【二見再びプロジェクト実行委員会 vol.1】Futami Futatabi project executive committee vol.1 伊勢の鉄道史を紐解くと、先ず1894年には、地元私鉄の参宮鉄道によって津 - 山田(伊勢市)間が開通。1932年には、今の近鉄の前身である大阪電気軌道傘下の参宮急行電鉄によって上本町 - 宇治山田間の直通特急と、伊賀上野の実業家によって二見浦ロープウェイが開通。1938年には、大阪電気軌道傘下の関西急行電鉄によって、伊勢から名古屋への乗り入れが可能となった。
『共生(ともいき)日本ゲートウェイ成田プロジェクト』と呼ばれるそれは、成田国際空港ゲートまで車で三分の所に「インバウンド消費」と「メイド・イン・ジャパンの海外進出」の2つのコンセプトで、日本が世界に誇る商品・サービス・ビジネスが集う「本物志向の街」を建設するものだ。敷地は12万坪で、3300ルームのホテルやショウビス施設を併設し、日本伝統の木造建築の町並みを再現する「共生にっぽんもーる」では、全国47都道府県の特産品が揃う日本最大の特産品市場、製造・加工過程が見える工房をつくって日本の伝統・文化・売れ筋が楽しめるテーマパークを創り、メイド・イン・ジャパンの品質を世界に広めるためのビジネス支援ゾーン「共生にっぽんBizもーる」では、「エネルギー・環境産業」「健康・医療産業」「Made in Japan Design」を中心に、融資・出資、商談のためのコンサルティング、通訳支援、世界的メディアを活用したマーケティング支援などで世界販路拡大を目指すプロジェクトである。

I investigated the railway history of Ise. First, in 1894, Tsu-Yamada was opened by the local private railway “Sangu Railway”. In 1932, the direct express between Uehonmachi with Ujiyamada was opened by “Sangu Express Railway” under the Osaka Electric Tramway, the predecessor of Kintetsu. “Futamiura Ropeway” was opened by Iga Ueno businessman. In 1938, it became possible to go from Ise to Nagoya by “Kansai Express Railway” under the Osaka Electric Tramway.
This ropeway's Yam Station was at the location of the current Futami Ryokan Kaiyoro, and the station at the summit was on "Otonashiyama" overlooking the Meoto-iwa (couple's rock). here, there were places of worship at sunrise, a platform for worshiping the moon, a cafeteria, a small zoo such as monkeys and wild birds, and an attraction of Kawarake. and with the rapid increase in Ise Jingu shrine visitors, also the ropeway reaches its peak.
However, in 1941, when the Pacific War started, Futamiura Ropeway, which is less important in terms of military power it was designated as an “unnecessary route” by the Metals Recovery Order to compensate for the shortage of metal resources necessary for weapon production. and it abolished in 1942. the operation period became only 10 years.
At the first meeting of the “Futami again project executive committee” invited on September 30, its the rebuilding project strictly speaking, the Gondola-style reconstruction project was announced instead of the ropeway method as part of the Otonashiyama redevelopment project. Otonashiyama at an altitude of 119.8m. in there, a promenade where you can take a stroll between the trees that bloom in season, and you can see the Ise Bay and Chita Peninsula from the observation deck, and on a clear day, you can see Mt Fuji.
However, in Futami-cho, which has the first beach in Japan and Meoto-iwa the tourist resource after the war was the “sea” only, so there is little interest of tourists to the “mountain”.
The name of Otonashiyama is derived from the fact that the guide “Samitsuhime” could not speak, when “Yamatohimenomikoto” visited here, and it means silence. because she said nothing to the question. so this mountain close to Samitsuhime's mansion is now called “Otonashiyama”.
On the south mountain peak of Otonashiyama is the Tomoyuki's Village Ninja Kingdom (Azuchi Momoyama Jokamachi), but the Gondola Project are by Tomoyuki Bank, a major real estate investment development company that bought it last year. In addition to the Gondola Project, the mythical world based on the Kojiki was re-recognized locally to regain the Japanese pride and promote tourism, thereby will be promoting the Futami area. Specifically, the nightlife is enhanced by permanent installations such as concerts and theaters. the purpose is to increase the number of overnight stays.
According to the chairman, a large-scale project for inbound facilities has started in Narita ahead of Futami. This is because the Japanese economy, which has been supported by the population so far, can only acquire foreign currency through inbound tourism.
It is called the “Tomoiki Japan Gateway Narita Project”, and it is a three-minute drive to Narita International Airport Gate. with two concepts of “inbound consumption” and “made-in-Japan overseas expansion”, and it will build a “real city” where the products, services and businesses that we boast are gathered.
The site is 39.67 hectares. This project has a 3300 room hotel and show business facilities. In Tomoiki Nippon Mall, which recreates the traditional Japanese wooden architecture, it will be creating the largest specialty product market in Japan that has 47 special products from all over Japan, creating the workshops where you can see the manufacturing and processing processes, and aiming to be a theme park where you can enjoy Japanese traditions, culture and sales. In the business support zone “Tomoiki Nippon Biz Mall” to spread the quality of Made in Japan to the world, financing and Supporting expansion of global sales channels through investment, consulting for business negotiations, interpreting support, and marketing support using global media.
【文化的かつ科学的な環境ツーリズム】A cultural and scientific environmental tourism
Japan suffers from lack of sunshine due to long rain and typhoon but according to the AFP on July 25, the heat wave was hit in Europe, and the records of the highest temperature in each cities all over France was updated on the 23rd. recorded 41.2 °C in the major wine producing region Bordeaux. Also, on the 24th, it observed the highest temperature in the country at 39.9 °C at Kleine-Brogel base in Belgium and updated the record observed in June 1947. In Germany, observed 40.5 °C in western Geilenkirchen, it exceeded the highest domestic temperature 40.3 °C so far. Also, in the Netherlands, it observed 38.8 °C at the Gilze-Rijen base in the south, and said that the record of 75 years ago was updated, and it was over 42 °C in Paris and Lingen at the 25th.
The state of last year is I recorded in No.127 [The heat dome], but the heat wave arrival to Europe this year is the second time in less than a month. moreover, it's hot. According to the Met Office, the heat wave peaked at the 25th on the UK too, exceeding the domestic maximum temperature of 38.5 ℃ observed at the Kent in Faversham in August 2004. The British railway company Network Rail announced that it would operate at a slower speed as a response to heat wave. similar measures are taken on the French railways.
Since ancient times, the so-called "summer resort" has been considered as a tourist destination far from reality. there are not many people who want to go to hot places. If anything, the same goes for cultural tourism in Japan. As measures, a cool atmosphere is required, such as tree shade, fountain, mist shower, water sprinkling, ice work and fūrin (wind bell) in summer of Japan. Anyhow, unlike summer in Europe, summer in Japan is humid in addition to high temperature. Heat Stroke risk is also high.
In this respect, Japanese wooden buildings with humidity control show their performance by passing the wind. It is because cellulose and hemicellulose contained in wood have a part called hydroxyl group that attracts water molecules, and by adsorbing and releasing moisture here, the wood has a humidity control function.
According to professional reports, the amount of water vapor contained in indoor air when the humidity is 60% at 25 °C in a room of about 8 tatami. it is equivalent to the amount of water that can be absorbed by a 4 mm thick and 1 square meter cypress board.
In addition, even in a report by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's business in fiscal 2014, the humidity control effect has been proved by experiments that relative humidity between solid cedar wood and cross-pasted interior is about 50%. This thing is also quoted in "goodness data rearranging examination report, March, 2016 of the goodness of tree" which "Architecture Promotion Council which makes use of tree" put together as entrusted business of Forestry Agency.
That is, I think that Japanese wooden buildings whose humidity is properly managed will be summer tourism content. this is says that exactly an experience type. But, it needs to be shown visually, by contrasting with the outside air with a hygrometer etc. If not, it is because it is considered to be the cause of the same mind as the sound of the Fūrin. the activity of water vapor is a scientific basis.
Incidentally, in order to feel cooling with Fūrin sound, it is necessary to input in early childhood. It is no understand by foreigners. it is a psychological phenomenon.
【2019年8月の国際収支】August's Balance of payments 2019
日本の"国際ツーリズム輸出"の足を引っ張る万年赤字の旅客輸送は、 海上旅客の受取が0円、支払が14億円で▲13億円。航空旅客は受取が295億円、支払が678億円で▲382億円だ(四捨五入の為に合計に合わない場合がある)。
October 8, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of August. the balance of payments for this month is 2.1577 trillion JPY. The year-on-year ratio is ▲27.0%. NHK News at 9 am a brief mentioned it surplus only.
The trade balance is 50.9 billion JPY. the exports is 6.0808 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.0299 trillion JPY. on the other hand, the travel balance was 151.8 billion JPY. the credit is 381.2 billion JPY, and the debit was 229.5 billion JPY. in every August there will be an increase outbound, but this year is inbound from South Korea has fallen sharply. According to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for August was 2,520,100 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 2,109,600 people (Both preliminary).
Deficit always passenger transports that restrains Japan's “international tourism exports”, the credit of the sea passenger is 0 JPY, and the debit is 1400 million JPY for ▲1300 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 29.5 billion JPY and the debit is 67.8 billion JPY for ▲38.2 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.).
The other services, the credit is 1226.1 billion JPY and the debit is 1278.6 billion JPY for ▲525 billion JPY.
[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
Jan. 6,004
Feb. 26,768
Mar. 28,479
Apr. 17,074
May 15,948
Jun. 12,112
Jul. 19,999
Aug. 18.237
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade ○サービス収支 Services
Jan.▲9,448 Jan.▲1,512
Feb. 4,892 Feb. 2,366
Mar. 7,001 Mar. 3,451
Apr. ▲982 Apr.▲3,124
May ▲6,509 May 1,372
Jun. 7,593 Jun. 509
Jul. ▲745 Jul.▲2,299
Aug. 509 Aug. 233
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan.17,592 Jan. ▲428
Feb.20,145 Feb. ▲635
Mar.20,564 Mar.▲2,538
Apr.21,303 Apr. ▲120
May 22,574 May ▲1,488
Jun. 4,273 Jun. ▲263
Jul.23,899 Jul. ▲856
Aug.22,681 Aug.▲1,846
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport ○トラベル Travel
Jan. ▲833 Jan. 2.271
Feb. ▲864 Feb. 2,274
Mar. ▲689 Mar. 2,076
Apr. ▲826 Apr. 2,564
May ▲779 May 2,305
Jun. ▲539 Jun. 2,332
Jul. ▲865 Jul. 2,293
Aug. ▲760 Aug. 1,518
○その他サービス Other Services
Feb. 957
Mar. 2,064
May ▲154
Aug. ▲525
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. ▲4 Jan. ▲515
Feb. ▲6 Feb. ▲500
Mar. 0 Mar. ▲412
Apr. ▲12 Apr. ▲571
May ▲23 May ▲427
Jun. ▲16 Jun. ▲267
Jul. ▲14 Jul. ▲413
Aug. ▲13 Aug. ▲451
○航空旅客 Air Passenger ○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. ▲409 Jan. 46
Feb. ▲407 Feb. 39
Mar. ▲356 Mar. 41
Apr. ▲363 Apr. 55
May ▲456 May 38
Jun. ▲375 Jun. 60
Jul. ▲599 Jul. 54
Aug. ▲383 Aug. 41
(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)
【ジェームズ・ボンドは来ない】James Bond not come
海の向こうの友人たちによると、10/5は『ジェームズ・ボンドの日』だそうだ。訊けば、シリーズ第1作『007 ドクター・ノオ』の英国初公開が 1962年10/5だからである。
しかし、ジョージ・マーティンの『死ぬのは奴らだ』の主題曲を使ったティーザー予告編に、日本らしき風景は全くない。キャリー福永監督は日系米国人だが、残念ながら日本が舞台ではないのだ。公開予定は2020年の4月。クランクインから僅か1年の早撮りである。おそらくは、配給会社や監督交代のため、脚本の練り直しや撮影期間が極めて短かったからだろう。次作『Bond 26』に早くも期待する次第である。
事の発端は、2001年にベンソンが取材で直島に三泊した事から始まる。映画誘致の夢は、2002年にこの小説が出版されやいなや、県のフイルム・コミッションから県の観光協会を経て直島町役場へと伝わり、2003年には直島町議 会の決議を得ると島中に広がった。
According to foreign friends, October 5 is seems “James Bond Day”. According to what I heard, because it was October 5, 1962, when the first series “007 Dr. No” was first released in the UK.
This day, it says that events were held all over the UK, and there were special programs on TV too. Especially, it seems that the first public announcement of the promotiona had a big impact. the title became "No Time To Die", not "Shatterhand".
However, the teaser trailer that uses George Martin's theme music of "Live And Let Die" has not at all Japanese-like landscape. no stage was set on Japan despite that Director was a Japanese descendant unfortunately. the release schedule is April 2020. It is only one year after crank-in. because the script rework time and the filming period was very short due to changes in the distribution company and director perhaps.Let's look forward to the next "Bond 26" as early as.
By the way, there are other, local governments that wish to attract film shooting for this popular worldwide series. one example is Naoshima, Kagawa Prefecture.
Raymond Benson's "The Man with the Red Tattoo" is a novel written by Vice Chairman of James Bond Fan Club, published in 2002. the plot is, Bond visits Japan again for the G8 summit held at the Benesse facility in Kagawa prefecture Naoshima. as a sequel to Ian Fleming's "You Only Live Twice" set in Mie Prefecture. in that backgrounds is due to the fact that Kagawa Prefecture, together with Okayama Prefecture, was to attract for the 2008 G8 Summit as "Setouchi Summit".
"James Bond not come" that was published from Kadokawa Bunko is a nonfiction novel who recorded the efforts of movie attracting activities that occurred at Naoshima Town in Kagawa Prefecture, at that time.
The beginning of the thing began with Benson staying Naojima three nights in 2001 for collecting data.
As soon as this novel was published in 2002, the dream of film attraction was transferred from prefecture's film commission to prefectural tourism association, and Naoshima Town office, and Naoshima Town Council to obtain resolutions in 2003, and it became known to all the islanders.
Moreover, a self-name executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment who visited the Naoshima tourist association also encouraged, and in 2004 the prefecture's council also began to cooperate. also, gathered 50,000 signatures by convoking the "signature agents". In addition, the "Bond Girl of Kagawa" contest was held as part of attraction activities. Then, they are select the youth English man officer of the Prefecture Government Affairs Department as James Bond in Kagawa Prefecture, and make a short film "From Naoshima with Love" for introduced tourism.
And they opened the "007 The Man with the Red Tattoo Museum" which was remodeled the garment factory in 2005 (closed in February 2018). Moreover, in 2006 carrying signatures of 83,000 people the Deputy Governor and the president of the prefectural assembly went to the United States to visit Sony Pictures Studio, and they are met the two Vice-presidents of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
However, it was discovered here, it is that the executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment that appeared in Naoshima was a fake, and it is that vice presidents have heard activities of Naoshima for the first time in now on here. Furthermore, in Naoshima, a operating fund of 2.17 million JPY was disappeared too.
Shifting the blame onto each others, and Sony's copyright management company will suspended updating the "museum" too, the situation become more and more serious. Nonetheless, a single salvation is available at the ending.
As a problem obtained after reading, Firstly, there is a lack of understanding of the power relationship between the movie production company and the movie distribution company. Also, they didn't know Danjaq Production which manages movie trademarks, and also didn't know that the production company Eon production does not make a 007 movie of a novel other than Ian Fleming. is that the “The Man With Red Tattoo” was an official novel with permission from the Ian Fleming Foundation, to the last.
Still I would like to pay tribute to the fight of this predecessor. It is better than not doing anything. because something will remain.
For example, the poster where Daniel Craig's signature was written is so. This is what former CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment' Howard Stringer mailed to this museum during his term. As a result, the agents who visited Japan for trademark control is abandonment of accusations. although this museum should be a memorial hall of the novel to the last, As this was a facility admitted by the own employer CEO. It seems that showed respect for passion.
Moreover, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on September 19, Naoshima has become famous worldwide as a “sacred place for art” and the number of migrants has increased. In addition, the number of inbound tourists has increased, and land prices have risen for two consecutive years due to the increase in restaurants and simple lodgings.
There are many things to learn.

【東海三県の主要集客施設の夏休み集客2019】Major attracting customers during summer vacation in Tokai three prefectures 2019
According to the Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting data, Nagashima Resort attracted 2.67 million people (down 1.8% from the previous year) for 13 consecutive years in the summer vacation period of major facilities in Tokai 3 Prefectures (not called tourist facilities) Recording. The Kariya Highway Oasis was 1.18 million (up 9.2%) and the Chubu Centrair International Airport was 1.17 million (up 41.6%). The largest increase was at the Nagoya City Museum, where 140,000 people gathered at such as The Snoopy Museum Exhibition, an increase of about 4.8 times. The Chunichi Shimbun reported on October 16.
On the other hand, 43 facilities, which are more than half of the 82 facilities that can be compared with the previous year was decrease. It is believed that the end of the rainy season shifted to the end of July and that two typhoons had affected.
Inbound tourism has increased overall. however, the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology and Noritake Forest responded that “Korean customers have decreased”, also mentions the impact of political conflict between the two countries.
The target of this survey is amusement parks, theme parks, cultural facilities, etc. in Tokai 3 prefectures of have attracted more than 200,000 customers annually. The target period is the summer vacation period from July 21 to August 31, with some exceptions. The method is a web questionnaire in which a total of 88 institutions answered valid. In other words, it depends on the respondent's data and subjectivity. therefore, I do not think that the duplicate count for each facility of Nagashima Resort a complex facility, has been calibrated. It consists of Nagashima Spa Land, Yuaminoshima, Hotel Hanamigi, Hotel Olive, Hotel Nagashima, Nabana no Sato, Nagashima Country Club and Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima.
Incidentally, the same is true for the number of worshipers of Ise Jinugu Shrine, where in the Naiku and Geku are counted twice, but it can be said that such as data is difficult to use on the DMO. Because there is no consistency in the correlation with stay expenses and transportation expenses. wallet and also stomach is one.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
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