もそれを裏付ける。

Unfortunately, there are no keywords that match Mie Prefecture. however, "Japanese shrines" is worth noting. Because Google AI search puts Ise Grand Shrine in the top five. The number of reviews by foreign visitors to Japan below also supports this.

【第63回氏郷まつり】The 63rd Ujisato Festival

松坂城出陣式 Matsusaka Castle Departure Ceremony 

蒲生氏郷 Gamou Ujisato 

冬姫と松阪市長 Fuyuhime and the Mayor of Matsusaka 

賑わう松阪中心市街地 The bustling city center area of Matsusaka 

氏郷公と姫君 Lord Ujisato and his wife 

行列 The Parade 

姫路城からの援軍と牛型EV Reinforcements from Himeji Castle and the cow-shaped EV 

According to the tourist association, the number of visitors reached 180,000 exceeding the city's population.(156,231). 


【2024年9月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for Septmber 2024


See No.196

On November 11, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for Septmber this year. The current account balance is a surplus 1.7171 Trillion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 315.2 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 427.3 billion JPY, consisting of 626.9 billion JPY in credit and 199.6 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 2,872,200 persons and Japanese Overseas is 1,212,600 persons. therefore, the unit price is 218,265 JPY for the inbound, and 164,605 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a deficit at 19.7 billion JPY, and also Sea passenger in a deficit at 600 million JPY. Other services also posted a deficit of 625.7 billion JPY, the overall services balance including digital is a deficit of 256.3 billion JPY.
By the way, The second term of the Trump administration will be launched on the 20th of the new year. Establishments are terrified at the prospect of a major paradigm shift. In particular, protectionist tariff policies place will heavy burden on Japan's manufacturing industry too, this means that Japan's automobile industry will be unable to support its trade balance in near future. Also, the carbon offset business of the EU and the US Democratic Party, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality, will also stagnate. In addition, if the financial reform pledge made during the first term of the administration is also carried out, Wall Street marketism will also cool down. There is also concern about the demand for an increase in defense spending for our country.
How can we obtain foreign currency under these circumstances?
I checked all of President Trump's Agenda 47 (now Agenda 46 for some reason), and fortunately I could not find any impediments to international tourism, except for excessive weakening of the dollar and strengthening of the yen. In that case, the policy to earn foreign currency should be to promote content exports, construction, real estate, and international tourism.
What is needed now is the Counter Ten Million Plan. As I wrote in No.177 [Ignorance and Indifference], the Ten Million Plan (1987), which was implemented to resolve trade friction between Japan and the United States, was to send tourists to the United States and transfer money in order to encourage them to buy Japanese cars. In short, it is the opposite. this is, an ideal situation for hotel investment, as long as you make the right choice.
However, the Yumeshima IR, run by the Japanese branch of MGM Resorts, whose president is a former aide to Obama, will be adrift for a while, having lost the backing of the Democratic Party. Conversely, the Trump Hotels Collection may come to Japan.



猿田彦神社 Sarutahiko-jinja Shrine 
北緯34度28分の不思議 Mystery of the 34°28'N 


【セクター別投資額割合】 Percentage of investment amount by sector

 Source: Jones Lang LaSalle

According to the latest health administration report of the MHLW, the number of "Accommodation industry (Excluding the lodging business)" in the industry was 93,475, an increase of 2,770 facilities (3.1%) from the previous fiscal year.


【デジタル観光統計オープンデータから10月の三重県の観光目的入込数】The number of visitors to Mie Prefecture for tourism purposes in October from the digital tourism statistics open data

インバウンド含まず This does not include foreign tourists. 


【霜月の伊勢神宮】Ise Jingu Shrine in November

外宮の正宮 Geku's Main sanctuary 

別宮 多賀宮 Associated shrine Taka-no-miya 

外宮の御廐 Geku's Miumaya 

度会國御神社と大津神社 Wataraikunimi Jinja Shrine and Ohtsu Jinja Shrine 

宇治橋前 In front of Ujibashi Bridge 

池の鯉と奉納酒 Carps in the Naiku's pond and Mie Prefecture's offering sake 

内宮の正宮 Naiku's Main sanctuary 

別宮 荒祭宮と風日祈宮 Associated shrines Aramatsuri-no-miya and Kazahi-no-miya 

晩秋の五十鈴川の紅葉  Late autumn foliage along the Isuzu River 



第63回式年遷宮御敷地 外宮 The site of the 63rd Shikinen Sengu Geku 

第63回式年遷宮御敷地 内宮 The site of the 63rd Shikinen Sengu Naiku 


Starting next year in 2025, 33 festivals and events will take place over the course of nine years in preparation for the next Shikinen Sengu. Next year, such as there will be a festival called "Misomahajime-sai" where sacred trees are cut down to rebuild the shrine, and then there will be a "Okihiki Ceremony" where the trees are transported to the Naiku shrine and the Geku shrine of Ise city, Mie prefecture.

The difference between Naiku Main Shrine and Geku Main Shrine is the inner cut and the outer cut. The inner cut represents a female God, and the outer cut represents a male god. Additionally, even-numbered oak trees represent female God, and odd-numbered oak trees represent male god. Naiku has an even number of 10 trees, while Geku has an odd number of 9 trees. But, Geku is also a female God. all 125 shrines within the shrine are unified as unisex. 


【宿泊税とSチャージ】Accommodation tax and S-charge


"Accommodation tax" is a special purpose tax levied according to the accommodation fee when you stay at a hotel, inn, or other accommodation facility in a taxable area. The system has already been introduced in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture, Kutchan Town in Abuta County, Hokkaido, Fukuoka Prefecture, Nagasaki City in Nagasaki Prefecture, and Atami in Shizuoka Prefecture. It also started in Niseko Town in Hokkaido on the 1st of this month. It will also be introduced in Tokoname City in Aichi Prefecture on the 6th of next year. Both of these are forms of financial resources for cities that are said to be suffering from overtourism due to the increase in inbound tourists. Discussions are underway in each city and town in Mie Prefecture, with divided supporters and opponents, and Ise City is scheduled to submit a report to its mayor in February next year, with Toba City and Shima City expected to follow suit. it's despite the fact that the situation is far from overtourism by inboundd.
The taxpayer of this extrajudicial tax, the accommodation tax, is the accommodation facility. It is not included in online card prepayments, so it must be collected on-site. Even if the tax is not collected, the accommodation facility is still obligated to pay.
Meanwhile, All Japan Ryokan Hotel Association is also discussing the S-charge. the S-charge is an initiative to increase the sustainability of the region by asking guests to contribute a certain percentage of their accommodation fee to environmental conservation and the preservation of historical buildings. however, it seems strange to rely solely on accommodation facilities to collect accommodation tax and S-charge. If the principle is that beneficiaries should pay, shouldn't it be implemented across the entire tourism industry?



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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