
No.168 "About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2021" December issue

旧長谷川邸の庭園 The garden of the Former Hasegawa Residence 

【日本の感染者と重傷者と死亡者数の推移(日毎) 11月30日現在】Number of infected and seriously injured and fatalities in Japan (per day), As of November 30

桁に注意 Note the digits 

感染者数 Number of infected people in Japan

重傷者数 Number of seriously injured in Japan

死亡者数 Number of fatalities in Japan

【11月30日現在のPCR検査件数】PCR tests status as of November 30

PCR検査件数の内訳 - 厚労省のHPから Breakdown of the number of PCR tests - From the MHLW‘s website 


Its commendable that it's reluctant to test, even if it's for election purposes, but it would be a problem if you suddenly increase the number by such as the border measures. the South African side says that the mortality rate of the Omicron mutant is almost nonexistent. By the way, European countries side may use this variant as an excuse for the boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics as an excuse to avoid political intent. Meanwhile, according to China‘s CGTN on November 30, Chairman Yamashita and former Prime Minister Fukuda of the Japanese Olympic Committee announced their participation in the Olympics at the Chinese Embassy in Japan on the 29th, even though it has not been reported in Japan yet. The union ceremony is January 29, 2022.

【旅館ホテルの売上減少幅】Width of decrease in sales of ryokans and hotels


According to a survey conducted by the "All Japan Ryokan Hotel Association" targeting lodging companies nationwide, the "debt ratio" that occurred in the coronavirus pandemic deteriorated to a bankruptcy risk level of 528% on average. And the average "debt redemption years" was 17.5 years. the cost of enduring the two-year self-restraint period was extremely high. Even if sales recover to pre-Corona levels, the reality is that they must continue to repay for 17 years. it will have to continue to face the crisis of business closure for a long period of time.
Tourism industries such as accommodation facilities are the core industries that support local employment and economy, and international tourism in particular is a pillar of trade. There is an urgent need to reach a national consensus in Japan as well.
Incidentally, according to Hotel Bank's "Current Status of Hotels All Over Japan", as of October 2021, the number of accommodation facilities was 54,772 and the number of rooms was 1,694,230. Compared to that category and January 2020, the number of ryokans was 13,829 facilities / 241,498 rooms, a decrease of 0.97%. Business hotels increased by 8.85% to 8,791 facilities / 820,697 rooms. The number of city hotels increased by 1.38% to 1168 facilities / 194,185 rooms. The number of resort hotels increased by 4.74% to 1,650 facilities / 125,954 rooms.
As of January 2020, just before the coronavirus pandemic, the number of facilities was 51,987 / the number of rooms was 1,625,219. therefore, the number of facilities increased by 5.36% at 2,785 facilities, and the number of rooms increased by 4.25% at 69,011 rooms. Only ryokans, which are a purely Japanese business model, seem to decline, but if there is no inbound demand, hotels may also decline due to oversupply.

地域経済分析システム RESAS から 

【イベントの無い日曜日の斎宮】Itsukinomiya on Sundays without events


No matter how nice the content is, it is quiet if it is not well known. is the magical power of a projection mapping too, a dream only for that nights? Even though there is evidence of such a wonderful past global warming. (The coastline at Heian era was closer than it is present day, and the temperature must have been high.)
For example, why not connect the ruins and shell mounds scattered along the Ise coastline from Kuwana to Futami along the historical rord with a map and disseminate them both domestically and internationally through regional cooperation. It will affect not only historical exploration, but also disaster prevention, finance, architecture, real estate, and infrastructure reconstruction. This is a verification of "Paleoclimatology" that predicts the latter half of the 21st century and beyond, and is something that the United States without ancient history and Europe without the open ocean coastline cannot do.

海面上昇1メートルの伊勢湾 Ise Bay with a sea level rise of 1 meter 

中世温暖期末期の二見 Futami at the end of the Medieval Warm Period 

【MICE】Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions


Arrival for the international conference is for business purposes, not recreation. But they don't just work, go sightseeing during off-time. So, many countries or regions wants attract.



【2021年10月の国際収支】Balance of Payments for October 2021


On December 8, the Ministry of Finance announced the balance of payments for October. the current account balance is a surplus of 1.1808 trillion JPY.
The trade balance is a surplus of 166.7 billion JPY, and the travel balance is a surplus of 18.1 billion JPY, by the credit 43.7 billion JPY and the debit 25.6 billion JPY. According to the JTA, October‘s inbound was 22,100 (preliminary), and outbound was 50,800 (preliminary). therefore, the unit price per person is 1,977,375 JPY for inbound, and 503,937 JPY for outbound.
The air passengers is a deficit 400 million JPY. the sea passengers is a deficit of 200 million JPY. the other services have a deficit of 513.4 billion JPY. the overall of the service balance is still a deficit of 575.4 billion JPY.


【「将軍」のリメイク】12/9 三重ふるさと新聞版 A remake of "Shōgun"

【12月10日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of December 10


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,728,922, and the number of deaths was 18,384 (excluding 1,387 people who died after vaccination from February 17 to November 26). The cumulative mortality rate is maintained 1.063%.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 

【旅行業界の現状】Current status of the Japanese travel industry

楽天は非公開 Rakuten is no disclosure 


関連項目 Related topics
No.95-96『2015』12月号・正月号の【ランドオペレーター問題】a Land operator problem
No.89-90『2015』6月号・7月号の【組団社と接待社】"Company for gather customers for the tour" and "Company for receiving customers".

Since March 31 this year, JTB capital reduction from the current 2,304 million yen to 100 million JPY, and NTA too, announced on the 10th of last month that it has decided capital reduction 3.9 billion yen to 100 million JPY. For to reduce cash out by becoming a small business.
The novel coronavirus pandemic has caused great damage not only to the tourism industry but also to the travel industry. It can be seen that long-distance travel, including overseas travel, is particularly damaged, while short-distance travel tends to be flat. the main reason for this is the subsidy policy by the prefecture limited to intra-prefecture travel and the subsidy policy by the country limited to domestic travel.
However, large travel agencies that have been severely damaged by Corona have been found to be fraudulently receiving large amounts of subsidies. According to NHK, "World Aviation Service" has an employment adjustment subsidy of 178 million JPY. According to TBS, "Japan Holiday Travel," one of HIS's two subsidiaries, has unauthorized exploited the grant of the Go To Travel about 270 million JPY. (also "Miki Tourist"). On the 14th, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure Transport and Tourism ordered an investigation of HIS's hotel management company "JHAT" too.
If you look at it this way, at the present time when the end of the pandemic is still unclear, the types with relatively little damage seem to be the type 3 travel industry and the regional limited travel industry only. Also, although it is different from a travel industry, the travel agency business and travel service arrangement business also seem to have less risk if there is a sideline. this is, I think it perfect for connecting tourist bases scattered throughout the city.
As a general rule, in the Type 3 travel industry, it is not possible to carry out self-recruited planned trips overseas or domestically. But, it became possible to carry out each planned trip if the departure place, destination, accommodation place, and return place are within the following areas. "Municipalities with sales offices" "Municipalities adjacent to municipalities with sales offices" "Areas designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism".
In addition, the area-limited travel agency is a travel agency registration that allows you to carry out planned trips and arranged trips only in the area that covers the municipality where the business office is located and the neighboring municipalities, and the conditions for the standard asset amount and deposit are the most lenient. It is not possible to tour recruitment, but it is possible to hold a tour locally.
On the other hand, travel agency is a registration that acts as an agent for conclude a travel contract. There are no standard asset amounts or deposit requirements. however, they only sell the products planned by other companies on their behalf, and cannot carry out their own plans. nor can you represent more than one travel agent.
And, the travel service arrangement business is "to make an agency contract, mediation, and agency with a person who provides services such as transportation to travelers or related services such as transportation at the request of a travel agency with a reward" Is defined as. This is, under the revised Travel Business Law that came into effect on January 4 2018, a person who intends to run a land operator must be registered by the prefectural governor who has jurisdiction over the location of the main business office that conducts the travel service arrangement business. this is for to regulate illegal Chinese business.


【斎宮城跡(竹神社)】Saiku Castle Ruins (Take Shrine)


【SDGs:持続可能な開発目標】SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals

 ツーリズム産業は、新型コロナ禍で大きなダメージを負ったが、五感で学べる教育の場でもあり、衣食住を扱っている地域経済を支える場でもある。また、地元のテーマを伝える文化を温存できる場としても活用できる。この事は、SDGsを媒体とした視察旅行や国際会議の誘致、また、学生旅行にも適している。SDGsとは、Sustainable Development Goalsの頭文字をとった言葉で、日本語では「持続可能な開発目標」と呼ぶ。つまり、これは2030年までにより良い世界を目指す国際目標で、17のゴールと169のターゲットで構成されている。最近ではNHKによるキャンペーンもあって、認知度が高まってきている。

⑧ すべての人々のための持続的、包摂的かつ持続可能な経済成長、生産的な完全雇用およびディーセント・ワーク(働きがいのある人間らしい仕事)を推進する。ツーリズムは、世界の経済成長の原動力の一つであり、現在では、世界で11人に1人がツーリズム分野で働いている。ツーリズムが働きがいのある雇用機会を提供することにより、技能と専門性が向上し、社会(特に若者や女性)に恩恵をもたらす。ツーリズム分野における雇用創出への貢献は、ターゲット8.9「2030年までに、雇用創出、地方の文化振興・産品販促につながる持続可能な観光業を促進するための政策を立案し実施する」に明記されている。

⑫ 持続可能な消費生産形態を確保する。「持続可能な消費と生産(SCP)」の実践を採択しているツーリズム分野は、持続可能性に向けた世界的な転換を加速するための重要な役割を果たすことができる。そのためには、目標12のターゲット12.bにあるように、「雇用を創出し、地域の文化や産品を活かす持続可能なツーリズムのための、持続可能な開発の効果を測定するツールを開発し、実践すること」が非常に重要だ。持続可能な消費と生産の仕組みに関する10年計画(10YFP)の中の持続可能な開発プログラム(STP)は、このようなSCPの実践の推進を目的としており、それには経済的・社会的そして環境面での成果をより高めるための資源効率のよい取り組みが含まれている。

⑭ 持続可能な開発のために、海洋・海洋資源を保全し、持続可能な形で利用する。ツーリズムの最大の分野である海岸と海洋でのツーリズムは、特に小島嶼国(SIDs)において、健全な海洋生態系に依存している。観光開発は、破壊されやすい海洋性体系の保全保護を進め、ブルー・エコノミー(環境を損なわない海洋経済)を促進する手段となるよう、「総合的沿岸域管理(ICZM)」の一部に組み込まれなければなならない。このことは、「2030年までに、海洋資源の持続可能な活用によって、また、漁業、水産養殖業、観光の持続可能な管理を通じて、SIDsや後発開発途上国への経済的恩恵を増進する」というターゲット14の7に則している。

The tourism industry, which suffered great damage from the pandemic of the novel coronavirus, is a place of education where you can learn with all five senses, and a place that supports the local economy that handles daily necessities. It can also be used as a place to preserve the culture that conveys the local theme. this is perfect for tours using SDGs as a medium, attracting international conferences, and study trips too.SDGs is an acronym for Sustainable Development Goals. In a nutshell, this is an international goal to aim for a better world by 2030. the SDGs consist of 17 goals and 169 targets. there is also campaign by NHK and the recognition is increasing in recently.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization works with governments, public and private partners, development banks, international and regional financial institutions, United Nations agencies, and international organizations to help achieve the SDGs, and focuses on ⑧, ⑫, and ⑭ goals. (It's not limited to this only.)

⑧ Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive full employment and decent work for all. Tourism is one of the driving forces of global economic growth, and currently one in eleven people in the world is working in the field of tourism. By providing rewarding employment opportunities for tourism, skills and expertise are improved and benefits society (especially young people and women). Contribution to job creation in the tourism sector is specified in Target 8.9, "By 2030, formulate and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that will lead to job creation, local cultural promotion and product promotion."

⑫ Ensuring a sustainable form of consumption and production. The field of tourism, which has adopted the practice of "Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)", can play an important role in accelerating the global shift towards sustainability. To do so, as stated in Target 12.b of Goal 12, “Develop tools to measure the effectiveness of sustainable development for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and leverages local culture and products. To practice "is very important. The Sustainable Development Program (STP) in the 10-Year Program on Sustainable Consumption and Production Mechanisms (10YFP) aims to promote such SCP practices, including economic, social and environmental. It includes resource-efficient efforts to improve performance in terms of aspects.

⑭ Conserve and use marine and marine resources in a sustainable manner for sustainable development. Coastal and ocean tourism, the largest area of tourism, relies on healthy marine ecosystems, especially in the Small Island Developing States (SIDs). Tourism development must be part of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) to promote conservation and protection of the fragile marine system and promote the blue economy. This is in line with Target 14.7, "By 2030, promote economic benefits to SIDs and LDCs through the sustainable use of marine resources and the sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism."


This downward trend not only indicates a sustained decline in all domestic markets, but can also have a significant impact on the maintenance of manufacturing and social infrastructure. The only way for local cities to overcome it is to earn foreign currency directly, and when targeting the SDGs, the need to promote the international tourism industry is clear. Promoting migration from urban areas to regional areas is only temporary.
I think it is creative from the perspective of topicality to disseminate information by grasping climate change, which is a global concern, from a historical and cultural perspective. In short, because it is a journey in search of evidence and will be the most modern theme in line with the SDGs.

【12月20日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of December 20


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,730,473, and the number of deaths was 18,392. The cumulative mortality rate is maintained 1.063%. Already the number of deaths by coronavirus and the number of deaths after vaccination have been reversed. From November 26th to December 23rd, the number of deaths after vaccination was 51, compared to 33 deaths per month from November 20th to December 20th.

接種が死因との知見は全くない There is not at all diagnosis that the cause of death was vaccination. 


【中国は国際ツーリズムが最重要貿易であることを知らしめた】China has taught us that international tourism is a most important trade.




In 2016, the Chinese government severely restricted the outflow of foreign currency by the Chinese people's overseas travel, fearing a sharp decline in foreign exchange reserves. Not only that, also a carry-out by foreigners. in addition, the novel coronavirus pandemic was able to significantly improve the current account balance.

中国における総GDPに対するインバウンド/アウトバウンドの観光支出(出典 UNWTO) 

2018-2019年の日本の国際ツーリズム収入は中国を上回っていた(出典 UNWTO) 

【12月30日現在の感染確認数】Number of confirmed infections as of December 30


The number of infected persons confirmed in 47 prefectures was 1,733,687, and the number of deaths was 18,405 (excluding 1,438 people who died after vaccination from February 17 to December 23). The cumulative mortality rate has decreased to 1.062%, because the denominator has increased by 3214 people in 10 days. Unless we get out of the mass of hysteria, it will be difficult to resume tourism and achieve the SDGs. (See No.147)


【大競争時代は既に到来している】The era of great competition has already begun.


Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.


O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support)
Shigeki Imura

a former support member of UNWTO / APTEC

"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"
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