

No.85 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" February issue

【国内における旅行消費額2012】Travel Expenditure in Japan 2012


Tourism Agency of Japan, is always publish the data. one of them "Travel and tourism consumption Survey". this is a questionnaire survey using Postal, the aggregation is research company that has been commissioned by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. this estimated value are random sampling 25,000 people.
Updates to the Definite value so far is up to 2012 edition.
Tourism economy Newspaper, based on this have been reported in the January 1 issue, "Travel Expenditure in Japan (2012)". a total is 22.5 trillion JPY. this breakdown 15.3 trillion JPY, Domestic overnight trips account for 68.2% in the total. Day trip is 4.4 trillion JPY in 19.8%. acquisition of foreign currency by the Inbound is 1.3 trillion JPY in 5.7%.
By the way, overseas spending by Outbound here is unquestioned. ripple effect on the domestic economy, because it is the theme. according to the UNWTO statistics, is that forehead 27.9 billion US dollars. at the time the exchange rate are between from 2.1 trillion JPY to 2.4 trillion JPY. interestingly, this amount is the same perfectly on Japanese Major travel industry 58 companies overseas travel turnover 12 months of 2012 cumulative amount of 2,362,966,211,000JPY.
However, even so Outbound's not without domestic consumption. it is a only 1.4 trillion JPY which accounts for 6.3% in Travel Expenditure in Japan. but it just will not enough. it because "Service balance" has "Transport balance" and "Travel balance" is the need for positive.
But, in reality it was not. this is 2012 was continuous 12 months minus point.
So there is no convincing in this newspaper article.
Why not?
It is because it is small data. and it is too late. already in 2015 now.
Therefore, the subsequent news report is a propaganda's secondary economic ripple effect of wishful thinking.
There is written, Production ripple effect is 46.7 trillion JPY. Value-added-induced effect is 23.8 trillion JPY, Employment inducement 3.99 million people.
In 2012.
that was a year 1452 Ryokans Going out of business in Japan.

【宿泊旅行統計調査2013】Accommodation travel statistical survey 2013

 その、平成25年(2013年)1月から12月分までの『集計結果概要』によると、 国全体では前年比+6.0%の4億6589万3370人泊である。
 実績上位15は、①東京 ②北海道 ③大阪 ④静岡 ⑤沖縄 ⑥千葉 ⑦京都 ⑧長野 ⑨神奈川 ⑩愛知 ⑪福岡 ⑫兵庫 ⑬宮城 ⑭福島 ⑮栃木となる。
 ちなみに、昨年(2014年)のデータはまだ出揃ってはいない。7月から9月までのリリースは昨年末だった。 三重の宿泊概数は、1月から3月までが216万2030人泊。4月から6月までが200万0980人泊。そして、7月から9月までが242万4890人泊である。

The statistics that Tourism Agency is providing are also "Accommodation travel statistical survey".
Of course, also has been entrusted to the private sector.
Surveyed is employees 10 or more Hotels,  Ryokans, Lodging, Rest house all offices. five to nine people office is the random sampling of one Third. less office than it is a random sampling of one Nine. it is not necessarily a "tourists".
Inasmuch, number of samples than those of "Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association" is much greater.
According to the "Aggregate Results Summary" of January to December 2013, the entire in Japan is the 465,893,370 accommodation/person, year-on-year + 6.0%.
This year most increase was Okinawa. it is the 20,789,590 accommodation/person, year-on-year + 33.4%. decrease, was Iwate. it is the 5,590,690 accommodation/person, year-on-year ▲ 14.2%.
Actual Results Top 15, ①Tokyo ②Hokkaido ③Osaka ④ Shizuoka ⑤Okinawa ⑥Chiba ⑦Kyoto ⑧ Nagano, ⑨Kanagawa, ⑩Aichi ⑪Fukuoka ⑫Hyogo ⑬Miyagi ⑭Fukushima ⑮Tochigi.
Mie is the 9,686,440 accommodation/person, year-on-year + 16.2%. more than 10% of Japanese population is this degree also come to "Sengu".
By the way, the data of the last year (2014) is not yet enough. released from July to September was the end of the last year. Mie's accommodation approximate number, from January to March is  2,162,030 accommodation/person. April to June is 2,000,980 accommodation/person. and, from July to September is 2,424,890 accommodation/person.


This "Accommodation travel statistical survey", Inbound number of each prefecture also reported. it is not necessarily "tourists".
This survey is office of more than 10 people employees only.
In the whole country is 33,500,000 accommodation/person. maximum number is Tokyo's 9,830,000 accommodation/person. minimum number is Shimane's 20,000 accommodation/person.
Nara is 160,000 accommodation/person. its Top 5 nationalities, China 20%, Europe(DE, UK, FR) 13%, Taiwan 13%, US 12%, Korea 7%, other 35%. Mie is 130,000 accommodation/person. its Top 5 nationalities, Taiwan 27%, Korea 23%, China 14%, Hong Kong 7%, US 5%, other 24%.

【アウトバウンドに負けた伊勢神宮】Ise Jingu was losing to Outbound


         今  年    前  年    増加人数
 関西国際空港 347900人 248900人 99000人
 中部国際空港 110900人 106943人  3957人

New year's three days visitors of Ise Jingu(Naiku and Geku) is 417,969 people. this is the lowest in 15 years. In year-on-year is a ▲ 31.9%. Naiku is 267,325 people, Geku was 150,644 people.
According to the newspaper of January 6, seems International flights was popular.
However, this Newspaper report is cumulative number of inbound and outbound for JAL and ANA. New Year departures people number of estimates by Airport announcement was follows. period are from December 19 2014 to January 4 2015.


Number of people in the New year's three days visitors of Ise Jingu(Naiku and Geku), past 15 years is follows.

 2001年 760000人
 2002年 597000人
 2003年 593500人
 2004年 637000人
 2005年 564500人
 2006年 537000人
 2007年 598000人
 2008年 592000人
 2009年 667000人
 2010年 622800人
 2011年 534363人
 2012年 523721人
 2013年 556522人
 2014年 613787人
 2015年 417969人

【アウトバウンドの実態】Actual situation of Outbound


Japanese media to report an increase in inbound. but, Japanese outbound has not been reported absolutely. this is because it does not stimulate primary advertiser. this matter, I have reported in also "Global Forum on Tourism Statistics by OECD and Eurostat" in last year autumn. It was using the data of the UNWTO/APTEC's World Tourism Statistics Book 2012. But it, from 2013 edition became the issue stop. therefore, this source is from monthly of the statistics of Countries Tourism Bureau, or Bureau of Statistics (UK are quarterly). in this section, I will publish the accumulated freshly annual total number of people. the breakdown is a country or region of the following 34.
In some countries, takes a long time to release. in that blank entered 0.
By the way, there is a case that has been released similar numbers in one country from two places. therefore, do not match the annual outbound total result of JNTO.

             2012     2013
     韓国観光公社 3518792人 2747750人
    中国国家観光局 3545200人 2877500人
   台湾交通部観光局 1432315人 1421550人
     台湾観光協会 1443009人 1434346人
    香港政府観光局 1254602人 1057033人
   マカオ政府観光局  395989人  284649人
    タイ政府観光庁 1373716人 1536380人
   バンコク国際空港 1277386人 1434197人
 マレーシア政府観光局  470008人  513076人
シンガポール政府観光局  757116人  832834人
   フィリピン観光省  412474人  433705人
     バリ島観光局  189821人  207829人
  ベトナム政府観光局  579617人  604050人
   カンボジア観光省  179000人  207000人
   カナダ観光委員会  226210人  224858人
      米国ITA 3698073人 3730287人
 ハワイ産業経済開発局 1465654人 1519509人
   グアム政府観光局  929229人  893118人
   北マリアナ観光局  152533人  141737人
 オーストラリア観光局  353900人  324800人
ニュージーランド観光局   72080人   74560人
  フランス政府統計局  732000人       0人
   ドイツ連邦統計局  735588人  711611人
  スペイン国家統計局  626086人  683383人
   スイス連邦統計局  295819人  286681人
オーストリア政府観光局  261261人  259184人
  オランダ政府統計局  136700人       0人
       ベルギー  218278人  216835人
        チェコ  136557人  137844人
      ハンガリー  153859人       0人
      クロアチア  155088人  160025人
      スロベニア   41346人   36360人
  イタリア政府統計局 1449115人       0人
    英国政府統計局  242688人  220706人
   ロシア連邦観光庁   87000人  102408人


In order to calculate this, I entered all of the monthly data of each country. and, I also tried to draw it in the "line graph". (France, Cambodia, Russia were excluded) So I was able to find. The outbound there is a large-scale sales season of three times a year in any countries in the same period even.
The most common month is August. the next is March. and December.
According to the survey of Tourism economy newspaper, currently, has attracted student group is 16 prefectures only. (Hokkaido, Iwate, Saitama, Ibaraki, Fukushima, Yamagata, Nagano, Fukui, Ishikawa, Hiroshima, Hyogo, Tokushima, Saga, Oita, Kagoshima, Okinawa)
Certainly impact of the declining birth rate cannot be denied. however, this market is not is yet lost.

【地方創生】The regional revitalization


Included a new subsidy for the local government to supplementary budget of economic measures.
January 10 Newspaper has reported. this grant is a "Regional revitalization" related 170 billion JPY. it is appropriation as a "local residents support grant". its intended use is employment measures, immigration promotion, creation of regional comprehensive strategy. In short, all of these is the specific investment policy for municipal economic growth.
However, 230 billion JPY to "Stimulate the consumption" is problem. it was assigned at the same time. auxiliary of issuance and fuel costs of local gift certificates can not be said that the investment policy. even if it is not wise, can be performed a dole out policy. the result is close in zero-sum. initially, Minister in charge of regional revitalization, had to say clearly not to dole out policy.
According to the public relations of the Ministry of Finance, debt of Japan is about 1039 trillion JPY. this is 231.9% of Japan's GDP. it's the worst in the OECD countries.
January 11 Newspaper has reported. "Town-people-work Initiative expenses" is budget which corresponds it is one of the 1039.
That is 1 trillion JPY. this is a policy that has been newly added to the "Regional activation" from the 2015 fiscal year. it is a very small Abenomics-investment of scale. there is 21.74 billion JPY only, if split evenly 46 prefectures. treasury was also suggested the possibility of reduction to about 800 million JPY from financial difficulties.
But, It's a putting the cart before the horse. if reduce logically I think budget of "Stimulate the consumption". Military budget is despite about 5 trillion JPY.
Effective use of budget so much have no choice. if want to do so is information dissemination and diplomacy abroad by local government. because there is a need to earn foreign currency by improving the international name recognition. this is the most effective policy to promote local economic growth.
People and money to anonymous town will not come.

 なお、地域創生担当大臣の訳語が "Minister in charge of regional revitalization"に決まったようなので、【地方創生】も"Regional innovation"から "Regional revitalization"に今後は統一する。

【経常収支2014 ②】Current account balance 2014 ②

 また、『旅行収支』だけが辛うじて 0 を超えようとしている事が分かる。それは、日本に残された唯一の発展途上産業だ。

This is the transition of the "Current account balance" preliminary figures Ministry of Finance has published on a monthly basis, and the category of " Services balance" contained therein. quick estimation of November 2014 was reported in January 13.
The unit is 100 million JPY.
When try to chart, can see the instability of the "Primary income balance".
And, can understand that the "Travel balance" is only trying to surpass the barely 0. it is the only undeveloped industry left in Japan.
But, large advertisers of major media is pulling its feet. it everyone will be able to understand if look at the holiday newspaper.

[経常収支]Current account balance

       Trade    Services Primary income Second income
 Jan ▲23454  ▲4674  13374  ▲1136
 Feb ▲ 5334  ▲1934  14593  ▲1199
 Mar ▲11336  ▲ 843  17549  ▲4207
 Apr ▲ 7804  ▲6597  18331  ▲2056
 May ▲ 6759  ▲ 682  14779  ▲2110
 Jun ▲ 5371  ▲2306   4182  ▲ 495
 Jul ▲ 8281  ▲4590  18531  ▲1493
 Aug ▲ 8318  ▲2508  15199  ▲1503
 Sep ▲ 7145  ▲2083  20352  ▲1494
 Oct ▲ 7666  ▲2165  20186  ▲2021
 Nov ▲ 6368  ▲1063  12760  ▲ 998

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown in Services balance

 Jan ▲ 611 ▲ 289  ▲3774
 Feb ▲ 469 ▲ 716  ▲ 749
 Mar ▲ 584 ▲ 552    263
 Apr ▲ 594   177  ▲6180
 May ▲ 355 ▲  46  ▲ 281
 Jun ▲ 499 ▲ 127  ▲1680
 Jul ▲ 604    34  ▲4020
 Aug ▲ 783 ▲ 533  ▲1191
 Sep ▲ 526 ▲ 288  ▲1269
 Oct ▲ 448    87  ▲1804
 Nov ▲ 414 ▲ 118  ▲ 766

【奈良ならレポート2015.0120】Report a precedent of Nara 2015.0120

 今回のアポイントメントは、平城京歴史館、奈良市の観光協会、県の観光ビジターズビューロー、そして国連の世界観光機関。 訊けば年末年始の入り込みは、寒波到来と冠雪で芳しくなかったようである。カレンダーの並びは良かったのだが、スノータイヤ等を常備していない100キロ圏内の日帰り『安近短』客が来なかった訳だ。
 実のところ、奈良に来て確認できたのだが、今回も近鉄さんは伊勢神宮の初詣に広宣費をかけていた。キャッチフレーズは『日本の聖地』。だが、三が日の乗車人数は前年同期比マイナスだった。 その一方、関西国際空港と中部国際空港からのアウトバウンドは、両空港合わせると、前年よりも10万人以上多かった。
 このコンテンツ開発の点において、ビューローの新企画『縁(えにし)をむすぶ in 奈良』はセンスがいい。泊まりがけの御守コレクション・ツアーも可能ではないだろうか。


This year's first Nara entering is January 20. this is a visit of the New Year greeting that has continued from before the "Capital relocation 1300 anniversary".
This season is season-off, if the sightseeing area is no hot springs or winter sports. Matsusaka is also so. only the historical and cultural contents, because is not enough. mid-summer is also the same.
Nara Park and shopping district also many ordinary people. foreign tourists also less with the exception of the passengers of the few buss of Asians tour. the free-range deer in the park, beg for bait to people.
This time appointment is Heijokyo History Museum, Nara tourism association, prefecture's Visitors Bureau and UN's World Tourism Organization.
I asked the increase or decrease of visitors of the New Year's holiday. but, heard it was a less than expected for cold weather and snow. because does not have a snow tire, consider that I did not come the visitors within 100 km. holiday arrangement was good.
This cold weather was affects the also Ise Jingu's three days. is a minimal record of the past 15 years.
After all, is that it is useless to expect a lot of things to "Ankintan (Small consumption・short-range・short time stay)".
Sudden cancellation. in the case of Ryokan or hotel reservation customers is don't such thing. and, ripple effect on the regional economy is about 10 times of the "Ankintan". it is necessary to re-recognition.
To tell the truth, Kintetsu-Railway had done the advertising in the Kansai area for the "Ise Jingu". I was able to check to come to Nara. catchphrase is "Japanese Holy Land". but, the number of passengers of New Year's holiday was the same period last year minus.
On the other hand, outbound has increased. total of the Chubu International Airport and Kansai International Airport is 100,000 people or more.
Unprofitable regional economy. but, major travel industry is highly-profitable.
However, in the case of local governments to aim at "Regional revitalization", there is a need to analyze this thing as an overseas outflow of top season of the domestic market. on this day, JTA has released the Inbound number 2014. but has avoid Outbound number simultaneous release. In this unfair data, it is not possible to understand the balance.
In other words, improvement of local government own information collection and analysis capability, and also content development is required.
In terms of this content development, Visitors Bureau's new planning "Knot of love in Nara" is good idea. it would also be possible to staying as amulet collection tour.

It should be noted. Outbound number of people is JNTO had been secretly published on the same date. but, web-site posting was the next day. that provisional value is 16,903,000 people. more than 20% many than Inbound.
This is a cause that inhibit the growth of the "Travel account" in the "Service account" in the "Current account balance". in short, it is the excess of imports and the same.

【諸外国・地域の規制措置 2015】Regulatory action of Countries and Regions 2015


[韓国] 福島、群馬、栃木、茨城、宮城、千葉、神奈川、岩手、長野、埼玉、青森、山梨、静岡

[中国] 福島、宮城、茨城、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、新潟、長野


[ニューカレドニア]福島、宮城、山形、茨城、 栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、東京、新潟、山梨、長野







[米国]青森、岩手、宮城、山形、福島、茨城、 栃木、群馬、埼玉、千葉、新潟、山梨、長野、静岡




January 9. this excerpt is from "Regulatory action of Countries and Regions". it's a publication of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan.
5 years to Tokyo Olympics.
Country that requires measures of "import stop" for specified commodities certain, it extends to 12 countries yet. Japanese media is silent as ever.

[South Korea] Fukushima, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Chiba, Kanagawa, Iwate, Nagano, Saitama, Aomori, Yamanashi, Shizuoka

[China] Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano

[Brunei] Fukushima

[New Caledonia] Fukushima, Miyagi, Yamagata, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano

[Lebanon] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, Kanagawa

[Singapore] Fukushima

[Hong Kong] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba

[Macau] Fukushima, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Niigata, Nagano

[Taiwan] Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba

[Philippines] Fukushima

[United States] Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano, Shizuoka

[Russia] Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Chiba, Niigata

Please refer to the HP of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries For more information, including item.


By the way, Australia import regulations, plans to rescission on January 23 as planned. already this has been public relations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan on June 10, 2014.
Its contents, marine products (fishes), tea, dried mushrooms. from now on will transition to all lots inspection by Australia authorities.
Prefecture which is subject are Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Saitama, Chiba, and Tokyo.
For EPA? Or, Japan, Australia have already been determined the contract of diesel submarine?



January 13, UK's "Department for Culture, Media & Sport", was published the documentation for the growth of the UK creative industries.
According to this, GVA aggregation of creative industries in the UK (Film, Television, music, etc.), of the 2013 fiscal year are record high 76.9 billion pounds/year. and, came to account for 5.6% of UK employment.
This amount, converted by today's rate (¥177.41 = £1) is 13,642,829,000,000 JPY. It's amazing. is about the same amount as military aircraft Osprey 1322 units.
The ministry is expecting further growth this year's creative industries, mentioned the "007 / Spectre" as one of the representative works. the crank-in from this month.
Goes without saying that this movie content can help promote inbound.
One of the selected movie location is Obertilliach in Australia. "Bond House" was built here. this village's population is 693 people. here it is, expected the economic effect of the tourists and movie film crew.
Previous movies are box office revenue about 11,000,000,000 dollars. investment was 150,000,000 dollars. the upcoming movie will be how much?
"Japan Tourism Agency" was also budgeted as 2014 supplementary budget, for the overseas distribution support services of broadcast content etc. in other words, to support the broadcasting and video content production to attract foreign tourists. that amount is 300,000,000 JPY  equivalent to 1,695,000 dollars. it's very little.

"Town-people-work Initiative expenses" budget is why less than defense budget?

しかし、 債務残高がGDPの245倍もある国が有事なんぞに巻き込まれたら、世界の投資家たちはどうみるか。おそらく戦費が嵩む前に、日本はデフォルトに陥ってしまうに違いない。こんな事ぐらい誰でも分る筈である。

Regional economic regeneration is an urgent task for the Japanese economic recovery.
In spite of, "Town-people-work Initiative expenses" budget is small. it 1 trillion JPY. Defense-related budget is 4 trillion and 980.1 billion JPY also. is about five times.
January 14, Ministry of Finance in Japan, announced the prospect of long-term debt. it is 1035 trillion JPY in the sum of the country and the provinces, at the fiscal year end of 2015.
It is even though it is. this is the priority than investment business for debt repayment and regional revitalization. what are the reasons to justify this huge military budget?
Prepare war with certain specific country?
Or subcontractors of the Seventh Fleet?
If the 245 times the debtor countries of the GDP has been involved in the war, what think investors around the world?
Perhaps, before the cost of war increases, maybe Japan will be fall into default. anyone is that it can be understood.
What do Whose protect by using this latest weapon?
It is up to the interpretation of the "Active pacifism". this problem are may become different interpretations, by the translation like the nucleus terminology's "Fuhyo-higai".
For example, "the Japanese life and property" is not necessarily to be in the domestic only. think so and this is also applicable. defense and engineers and families protection of infrastructure that has been exported to foreign countries. is it is not a set sale?
I was noticed by chance when analyzing the international statistics, in order to session at last year's OECD and EU statistics forum. VWP is intended to enhance the transport of tourism. but, this is also closely related to the purpose of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations. Japan would like to export the mega infrastructure such as nuclear power plants. there partner countries in many included. in other words, spending of Japanese tourists gimmick to become part of the funds for mega infrastructure imports. if it is a high tourism GDP and low GNI which is advantageous.
Just according to the January 16 newspaper, on April 15, CSC enter into force. this is a treaty that nuclear power plant manufacturers escape from the responsibility of the accident it is convenient for the nuclear power plant export. compensation of accident is done by finite member five countries. accident is the responsibility of the power company of the country.(※)
At now Japan's “Trade account" is a million years deficit in decline of consumer electronics markets. price of nuclear power plants has been said to be about 300,000,000,000-400,000,000,000JPY. if it, "Trade balance" of 2012 in the export of about 14.5 facility was surplus. 2013 is the 29 facilities, because there is two times deterioration in the "Trade balance".
And, the export of nuclear power plants, also become the new collateral of "Income balance".
Instead, Japan forces also would have to be mobilized in emergencies of partner countries to.
Apparently Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, in order to stop the deterioration of the Trade balance, "this is the only road" Seems to be considered.
The reason, surplus of "Trade balance" in only cars is not enough. January 26. from the Ministry of Finance, preliminary figures of "Trade balance 2014" has been announced. ▲ 12 trillion 781.3 billion JPY, it was updated the worst past.

ところで、ヨルダン初の原発建設の為の国際入札結果は、日仏コンソーシアムのAreva-Mitsubishiを抜いて、ロシア連邦原子力庁(Федера́льное аге́нтство по а́томной эне́ргии)提案が勝ち残った。プロジェクト費用の負担は49%がロシア側、51%がヨルダン政府側の見込みだ。建設は、原発輸出企業アトムストロイエクスポル卜社(Атомстройэкспорт)である。

Already Japan has "Bilateral nuclear cooperation document". it is Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Vietnam, UAE, Jordan, Italy, Mongolia, Poland, Malaysia, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia.
Main content of this documents is, Support and trainings for nuclear power development. Infrastructure development. Human resource development. Radiation protection. Emergency action. Radioactive waste management. Nuclear Security. Support of public relations awareness campaign. and options cooperation, etc..
In addition, there are also countries of under negotiation of "Bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement" India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, and Mongolia. it, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear accident prevention, and, contains up to nuclear terrorism measures. actually, Thailand was also so. but Current regime has shifted to the thermal power generation development.
By the way, result of international tender of Jordan's first nuclear power plant construction, "the Russian Federation Atomic Energy Agency" proposal has won, as a consequence of Areva-Mitsubishi suppression of Japan and France consortium. outlook of the burden project cost of Russian is 49%. Jordan government side is 51%. construction is the nuclear power plant export companies Atomstroyexport.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"

No.86 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" March Issue

【まず、地方都市から地方都市へ】First, to regional cities from regional city


January 2015 late. Matsusaka City was performed the Matsusaka beef promotion, in the Orlando, Florida. it is the first landing to the USA.
Organized by Mie Prefecture agricultural, marine products and food Export Council. is a sales promotion by Matsusaka mayor and Lieutenant Governor.
According to the newspaper, reputation appears to be very high. also seems to have had those who wish want to go to Matsusaka. on this occasion, it also might lead to Inbound promotion if the interest was spread in the background culture of Matsusaka beef.
According to the JNTO estimates, the total number of Inbound 2014 is estimated 13,413,600 people. among them, from the USA was a 891,600 people. this is less than 7% of the total annual Inbound. and, Outbound from Japan to the USA, is the four times or five times every year.
The imbalance in the past seven years is as follows According to UNWTO statistics.

      (USA⇨Japan) (Japan⇨USA)
 2007 815882人 3531489人 
 2008 768345人 3249578人
 2009 699919人 2918268人
 2010 727237人 3386076人
 2011 565887人 3249569人
 2012 716709人 3698073人
 2013 799280人 3730287人
 2014 891600人        人


The regional government agencies began to action finally deserves evaluation.
However, "Regional revitalization" is local government's action only is not enough. essential needs is "effort to inform the foreign" by private operators or citizens and local medias.
For example whether anyone, can answer to the question of the cooking method, history culture, road guidance?
"I don't know" is not O.Mo.Te.Na.Shi. therefore, in order to evoke the interest, we will need to send the local information necessary in English in the public and private sectors both.
Importantly, whether it is consistent with international knowledge. it must be unique content.
For example, there is such a topic, Matsusaka beef, be the best steak you can not eat except in Argentina. their origin is novels of Ian Fleming's "You Only Live Twice". James Bond is a scene that eat it after Matsusaka cow care experience in "Wadakin" corral. it in a dialogue with Japanese intelligence director, is based on the Fleming's Japan coverage travel. but, it also will be able to use in the sales talk.
Orlando Weekly asked. why Matsusaka beef is chasing the way of Kobe beef ?
The answer, Kobe beef meet the demand of the masses at chain restaurants, but rare and expensive Matsusaka beef meet the demand for the upper class.

【東紀州紀北町レポート2015.0203】 Higashi Kishu Kihoku-cho report 2015.0203



In every tourist destination's day-trippers it was decreased in the New Year's holidays of this year, in Outbound increase and cold wave arrival. then, it also did not increase.
Higashi(East) Kishu is no exception.
Looking back, was flourish of trumpets "Kumano Kodo World Heritage 10th Anniversary" also became a landslide victory in Wakayama Prefecture.
Whether So? February 2, Chunichi newspaper was reported.
Mie prefecture are in grants for stimulate consumption, policy to issue a "Regional tourism use ticket" that can be used in Higashi Kishu.
According to the article, it Restaurants and souvenir shops, can also be used in the tour bus fare. in addition, it issues also "accommodation discount coupon" for the outside prefecture, and Inbound.
The problem is the distribution method.
Perhaps Mie Prefecture, with the exception of the Mie-Terrace and Prefecture's travel agency does not have a dealer outside the prefecture. therefore, also there is a possibility to Strew in to the prefecture.
In any case, these old introverted policy is impossible a wide range customer development. and February 3, Ishiba Shigeru Minister in charge of regional revitalization said, by measuring the effect, it is no Strew. what is needed is a cost-effectiveness. is not the number of issued tickets and coupons.
Speaking of the terrace, this summer "Hajikami-Terrace" will be opened in the between Kiinagashima interchange and Miyama interchange. this is regional exchange facilities of wooden two-storey. one floor food-product sales, the second floor has become a multi-purpose hall. as it were, its function is Michinoeki(Roadside Station) which similarity is seen in the PA system. because jurisdiction of this section is the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. in spite a motorways. this fact is very favorable for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry local it has become a business company. because there is no disadvantage contract with NEXCO. if not only local products also has information station, car entering the Mie  from the south will always visit. in the Kansai Economic area's Wakayama Prefecture side, because Mie Prefecture is unknown world.
In this Kihoku-Cho tourism association have Recommend the James Clavell's ”shogun” to be one of the information content. film crew and actors came from the United States. this fact, because is a high point content unparalleled.
In the movie there was also a scene of meal of the Warring States Period. this is the same as the most basic food culture of the modern surprisingly.
Kihoku-Cho is retaining the world heritage. and, is near in the "Japan Current". So, is easy to talk about "Washoku".
It must be also in a Inbound content.

【インバウンドの旅行消費額】Inbound's travel expenditure

 米国1396億ドル、スペイン604億ドル、仏国561億ドル、中国 517億ドル、マカオ516億ドル、イタリア439億ドル、タイ421億ドル、独国412億ドル、英国406億ドル、香港389億ドル。

According to the Japanese Tourism Agency, Inbound number of 2014 the past best 13,413,600 people. Travel expenditure was 2,305,000,000,000 JPY (quick estimation). average exchange rate of 2014 was ¥ 105.74 to $ 1US. So it is 21,798,750,000 USD.
It is many or small sum?
Look at the UNWTO's international tourism revenue statistics 2013. because foreign 2014 data not yet been published.
USA 139,600,000,000 USD. Spain 60,400,000,000 USD. France 56,100,000,000 USD. China 51,700,000,000 USD. Macau 51,600,000,000 USD. Italy 43,900,000,000 USD. Thailand 42,100,000,000 USD. Germany 41,200,000,000 USD, UK 40,600,000,000 USD. Hong Kong 38,900,000,000 USD.
It can be seen that it is not at all enough in comparison. Inbound number is record high people spite. it less than China's half. US's One sixth.
Probably by the end of the month, the "Current account balance" of the 2014 will be announced from the Ministry of Finance. in this, please watch the "Travel account" in the "Service account".
Can understand that there is a need to improve the balance of payments than the number of people.

【経常収支2014 ③】Current account balance 2014 ③



Preliminary estimates of the "Current account balance" of Japan has been published in February 9.
Surplus of deduction 2,626,600,000,000 JPY. it is 22,270,650,000 USD when converted in 1US dollar 117.94 JPY. this is the minimum since 1985.
Is the other countries much?
Korea's "Current account balance" of 2014 seems 84,920,000,000 USD of the surplus of deduction, from the interim summary of Bank of Korea. it is 10,015,400,000,000 JPY. is Japan's about 4 times.
According to the report of February 4, China has seems 213,800,000,000 USD surplus. it is 25,215,600,000,000 JPY. it's Japan's about 10 times.

Well, This is the transition of the "Current account balance" preliminary figures Ministry of Finance has published on a monthly basis, and the category of " Services balance" contained therein.
The unit is 100 million JPY.
"Primary income balance" is unstable. and, "Trade balance" is a large deficit. but "Travel balance" in “Services balance" is a surplus stability of three months even small.
It is sprout, only undeveloped industry left in Japan.

[経常収支]Current account balance

       Trade    Services Primary income Second income
 Jan ▲23454  ▲4674  13374  ▲1136
 Feb ▲ 5334  ▲1934  14593  ▲1199
 Mar ▲11336  ▲ 843  17549  ▲4207
 Apr ▲ 7804  ▲6597  18331  ▲2056
 May ▲ 6759  ▲ 682  14779  ▲2110
 Jun ▲ 5371  ▲2306   4182  ▲ 495
 Jul ▲ 8281  ▲4590  18531  ▲1493
 Aug ▲ 8318  ▲2508  15199  ▲1503
 Sep ▲ 7145  ▲2083  20352  ▲1494
 Oct ▲ 7666  ▲2165  20186  ▲2021
 Nov ▲ 6368  ▲1063  12760  ▲ 998
 Dec ▲ 3956  ▲3342  10173  ▲1003

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown in Services balance

 Jan ▲ 611 ▲ 289  ▲3774
 Feb ▲ 469 ▲ 716  ▲ 749
 Mar ▲ 584 ▲ 552    263
 Apr ▲ 594   177  ▲6180
 May ▲ 355 ▲  46  ▲ 281
 Jun ▲ 499 ▲ 127  ▲1680
 Jul ▲ 604    34  ▲4020
 Aug ▲ 783 ▲ 533  ▲1191
 Sep ▲ 526 ▲ 288  ▲1269
 Oct ▲ 448    87  ▲1804
 Nov ▲ 414   118  ▲ 766
 Dec ▲ 709   147  ▲2780


By the way, Why "Service balance" is the fell suddenly so much in spite of the fact that the "Travel balance" is growing ?
Because has been transposed to "Service balance" from the "Trade balance" to the "Product repair・service" since last year's January ?
Huge recall is recorded in how much, and where ?
Since not listed in the press release will not be able to describe. but is "Trade balance" is very likely to have worse than it looks.



I tried to summarize the open data of "Mie-terrace" of Nihonbashi Tokyo.
It is 15 months. from the beginning business September 2013 until November 2014 is possible to confirm now. as a result, here has been found that sales per capita is very low.
"Mie-terrace" is an antenna shop in Mie Prefecture. but that main customer is not enough at all, Mie-Kenjinkai's only about 2500 people.
The following is a number obtained by dividing the sales of each month in the number of users of the Multi-purpose hall, Restaurant, and Shop.

Sep.414JPY Oct.434JPY Nov.390JPY Dec.485JPY

Jan.372JPY FEb.352JPY Mar.304JPY Apr.300JPY
May.300JPY Jun.374JPY Jul.353JPY Aug.363JPY
Sep.356JPY Oct.309JPY Nov.359JPY

【政冷経熱】Cold Political-Hot Economical

 そんな中、2月14日の朝刊によれば、 1400人規模の大訪問団を引き連れ訪韓した二階総務会長は、首脳会談実現に向けた安倍首相の親書を朴大統領に手渡したとある。

This year, the Japan-Korea diplomatic normalization 50 anniversary. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is in recruiting the "Japan-Korea normalization of diplomatic relations 50 anniversary" for the bilateral friendship. also it shall not disturb the public order or good manners.
According to the morning newspapers of February 14 in such a background, Nikai the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications was passed a personal letter of Prime Minister Abe to President Park, by leading about 1400 visitors to South Korea. because want to achieve the summit talks.
However this is a fake. true feelings is something else.
Korea's news has wrote, will be held consultations on travel products in the Korean travel agencies. but, it is an Japan's newspapers has not writing for big advertisers.
Nikai already reigning 20 years also as chairman of the "All Nippon Travel agents Association". the past two times from the South Korean government, the highest Medal has been awarded as contributed to Korea's economic development.
Members of this visit, was depending on the recruitment of ANTA's 5500 companies in a lot of travel agencies have participated together with NHK management chairman and Japan Tourism Agency secretary.
In other words, it's are in again plotting the outflow of Japanese tourism market toward South Korea. because the Outbound is higher profits than Inbound.
"Travel balance" in ”Services balance” in ”Current account balance” but might again fall into the red if that not regulated. some safeguards are required.
Just now,  activation of the local economy by "Regional revitalization" is required. local government to try to increased the visitors is increasing. the local government to try to increase the Inbound is also increasing.
"Cold Political-Hot Economical" is not to vacate the domestic market to the other party.
If the purpose of fair Friendship, should be invited without leaving the enthusiastic local governments to Inbound.

 COEX(Convention & Exhibition)で開催された『日韓相互送客・地旅商談会』の主催が『全国旅行業協会ANTA』だ。明らかに日本人観光客が足りないようである。

February 21. Tourism economy newspaper has reported, this "Korea-Japan Tourist Exchange expansion meeting" was organized by "All Nippon Travel agents Association" and "The Korean Tourism Organization" in the Lotte World Hotel. the auspices was "Japan Tourism Agency" "Japan National Tourist Office" "Japan Travel and Tourism Association" and "Japan Association of Travel Agents".
"Korea-Japan Reciprocal Customer Transfer business meetings" was organized by "ANTA", in the COEX. it looks like Japanese tourists number is deficit apparently.

       (Korea⇨Japan)   (Korea⇨Japan)
 2007 2600694人  2235963人
 2008 2382397人  2378102人
 2009 1586772人  3053311人
 2010 2439816人  3023009人
 2011 1658073人  3289051人
 2012 2044300人  3518792人
 2013 2456165人  2747750人
 2014 2755300人  2717700人
(Source is JP⇨KR by KTO, KR⇨JP by JNTO. 2014 is provisional value.)

【観光立国】Tourism-oriented country


This's a brilliant achievement. February 16 Chunichi Newspaper, wrote for the first time about the actual situation of the "Comparison of Inbound and Outbound" and "Travel balance". and moreover by providing the charts.
As a result, it is damn good if the importance of Inbound was able to enlighten it even a little.
But, after all if want to draw a more good line graph was from 1970 not be from 1996, because was reversal since this year. in order to understand that foreign currency acquisition by Inbound has stagnated long years.
Biggest hurdle for Inbound attract, but how much whether understanding of tourism industry deepens until to the Tokyo Olympics. therefore, there is a need for wiping the old stereotypes. by way of example, there is no planned productivity in the tourism industry. it's not profitable on weekdays. and, it's the liquor trade.
Last fall, "Japan Travel and Tourism Association" has been carried out the first time "National Survey on Tourism Nation". municipality's "Tourism Federations" and "Tourism Associations" is a member of here.
According to this, Japan's "Tourism-oriented country" is one of the pillars of country, knew it 42%. didn't know 58%.
And also, whether Tourism is appropriate as a pillar of the Japanese economy revival. it exceeded "43.5% I think so". than "7.7% I don't think so" and " 48.8%  I can't say either way". still requires a little time in order to "Tourism-oriented country" get a national consensus.
According to the JNTO estimates of February 18, this year in January, Inbound is 1,218,400 people, and Outbound is 1,238,000 people. that was approached to very equilibrium.
In February, for the Chinese New Year, again Outbound is likely to be reversed since April last year.
But March is careful. because this month is Outbound in large every year.

【堆積するセシウム】Cesium to continue the deposition 


According to the Tokyo newspaper's investigative journalism of February 20, in teganuma, was detected cesium of maximum 4701Bq / kg from the peripheral soil inflow rivers. that is upper stream of Tonegawa water system flowing between the Chiba Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture.
Shortly four years from the explosion in Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plants.
this years, might feel in a long period of time for the mankind. but, 30-year half-life of cesium 137, is still in its infancy.
also fallout are still continuous, although it is not in the news.
January 30, Ministry of the Environment was reported "Radioactivity level survey results". 137 Fallout to Chiba Prefecture was 0.74Bq / kg in one month of December of last year. half-life 2 years 134 it was 0.27Bq / kg. 137 to the Ibaraki Prefecture was 2.6Bq / kg. 134 is 0.83Bq / kg.
Radioactive substance fallout is even now it deposited by flowing.
They are not almost reflected to the radiation dose, if under water. So it is often overlooked, but it will be blunder cause.
Really, before the Tokyo Olympics it is whether or not return to the original level. it is very close to the Narita International Airport. there is a need to correct the Tokyo overconcentration, If large-scale dredging is impossible.
The Nevertheless, Narita International Airport is encouraging a temporary entry to transit passengers. this was determined by Tourism-Oriented Country Ministerial Conference's "Tourism Promotion Council of Japan by transit passengers", for the purpose of forcibly increase the Inbound number.
In addition, this padding method is imitation of Incheon International Airport.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"