
No.199 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" July issue

【視点の転換】The change of viewpoint


Now that the yen has hit an all-time low, only service exports are growing. That is international tourism. The word "export" may not ring a bell for the postwar generation that was only taught to export goods as national policy, but international tourism is a respectable export industry in the sense that it brings back foreign currency that has flowed out of Japan through NISA and other programs. Despite the widening goods trade deficit caused by rising energy costs, Japan's travel balance is the only one that has always been in surplus and growing.
However, Japan's industrial structure is still dependent on 20th century manufacturing, that is, motorization-driven manufacturing. To repeat, what supports the manufacturing industry is low costs, including labor costs, and the labor productivity of developed countries is not sufficient. Toshiba recently withdrew from the home appliance business, but if we look at advanced examples such as the United States, the only exports that remain are airplanes and automobiles (the pharmaceutical industry does not have a wide base as an industry). The most popular American products around you are no longer physical objects. they are internet services, Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, and, Microsoft. That's far more than TOYOTA's annual sales. For example, Apple's market capitalization is 11.5 times that of TOYOTA. In view of this, it is no exaggeration to say that the 21st century is the era of service trade for developed countries that have graduated from manufacturing. In that respect, international tourism, which has a wide base as an industry, is the last industrial sector remaining in Japan. I already gave a presentation at the EUROSTAT statistical forum 10 years ago. (the details are recorded in No.83.)
However, this consensus has not yet been achieved in Japan. This is because it is a developing industry. For example, the Japan Medical Association exercises political power through 500 million JPY in donations from both the ruling and opposition parties, but the tourism industry does not have that kind of power. Therefore, there is a lack of study even in the mainstream media.
Recently, the Japanese media has been frequently reporting on the problem of overtourism, without even knowing its true meaning. True overtourism is not as simple as residents being unable to ride the city bus. It is when land prices soar due to the entry of foreign capital, property taxes, rents, rental fees, and even local prices rise, leading to the displacement of original residents. for example, rents have risen 68% in Barcelona over the past decade, and city authorities recently announced they would ban the renting of more than 10,000 tourist apartments by 2028 in a bid to free up space in the local property market. And this trend has already quietly begun in Japan. according to Kansai TV, in February of this year, a rental apartment near Kuromon Market, known as the "Kitchen of Naniwa" and visited by 24,000 foreign tourists a day, had its management company and owner replaced by a Chinese person, doubling the rent and forcing residents out. The aim is to turn each unit into private lodgings. Behind this lies the foresight of foreign investors who are taking advantage of the weak yen.
Just on July 1st, the National Tax Agency announced roadside land prices for 2024 (as of January 1st), and the so-called inbound effect was also evident in these figures. The village with the highest increase was Hakuba Village in Nagano Prefecture, which increased by 32.1% year-on-year. Here, high-priced transactions for resort condominiums and condominium hotels continue, and the opening of the luxury hotel "Banyan Tree," based in Singapore, is also planned. The second highest increase was in Kikuyo Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, where Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has established a presence and semiconductor-related industries have been clustered, resulting in a 24.0% increase over the previous year. "Tourist" includes not only sightseeing and skiing people but also business people. this includes real estate and finance too. This is the difference in meaning from the Japanese word "kanko". unless we are aware of this and unless we get rid of the narcissism that is typical of local tourism administrations, we will not be able to ride the wave of international tourism.
Incidentally, Incidentally, in Japan, there is even a misconception that tourism is an industry for developing countries. according to the United Nation's Tourism Highlights, the United States has always been the world's top earner it, and France has the most visitors. next up is Spain.

Company market capitalization ranking 2024 (Unit: 100 million USD) 


【2024年5月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for May 2024


On July 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for May this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2849.9 billion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 1108.9 billion JPY. Even if it add in the tax-free souvenirs for inbound tourists (Although the Japanese media doesn't write about it, this is also treated as an goods export, and if it is resold or consumed domestically, the seller will be subject to additional tax). on the other hand, Travel balance is a surplus of 441.7 billion JPY, consisting of 615.6 billion JPY in credit and 173.9 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,040,100 persons and Japanese Overseas is 941,700 persons. therefore, the unit price is 201,190 JPY for the inbound, and 184,666 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger traffic fell into a deficit at 10 billion JPY, and sea passenger traffic also in a deficit at 400 million JPY. In addition, Other services also posted a deficit of 416.3 billion JPY, leaving the overall services balance barely in a surplus at 2.3 billion JPY.


Monthly trends in foreign visitors to Japan(2017−2024) ※Excluding 2020 to 2022, when the Wuhan virus was in effect. 

【ロケツーリズム】The Location Tourism


The FX-produced remake of "SHOGUN," based on the novel "Shogun" by James Clavell, recorded 9 million views in the six days since the first episode was released worldwide. It was distributed on Hulu and other platforms, and in Japan it was exclusively distributed on Disney+ from February 27. The series consists of 10 episodes.
As I had mentioned several times in this column, this is the second time this novel has been adapted for film; the first time was in 1980, when it was produced by Paramount Television (a theatrical version was also made), and it sparked an unprecedented boom in the Shogun=Japan scene, even at the time. This, for the original version, an open set and a 1/1 wooden ship were built on Kii-Nagashima in Mie Prefecture (Kihoku Town), and location filming lasted for two weeks, with all the accommodation fully booked. I obtained a reprint of an existing snapshot (See No.89-90) from the Kihoku Town Tourism Association and exhibited it at the Eurostat Statistics Forum. About 10 years ago, a British couple even came to check out the filming locations.
However, this time the location for filming was Canada, not Japan. It is said that was because Japan was in a state of isolation due to the Wuhan virus pandemic. That being said, I don't think that's the only reason. contemporary Japan also have the following challenges.

Attracting film crews and their impact on the local economy (From the Nihon Keizai Shimbun) 


【星野リゾートトマム売却】Hoshino Resorts Tomamu sold

 中国の豫園商城(日本の子会社は新雪)は6月29日、星野リゾートトマム売却を発表した。売却先は不動産投資などを手掛ける合同会社YCH16。売却額は408億3721万円だ。内訳は、「トマム ザ・タワー」(535室)、「リゾナーレトマム」(192室)、「クラブメッド・北海道トマム」(341室)の3ホテルとスキー場から構成される資産である。

On June 29, China's Yu yuan shang cheng (The Japanese subsidiary is New Snow) announced the sale of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. The buyer is YCH16, a limited liability company that handles real estate investments. The sale price was 40,837,210,000 JPY. The assets consist of three hotels, "Tomamu The Tower" (535 rooms), "Risonare Tomamu" (192 rooms), and "Club Med Hokkaido Tomamu" (341 rooms), as well as a ski resort. In 2015, Yuyuan Mall acquired Hoshino Resorts Tomamu for 18.3 billion JPY.

上海豫源観光商城(集団)有限公司 完全子会社による新雪有限公司株式売却の進捗に関するお知らせ


•2024年6月26日、上海豫園観光商城(集団)有限公司(以下「当社」)は第11回取締役会第28回を開催し、「当社の認可について」を審議し、承認されました。 Management to Sale Co., Ltd.「新雪株式に関する提案」当社の完全子会社である玉海工業有限公司(以下「玉海」)は、保有する新雪有限公司(以下「新雪」または「対象会社」)の株式49,999株を売却する予定です。 Xinxue の総株式の 99.9980%(Xinxue およびその子会社である株式会社トマムプロパティおよび株式会社星野リゾート トマムを総称して「対象会社グループ」または「新雪グループ」といいます。)。当社の取締役会は、当社の経営陣またはその権限を有する者に対し、約17億1,000万人民元に相当する380億円以上の支払いに同意することを前提として、以下の事項に同意し、承認します(日本円/人民元の中央平価レートを参照)。中国銀行(6月26日)、対象会社株式売却。同時に、当社の取締役会は、経営管理および関連機能部門に、この取引に関連するフォローアップ事項を特に処理する権限を与えました。詳細につきましては、同社が本日開示した「上海豫源観光モール(集団)有限公司の完全子会社による新雪有限公司の株式売却計画に関するお知らせ」をご参照ください。上海証券取引所のウェブサイト(告示番号:2024-074)。 


Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mall (Group) Co., Ltd. Notice on the progress of the sale of Shinsetsu Co., Ltd. shares by a wholly owned subsidiary

The board of directors and all directors of the Company guarantee that the contents of this announcement do not contain any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and are legally responsible for the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the contents. 

Important content reminder: 
•On June 26, 2024, Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mall (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") held the 11th and 28th board of directors meeting to discuss and approve the "Approval of the Company" Management to Sale Co., Ltd. "Proposal for Shinsetsu Shares" Yuhai Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yuhai"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, plans to sell 49,999 shares of Shinsetsu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shinsetsu" or the "Target Company") held by the Company. 99.9980% of the total shares of Xinxue (Xinxue and its subsidiaries Tomamu Properties Co., Ltd. and Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Co., Ltd. are collectively referred to as the "Target Company Group" or "Shinsetsu Group"). On the premise that the Company's management or persons authorized by it agree to pay more than 38 billion JPY, equivalent to approximately 1.71 billion RMB, the Company's board of directors agrees to and approves the following matters (referring to the JPY/RMB mid-point parity rate): Bank of China (June 26), the sale of the Target Company Shares. At the same time, the Company's board of directors authorized the business management and related functional departments to specifically handle follow-up matters related to this transaction. For details, please refer to the "Notice Concerning the Plan of the Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Shanghai Yuyuan Tourism Mall (Group) Co., Ltd. to Sell Shares in Shinsetsu Co., Ltd." disclosed by the Company today. The website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Notice No.: 2024-074).  

【システム障害】A system failure

 ロイター通信によると19日、世界的なシステム障害が発生し、アメリカン航空、デルタ航空、ユナイテッド航空など米大手航空会社は19日午前、通信障害で出発できない状態となった。 ユナイテッド航空は声明で、「サードパーティーのソフトウェア障害により、ユナイテッドを含め世界中のコンピューターシステムに影響が出ている。システム復旧待ちで全機を地上待機としており、離陸便は目的地に向かって運航している」とした。
 これに先立ち、一部の格安航空会社はマイクロソフト365が障害を受けて運航ができない状態となった。同社はこの障害は解消したとしていたが、その後クラウド部門がウィンドウズOSシステムなどでの問題発生を確認しているとした。 今回の障害は、世界的なサイバーセキュリティ企業クラウドストライク(時価総額∶834.8億ドル)によるアップグレードが関与しており、同社はウィンドウズの更新プログラムで欠陥が見つかったとし、「サイバー攻撃ではなく問題は特定された。修正プログラムを配布している」とした。
 オーストラリアでは、メディアや銀行、通信会社で障害が発生した。 東京、アムステルダム、ベルリン、スペインなどの空港でもシステム障害と遅延が発生。欧州最大の航空会社ライアンエアーでも予約システムなどに影響が出た。また、英国では複数の医院の予約システムがオフラインになり、主要ニュース局のスカイニュースはライブ放映が一時できなくなった。

According to Reuters, a global system failure occurred on the 19th, with major US airlines such as American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and United Airlines unable to depart due to communication issues in the morning of the 19th. In a statement, United Airlines said, "A third-party software failure has affected computer systems around the world, including United's. All aircraft are grounded while we wait for the system to be restored, and flights that have departed are proceeding to their destinations."
Prior to this, some low-cost airlines were unable to operate due to a problem with Microsoft's cloud service. Microsoft said it had resolved the problem, but later said its cloud division had confirmed the problem was occurring in the Windows OS system. The latest outage was related to an upgrade by global cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike(Market capitalization:$83.48 billion), and CrowdStrike said a flaw was found in a Windows update program, stating, "The problem has been identified and is not a cyber attack. A patch is being distributed."
In Australia, problems occurred at media, banks and telecommunications companies. System failures and delays also occurred at airports in Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and Spain. The reservation system of Ryanair, Europe's largest airline, was also affected. In addition, several UK clinic's appointment systems went offline and major news channel Sky News was temporarily unable to broadcast live coverage.
The impact also extended to the financial sector, with banks and financial institutions in Australia, India, South Africa and elsewhere suspending customer services, while the London Stock Exchange Group experienced an outage on its data and news platform Workspace. In a statement on the 20th, Microsoft said an estimated 8.5 million devices were affected.
By the way, are these compensations exemptions?
Who on earth is going to pay the hotel cancellation fee?

Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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No.198 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2024" June issue

【資産価値の向上④】The improving asset value ④

【度会國御神社の完成 2024.0604】Completion of Wataraikunimi Jinja, June.4

【健全性を問う】Questioning soundness

【関西観光本部】Kansai Tourism Bureau


The mythical road from Nara to Ise is can also be considered an extension of the Silk Road, with the national treasure boat-shaped haniwa clay figures unearthed from the Takarazuka Tomb in Matsusaka. But...


With this board of directors, we can't expect much. Moreover, I don't know what purpose some union in Mie Prefecture has in becoming a member of this organization, but I don't think they'll get much out of it. It's like throwing their membership fees down the drain.

国宝 船形埴輪 National Treasure: Boat-shaped Haniwa 

【2024年4月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for April 2024


On June 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for April this year. The current account balance is a surplus 2050.5 billion JPY. Trade balance is a deficit of 661.5 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 446.7 billion JPY, consisting of 612.2 billion JPY in credit and 165.4 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,042,900 persons and Japanese Overseas is 888,800 persons. therefore, the unit price is 201,190 JPY for the inbound, and 186,094 JPY for the outbound.
Air passengers is a surplus of 200 million JPY only, and Sea passengers is a deficit of 1.2 billion JPY. In addition, Other services had a deficit of 1114.1billion JPY, and the overall service balance was a deficit of 721.5 billion JPY. This is the case every year, and the situation is always like this the month after the fiscal year-end.


【伊勢神宮外宮 せんぐう館の花菖蒲】Iris of Sengukan, Ise Jingu Geku



It is said that the top three occupations that are hardest to replace with AI are "business managers," "corporate planning," and "sales." AI can improve the accuracy of lists and customer management, but to gain purchasing power, dialogue that takes into account "emotional nuances that are not reflected in data" is necessary. In other words, unless you stimulate the right brain, which controls emotions, rather than the left brain, which controls logic, you won't hit the mark. It goes without saying that it is difficult to make movies or restaurants a hit with just detailed data. The same is true for sightseeing and accommodation; purchasing power is influenced by emotional nuances. Appealing to emotions is the same as show business and investing. It will be impossible for an AI to understand the beauty of this Iris anytime soon.

【危機管理】A crisis management


Crises come suddenly. They can be small things that affect personal only, or, big things that can destroy the lives of customers and the property value of the hotel. It came again in the early hours of June 25th. This is since the near electrical fire that occurred on New Year's Day.

換水午前3時〜9時 At 3am-9am, water change. 

ところが午前10時に濾過装置を入れた途端... But, as soon as the filtration system was turned on at 10 a.m.... 

栓が抜けないので排水には数時間かかる It will take several hours to drain as the plug cannot be removed. 

貯水タンクは綺麗だが、ヘアキャッチャーは濁っている The water tank is clean, but the hair catcher is cloudy. 

鉄錆の堆積。出し切る以外に解決策はない Iron rust buildup. there is no solution other than washing it off. 

翌午後7時、四回目の換水。少し明度が戻って来た The next day at 7pm, the fourth water change.a little transparency has been restored. 

濾過装置からエアーを抜いて、お借りしたポンプで急速排水二回 The air was removed from the filter, and quick drain was performed twice using a borrowed pump. 

六回目の換水で明度100。65時間を要したが濾過装置も綺麗になった After the sixth water change. the transparency was 100. It took 65 hours, but the filtration system was also cleaned. 

汚染の危機は回避された。水の神様(下御井神社)に感謝 The contamination crisis was averted. Giving thanks to the God of Water (Shimonomino Jinja). 



Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

a support member of UN Tourism / APTEC

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