
No.137『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2019』6月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019" June Issue




At the UNWTO Japan office visited on April 22, I received a document on overtourism. The title is "Overtourism?". the subtitle is "Understanding and Managing Urban Tourism Growth beyond Perceptions". The following is my temporary translation of the Executive Summary.
Unfortunately, this proposals does not fill in differences in information transmission power with neighboring cities which are the main factors that cause overtourism, differences in capital power, transport volume disparities in transport systems, and the popularity differences ≒ cultural power differences. However, sharing ideal concepts that the scholars thought hard would be important for cultural tourism administration probably.
Incdentary, I translated Japanese word "kanko" as "tourism" as much as possible.
Also, the original's copyright belongs to UNWTO.

□Acknowledgments 謝辞

This report is the result of a collaboration between the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Centre of Expertise Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality (CELTH) of Breda University of Applied Sciences and the European Tourism Futures Institute (ETFI) of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. The report was prepared by Dr. Koens, Associate Professor of Breda University, Dr. Albert Postma, Professor of NHL Stenden and Ms. Bernadett Papp, Researcher of NHL Stenden.
このレポートは、国連世界観光機関、ブレダ応用科学大学のレジャー・ツーリズム・ホスピタリティセンター、および、NHLステンデン応用科学大学の欧州観光先端研究所の共同研究の成果であり、ブレダ大のKo Koens准教授、NHLステンデンの Albert Postma教授と、研究員Bernadett Papp氏によって作成された。

The editing and revision work at UNWTO was carried out by Ms. Sandra Carvão,  Chief of the Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness Department, and Ms. Diana Oliveira.
国連世界観光機関での編集校正作業は、ツーリズム市場インテリジェンス競争力部長のSandraCarvãoとDiana Oliveiraによって行われた。

UNWTO wishes also to express its utmost appreciation to Dr. lan Yeoman, Visiting Professor of the European Tourism Futures Institute, the Netherlands and Associate Professor of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, who contributed to this research with chapter 4 on "Future driving forces of city tourism in the tourism market".
国連世界観光機関はまた、オランダのヨーロピアン・ツーリズム・フューチャーズ・インスティテュートの客員教授であり、ニュージーランドのウェリントンにあるビクトリア大学の助教授でもある、『ツーリズム市場における都市ツーリズムの将来の原動力』の第4章でこの研究に貢献した lan Yeoman博士にも最大の感謝の意を表したい。

Special thanks are due to Ms Julia Baunemann, Ms. Sofia Gutierrez, Mr Chris imbsen, Mr. Michel Julian, for their input to the report. UNWTO and the authors also wish to acknowledge their appreciation to Mr. Menno Stokman,  Director of CELTH and Mr. Hans Dominicus for proposing this collaboration and providing his assistance throughout the process.
本レポートに御意見を寄せていただいた、Julia Baunemann氏、Sofia Gutierrez氏、Chris imbsen氏、Michel Julian氏に感謝。国連世界観光機関と編者は、このコラボレーションを提案し、プロセス全体を通して支援を提供してくれた、Menno Stokman氏、CELTH局長、Hans Dominicus氏にも感謝の意を表す。

In addition,  this report would not have been possible without the valuable support of the cities, the European Tourism Association (ETOA) - with particular acknowledgement to the late Nick Greenfield - and the contribution of the numerous respondents who were interviewed during the different stages of the research.

□Foreword はじめに

Terms such as 'overtourism' or 'tourismphobia'  have made headlines in recent times. They reflect challenges of managing growing tourism flows into urban destinations and the impact of tourism on cities and its residents.

Over half of the world's population lives in urban areas and it is estimated that,  by 2050, this proportion will reacha 70%. In addition, the growing number of urban tourists increases the use of natural resources, causes sociocultural impact,  and exerts pressure on infrastructure,  mobility and other facilities.

Adequately managing tourism to the benefit of visitors and residents alike has always been a fundamental issue for the sector. Long before the emergence of buzzwords such as 'overtourism',  UNWTO defined tourism's carrying capacity as "the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic and sociocultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction".
訪問者や住民の利益のためにツーリズムを適切に管理することは、常にこの分野にとっては根本的な問題である。 「オーバーツーリズム」のような流行語が出現するよりも前に国連世界観光機関では、ツーリストの収容力を『物理的経済的および社会文化的環境の破壊および容認できないほどの訪問者の満足度の低下を招くことなく、同時に目的地を訪れる可能性のある最大数』と定義した。

Tourism will only be sustainable if developed and managed considering both visitors and local communities. This can be achieved through community engagement, congestion mamagement, reduction of seasonality, careful planning that espects the limits of capacity and the specificities of each destination, and product diversification.

This report takes a close look at the perception of tourism by residents in European cities and proposes a set of 68 measures to manage and promote dispersal of tourism flows in urban areas.

Addressing the challenges facing urban tourism today is a much more complex task than is commonly recognized. There is a pressing need to set a sustainable roadmap for urban tourism and position the sector in the wider urban agenda.

Tourism is one of the few economic sectors reientiessy growing around the world, transiating into socioeconomic development, employment, infrastructure development and export revenues.

It is therefore critical to ensure that urban tourism is aligned with the role of cities in the global agenda. The United Nations New Urban Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, namely Goal 11 "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable", must be priorities for all.

Zurab Pololikashvili
World Tourism Organization(UNWTO)

□Executive summary エグゼクティブサマリー

Over the last decades, urban areas have been rapidly transforming and their populations have grown remarkably. According to the United Nations,  in 1990,  43% of the world's population lived in urban areas;  by 2015, this share had grown to 54% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030.

Alongside rapid urbanisation, the growth of the tourism sector led by economic development, lower transport costs,  travel facilitation and a growing middle class in advanced and emerging economies, made cities increasingly popular destinations for business and leisure tourists. Over the past decades,  international tourists have gone from 25 million international arrivals in 1950,  to over 1.3 bllion in 2017.  UNWTO forecasts that the sector is expected to continue growing 3.3% annually until 2030 a year in which 1.8 billion tourists will cross borders.

Today, the income generated from both domestic and international tourism contributes significantly to the socio-economic and cultural development of many cities and their surroundings. Yet, the growth of urban tourism also creates important challenges to ensure sustainable growth and practices that minimize any adverse effects that the development of tourism may have in terms of the use of natural resources,  socio-cultural impact, pressure on infrastructure, mobility and congestion management. In recent years, these challenges have been coupled with the growth of supply of tourism accommodation through new platform tourism services in cities.

As consequence, we have witnessed a rise in negative attitudes among local population towards visitors due to issues of perceived overcrowding, noise and other nuisances attributed to tourists. the emergence of protests in some cities and the spread of terms such as 'overtourism' and 'tourismphobia' in the media. To better understand the challenges arising from visitors' management in urban contexts, particularly the relationship between residents and visitors,  this report includes besides a set of recommendations also an analysis of residents' perceptions towards tourism in eight European cities - Amsterdam,  Barcelona,  Berlin,  Copenhagen, Lisbon,  Munich, Salzburg and Tallinn.
結果として、私たちは、過密感、騒音その他のツーリストに起因する迷惑の問題のために、地元の人々の間でツーリストに対する否定的な態度が高まっているのを目の当たりにした。いくつかの都市では抗議行動が出現し、メディアによって「オーバーツーリズム」や「観光恐怖症」などの言葉が広がった。都市の文脈における訪問者の管理から生じる課題、特に住民と訪問者との関係をよりよく理解するために、このレポートには、一連の推奨事項のほか、欧州8都市 - アムステルダム、バルセロナ、ベルリン、コペンハーゲン、リスボン、ミュンヘン、ザルツブルク、タリンにおける、住民のツーリズムに対する認識の分析も含まれる。

What do we mean when we talk about 'overtourism'?『オーバーツーリズム』の意味をなんと説明するか?

In 2016, Skift is said to have created (and later trademarked) the word 'overtourism". Several definitions of 'overtourism' have emerged since. According to the universities collaborating on this project, 'overtourism'  can be defined as "the impact of tourism on a destination, or parts thereof,  that excessively influences perceived quality of life of citizens and/or quality of visitors experiences in a negative way". The Responsible Tourism Partnership refers to 'overtourism' as "destinations where hosts or guests, locals or visitors,  feel that there are too many visitors and that the quality of life in the area or the quality of the experience has deteriorated unacceptably. It is the opposite of Responsible Tourism which is about using tourism to make better places to live in and better places to visit. Often both visitors and guests experience the deterioration concurrently."

In essence we are talking about the absence of good management and uncontrolled development. With increasing tourist numbers, tourism must be developed and managed in a sustainable manner for both visitors and local communitios. This is key when it comes to what is being labeled as 'overtourism'.

Tourism is an opportunity for communities and their people to share the benefits of tourism, which is why the relations betwoen the sector and the communities need to be strengthened. This can be achieved through community engagement, congestion management, reduction of seasonality,  careful planning which respectts the limits of capacity and the specificities of the destination, as well as product diversification. Therefore, the tourism carrying capacity of a destination,  defined by UNWTO as "the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time,  without causing destruction of the physical,  economic, and sociocultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction" is a key challenge for tourism developers and managers alike.
ツーリズムは地域社会とその人々がツーリズムの恩恵を共有する機会であり、それがセクターと地域社会の間の関係を強化する必要がある理由である。これは、地域社会の関与、渋滞管理、季節性の低減、生産能力の限界と行き先の特定性を尊重する慎重な計画、そして商品の多様化によって達成できる。したがって、国連世界観光機関が『物理的、経済的、社会文化的な環境の破壊や訪問者の満足度の許容できないほどの低下を招くことなく、同時に目的地を訪れることが可能な最大人数 』は、ツーリズム開発者にとっても管理者にとっても同じ主要課題である。

Furthermore, when defining and setting mechanisms to monitor and manage tourism congestion, carrying capacity and 'the imits of aoceptable change' it is essential to consider quantitative as well as qualitative indicators to ensure a comprehensive vision of tourism's impact.

Rebuffing myths 神話を書き直す

At the outset of this discussion it is central to rebuff four myths associated with tourism congestion.

1. Tourism congestion is not only about the number of visitors but about the capacity to manage them.
There are cities that are able to handle a high number of visitors, while others struggle with far fewer visitors.
To have a better understanding of the causes of tourism congestion, it is useful to clearly delineate the three main factors that contribute to 'overtourism'.
1. ツーリズムによる混雑は、訪問者の数のみならず、訪問者を管理する能力にも関係する。

 I. Too many visitors, possibly aggravated by seasonality: in this case it is the absolute numbers of visitors that are seen as disturbing. This can be a perception of overcrowding in parts of the city, or the feeling that there are no pleasant spaces in the city anymore where residents can shy away from visitors.
 I. 季節によって悪化する可能性のある過剰訪問者: この場合、心配なのが訪問者の絶対数である。これは、市内の一部で過密状態になっているという認識、または居住者が訪問者から遠ざかることができるような快適なスペースが、市内には既に存在しないという感覚となりうる。

 II. Too much adverse visitor impact: here the impact of visitors is perceived negatively. This can be congestion on the roads due to tour buses stopping near attractions or on the streets when large crowds of tourists inadvertently block main streets. It also entails issues like noise disturbance, rowdiness and other disturbances visitors are perceived to cause (even when it may be local people causing the disturbance).
 II. 過剰な無神経訪問者の影響: ここでは、訪問者の影響が否定的に認識されている。これは、観光バスが観光名所の近くで止まっているために道路が渋滞している場合や、大勢の観光客が不注意で主要道路を塞いでいる場合の路上混雑の可能性がある。それはまた、騒音、乱雑、および訪問者が引き起こすと認められる他の乱れのような問題も伴う(騒ぎを引き起こしているのが、たとえそれが地元住民であったとしてもだ)。

 lIl. Too much physical impact of the visitor economy: the physical impact of services aimed at visitors can also cause agitation. This includes, for example, the over-proliferation of hotels, facilities or retail aimed at visitors.
 III. 過剰な訪問者経済の物理的影響: 訪問者向けのサービスの物理的影響も動揺を引き起こす可能性がある。たとえば、訪問者を対象としたホテルや施設、小売店の急増が含まれる。

2. Tourism congestion is commonly a localised rather than a citywide issue. Tourism pressure is predominantly linked to popular areas of the city or main attractions. Nevertheless, even in the most visited cities, it is possible to find areas where only few or even no tourists can be seen. Such areas can often be found near main tourism attractions or central areas. In looking for solutions it is therefore particularly important to closely examine the specific nature of and locations where tourism congestion is an issue.
2. ツーリズムによる混雑は、一般的に街全体の問題ではなく局所的な問題である。ツーリズム圧力は、主に市内の人気のエリアや主要観光スポットに関連している。にもかかわらず、最も訪問者の多い都市部でさえ、ツーリストが殆どまたは全く見られない地域を見い出すことはできる。往々にしてそのような地域は、主要観光名所や中心部の近くにある。したがって解決策を見い出すには、ツーリズムによる混雑が問題となる場所や、その特性を詳しく調べることが最も重要である。

3. Tourism congestion is not a tourism-only problem. Tourism congestion can be perceived when the resources and infrastructure of a city are excessively under pressure, or parts thereof. However,  it is not only tourists or other visitors that make use of these services and infrastructure. Residents and commuters also compete for the use of the space and services with those temporarily visiting the city. In addition, issues often associated with tourism congestion such as the expansion of short-term rentals via new platform tourism services, concern not only the tourism sector but also the real-estate market. Addressing tourism congestion is a much more complex issue than is commonly recognized, therefore should be treated in a comprehensive manner within the overall city agenda.
3. ツーリズムによる混雑は、観光だけの問題ではない。ツーリズム混雑は、都市の資源やインフラに過度の圧力がかかっている場合や、その一部である場合に発生する。これらのサービスやインフラを利用するのはツーリストや他の訪問者だけではない。地域住民や通勤者も、一時的に街を訪れる人々とスペースやサービスの利用を競う。さらに、新しいプラットフォームのツーリズムサービスによる短期賃貸料のアップなど、ツーリズムによる混雑に関する問題は、観光分野だけでなく不動産市場にも関係している。ツーリズムによる混雑への対処は、一般的に認識されているよりもはるかに複雑な問題であるため、都市計画など包括的な方法で扱う必要がある。

4. Technological or smart solutions alone are important but will not solve the issue of tourism congestion. Smart technologies are considered the most effective solution to tackle congestion management. Yet notwithstanding the immense potential benefits of such tools,  they alone are not enough. Addressing the challenges facing urban tourism requires intense cooperation between multiple stakeholders, which is a long-term effort,  particularly if stakeholders have conflicting interests.
4. 技術的またはスマート・ソリューションは単独では重要だが、ツーリズムによる混雑問題は解決しない。スマート技術は、渋滞管理に取り組むには最も効果的なソリューションだと見られており、未だそのようなツールの莫大な潜在的利点にもかかわらず、それらだけでは十分ではない。都市観光が直面する課題に取り組むには、特に利害関係者が相反する利益を持っている場合、長期的な取り組みとして多くの利害関係者間の強い協力が必要だ。

Key conclusions 主な結論

- Rapid urbanisation and the recent growth of tourism in urban areas has led to a significant increased demand for urban tourism;
- 急速な都市化と最近の都市部でのツーリズム成長により、都市観光への需要が大幅に増加している。

- Global tourism trends such as increased mobility,  growing middle class,  more affordable transport and accommodation option,  will continue to stimulate increased demand for urban tourism;
- 機動性の増加、中産階級の拡大、より手頃な価格の交通手段や宿泊施設の選択肢などの世界的ツーリズム動向は、都市観光に対する需要の増加を刺激し続けるだろう。

- Well managed tourism can contribute to advance the New Urban Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,  namely Goal 11 on"Make cities and human settlements inclusive,  safe,  resilient and sustainable".
- うまく管理されたツーリズムは、新しい都市アジェンダと17の持続可能な開発目標、すなわち「都市と人間の居住地を包括的、安全、回復力と持続可能なものにする」目標11の推進に貢献できる。

- 'Overtourism' is a new buzzword for existing concepts of tourism congestion management and tourism carrying capacity:

- When defining and setting mechanisms to monitor and manage tourism congestion, carrying capacity and 'the limits of acceptable change' it is essential to consider quantitative as well as qualitative indicators to ensure a comprehensive vision of tourism's impact on the destination and its residents;
- ツーリズムによる混雑、収容力、および「許容される変化の限界」を監視および管理するためのメカニズムを定義や設定する際には、旅行先およびその住民に対するツーリズムの影響の包括的なビジョンを確実にするために、量的および質的指標を検討することが欠かせない。

- Tourism development and management in cities needs to be part of the wider urban agenda. The scope of action of tourism policy makers and Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) is limited and these cannot alone address the challenges of tourism congestion and tourism impact on cities;
- 都市におけるツーリズムの開発と管理は、広範な都市計画の一部である必要がある。観光政策立案者やDMOの行動範囲は限られており、これらだけではツーリズムによる混雑や、都市へのツーリズムの影響という課題に取り組むことはできない。

- Tourism congestion in urban destination can only be addressed through close cooperation among tourism and non-tourism administrations at the different levels, private sector, local communities and tourists themselves;
- 都市部におけるツーリズムによる混雑は、様々なレベル、民間部門、地域社会およびツーリスト自身が、ツーリズムおよび非ツーリズム行政との間で緊密に協力することによってのみ解決することができる。

- The complexity of the economic, social and environmental issues faced by cities today requires stakeholders to rethink their current practices and look for innovative solutions;
- 今にちの都市が直面している経済的、社会的、環境的問題の複雑さにより、利害関係者は現在の慣行を再考し、革新的な解決策を模索する必要がある。

- Measures cannot focus only on altering tourist visitor numbers and tourist behaviour - they should also focus on local stakeholders. To ensure the positive aspects of tourism remain visible to and understood by residents, it is necessary to understand residents' concerns and grievances and include them in the tourism agenda;
- 対策は、ツーリストの訪問者数とツーリストの行動変更だけに的を絞ることはできない - 地元の利害関係者にも焦点を当てるべきである。ツーリズムのプラス面を住民に認識・理解させ続けるためには、住民の懸念や不満を理解し、それをツーリズム・アジェンダに含めることが必要である。

- Understanding residents' attitude towards tourism and engaging local communities is central. According to the research carried out tor this report among residents of eight European cities - Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Munich, Salzburg and Tallinn - the majority thinks that there should be no limitations to the growth of visitor numbers" and only a very small percentage considers tourism development and marketing should be stopped;
- ツーリズムに対する住民の態度を理解し、地域社会と関わることが重要である。アムステルダム、バルセロナ、ベルリン、コペンハーゲン、リスボン、ミュンヘン、ザルツブルグ、タリンの8つの欧州の都市の居住者の間で行われたこのレポートの調査によると、大多数は訪問者数の増加に制限はないと考えており、ツーリズム開発とマーケティングを中止すべきだと考えているのはごく僅かな割合にすぎない。

- The research also shows that the most relevant positive impacts from tourism as perceived by residents are: greater international atmosphere (different cultures in the city);  more events;  a more positive image;  protection of historical parts of the city;  and restorations of traditional architecture. Whereas, the most negative impacts are: increase in house prices; increase in taxi prices;  increase in shop prices; increase in the restaurants and cafe prices; and increase in the public transport cost;
- この研究は、住民から見たツーリズムの最も良い影響も示唆している :より大きな国際的な雰囲気(市内の異なる文化)、より多くのイベント、よりポジティブなイメージ、街の歴史的部分の保護や伝統的建築の修復。一方、最も悪い影響は、住宅価格の上昇、タクシー料金の上昇、ショップ価格の上昇、レストランやカフェの値段の上昇、公共交通機関のコストの増加である。

- Eleven strategies and 68 measures have been identified in this report to help understand and manage visitors' growth in cities. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of measures is highly dependent on their specific context. There is no one-size-to-fit-al solution. Even within cities, management measures can differ between neighbourhoods;
- このレポートでは、11の戦略と68の対策が、都市における訪問者の成長を理解し、管理するのに役立つように指摘している。とはいえ、対策の有効性はその具体的状況に大きく依存する。万能解決策はない。都市内であっても、管理方法は近隣でも異なる可能性がある。

- Among the proposed strategies, residents surveyed for this research tend to favour the following measures:
-- Improve infrastructure and facilities in the city;
-- Communicate with and involve local residents and local businesses in tourism planning;
-- Communicate better with visitors on how to behave in the city;
-- Distribute visitors better over the year;  and
-- Create city experiences where residents and visitors can meet and integrate.
- 提案された戦略の中、この研究のために調査された居住者には以下の方策を支持する傾向がある:
- 市内のインフラと施設の改善。
- 観光計画に地元住民や地元企業と連絡を取り合い参加する。
- 市内でどのように行動するかについて、訪問者とより良くコミュニケーションをとる。
- 年間を通じて訪問者をより良く配分する。
- 住民と訪問者が出会い、融和できる街の体験を造る。

- A comprehensive evaluation and planning is essential to determine which strategies can be successfully applied to a destination. Destinations that currently do not have any problems with tourism congestion need to be aware of the potential impact of increased visitor numbers and plan accordingly; and
- 目的地にどの戦略をうまく当てはめるかを判断するには、包括的な評価と計画が不可欠である。現在ツーリズムによる混雑に問題がない目的地は、訪問者数の増加による潜在的な影響を認識し、それに応じて計画する必要がある。そして

- Urban tourism makes an important contribution to the socio-economic development of cities and the well-being of their residents and should contribute to create better cities for all: citizens,  investors and visitors.
- 都市観光は、都市の社会経済的発展と住民の幸福に重要な貢献をしており、市民、投資家、そして訪問者のために、より良い都市の創造に貢献すべきである。

□Strategies and measures to address visitors' growth in cities 都市における訪問者の成長に対処するための戦略と対策

Strategy 1 Promote the dispersal of visitors within the city and beyond
戦略1 都市内外への訪問者の拡散を促進する

- Host more events in less visited parts of the city and in its surroundings
- あまり訪れない街やその周辺地域でより多くのイベントを開催する

- Develop and promote visitor attractions and facilities in in less visited parts of the city and in its surroundings
- 訪問者の少ないアトラクションとその周辺地域の観光名所や施設の開発と宣伝

- Improve capacity of and time spent at attractions
- アトラクションの収容力と滞在時間を改善する

- Create joint identity of city and its surroundings
- 都市とその周辺共通のアイデンティティーを創造する

- Implement travel card for unlimited local travel
- 無制限の地元旅行のための旅行カードを実現する

- Mark entire city as inner-city to stimulate visitation of less visited parts
- あまり訪問していない部分への訪問を刺激するために、都心部として都市全体をマークする

Strategy2 Promote time-based dispersal of visitors
戦略2 訪問者の時間配分の分散を促進する

- Promote experiences during off-peak months
- オフピーク時の体験を促進する

- Promote dynamic pricing
- 動的価格の設定を促進する

- Stimulate events in off-peak months
- オフピーク月にイベントを仕掛ける

- Set timeslots for popular attractions and/or events aided by real-time monitoring
- 人気アトラクションやイベントのリアルタイム監視による時間枠を設定する

- Use new technologies (apps and others) to stimulate dynamic time-based dispersal
- 動的な時間ベースの分散を促進するために新しい技術(アプリなど)を使用する

Strategy3 Stimulate new visitor itineraries and attractions
戦略3 新しい訪問者の旅程とアトラクションを仕掛ける

- Promote new itineraries at the city entry points and through the visitor's journey, including at tourist information centres
- 観光案内所を含め、市の入り口などで訪問者の旅を通した新しい旅程を宣伝する

- Offer combined discounts for new itineraries and attractions
- 新しい旅程やアトラクションに合わせて割引を提供する

- Produce city guides and book highlighting hidden treasures
- 隠された宝物を強調した街のガイドや本を制作する

- Create dynamic experiences and routes for niche visitors
- ニッチな訪問者のためのダイナミックな体験とルートを作成する

- Stimulate development of guided tours through less-visited parts of the city
- 市内の訪問が少ない地域ではガイド付きツアーの開発を促進する

- Develop virtual reality applications to famous sites and attractions to complement onsite visits
- 現地訪問を補完するために名所旧跡やアトラクションへのバーチャルリアリティ・アプリケーションを開発する

Strategy 4 Review and adapt regulation
戦略4 規制の見直しと適応

- Review opening times of visitor attractions
- 観光アトラクションの営業時間の再検討

- Review regulation on access for large groups to popular attractions
- 人気アトラクションへの団体客のアクセスに関する規制の再検討

- Review regulation on traffic in busy parts of the city
- 市内の雑踏箇所での交通規制の再検討

- Ensure visitors use parking facilities at the edge of city
- 訪問者が街はずれの駐車施設を確実に利用するようにする

- Create specific drop-off zones for coaches in suitable places
- 適切な場所に馬車のための特定の下車ゾーンを設ける

- Create pedestrian-only zones
- 歩行者専用ゾーンを設ける

- Review regulation and taxation on new platform tourism services
- 新しいプラットフォーム観光サービスに関する規制と課税の見直し

- Review regulation and taxation on hotels and other accommodation
- ホテルや他の宿泊施設の規制や課税の見直し

- Define the carrying capacity of the city and of critical areas and attractions etc.
- 重点地域やアトラクションなどの都市収容力の明確化

- Consider an operator's licence system to monitor all operators etc.
- すべてのオペレータなどをモニターするために、オペレータの免許制を検討

- Review regulation on access to certain areas of the city for tourist related-activities
- 観光関連活動のための市内特定地域へのアクセスに関する規制の見直し

Strategy 5 Enhance visitors' segmentation
戦略5 訪問者の分散強化

- Identify and target visitor segments with lower impact according to the specific city context and objectives
- 特定の都市の状況や目的に応じて、影響の少ない訪問者セグメントを特定してターゲットに設定

- Target repeat-visitors
- 再訪者ターゲット

- Discourage visitation of the city of certain visitors segments
- 特定の訪問者セグメントの市訪問を阻止する

Strategy 6 Ensure local communities benefit from tourism
戦略6 地域社会がツーリズムの恩恵を受ける

- Increase the level of employment in tourism and strives to create decent jobs
- 観光業での雇用レベルを上げ、適切な雇用を創出するよう努める

- Promote the positive impacts of tourism, create awareness and knowledge of the sector among local communities
- ツーリズムのプラスの影響を促進し、地域社会の中でその分野の認識と知識を生み出す

- Engage local communities in the development of new tourism products
- 新しいツーリズム商品の開発に地域社会を巻き込む

- Conduct an analysis of supply-demand potential of the local communities and promote their integration in the tourism value chain
- 地域コミュニティの需要と供給の可能性の分析を行い、ツーリズム・バリューチェーンへのそれらの統合を促す

- Improve quality of infrastructure and services considering residents and visitors
- 住民と訪問者を考慮したインフラとサービスの質の向上

- Stimulate development of impoverished neighbourhoods through tourism
- ツーリズムを通じて貧困地域の開発を促す

Strategy 7 Create city experiences that benefit both residents and visitors
戦略7 住民と訪問者両方に利益をもたらす都市体験を創造

- Develop the city to fit with the residents' needs and desires and consider tourists as temporary residents
- 住民のニーズや要望に合わせて街を発展させ、ツーリストを一時的な住民と見なす

- Develop tourism experiences and products that promote the engagement of residents and visitors
- 住民やツーリストの参加を促進するツーリズム体験や商品を開発する

- Integrate visitor facilities within local festivities and activities
- 地元の祭や活動に訪問者施設をインテグレートする

- Create and promote local city ambassadors
- 地方都市大使の育成と推進

- Promote art and culture initiatives such as street art to provide fresh perspectives on the city and expand visitation to new areas
- ストリートアートなどの芸術や文化への取り組みを推進して街に新鮮な視点を提供し、新しい地域への訪問を拡大する

- Extend opening times of visitor attractions
- 観光名所の営業時間を延長する

Strategy 8 Improve city infrastructure and facilities
戦略8 都市のインフラや施設を改善する

- Create a city-wide pran for a well-balanced, sustainable traffic management
- バランスのとれた持続可能な交通管理のための都市全体の計画を立てる

- Ensure that major routes are suitable for extensive tourism activity and that secondary routes are available at peak times
- 主要路線が広範なツーリズム活動に適していること、および二次路線がピーク時に利用可能であることを確認する

- Improve directional signage, interpretation materials and notices
- 案内看板、通訳資料、およびお知らせを改善する

- Make public transport better suited for visitors
- 公共交通機関を訪問者により適したものにする

- Set up specific transport facilities for visitors during peak periods
- ピーク時に訪問者のための臨時の輸送施設を設置する

- Provide adequate public facilities
- 適切な公共施設を提供する

- Create safe cycling routes and stimulate bicycle rentals
- 安全なサイクリングルートを作成し、レンタル自転車を促進する

- Set up specific safe and attractive walking routes
- 安全で魅力的な特定のウォーキングルートを設定する

- Ensure that routes are suitable for the physically impaired or elderly visitors in line with accessible tourism principles
- アクセス可能な観光の原則に沿って、身障者や高齢訪問者に適したルートを確保する

- Safeguard quality of cultural heritage and attractions
- 文化遺産やアトラクションの品質を保持する

- Ensure cleaning regimes fit with tourism facilities and with peak times
- 清掃体制が観光施設やピーク時に適していることを確認する

Strategy 9 Communicate with and engage local stakeholders
戦略9 地元の利害関係者と一緒にコミュニケートする

- Ensure that a tourism management group(including all stakeholders) is set up and is regularly convened
- ツーリズム管理グループ(すべての利害関係者をふくめた)が設立され、定期的に召集されるようにする

- Organize professional development programmes for partners etc.
- パートナーなどのための専門能力開発プログラムを編成する

- Organize local discussion platforms for residents
- 住民のための住民協議会を編成する

- Conduct regular research among residents and other local stakeholders
- 住民や他の地域の利害関係者間で定期的な調査を実施する

- Encourage locals to share interesting content about their city on social media
- ソーシャルメディアで自分の街についての興味深いコンテンツを共有するように地元の人々を巻き込む

- Communicate with residents about their own behaviour
- 自分たちの活動について住民の理解を得る

- Unite disjointed communities
- ばらばらのコミュニティを結ぶ

Strategy 10 Communicate with and engage visitors
戦略10 魅力的な訪問者とのコミュニケーション

- Create awareness of tourism impact amongst visitors
- 訪問者の間でツーリズムの影響についての意識を醸成する

- Educate visitors on local values, traditions and regulations
- 訪問者に地元の価値観、伝統、規則について教える

- Provide adequate information about traffic restrictions, parking facilities, fees, shuttle bus services, etc.
- 交通規制、駐車施設、料金、シャトルバスサービスなどに関する適切な情報を提供する

Strategy 11 Set monitoring and response measures
戦略11 モニタリングと対応策を設定する
- Monitor key indicators such as seasonal fluctuations in demand, arrivals and expenditures, patterns of visitation to attractions, visitor segments, etc.
- 季節的な需要の変動、来訪と支出、アトラクションへの訪問パターン、訪問者セグメントなどの重要な指標をモニターする

- Advance the use of big data and new technologies to monitor and evaluate tourism performance and impact
- ツーリズムの業績と影響をモニターおよび評価するために、ビッグデータとニュー・テクノロジーの利用を推進する

- Create contingency plans for peak periods and emergency situations
- ピーク時や緊急事態に対する緊急時対応計画を作成する

□Policy recommendations 政策推奨事項

The implantationof the stratgies proposed in this report can help manage urban tourism growth, yet the long-term sustainability of  urban tourism depend on the implementation of key policy measures including :
このレポートで提案されている戦略の導入は、都市ツーリズムの成長を管理するのに役立つが、都市ツーリズムの長期的な持続可能性は、次のような主要政策措置の実施にかかっている :

1. Ensure urban tourism policies are aligned with the city's global agenda, the United Nations New Urban Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely Goal 11 on "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable" and the principals of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism ;
1. 都市のツーリズム政策が都市のグローバルアジェンダ、国連新都市アジェンダ、17の持続可能な開発目標、すなわち「都市と人間の居住地を包括的、安全、回復力および持続可能なものにする」ための11の目標や、国連世界観光機関の世界観光倫理憲章の原則と一致するようにする ;

2. Set a strategic long-term plan for sustainable urban tourism including the definition of the carrying capacity for the city and for specific areas and attractions. This is particularly useful to implement strategies that aim dispersal of visitors,  visitor segmentation and those where new itineraries and attractions are developed more effectively;
2. 持続可能な都市ツーリズムのための戦略的長期計画を策定し、それには都市および特定の地域やアトラクションの収容力の定義を含める。これは、訪問者の分散、訪問者のセグメンテーション、および新しい旅程やアトラクションがより効果的に開発されている戦略の実行を目的とした戦略を実装するのに特に役立つ ;

3. Determine the acceptable levels of impact of tourism on the city through a participatory process involving all relevant stakeholders. This will make it easier for local communities to benefit,  create joint city experiences for visitors and residents and help in the communication with residents;
3. 関係するすべての利害関係者が関与する参加型プロセスを通じて、ツーリズムが都市に与える影響の許容レベルを決定する。これにより、地域社会が恩恵を受けやすくなり、訪問者と住民に共通の都市体験が生まれ、住民とのコミュニケーションが容易になる;

4. Set governance models that engage administrations at all levels(tourism and other relevant administrations), the private sector and local communities. Improvement of the city infrastructure in particular requires cooperation with other departments, but, practically all strategies strongly benefit from more cooperation betweon administrations at multiple levels, also beyond tourism;
4. あらゆるレベルの行政(ツーリズムやその他の関連行政)、民間部門、地域社会を巻き込む統治モデルを設定する。特に都市インフラの改善には他の部署との協力が必要だが、実際にはすべての戦略がツーリズムを超えた複数のレベルでの行政間のより多くの協力から大きな恩恵を受けている ;

5. Foster communication and collaboration mechanisms among all relevant stakeholders. Management strategios will be far more effectively if all relevant stakeholders work together compared with initiatives of individual stakeholders;
5. すべての関係者間のコミュニケーションとコラボレーションのメカニズムを育む。個々の利害関係者の取り組みと比較して、すべての関連する利害関係者が協力するならば、経営戦略は遥かに効果的になる ;

6. Enhance the integration of local communities in the tourism value chain promoting their engagement in the sector and ensuring that tourism translates into wealth creation and decent jobs. Integrating local communities from the start will ensure they benefit from tourism from the start and will help bring together local stakeholders;
6. 観光バリュー・チェーンにおける地域社会の統合を強化し、セクターへの関与を促進し、ツーリズムが富の創出とまともな仕事につながることを確実にする。最初から地域コミュニティを統合することは、彼らが最初からツーリズムの恩恵を受けることを確実にし、地域の利害関係者をまとめるのに役立つ ;

7. Regularly monitor the perception of local communities towards tourism and promote the value of the sector among residents. This will make it possible to identify local communities' concerns early on and jointly develop management strategies to deal with perceived issues;
7. ツーリズムに対する地域コミュニティの認識を定期的にモニターし、住民の間でこのセクターの価値を高める。これにより、早い時期に地域社会の懸念を特定し、認識された問題に対処するための管理戦略を共同開発することが可能になる;

8. Promote monitoring and evidence-based decisions and planning of key issues such as carrying capacity,  mobility, management of natural and cultural resource and residents' attitudes towards tourism;
8. 収容力、モビリティ、天然および文化的資源の管理、ツーリズムに対する住民の姿勢など、重要な問題のモニタリングおよび証拠に基づく決定および計画の推進;

9. Invest in technology, innovation and partnerships to promote smart cities-making the best of technology to address sustainability, accessibility and innovation;
9 持続可能性、アクセシビリティ、技術革新に取り組むために最善の技術を活用してスマートシティを促進するための技術、革新、パートナーシップへの投資;

10. Promote innovative products and experiences that allow the city to diversify demand in time and space and attract the adequate visitor segments according to its long-term vision and strategy;
10. 都市が時間と空間の需要を多様化し、その長期的なビジョンと戦略に従って適切な訪問者セグメントを引き付けることを可能にする革新的な商品と経験を促す;

11. Plan ahead through methodologies such as strategic foresight and scenario planning. The dynamic, volatile,  uncertain, and complex global developments of today require an approach that does not(only) take the past but also identifies the driving forces of change and key uncertainties, to create plausible scenarios; and
11.戦略的な見通しやシナリオの計画などの方法論を通じて事前に計画を立てる。今日のダイナミックで、不安定で、不確実で、そして複雑な世界的な発展は、過去を引き継ぐだけではなく、変化の原動力と主要な不確実性を特定し、妥当なシナリオを作り出すアプローチを必要とする; そして

12. Consider tourists as temporary residents, ensure tourism policy promote the engagement of visitors and residents and build a city for all.
12. ツーリストを一時的な居住者と見なし、ツーリズム政策が訪問者と居住者の関わりを促進し、すべての人のための都市を建設するようにする。

that's all.

【令和時代はじまる】The era of Reiwa begins


It is the calendar that needs the most attention when comparing statistical analysis with other countries. In particular, the consistency with the calendar year starting in January and with the fiscal year starting in March, it is important when synchronizing with statistics from other countries. For example, the fiscal year of the US federal government is from the beginning of October to the end of the September, following year, and moreover, that of 2018 is called "FY 2019".
In addition, the Japanese-specific era changed from May 1 this year is also worth watching. It is "Heisei" from January 1st to April 30th in 2019, but from May 1st to December 31st in the same year is the first years of "Reiwa". There is only 245 days in the first years of Reiwa. Everyone, please be careful when collecting data. and the automatic learning of the AI too.
By the way, it is reported that overseas travel has increased rapidly for this year long holiday with ten days consecutive holidays accompanying a Japanese calendar change.
According to the Chunichi Shimbun on April 20, Chubu International Airport's total number of international flights booked from April 26 to May 6 is 214,600 people, an increase of 29.8% Year on year. according to the Fly team on April 22, Kansai International Airport is expected to reach 805,300 people with increase 12% Year on year. during the same period. And according to the Asahi Shimbun on April 27, Narita Airport is expected to be 1,090,900 people with increase 14% Year on year.
Together with the three major international airports, there are 2,110,800 people.
On the other hand, according to major domestic airlines, the status of reservations for international flights from April 26 to May 6, First of all, ANA has 320,0879 people, 104.6% Year on year. Next, JAL is 107.3% with 287,039 people. Peach Aviation is 113% with 79,418 people. Vanilla air is 78.9% with 27,249 people. The jet star Japan is 91.1% with 17,780 people. Spring is 177.5% with 13,865 people. And, Star Flyer is 4576 people. It is 750,806 people on seven major international flights.
However. this number is about 1.36 million people less than the total number of reservations of three international airports in the same period. moreover, the percentage has not grown as well. And, the total number of reservations for foreign airlines is unknown.
Also from this, the reason why the "air passenger" in the "current account balance" is always a deficit can be understood well.

【ショッピング・ツーリズム】The shopping tourism

 ところが、ジュネーブ州知事は越境に絡む支出よりも、交通量の多い道路がさらに混雑している点を問題視している。 国境を行き来する買い物客が、公共交通機関ではなく自家用車に大きく依存しているからだ。自家用車を使う人はフランス側が85%、スイス側が88%に上る。地元当局は、今年12/15にフランス~スイス間で開始予定の鉄道網レマンエクスプレスによる道路渋滞解消を期待している。

Although not as noticeable as the "trade balance", every country has a problem with balance of payments gap related to tourism. In particular, shopping tourism tends to be disproportionate. . It is necessary to deal with foreign currency outflows.
According to the Swissinfo on April 26, the current situation in which Switzerland people spend billions of Franc shopping in neighboring Germany or France is become to a problem in the Switzerland Political and business circles. The Federal Cabinet of Switzerland will release a report summarizing the impact of Franc appreciation, VAT and cross-border shopping.
However, the Governor of Geneva sees the problem that roads with more traffic are more congested than cross-border related spending. because shoppers who cross-borders often rely heavily on private cars, not public transport. Those who use private cars are 85% on the French side and 88% on the Switzerland side. Local authorities expect the road network will be road congestion cancellation by the Reman Express, a railway network scheduled to be launched between France and Switzerland on December 15.
However, storekeepers in Geneva complain that they can not pay off the impact of cross-border shopping and say the message is not appropriate, and says "We must not underestimate the situation. There are more vacant stores in Geneva than ever before." On last year, consumers living in Switzerland spent 416 million Franc for shopping in France. On the other hand, consumers living in France spend a total of 148 million Franc on shopping in Switzerland. Cross-border spending by Geneva residents on shopping in France is three times higher than spending on shopping in Switzerland.
The survey, which was conducted for 3,400 households in the same area, reported that one quarter of all respondents said that they would regularly cross border shopping. Seventy percent of the respondents said that exchange rates are not very relevant.
The household expenditure ratio is the money that Switzerland households consume in France is 9% of the household budget. On the other hand, the money that French households consume in Geneva is 5% of the household budget.
In general, French consumers come to Switzerland for specific goods and stores such as IKEA. and, Switzerland consumers are mainly coming to France to buy fresh fish and meat wine and alcoholic beverages, dairy products.
Is the disposable income of French people insufficient?

【中間所得者層の縮小】Shrinking of the middle-income class


Since November 17, 2018, in Paris, France, the Mouvement des Gilets jaunes has occurred every Saturday. This demonstration is a protest against the Macron administration, and is the longest-running of the French demonstrations that have occurred since World War II. According to Reuters on May 1st, a large-scale demonstration took place again the day of the May Day. In the south of Paris, security forces used tear gas and water guns to quell protesters. The police arrested about 200 people and appeared to have caused a large number of injuries. According to UNWTO data, France is the country with the highest tourism income, but such deterioration in security is due to concern, especially because tourism is based on peace.
By the way, it is said that the cause of the demonstration is the decline of middle-income groups, that is, the widening income gap. Declining disposable income is a common problem of the middle class in developed countries.
On April 10, the OECD points out that the middle class is shrinking in developed countries, as wages have not kept pace with rising house prices, education costs and medical expenses. the middle class is  a household equivalent to 75% to 200% of the country's average income, according to the OECD definition of 36 countries in the world, but according to the report, the distribution of the middle class in member countries where data are available is currently 61%, down 3% from the 1980s. In addition, the proportion of the middle class is shrinking also among generations, and while the baby boom generation born in 1942-64 occupied 68% in the middle class during the 20s, the millennial generation born in 1983-2002 fell by 8%.
OECD, with regard to shrinking middle-income groups, despite not rising income growth, housing prices, education and healthcare costs are rising at a much faster pace than inflation, and also pointed out the precarious employment. And, it was said that the job was threatened by one in six middle class by automation. In addition, over 20% of the middle class spends more than income, it is said that the situation of holding debt for is increasing.
Secretary General of OECD said in a statement that the government needs to listen to the concerns of the people and improve the living standards of the middle class.
I think so too. In international tourism too, egoistic bourgeois alone are not enough to redistribute wealth. On the contrary, it does not lead to mutual understanding. Japan once had a total society of 100 million middle class, but I think it the international society too, should aim for a total society of 7.5 billion people middle class.

【人口衰退】Population Decline


Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs publishes an estimate of the number of children under 14 including foreigners every year on the May 5 of "Children's Day", but it was 15.33 million people as of April 1 of this year, that became 180,000 fewer than the previous year.
This decline is for 38 consecutive years, and the ratio to the total population is also down 0.2 points for 12.1%, the lowest ever since 1950.
The breakdown is 7.85 million boys and 7.48 million girls. By age group, 12 to 14 years old 3.22 million people. 9 to 12 years old 3.21 million. 6 to 8 years old 3.09 million. 3 to 5 years old 2.95 million. And, 2 years old from the newborn baby is 2.86 million. It becomes remarkable as the age group falls. Incidentally, comparing the ratio of children with about 30 countries with a population of over 40 million, Japan's 12.1% is the lowest. Korea has 12.9%, China 16.9%, Russia 17.4%, and the United States 18.7%.
In Japan, the number of elderly people aged 65 and over has been greater than that of children since 1997. The difference between the ratio of children and elderly people has expanded year by year, and the ratio of elderly people is 28.3% this year. it has finally exceeded twice that of children.
This is the source of a decline in national power and can be said to be an unprecedented crisis. According to the National Social Security and Population Research Institute forecast, it become about 64 million people in 2100. Furthermore, if assuming that the birthrate remains the same, that only 3 people become at the 3300 AD. the Japanese are endangered species. I think Japan also needs the Maternal Capital System like Russia. About this system, I've recorded in detail in No125 last year. With the introduction of this system, the birth rate of Russia, from 1.30% in 2006 before introduction 2007 is 1.41%, 2008 is 1.50%, 2009 is 1.54%, and 2015 becomes 1.75%. In Japan, it is 1.43% as of 2018. If Japan does not implement, than China will implement it in the special zone.
Because, population growth policy is an obstacle for the global capitalists, but the money around domestic demand is very positive for the people. It was the case in Japan until the collapse at the bubble economy, but even if it was only domestic distribution products, only domestic demand was enough.

【ゴールデンウィーク2019】Long-term consecutive holidays in May 2019

 調査協力施設は、ナガシマリゾート、御在所ロープウェイ、鈴鹿サーキット、御殿場海岸、ベルファーム、五桂池ふるさと村、フォレストピア※、伊勢神宮、おかげ横丁※、伊勢忍者キングダム※、鳥羽水族館、ミキモト真珠島、志摩スペイン村、伊賀上野城、モクモク手づくりファーム、伊賀流忍者博物館、赤目四十八滝、熊野古道センター、道の駅"紀伊長島マンボウ"、道の駅"熊野・花の窟"、鬼ヶ城センターで、訪問者総数は延べで3,002,858人、1日あたりで 300,286人、対前年比は142.4%である。

Although the "Golden week" is fake English made by the film industry of Japan, it is a long-term holidays in Japan of from the end of April to the beginning of May. On May 10, Mie Prefecture announced the number of visitors in the 21 major sightseeing facilities and places, this year's Golden Week (April 27 - May 6, in 10 days) in prefecture.
The facilities cooperated with the survey is Nagashima Resort, Gozaisho Ropeway, Suzuka Circuit, Gotemba kaigan, Bell Farm, Gocaturaike Furusato-Mura, Forestpieer※, Ise Jingu, Okage yokocho※, Ise Ninja Kingdom※, Toba Aquarium, Mikimoto Pearl Island, Shima Spain-village, Iga Ueno Castle, Mokumoku Handmade Farm, Iga Ninja Museum, Akame 48 falls, Kumano Kodo Center, load station "Manbow", load station "Kumano Hananoiwaya", and Onigajoe Center. The total number of visitors 3,002,858 people, the number per day is 300,286 people, 142.4% compared to the previous year. However, I always say, that this is a total number not a real number. and ※ is also unreleased this year. the line between tourists and leisure visitors is also vague.
For example, the number of "Ise Jingu" is a duplicate count of "Naiku" and "Geku", and the number of "Okage Yokocho street" is also added to this report. Therefore, If you visit the outer shrine and the inner shrine, and you drop in at the this street, you become three people, not just one. Moreover, the numbers in "Okage Yokocho" are unpublished. this is far from knowing the tourism economy based on the actual conditions of visits by tourists. It seems like fraud statistics. By the way, "Bell Farm" in Matsusaka City was down 5.8%.
By the way, Ten days of tourism statistics in Toba City were also reported on May 19. it the simple comparison with the previous year is total 142,000 people, up 37.4%. because it was eight days last year. Therefore, in the case of the same period last year, it is total 122,000 people only, an increase of 17.9%. On the other hand, the number of guests to the ryokans and hotels is 68,000 people, up 20.2%. There were 56,000 people last year. this percentage gap indicates a decrease in day-trip visitors.
Incidentally, it became 85,000 people in 10 days. this can also be seen from the fact that the number of guests is 10 days, up 51.9% to 85,000 people.
In other words, the main destination of also many people in Toba city guests was Ise Jingu. This is the most noticeable as the effect of the revision of the era.

【改元効果】The effect of the revision of the era


The figures of the Effect of the revision of the era by 10 consecutive holidays from April 27 to May 6 were released.
First of all, according to the Jingu office, becomes were 541,642 people in Naiku and 340,510 people in the Geku, totaling 882,152 people, it more than double the number of 39,6952 people in the same period last year. Next, Kinki-Nihon Railway increased 9% YoY to 8.76 million people. And, according to Mie-Kotsu, the number of temporary shuttle buses operating between four locations in Ise City with Naiku for the parking and bus ride was 147,000 people, a 2.7 times increase over the same period last year.
In addition, according to Chubu International Airport, domestic flights during the same period were 143,366 people for ANA and 42,540 people for JAL with 185,906 people. On the other hand, international flights were 4,326 people with ANA and 16,544 people with JAL at 20,874 people only.
Notable numbers in this number are the growth rate of the shuttle bus and the number of the people of the Geku. According to calculations, the rate of visited both shrines has reached 62.87%.
As a result, the time for sightseeing nearby cities such as Matsusaka limited. the hotels or ryokans marked an occupancy rate exceeding the New Year period, and the Norinaga Museam, which had held events, and Matsusaka Castle, where Fujihana was in full bloom, surpassed the previous year. However, the central city was silent and it did not connect to the use of the  Tourist Exchange Facility or the private bus-in. It is necessary to disseminate information as the destination.
By the way, according to JR West Japan, the number of passengers from April 26 to May 6 was 3,648,000, an increased of 27% over the same period last year. the Sanyo Shinkansen is increased 29%, the Hokuriku Shinkansen is increased 26%, and the conventional line is increased 23%. Also, according to the Kansai Railroad Association, a total of 27,019 000 passengers increased 4% from April 27 to May 6, excluding commuter passes for the Five major private railway companies (Kintetsu, Nankai, Keihan, Hankyu, Hanshin). according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on May 7, it was said that there were many passengers who visited Ise.

【日本のモノ貿易の現状】Current Status of Japanese Goods Trade


The attached image is the current status of the Japanese trade of 2018 announced by JFTC in April. You can see the dependence on the United States and China, and the over-reliance on the automotive industry. the service trade and the digital trade do not exist in this old-fashioned organization's category. This is Japan's weak point.
Таким образом, Если бы Россия купила больше автомобилей, чем Китай или США, Япония изменила бы свое отношение. Согласно отчету о международной торговле и инвестициях JETRO за 2018 год, 43,8% от общего объема экспорта из Японии в Россию в 2017 году составляют автомобили. Далее автозапчасти 11,8%. Резиновые изделия 5,8%. Строительное и горное оборудование приходится 4,9%. С другой стороны, сырая нефть и сырая нефть составляют 26,8% от общего объема импорта. 20,1% сжиженного природного газа. Уголь составляет 15,0%. Цветные металлы составляют 14,5%. Дисбалансов удастся избежать. И я думаю, что туристический обмен будет увеличиваться.
Проблема состоит в том, что двигатели внутреннего сгорания более выгодны для чрезвычайно холодных земель, чем электромобили.

【2019年3月の国際収支】March's Balance of payments 2019


On May 14, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of March. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 2847.9 billion JPY. NHK news at 9 a.m. only says continuing for 57 months. But, the year-on-year become to ▲10.6%. This month every year, become peaks due to inventory adjustments etc. because the many companies in Japan are at the end of the fiscal year.
The trade balance is 700.1 billion JPY. the exports is 7.0586 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.3585 trillion JPY. the year-on-year is ▲40.8%.
On the other hand, the travel balance was 207.6 billion JPY. the credit is 430.7 billion JPY, and the debit was 223.1 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for March was 2,760,100 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,929,200 people (Both preliminary).
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 1.1 billion JPY, and the debit is 1.1 billion JPY for 0 JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 30.3 billion JPY and the debit is 65.9 billion JPY for ▲35.6 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) Of course, the sea freight is also a deficit of 41.2 billion JPY.
The other services, the Credit is 1496.5 billion JPY and the Debit is 1290.1 billion JPY for 206.4 billion JPY.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【姑息なNHK】Makeshift NHK

 しかも、この輸入規制をめぐってNHKは、実際には50の国と地域であるにもかかわらず 、23の国と地域が輸入の停止などの規制を続けていると報じている。これは、EU28カ国を主権国家ではなく一つの貿易圏イコール1カ国とみなしているからだ。このような事態を矮小化しようとする姑息な姿勢が、はたして国内外に対し、誠意が伝わるかどうか疑問である。

According to NHK News on May 12, the G20 Ministerial Declaration was adopted at the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministers' Meeting held for two days in Niigata City. As taking a leading position for stable supply of food by technology such as AI for improvement of food productivity and securing of food loss on the background of increase of world population.
On the other hand, Japan's Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries requested, before the meeting, the ministers China and Korea that have continued to restrict the import of Japanese food after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to stop the regulation by individually. Last month, Japan asked the WTO to abolish the South Korean government's ban on imports of seafood, but because Japan was in a difficult position as it was rejected.
Japan's Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries told reporters that “the abolition of import restrictions is an important issue for the reconstruction of the affected areas. On that strongly urged the other party to abolish it" explained Japan's position. South Korea's Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and livestock, "I accurately informed the Korean government's position and what the Korean people want. On the other hand, also I heard the Japanese government's position too from the Japanese Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries. I will tell relevant departments." to said.
However, the contents of the meeting with Chinese ministers have not been reported.
In addition, regarding the import ban implemented by the United States too. despite Japanese Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries meeting with the US Secretary of Agriculture on the same day.
Moreover, NHK reports that 23 countries and regions are continuing restrictions such as the suspension of import over this import restriction, even though in fact there are 50 countries and regions. this is because each of the 28 EU countries is not considered as a sovereign state, but as one trade zone. It is doubtful whether sincerity is transmitted to the countries inside and outside the country, with makeshift attitude to try to reduce such situations.
By the way, as of May 13, 50 countries and areas under regulatory action are Korea, China, Indonesia, Brunei, Egypt, Congo, Morocco, Lebanon, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Philippines, United States, Russia, French Polynesia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom.

【違法民泊業から脱法簡宿業問題へ】From Illegal Private Lodging Business into Outrageous Simple Lodging Business Problem


According to the MBS news on the afternoon of May 17, now in Kyoto city, with the increase of inbound, the opening of Simple Lodging by a small room area without a front desk has been increasing rapidly. the number of simple lodgings in the city has reached 2990 facilities as of the end of March this year, and it has doubled in the past three years from 1493 facilities in FY 2016 said.
Under these circumstances, more facilities have passed through the blind spot of regulation, and ripples are spreading among local residents. According to the news reports, the most annoying thing is the noise from the guests, and more than a dozen people stay in one facility, and there is also a case that it makes a fuss all night. However, there is no front desk for local residents to complain. Because, at the time of the revision of the ordinance last May, Kyoto City, decided to exempt the setting of the front desk in the case of a small simple lodging with one guest room with a capacity of 9 people or less. But, Instead they obliged the administrator to be stationed in a place where they could arrive within 10 minutes to be able to respond to any problems with the guests and the nearby residents.
It means that this is not strictly observed. In some cases, says that when a fire occurred at a nearby simple lodging last January, the administrator came to the scene more than 40 minutes after the residents contacted. this is a situation that is not in time for initial fire extinguishing and evacuation guidance too.
One of the neighbors says that it is strange for the residents to report the administrator in the first place.
Exactly, I think this is exactly the same a dangerous problem as the private lodging without administrator.
In addition, a new issue was also revealed regarding the interpretation of the city's ordinances.
The simple lodging, which was newly constructed last November, it has rooms on the first and second floors, but it as another simple lodgings, each with a capacity of 5 people, the same business person has issued a permit application to the city. If there is a capacity of 10 people per one facility, a stationed administrator will be required due to the front desk setting, but because is interpreted that it is unnecessary if divided into two facilities. A Kyoto city official says that if there are no documentation or procedure deficiencies, it can get permission for the hotel business. In addition, there is no recognition that also the business person side that an illegal facility, and there are no problems on the regulations said.
However, even in the city council in March, there were a lot of questions about whether this case was an illegal law. and a lawyer who is familiar with the private lodging problem to said that should just show its interpretation as said "If it is a situation where the operation situation manages two rooms together, it does not fit in a small-scale accommodation facility". If Kyoto City gives permission, it is feared that the business person who do the same way will increase. a prudent decision is required.
The simple lodging problem derived from the private lodging regulation may put a brake on the foreign exchange earning industry which has finally begun. I think that it should eliminate the business persons that causes tension between the locals and the visitors before it fosters overtourism and tourist phobia problems.

【北朝鮮の国際観光収入】DPRK's International Tourism Receipt


 2010年 182 百万米ドル 2011年 186 百万米ドル 2012年 185 百万米ドル 2013年 185 百万米ドル
 2014年 180 百万米ドル 2015年 181 百万米ドル 2016年 191 百万米ドル 2017年 525 百万米ドル


 2010年 13,199 百万米ドル 2011年 10,966 百万米ドル 2012年 14,576 百万米ドル 2013年 15,131 百万米ドル
 2014年 18,853 百万米ドル 2015年 24,983 百万米ドル 2016年 30,679 百万米ドル 2017年 34,050 百万米ドル

 2010年 22,276 百万米ドル 2011年 38,453 百万米ドル 2012年 43,860 百万米ドル 2013年 51,796 百万米ドル
 2014年 42,738 百万米ドル 2015年 30,969 百万米ドル 2016年 30,373 百万米ドル 2017年 35,575 百万米ドル


UNWTO in Madrid, aggregates data from UN member states, and DPRK is no exception, but that figures is no public. However, data on the eight countries and regions in Northeast Asia are publicly available. It is possible to find the figure by excluding the figures of the seven countries and regions where the figures exist. The following is the tourism receipt for DPRK. the eight countries and regions in Northeast Asia are China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Mongolia, Taiwan and DPRK.
It is the tourism receipt of this DPRK that figured out in this way. It can be seen that it has increased rapidly since 2017. Speaking of 525 million USD, it is 58.8 billion JPY in 2017 annual average rate 112 JPY conversion.
Speaking of 2017, it is the year when the Pro-DPRK government was born in South Korea.

 2010 182 million USD 2011 186 million USD 2012 185 million USD 2013 185 million USD
 2014 180 million USD 2015 181 million USD 2016 191 million USD 2017 525 million USD

According to UNWTO data, also Japan's tourism receipts, it have also been rising since 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power plant exploded. recent years, it the second largest in Northeast Asia after Chinese territory Macau.

 2010 13,199 million USD 2011 109,66 million USD 2012 14,576 million USD 2013 15,131 million USD
 2014 18,853 million USD 2015 24,983 million USD 2016 30,679 million USD 2017 34,054 million USD

 2010 22,276 million USD 2011 38,453 million USD 2012 43,860 million USD 2013 51,796 million USD
 2014 42,738 million USD 2015 30,969 million USD 2016 30,373 million USD 2017 35,575 million USD

The ability to raise money at the casino is efficient in terms of earning foreign currency. It is natural that Japan = the United States, and DPRK want.
However, according to RFA on December 17 last year, DPRK instructed the total cancellation of ongoing casino related projects. It is because the Chinese government was shown a disapproval. the reason is that the outflow of funds by Chinese affluent to foreign casinos is strongly regarded as a big problem. unlike Japan, China is nervous about foreign currency outflows. There have restrictions on taking out.
In addition, it will lead to also revenue decline in Macau, where money is flowing back to mainland China.
If you think so, also with regard to the attracting of the IR facilities with casinos in Japan, isn't it necessary to rethink in terms of marketing?
After all, the "explosive shopping" by Chinese tourists visiting Japan was dampened by the Chinese government but because the same is expected for casino customers too.

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"