
No.127『地域振興と観光産業のかかわりについて2018』8月号 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2018" August Issue


【GDPR法下の大規模個人情報漏洩】A large-scale personal information leakage under the GDPR law

 ハッキングは6/15と17の二度に渡って発生し、6/15には日本国内380のホテルの、利用者名、住所、メールアドレス、予約ホテル名、チェックイン/アウト日を含め、20万5137件。 6/17には日本国内189のホテルの予約決済に使われたクレジットカードの暗号化情報(カード番号や有効期限、名前など)が12万580件。両方のハッキングを受けたホテルは168施設である。

French fast booking providing hotel reservation system announced on June 26 that credit card information used for settlement in hotel reservation information and reservation system as a customer leaked, because the management server in France received unauthorized access. In Japan, there are more than 400 facilities, and a total of 325,717 information leaked out.
As of June 28, information leakage by Prince Hotel, Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, Hotel New Otani Osaka, Hotel Monterey, Richmond Hotel, Tokyo Dome Hotel, Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, Washington hotel etc. announced. But, booking sites operated independently by each hotel are said to have not been affected.
The hacking occurred twice on June 15th and 17th. On June 15, 205,137 cases including the check-in / out date, including the user name, address, mail address, booking hotel name, owned by 380 hotels in Japan. In hacking on 17th June, the cryptographic information (card number, expiration date, name, etc.) of credit card used for booking and settlement of hotels in 189 domestic facilities was 12,580 cases. hackings both is 168 facilities.
According to the GDPR law, the manager, processor, reprocessing personnel involved in the processing of personal data take appropriate protective measures and obligations to guarantee the rights of data entities (citizens and residents of 28 EU member states) It is imposed. If the data is compromised, there is an obligation to report data leakage within 72 hours. However, this unauthorized access occurred on 15th and 17th June, but Fast Booking sensed unauthorized access was 20th. The Fast Booking Japan side explained the circumstances to the hotel side by telephone and e-mail on 22nd and 23rd, and seems the Japanese branch manager reported on the 24th by oral and written reported. How many hours have elapsed since the first data leak?

【日本のHACCP問題】Problem of HACCP in Japan


In the case of the private lodging business, it could not put public opinion on the side in terms of safety and security, so it seems that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare made a preemptive attack abnut on HACCP. it seems trying to induce public opinion into the oneself's side using the column of "I can not ask anymore +" of the Asahi Newspaper on June 23.
In the first place, the problem of HACCP it is to force all food-related business to do so. not only manufacturing and processing, but also businesses who do eat, drink, cooking, selling etc. are also subject, and a retail shop and a small restaurant managed by married couple only too.
There are two standards of HACCP. The major companies are "Criterion A" that conforms to the world standard Codex, in the case of export to Europe, all foods except for the primary production stage will be covered.
And, it's a simplicity " Criterion B". this target business is small business that cooks on the spot according to the order at a restaurant with a small number of employees, and manufacturing / processing / cooking facility intended only for retail sales at stores, and industries that kind of food to be provided there are many types of change frequently, and industries that can handle management by general hygiene management.
Although it is saying simply, its content is severe. According to the Japan Food Hygiene Association's "Handbook for Hygiene Management Based on the HACCP Concept (for Small-Scale Eating and Drinking Business Operators)", implementation is based on "formulation of sanitation management plan", "implementation based on plan" "Confirmation / Recording" are requested. For example, when receiveing raw materials, check the appearance, odor, packaging condition, deadline, storage method, then to return or exchange if there is a problem. also Before starting work, checked the inside temperature of the refrigerator / freezer, to Refrigerate is below 10° C, Frozen is below minus 15° C, and if there is a problem readjust is the preset temperature. or does request repair if case of malfunction. the foodstuffs are provided by giving up use, or heating depending on the condition. Suppose we need to record such common confirmation items in detail.
In case of a craftworker of a long-established store, such confirmation items are managed with management and scientific belief of "It is safe in this way" with years of experience and intuition, but if you keep checking and recording every time, there is a possibility that customers will be bothered by late delivery. However, if it was mandate by law, it can't do business without doing all these things. If there is no record when the public health center comes to the survey, it is not allowed to do it, and it will be charged with violation of the Food Sanitation law. Moreover, the deadline for introduction is expected to be until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Despite having "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions" concerning pollution concerns due to radioactive materials which the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has published secretly every month. It is because it aims as impression of "safe Tokyo, Japan". Although the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare says "There is no need to add new equipment", it is necessary to have at least a thermometer in the freezer or refrigerator, and it also takes time and labor to check it. and depending on the cost of occurrence, it also leads to consumer burden.
Llike this, there is a possibility of legal reform that becomes a bully of consumers and small businesses, but in Diet of Japan there is little debate about mandatory things, the term to be implemented, and who to certify.Incidentally, in the United States and Canada, HACCP is only mandated for some foods such as fisheries food and meat. Also, in Southeast Asian countries, it is introduced or not according to the situation.
Also, HACCP is not universal. According to a German DPA communication last September 5, eggs contaminated with fipronil insecticide were found in 40 countries (24 EU Member States, USA, Russia, South Africa, Turkey etc.). Insecticides that are widely used to control mites and fleas are prohibited from use in places where food distribution is involved, including livestock huts. Although contaminated eggs have no health hazard unless they are ingested in large quantities, there is a danger of human organ dysfunction, and in the European supermarket millions of eggs was collected from the shelf. the Dutch and the Belgian authorities ascertaining that the source of pollution is a supplier of detergent in the Netherlands arrested two Dutch people operating a cleaning company.

【日ASEAN次官級交通政策会合】Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial Transportation Policy Meeting

 これは、今年11月にタイで開催される大臣級会合に先だち、三重県の主催事業委託業務公募の上限税込み2,368,824円で、ASEAN各国の交通政策担当次官ら約60人が参加したものである。新規プロジェクトの大臣会合への提案『日ASEAN交通連携』の下、我が国からはASEANにおける質の高い交通をさらに推進するための三つの新規プロジェクト実施を提案し、 更に、今年11月にバンコクで開催される『第16回日ASEAN交通大臣会合』で承認を求めることで合意形成された。

①  新航空セキュリティ向上プロジェクト
②  交通安全対策プロジェクト
③ モバイル・ビッグデータの活用


①  グリーン物流優良事例集
②  日ASEANコールドチェーン(低温流通体系)物流ガイドライン
③ 国際物流網における道路技術共同研究

 ところで、三重テレビの報道によると、開催地決定の決め手となったのは『サミット開催地だから』というのが理由だそうで、三重の文化や歴史を伝えることも目的のひとつとし、26日には津エアポートライン、鈴鹿サーキット、ミキモト真珠島、そして越賀の海女小屋を訪問。 28日には内宮とおはらい町、おかげ横丁、鳥羽の答志島を視察した。松阪市には用はないようである。

The contents of "Japan-ASEAN Vice-Ministerial Transportation Policy Meeting" held in Shima City on June 27 was finally released on July 3rd.
This is, a meeting in which about 60 people such transportation policy Vice-Ministers from ASEAN countries participated before the ministerial level meeting in Thailand this November, by the upper limit of public offering for outsourcing business hosted by Mie Prefecture 2,368,824 JPY including tax. Under the "Japan-ASEAN Transport Collaboration," a proposal to the Ministerial Meeting of the new project, Japan proposed the implementation of three new projects to further promote high-quality transportation in ASEAN. Furthermore, agreed to seek approval at the 16 th ASEAN Transport Ministerial Meeting scheduled to be held in Bangkok this November.

① New Aviation Security Improvement Project
② Traffic safety measures project
③ Utilization of mobile big data

Also, agreed to reports the following results scheduled to be summarized this year to the "16 th ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting" and obtain approval.

① Green Logistics good cases
② Japan-ASEAN Cold Chain Logistics Guidelines
③ Collaborative research on road technology in international logistics network

By the way, according to the Mie-TV's news, it is said that the reason for deciding the venue was "because it was a G7 summit's venue". and the objectives is to convey Mie's culture and history, and on the 26th, visited Tsu Airport Line, Suzuka Circuit, Mikimoto Pearl Island, and Koshika's Ama-goya. and, on 28th they visited Naiku and Oharakai-machi, Okage Yokocho, Toshijima. to Matsusaka city does not seem interested.

【月曜日は文化のお休み】Monday is a holiday of culture (6/26夕刊三重掲載のノーカット・オリジナル)

According to the questionnaire of approximately 5,000 citizens randomly selected in Matsusaka city, only 6% answered that Matsusaka city is a sightseeing destination.
Exactly, into Matsusaka city, visitors for sightseeing are little hard to come by. But, it is a popular tourist spot for Matsusaka meet and history and culture fans.However, all cultural Facilities are closing the door on Monday, like it is naturally.
Middle-married aged couples and group of the walking on town around are increasingly traveling to not-crowded weekdays, avoiding Saturday and Sunday where roads and trains get crowded. I think that closing all the facilities on Monday is a cultural loss also on the meaning of obtaining Matsusaka fans steadily.
For example, Tuesday closed day is the "National Art Center" currently hosting the Louvre Museum Exhibition and the "National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation," which is hosting a scientific investigation exhibition. also, the "Ueno no Mori Art Museum" which is holding the Escher exhibition is irregular. "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum" has no closed days, to except for December 30 and 31. the New Year is also open.
In order to cover Monday's demand, if even with only the tourism exchange facilities are open, the impression that "I could not get anything about Matsusaka" will be dispelled at least. It is a matter only of changing a closed day to another day. (Slanted text is a deleted part.)

【TPP11】TPP 11

 もともと、TPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ(Trans-Pacific Partnership)の協定は、日本や米国など太平洋を囲む12カ国が、自由な貿易をするために定めたルールだった。だが、トランプ大統領は2017年1月に離脱を表明し、残る11カ国でリニューアルすることになった。それがTPP11である。

As for TPP, I wrote from No. 67 in 2013, but at last the TPP related law approved and passed at the House of Councilors plenary session on June 29.
Originally, the agreement of TPP = Trans-Pacific Partnership was a rule that 12 countries surrounding the Pacific, such as Japan and the United States, set for free trade, but President Trump has announced his withdrawal in January 2017. therefore, it was decided to renew in the remaining 11 countries. That is TPP 11.
However, the share of GDP in the world as a whole is only 13%. It is less than half of TPP 12 which accounted for 38%, which is less than China which accounts for 15% of the total.
Nevertheless, Japan ultimately abolishes tariffs on all trade items including agricultural products and industrial goods of 95%, and promotes liberalization of services and investment, and it dreaming for economic development by encouraging trade and investment among 11 countries.
About the economic effect of TPP 11, The Japanese government said it would be boost Japan's GDP by about 8 trillion JPY in about 10 years after the entry into force of the agreement. However, also it is said that the increase in employment is about 460,000 people only. In other words, only a small portion of global companies will make profit from TPP 11. that too, It would be exist only between RCEP 16 that will concluded in the future and countries that do not overlap.
For example, through tariff reduction in 11 countries, great merit is expected in automobile field, which is the major export item of Japan. In case Canada, the economic scale next to Japan in 11 countries, 6.1%  automobile tariffs will be eliminated in the fifth year after TPP is effective. Also, approximately 90% of automobile parts with tariffs of 6% will eliminated immediately. This will lower the cost of exporting automotive parts to Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile, so cheaper cars can be produced and the price competitiveness will increase.
TPP 11it will develop common rules in a wide range of fields such as intellectual property and e-commerce. By easing restrictions on foreign investment, it is said that convenience stores in Japan will be easier to open in Southeast Asia where economic growth is prominent, and legislation will be advanced to promote the use and protection of trademarks and patents. by this seems to be wish stepping up the crackdown of counterfeit goods and pirated copies by China etc..
In TPP 11, Although it affected by exchange rates and freight costs too, Beef and wine become cheaper for Japanese. the tariff of imported beef will be 27.5% in the first year from the current 38.5%, and in the 16th year it will go down gradually to 9%. Tariffs on imports of wine too, 15% or 125 JPY per liter will be eliminated in the eighth year. Incidentally, although I've record in No. 89 's [Matsusaka beef and 007],Mr. Obama said that in Japan' s beef is too expensive, in a speech in Oregon State during the TPP 12 negotiations in 2015, but the American beef is not here, because the United States has withdrawn from the TPP. however, in the US-Japan bilateral negotiations, based on this, may be US products also the same treatment. TPP 11 unlike 12 it is supposed to comply with food safety rules prescribed by the WTO. For example, current rules are also maintained for indications of genetically modified foods. The government explained that food safety in Japan is not threatened.
However, while TPP 11 has no losses to Keidanren 's heavyweight enterprises, the impact on Japanese agriculture becomes inevitable as the imports of foreign cheap agricultural products increase in large quantities. According to the estimation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, prices of domestic products will fall due to the influence of cheap imported goods, and the production value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products will be reduced by about 90 billion to 150 billion JPY. the Government is promoting strengthening domestic agriculture competitiveness by posting measures cost of 317 billion JPY, in anticipation of the implementation of the TPP 11 and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Japan and the EU in the 2017 supplementary budget. On the other hand seems wait for the small businesses to go out of business naturally.

【漁夫の利】Profiting while others fight

Conventionally, the target products of the tax free system for consumption tax targeting inbound were divided into two categories, the "general goods" such as home appliances and clothing and the "consumer goods" such as cosmetics and food items, and when inbounds purchases such products, they were not subject to tax free unless they were not 5000 JPY or more each.
However, according to the People's Daily July 4, the Japanese government advanced further simplification from July 1. according to the refund plan launched this time, two kinds of division disappeared, it became possible by summation. As for the price aspect as it is total 5000 JPY or more, and the handling is 45 thousand stores in Japan domestically.
However, foods, accommodations, admission, transportations, that are not reflected in the "exports" of the trade balance are excluded.
The People's Daily also wrote, that income to Japan due to entry in last year reached 4.4 trillion JPY. But, it is already slowing trend. however, if it due to the outbreak of a trade war between the US with China, the number of Chinese tourists to the US will decline sharply, if given the example in Korea. this is may be advantageous for Japan tourism. According to a report on foreign visitors by the National Travel and Tourism Office, 2.97 million people arrived in the US from China in 2016, and it spent an average about 7,000 USD per person during the US visit. this accounts for 61% of total export of services to China. And, because in the "Tourism Vision Conference supporting Japan tomorrow" chaired by Prime Minister Abe, new target ​​of the 40 million people of inbound, and 8 trillion JPY of consumption are shown in 2020.



【2018年5月の国際収支】May's Balance of payments 2018


On July 9, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of May. the Current account balance for this month is a surplus of 1.9383 trillion JPY. NHK news in the morning said that it is a surplus for 47 consecutive months it as a top news.However, the Trade balance has notable decline ▲ 308.8 billion JPY, against the Travel balance of 211.3 billion JPY. the decline is conspicuous. the exports is 6.3232 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.6271 tillion JPY. the credit of the Travel balance is 373.1 billion JPY, and the debit was 161.8 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for May was 2,675,000 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,383,800 people (Both preliminary).Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the Sea passenger is 100 million JPY and the debit is 1.6 billion JPY for ▲1.5 billion JPY. the credit of the Air passenger is 26.5 billion JPY and the debit is 77.4 billion JPY for ▲50.9 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.)
Incidentally, I predict that the sea freight will also be negative due to the excessive import of LNG in the future.

[経常収支/国際収支]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
         Jan.  6,074
         Feb. 20,760
         Mar. 31,223
         Apr. 18,451
         May  19,383
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade        ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲6,666      Jan.▲1,682
  Feb. 1,887      Feb. 1,227
  Mar.11,907      Mar. 1,931
  Apr. 5,738      Apr.▲5.015
  May ▲3,038      May    423
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.15,515      Jan.▲1,094
  Feb.19,481      Feb.▲1,835
  Mar.21,053      Mar.▲3,669
  Apr.19,394      Apr.▲1,666
  May 23,980      May ▲1,986
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

○トランスポート Transport   ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲686      Jan. 1,787
  Feb.  ▲553      Feb. 1,783
  Mar.  ▲627      Mar. 1,453
  Apr.▲1,097      Apr. 2,272
  May ▲1,267      May  2,113
       ○その他サービス Other Services
         Feb.    ▲3
         Mar. 1,105
         May   ▲423

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
  Jan.    ▲3      Jan.   440
  Feb.   ▲21      Feb.   371
  Mar.   ▲10      Mar.   240
  Apr.   ▲10      Apr.  ▲273
  May    ▲15      May   ▲416
○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
  Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    54
  Feb.  ▲380      Feb.    63
  Mar.  ▲353      Mar.    72
  Apr.  ▲346      Apr.    70
  May   ▲509      May     71

(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【気象制御】Weather control


Osaka Expo in 1970 showed a bright future through the development of science and technology and mutual understanding. that held scale was 77 countries and 4 international organizations, to total area ​​330 ha. the period is from March 14 to September 13 at 183 days. in those days, 64,220,000 people of than half of Japan's population were visited. the theme is "Progress and Harmony for Mankind". the "Tower of the Sun" of the Festival Square. "Moon stone" of as result of the US-Soviet space race. Seabed city and the Ocean floor ranch. Linear motor car. Robots. Home computer and Portable phone. Also, there was also the short image to be extinguished the typhoon in the missiles of silver iodide.
That pavilion is "Mitsubishi Miraikan". the theme is Japan in 50 years. That is, it 2020. Guests entering from the first floor will be sent to the exhibition space on the third floor with an escalator. and from there, it was a mechanism for looking around five exhibition rooms by on the 81 moving belt conveyors. that short image was the special effects by Toho, and the music by Akira Ifukube. It is said that it was also the last work of Eiji Tsuburaya.
Well, such weather control technology has been studied since 1947 in various countries, and although it is a small scale such as artificial rain, it is currently in practical use. a simple systems also include ski resort snowfall devices etc..
And also control of typhoons there was a time when it was under consideration. Experiments against Hurricane Debbie in August 1969 in the United States reduced wind destructive power to building damage proportional to the square of wind speed by half, by lowering the maximum wind speed by 30 percent from 50 meters per second to 35 meters per second. according to records, the five aircrafts loaded with shot tubes containing silver iodide, and the eight aircrafts loaded with observation equipment. the shot tubes was dropped to spread out the silver iodide smoke in the clouds outside the Debbie's eye wall and is exploding at an altitude of about 11,000 meters. the short image of Mitsubishi Miraikan at the following year, it will be probably that evolution result.
However, the subsequent experiment has not progressed much. It is because there is a concern that unexpected results such as a sudden course change will be given.
Also, there are concerns about how to control typhoons. because adjustment of the interests of each country concerned is very difficult. for example, a typhoon is not only a source of disasters, but also an important source of water depending on the location.
However, for half a century, information processing and simulation technology technology should have made remarkable progress.
For example, the weather correction office of the Beijing Meteorological Department has artificial precipitation, artificial flood control, and also artificial fog removal project.
Disasters caused by phenomena of the extreme weather are increasing due to global warming, I think desirable to reduce damage by using aggressive weather control techniques.

【イベント民泊】Minpaku for Event

 ちなみに、宿泊者の募集にあたっては、 女性のみの所帯だから宿泊者は女性に限るとか、外国語対応はできないなど、宿泊者を選ぶ事ができる。また、旅館業法に基づく旅館、ホテル、民宿などの簡易宿所、又は民泊新法に基づく事業を既に営んでいる物件は、参加対象にならないとしている。

A paid embankment seats of the Kumano Great Fireworks Festival to be held on the Shichirimihama Coast of Kumano City on August 17 was sold out on July 9, following the charged beach seats. in this fireworks festival where 120 thousand people last year and 140 thousand visited two years ago, lack of accommodation was obvious every time, because there are many visitors from outside also the prefecture. Therefore, in Kumano City, based on the national guidelines, during the period from August 16th to 18th, it decided to carry out "Minpaku for Event" which visitors will be provided with vacant rooms at home.
I think that this is a very good attempt in terms of balancing supply and demand. But, it is no good to call "Minpaku" for the impression got worse, and I think literally it would be better to call "guest house". because it is not a business essentially.
Well, according to "Notice of recruitment of home providers following the implementation of Minpaku for Event" issued when the municipal authorities Public offering for home, the property to be provided must be in Kumano city. and, it must be within the same premises as a room of the residence where the applicant or his / her relatives live or the house where the applicant or relative reside.
Next, the home provider must have authority to implement Minpaku for Event, and in the case that the property to be provided is a borrowed property, it is conditional that it does not violate the lease contract or the condominium management contract.
Of course, it is obligatory to provide sanitary control, and installation of smoke-type fire alarm devices for smoke type in all bedrooms, and if the bedroom is on the second floor, it is necessary to install it on the upper part of the stairs.
In terms of the size, in principle, it is necessary to secure a floor area of ​​3.3 square meters per guest, all correspondence concerning accommodation is done at the responsibility of the applicant himself. and, it is clearly wrote that the organized crime group and its stakeholders can not applying.
Also, because it is not under the ryokan business law, it is prohibited to offer meals to guests. and from the viewpoint of safety, must be share the address, name, etc. of the home provider with the police, the public health center, and the fire department in advance. It is also wrote that the administrative secretariat and staff of the police and fire department may visit for field confirmation.
And, this is can provide only once a year event, and on the same day it is possible to use multiple people or the same person continuously, but the change of guests is not approved. By the way, this is can choose guests when to recruit guests. for example, applicants are limited to women because only ladies live. or, foreign languages ​​can not correspond, etc..
In addition, it is said that ryokans, hotels and simple residences based on the ryokan business law already, Or those that are property engage in business based on the new private lodging business law is not eligible for participation.

【HACCP障壁】The HACCP Barrier

 米国は、1997年より順次、州を越えて取引される水産食品、食肉・食鳥肉及びその加工品、果実・野菜飲料については、HACCPによる衛生管理を義務付けてはいるが、米国内で消費される食品を製造、加工、包装、保管する全ての施設には、2011年1月に成立した『食品安全強化法』によって、アメリカ食品医薬品局 (FDA)への登録とその更新を義務付け、対象となる施設にはHACCPの概念を取り入れた措置の計画・実行を義務付けている。限定的なのだ。

According to Sun on July 13, President Trump said that, it will be adversely affect to the FTA with the US on the policy of the May administration, who is planning to work closely with also the EU after withdrawal. And, at a joint press conference held in the suburbs of London he urged Prime Minister May to eliminate constraints. the Mey administration plans to comply with the EU's rules on the safety standards of agricultural products, etc. even after withdrawal. as there is no room for concession in the UK unless the EU relaxes import restrictions.
Agricultural products are likely to dominate the FTA with the US. on this policy decided on July 6, the UK conservative skeptical faction emphasizing independence from the EU said to the prime minister, that trade with the United States became almost impossible.
I thought about the situation of Japan, I confirmed the "Regarding regulations concerning circulation of foods in the EU" of JETRO. because is Japan signed the EU's EPA on July 17. To be sure, exports to the EU include descriptions on raw materials, food additives, residual agricultural chemicals / heavy metals, label indications, containers / volumes, radioactive materials, and about HACCP too. Moreover, it is much denser than HACCP in the United States.
The US mandates sanitation management by HACCP only for fishery products, meat and poultry meat and processed products, fruits and vegetable drinks that are traded beyond the state since 1997 sequentially. Also, through the "Food Safety Enhancement Law" established in January 2011, all facilities that manufacture, process, pack and store food consumed in the US are obliged to register and update to FDA, and the target facility is obliged to plan and implement measures that incorporate the concept of HACCP. it is limited.
On the other hand, it is since 2004 the EU countries obliges sanitary control incorporating the concept of HACCP for all food production, processing, and distribution businesses except for primary production. it is to all.
That is, the United States is the country with the most foreign tourists in the world, but don't impose HACCP on all restaurants. If nation going to compel the "standard B", immigrant restaurants use the power of politics will get angry. also McDonald's introduction of HACCP from the initial stage was merely necessary for global expansion.
Meanwhile, in Japan, trying to force HACCP in traditional Japanese food culture too, and it is planning to implement the same the HACCP Barrier as the EU with the aim of 2020 when the Tokyo Olympics will be held. Despite the fact that craftworkers are unable to write records etc while cooking. In anyway, If there are about 29 ingredients in the rich color's Shokado-bento, also 29 notebooks for recording necessary.
This concern has not been reported in news in Japan at all. And, not only for HACCP but for GDPR too.

【不平等条約じゃあるまいな】Is not it an inequality treaty?

 7/17の中日新聞によると、EU大統領と欧州委員長、中国の国家主席と首相は、16日に北京で20回目の首脳会談を実施、中国は自動車や薬品の関税引き下げなどの市場開放努力を強調した。 だが、欧州が一方的に排除している『漢方薬』については、進展が見られなかったようである。
 昨年末の報道によると、厚生労働省は、血液製剤の輸出解禁を正式決定し、法改正を求める方針にある。「国内需要確保のための輸出規制物資」として昭和41年に統制された血液製剤は、 輸出貿易管理令に規定する「国内需要確保(安定供給)」≠「国内自給の達成」となり、今や在庫過剰にあるからだ。

According to the Chunichi Shinbun on July 17, the president of the EU, and the European Commission, and the Chinese President and the Prime Minister, held the 20th summit meeting in Beijing on 16th. and China emphasized market opening efforts such as tariff reduction of cars and chemical, but seem there was no progress on "Herbal medicine" which Europe unilaterally excludes.
Also, both leaders of the EU visited Japan in following day, and signed too a Japan-Europe EPA with Japan. however, also there was no topic on medicines here.
Why is that?
The order of the largest amount of exports from Japan to Europe in 2016 is the 1249.4 billion JPY for cars, and Next is 465.8 billion JPY for auto parts. And, the engine was 352.2 billion JPY.
Meanwhile, exports from Europe to Japan in 2016, that is the 1550.5 billion JPY for medicines. Next is 949.7 billion JPY. And organic chemicals were 421.4 billion JPY. For EU, exports of medicines are dollar boxes beyond the cars industry. And, I also wrote in No.120, "About Japan - Europe EPA which is the cause of HACCP", but there is zero medicines from Japan to Europe. Japan will be look like a very promising market for European pharmaceutical companies. because Japan becomes a super aging society.
On the other hand, eight years after the tariff of cars export is abolished, the share of internal combustion engine cars would be pessimistic for Japan.
Is there any possibility that trade with the EU will be in equilibrium or surplus?
According to the news at the end of last year, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare formally decides to ban the export of blood products and seeks revision of the law. the blood products controlled as "export controlled goods for securing domestic demand" in 1964 are now in excess inventory, by the "domestic stable supply" stipulated in the Export Trade Control Order have achieved domestic self-sufficiency.
And, Nihon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a major blood product, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., and already Takeda was concluded M & A with Ireland 's leading company Shire plc at 6.9694 trillion JPY.
However, its size remains at the eighth place in the industry yet. and also concerned about the application of the pharmaceutical HACCP.

【物事の整合性】A consistency of things


As an official stance, private lodging business it was due to lack of accommodation during the Tokyo Olympic games period. however, according to JNTO, in Tokyo 23 wards there are 2869 facilities hotels and ryokans and simple accommodations, and in municipal part of Tokyo there are 985 facilities hotels, ryokans and simple accommodations. there are 162,841 rooms at hotels and ryokans even if it exclude simple residences or private lodgings, and that is increasing also now.
Moreover, According to the each press reports of Japan on June 25, the JTB will meet the policy of the country, the period of the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 (July 24 - August 9), the luxury of the US 70,000t class in Yokohama Port Charter a passenger ship Saint Princess and announced a plan to use as a hotel. The price of accommodation is 2 nights and 3 days in the basic plan, and in the case of 1 room / 2 people use, the twin without the window is 70,000 JPY per person, and the supreme suite are in the 600,000 JPY range. There are 1011 rooms in Sunprincess, and the accommodation fee includes the meal fee during staying, the viewing fee of the show, the use fee of the pool and sports facilities etc., and it expect a total of 36,000 people to stay. The Olympics tickets will be seem arranged by JTB at an extra charge.
Apparently, the lack of accommodation seems to have been resolved.
As for that ticket, the Tokyo Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced the summary of the admission ticket price on July 20.
First, the most expensive ticket in general tickets became 300,000 JPY of the opening ceremony. it is about 2,700 USD, and about 2,307 euros. the eight competitions such as Soccer and Rugby primary leagues are 2500 JPY, and Basketball and Tennis are 3000 JPY. the highest price of the competition became 130,000 JPY 100 meters of Athletics. the Walking race on the Imperial Gaien orbit course is free, because it becomes publicity. Also, despite the fact that the outside temperature is above the body temperature all day, for groups of 10 or less including elderly people over 60 years old and infants with extremely high risk of heat stroke, 2020 JPY considering too. But it's seems a one-way ticket to death. and, it also plan admission tickets with value added such as food and drink that can identify the cause of food poisoning, by HACCP.
The sale starts in the spring of 2019. It will be internet sales only at the official website in initially. If the applicant exceeds the limit, it will be a lottery.
Admission tickets are the pillar of the revenue of the organizing committee, and it will be sell 7.8 million tickets and expect sales of 77.3 billion JPY. It is one day average of 45,8824 people by 17 days.
However, considering such tropical phenomena in the Japanese archipelago, I think it is safer and more comfortable to watch the Tokyo Olympic Games on TV in the air conditioner room, and there is seems no burden on the wallet too. Governor of Tokyo says to wrap a wet towel around the neck, but because not such an easy environment.

【ヒートドーム】The heat dome


The highest temperature of Tajimi City in Gifu Prefecture on July 18 was 40.7 ℃ and the highest temperature in Kyoto city on July 19 was 39.8 ℃. The Meteorological Agency has warned that the present abnormal high temperature is "heat related to life". I think that it will not come to sightseeing any longer in this situation.
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on July 20, the World Meteorological Organization said at a press conference on 20th that, since the middle of July in the northern hemisphere there was a strong concern that extraordinary weather accompanied by record high temperatures. According to the WMO, in the north polar region of Norway, 33.5 ℃ was recorded on 17th July, and in Sweden, about 50 forest fires occurred due to high temperature and drying in mid July.
Apparently, Heat Dome seems to have occurred.
What is Heat Dome, a phenomenon in which a high pressure wall occurs at a relatively low altitude and blows the high air of the sky to the surface of the earth to form a blocked hot dome. It is said that the cause is global warming. NOAA defines the heat dome as follows.
"Under high pressure, the air subsides (sinks) toward the surface. This sinking air acts as a dome capping the atmosphere.
This cap helps to trap heat instead of allowing it to lift. Without the lift there is little or no convection and therefore little or no convective clouds (cumulus clouds) with minimal chances for rain. The end result is a continual build-up of heat at the surface that people experience as a heat wave."
According to the news of each country, that it is occurring on the Northern Hemisphere scale this year. it is not just the Japanese archipelago.
The Washington Post reported that the highest temperature of Finland's Kevo belonging to the Arctic Circle at degrees 17 North latitude reaches 31.6 ℃ at the July 17. The average temperature in July here is 15.5 to 21.1 ℃. However, it is now in the range of 26.6 to 32.2 ℃.
According to the "Severe Weather Europe", the highest temperature of the Nordic countries such as Sweden or Norway from July 16 to 17 exceeded 32 ℃, and in Norway's Trondheim airport the highest temperature of 32.4 ℃ on July 16 recorded. Turku in southern Finland is also 33.3 ℃. And Uppsala in Sweden was 34.4 ℃. In addition, the large wildfires caused by dryness and heatwaves occurred at 44 locations throughout Sweden, and the National Meteorological Agency of Sweden issued fire alarms throughout the state.
Also, in Montreal, Canada, the temperature on July 2 was 36.6 ℃ and the sensible temperature the 46 ℃, in Quebec State in Montreal it was totalization that at least 89 people died by July 7 due to the hot. In Ouargla in Algeria facing the Mediterranean, the temperature on July 5 was 51.3 ℃ and recorded the highest African continent ever.
Pennsylvania State University Director of the Earth System Science Center said, "The unusual thing is the size of the Heat Dome hemisphere. it is not a scale that affects one place somewhere. high temperature phenomena is observed in a wide area."


On July 23, 41.1 ℃ was recorded in Kumagaya city, Saitama Prefecture, and 40.8 ℃ was recorded in Aoume city of Tokyo. and July 24, The Wall Street Journal and the Guardian wrote concerns about holding the Tokyo Olympics in the summer.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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