
No.206 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2025" February issue

スコットランド ケアンゴームズ国立公園、レンジローバーとディフェンダー Scotland Cairngorms National Park, Range Rover and Defender 

【国連世界観光機関のワールド・ツーリズム・バロメーター 1/27】UN Tourism's World Tourism Barometer, Jan.27

International tourist arrivals are estimated at 1.4 billion in 2024, marking the year international tourism recovered from the most severe crisis in the history of the tourism sector. Most destinations welcomed more tourists in 2024 than before the pandemic, and tourism receipts maintained strong growth.

According to the latest UN Tourism World Tourism Indicators, international tourist arrivals are estimated at around 1.4 billion in 2024, representing a recovery of 99% in real terms to pre-pandemic levels. This is driven by strong post-pandemic demand, solid performance from large source markets, and an ongoing recovery in destinations in Asia and the Pacific, representing an increase of 11% or 140 million arrivals compared to 2023.


【007は世界遺産の番号 - 浮世絵風】007 is the number of the World Heritage Site - The Ukiyo-e style


Following on from last time, I asked Imagen3, an image generation AI, to draw the World Heritage sites that were used as settings for Bond films. As expected, icons of popular tourist destinations around the world generate images quickly even with simple prompts.Because many people upload photos.
Regarding the impact of overtourism on World Heritage sites, concerns have been raised over landscape protection and the burden on the environment, as well as the impact on living environments, traffic congestion, and rising land prices. this is a kind of celebrity tax. As a countermeasure to this, the introduction of a lodging tax or tourist tax is an unavoidable measure. this is a worry that is not yet necessary in Ise-Shima and other parts of Mie Prefecture.

姫路城 & アムステルダム運河 Himeji Castle & Amsterdam Canals 

ギザ & ヴェネツィアの潟 Giza & Venetian Lagoon 

イグアスの滝 & ティカル遺跡 Iguazu Falls & Tikal Ruins 

メテオラ修道院 & タージマハル Meteora Monasteries & Taj Mahal 

パルミラ遺跡 & パリのセーヌ川岸 Palmyra ruins & Paris Banks of the Seine 

シェーンブルン宮殿 & サンクトペテルブルク Schonbrunn Palace & St. Petersburg 

バクー & シエナ Baku & Siena 

ウエストミンスター宮殿とウエストミンスター寺院 Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey 

ビッグベンとロンドンブリッジ Big Ben and London Bridge 

端島(軍艦島) & 富士山 Hashima Island & Fuji 

メキシコシティのソカロ & マテーラ Mexico city Zocalo & Matera 

スイスアルプス Swiss Alps 

In 2015, the Thailand government was preparing to apply for the registration to the World Heritage site of the Andaman Sea coast from the Malaysian border in southern Thailand including Phangnga coast to Phuket Island. But it was sent off due to inadequate materials. However, according to Global News Asia on January 8, 2018, it turned out that the Thailand government has prepared for registration again. In here is "Khao Phing Kan" where the James Bond series 9th movie "The Man With The Golden Gun" was filmed, and "James Bond rock" is gaining popularity. this is a typical example that an place that did not had anything became a world tourist destination by the movie.
This series of movies, which began in 1962, has included many sights and historical sites in the camera. And, some of these have become World Heritage afterwards.
First of all, "From Russia With Love(1963)" of the 2nd movie on the series. in this movie, a movie camera entered on Istanbul's "Ayasofya" and "Basilica Cistern" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1985. Also the "Venice and its Lagoon" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1987 decorated the ending of this movie.
Next, "You Only Live Twice(1967)" of the 5th movie on the series. in this movie, camera entered in Japan's "Himeji-jo Castle" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1993. And, In "Diamonds are Forever(1971)" of the 7th movie on the series is "Seventeenth-century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 2010 appeared.
In "The Spy Who Loved Me(1977)" of the 10th movie on the series is Egypt's "Memphis and its Necropolis -the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1979. Incidentally, the sea bed scene of this movie is the sea of Okinawa in Japan, but on the movie it was near sea of Sardinia.
In "Moonraker(1979)" of the 11th movie on the series, the canal and San Marco square appeared from "Venice and its Lagoon" mentioned above, and the waterfall of "Iguazú National Park" registered as World Natural Heritage in 1984. And, the ruins of "Tikal National Park" of Guatemala registered in World Complex Heritage in 1979 became the control base of the Space Shuttles. Bond escaped from a motor boat falling into the Iguazu Falls using a hang glider, and landing near Tikal ruins, but it become to a thing Bond had been thousands of kilometers flying in a few minutes.
In "For Your Eyes Only(1982)" of the 12nd movie on the series, the monastery of "Meteora" of Greece registered as World Complex Heritage in 1988, and Cortina d'Ampezzo of "The Dolomites" registered as World Natural Heritage in 2009, appeared. Also, in "Old Town of Corfu" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 2007, casino scenes were filmed at the Alexion palace built by the Empress Elisabeth of Austria on this island. In "Octopussy(1983)" of the 13rd movie on the series, "Taj Mahal" of India registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1983 appeared.
Just this year, another non-series a Bond movie "Never Say Never Again(1983)" was released too. in this movie, "Site of Palmyra" of Syria, which was registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1980 appeared, but as well known, this ruins were seriously damaged by ISIS.
In "A View To A Kill(1985)" of the 14th movie on this series, the Eiffel Tower appeared from "Paris, Banks of the Seine" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1991.
"The Living Daylights(1987)" of the 15th movie on this series is "Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1996, and "Historic Centre of Vienna" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 2001 appeared. Also, in Gibraltar which appeared at the beginning, in 2016 "Gorham's Cave Complex" is registered as a World Cultural Heritage.
In "Goldeneye(1995)" of the 17th movie on this series, "Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1990 appeared. In "The World Is Not Enough(1999)" of the 19th movie on the series, Azerbaijan's "Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 2000 appeared.
In "Casino Royale(2006)" of the 21th movie on the series, again the "Venice and its Lagoon" appeared. Incidentally, the casino of the title role was not France's Royal resort, but was Montenegro in the movie, but in fact it was filmed at the spa in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic. I think the Casino royale tour does not succeed in Montenegro.
In "Quantum of Solace(2008)" of the 22nd movie on the series, the "Historic Centre of Siena" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1995 appeared.
In "Skyfall(2013)" of the 23rd movie on the series, "Maritime Greenwich" and "Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey including Saint Margaret’s Church" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1987 appeared. Also, "Tower of London" and "Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine's Abbey, and St. Martin's Church" registered in World Cultural Heritage in 1988 appeared too.
In addition, also Hashima Island of "Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining" registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2015 appeared as the "Dead City" of a Chinese territory.
In "Spectre(2015)" of the 24th movie on the series is "Blenheim Palace" and "Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco" registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1987 appeared.
As you can see, in many places already there is international recognition before registration, which has only been strengthened further by World Heritage registration. is that not gained popularity by branding of the World Heritage.(Published in Shimbun on March 29, 2018)



By the way, since Daniel Craig's 007 role ended with No Time to Die, there has been much speculation about who will replace him, with actors such as Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Callum Turner, and James Norton being considered. But, on February 3, the UK's Daily Mail reported that Scottish actor Stuart Martin has emerged as the leading candidate to play the next James Bond.
Martin has been in private discussions with Eon Productions, and a LA film consultant who worked on the James Bond films said, "Martin is one of the leading candidates," and "It would be a big milestone to see the Scottish Bond return."
However, according to the BBC on February 20, Amazon MGM Studios and Eon Productions have established a new joint venture to manage the intellectual property rights of the 007 series. As a result, Amazon MGM Studios will gain creative control over the 007 series. In addition, Michael G. Wilson, who has been involved in the 007 series for nearly 60 years, has announced his retirement from 007 productions. As a result, Barbara Broccoli will continue to work as one of the producers of the Bond films, but will give up control over important matters such as casting James Bond.
Either way, I hope that this will lead to film tourism in Mie Prefecture based on Ian Fleming's novel.(See No.117 "007 undercover to Mie Prefecture"



【日本のコメ輸出】 Japan's rice exports


According to Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, rice exports in 2024 will reach a record high of 12 billion yen, up 27.8% from the previous year. Exports to Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore are particularly strong, and processed foods such as packaged rice are also boosting exports. The weak yen is also a major benefit.
However, producers of rice for export are expressing concerns about securing future production volumes. Under the current system, rice must be used for limited purposes from the planting stage, and subsidies of about 40,000 JPY per 10 ares are provided for export rice, but even if there is a rice shortage in the country, export rice cannot be diverted for domestic distribution.
Rice wholesalers are also concerned about the impact of price increases on overseas consumption of export rice. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is considering setting export targets and dividing farmland into larger lots to reduce production costs as part of a review of rice policy from fiscal 2027, but has not yet taken steps to review restrictions on use.
In addition, rising domestic rice prices are also a factor that is putting a damper on exports. The relative transaction price between JA and rice wholesalers has reached an all-time high, and producers are becoming reluctant to export, saying that they can get a higher price if they sell it domestically. In other words, export rice is no longer profitable.
Even so, Hong Kong has an unusually large number. it is despite the fact that there are many restrictions in place, just like in mainland China. I heard from a visitor from Hong Kong that "Rice from Japan is piled up at Hong Kong's ports." Hong Kong is a trade hub with no trade barriers due to its free trade policy. Although it has strong ties with the Asia-Pacific region and mainland China, and the majority of its trade is intermediate trade, in which imported goods are exported as is or with some processing.
By the way, As domestic rice prices remain high, rice from Taiwan and California is becoming more popular. Based on the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, Japan imports a minimum amount of rice while imposing high tariffs on imported rice (minimum access rice), and due to rice shortages and rising prices, the entire amount of minimum access rice for fiscal 2024 has been sold for four consecutive bids, reaching the upper limit for the first time in seven years.
未だ規制中なのにね Even though it is still under regulation. 


【2024年12月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for December 2024


On February 10, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for December last year. The current account balance is a surplus 1.0773 Trillion JPY. The trade balance also recorded a surplus of 62.3 billion JPY. Travel balance is a surplus of 552.1 billion JPY, consisting of 747.7 billion JPY in credit and 195.6 billion JPY in debit. According to JNTO, visitor arrivals for this month were 3,489,800 ersons and Japanese Overseas is 1,187.200 persons. therefore, the unit price is 214,253 for the inbound, and 164,757 JPY for the outbound.
Air passenger in a surplus at 11.6 billion JPY, and Sea passenger in a deficit at 1.2 billion JPY. in addition, Other services also posted a deficit of 505.5 billion JPY. the overall Services balance was in a deficit by 20.5 billion JPY.

日銀の国際収支項目の内容から From the contents of BOJ's balance of payments items 

This time, the annual income and expenditure results for the calendar year were also announced at the same time. The current account balance is a surplus 1.0773 Trillion JPY. The trade balance recorded a deficit of 62.3 billion JPY. The travel balance was a surplus of 5.8973 trillion JPY, with receipts of 8.0691 trillion JPY and payments of 2.1719 trillion JPY. The number of visitor arrivals from January to December is 36,869,900, and the Japanese overseas is 13,007,300. therefore, the annual average unit price for inbound visitors is 218,853 JPY and for outbound visitors is 166,975 JPY.
Air Passenger had a defikit of 91.1 billion JPY, and Sea Passenger also had a deficit of 13.3 billion JPY. Other services also had a deficit of 7.8659 trillion JPY. The overall service balance was a deficit of 2.6162 trillion JPY. The digital deficit in 2024 is 6.6 trillion JPY. this is dragging down the Overall services balance.That is why the tourism industry include accommodation, must work hard. In addition, in the United States, USAID was closed down due to kickbacks and other reasons. The secondary income balance, which includes the receipt and payment of grant aid, donations, and gifts from the public and private sectors in Japan, also amounts to -4.4305 trillion JPY. this is an increase of 7.4% compared to the previous year. I think this needs to be reviewed.

デジタル赤字の推移 Digital deficit trends 


【江戸時代の伊勢参宮名所図会「外宮正殿」のカラー化】A colorized version of the "Gekū-Seiden" in the Illustrated Guide to Famous Places of Ise Jingu Shrine

The Emperors who visited the shrine include Emperor Jitō, Emperor Shōmu, Emperor Goshirakawa. Muromachi Palace is recorded in the ancient records.
Since Nobunaga and Hideyoshi onwards, the Taiju (The noble) has been a common sight.


【令和7年度当初予算における三重県観光部事業の概要(単位∶千円)】Overview of Mie Prefecture Tourism Department Projects in the FY2025 Initial Budget (Unit∶thousand JPY)


【如月の伊勢神宮】Ise Jingu Shrine Geku in February


【ウォーターサプライ・メンテナンス】Water supply system maintenance



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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Representative  Shigeki Imura

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