
No.202 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" October issue

度会國御神社 Wataraikunimi Jinja Shrine 

【TVショーのパワーハラスメント】Power harassment on the TV show


I was not only tourism and selling that products, but also gifts related to festivals. This was about 30 years ago. Specifically, I would enter a village and start asking around, finding out about the homes of people who were receiving expensive items such as Hina dolls, armor, and kimonos, each worth hundreds of thousands of yen, and then I would find out who the gift was, and go there to negotiate. What is important in this process is not only protecting personal information, but also how to gain trust. You have to be a good person. The other day I watched "Heartful World" on CBC TV. It is a documentary about the past of Watarakunoshima Island. The director plays the "good guy" in a long-term close-up interview, and after approaching the only witness, who is now 87 years old, several times, he finally opens up about something difficult.
This island was known as a men's entertainment district during the Showa era, but now the abandoned hotels that have become a home for the sex industry tell the story of the passage of time. The director has the witness talk about what the island was like at the time, but he does not show his face. There is no respect for the efforts made since then to improve the island as a resort and for family use.
How will viewers view this program? It is structured as a human documentary, but it is a curiosity-based project based on the island's past from the beginning. At the end, the show's hostess Hikorohi adds that she feels uncomfortable being called a prostitution island, but as long as the focus of the program is on the past, all that remains is a negative impression of the island. This is because there is no consideration for the next generation, who have broken away from the past and are looking toward the future. For example, what will the children who take boats from this island to go to school, or the tourists who visit the island that has been reborn as Heart Island, think?
This type of sex industry was dotted all over tourist destinations during the period of high economic growth, when the level of civility was lower than it is now. Even Toba, which is popular for its sea otters. However, just like diplomatic issues, the atonement of the previous generation should not be passed on to the next generation.
Incidentally, when a certain weekly magazine published a negative article, probably for the purpose of attracting advertising money, I stayed on the island for about two months and published a reportage of the current situation in a local paper to defend against it. Since CBC is a commercial broadcaster with sponsors, it is no exaggeration to say that this project itself is power harassment. I think this is a BPO (Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization) case.

【過去10年間の旅館街の来訪者数に基づく季節指数】Seasonal index based on the total number of visitors to the Ryokan district over the past 10 years


【デジタル観光統計オープンデータから8月の三重県の観光目的入込数】The number of visitors to Mie Prefecture for tourism purposes in August from the digital tourism statistics open data


【石破茂総理】The Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba

少なくとも彼はツーリズムのステークホルダーである At the very least he is a stakeholder in tourism. 

【令和7年度 観光庁関係 予算概算要求概要】FY2025 Japan Tourism Agency Budget Request Summary

(1)持続可能な観光地づくり Creating sustainable tourism regions 

(2)地方を中心としたインバウンド誘客の戦略的取組 Strategic Initiatives to Attract Inbound Tourists, Focusing on Regional Areas 

(3)国内交流拡大 Expansion of domestic exchange 

国際観光旅客税を活用したより高次元な観光施策の展開 Developing more advanced tourism policies using the international tourist tax 

令和7年度税制改正要望 Request for tax reform in fiscal year 2025 


【2024年8月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for August 2024


On October 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for August this year. The current account balance is a surplus 3.8036 Trillion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 377.9 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 404.5 billion JPY, consisting of 638.8 billion JPY in credit and 234.3 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 2,933,000 persons and Japanese Overseas is 1,437,100 persons. therefore, the unit price is 217,797 JPY for the inbound, and 163,036 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a deficit at 12.3 billion JPY, and also Sea passenger in a deficit at 300 million JPY. Other services also posted a deficit of 447.5 billion JPY, leaving the overall services balance in a deficit at 104.9 billion JPY.
Inbound tourism typically declines during the hot summer months of August and September, but this year, the numbers appear to have worsened due to a false alarm over a Nankai Trough earthquake in mid-August and the approach of a typhoon in late August.

【長谷川家 暮らしのやきもの】Hasegawa family's ceramic arts in daily life

庭園の巨大なサルスベリの木 The giant Crape myrtle tree in the garden 

【神嘗月の竹神社】Take Jinja Shrine in October





Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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No.201 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" September issue

【台風10号下の外宮】Ise Jingu Geku Shrine under the typhoon No. 10

【令和6年お盆を中心とした休暇期間中の県内主要施設の観光入込客数集計表】Summary of tourist numbers at major facilities in the prefecture during the Obon holiday period in 2024

水増しトリックが見抜けますか? Can you spot the inflated numbers trick? 

【地震考古学②】The Earthquake Archaeology


It is important to know the weaknesses of your land and take measures to address them.



各ぺージをクリックするとより鮮明化します Click on each page to make it clearer 

【一泊二食】One night, two meals


When I was younger, I worked undercover as a reservation clerk at a famous members-only resort hotel, albeit for a very short period of time, as a part-time employee. This was right after I left Yurara.
In normal times, this wouldn't be a problem. but many room owners who had invested several million yen per room wanted rooms without meals at a membership price of a few thousand JPY.
This is fine under normal circumstances. It also increases occupancy rates. However, during peak seasons, when many rooms are booked, problems arise because the hotel's overall revenue decreases. So hotels have implemented a clever solution to this problem. The hotel reservations open from 8 am three months prior to the desired date. The rule is members must make reservations directly by phone to the hotel of their choice. So the reservation manager instructed us to turn off all the office phones on that day. In other words, they cut off the telephone and gave priority to higher-priced reservations from Jalan and general customers. Of course, the book wouldn't be filled in just one day. To tell the truth, they had already opened reservations through OTAs a few days in advance. This allowed them to secure a profit from the one-night stay with two meals.
At the time, this hotel offered a choice of Western or Japanese food, a dinner priced at 5,000 or 7,000 JPY (the prices have now gone up). drink averaged 2,000 JPY. As I recall, breakfast was also 2,000 JPY for both the Western-style or Japanese breakfasts.
This is unfortunate for the members, but increasing sales by meals is the number one priority for any hotel.
And, the appeal point to consumers, it is the ability to choose based on liking and price range.

【2024年7月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for July 2024


On September 9, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for July this year. The current account balance is a surplus 3193 billion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 482.7 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 553.4 billion JPY, consisting of 730.3 billion JPY in credit and 176.8 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,292,500 persons and Japanese Overseas is 1,048,800 persons. therefore, the unit price is 198,909 JPY for the inbound, and 186,304 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a deficit at 12 billion JPY, and also Sea passenger in a deficit at 1.7 billion JPY. Other services also posted a deficit of 1045 billion JPY, leaving the overall services balance in a deficit at 532.8 billion JPY. Last year's total was -6.6329 trillion JPY in Goods trade and 3.3683 trillion JPY in Travel Balance. This year, up until July, Goods trade was -2.9294 trillion JPY and Travel Balance was 3.1518 trillion JPY.
This means that we are entering an era where it will be far more beneficial for the local economy to become known for attracting international tourists than for attracting factories.


【都道府県別外国人延べ宿泊者数(2023年1月~12月速報値)】Total number of foreign overnight guests by 47 prefectures (January to December 2023 preliminary figures)

三重県は下位から数えて10番目 Mie Prefecture has the 10th lowest total number of foreign overnight stays in Japan. 

【過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し】(9月12日の新聞掲載版)Too much of one thing is good for nothin (The newspaper version of September 12)

【不労所得は泡銭】Unearned income is empty money

Foreign investors' physical sales of Japanese stocks hit record high -Unit: 1 billion JPY 

【鳥羽の地価】Land prices in Toba city

【天孫降臨】the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess

September 17, 2024 4:06 PM Ise Jingu Geku Shoden

【国連レポート2024.0919】UN report 2024.0919


It had been a while since I last visited the UN Tourism office. Since last autumn, I have been so busy with the starting of a foreign-funded hotel, and with its maintenance since its opening in December, that I have had little time to go out. Accompanying me was the Honorary Director of the Motoori Norinaga Museum. He was at the wheel both ways. Thank you. In fact, I received a worrying email from the hotel just before I left. I gave them some instructions, but decided to postpone meeting my friends in Uda until another time.
At the office, we were welcomed by the project coordinator and the manager, who I have known for 10 years. I introduced my recent situation, the trends of our country's Trade balance and Travel balance, a newspaper column I wrote, and the QR code for Oyado Andon Toba, and the honorary director introduced the upcoming event.
The project manager informed us that the latest edition of International Tourism Highlights will be published soon from Madrid.
According to the latest UN Tourism World Tourism Indicators, international arrivals for the seven months from January to July 2024 will be around 790 million, around 11% more than in 2023 and just 4% short of 2019. Of these, international arrivals in Asia-Pacific were 82% of pre-pandemic levels (-18% compared to 2019), reaching 85% in June and 86% in July.
The UN Tourism Confidence Index forecasted 120 points for September-December 2024, down from 130 points (score: 0-200, with 100 equating to expected performance) for May-August, but still points to a brighter outlook for the rest of the year.
Also, revised data for 2023 shows that export receipts from international tourism reached US$1.8 trillion (international tourism receipts and passenger traffic), virtually the same as pre-pandemic levels.

【さらばお宿行灯鳥羽】Arrivederci Oyado Andon Toba

Thank you everyone!

I stayed here the other day. They told me about the dragon god of Kaikoen.
The service was good and I had a great time. I was inspired in many ways, so I will definitely stay here again if I go to Ise. Thank you very much. 21:24

Thank you very much for using our inn the other day. I was also thrilled that this was an introduction by Ichibe Shrine. I hope your wish comes true.
In fact, I am retiring from work this month. I will not be there the next time you visit. But, this is Oyado Andon Toba, which I have loved and nurtured under the protection of Ichibe Shrine.
I hope to continue to serve you in the future.

Manager Shigeki Imura 22:57


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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